1. Happy Halloween, everyone!
Oh, that's great.
Copy !req
2. Hey. Happy Halloween.
Copy !req
3. Jan called.
Copy !req
4. Okay.
Copy !req
5. I know why she's calling.
Copy !req
6. It's the end of the month,
Copy !req
7. and I was supposed to let
somebody go by the end of the month.
Copy !req
8. And somehow I'm supposed
to put on a costume and smile.
Copy !req
9. - Okay.
- Jan Levinson's office.
Copy !req
10. Hey, Sherry,
Michael Scott returning.
Copy !req
11. Oh, she's in a meeting.
Copy !req
12. She just wanted the name
of the employee you let go.
Copy !req
13. Well, I'm gonna wait
until the end of the day,
Copy !req
14. because the book said it's best
to wait until the end of the day.
Copy !req
15. I just need the name of
who you're planning to let go.
Copy !req
16. I don't know yet.
I will have to call her back.
Copy !req
17. I know she wanted the name.
Copy !req
18. Okay, Sherry?
Copy !req
19. If you were getting fired,
how would you wanna be told
Copy !req
20. so that you could still be
friends with the person firing you?
Copy !req
21. Jan wants the name
as soon as possible, Michael.
Copy !req
22. Thanks. I'll call her back.
Copy !req
23. I wish I could fire Sherry.
Copy !req
24. Hey, I'm still here.
Okay. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
25. Yeah.
Copy !req
26. Okay.
Copy !req
27. Hanging up now.
Copy !req
28. I mean, you hear
about layoffs in the news,
Copy !req
29. but when you actually have to
do it yourself, it is heavy stuff. It's...
Copy !req
30. I mean, these are people's
lives you're talking about.
Copy !req
31. You wanted me?
Copy !req
32. Papier-maché?
Yes. Yes.
Copy !req
33. Um...
Copy !req
34. Pam, I have to let
somebody go today.
Copy !req
35. This is the hardest thing
I've ever had to do.
Copy !req
36. Why did you put it off
until Halloween?
Copy !req
37. Because it's very scary stuff.
Copy !req
38. I think it's gonna put a
damper on the party a little.
Copy !req
39. You're worried about the party?
There's a man's life at stake here.
Copy !req
40. So it's a man?
Copy !req
41. Or woman. A human life.
Copy !req
42. If you had to guess
who it would be
Copy !req
43. based on their job performance
Copy !req
44. and who you think deserves
to be fired, who would that be?
Copy !req
45. I just answer the phone.
Copy !req
46. And sometimes you
just let it go to voicemail.
Copy !req
47. Your costume is fantastic.
Copy !req
48. I know. I sent away for
it in July from a catalog.
Copy !req
49. Oh, no. Don't, don't,
don't, don't.
Copy !req
50. Okay.
Copy !req
51. Oh, man.
Okay, I have to fire somebody.
Copy !req
52. What is that? What
are you supposed to be?
Copy !req
53. I'm the three-hole
punch version of Jim,
Copy !req
54. 'cause you can have me either way,
plain white Jim or three-hole punch.
Copy !req
55. - That's great. I like it.
- Oh? Yeah.
Copy !req
56. Yeah, well, look.
What about me?
Copy !req
57. What are...
Copy !req
58. What are you? A monk?
Copy !req
59. I'm a Sith lord.
Copy !req
60. Oh, big deal.
Copy !req
61. Three round pieces of paper
taped to a shirt.
Copy !req
62. This cost me $129.
Copy !req
63. ASS.
Copy !req
64. Hey, you guys
excited about the party?
Copy !req
65. It's gonna be fun.
Copy !req
66. Yeah.
Copy !req
67. Oh, and look at you.
Showing your colors.
Copy !req
68. Don't you wish you wore a dress
every day. What are you implying?
Copy !req
69. All good. Happy Halloween.
Copy !req
70. What happened to all of those
spooky decorations that we had,
Copy !req
71. the cobwebs and such?
Copy !req
72. Yeah, I don't know.
We put them all up last night.
Copy !req
73. Well, you know what? Go buy
some more. I'll approve the overages.
Copy !req
74. Sound good?
Copy !req
75. Good.
Copy !req
76. Oh, yeah, also,
about budget stuff...
Copy !req
77. Um...
Copy !req
78. I'm gonna need you to find, like, a
full employee salary plus benefits.
Copy !req
79. Like 50 grand.
Copy !req
80. I'm gonna need you to find
50 grand in the numbers.
Copy !req
81. But we don't keep
two sets of books.
Copy !req
82. Well, that's not what I'm
saying. Just, you know, find it.
Copy !req
83. Pretend that your jobs
depend on it.
Copy !req
84. Interesting take on Dorothy.
I love it.
Copy !req
85. Hey, you know what would even
be better? A soccer ball and cleats.
Copy !req
86. Why is that?
Bend It Like Beckham.
Copy !req
87. Oh, like the movie about the
Indian girl who plays soccer?
Copy !req
88. Yeah, that would be perfect.
Copy !req
89. Yeah, I mean,
I guess I could do that.
Copy !req
90. It'd be funny. I don't really
play soccer or anything.
Copy !req
91. Well, I don't really
have two heads. So...
Copy !req
92. Wait, what are you again?
Oh, right. Three-hole punch!
Copy !req
93. Okay, greatest strength.
Okay, okay.
Copy !req
94. A dog-like obedience
to authority. Nice.
Copy !req
95. But that doesn't sound good.
Okay, okay.
Copy !req
96. How about the ultimate
team player?
Copy !req
97. Dwight is special.
Copy !req
98. But I don't believe that his
talents are being used in this office.
Copy !req
99. So Pam and I
have put his resume
Copy !req
100. on Monster. Com,
Google, Craig's List.
Copy !req
101. We're really interested most in
jobs that take Dwight out of state.
Copy !req
102. Preferably Alaska or India.
Copy !req
103. He's a gun nut.
Copy !req
104. Sticks to his guns.
Copy !req
105. Well, I looked through
all the budgets
Copy !req
106. and there is one
department... Yes.
Copy !req
107. that has three people...
Copy !req
108. doing the work
that could be done by two.
Copy !req
109. This is great.
Copy !req
110. Oh.
Copy !req
111. Yeah.
Copy !req
112. Oh.
Copy !req
113. Who do you think it
should be? Jim, definitely.
Copy !req
114. No, Jim brings in money.
Copy !req
115. Phyllis?
Copy !req
116. Stanley, Pam,
Oscar, Meredith,
Copy !req
117. Kevin, Angela.
Copy !req
118. It's not a popularity contest.
Copy !req
119. Although it does make sense
to fire the least popular
Copy !req
120. because that has
the least effect on morale.
Copy !req
121. One of the warehouse guys.
Copy !req
122. What?
Copy !req
123. There is someone left off that
list? Who? Who is he saying?
Copy !req
124. You're right. I didn't
even think of him.
Copy !req
125. No, Michael.
Copy !req
126. Yeah, that's actually
a really good idea. No.
Copy !req
127. No. Not me.
Yeah, I could.
Copy !req
128. Not Dwight. I'm not
saying that's what he said.
Copy !req
129. I know that's what he said.
Copy !req
130. What?
Copy !req
131. Tell him not Dwight.
Copy !req
132. That is not a very nice thing
to say about him.
Copy !req
133. Tell him to stop.
Copy !req
134. Are you kidding?
Quiet, you!
Copy !req
135. I agree.
He'd land on his feet.
Copy !req
136. Make him be quiet.
Copy !req
137. Those aren't chips and dip.
No, I made brownies.
Copy !req
138. What?
Copy !req
139. I'm just trying to figure out
why you're sabotaging things.
Copy !req
140. I made brownies. And I
made cookies. Same category.
Copy !req
141. I'm guessing Angela's
the one in the neighborhood
Copy !req
142. who gives the trick-or-treaters
some toothbrushes,
Copy !req
143. pennies,
Copy !req
144. walnuts...
Copy !req
145. Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam.
Copy !req
146. Yeah.
Copy !req
147. Just one second. I will transfer
you to our manager, Michael Scott.
Copy !req
148. Wow.
Copy !req
149. Michael Scott here.
Copy !req
150. Yes, I am regional manager
of this orifice.
Copy !req
151. Hmm-hmm.
Copy !req
152. Dwight Schrute is amazing.
Copy !req
153. Yeah.
Copy !req
154. No, he is actually the single
greatest employee of his generation.
Copy !req
155. Hmm-hmm.
Copy !req
156. You know what?
I'm gonna tell you what.
Copy !req
157. You hire Dwight K. Schrute
and he does not meet,
Copy !req
158. nay, exceed every one
of your wildest expectations,
Copy !req
159. well, then, you can hold me,
Michael Gary Scott
Copy !req
160. personally and
financially responsible.
Copy !req
161. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
162. Okay.
Copy !req
163. Stanley, could you come
with me, please? No.
Copy !req
164. As Assistant Regional
Manager... To the?
Copy !req
165. Look, I've got some bad news.
Copy !req
166. You're fired. You need to
pack up your things and go.
Copy !req
167. I'm serious, Stanley.
It's over. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
168. "You're fired."
Copy !req
169. Get your fingers off my phone.
Copy !req
170. So, how did it go with
Stanley? How did he take it?
Copy !req
171. He wouldn't listen to me.
Oh, come on.
Copy !req
172. If you wanna fire him, you're
gonna have to tell him yourself.
Copy !req
173. I don't wanna fire Stanley.
I never said that.
Copy !req
174. I'm certainly not going
to do it myself.
Copy !req
175. Get those big baleful
eyes staring at me.
Copy !req
176. Yikes. Just... Okay, just...
Copy !req
177. Cumberland Mills?
Copy !req
178. And how did you get my résumé?
Copy !req
179. Oh, no, no. I'm very
flattered. Don't get me wrong.
Copy !req
180. I'm just not sure that
it's my official resume
Copy !req
181. or if it's something
that maybe
Copy !req
182. a satisfied customer
posted online.
Copy !req
183. What does it say
under martial arts training?
Copy !req
184. Oh, okay, I'm gonna
have to supplement that.
Copy !req
185. Could I have your fax number?
Copy !req
186. Would I ever leave this company?
Look, I'm all about loyalty.
Copy !req
187. In fact, I feel like part of what I'm
getting paid for here is my loyalty.
Copy !req
188. But if there were somewhere else
that valued that loyalty more highly,
Copy !req
189. I'm going wherever
they value loyalty the most.
Copy !req
190. Oh, hey.
Copy !req
191. Oh, your dress is stuck
in the back. Gotta just...
Copy !req
192. Oh.
Copy !req
193. So you got the fax.
Copy !req
194. So why didn't you add it
to the résumé?
Copy !req
195. What do you mean? Of course,
martial arts training is relevant.
Copy !req
196. Oh, excuse me,
Copy !req
197. I know about a billion Asians
that would beg to differ.
Copy !req
198. Yeah, I get a little frustrated when
I'm dealing with incompetence!
Copy !req
199. Well, you know what?
You can go to hell, too,
Copy !req
200. and I will see you there
Copy !req
201. Fine. Oh, wait, so you'll let me
know when you've made a decision...
Copy !req
202. Jim is really talented.
Copy !req
203. And he should be the one
who's getting a better job offer.
Copy !req
204. Like, for real.
Copy !req
205. Don't take this the wrong way,
but you should go for that job.
Copy !req
206. Um...
Copy !req
207. It's in Maryland.
Copy !req
208. But, I mean,
look at the salary,
Copy !req
209. and it's definitely
a step up and a challenge.
Copy !req
210. Yeah.
Copy !req
211. Yeah. You know what, maybe...
Copy !req
212. Maybe I will.
Copy !req
213. Jim.
Copy !req
214. This is called
leveraging an offer.
Copy !req
215. Michael, can I talk to you
for a moment? Oh, God.
Copy !req
216. I just thought you should know
that I was just offered a job
Copy !req
217. with better pay,
better benefits,
Copy !req
218. and a better title
at Cumberland Mills.
Copy !req
219. Fantastic.
And I turned it down.
Copy !req
220. What? That would have
solved all my problems.
Copy !req
221. Out of loyalty to this
company. Oh, you idiot. Go.
Copy !req
222. So I was hoping to be made
Assistant Regional Manager officially.
Copy !req
223. If you left, I wouldn't
have to fire anybody.
Copy !req
224. But then you wouldn't
have me here. Big deal.
Copy !req
225. Oh, it would have worked out
so well. Can you get it back?
Copy !req
226. It's in Maryland. You could
call. Can you call them?
Copy !req
227. I can't... I suppose I... No.
Copy !req
228. They never really
made me an offer anyway.
Copy !req
229. Why are you torturing me?
Copy !req
230. Honestly, I don't think Michael has
the slightest clue of who he's gonna fire.
Copy !req
231. I think he keeps hoping that
someone's gonna volunteer,
Copy !req
232. or be run over by a bus
before the deadline.
Copy !req
233. But in the end, really,
what's gonna happen is
Copy !req
234. it's gonna be the first person to
give him a dirty look in the hall.
Copy !req
235. And therein lies the true
essence of his charisma.
Copy !req
236. Can I speak to you a minute?
Copy !req
237. Michael, I really didn't
mean to... Help me.
Copy !req
238. I'm sorry? I want you
to role-play firing me.
Copy !req
239. I want you to fire me,
and I will take it.
Copy !req
240. Oh, you want me to be you.
Copy !req
241. Okay. I want you to be
me and I will be Creed.
Copy !req
242. Oh, are you firing Creed?
No, no, no.
Copy !req
243. That's just first thing...
Came... Can't... That head...
Copy !req
244. We should switch seats in
order to... Yes, that's a good idea.
Copy !req
245. All right?
Copy !req
246. Excuse me.
Copy !req
247. I'm really sorry,
but I have to let you go.
Copy !req
248. And it's purely budgetary.
It's not personal...
Copy !req
249. I'm gonna kill myself!
Copy !req
250. I'm going to kill myself
and it's your fault!
Copy !req
251. That's an overreaction.
Copy !req
252. Corporate is really
breathing down my neck
Copy !req
253. and they're saying this has to
be done by the end of the month...
Copy !req
254. Is this you? Are you being
you? Or is this Creed?
Copy !req
255. Are you...
I am...
Copy !req
256. This is Creed.
Copy !req
257. I'm improvising.
So just try to keep up.
Copy !req
258. And I'm very angry.
Hold that thought.
Copy !req
259. And I want... I'm gonna
kill you. Michael Scott here.
Copy !req
260. I'm gonna kill you
for firing me. Toby.
Copy !req
261. I really have to take this,
Copy !req
262. so it was really a pleasure
working with you, okay?
Copy !req
263. Get off. Get off.
No, no. Just get up.
Copy !req
264. Just, just... Yeah.
Copy !req
265. What happened?
It wasn't me.
Copy !req
266. Oh, that was, like, crazy,
because I was... Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
267. Hey, Creed?
Copy !req
268. Could I talk to you
for a second?
Copy !req
269. You are great
and very ambitious,
Copy !req
270. and I feel like you want more
than this little office has to offer.
Copy !req
271. And I understand that you'd
want to just spread your wings
Copy !req
272. and fly the coop.
What are you telling me?
Copy !req
273. We're gonna have to...
You want something better.
Copy !req
274. No, I don't.
I wanna stay right here.
Copy !req
275. No, you wanna leave.
No, I wanna stay here.
Copy !req
276. Now, why are you
making this so hard?
Copy !req
277. I think there's a
misunderstanding about this.
Copy !req
278. I think you're right.
Copy !req
279. Can 1 go?
No, of course you can't go!
Copy !req
280. We haven't even started
this horrible process of...
Copy !req
281. Okay, Creed.
Copy !req
282. I need to let
somebody go today.
Copy !req
283. They told me I need to
let somebody go.
Copy !req
284. And as much as I think you're
a great guy, and I like you,
Copy !req
285. you're... Goodbye.
Copy !req
286. Let's fight it.
Copy !req
287. Let's call Jan and fight this
thing together like the old days.
Copy !req
288. What old days?
What are you talking about?
Copy !req
289. Did you start
the paperwork yet?
Copy !req
290. It's right here
on the desk, yeah.
Copy !req
291. You don't have to do this,
Michael. I can't, though.
Copy !req
292. Undo it!
I can't change anything.
Copy !req
293. This is the way it... No. You
have the power to undo it.
Copy !req
294. I don't. Okay, just let's
not... You can undo it.
Copy !req
295. Michael, undo it!
Copy !req
296. Yeah, I went hunting once.
Shot the deer in the leg.
Copy !req
297. Had to kill it with a shovel,
took about an hour.
Copy !req
298. Why do you ask?
Copy !req
299. I have to fire someone
today. Okay?
Copy !req
300. Fine. Fire someone else.
Fire Devon. He's terrible.
Copy !req
301. I am so much better
at my job than Devon.
Copy !req
302. Okay, well, I already
picked you and you know that,
Copy !req
303. So, unless I just
go through with this,
Copy !req
304. you're always gonna look at me
as the guy who almost fired you.
Copy !req
305. No, no, no, no, no, no. I will
forget so fast. You will be my savior.
Copy !req
306. You're the guy
who gave me my life back.
Copy !req
307. Thank you. I knew
you'd see it my way, Michael.
Copy !req
308. God bless you.
Copy !req
309. You're a fine man.
Copy !req
310. Listen, you will not
regret this, either.
Copy !req
311. Devon is terrible.
No one's gonna miss him.
Copy !req
312. Good, good, good, good.
Copy !req
313. Devon, could I
talk to you for a second?
Copy !req
314. Creed's an idiot. You
know that. Well, he...
Copy !req
315. No, no, no, no, no, no.
You had it right the first time!
Copy !req
316. Well, maybe I did. Exactly,
you gotta go with your gut, man.
Copy !req
317. No, I can't...
Copy !req
318. No, I can't go back.
I would look like an idiot.
Copy !req
319. That's why I'm being fired?
Copy !req
320. So you might not look
like an idiot?
Copy !req
321. No, it was all the stuff
that I said.
Copy !req
322. It was the business downturn
and cutbacks, and...
Copy !req
323. You...
God, this is unbelievable!
Copy !req
324. I just hope that you
and I can remain friends.
Copy !req
325. Devon, wait. Please.
Copy !req
326. Look, look.
Copy !req
327. In addition to severance
and everything,
Copy !req
328. I want to give you
Copy !req
329. this gift certificate
to Chili's from me.
Copy !req
330. Okay? No hard feelings.
Copy !req
331. Kevin, Jim, Pam, Kelly,
Toby, Oscar, Meredith,
Copy !req
332. Phyllis, Stanley, or the temp.
Copy !req
333. If any of you wanna meet me for a
drink, I'm gonna be at Poor Richard's.
Copy !req
334. And the rest of you
can go to hell.
Copy !req
335. What about
the Halloween party?
Copy !req
336. Oh, hey, Jim. Wait, stop.
Copy !req
337. I'm sorry for pushing you
toward Cumberland.
Copy !req
338. Seriously, if you left here,
I would blow my brains out.
Copy !req
339. Come on.
Copy !req
340. That's just
a figure of speech, you know.
Copy !req
341. Blow your brains out? Come on.
Copy !req
342. All it really means is
that we're friends.
Copy !req
343. And who else is she gonna
talk to if I'm gone? Right?
Copy !req
344. I mean, if she left,
I wouldn't blow my brains out.
Copy !req
345. Of course, I would take that job in
Maryland because it's double the pay
Copy !req
346. and soft-shell crab just
happens to be my favorite food.
Copy !req
347. !/ love Halloween.
Copy !req
348. You know, it's just... But it's
just fun. Every year, it's just fun.
Copy !req
349. Last Halloween, I came
as Janet Jackson's boob.
Copy !req
350. It was topical. People
got a big kick out of it.
Copy !req
351. The year before that
I came as Monica Lewinsky,
Copy !req
352. and I wore a stained dress.
Copy !req
353. The year before that, I also
came as Monica Lewinsky,
Copy !req
354. and before that I was O.J.
It was pretty funny.
Copy !req
355. Oh, I wish you were
here last year.
Copy !req
356. Trick-or-treat!
Copy !req
357. Hey. How you doing?
Copy !req
358. Wow, you guys look great!
Copy !req
359. I'm a bumble bee.
You look great.
Copy !req
360. And you're a princess?
A fairy princess.
Copy !req
361. A fairy princess.
You're very... I'm a lion!
Copy !req
362. You're a lion. Wow.
I wanna hear your...
Copy !req
363. Oh! Okay, that's all yours.
That's all yours. Okay!
Copy !req
364. Grab it. Grab it.
Copy !req
365. You know what? You
guys are getting all of these.
Copy !req