1. Dinner is served in
the main dining room.
Copy !req
2. Where's Grandpa? He's
down in his laboratory.
Copy !req
3. Working on a secret project.
Copy !req
4. Secret project?
Copy !req
5. Grandpa, chow time.
Copy !req
6. Grandpa, chow time.
Copy !req
7. Start without me.
Copy !req
8. I'm inventing a machine that's
going to achieve world peace.
Copy !req
9. We're having broiled shark
and tossed centipede salad.
Copy !req
10. The world waited this long,
it can wait a little longer.
Copy !req
11. Well, well, well...
Copy !req
12. if it isn't our favorite
mad scientist.
Copy !req
13. Close the door.
Copy !req
14. Okay, let's eat.
Copy !req
15. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
16. What's the third sign?
Copy !req
17. I was hoping you'd ask.
Copy !req
18. Is that a hint?
No. It's an order.
Copy !req
19. As head of the
household it is my duty...
Copy !req
20. to see what my sneaky
old father-in-law is up to.
Copy !req
21. Wowie, wowie.
Copy !req
22. Wowie zonk.
Copy !req
23. This place looks just like the
launching tower at Cape Kennedy.
Copy !req
24. Herman, you bum! Get
your hands off my machine!
Copy !req
25. I don't know what I'm
doing, but I'm sure having fun.
Copy !req
26. Okay, Herman, knock it off.
Copy !req
27. All right. All right. All right.
Copy !req
28. I was just trying to...
Watch it. Don't stand up.
Copy !req
29. Herman!
Copy !req
30. My darling Herman!
What happened?
Copy !req
31. Is he... No. He's just
slightly unconscious...
Copy !req
32. from being hit in the head
with a bolt of lightning.
Copy !req
33. Boy, was he lucky. Any place
else, it would have killed him.
Copy !req
34. He's coming to.
I'll take the sheet.
Copy !req
35. No, Lily, don't touch him
until I prepare you emotionally.
Copy !req
36. What's wrong, Grandpa?
Copy !req
37. Did the lightning disfigure him?
Copy !req
38. Yes, my child,
I'm afraid it did.
Copy !req
39. Oh, my poor Herman,
my poor darling.
Copy !req
40. Now brace yourselves.
I'm gonna unveil him.
Copy !req
41. Now be brave.
Copy !req
42. Remember, my children, no
matter how gruesome he looks...
Copy !req
43. he's still our Herman.
Copy !req
44. Oh, no!
Copy !req
45. Eddie...
Copy !req
46. We're gonna have to
break this to him gently.
Copy !req
47. Where am I?
Copy !req
48. You're right here, dear, in
the bosom of your family.
Copy !req
49. You got hit in the head
by a bolt of lightning.
Copy !req
50. I did? How?
Copy !req
51. How? By fooling around with
my machines, you big schnook.
Copy !req
52. Grandpa!
Copy !req
53. It's all his own fault...
Copy !req
54. if schnooks rush in where
wise men fear to tread.
Copy !req
55. How do you feel? I feel fine.
Copy !req
56. I feel fine.
Copy !req
57. No harm done.
Copy !req
58. That's funny. My
clothes are too big for me.
Copy !req
59. I guess the heat of the
lightning expanded them.
Copy !req
60. What are you all staring at? Haven't
you ever seen big clothes before?
Copy !req
61. Why is everyone staring... Lily.
Copy !req
62. Yes, my beloved.
Copy !req
63. I demand to know why
everyone is staring at me.
Copy !req
64. Herman, I'm afraid to say
this but the explanation...
Copy !req
65. can be found in
the nearest mirror.
Copy !req
66. Nearest mirror?
Copy !req
67. Mirror?
Copy !req
68. Marilyn, get him
some water. Quickly.
Copy !req
69. I've never seen that
man before in my life.
Copy !req
70. Neither have we.
Copy !req
71. This is a practical joke.
Copy !req
72. While I was unconscious
you put a mask on me.
Copy !req
73. No. Now, Herman. No, it's
not a mask. It's really you.
Copy !req
74. It's amazing. From one
lousy bolt of lightning.
Copy !req
75. Here, Uncle Herman,
drink this. Thank you.
Copy !req
76. I'm drinking, he's drinking.
Copy !req
77. It really is me.
Copy !req
78. Grandpa, throw the rest of this
water in my face, maybe it'll wash off.
Copy !req
79. Thank you. You're welcome.
Copy !req
80. He's still there, taunting me.
Copy !req
81. I'll never be able to do it.
Copy !req
82. You'll never be able to do what?
Copy !req
83. I will never be able to go through
the rest of my life with a face like this.
Copy !req
84. Well, Grandpa,
what do you think?
Copy !req
85. Not bad. Not good, but not bad.
Copy !req
86. I think I look ridiculous.
Copy !req
87. Why?
Copy !req
88. I'm not used to dressing flashy.
Copy !req
89. I feel like I've...
Copy !req
90. gone Hollywood.
Copy !req
91. But, sweetheart...
Copy !req
92. I picked out the most
conservative outfit I could find.
Copy !req
93. In keeping with the
dignity of your work.
Copy !req
94. Lily, dear, I have explained
to you half a dozen times...
Copy !req
95. I am not going to the
parlor with this face.
Copy !req
96. Oh.
Copy !req
97. You see, he figures they'll
take one look at that face...
Copy !req
98. and reach for the
embalming fluid.
Copy !req
99. Not necessarily. I figure
they'll be extremely polite...
Copy !req
100. and extremely cold.
The same as my family.
Copy !req
101. That's not fair, Herman,
we're not being cold.
Copy !req
102. We're just... You're just what?
Copy !req
103. We're just going through
a period of adjustment.
Copy !req
104. After all, Herman, I mean, we
have to look at you constantly.
Copy !req
105. You only have to look at
you when you're shaving.
Copy !req
106. Grandpa!
Copy !req
107. Hi, Mom. Hi, Grandpa.
Copy !req
108. Hello... sir.
Copy !req
109. Hello, sir?
Copy !req
110. He meant, "Hello, Pop."
Copy !req
111. Grandpa, will you come
outside and play catch with me?
Copy !req
112. Sure. Let's go. Okay.
Copy !req
113. Wait a minute. Hold it.
Copy !req
114. Edward, why didn't you ask
your father to play catch with you?
Copy !req
115. 'Cause my father isn't here.
Copy !req
116. I mean, he's...
Copy !req
117. He means he doesn't want
to mess up your new suit.
Copy !req
118. Yeah. Or your new face.
Copy !req
119. I see.
Copy !req
120. How considerate.
How coldly considerate.
Copy !req
121. Herman. What?
Copy !req
122. I've got it. We'll make an
appointment with Dr. Dudley...
Copy !req
123. to discuss the possibility
of plastic surgery.
Copy !req
124. Plastic surgery.
Copy !req
125. Plastic surgery!
Copy !req
126. Lily, what a wonderful
idea! I could kiss you.
Copy !req
127. As a matter of
fact, I think I will.
Copy !req
128. You don't want me
to. You don't want...
Copy !req
129. My own wife doesn't
want me to kiss her.
Copy !req
130. Oh, no, Herman, it's not that I
don't want you to. It's only that...
Copy !req
131. Only that I need more time.
Copy !req
132. Can you understand? Indubitably.
Copy !req
133. I can also understand that from now
on you prefer I sleep in the guest room.
Copy !req
134. Now, Herman, I...
Copy !req
135. I'm sorry that you feel so
strange with your own husband.
Copy !req
136. I just hope that someday
we can find a mutual friend...
Copy !req
137. who may introduce us!
Copy !req
138. Hermy.
Copy !req
139. Hey, Marilyn. Yes, dear?
Copy !req
140. When Mom and Pop come
back from Dr. Dudley's...
Copy !req
141. will Pop have his
old face again?
Copy !req
142. You see, Eddie, now Dr. Dudley
is a general practitioner...
Copy !req
143. and if he advises
an operation...
Copy !req
144. then he'll refer your
father to a plastic surgeon.
Copy !req
145. Oh, gee.
Copy !req
146. Eddie, cheer up. His old
face wasn't that sensational.
Copy !req
147. Compared to his new
one, I think it was. So do I.
Copy !req
148. What's so funny?
Copy !req
149. The way Herman disguised
himself to appear in public...
Copy !req
150. so he wouldn't get stared at.
Copy !req
151. What's so funny about that?
Copy !req
152. I'll bet you 10 to 1 he
gets stared at anyhow.
Copy !req
153. Sit down.
Copy !req
154. That's fine.
Copy !req
155. Right there.
Copy !req
156. Now, tell me about the accident.
Copy !req
157. I didn't get any of that.
Copy !req
158. Doctor, he was hit on the
head by a bolt of lightning.
Copy !req
159. That's terrible.
Copy !req
160. Don't you think you could hear him
better if you took off the bandages?
Copy !req
161. Take off the...
Copy !req
162. I think so, too.
Come. Right this way.
Copy !req
163. Up and right over
to... That's fine.
Copy !req
164. All righty! Let's
hop on the old table.
Copy !req
165. Good.
Copy !req
166. Let's see what we have here.
Copy !req
167. You know, this roll of bandages
reminds me of my childhood.
Copy !req
168. I had a Siamese cat who
loved to play with a spool of yarn.
Copy !req
169. My mother gave the cat away, because
she thought that I was allergic to it.
Copy !req
170. But I wasn't. We found out later
that I was allergic to my mother.
Copy !req
171. Mr. M., I have no time for
games. Show me your face.
Copy !req
172. Not until you promise
not to laugh at it.
Copy !req
173. Come now. I never
laughed at it before.
Copy !req
174. From time to time it made
me sick but I never laughed.
Copy !req
175. Hermy, baby, please.
After all, he's our doctor.
Copy !req
176. Yes.
Copy !req
177. Do you mean that
this is the result...
Copy !req
178. of being hit by a
bolt of lightning?
Copy !req
179. That's fantastic!
Mr. Munster... Yes, Doctor.
Copy !req
180. It is my considered
expert medical opinion...
Copy !req
181. that that bolt of lightning
was your good fairy.
Copy !req
182. What do you mean?
Copy !req
183. I mean that this face
is a vast improvement.
Copy !req
184. So don't complain.
Copy !req
185. We were hoping to restore
his old one with plastic surgery.
Copy !req
186. You're kidding. No.
Copy !req
187. You really want the old
face back, on purpose?
Copy !req
188. Yes.
Copy !req
189. And that's why we brought this photograph
so you could tell us if it's possible.
Copy !req
190. Mr. and Mrs. Munster, forget it.
Copy !req
191. No plastic surgeon in
the world would touch him.
Copy !req
192. Wear it in good health.
Copy !req
193. He likes this face better.
And he calls himself a doctor.
Copy !req
194. Dear, there's no
accounting for taste.
Copy !req
195. Don't you worry, we'll
get another opinion.
Copy !req
196. Now, I'll go and fix you
some lunch. I'm not hungry.
Copy !req
197. Darn!
Copy !req
198. Nobody loves me. There.
Copy !req
199. Lily! Marilyn! Eddie!
Copy !req
200. Herman!
Copy !req
201. Am I glad you're home. Why?
Copy !req
202. Why? Because your
troubles are over.
Copy !req
203. Look what I found
tucked away in my files.
Copy !req
204. What is it? Plans for a
condominium in Transylvania?
Copy !req
205. No. It's your
original blueprint.
Copy !req
206. The original? Correct.
Copy !req
207. The one they followed
when they put him together?
Copy !req
208. Right. Where did you get it?
Copy !req
209. "To our favorite Count Dracula.
Copy !req
210. "A souvenir from Dr. Frankenstein
and all the guys and gals."
Copy !req
211. Isn't that sweet?
Copy !req
212. Well, that's... Yeah,
that's fine but...
Copy !req
213. how does it solve my problem?
Copy !req
214. How does it solve your
problem? We follow it again.
Copy !req
215. We put your head back in the
original magnetic field and then...
Copy !req
216. you regain your original
face. What do you say?
Copy !req
217. I say absolutely not.
It's too dangerous.
Copy !req
218. I say absolutely yes.
Copy !req
219. No, Herman. If
something should happen...
Copy !req
220. Lily, dear, my mind is made up.
Copy !req
221. Grandpa, when do we start?
Copy !req
222. Herman, I'll be ready for
you in about five or six hours.
Copy !req
223. Oh, Mom, come on. Let
me go down and watch.
Copy !req
224. No, Eddie. It's safer and
smarter if we all wait here.
Copy !req
225. Well?
Copy !req
226. How are we coming? Great!
Copy !req
227. Are you comfortable? No.
Copy !req
228. Does the blueprint say I'm
supposed to be comfortable?
Copy !req
229. The blueprints
say a lot of things.
Copy !req
230. Maybe you should take a
little bit more time to study them.
Copy !req
231. What's the matter,
Herman, turning chicken?
Copy !req
232. Hardly.
Copy !req
233. Chicken. Chicken?
Copy !req
234. You aren't gonna...
Herman, please.
Copy !req
235. Here, sign this.
Copy !req
236. What's this? It's a
routine release form.
Copy !req
237. Okay, we're all ready.
Copy !req
238. Good luck. Thanks.
Copy !req
239. Same to you.
Copy !req
240. Goodbye, Herman.
Copy !req
241. It's just like
your first haircut.
Copy !req
242. Easy does it, Herman.
Copy !req
243. Hey, I hear footsteps.
They're coming up.
Copy !req
244. Well, was it a success?
Copy !req
245. Yes and no.
Copy !req
246. Isn't Dad having supper with us?
Copy !req
247. No, your father
has to go to work.
Copy !req
248. He's taken a job as
a cocktail waitress.
Copy !req
249. Eureka! Eureka what?
Copy !req
250. I may have found
where I slipped up.
Copy !req
251. Do you think she'll
be willing to try again?
Copy !req
252. Grandpa, don't even ask him.
Copy !req
253. Good evening. Good
evening, Aunt Herman.
Copy !req
254. Well, how do I look?
Copy !req
255. You look lovely.
Copy !req
256. Thank you.
Copy !req
257. Well, I'm off to
the cocktail lounge.
Copy !req
258. Goodnight to everyone...
except Grandpa.
Copy !req
259. Herman, be a sport. I
did restore your old face.
Copy !req
260. I'm greedy.
Copy !req
261. I want my old face
attached to my old body.
Copy !req
262. Goodnight, dear.
Copy !req
263. Goodnight, dear.
Copy !req
264. Don't let the
customers get fresh.
Copy !req
265. I won't.
Copy !req
266. Nuts!
Copy !req
267. I forgot to ask him what he plans
to do about next Monday at school.
Copy !req
268. What's next Monday
at school? Father's Day.
Copy !req
269. Just what I need,
right after I set my hair.
Copy !req
270. Lily! Lily! Lily! Lily!
Copy !req
271. I'm back!
Copy !req
272. I'm Herman Munster...
Copy !req
273. your handsome husband.
Copy !req