1. Nobody leaves.
Copy !req
2. Tagomi-san!
Copy !req
3. Tagomi-san!
Copy !req
4. Go!
Copy !req
5. Tagomi-san!
Copy !req
6. Your car, Trade Minister.
Copy !req
7. Is this a problem?
Copy !req
8. All foreign visitors
must be detained.
Copy !req
9. Oh, God, Ed.
What the hell
are you doing?
Copy !req
10. What am I doing?
Frank, what are you doing?
Copy !req
11. Have they said anything yet?
Copy !req
12. - About what?
- About the prince
getting shot.
Copy !req
13. I knew I should have shot you
in the fucking leg.
Copy !req
14. Ed, I didn't do it.
Someone else shot him.
Copy !req
15. You're the only one
that fired that gun.
Copy !req
16. All right now.
Copy !req
17. Go home and stay
off the street
Copy !req
18. until work tomorrow.
Copy !req
19. Juliana called.
Copy !req
20. What? What did she say?
Copy !req
21. Nothing.
Copy !req
22. You cannot tell anybody
about this, okay? Nobody.
Copy !req
23. Okay, Geez. But if you
didn't do anything—
Copy !req
24. I was seen! Ed, you can't
tell anybody about that gun.
Copy !req
25. This is between you and me.
Copy !req
26. Everybody off!
Copy !req
27. Whole area closed!
Copy !req
28. You walk! Quickly!
Copy !req
29. Stand back!
Copy !req
30. Hurry up!
Copy !req
31. Woman on radio:
and you want
to get it clean—
Copy !req
32. Man on radio:
has new children at home,
Dottie and Molly—
Copy !req
33. - Frank?
- ... least expensive system
Copy !req
34. gives all fabrics added life.
Copy !req
35. What happened?
Copy !req
36. Ed said you were going
to do something terrible.
Copy !req
37. Are you okay?
Copy !req
38. Don't, okay?
Copy !req
39. The Kempeitai, they came
looking for you.
Copy !req
40. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
41. Did you find what you
were looking for?
Copy !req
42. Maybe
the start of something.
Copy !req
43. I don't know.
Copy !req
44. Um, something going on
out there.
Copy !req
45. They closed half the city.
Copy !req
46. Yeah,
the Jap prince got shot.
Copy !req
47. What?
Copy !req
48. Your ma has been
worried about you.
Copy !req
49. You should, uh,
you should go see her.
Copy !req
50. Please try to rest,
Your Highness.
Copy !req
51. I have spent the entire night
in this chair, Tagomi-san.
Copy !req
52. I am rested.
Copy !req
53. Your Chinese oracle...
Copy !req
54. it cannot foresee
every eventuality.
Copy !req
55. Whoever is responsible
for this outrage
Copy !req
56. will be brought to justice.
Copy !req
57. The final bullet
fragments were removed,
Copy !req
58. but he remains
in a critical condition.
Copy !req
59. There was an injury
to the heart.
Copy !req
60. But you repaired it.
Copy !req
61. We have done all we can,
Your Highness.
Copy !req
62. You may sit with him
while we wait.
Copy !req
63. There she is.
Copy !req
64. What a nice surprise.
Copy !req
65. Honey. Anne?
Copy !req
66. Come here and look
who breezed in.
Copy !req
67. Oh, there you are.
Copy !req
68. Where have you been?
Copy !req
69. What's going on out there?
Copy !req
70. Why are there Japs
all over the street?
Copy !req
71. Who knows, Ma?
Copy !req
72. Thank you. Look,
I brought you herbs.
Copy !req
73. - Oh.
- Shall I make some tea?
Copy !req
74. No. I'm not drinking
that Nip poison anymore.
Copy !req
75. Do you think the Nazis are
finally going to invade?
Copy !req
76. I mean, it's like
the start of the Occupation
Copy !req
77. all over again.
Copy !req
78. Why don't we let her
sit down, honey?
Copy !req
79. - Okay? Come on,
sit down. Here.
- Okay.
Copy !req
80. So where have you
been hiding?
Copy !req
81. Um... Oh, I haven't
been hiding, Ma,
Copy !req
82. just, you know,
I've been busy.
Copy !req
83. Hmm.
Copy !req
84. So busy you couldn't stop by
Copy !req
85. and say hi to your mother?
Copy !req
86. - I'm sorry.
- Well, I mean,
Copy !req
87. I thought maybe you got
a job or something.
Copy !req
88. No.
Copy !req
89. I'm sure that Frank
needed her around, right?
Copy !req
90. Honey, are you all right?
Copy !req
91. Yeah.
Copy !req
92. It's just a terrible thing
Copy !req
93. what they did to that boy.
Copy !req
94. Frank told you?
Copy !req
95. He didn't tell you
I came by?
Copy !req
96. Frank will be fine.
Copy !req
97. He's healing already.
Copy !req
98. Wounds heal,
but, I don't know...
Copy !req
99. losing your sister
and her kids like that,
Copy !req
100. I can't even imagine.
Copy !req
101. I tell you, Hitler was
never going to stand
Copy !req
102. for the Jews living here
in peace forever.
Copy !req
103. I tell you, that bastard
has got a plan for all of us.
Copy !req
104. Okay, okay,
it's okay.
Copy !req
105. Have you seen Trudy?
Copy !req
106. Have you seen
your sister?
Copy !req
107. Juliana.
Copy !req
108. Juliana.
Copy !req
109. Have you heard anything
Copy !req
110. from your sister?
Copy !req
111. Uh—
Copy !req
112. Not for a few days.
Copy !req
113. I keep telling her
don't worry.
Copy !req
114. I'd say "Don't worry.
She's a free spirit.
Copy !req
115. She'll be in touch
when she's ready," right?
Copy !req
116. Right. I—
Copy !req
117. I'm so sorry.
I have to go.
Copy !req
118. Frank.
Copy !req
119. Frank.
Copy !req
120. Ah.
Copy !req
121. I didn't know.
Copy !req
122. How did this happen?
Copy !req
123. Uh, I— I don't
remember exactly.
Copy !req
124. Look, if you could just
stop it bleeding.
Copy !req
125. I can't be late for work.
Copy !req
126. It's one day, Frank.
Can't you just stay home?
Copy !req
127. I have to make up
the time I missed.
Copy !req
128. If I'd known
the damage I'd cause
Copy !req
129. by getting
on that damn bus—
Copy !req
130. You had to do
something for Trudy.
Copy !req
131. Yeah.
Copy !req
132. I should have talked to you.
Copy !req
133. You'd have gone anyway.
Copy !req
134. Not if I'd known
what they'd do to you.
Copy !req
135. And John and Emily.
Copy !req
136. Will there be a funeral?
Copy !req
137. They were incinerated.
Copy !req
138. There's nothing left.
Copy !req
139. Bill must be—
Copy !req
140. He's, uh,
Copy !req
141. he's holding a kind
of memorial service later,
Copy !req
142. but I— I—
Copy !req
143. I shouldn't be there.
Copy !req
144. Hold still.
Copy !req
145. Can I ask you something?
Copy !req
146. Why did they let you go?
Copy !req
147. They, uh, they caught
some woman smuggling films.
Copy !req
148. They thought
she had Trudy's.
Copy !req
149. Thanks.
Copy !req
150. So what now?
Copy !req
151. I'm going to work.
Copy !req
152. You can, uh...
Copy !req
153. You can go to the dojo,
I guess.
Copy !req
154. Well, does that mean
we just—
Copy !req
155. go back to the way
things were?
Copy !req
156. We can't ever go back.
Copy !req
157. I'm talking
about surviving,
Copy !req
158. getting through today,
Copy !req
159. I'm not looking
beyond that right now.
Copy !req
160. Mr. Tagomi, you've met
my faithful bodyguard.
Copy !req
161. They know, don't they?
Copy !req
162. About what?
Copy !req
163. That I'm not Baynes.
Copy !req
164. They took my passport
at the Embassy,
Copy !req
165. and they haven't let me
out of their sight since.
Copy !req
166. Where's the microfilm now?
Copy !req
167. I don't have it,
not at hand.
Copy !req
168. I... swallowed it.
Copy !req
169. And it's proving
difficult to relax.
Copy !req
170. At least it's safe.
Copy !req
171. The safety helps no one.
Copy !req
172. I cannot leave here without
completing my mission.
Copy !req
173. We no longer have a choice.
Copy !req
174. You said that your oracle
favored a connection.
Copy !req
175. Have you lost faith in that?
Copy !req
176. If you are arrested,
Copy !req
177. how long before
the Nazis kill you?
Copy !req
178. Our mission now
Copy !req
179. is to get you out
of the Pacific States alive.
Copy !req
180. Give me one more chance
with the Science Minister.
Copy !req
181. The only chance we have
Copy !req
182. is a single shuttle from
here to New York tonight.
Copy !req
183. I will retrieve
your Swedish passport.
Copy !req
184. Tagomi-san.
Copy !req
185. Risking your life
Copy !req
186. to prevent a world war
is one thing.
Copy !req
187. Risking it to save mine
was never part of the deal.
Copy !req
188. I will not wash another
good man's blood
Copy !req
189. from my hands today.
Copy !req
190. Ed:
Did she tell you
what happened out there?
Copy !req
191. We didn't really
talk about it.
Copy !req
192. Did you tell her
about the gun?
Copy !req
193. What did I say
to you this morning?
Copy !req
194. Yeah, but I didn't
think you meant Jules.
Copy !req
195. What, you didn't think
she was covered
Copy !req
196. by "You can't tell
Copy !req
197. None of this is my fault,
Copy !req
198. Whether I fired
that thing or not,
Copy !req
199. they could still
be looking for me,
Copy !req
200. so keep your mouth shut.
Copy !req
201. This is good work, Frank.
Copy !req
202. Thank you,
Mr. Wyndam-Matson.
Copy !req
203. You still designing
that jewelry of yours?
Copy !req
204. No, sir.
I'm done with that.
Copy !req
205. Everything else okay?
Copy !req
206. Yeah. Yeah, everything's
back to normal.
Copy !req
207. All of these drains must
be checked individually,
Copy !req
208. every one within a 5-kilometer
radius of the Embassy.
Copy !req
209. Yes, Inspector.
Copy !req
210. And the alleyways, all—
Copy !req
211. If the gunman
is not apprehended,
Sergeant Yoshida,
Copy !req
212. you will act as Kaishakunin
Copy !req
213. when I commit Seppuku.
Copy !req
214. Miss Crain, have you
reported to the Kempeitai?
Copy !req
215. Why?
Copy !req
216. The dojo is
a place of harmony.
Copy !req
217. Nothing can be allowed
to interfere with that.
Copy !req
218. They came here?
Copy !req
219. I'm afraid that,
as a wanted person,
Copy !req
220. there can be no question
Copy !req
221. of you continuing
to practice with us.
Copy !req
222. Um...
Copy !req
223. you've been looking
for me.
Copy !req
224. My name is Juliana Crain.
Copy !req
225. Could you tell someone
I'm here, please?
Copy !req
226. Mr. Blake,
I am Major Klemm.
Copy !req
227. Heil Hitler.
Copy !req
228. Heil Hitler.
Copy !req
229. Apologies
for keeping you waiting.
Copy !req
230. I hope it wasn't
too uncomfortable.
Copy !req
231. Not as uncomfortable
as the ride here.
Copy !req
232. It's not like I expected
a parade or anything.
Copy !req
233. Those guys
were pretty rough.
Copy !req
234. If you were being watched
by insurgents
Copy !req
235. at the truck drop-off,
Copy !req
236. your cover
will remain intact.
Copy !req
237. We haven't heard from you
Copy !req
238. since you set off to meet
the Man In the High Castle.
Copy !req
239. No.
Copy !req
240. Well, we have several gaps
we need to fill.
Copy !req
241. Where were you, Miss Crain?
Copy !req
242. I went to look
for my sister.
Copy !req
243. She disappeared.
Copy !req
244. - Her name is Trudy.
- We know her name.
Copy !req
245. Where did you go?
Copy !req
246. The places Trudy loved.
Copy !req
247. Twin Peaks first.
Copy !req
248. When there was
no sign of her,
Copy !req
249. I took a bus to Yosemite.
Copy !req
250. You camped there?
Copy !req
251. You told Mr. Frink
you were camping.
Copy !req
252. You were listening.
Copy !req
253. I don't understand, Mr. Blake.
Copy !req
254. These insurgents
on the mountain,
Copy !req
255. what did they want from you?
Copy !req
256. The film.
Copy !req
257. But Obergruppenführer Smith
ordered you
Copy !req
258. not to take the film with you.
Copy !req
259. Yes.
Copy !req
260. But I thought
I had a real shot
Copy !req
261. at finding the Man
In the High Castle.
Copy !req
262. As it turns out,
Copy !req
263. the film was the only thing
Copy !req
264. that convinced him
I wasn't a spy.
Copy !req
265. Do you know Randall Baker,
Miss Crain?
Copy !req
266. Did your sister
ever mention that man?
Copy !req
267. So you lost the film.
Copy !req
268. I wouldn't say I lost it.
Copy !req
269. Then you still have it.
Copy !req
270. No.
Copy !req
271. So you lost it.
Copy !req
272. What did you lose, Joe?
Copy !req
273. The film I was carrying,
sir, was taken from me
Copy !req
274. by Lemuel Washington,
Copy !req
275. leader in the Resistance
in Canon City.
Copy !req
276. Carry on, Major.
Copy !req
277. Don't mind me, Joe.
Copy !req
278. No.
Copy !req
279. No, I don't recognize him.
Copy !req
280. Please continue.
Copy !req
281. Are any pages
missing, Major?
Copy !req
282. No, Obergruppenführer,
I don't believe so.
Copy !req
283. I don't see any mention
of the girl.
Copy !req
284. The girl?
Copy !req
285. You don't mean the girl
who died in the car.
Copy !req
286. That's the only girl
I can think of.
Copy !req
287. The one the Marshal
was after?
Copy !req
288. Honestly, she was no one.
Copy !req
289. No one?
Copy !req
290. This Marshal, Mr. Kahler,
Copy !req
291. what did he say
in his report?
Copy !req
292. That Mr. Blake
defended the girl,
Copy !req
293. told him to leave her alone
because he was using her.
Copy !req
294. That's correct. I thought
she was the courier
Copy !req
295. you had told me about, sir.
Copy !req
296. And did Major Klemm tell you
how important it is
Copy !req
297. not to leave anything
out of this account, Joe?
Copy !req
298. Yes, sir, he did.
Copy !req
299. Look, this whole thing
has been a misunderstanding.
Copy !req
300. Look at the picture.
Copy !req
301. I just want things
to go back to normal.
Copy !req
302. I've never seen him.
Copy !req
303. I came here voluntarily.
Copy !req
304. If I'd known you were
looking for me,
Copy !req
305. I would have come back
sooner to clear things up.
Copy !req
306. But some things
can't be cleared up,
Copy !req
307. can they?
Copy !req
308. Like Mr. Frink's sister...
Copy !req
309. his niece and nephew.
Copy !req
310. We are all subject
to rules, Miss Crain,
Copy !req
311. and if we fail to live by them,
the consequences are severe.
Copy !req
312. You knew that.
Copy !req
313. Is there anything
Copy !req
314. you would like to add
to your transcript, Joe?
Copy !req
315. I don't think so, sir.
Copy !req
316. I'm sorry.
Is that a yes or a no?
Copy !req
317. No, Obergruppenführer.
Copy !req
318. You can leave for now.
Copy !req
319. But things will never
return to normal for you.
Copy !req
320. They cannot.
Copy !req
321. It's okay.
Copy !req
322. Who are you?
Copy !req
323. A friend of Randall's.
Copy !req
324. I'm pretty sure
Randall's not here.
Copy !req
325. Randall's dead.
I need to know
Copy !req
326. if you delivered
the film he gave you.
Copy !req
327. Did you know Trudy?
Copy !req
328. Enough to know
how badly she wanted
Copy !req
329. to get that film
to Canon City.
Copy !req
330. How do I know
this isn't a trap?
Copy !req
331. You won't until it's too late.
Copy !req
332. The film got to where
it was supposed to go.
Copy !req
333. Thank you.
Copy !req
334. My turn.
Copy !req
335. The Man In the High Castle—
Copy !req
336. why is he collecting them?
Copy !req
337. All we know
is we get them to him
Copy !req
338. and he passes back
Copy !req
339. that we can use
against the Pons.
Copy !req
340. How's that possible?
Copy !req
341. If you came here looking
for answers about the films,
Copy !req
342. you'll be disappointed.
Copy !req
343. I came here
because Trudy was here.
Copy !req
344. You've lost a lot
all at once.
Copy !req
345. I know how that goes.
Copy !req
346. Once you've decided
to go on,
Copy !req
347. you've got to find a how.
Copy !req
348. For me, the only way
was to fight.
Copy !req
349. It has to be
about something more.
Copy !req
350. Sir, I know it doesn't seem
like a complete success.
Copy !req
351. But my mission
wasn't to retrieve a film
Copy !req
352. or kill the Man
In the High Castle, sir.
Copy !req
353. My mission was to identify
and gather intelligence
Copy !req
354. on key figures
in the Resistance.
Copy !req
355. Then I found Lemuel Washington.
I did that.
Copy !req
356. I kept my cover intact.
Copy !req
357. Lemuel Washington
disappeared yesterday,
Copy !req
358. along with his
entire family.
Copy !req
359. We don't know
where he is.
Copy !req
360. Oh, you failed, Joe.
Copy !req
361. You failed.
Copy !req
362. Do you know why you failed?
Copy !req
363. You are one component
in a complex machine
Copy !req
364. that only works
if every part
Copy !req
365. does exactly what it's
supposed to do
Copy !req
366. in sync with the whole.
Copy !req
367. Now, if you decide,
Copy !req
368. without knowing
what the other
components are doing,
Copy !req
369. to simply go your own way,
Copy !req
370. eventually that machine
is going to break down.
Copy !req
371. Don't ever disobey a direct
order from me again, Joe.
Copy !req
372. I'm sorry, Obergruppenführer.
Copy !req
373. Okay.
Copy !req
374. Where are you spending
VA Day tomorrow, Joe?
Copy !req
375. The files you requested,
Copy !req
376. Thank you. I'll take
these home with me.
Copy !req
377. Bring the car around, Major.
Copy !req
378. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
379. Well?
Copy !req
380. Um, I don't know.
I don't have any plans. Sir.
Copy !req
381. Well,
then you'll be my guest.
Copy !req
382. - Sir—
- Joe.
Copy !req
383. I'm inviting you to my house
for the celebration.
Copy !req
384. I know you haven't
spent a lot of time
among your own recently,
Copy !req
385. and, uh, tomorrow's
about community.
Copy !req
386. It's about family.
Copy !req
387. Thank you, sir.
I'd like that very much.
Copy !req
388. See you there.
Copy !req
389. 11 o'clock sharp.
Don't be late.
Copy !req
390. - Frank.
- Hey.
Copy !req
391. Mr. Crothers?
Hi. Ed McCarthy.
Copy !req
392. We've met
a couple of times.
Copy !req
393. I'm an old buddy
of Frank's.
Copy !req
394. I'm real sorry, sir.
Real sorry.
Copy !req
395. Yeah. Me, too.
Copy !req
396. These are all friends
of yours and Laura's?
Copy !req
397. And bosses and people
I work with.
Copy !req
398. Laura met a few of them.
Copy !req
399. I have to go on working here,
Copy !req
400. and these
are honorable people.
Copy !req
401. Do you know
how it would look
Copy !req
402. to have no ceremony at all
for my family?
Copy !req
403. Well, you don't
have to justify—
Copy !req
404. You're damn right
I don't.
Copy !req
405. If there are
no answers here,
Copy !req
406. then where do I look?
Copy !req
407. I'm serious.
Copy !req
408. Do you have any idea
Copy !req
409. how many different
fucking ways
Copy !req
410. I nearly died
trying to get that film
Copy !req
411. to where it was
supposed to go?
Copy !req
412. Okay.
Copy !req
413. We've got one thing.
Copy !req
414. We think someone set up
Randall and Trudy.
Copy !req
415. It's the only way
the Pons could have known
Copy !req
416. where that film would be.
Copy !req
417. The day they took Randall,
Copy !req
418. he mailed this
to the box we use.
Copy !req
419. Name mean anything to you?
Copy !req
420. They had a contact
at the Nippon Building.
Copy !req
421. But if whoever this is
is leaking information
about our activity,
Copy !req
422. we need to know about it.
Copy !req
423. Do you think it could be
a link to the films?
Copy !req
424. We don't know.
Copy !req
425. What we do know
Copy !req
426. is there's a job
in there.
Copy !req
427. At the Nippon?
Copy !req
428. They only ever
want young women.
Copy !req
429. Anybody over 27
should be married.
Copy !req
430. I wouldn't ask you
to do it.
Copy !req
431. I wouldn't ask anybody.
Copy !req
432. Before you go into
a government building
Copy !req
433. looking for someone who
might have got at least
two people killed,
Copy !req
434. you'd better be sure
a certain kind of life
Copy !req
435. is no better
than death for you.
Copy !req
436. Because that's a choice
Copy !req
437. you might not
get to make again.
Copy !req
438. Death is very much
part of a life...
Copy !req
439. a natural part of life's
cycle for all things
Copy !req
440. and not something to be feared
Copy !req
441. or spoken in hushed tone.
Copy !req
442. Therefore,
we must not weep today
Copy !req
443. for the loss of...
Copy !req
444. John and Emilia and Lorna
Copy !req
445. because the spirit is eternal.
Copy !req
446. Emily and Laura.
Copy !req
447. Hi, Frank.
Copy !req
448. Do I know you?
Copy !req
449. You maybe wouldn't remember.
Copy !req
450. Mark Sampson.
Copy !req
451. Laura worked for me
for a little while
Copy !req
452. in the hardware store
on Mission.
Copy !req
453. You came by
a couple of times.
Copy !req
454. Oh. Yeah.
Copy !req
455. You're the artist, right?
Copy !req
456. I— You know,
I used to be, I guess.
Copy !req
457. But not anymore.
Copy !req
458. I just want to say that...
Copy !req
459. well, what can be said?
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
460. Thank you.
Yeah, thanks.
Copy !req
461. If you're ever
in the neighborhood
Copy !req
462. and you feel like talking,
just drop by. Okay?
Copy !req
463. Number 42, right across
from the store.
Copy !req
464. To life, Frank.
Copy !req
465. Ah. Inspector,
Copy !req
466. No, thank you,
Trade Minister.
Copy !req
467. I will not stay long.
Copy !req
468. I appreciate you coming
at such a busy time.
Copy !req
469. What could we not discuss
on the telephone?
Copy !req
470. I felt it correct
to speak in person.
Copy !req
471. Guests of the Ministry
have asked
Copy !req
472. when their passports
would be returned.
Copy !req
473. I assured them
I would inquire.
Copy !req
474. As soon as their
identities are verified
Copy !req
475. and their reasons for being
in the Pacific States,
Copy !req
476. all of their documents
will be returned.
Copy !req
477. How long do you estimate
it will take?
Copy !req
478. I offer no estimate.
Copy !req
479. You met with a foreign visitor
at his hotel this morning.
Copy !req
480. I met with several guests.
Copy !req
481. They're honorable businessmen,
not assassins.
Copy !req
482. Their time is valuable.
Copy !req
483. All of our time is valuable.
Copy !req
484. I understand
what is at stake.
Copy !req
485. Do you?
Copy !req
486. I was with the Royal Couple.
Copy !req
487. So yes, I believe I do.
Copy !req
488. Then no doubt
you will understand
Copy !req
489. why I must disappoint you,
Trade Minister.
Copy !req
490. I am sorry,
Copy !req
491. but in this instance
there will be no exceptions.
Copy !req
492. Baynes.
Copy !req
493. Your guard will change
in eight minutes.
Copy !req
494. You have two minutes
to get out of your room.
Copy !req
495. Take elevator 3
to the lobby.
Copy !req
496. Take this. Keep walking.
Copy !req
497. Not too quickly.
Copy !req
498. Your taxi to the airport
is waiting.
Copy !req
499. That is a diplomatic ticket
Copy !req
500. and enables you to board any
flight in the Pacific States
Copy !req
501. without identification.
Copy !req
502. There will be
repercussions for you.
Copy !req
503. I will deal with them.
Copy !req
504. That's him,
the Science Minister.
Copy !req
505. And the man with him
is named Muller.
Copy !req
506. He knows me.
Copy !req
507. You cannot.
Copy !req
508. Oh. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
509. Excuse me.
Copy !req
510. Excuse me.
Copy !req
511. Excuse me, sir.
Copy !req
512. My apologies,
but I know you, don't I?
Copy !req
513. I don't believe so,
Copy !req
514. unless you're familiar
with Stockholm.
Copy !req
515. Identity card.
Copy !req
516. I'm told that someone
in personnel
Copy !req
517. would see me about a job.
Copy !req
518. You here about a job, too?
Copy !req
519. My name is Juliana Crain.
Copy !req
520. I don't know if you have
any positions available
at the moment, Mr. Eto.
Copy !req
521. But I'd like to be considered
for anything suitable.
Copy !req
522. I type pretty well.
Copy !req
523. I speak some Japanese.
Copy !req
524. I'm a fast learner.
Copy !req
525. Stand.
Copy !req
526. Remove your coat.
Copy !req
527. There may be a role
you are suited to,
Copy !req
528. subject to references,
Copy !req
529. here in personnel.
Copy !req
530. Alongside your other work,
Copy !req
531. it would involve undertaking
certain personal services
Copy !req
532. as and when I require them.
Copy !req
533. What kind of services?
Copy !req
534. You wish to work here?
Copy !req
535. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
536. It is an honor
for a girl like you
Copy !req
537. to be employed here.
Copy !req
538. I know that, sir.
Copy !req
539. It is not for you
to question your duties.
Copy !req
540. You simply do.
Copy !req
541. Do you want the job or not?
Copy !req
542. Oof.
Copy !req