1. This ought to get rid of
those darned old fleas.
Copy !req
2. Now, Spot, hold
still. Here's one, Pop.
Copy !req
3. Got you!
Copy !req
4. All finished, Spot.
That's the last one.
Copy !req
5. Herman, listen to this.
Copy !req
6. Marilyn just got back from
the wedding she went to...
Copy !req
7. and guess what? A
boy drove her home.
Copy !req
8. A boy? You're kidding.
Copy !req
9. No, it's true. Now, we
can't miss this opportunity...
Copy !req
10. so you run out
and invite him in...
Copy !req
11. and tell him we'd like
to have him for dinner.
Copy !req
12. I'd really like to come
in, but I better be going.
Copy !req
13. But I'd like you to meet my aunt
and uncle. They're such a fun couple.
Copy !req
14. Hi, Marilyn. Come on in
and bring your boyfriend.
Copy !req
15. We'd love to have
him for dinner.
Copy !req
16. Uncle Herman...
Copy !req
17. it happened again.
What's wrong with me?
Copy !req
18. Herman, what happened?
Copy !req
19. She scared off
another one. Darn!
Copy !req
20. Oh, dear. Poor Marilyn.
Copy !req
21. That makes four weddings
she's been to in one month.
Copy !req
22. Always a bridesmaid,
and never a bride.
Copy !req
23. Poor Marilyn.
Copy !req
24. What can you expect
with those looks?
Copy !req
25. I wonder what could have frightened
her mother that badly before she was born.
Copy !req
26. For once, I'm not going
to take this lying down.
Copy !req
27. I have found a husband
for Marilyn. You have?
Copy !req
28. Where is he? Where
is he? Down in the lab.
Copy !req
29. In exactly one minute, you will
meet the future Mr. Marilyn Munster.
Copy !req
30. Grandpa, I'm running
out of patience.
Copy !req
31. You said that you had Marilyn's
future husband down here in the lab...
Copy !req
32. and I want to meet
him, tout de suite.
Copy !req
33. Keep your head on.
Copy !req
34. Meet Marilyn's future fiancé.
Copy !req
35. You want Marilyn
to marry a frog?
Copy !req
36. No, stupid, I'm gonna
change the frog into a prince...
Copy !req
37. and the prince is
going to marry Marilyn.
Copy !req
38. But...
Copy !req
39. I've got the potion stewing
on the front burner right now.
Copy !req
40. Just a matter of days.
Copy !req
41. I must admit, Grandpa, this is
one of your more sensible ideas...
Copy !req
42. but there's just one
little hole in your plan.
Copy !req
43. That's when the prince
sees what Marilyn looks like.
Copy !req
44. My boy, I've taken
care of that little thing.
Copy !req
45. This frog happens to be
a very nearsighted one.
Copy !req
46. Gee, this is neat, Pop,
going to a drive-in movie.
Copy !req
47. Yes. You know, I enjoy seeing a
movie in the privacy of your own car...
Copy !req
48. without a lot of tourists
gawking and pointing at you...
Copy !req
49. just because they
think we're movie stars.
Copy !req
50. Gee, Pop, I bet it's a cowboy
and Indian picture, isn't it?
Copy !req
51. That's right. By the
by, where's Marilyn?
Copy !req
52. She decided to
stay home and study.
Copy !req
53. No date again?
Copy !req
54. Well, that will
soon be remedied.
Copy !req
55. If Grandpa's plans work out, things
will soon be jumping around here.
Copy !req
56. What do you mean by
that? I'll tell you later, dear.
Copy !req
57. You and Eddie go to
the car. I'll get Grandpa.
Copy !req
58. Come on, hurry up, Grandpa.
We're all set to go to the drive-in.
Copy !req
59. They're having a Porky Pig cartoon and
I want to get there for the beginning...
Copy !req
60. so I can follow the plot.
Copy !req
61. First things first.
Copy !req
62. I'm getting very close.
If this potion works...
Copy !req
63. Marilyn may meet
her prince tonight.
Copy !req
64. Well, hurry up, will you?
Copy !req
65. They slapped me together
in half the time you're taking.
Copy !req
66. Now, I add a little bluing...
Copy !req
67. that's for the blood.
That's fine, but...
Copy !req
68. just one thing, how are
you gonna get the frog...
Copy !req
69. to drink the potion out of that
glass? My boy, that's very simple.
Copy !req
70. You see, I'll change
the potion into a fly...
Copy !req
71. and then I'll get the
stupid frog to eat the fly.
Copy !req
72. Watch. Give me your hand.
Copy !req
73. Just as I thought,
a complete failure.
Copy !req
74. They ought to drum you out
of the mad scientists' union.
Copy !req
75. I don't know, Herman.
Copy !req
76. You know, I may not have
changed him into a prince...
Copy !req
77. but I sure cured
him of his warts.
Copy !req
78. Well, come on, we're
late for the movie.
Copy !req
79. It's cowboys and Indians, and I
don't want to miss the massacre.
Copy !req
80. Aunt Lily, are you
at the drive-in?
Copy !req
81. How's the show? Quite dull.
Copy !req
82. You know, in the few minutes that your
Uncle Herman went out for hot dogs...
Copy !req
83. half the audience left.
Are you all right, dear?
Copy !req
84. Now, don't you worry about me.
I'm used to being home by myself.
Copy !req
85. If anyone knocks on
the door, don't answer.
Copy !req
86. Honestly, the oddballs that
are allowed out these days...
Copy !req
87. and the long haircuts on them.
Copy !req
88. The only time you can tell which
are the boys and which are the girls...
Copy !req
89. is during intermission.
Copy !req
90. And, by the way, the massacre
scene was a disappointment.
Copy !req
91. They used fake blood.
Copy !req
92. Grandpa noticed it immediately.
Copy !req
93. Now, you be careful, dear.
Don't you worry about me.
Copy !req
94. I'll go right up to my
room and lock myself in.
Copy !req
95. Bye, now. Goodbye.
Copy !req
96. Darn! Darn! Darn!
Copy !req
97. Look at that. Did you
ever see anything like it?
Copy !req
98. Yeah, in a dream.
Copy !req
99. The night I had a big dinner
of Hungarian goulash...
Copy !req
100. and then entered a pizza-eating
contest. Let's get out of here.
Copy !req
101. Wait a minute, Frank. Remember,
I'm studying architecture.
Copy !req
102. This house is a classic
example of the Gothic period.
Copy !req
103. A period that is really extinct.
Copy !req
104. Yeah, and I'll bet there
are people inside to match.
Copy !req
105. Are you coming with
me? This is weird.
Copy !req
106. No, this is too interesting to pass up.
Look at those cupolas up on the roof.
Copy !req
107. And I wouldn't be surprised if
they had a gazebo in the backyard.
Copy !req
108. And you got bats in your belfry.
Copy !req
109. I'll see you later.
Copy !req
110. Help!
Copy !req
111. Won't someone help me?
Copy !req
112. Good heavens, there's
someone up there.
Copy !req
113. What's the matter, miss?
Copy !req
114. Please, could you help me?
I'm locked in. I can't get out.
Copy !req
115. She's being held prisoner.
Copy !req
116. I'm coming. I'll save you.
Copy !req
117. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
118. Everything will be all right.
Copy !req
119. Now, what's a beautiful girl
like you doing calling for help?
Copy !req
120. This is the first night in
ages that they've been out...
Copy !req
121. and I just didn't know what
else to do. Just as I thought.
Copy !req
122. When will they be
back? Any minute.
Copy !req
123. But you don't understand.
Copy !req
124. Please, spare me the painful
details. We haven't a moment to waste.
Copy !req
125. But, you see, the door is
locked. Don't worry about a thing.
Copy !req
126. I don't know how to thank you. I
thought I'd never get out of there.
Copy !req
127. You're safe now. I can't imagine
what you've been through.
Copy !req
128. Come on, we better hurry.
Copy !req
129. What's that? It's
them. They're home.
Copy !req
130. What'll they think when they
see you? I'll take care of that.
Copy !req
131. I'm going for help, but
I'll be back. Be brave.
Copy !req
132. What's going on? Who was that?
Copy !req
133. A young man. Aunt
Lily, it was so exciting.
Copy !req
134. I got locked in and he
came climbing up the
Copy !req
135. trellis, just like a
prince in a fairy tale.
Copy !req
136. Where is he now? He
went out the window.
Copy !req
137. You should have seen him jump. He
didn't want to embarrass me, I think.
Copy !req
138. He climbed up on the balcony?
Copy !req
139. Herman, that's our frog.
Copy !req
140. He turned into a prince while we
were away. Oh, goody, goody, goody.
Copy !req
141. Well, we've got to get him. We
can't let him get away. Come on.
Copy !req
142. It may be our only chance.
Copy !req
143. What are they talking about?
Copy !req
144. Never you mind, dear.
Copy !req
145. Marilyn...
Copy !req
146. I think that finally our
dreams are going to come true.
Copy !req
147. Spot's got him cornered.
Copy !req
148. Good work, Spot. No.
Copy !req
149. Got you, you slippery
little rascal, you.
Copy !req
150. All right, Spot, good boy.
You can leave him to us now.
Copy !req
151. Boy, look at him.
He sure is scared.
Copy !req
152. I guess he's not
used to people yet.
Copy !req
153. Look at him, Herman.
Isn't he a beauty?
Copy !req
154. Not a wart on him.
Copy !req
155. Gentlemen, I don't care what you
do to me, but let that poor girl go.
Copy !req
156. That would never do.
Copy !req
157. After all, you know,
it takes two to tango.
Copy !req
158. Let me out of here. How's
that for gratitude, Herman?
Copy !req
159. You take a bum out of a
swamp, make a man out of him...
Copy !req
160. and this is the way he
shows his appreciation.
Copy !req
161. Let me out of here! Quiet, punk.
Copy !req
162. I knew you when you
didn't have a lily pad to sit on.
Copy !req
163. Now, listen, son. I'm sure you're
nervous. Most fellows are at this time.
Copy !req
164. Listen, Grandpa,
I've been thinking.
Copy !req
165. Don't you think we ought to
talk this over with Marilyn...
Copy !req
166. before we go ahead
with the you-know-what?
Copy !req
167. Talk it over?
Herman, don't be silly.
Copy !req
168. The best way to handle these
things is to get it over with so fast...
Copy !req
169. they don't know what hit them.
Copy !req
170. I still think Marilyn ought
to get another look at him...
Copy !req
171. before the ceremony.
Copy !req
172. I guess we could talk to
her about the arrangements.
Copy !req
173. Let's go.
Copy !req
174. I don't know why he's acting so
strangely about getting married.
Copy !req
175. Are you sure that
frog is nearsighted?
Copy !req
176. Maybe he got a good
look at Marilyn. Don't worry.
Copy !req
177. He's just playing hard to get.
Copy !req
178. Hey, Pop!
Copy !req
179. Are you down there?
Copy !req
180. I don't understand
what this is all about.
Copy !req
181. This looks like a
bridal gown to me.
Copy !req
182. You must be one
of Grandpa's friends.
Copy !req
183. They're the only ones he
lets play in his laboratory.
Copy !req
184. Play?
Copy !req
185. Yeah, that's what we were
doing, all right. We were playing.
Copy !req
186. How would you like to
play a trick on your grandpa?
Copy !req
187. What kind of trick?
Copy !req
188. Now, you untie me and
I'll tell you, okay? Okay.
Copy !req
189. I'll cut the ropes.
Copy !req
190. Yeah, good boy. Good boy.
Copy !req
191. Now, easy. Easy does it.
Copy !req
192. You look beautiful, my dear.
Copy !req
193. Happy the bride
the moon shines on.
Copy !req
194. You've done
wonders with her, dear.
Copy !req
195. She almost looks presentable.
Copy !req
196. Your Uncle Herman thought that
we should talk it over with you...
Copy !req
197. before we marry you
to that prince. Prince?
Copy !req
198. You mean the boy who
climbed up the trellis?
Copy !req
199. Marry?
Copy !req
200. Aunt Lily.
Copy !req
201. So that's what
this is all about.
Copy !req
202. Congratulations.
Copy !req
203. We're all so happy
for you, my dear.
Copy !req
204. Now that we've
finally unloaded you.
Copy !req
205. That was fun, but now how
do we play a trick on Grandpa?
Copy !req
206. Now, you go to bed, and I
run through that door out there.
Copy !req
207. Are you trying to
get me to go to bed?
Copy !req
208. No, I'm just trying to get
through that door out there.
Copy !req
209. Okay, but kiss
Woof-Woof goodnight.
Copy !req
210. I'd rather not, Eddie.
Then kiss me goodnight.
Copy !req
211. Goodbye.
Copy !req
212. I told you, Herman,
everything would be all right.
Copy !req
213. Oh, no. He's gone.
Copy !req
214. The prince has
flown. What'll we do?
Copy !req
215. Grandpa, you blew it
again. The spell wore off.
Copy !req
216. I told you not to buy those
magic potions in Tijuana.
Copy !req
217. I'll just have to double
the dosage this time.
Copy !req
218. This is a fine mess. Marilyn's
dressed upstairs in her wedding gown.
Copy !req
219. Now what?
Copy !req
220. We can't have them play
"Here Comes The Frog."
Copy !req
221. Herman, will you stop worrying?
Copy !req
222. Well...
Copy !req
223. princie-boy, it's back to
the old drawing board again.
Copy !req
224. Now, let's get this straight.
Copy !req
225. There's this beautiful girl being
held captive in an old haunted house...
Copy !req
226. and you climbed up the trellis
of the house to get to her window.
Copy !req
227. Did she let her hair down
for you to climb up on?
Copy !req
228. Now, Al, that's a
stupid question.
Copy !req
229. If she'd let down her beautiful
long hair for him to climb up on...
Copy !req
230. he wouldn't have
had to use the trellis.
Copy !req
231. Yeah, and he wouldn't have got
a chance to kiss the Woof-Woof.
Copy !req
232. Honest, officer, I know this guy,
and he wouldn't make things up.
Copy !req
233. Can't you at least check on it?
Copy !req
234. Okay. Harry, suppose
we take a run on out there.
Copy !req
235. This should be a lark.
Copy !req
236. You know, I have never before seen
a real haunted house full of monsters.
Copy !req
237. Now, Marilyn, dear, do not be downhearted.
Some day your prince will come.
Copy !req
238. Again, I hope.
Copy !req
239. In the meantime, just
put your beautiful dress...
Copy !req
240. right back in your hope chest.
Copy !req
241. That ought to keep
it fragrant and lovely.
Copy !req
242. You know, this cedar lining I put
in your chest came from the parlor.
Copy !req
243. We use it to line our
"Forever Yours" model.
Copy !req
244. Now, don't you
two worry about me.
Copy !req
245. I mean, after all, I'm
surrounded with love.
Copy !req
246. Goodnight. Goodnight, dear.
Copy !req
247. Goodnight.
Copy !req
248. Well, Buckingham
Palace it ain't.
Copy !req
249. But, so far, I haven't seen
any giant green monsters.
Copy !req
250. It's past their bedtime, Al. Giant
green monsters need a lot of sleep.
Copy !req
251. You know, so they can put
those little tiny peas into the can.
Copy !req
252. Oh, well, it beats going home.
Copy !req
253. Yes?
Copy !req
254. I know you're going to
think this is crazy, lady...
Copy !req
255. but we got to check it out.
Copy !req
256. We got a report about some young
fellow being held prisoner here...
Copy !req
257. something about
dungeons, mad scientists.
Copy !req
258. Young fellow? That
must have been the prince.
Copy !req
259. Do come in. You mean...
Copy !req
260. you know about
this guy? Certainly.
Copy !req
261. He was supposed to marry
my niece, but nothing came of it.
Copy !req
262. You mean, he backed out?
Copy !req
263. "Jumped out" would be
a better way of putting it.
Copy !req
264. Why don't I show you
down to the dungeon.
Copy !req
265. My father is there and
he'll tell you all about it.
Copy !req
266. Herman, I've got it.
I've really got it this time.
Copy !req
267. Hiya, fellas.
Copy !req
268. The policemen's ball is here so
soon? Put me down for two tickets.
Copy !req
269. What's going on here? What
are you doing? What am I doing?
Copy !req
270. I'm making a
fiancé for my niece.
Copy !req
271. What kind of a question is that?
Copy !req
272. Are you some kind of a nut
or something? Never mind that.
Copy !req
273. Did you have a fellow
down here tied up? Yeah.
Copy !req
274. But the bum double-crossed
me and changed back into a frog.
Copy !req
275. Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
276. Harry, I think we just about
got to the bottom of this.
Copy !req
277. Thanks a lot, buster.
Wait a minute, Al.
Copy !req
278. Come on, we got
things to do. All right.
Copy !req
279. See you at the dance, fellas.
Copy !req
280. You know, there's something
I just don't understand.
Copy !req
281. You mean to say you're happier
this way than when you were a prince?
Copy !req
282. I just don't get
it. It's simple.
Copy !req
283. It's one of them college
fraternity initiations.
Copy !req
284. Yeah? Yeah.
Copy !req
285. All these people running around,
dressed up with these rubber masks on.
Copy !req
286. And that kid was a plant. See, we
were supposed to come out here...
Copy !req
287. then they were really
gonna put us on.
Copy !req
288. I see. So we just play
it cool, right? Right.
Copy !req
289. This setup can't be for real.
Copy !req
290. How corny can kids get today?
Copy !req
291. There you are, gentlemen. Did
my father straighten out everything?
Copy !req
292. You bet. All squared away.
Copy !req
293. Thank you for your
interest, officers.
Copy !req
294. It's good to feel that our
police force is on its toes.
Copy !req
295. We're on our toes, all right.
Copy !req
296. Great job of make-up
you got there. Make-up?
Copy !req
297. I haven't worn make-up in years.
Copy !req
298. It takes away that unnatural
look that we girls like.
Copy !req
299. Yeah, that's pretty good.
Copy !req
300. Hey, Al, there's
the best one yet.
Copy !req
301. Hi there, buster, and a Sap
Kappa Si Beta Phi to you.
Copy !req
302. Good night, officers.
Copy !req
303. Good night to you, too, fella.
Copy !req
304. Certainly makes a private
citizen feel very safe...
Copy !req
305. to have fine, intelligent police
officers like that on the force.
Copy !req
306. I thought that one got a
little fresh pinching my cheek.
Copy !req
307. I don't blame him a bit.
Copy !req
308. After all, who could resist you?
Copy !req
309. Herman. Yes, dear.
Copy !req
310. Hey, you're the girl.
Copy !req
311. It's you. Where did
you run to? Run to?
Copy !req
312. You don't know what I
went through in that house.
Copy !req
313. Tied down to a table, and all
those horrible-looking people.
Copy !req
314. What do you mean,
"horrible-looking people"?
Copy !req
315. Why, that old man with the
cape and the tall green one.
Copy !req
316. That just happens to be
my grandfather and my uncle.
Copy !req
317. And two finer people never
walked this earth. So there.
Copy !req
318. Those kooks? You
must be kidding.
Copy !req
319. Come on, Linda.
Copy !req
320. What did you wanna go
and make her mad for?
Copy !req
321. I don't wanna have anything
to do with a girl like that.
Copy !req
322. She lives in a house full of
monsters and she covers up for them.
Copy !req
323. She must be some
kind of weirdo herself.
Copy !req
324. Why did you brush him off?
I thought he was kind of nice.
Copy !req
325. Anybody that would make
up such ridiculous tales...
Copy !req
326. about my Grandpa and
my sweet Uncle Herman...
Copy !req
327. is just too far out for me.
Copy !req
328. Herman! Lily! What's the matter?
Copy !req
329. Blast! That darn
frog got away again...
Copy !req
330. and just after I had gotten him
to take that new batch of potion.
Copy !req
331. Dear, I hope he's not lost.
Copy !req
332. I'd hate to have my future nephew
end up on some menu as frog's legs.
Copy !req
333. Maybe he's lost in the
front yard. I'll take a look.
Copy !req
334. Oh, no. If that prince gets away
this time, we may never find him.
Copy !req
335. Grandpa, quick. Come look.
Copy !req
336. Mamma mia.
Copy !req
337. This time, I turned that
stupid frog into a girl.
Copy !req
338. Herman, catch me.
Copy !req
339. Butterfingers.
Copy !req