1. Am I good? Is it clear?
Copy !req
2. I can't tell.
Copy !req
3. I'm clear.
Copy !req
4. not clear.
Copy !req
5. - Oh! What's that idiot doing
in my blind spot?
Copy !req
6. Everyone's in your blind spot.
Copy !req
7. This car is
nothing but blind spots.
Copy !req
8. - It's not a car.
It's a parade float.
Copy !req
9. Now am I clear?
Copy !req
10. - I don't know.
All I see is a giant foot.
Copy !req
11. - It's not a giant foot.
It's a giant flipper.
Copy !req
12. That's it.
I'm going for it.
Copy !req
13. - Great. Now we have
to go to the car wash.
Copy !req
14. - Oh, no.
I'm getting out here.
Copy !req
15. What are you, crazy?
Copy !req
16. You're on the side
of a freeway! It's dangerous!
Copy !req
17. - Not as dangerous as
riding in that thing.
Copy !req
18. Suit yourself.
Copy !req
19. Am I clear?
Copy !req
20. I'm going for it!
Copy !req
21. Look!
Copy !req
22. There goes our car.
Copy !req
23. Is that a parade float?
Copy !req
24. It's not a parade float.
Copy !req
25. It's my parade float.
Copy !req
26. - Is it made
out of paper mâché?
Copy !req
27. Papier-mâché, yes.
Copy !req
28. - What will happen
when it gets wet?
Copy !req
29. It's going to get wet?
Copy !req
30. Turn off the water!
Turn off the water!
Copy !req
31. Turn off the water!
Copy !req
32. Turn off the water!
Turn off the water!
Copy !req
33. Aah! Eek! Ooh!
Copy !req
34. My eye! My eye!
Copy !req
35. Oh, my eye!
- Daffy? Don't move!
Copy !req
36. I'm getting the first aid kit!
- Oh, no!
Copy !req
37. Let me see your eye!
Copy !req
38. It's all that's left—
Copy !req
39. My beautiful parade float
is gone!
Copy !req
40. We—we never even got to be
in a parade!
Copy !req
41. You going to be ok?
Copy !req
42. He'll be ok.
Copy !req
43. Probably just needs
a little time.
Copy !req
44. Maybe that's enough time.
Copy !req
45. Daffy?
Copy !req
46. Bugs! I knew it!
Copy !req
47. I knew
you'd come through for me.
Copy !req
48. I knew if I stayed
in here long enough
Copy !req
49. And sobbed loud enough,
Copy !req
50. You'd make me
another parade float.
Copy !req
51. It wasn't easy. There were
days when I wanted to give up,
Copy !req
52. When I wanted to come out of
my room, maybe take a shower.
Copy !req
53. But I persevered.
I stayed in my room,
Copy !req
54. And I sobbed even louder,
Copy !req
55. Because I knew that you needed
that time and that motivation,
Copy !req
56. And I was right.
Thank you, brother.
Copy !req
57. So, where is it? Where's my
new, beautiful parade float?
Copy !req
58. - I didn't make you
a parade float.
Copy !req
59. - I'm fine.
I'm disappointed, but I'm fine.
Copy !req
60. - Why can't you just drive
a normal car?
Copy !req
61. - Normal cars are
for normal people.
Copy !req
62. I'm not normal!
Copy !req
63. I'll give you that.
Copy !req
64. You're my best friend.
Copy !req
65. You know me better than anyone.
Copy !req
66. You see
what a horrible person I am.
Copy !req
67. That's why I have
to drive a parade float—
Copy !req
68. To distract the rest of
the world from seeing it!
Copy !req
69. - You're going to need something
better than a parade float.
Copy !req
70. Better than a parade float?
Copy !req
71. Better than a parade float...
Copy !req
72. I'll take it.
Copy !req
73. Not since my parade float
Copy !req
74. Have I felt that a vehicle
so expressed my essence.
Copy !req
75. How much?
Copy !req
76. 375,000.
Copy !req
77. - Dollars?
- Yes.
Copy !req
78. American dollars?
Copy !req
79. - I'm not giving you $375,000
for a yacht.
Copy !req
80. But you're my best friend.
Copy !req
81. That's what best friends do.
Copy !req
82. No, they don't.
Copy !req
83. - Fair enough.
Will you give me $375,000,
Copy !req
84. Which I will donate
to the charity of my choice?
Copy !req
85. - Daffy, no one's going
to give you $375,000.
Copy !req
86. - of course
I'll give you $375,000.
Copy !req
87. - I knew I could count on you,
Copy !req
88. - You poor thing. I didn't
even know you were sick.
Copy !req
89. But when's the operation?
Copy !req
90. - Tonight,
so let's wrap this up.
Copy !req
91. - Can I ask why you didn't go
to Bugs for the money?
Copy !req
92. - Because
you're my best friend.
Copy !req
93. I know that
I can ask you for anything,
Copy !req
94. Just as you know that
you can ask me for anything.
Copy !req
95. - Could you turn on
that lamp for me?
Copy !req
96. I can't see the combination.
Copy !req
97. Do it yourself.
Copy !req
98. Here you go.
Copy !req
99. This is only $350,000.
Copy !req
100. But it's all I have.
Copy !req
101. - Porky, you are making this
very hard for me.
Copy !req
102. Do you think I like having to
come to my best friend for money?
Copy !req
103. Can you imagine
what this is like for me,
Copy !req
104. How awkward this is?
Copy !req
105. What's that
in the back of the safe?
Copy !req
106. A gold watch?
Copy !req
107. - But that was
my great-grandfather's.
Copy !req
108. - "randall pig"?
It's engraved?
Copy !req
109. That's going to kill
its resale value.
Copy !req
110. I'm going to need
more than this.
Copy !req
111. Give me your debit card.
Copy !req
112. - But that's the money
I live on.
Copy !req
113. - Porky, I can't sit here
and argue with you.
Copy !req
114. The surgery's, like,
in 10 minutes.
Copy !req
115. - You're right.
Take the debit card.
Copy !req
116. "take the debit card" what?
Copy !req
117. - Take the debit card,
Copy !req
118. - Fine. As a favor to you,
I'll take the debit card.
Copy !req
119. What is this, wool? All right.
I guess I'll take the coat, too.
Copy !req
120. Maybe I can get
a couple of bits for this.
Copy !req
121. feel better!
Copy !req
122. Wait a second.
Now, how am I going to live?
Copy !req
123. Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
124. I'm free!
I've never felt so alive!
Copy !req
125. The high seas,
the wind in my hair,
Copy !req
126. The salt on my skin!
Copy !req
127. I am a sailor!
Copy !req
128. I am sailing!
Copy !req
129. What an unbelievable rush!
Copy !req
130. Porky?
Copy !req
131. What are you doing?
Copy !req
132. Eating garbage.
Copy !req
133. - Is that something
you've always done,
Copy !req
134. Or is that a new thing?
Copy !req
135. - Are you going
to finish that?
Copy !req
136. - I tried calling you, but
your phone's been disconnected.
Copy !req
137. Why is it so dark in here,
and cold?
Copy !req
138. - I couldn't pay my bills.
- Why not?
Copy !req
139. I gave all my money to Daffy.
Copy !req
140. - Why would you give
all your money to Daffy?
Copy !req
141. - For his kidney transplant.
Do you know how he's doing?
Copy !req
142. Let's go find out.
Copy !req
143. Ahh.
Copy !req
144. I should have bought a yacht
with Porky's money years ago.
Copy !req
145. Nice boat.
Copy !req
146. - She's a real beauty,
isn't she?
Copy !req
147. The Queen of the Ocean.
That's why I named her that.
Copy !req
148. A fitting name for the successor
to my parade float.
Copy !req
149. Which,y the way, which was
also named "Queen of the Ocean."
Copy !req
150. - How's the kidney?
- Kidney?
Copy !req
151. Oh, I just told Porky that so he'd
give me the money for the yacht.
Copy !req
152. Mmm. Good shrimp.
Copy !req
153. - Dance break!
- Splendid! After you!
Copy !req
154. - Oh, no, I insist,
you're a much better dancer.
Copy !req
155. - Oh, you flatter me.
- Not at all.
Copy !req
156. - Ok, dance break's over.
- Never mind.
Copy !req
157. Yeow!
Copy !req
158. Ooh...
Copy !req
159. wait!
Copy !req
160. That's a Tiffany lamp.
Copy !req
161. - that you bought
with my money!
Copy !req
162. Aah!
Copy !req
163. How could you lie to me?
Copy !req
164. - I'm sorry. I thought if I
told you what the money was for,
Copy !req
165. You wouldn't give it to me.
Copy !req
166. I wouldn't have!
Copy !req
167. You just proved my point.
Copy !req
168. How am I the bad guy here?
Copy !req
169. Ok. I've had enough.
Copy !req
170. Well, maybe just one more.
Copy !req
171. All right. Break it up.
Copy !req
172. - Here's what
we're going to do.
Copy !req
173. Daffy, you're going
to sell this thing
Copy !req
174. And give Porky
his money back.
Copy !req
175. - Are you crazy?
I already lost my parade float!
Copy !req
176. I'm not about
to lose my yacht.
Copy !req
177. - Well, you're about
to lose a friend.
Copy !req
178. - Yeah, but those are easy
to get when you have a yacht.
Copy !req
179. Uh, guys?
Copy !req
180. Where's the dock?
Copy !req
181. But that's impossible.
Copy !req
182. I tied a shank knot
to this cleat,
Copy !req
183. Tied a sheepshead knot here,
Copy !req
184. A double rolling hitch here,
Copy !req
185. A simple,
yet elegant bow here.
Copy !req
186. And a square knot here.
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
187. And what kind of knot
did you tie to the dock?
Copy !req
188. what are we going to do?
Copy !req
189. We're stranded
in the middle of the ocean!
Copy !req
190. I always knew
I'd die this way!
Copy !req
191. - All right.
Let's not panic.
Copy !req
192. We'll just put up the sail
and sail back.
Copy !req
193. Where's the sail?
Copy !req
194. I didn't get one.
Copy !req
195. What?
Copy !req
196. I didn't have enough money.
Copy !req
197. I was forced to choose
between a sail
Copy !req
198. And this jacuzzi.
Copy !req
199. So if anyone's to blame,
it's Porky.
Copy !req
200. - I gave you everything I had.
I'm completely broke!
Copy !req
201. - The fact that you're not more
financially successful is not my fault.
Copy !req
202. - What? Is it me?
It's him, right?
Copy !req
203. - We'll just radio
the coast guard for help.
Copy !req
204. - Nope. No radio.
- What?
Copy !req
205. There wasn't enough money,
Copy !req
206. Not after I got
the second jacuzzi.
Copy !req
207. I have an idea.
Copy !req
208. Let's all take a long, hot soak
in the jacuzzi.
Copy !req
209. It will relax us,
which will allow us
Copy !req
210. To think of a way
out of our predicament.
Copy !req
211. I'll take the master jacuzzi.
You two take that one.
Copy !req
212. Ha. Ah! Ooh!
Copy !req
213. Ahh. Ahh.
Copy !req
214. I think I have our answer.
Copy !req
215. Porky should swim back
and get help.
Copy !req
216. Off you go, Porky.
- Hey, what are you doing?
Copy !req
217. Stop! What do you think
you're doing?
Copy !req
218. No one's swimming anywhere.
Copy !req
219. We're sailing back.
Copy !req
220. Where'd you get a sail?
Copy !req
221. It's your bedsheets.
Copy !req
222. - What? Those are 1,500
thread count egyptian cotton!
Copy !req
223. Do you know
how much these sheets cost?
Copy !req
224. More than lifejackets!
Copy !req
225. That's why there are
no lifejackets on board!
Copy !req
226. Well, that, and they make you
look stupid.
Copy !req
227. Aah!
Copy !req
228. - He's unconscious!
What should we do?
Copy !req
229. - Psst. Porky.
Untie me.
Copy !req
230. - I can't.
I'm under direct orders not to.
Copy !req
231. - You know, Porky, being out
here in the middle of the ocean
Copy !req
232. Has really made me
reevaluate some things.
Copy !req
233. I see now that it's not money
or things that matter.
Copy !req
234. It's friends—
best friends.
Copy !req
235. And you, Porky Pig,
you are my best friend.
Copy !req
236. Do you really mean it?
Copy !req
237. Have you ever known me to lie?
Copy !req
238. - Yes. You lied about
needing a kidney transplant.
Copy !req
239. That's in the past.
Copy !req
240. Now, please, untie me
Copy !req
241. So I can give my best friend
a great big hug.
Copy !req
242. You won't regret this.
Copy !req
243. now, go swim and get help.
Copy !req
244. Aah!
Copy !req
245. Porky!
Copy !req
246. - Well,
I guess it's just me now,
Copy !req
247. All alone on a yacht,
Copy !req
248. Stranded in
the middle of the ocean
Copy !req
249. With no lifejackets
and no idea how to sail.
Copy !req
250. Bugs! Porky!
Wait for me!
Copy !req
251. hmm.
Copy !req
252. These are coming with me.
Copy !req
253. Mmm. It's like being caressed
by an angel.
Copy !req
254. I regret nothing!
Copy !req
255. Except not buying
those life jackets!
Copy !req
256. It was a dream.
Copy !req
257. It was all a dream.
Copy !req
258. That explains why
I was such a horrible person
Copy !req
259. And did
all those horrible things.
Copy !req
260. Ehh... Not a dream.
Copy !req
261. You are a horrible person,
Copy !req
262. And you did do
those horrible things.
Copy !req
263. Then what happened?
Copy !req
264. - We were picked up
by a passing ship.
Copy !req
265. You nearly drowned
in your stupid bedsheets.
Copy !req
266. - What about "The Queen of
the Ocean"? Did she survive?
Copy !req
267. - Yeah.
It was towed back to shore.
Copy !req
268. oh, thank goodness!
Copy !req
269. It is things that matter!
This proves it!
Copy !req
270. - We sold it
and got Porky's money back.
Copy !req
271. Ohh!
Copy !req
272. - I have good news
and bad news.
Copy !req
273. The good news is there's no
complications from the near drowning.
Copy !req
274. The bad news is
we ran some tests,
Copy !req
275. And it looks like
you're going to need...
Copy !req
276. A kidney transplant.
Copy !req
277. - Huh. Ironic. How much
does one of those cost?
Copy !req
278. I don't know.
About $375,000.
Copy !req
279. But I'm sure
you have insurance.
Copy !req
280. Well, I may not have
Copy !req
281. But at least
I have a best friend.
Copy !req
282. Right, Bugs and/or Porky?
Copy !req
283. - I see you've decided
to rebuild your parade float.
Copy !req
284. - Well, I couldn't ask
my best friend to do it,
Copy !req
285. Not after you paid
for my kidney transplant.
Copy !req
286. Don't mention it.
Copy !req
287. Shame they couldn't also
throw in a brain transplant.
Copy !req
288. I won't forget this!
Copy !req
289. It was a tremendous act
of generosity,
Copy !req
290. And I shall forever be
in your debt.
Copy !req
291. - uh, Daffy,
can I take a break?
Copy !req
292. I'm still not feeling 100%
since the surgery.
Copy !req
293. Oh, here we go.
Copy !req
294. How many times are you going
to throw it in my face
Copy !req
295. That you gave me
your kidney?
Copy !req
296. You still have
the other one!
Copy !req
297. - I got to get
a new best friend.
Copy !req