1. Lily, I think Eddie's
home from school.
Copy !req
2. His books just came in.
Copy !req
3. I hate the whole world.
Copy !req
4. I'll never talk to anyone again.
Copy !req
5. Never, never!
Copy !req
6. Never, never, never, never!
Copy !req
7. Herman.
Copy !req
8. Herman.
Copy !req
9. Oh, Herman, what's
happened? Where's Eddie?
Copy !req
10. Lily dear, I don't want to
come to any hasty conclusions...
Copy !req
11. but I think our little
boy is rather upset.
Copy !req
12. Really, Herman.
Copy !req
13. Tea anyone?
Copy !req
14. I'm worried. It must be
something serious with Eddie.
Copy !req
15. He didn't even come
down for supper.
Copy !req
16. I say it's the
modern way of living.
Copy !req
17. When I was his age, a kid
would go out in the back...
Copy !req
18. dig in the dirt and
bury his frustrations.
Copy !req
19. Well, something's bothering him.
Copy !req
20. Maybe our little Eddie has found
out about the birds and the bees.
Copy !req
21. I know I didn't sleep for two weeks
when I found out that their making honey...
Copy !req
22. was just a sideline.
Copy !req
23. There's something
wrong all right.
Copy !req
24. I just knocked on Eddie's
door and he howled at me.
Copy !req
25. Oh, my.
Copy !req
26. That is a bad sign.
Copy !req
27. He usually doesn't howl
until the moon comes up.
Copy !req
28. Herman.
Copy !req
29. Herman, as head of the house, I
think you should get to the bottom of this.
Copy !req
30. Now, you go right on upstairs and
have a father-and-son talk with your boy.
Copy !req
31. My gosh, Lily, I'm not very
good at that, you know, dear.
Copy !req
32. You're his mother.
Copy !req
33. Why don't you go up and have
a father-and-son talk with him?
Copy !req
34. No. A thing like that
is up to the father.
Copy !req
35. Anyone who's watched Father
Knows Best for nine years
Copy !req
36. ought to know that.
Copy !req
37. All right, but Donna Reed always
handles these things on her show, you know.
Copy !req
38. Oh, I don't know what
you are all worried about.
Copy !req
39. In my time, when
I was his age...
Copy !req
40. all us Draculas
were spoiled rotten.
Copy !req
41. Well, Grandpa, all children
can't have the advantages we had.
Copy !req
42. Eddie, are you in there?
Copy !req
43. Eddie, don't use that
tone of voice with me.
Copy !req
44. This is your father.
Now open the door.
Copy !req
45. Thank you. Now, Eddie.
Copy !req
46. I have come up here so that we
might have a little father-and-son talk.
Copy !req
47. Why don't you come right
over here and sit down?
Copy !req
48. Fine.
Copy !req
49. Now, what seems
to be the trouble?
Copy !req
50. They sent me home from school
today with a note from my teacher.
Copy !req
51. I see, and what have you done
with this note from your teacher?
Copy !req
52. I ate it.
Copy !req
53. That was very naughty of you.
Copy !req
54. You know that we do not
like you eating between meals.
Copy !req
55. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
56. Now, let me see.
Copy !req
57. If you came home with a
note from your teacher...
Copy !req
58. we can safely assume
that there was some trouble.
Copy !req
59. Hmm?
Copy !req
60. Hmm.
Copy !req
61. And trouble usually involves
poor academic performance.
Copy !req
62. Viz., to wit, and ergo,
you failed arithmetic.
Copy !req
63. No, sir.
Copy !req
64. History? No, sir.
Copy !req
65. Citizenship? No,
sir. I flunked tonsils.
Copy !req
66. Aha!
Copy !req
67. You see, my boy.
Copy !req
68. You should not have taken
the course in the first place...
Copy !req
69. if you did not think
you were up to it.
Copy !req
70. No, Pop, my tonsils.
Copy !req
71. The school nurse looked in my
mouth and said I had crummy tonsils...
Copy !req
72. and I ought to have a doctor look at
them and they might have to come out.
Copy !req
73. I don't want them to come out,
'cause they're the only ones I got.
Copy !req
74. Now, now, now, Eddie.
Copy !req
75. Having your tonsils out
is a very minor operation.
Copy !req
76. There's nothing to it.
Copy !req
77. They'll have them out as fast
as you can say Jackie Robinson.
Copy !req
78. Are you sure, Dad?
Copy !req
79. Sure, I am sure. Your old dad has
learned never to get upset or emotional...
Copy !req
80. over minor medical matters.
Copy !req
81. Now, just open up your little mouth
and let your old dad have a look-see.
Copy !req
82. Tonsils.
Copy !req
83. Mom! Grandpa!
Copy !req
84. Pop hit the deck, right in the
middle of our father-and-son talk.
Copy !req
85. 3:00 and all's rotten as usual.
Copy !req
86. Oh, 3:00.
Copy !req
87. I just hope Herman gets Eddie to
the doctor's in time for his appointment.
Copy !req
88. It doesn't pay to
neglect a boy's tonsils.
Copy !req
89. But what do you need with a
doctor? I could have taken care of it.
Copy !req
90. You? Sure.
Copy !req
91. When I used to fly
around in Transylvania...
Copy !req
92. I was one of the busiest
throat specialists in the country.
Copy !req
93. Oh, now, there was a business
a fellow could sink his teeth into.
Copy !req
94. You know, that
Dr. Willoughby is a good doctor.
Copy !req
95. But I wish he wasn't
so nearsighted.
Copy !req
96. Last year, when Herman
broke his leg skiing...
Copy !req
97. he came here on a house call and
he put a splint on Herman's bedpost.
Copy !req
98. Well, let's take a look
at his tonsils, all right?
Copy !req
99. Now, my boy.
Copy !req
100. Now, just open wide like this.
Copy !req
101. Ah!
Copy !req
102. That's it.
Copy !req
103. Say, that's the worst looking
set of tonsils I've ever seen.
Copy !req
104. And look, why, there's a little
hole in the back of them right there.
Copy !req
105. We'll have to sew
that up immediately.
Copy !req
106. Doctor, you're looking at
your own tonsils in the mirror.
Copy !req
107. Huh? Ooh!
Copy !req
108. They used to yell at me about
that at Johns Hopkins all the time.
Copy !req
109. We might as well
take his temperature.
Copy !req
110. It never hurts to
do that, you know.
Copy !req
111. After all, he might
have a fever.
Copy !req
112. Here, this isn't going to do your
throat any good, smoking cigars.
Copy !req
113. Now, where is that thermometer?
Copy !req
114. It's right there in your pocket.
Copy !req
115. Yes, of course.
Copy !req
116. My goodness.
Copy !req
117. Slippery little
rascal, isn't it?
Copy !req
118. Why, you have no temperature
at all. You're not sick.
Copy !req
119. But let's have a look
at those tonsils anyway.
Copy !req
120. Now, just open up, please.
Copy !req
121. What is he saying, Mr. Munster?
Copy !req
122. He says he won't
open up his mouth.
Copy !req
123. And that you're
a ratfink doctor.
Copy !req
124. We won't have any of that.
Copy !req
125. Come on now, junior, open up
your mouth and I'll give you a lollipop.
Copy !req
126. Would you get him to open
his mouth, Mr. Munster?
Copy !req
127. If I do, will you
give me a lollipop?
Copy !req
128. I'll give you a hit in the head if
he doesn't open his mouth soon.
Copy !req
129. I'll tell you that.
Copy !req
130. You heard him, Eddie.
Copy !req
131. Now, open up your mouth
for the nice ratfink doctor.
Copy !req
132. Well, okay.
Copy !req
133. You're a kind boy.
Copy !req
134. The kind I don't need.
Copy !req
135. Let's see, there.
Copy !req
136. It's dark in there, all right.
Copy !req
137. Just a moment.
Copy !req
138. Do you see his tonsils, Doctor?
Copy !req
139. I see a lot of goodies.
Copy !req
140. That pancreas is real boss.
Copy !req
141. But those tonsils
will have to go.
Copy !req
142. I'll get him to a real tonsil
man. It won't hurt him a bit.
Copy !req
143. He'll only have to spend a
few days in the doctor place.
Copy !req
144. Shucks, I'll miss being in
the school play this Saturday.
Copy !req
145. I was supposed to play the
wolf in Little Red Riding Hood.
Copy !req
146. I've been practicing
my howl all week.
Copy !req
147. Now, now, Eddie. I'm sure
the doctor knows what's best.
Copy !req
148. Yes. Before you
leave, Mr. Munster...
Copy !req
149. would you care to
have a look-see?
Copy !req
150. Do I have to?
Copy !req
151. Why not?
Copy !req
152. After all, you wouldn't
be squeamish...
Copy !req
153. about looking at a silly
little old tonsil, would you?
Copy !req
154. No, I guess not.
Copy !req
155. Hit the dirt! Earthquake!
Every man for himself!
Copy !req
156. Eddie's tonsils came
out with no trouble at all.
Copy !req
157. Yes.
Copy !req
158. And when we left
him in the hospital...
Copy !req
159. he was sitting up in
bed eating ice cream.
Copy !req
160. You see, Herman, I told
you it was no big deal.
Copy !req
161. You stayed home and
hid in the closet for nothing.
Copy !req
162. Come on, let's go
right down and see him.
Copy !req
163. Herman, Dr. Willoughby thought
it best if you didn't go and see him.
Copy !req
164. But why not? I'm his dad.
Copy !req
165. You see, dear, he explained
to me that he didn't want you...
Copy !req
166. walking into Eddie's
room and upsetting him...
Copy !req
167. by crying and screaming
and fainting and all that.
Copy !req
168. The medical term he
used was "going ape."
Copy !req
169. What are they talking about?
Copy !req
170. Why shouldn't we go
down there and see him?
Copy !req
171. Do they think that a
man of my background...
Copy !req
172. is going to faint at
the sight of blood?
Copy !req
173. I'm sorry, but that's
doctor's orders.
Copy !req
174. You'll see Eddie tomorrow.
Copy !req
175. They just don't want
you down there tonight.
Copy !req
176. Come on, Marilyn. Good
night, Grandpa, Uncle Herman.
Copy !req
177. All right, Herman. What
are you going to do now?
Copy !req
178. I guess I'll just go upstairs and put
on my Al Jolson record of Sonny Boy...
Copy !req
179. and cry myself to sleep.
Copy !req
180. No, you won't.
Copy !req
181. We're going to go down
there tonight and see that boy.
Copy !req
182. Lily might found out and
she might yell at me...
Copy !req
183. and not make me my
chocolate-chip cookies...
Copy !req
184. and all sorts of
mean stuff like that.
Copy !req
185. Lily won't know. We'll
sneak out of the house later.
Copy !req
186. And when we get to the
hospital, we'll surprise everybody.
Copy !req
187. You know, for a rotten old
father-in-law, you're really a fun guy.
Copy !req
188. Grandpa?
Copy !req
189. Grandpa, I can't see.
Copy !req
190. Give me a hand.
Copy !req
191. Come on along, come on.
Copy !req
192. Watch it. Sorry, fella.
Copy !req
193. Wait a minute. There
is Eddie's woof-woof.
Copy !req
194. Let's take it to him.
Copy !req
195. Just checking, Herman.
Copy !req
196. Excuse me, lady.
Could you help us?
Copy !req
197. You poor man.
When did it happen?
Copy !req
198. Just this afternoon.
Copy !req
199. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
200. You should have
brought him in sooner.
Copy !req
201. I would have, but his
wife wouldn't let me.
Copy !req
202. You just stay right there and
I'll get a couple of attendants.
Copy !req
203. They certainly give very fine service
here. We don't need any attendants.
Copy !req
204. Eddie is in 517. We
can find it by ourselves.
Copy !req
205. Come with me.
Copy !req
206. We'll take the elevator
to the fifth floor.
Copy !req
207. The equipment must be faulty.
Copy !req
208. Come on, we'll have
to take the stairs.
Copy !req
209. I don't see him. He
was standing right here.
Copy !req
210. If he's as bad as you described,
he couldn't have gone very far.
Copy !req
211. The two of them
were unbelievable.
Copy !req
212. I must have been seeing things.
Copy !req
213. Miss Hazlet, I think you've
been working too many nights.
Copy !req
214. Hermy.
Copy !req
215. Marilyn!
Copy !req
216. Marilyn, come here!
Copy !req
217. I thought it felt like
he needed a haircut.
Copy !req
218. What is it, Aunt Lily? Look.
Copy !req
219. Herman has flown the coop.
Copy !req
220. Oh, dear. Now, where could
he go at this hour of the night?
Copy !req
221. I don't know.
Copy !req
222. Unless he went to the Theda Bara
Film Festival at the all-night movie.
Copy !req
223. Now there, Aunt Lily.
Copy !req
224. Underneath it all, you know
that Uncle Herman is really good...
Copy !req
225. and kind and true.
Copy !req
226. You're right, dear.
Copy !req
227. But I just wish he
wasn't such a goofball.
Copy !req
228. "No visitors after 8:00.
Authorized personnel only."
Copy !req
229. Darn!
Copy !req
230. I guess we'll just have to go
home without seeing Eddie.
Copy !req
231. Now, Herman. Listen, what's it gonna
hurt if we sneak in and see Eddie?
Copy !req
232. But, Grandpa, the
doctor might see us.
Copy !req
233. And he might get angry.
Copy !req
234. And I don't want to run into any more
mad doctors in my lifetime, thank you.
Copy !req
235. Okay, we'll use subterfuge.
Copy !req
236. Instant authorized
personnel. I'm a doctor.
Copy !req
237. What about me?
Copy !req
238. I got it. Come with me, Herman.
Copy !req
239. Just lie down.
Copy !req
240. But, Grandpa...
Copy !req
241. Please, would you listen to
me? Now lie down, please.
Copy !req
242. Get yourself nice
and comfortable.
Copy !req
243. Tuck you in.
Copy !req
244. There. Now...
Copy !req
245. just lie still, and I'll wheel
you right into Eddie's room.
Copy !req
246. Wait a minute.
Where are you going?
Copy !req
247. I'm going to sneak around the
corner and see if the coast is clear.
Copy !req
248. Now, you just lie
there and be still.
Copy !req
249. Those careless orderlies.
Copy !req
250. They left another emergency
patient lying around out here.
Copy !req
251. Herman.
Copy !req
252. Herman.
Copy !req
253. Herman.
Copy !req
254. Herman.
Copy !req
255. Herman.
Copy !req
256. Doctor, this was
out in the hall.
Copy !req
257. The boys probably went on their coffee
break. Well, let's have a look at him.
Copy !req
258. I'm afraid we're too
late with this one.
Copy !req
259. Doctor, this is the man who
came in here a few minutes ago.
Copy !req
260. That's me all right. He's alive!
Copy !req
261. You've got to be kidding.
Copy !req
262. I just came in to see my boy
who had his tonsils out today.
Copy !req
263. Listen to that,
Doctor, he's delirious.
Copy !req
264. Now, just take it easy, fellow.
Copy !req
265. Were there any other
survivors? I don't know.
Copy !req
266. We better give him a
shot to calm him down.
Copy !req
267. Good idea. But I...
Copy !req
268. Just relax, sir.
Copy !req
269. Now, just a minute.
Copy !req
270. Not making those
needles like they used to.
Copy !req
271. I tell you, I just came
in to see my little boy.
Copy !req
272. Now you guys, cut this out.
Copy !req
273. Herman?
Copy !req
274. Here, Herman.
Copy !req
275. Doctor, what's the
matter? I lost a patient.
Copy !req
276. Look, you don't tell on
me, I don't tell on you.
Copy !req
277. Herman.
Copy !req
278. But I tell you, I am
not an accident victim.
Copy !req
279. I'm not! I'm not! I'm not!
Copy !req
280. I'm just an ordinary average
citizen and I want to get out of here.
Copy !req
281. Give him a shot of gas, so we can at
least calm him down enough to examine him.
Copy !req
282. Gas, but I am trying to
tell you... Just be careful.
Copy !req
283. Breathe out and
breathe in, please.
Copy !req
284. First time I ever saw that
happen. Keep feeding it to him.
Copy !req
285. We better scrub up and then
get the chief resident, Dr. Monroe.
Copy !req
286. Will the gas have
any ill effects, Doctor?
Copy !req
287. No, it's just nitrous oxide.
Copy !req
288. He'll wake up feeling
happy as a lark.
Copy !req
289. They used to refer
to it as laughing gas.
Copy !req
290. That's fine. Come on.
Copy !req
291. Herman.
Copy !req
292. Herman!
Copy !req
293. Herman.
Copy !req
294. What are you doing here?
This is the emergency room.
Copy !req
295. What are they doing to you?
Copy !req
296. Darn, he's asleep.
Copy !req
297. Come on, Herman, you've got to
get up. I have to get you out of here.
Copy !req
298. All right now,
Copy !req
299. It's time to get up.
Copy !req
300. Grandpa's going to
take you, bye-bye.
Copy !req
301. Oh, boy, bye-bye.
Copy !req
302. Where on earth can Herman be?
Copy !req
303. Why would he sneak out
like this without telling me?
Copy !req
304. Maybe he felt depressed
and couldn't get to sleep.
Copy !req
305. He might have taken a walk in the
cemetery, that usually cheers him up.
Copy !req
306. I get so mad at him when he
pulls something stupid like this.
Copy !req
307. But he is a good father
and a good husband.
Copy !req
308. Conscientious, sober...
Copy !req
309. What's that?
Copy !req
310. That sounds like some
tanked-up playboy to me.
Copy !req
311. Marilyn, that tanked-up
playboy is your Uncle Herman!
Copy !req
312. Hey, Grandpa, this is neato.
Copy !req
313. Listen, sweetie, you
got great place here.
Copy !req
314. I hope we are not too
late for the floorshow.
Copy !req
315. Herman Munster,
tonight of all nights...
Copy !req
316. with your son
lying in the hospital.
Copy !req
317. How could you come
home in this condition?
Copy !req
318. I'm not in this condition,
I'm just full of gassing laugh.
Copy !req
319. Uncle Herman.
Copy !req
320. To see you now, no one would ever
think you were a charter member...
Copy !req
321. of the Pat Boone Fan Club.
Copy !req
322. Now, listen, he's just
full of laughing gas.
Copy !req
323. Be quiet!
Copy !req
324. When we sneaked into
the hospital to see Eddie...
Copy !req
325. the doctors thought
he was a patient.
Copy !req
326. Herman, is this true?
Copy !req
327. Sure it's true.
Copy !req
328. And if it hadn't been for this
friendly little penguin here...
Copy !req
329. I never would have made it
home. Thank you, little penguin.
Copy !req
330. Wait, that's not the words.
Copy !req
331. So you see, Eddie, like I
told you from the beginning.
Copy !req
332. Having your tonsils out was
nothing to worry about at all.
Copy !req
333. Gee, no, Pop. They were
real nice to me in the hospital.
Copy !req
334. They let me crank
the bed up and down...
Copy !req
335. and eat ice cream
and watch television.
Copy !req
336. Wasn't that nice? Yeah,
and you know something?
Copy !req
337. On daytime television, they have
the re-runs of the late, late show.
Copy !req
338. You know, Eddie, I still
have my original tonsils.
Copy !req
339. The first time the doctor
looked at them, he said:
Copy !req
340. "My boy, you'll carry those
tonsils with you to your grave."
Copy !req
341. And he was right. I've
done it many times.
Copy !req
342. Pop, would you like
to look at my tonsils?
Copy !req
343. Oh, uh...
Copy !req
344. Well, I can't. The doctor took
them out, down at the hospital.
Copy !req
345. Sure, but I brought them
home in a jar. I'll go get them.
Copy !req
346. Son!
Copy !req
347. "Brought them home in
a jar." Now, isn't that cute.
Copy !req
348. 3:00, and the knucklehead
is still out of tune.
Copy !req