1. There it is, my friends...
Copy !req
2. the old deserted house.
Copy !req
3. They say at night, strange
sounds come from this house.
Copy !req
4. Come, let's go closer.
Copy !req
5. Are you afraid?
Copy !req
6. You don't believe
in ghosts, do you?
Copy !req
7. Well, there's no turning back.
You've entered the house of...
Copy !req
8. Zombo.
Copy !req
9. Good evening, Commodore.
Copy !req
10. And good evening, my
friends. So nice of you to drop in.
Copy !req
11. I don't get much
company, you know...
Copy !req
12. except for a few old friends
who like to hang around.
Copy !req
13. Today is our big day.
Copy !req
14. Yoo-hoo.
Copy !req
15. I'm home.
Copy !req
16. Today is the day we
announce the winner of...
Copy !req
17. "I Like Zombo
Because..." contest.
Copy !req
18. Hi, Son. How about a
nice big hug for your father?
Copy !req
19. Will it be you? Or maybe you?
Copy !req
20. Well, we'll all find out
in just a few minutes.
Copy !req
21. Eddie.
Copy !req
22. But right now, it's
time for Chapter 26...
Copy !req
23. of Mark of the Werewolf.
Copy !req
24. Will the werewolf strike again?
Copy !req
25. I hope so.
Copy !req
26. He hasn't had a decent meal...
Copy !req
27. since Chapter 15.
Copy !req
28. How about a handshake?
Copy !req
29. As we open tonight's story,
our friend the werewolf...
Copy !req
30. is once again out in the cold.
Copy !req
31. The wind is blowing and howling.
Copy !req
32. How about a look?
Copy !req
33. Hi, Pop.
Copy !req
34. Darn! Darn! Darn!
Copy !req
35. You know that Zombo program has
become the talk of the neighborhood kids?
Copy !req
36. I'm glad Eddie
likes that program.
Copy !req
37. It's good, wholesome
Copy !req
38. And every boy needs
a legendary hero.
Copy !req
39. That's fine, but why does he need
a stranger for a legendary hero...
Copy !req
40. when he's got me?
Copy !req
41. Don't worry, Herman. He'll
tire of that program before long.
Copy !req
42. Sure he will.
Copy !req
43. And he'll return to the
bosom of his family...
Copy !req
44. and we'll have real
togetherness again...
Copy !req
45. just like that family on the
"Share the Deodorant" commercial.
Copy !req
46. Today, we have a
brand-new sponsor.
Copy !req
47. A revolutionary new
snack treat called...
Copy !req
48. Crumble Creature Crackers.
Copy !req
49. All you do, my dears...
Copy !req
50. is take it out of
the box like this...
Copy !req
51. and you destroy it in the bowl.
Copy !req
52. Then you add milk
and drown it like this.
Copy !req
53. Make snacktime funtime...
Copy !req
54. with Crumble Creature Crackers.
Copy !req
55. And now, my
friends, come with me.
Copy !req
56. Here's the moment that
you have all been waiting for.
Copy !req
57. It's time to announce
the winner of the...
Copy !req
58. "I Like Zombo
Because..." contest.
Copy !req
59. Oh, boy!
Copy !req
60. For all of you who wrote,
"I like Zombo" letters...
Copy !req
61. I would just like to say...
Copy !req
62. you have good taste.
Copy !req
63. And now, I would like to
say it was a difficult choice...
Copy !req
64. but the winner is...
Copy !req
65. Eddie Munster, 1313
Mockingbird Lane.
Copy !req
66. Who? Me?
Copy !req
67. Yes, you, Eddie Munster.
Copy !req
68. We'll be sending you lots
of swell prizes right away...
Copy !req
69. beautiful prizes,
but remember...
Copy !req
70. as the winner, you are
going to be my special guest...
Copy !req
71. next Friday, right
here... on the show.
Copy !req
72. Oh, boy, I won! Hey,
everybody, I won!
Copy !req
73. Hey, you guys, I won!
Copy !req
74. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
75. What did you win? The
"I Like Zombo" contest.
Copy !req
76. I get a whole mess of surprises,
and I get to be on his T.V. show.
Copy !req
77. Oh, that's wonderful!
Hey, how about that?
Copy !req
78. Yeah. How about that?
Copy !req
79. Zombo is the neatest guy.
Copy !req
80. When I grow up, I want
to be just like Zombo.
Copy !req
81. But, Son, I thought you
want to be just like me.
Copy !req
82. That's what you always
used to say, remember?
Copy !req
83. Sure, Pop, but that was just
when I was just a dumb kid.
Copy !req
84. You know what I mean.
Copy !req
85. Sure.
Copy !req
86. I think there's someone's at
the door. I bet that's for me.
Copy !req
87. The guys probably heard
Zombo say my name on T.V.
Copy !req
88. Wait, Eddie. Son?
Copy !req
89. Where have I failed?
Copy !req
90. Now, Herman, you
know how kids are.
Copy !req
91. Sure. I know how kids are.
Copy !req
92. Rotten.
Copy !req
93. Hey, Eddie, I heard Zombo
say you won the contest.
Copy !req
94. Boy, are you lucky!
Copy !req
95. Yeah, I wish got to
meet him in person.
Copy !req
96. He's the neatest-looking
guy on T.V. I'll say...
Copy !req
97. He sure is. Boy, the way
he talks is really boss.
Copy !req
98. Mmm-Hmm.
Copy !req
99. Hey, you guys, I got an idea.
Copy !req
100. Why don't we form a Zombo club?
Copy !req
101. And we can all
watch Zombo together.
Copy !req
102. Hey, yes.
Copy !req
103. Zombo is the greatest.
Copy !req
104. Zombo is a fink.
Copy !req
105. Well, what does it say?
Copy !req
106. Fifty-five.
Copy !req
107. Absolutely normal.
Herman, you are not sick.
Copy !req
108. But Grandpa, I hurt all
over, especially right here.
Copy !req
109. Where did they put it?
Copy !req
110. Here it is.
Copy !req
111. Grandpa, I tell you,
I'm in bad shape.
Copy !req
112. Herman, you're just
trying to get attention...
Copy !req
113. because you're jealous of Zombo.
Copy !req
114. So Eddie's little friends formed a club,
and Eddie's excited about meeting Zombo.
Copy !req
115. It'll all blow over.
Copy !req
116. You really think so? I know so.
Copy !req
117. Herman, you are his
father. You've given him
Copy !req
118. everything he has.
I mean, let's face it.
Copy !req
119. What can Zombo give him
that his own father can't?
Copy !req
120. A portable television
set, a bicycle...
Copy !req
121. a complete scuba outfit, and a
model airplane that really flies.
Copy !req
122. You know, I had no idea
Eddie had won so much.
Copy !req
123. Yes. I haven't seen
this much loot since...
Copy !req
124. we had the winning ticket on
the Transylvanian Sweepstakes.
Copy !req
125. Has Uncle Herman
seen all this yet?
Copy !req
126. Not yet. The poor
dear isn't feeling well.
Copy !req
127. I've just made him another hot
caldron of cream-of-buzzard soup.
Copy !req
128. Well, I guess you're
right, Grandpa.
Copy !req
129. I am being childish
about this whole thing.
Copy !req
130. After all...
Copy !req
131. a man 150 years old should
not act like a spoiled brat.
Copy !req
132. Take my advice, Herman.
Copy !req
133. Forget about Zombo.
Don't even think about him.
Copy !req
134. That's just what
I'm going to do.
Copy !req
135. I'm going to put him
right out of my mind.
Copy !req
136. After all, I'm still Eddie's
hero. Sure you are.
Copy !req
137. I'm a hero to the whole
family. Of course, Herman.
Copy !req
138. Now, stick out that granite jaw.
Copy !req
139. Puff out that barrel chest.
Copy !req
140. That's it, Herman.
You're our hero.
Copy !req
141. You are our own Mickey Mantle.
Copy !req
142. Go.
Copy !req
143. And look what else that
lovely man sent Eddie.
Copy !req
144. Isn't he impressive?
Copy !req
145. You should read the inscription.
Copy !req
146. "To Eddie. You kill me. Zombo."
Copy !req
147. Isn't that sweet?
Copy !req
148. You know, I had no idea that
Zombo was such a handsome man.
Copy !req
149. Hasn't he got the cutest smirk?
Copy !req
150. But that twisted nose, it
gives him kind of a rugged look.
Copy !req
151. Oh, that Zombo, he's just a
great, big, lovable, voodoo doll.
Copy !req
152. You know, I just might
join Eddie's fan club myself.
Copy !req
153. Me, too.
Copy !req
154. Grandpa, Mickey
Mantle just struck out.
Copy !req
155. You want me to
drink this? What is it?
Copy !req
156. It's a secret potion.
It won't last long...
Copy !req
157. but for a short time,
you'll be so good-looking...
Copy !req
158. you'll out-Zombo Zombo.
Copy !req
159. And then, Eddie and his friends will
really have to sit up and take notice.
Copy !req
160. Cheers. Cheers.
Copy !req
161. Well? It's not bad.
Copy !req
162. Not bad at all.
Copy !req
163. I'll tell you one thing, it
certainly beats that Brand X.
Copy !req
164. Herman, that's not what I mean.
Copy !req
165. Do you feel it taking effect?
Copy !req
166. Do I feel it taking effect? No.
Copy !req
167. No, I don't feel a thing.
Copy !req
168. I don't think you
put in the proper...
Copy !req
169. I don't think I made
it strong enough.
Copy !req
170. Grandpa.
Copy !req
171. Grandpa, I'm sorry, I think I
broke one of your test tubes.
Copy !req
172. Herman? Herman, it worked!
Copy !req
173. What worked? What
worked? Just a minute.
Copy !req
174. Take a look at yourself.
Copy !req
175. Herman, you are gorgeous!
Copy !req
176. Grandpa, you've done it!
Copy !req
177. I'm adorable!
Copy !req
178. You living doll, you!
Copy !req
179. Herman, if Tony Curtis looked
like you, there'd be no stopping him.
Copy !req
180. I'm going to go right upstairs, and
show Eddie and all his little friends...
Copy !req
181. how handsome I am.
Copy !req
182. I'm really going to make
a bum out of that Zombo.
Copy !req
183. Here's your cloak. Thank you.
Copy !req
184. I got this television
and this bike...
Copy !req
185. and those great walkie-talkies.
Copy !req
186. Yeah, and this neat plane, too.
Copy !req
187. Boo.
Copy !req
188. Hi, Pop.
Copy !req
189. You recognized me?
Copy !req
190. Clever boy.
Copy !req
191. Is that really your
pop? Yeah, I guess so.
Copy !req
192. What's he up to with
the corny makeup?
Copy !req
193. I don't know, I thought those
office parties were over till next year.
Copy !req
194. Well, gang, how do I look?
Copy !req
195. Gee, Mr. Munster,
sir, you look real...
Copy !req
196. Doesn't he, Frank?
Oh, he sure does.
Copy !req
197. And what do you
think, little Billy?
Copy !req
198. I'd rather not say, sir.
Copy !req
199. My father told me never
to insult older people.
Copy !req
200. Oh, I see.
Copy !req
201. And...
Copy !req
202. what do you think, Edward?
Copy !req
203. Gee, Pop.
Copy !req
204. Did you have to go and embarrass
me in front of all of my friends like this?
Copy !req
205. But Eddie...
Copy !req
206. I thought if you liked Zombo
so much, you'd really dig this.
Copy !req
207. But Pop, Zombo's a real guy.
Copy !req
208. You're just faking.
Copy !req
209. Come on, guys.
Copy !req
210. Well, Herman, how did it
go? I'll bet you were a smash.
Copy !req
211. Smash.
Copy !req
212. I'll smash you, you mad,
dumb, old scientist, you!
Copy !req
213. Where's Lily and Eddie?
Copy !req
214. Why, Grandpa...
Copy !req
215. today is the day that Eddie's to
appear on Zombo's television show.
Copy !req
216. Aunt Lily took him
down to the studio.
Copy !req
217. So that's why Herman
is up in his room sulking.
Copy !req
218. Don't you think he'll come down
to watch his own son on television?
Copy !req
219. Well, I don't know.
Copy !req
220. The last time I looked in, he
was banging his head on the floor.
Copy !req
221. I know Uncle Herman
is a little bit jealous, but...
Copy !req
222. He wouldn't go that far.
Copy !req
223. There goes old sorehead again.
Copy !req
224. You must be Eddie Munster.
Copy !req
225. Yes, sir. And this is my mother.
Copy !req
226. How do you do, Mrs. Munster?
Copy !req
227. My name is Dave Swenson,
I'm the director of the show.
Copy !req
228. Glad to meet you.
Copy !req
229. I must say, Mrs. Munster, you and
the boy certainly are awfully good sports.
Copy !req
230. Thank you. Why?
Copy !req
231. I mean, getting all decked
out in these crazy outfits...
Copy !req
232. just to come down
and see the show.
Copy !req
233. Yes, well.
Copy !req
234. All right, Eddie, here
he is. This is Zombo.
Copy !req
235. Hi there, Eddie.
Copy !req
236. You're just kidding, aren't
you, mister? This isn't Zombo.
Copy !req
237. No, he isn't kidding.
I'm Zombo, all right.
Copy !req
238. You just don't recognize me
without my makeup and my costume.
Copy !req
239. Mrs. Munster, why don't you and
Eddie sit over there and watch?
Copy !req
240. Hurry him up, will you,
Cal? We're on in 30 minutes.
Copy !req
241. Hey, Mom, you know what I
think? I think that he's a fake.
Copy !req
242. They've probably got the
real Zombo tied up someplace.
Copy !req
243. No, Eddie, it's just
that sometimes...
Copy !req
244. people look a little different in
person than they do on television.
Copy !req
245. Boy, I'll say...
Copy !req
246. he's the weirdest
looking guy I ever saw.
Copy !req
247. There we are, Eddie.
Copy !req
248. A little makeup, my wig...
Copy !req
249. my claws and my hat...
Copy !req
250. and my cape...
Copy !req
251. and of course, my teeth.
I mustn't forget those.
Copy !req
252. And here I am,
your old friend...
Copy !req
253. Zombo.
Copy !req
254. Yeah.
Copy !req
255. Come on, Uncle Herman, the
show goes on in a few minutes.
Copy !req
256. I won't do it!
Copy !req
257. I won't watch that
dumb old Zombo.
Copy !req
258. Come on, Herman.
Copy !req
259. When that show goes on...
Copy !req
260. you're going to be sitting
in front of the television set.
Copy !req
261. Okay, but I'll have
my eyes closed.
Copy !req
262. Uncle Herman, you'll
do no such thing.
Copy !req
263. Well, I'll keep one closed.
Copy !req
264. I won't do it!
Copy !req
265. And you can't make me.
Copy !req
266. Come on, Herman,
this is ridiculous.
Copy !req
267. Now, Eddie, when
Zombo calls your name...
Copy !req
268. you walk in front of
the camera with Zombo.
Copy !req
269. You got that?
Copy !req
270. Hey, what's wrong with
Zombo's house? It's crummy.
Copy !req
271. And what are those guys doing?
Copy !req
272. They make the mist
and the cobwebs...
Copy !req
273. you see on your screen.
Copy !req
274. Isn't anything around here real?
Copy !req
275. Real? This is television.
Copy !req
276. There he is.
Copy !req
277. The stranger that invaded my
happy home on that boob tube.
Copy !req
278. Oh, look, there's Eddie.
Marilyn, quick. Turn up the sound
Copy !req
279. and today he's my
special guest star.
Copy !req
280. Well, Eddie, how
does it feel to sit here...
Copy !req
281. with Zombo in his
house of horrors?
Copy !req
282. What's the matter? The
bat's got your tongue?
Copy !req
283. Tell me, Eddie...
Copy !req
284. is there anything you want to
say to all your friends and fiends...
Copy !req
285. in television land?
Copy !req
286. Yeah.
Copy !req
287. Yeah.
Copy !req
288. I'd like to tell everybody that
Zombo is nothing but a big fake.
Copy !req
289. Grandpa, he's a
phony. Attaboy, Eddie.
Copy !req
290. Give it to him,
Son, give it to him.
Copy !req
291. Give him one for Grandpa.
Bite him in the neck!
Copy !req
292. Cut, cut!
Copy !req
293. Stop.
Copy !req
294. That rotten kid!
I'll never forgive!
Copy !req
295. Due to technical difficulties
beyond our control...
Copy !req
296. the Zombo show will not
be seen this afternoon.
Copy !req
297. Or ever.
Copy !req
298. Mom!
Copy !req
299. My child.
Copy !req
300. You... you...
Copy !req
301. Don't you lay a
hand on my poor boy!
Copy !req
302. Your poor boy just ruined Zombo.
Copy !req
303. I'm glad it happened,
do you hear me?
Copy !req
304. I'm glad. I've
tried to get out of...
Copy !req
305. I've tried to get out of this
contract for a month now.
Copy !req
306. I am made for
much better things.
Copy !req
307. Macbeth, Hamlet,
My Mother the Car.
Copy !req
308. Thanks to you, Eddie,
you've made me a free man.
Copy !req
309. Eddie...
Copy !req
310. don't grow up to be like Zombo.
Copy !req
311. Grow up to be a nice,
normal, human being...
Copy !req
312. like your father.
Copy !req
313. Now, Eddie, don't
take it so hard.
Copy !req
314. But, Pop, Zombo's
nothing but a fake.
Copy !req
315. Without his makeup and everything,
he's nothing but an ordinary actor.
Copy !req
316. There should be a law
against fooling kids like that.
Copy !req
317. But, Son, that's an
actor's job, to pretend.
Copy !req
318. He's supposed to make
someone believe in something.
Copy !req
319. You see, when you're
very young, like you are...
Copy !req
320. and all your little friends...
Copy !req
321. it's a lot more fun if you believe
what you're seeing is real.
Copy !req
322. Pop, you knew that Zombo was
really an actor all the time, didn't you?
Copy !req
323. When you get right down to it,
your old dad's a pretty sharp cat.
Copy !req
324. I'm going to go tell
the guys in my club...
Copy !req
325. just how you explained
Zombo being an actor.
Copy !req
326. See you, Pop. See you, Eddie.
Copy !req
327. Well, Herman...
Copy !req
328. I don't know what you said to Eddie,
but it certainly seems to have worked.
Copy !req
329. Yep. I guess his old dad knew
how to handle the situation.
Copy !req
330. Somehow, I wish he hadn't exposed
Zombo on T.V. as a fake, though.
Copy !req
331. So do I.
Copy !req
332. It must have disappointed a lot of
little children who believed in him.
Copy !req
333. Little children? How about me?
Copy !req
334. Herman, you don't mean to
say you believed in Zombo?
Copy !req
335. I must admit I was...
Copy !req
336. jealous of him
for a while, but...
Copy !req
337. I sure think he's
a super-neato guy.
Copy !req
338. Oh, Herman.
Copy !req