1. Let's see what's for breakfast.
Copy !req
2. Mmm. What have we here?
Copy !req
3. Yecch!
Copy !req
4. Does he have to put carrots
in everything?
Copy !req
5. - What are you doing?
- Aah!
Copy !req
6. Nyah. That wasn't
an overreaction.
Copy !req
7. You know, that pie was for
tonight's dinner party.
Copy !req
8. - What dinner party?
- You're kidding.
Copy !req
9. - What?
- Uh, the dinner party we're having
Copy !req
10. so you can apologize
to all of our neighbors?
Copy !req
11. What do I have
to apologize for?
Copy !req
12. How about for what you did
on the fourth of July?
Copy !req
13. Happy fourth of July!
Copy !req
14. Hey, freedom isn't free.
Copy !req
15. And for what you did on Easter.
Copy !req
16. Happy Easter!
Copy !req
17. What the—
Copy !req
18. Aah!
Copy !req
19. I don't know
what the big deal was.
Copy !req
20. They were cage-free eggs.
Copy !req
21. And for what you did
on Columbus Day.
Copy !req
22. Happy Columbus Day!
Copy !req
23. What? The rats represented
Copy !req
24. the "Niña," the "Pinta,"
and the "Santa María."
Copy !req
25. If they didn't get it,
that's their problem.
Copy !req
26. Besides, what do you care
if the neighbors hate me?
Copy !req
27. I care
because this is my house,
Copy !req
28. and one of these days,
Copy !req
29. one of the neighbors is going
to file a lawsuit against me
Copy !req
30. for something that you did.
Copy !req
31. Relax.
Copy !req
32. It's not like I'm going
to live here forever.
Copy !req
33. If you're so worried
about getting sued,
Copy !req
34. I'll apologize.
Copy !req
35. But come on.
Copy !req
36. Have a little faith
in our neighbors.
Copy !req
37. Ahh.
Copy !req
38. My newspaper!
Copy !req
39. It's been... stolen!
Copy !req
40. Daffy. Daffy!
Copy !req
41. What are we doing this for?
Copy !req
42. - I don't know.
- Let's see.
Copy !req
43. I came out here to get
my newspaper.
Copy !req
44. It wasn't there.
Copy !req
45. And then, I realized...
Copy !req
46. Someone stole my newspaper.
Copy !req
47. What are you so upset about?
Copy !req
48. I've never even seen you read
the paper.
Copy !req
49. I don't read it.
Copy !req
50. I do what normal people do
with it—
Copy !req
51. day by day, slowly build
a papier-mâché parade float.
Copy !req
52. What parade are you in?
Copy !req
53. I'm not in a parade.
I am the parade.
Copy !req
54. What did
your parents do to you?
Copy !req
55. Bugsy, old pal,
Copy !req
56. there's a thief among us.
Copy !req
57. You just told me to have faith
in our neighbors,
Copy !req
58. and now, you're insinuating that
one of them stole your paper?
Copy !req
59. I'm not insinuating anything.
Copy !req
60. I am simply implying,
in an unscrupulous and cowardly way,
Copy !req
61. that one of our neighbors
is a thief.
Copy !req
62. - You're crazy.
- Am I?
Copy !req
63. - Yes.
- Am I?
Copy !req
64. - Yes.
- Am I?
Copy !req
65. Yes.
Copy !req
66. Daffy, no one stole
your newspaper.
Copy !req
67. Where are you going?
Copy !req
68. I'm letting everyone know
what time the dinner party is.
Copy !req
69. Oh! I'll come with you.
Copy !req
70. Daffy, you're not going
to accuse the neighbors.
Copy !req
71. No. I just want
to get some fresh air.
Copy !req
72. What did you think,
Copy !req
73. I was going to start
throwing accusations around?
Copy !req
74. Ha! Silly you.
Give me a little more credit than that.
Copy !req
75. Oh!
Copy !req
76. Knock off the pleasantries,
Copy !req
77. I know you stole my newspaper.
Copy !req
78. I'd ask you
to forgive my friend,
Copy !req
79. but we'll be doing a lot of that
at the dinner party tonight,
Copy !req
80. which, by the way, is at 8:00.
See you then.
Copy !req
81. I know you stole my newspaper.
Copy !req
82. Your suesaper?
Copy !req
83. My newspaper.
Copy !req
84. What is a shoe-shaper?
Copy !req
85. What do you want, rabbit?
Copy !req
86. Just wanted to remind you
about tonight's dinner party.
Copy !req
87. You mean
the "let's all forget about
Copy !req
88. the horrible things
Daffy Duck has done" party?
Copy !req
89. Yeah, I'll be there,
Copy !req
90. unless I get a better offer.
Copy !req
91. I've got an offer for you.
Give me back my paper.
Copy !req
92. Yosemite Sam's
a lot of things—
Copy !req
93. a liar, a cheat,
a false witness, a sore loser,
Copy !req
94. a bad friend,
a shady businessman,
Copy !req
95. a blamer, a flim-flammer,
a hornswaggler,
Copy !req
96. I'm cheap, and I steals things.
Copy !req
97. But I am no thief.
Copy !req
98. Now, good day, sirs.
Copy !req
99. What time's dinner?
Copy !req
100. 8:00 sharp.
Copy !req
101. Go home.
Copy !req
102. - Now.
- I'm going.
Copy !req
103. What?
Copy !req
104. I want to watch you go home.
Copy !req
105. You have
some serious trust issues.
Copy !req
106. You should get help, man.
Copy !req
107. Oh! Uh, were you about to,
uh, go somewhere?
Copy !req
108. What?
You mean the broom?
Copy !req
109. No. I'm cleaning my house.
Copy !req
110. I drive a minivan.
Copy !req
111. I'm sneaking around
a witch's house, alone,
Copy !req
112. looking for a newspaper.
Copy !req
113. What am I doing?
Copy !req
114. Take a deep breath.
Copy !req
115. It's just a house—a normal,
everyday witch's house.
Copy !req
116. There's nothing
to be afraid of.
Copy !req
117. So I'll see you at 8:00?
I'm making carrot pie.
Copy !req
118. Pie?
Don't you mean carrot cake?
Copy !req
119. Mm. Mm. Mm.
That duck's apology list is getting long.
Copy !req
120. So after all that,
I still don't know
Copy !req
121. which neighbor stole
my newspaper.
Copy !req
122. Interesting.
Copy !req
123. I have one question.
Copy !req
124. Why don't you just get another paper?
Copy !req
125. It's the principle.
Copy !req
126. I hold myself to
an extremely high moral standard.
Copy !req
127. I treat people and their things
with respect,
Copy !req
128. and I place the virtue of trust
above all else.
Copy !req
129. No, you don't.
Copy !req
130. Well, I expect it from others.
Copy !req
131. Come on.
You're the only one
Copy !req
132. who can help me solve
the mystery.
Copy !req
133. Don't tell Bugs,
but you're my smartest friend.
Copy !req
134. A mystery, huh?
Copy !req
135. You know, the key
to a good mystery is the ending.
Copy !req
136. And 9 out of 10 mystery novels
end the same way.
Copy !req
137. With a semi-flattering photo
of the author?
Copy !req
138. They end with all the suspects
gathered under one roof.
Copy !req
139. What they think is
an innocent dinner party
Copy !req
140. is, in fact, an elaborate trap.
Copy !req
141. Wait! We're having a dinner party for
the neighbors tonight.
Copy !req
142. That's perfect!
Copy !req
143. Yeah!
At tonight's dinner party,
Copy !req
144. I can invite everyone
to another dinner party
Copy !req
145. where I can spring
my elaborate trap!
Copy !req
146. Or you could just spring
your elaborate trap
Copy !req
147. at tonight's dinner party.
Copy !req
148. Great idea.
I'm glad I thought of it.
Copy !req
149. Hmm. Maybe I'm
my smartest friend.
Copy !req
150. ? Oh, there's a rumble
in the back yard?
Copy !req
151. ? it's a shakin',
twistin' cloud?
Copy !req
152. ? seems someone's pet
is getting way upset?
Copy !req
153. ? something awful loud?
Copy !req
154. ? he just swallowed up
his dog house?
Copy !req
155. ? knocked the barbecue
into space?
Copy !req
156. ? and he sucked up
Bugs' swimming pool?
Copy !req
157. ? spit out a tidal wave?
Copy !req
158. ? Tasmanian meltdown comin' ?
Copy !req
159. ? There's a meltdown coming' ?
Copy !req
160. ? Well, you better start
a-runnin' ?
Copy !req
161. ? when the ground
starts hummin' ?
Copy !req
162. ? there's a meltdown comin' ?
Copy !req
163. ? I don't know
what sets him off?
Copy !req
164. I don't know.
Copy !req
165. ? Is he upset
about a girl?
Copy !req
166. No!
Copy !req
167. ? It's anyone's guess
'cause he's not the best?
Copy !req
168. ? communicator in the world?
Copy !req
169. Don't judge me.
Copy !req
170. ? We'd love to get him
settled down?
Copy !req
171. ? but he just scratched
through the wall?
Copy !req
172. ? he got the police chasing
after him?
Copy !req
173. ? 'cause he's headed
for the mall?
Copy !req
174. ? Tasmanian meltdown comin' ?
Copy !req
175. ? Like a hurricane comin' ?
Copy !req
176. Haha! Whoa.
Copy !req
177. I can't believe
I have to make another pie.
Copy !req
178. What are you doing?
Copy !req
179. You're supposed to be getting
ready for the dinner party.
Copy !req
180. Oh. I'm ready for
the dinner party, all right.
Copy !req
181. - What does that mean?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
182. Did you set the table?
Copy !req
183. Ohh, I set more than the table.
Copy !req
184. - What does that mean?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
185. Did you keep the table simple?
Copy !req
186. It shouldn't look
too elaborate.
Copy !req
187. Ohh, the table's not going to
be the thing that's elaborate.
Copy !req
188. What's wrong with you?
Copy !req
189. Nothing.
Copy !req
190. Welcome, suspects.
Copy !req
191. I mean, neighbors.
Copy !req
192. I guess no one's ever heard
of maniacal laughter.
Copy !req
193. I guess no one's ever heard
of bringing a gift, either.
Copy !req
194. I just want
to thank everybody for coming
Copy !req
195. to Daffy's apology party.
Copy !req
196. I hope that after tonight,
Copy !req
197. we can all agree
to let bygones be bygones.
Copy !req
198. And I've got a carrot pie in the oven,
Copy !req
199. so save room.
Copy !req
200. Carrot pie?
Copy !req
201. Oh, I hope it's ok
that I brought my son.
Copy !req
202. It's so hard
to get a sitter these days.
Copy !req
203. Please, let there be other women coming
to this thing.
Copy !req
204. Greetings, everybody.
Copy !req
205. As neighbors, you think
you know each other well.
Copy !req
206. But what you don't know is that
one of you...
Copy !req
207. Is a thief!
Copy !req
208. Ooh. This is one of those fun
mystery dinner parties.
Copy !req
209. Let us begin.
Copy !req
210. Everyone, pick up your plates.
Copy !req
211. Uh, scary voice?
Copy !req
212. My son doesn't have a plate.
Copy !req
213. Hold on.
Copy !req
214. Here.
Copy !req
215. Thank you.
Copy !req
216. Where's the bathroom?
Copy !req
217. Just hold it.
Copy !req
218. Now,
Copy !req
219. under your plates,
you'll find a number.
Copy !req
220. Ain't no numbers
on these things.
Copy !req
221. What?
Copy !req
222. Now, one of you has a plate
with the number 5 on it.
Copy !req
223. Who has the number 5?
Copy !req
224. - I do.
- So do I.
Copy !req
225. How'd that happen?
Copy !req
226. There. Now you have a 3.
Copy !req
227. I have a 3.
Copy !req
228. What a fun party.
Copy !req
229. Everyone getting along?
Copy !req
230. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
231. The voice is having us do
lots of things.
Copy !req
232. That's nice.
Copy !req
233. I, uh, think I smell
burning carrots.
Copy !req
234. Oh! My pie!
Copy !req
235. Quick,
what number do you have again?
Copy !req
236. 5.
Copy !req
237. Ok. You two switch plates.
Copy !req
238. Now, what number do you have?
Copy !req
239. - 5.
Copy !req
240. Open your eyes, grandma.
It's clearly a 3.
Copy !req
241. You're a 3.
I'm a 3.
Copy !req
242. Why are you 3?
Copy !req
243. I have no idea.
Copy !req
244. Do you want me to be a 3?
Copy !req
245. Yes. Thank you.
Copy !req
246. Finally,
someone is cooperating.
Copy !req
247. Now, who has the number 3?
Copy !req
248. I'm hungry.
Copy !req
249. Can we eat first,
and then play the game?
Copy !req
250. It's not a game,
it's a trap—
Copy !req
251. an elaborate trap designed to
extract a confession
Copy !req
252. from one of you dirty thieves!
Copy !req
253. And then, we'll have
an apology party, all right,
Copy !req
254. but the apologies are going
to be to me.
Copy !req
255. Now, one of you stole
my newspaper. Confess!
Copy !req
256. Really?
Copy !req
257. You're really going there?
Copy !req
258. Yeah. I'm going there.
Copy !req
259. Where is he going?
Copy !req
260. Because if you go there,
Copy !req
261. I will go there.
Copy !req
262. And you do not want to be there
when I get there.
Copy !req
263. Because when I get there,
Copy !req
264. I will be so there
Copy !req
265. that you will wish
you had stayed right here.
Copy !req
266. Me? What about you?
Copy !req
267. You don't care about
your neighbors.
Copy !req
268. You're just scared one of them
is going to sue you.
Copy !req
269. You're crazy.
Copy !req
270. I'm crazy?
Copy !req
271. You're the one
who made carrot pie.
Copy !req
272. I mean, carrot pie?
Copy !req
273. Ever heard of carrot cake?
Copy !req
274. That's an actual dessert
made with carrots.
Copy !req
275. And do you make it? No!
You make carrot pie—
Copy !req
276. a thing no one eats!
Copy !req
277. Mmm. Mmm!
Copy !req
278. Mmm.
Copy !req
279. Mm! Mmm.
Copy !req
280. This party blows.
I'm going home.
Copy !req
281. Well, I'm not going anywhere
until I get an apology
Copy !req
282. for everything
this fool has gone.
Copy !req
283. I mean, turning a bunch of rats loose
on Columbus day.
Copy !req
284. Who does that?
Copy !req
285. The same jackanapes who durn near burn
my house down.
Copy !req
286. And by the way,
Copy !req
287. you don't go accusing
your neighbors
Copy !req
288. of stealing something
without any evidence,
Copy !req
289. especially something as dumb
as a newspaper.
Copy !req
290. I mean, come on.
Read the Internet.
Copy !req
291. For the last time,
I don't read it!
Copy !req
292. Hasn't anyone seen
my parade float?
Copy !req
293. You heard the witch—
uh, I mean, lady.
Copy !req
294. You owes us all an apology.
Copy !req
295. Well?
Say you're sorry.
Copy !req
296. Uhh...
Copy !req
297. You can't say it, can you?
Copy !req
298. I can say it.
Copy !req
299. Uh...
Copy !req
300. Then say it.
Copy !req
301. I'm solly.
Copy !req
302. Did you just say you're solly?
Copy !req
303. I'm soggy.
Copy !req
304. You're soggy?
Copy !req
305. I'm sarming.
Copy !req
306. You're the worst neighbor
I ever met.
Copy !req
307. And I should know.
Before I met you,
Copy !req
308. I was the worst neighbor
I ever met.
Copy !req
309. Ehh.
It's still a close call.
Copy !req
310. You're the biggest monster
in this neighborhood.
Copy !req
311. That's saying a lot.
He's an actual monster.
Copy !req
312. The stunts you have pulled
in this neighborhood—
Copy !req
313. Ooh! Consarned you!
Copy !req
314. Goldarned ruined...
Too many to even count!
Copy !req
315. This here neighborhood!
Copy !req
316. I don't know
who you think you are!
Copy !req
317. - Let me tell you something—
- What is wrong with you?
Copy !req
318. I have something to say.
Copy !req
319. I like him.
Copy !req
320. My life is so boring,
Copy !req
321. but tonight was the most fun
I've had in years,
Copy !req
322. and it's all thanks to him.
Copy !req
323. Ohh, well, you've got to admit,
Copy !req
324. our street got a lot more interesting
when he moved in.
Copy !req
325. Huh. That is true.
Copy !req
326. It was certainly the most memorable
Columbus day I ever had.
Copy !req
327. I've been meaning to ask you.
Copy !req
328. Did the rats symbolize the colonization
of the new world
Copy !req
329. by comparing the arrival
of the Europeans
Copy !req
330. to an infestation of vermin?
Copy !req
331. I didn't follow any of that.
Copy !req
332. What? I'm serious.
Copy !req
333. I didn't understand
anything you just said.
Copy !req
334. So let me get this straight—
Copy !req
335. no one wants to sue me?
Copy !req
336. Sue you? Come on, now.
Copy !req
337. Have a little faith
in your neighbors.
Copy !req
338. That's what I said!
Copy !req
339. - Are we ever going to eat?
Copy !req
340. Why not?
Copy !req
341. I have something
I'd like to say.
Copy !req
342. Which one of you stole
my newspaper?
Copy !req
343. I'll drink to that.
Copy !req
344. Beep beep!
Copy !req
345. Beep beep!
Copy !req
346. No newspaper, huh?
Copy !req
347. Just the mail.
Copy !req
348. Bill. Junk mail.
Weird charity.
Copy !req
349. How many renewal notices
Copy !req
350. is that stupid newspaper
going to send me?
Copy !req
351. No one stole my newspaper!
Copy !req
352. I forgot to renew
my subscription.
Copy !req
353. Ironic.
Done in by his own creation.
Copy !req
354. Ooh. Forgot to set
my parking brake.
Copy !req