1. All right, I'll do it.
Copy !req
2. Do what?
Copy !req
3. and they asked to Bugs to be on it.
Copy !req
4. What am I? Invisible?
Copy !req
5. I'm the most **** here.
Copy !req
6. What's the charity?
Copy !req
7. The literacy.
Copy !req
8. That's my favorite charity.
Copy !req
9. There's too much literacy in the world!
Copy !req
10. We need a **** literacy!
Copy !req
11. Uh, Daffy, the fight
is for literacy.
Copy !req
12. What? Who's for literacy?
Copy !req
13. Our highways and byways
are covered in litter.
Copy !req
14. I, for one, think
it should be a crime.
Copy !req
15. Littering is a crime.
Copy !req
16. You went to jail for it.
Copy !req
17. Literacy is the ability
to read and write.
Copy !req
18. Oh! Then count me in.
Copy !req
19. O-n-n.
Copy !req
20. Ahh!
Copy !req
21. $200!
Copy !req
22. It's sold for $200.
Copy !req
23. The next bachelor, Bugs Bunny.
Copy !req
24. - $900!
- I want him!
Copy !req
25. 1,500!
Copy !req
26. - 2,000!
- 3,000!
Copy !req
27. - You better back off. 5,000!
- I'll fight you for him!
Copy !req
28. 5,000!
Oh, that's it!
Copy !req
29. Now, ladies, take it easy.
Copy !req
30. $100,000!
Copy !req
31. Bun bun, I'm back!
Copy !req
32. - Lola?
- Sold!
Copy !req
33. I'm back in your life!
Copy !req
34. At least for one date,
Copy !req
35. and he can't say no
because it's for a good cause.
Copy !req
36. Littering!
Copy !req
37. Our next bachelor
is Daffy Duck.
Copy !req
38. Let's keep this money train
rollin', ladies.
Copy !req
39. Daffy has no job,
and no education.
Copy !req
40. And a credit score
of negative 13.
Copy !req
41. Let's start the bidding at $50.
Copy !req
42. Anyone?
Copy !req
43. It's for charity.
Copy !req
44. Tax deductible.
Copy !req
45. Gross.
Copy !req
46. Well, we tried.
Copy !req
47. Our next bachelor—
Two bits!
Copy !req
48. Sold!
Copy !req
49. Oh, my bachelor.
Copy !req
50. Knock off
the pleasantries, grandma.
Copy !req
51. Let's get this date over with.
Copy !req
52. So what's the plan?
Dinner, movie,
Copy !req
53. moonlight stroll on the beach?
Copy !req
54. I thought we'd clean out
my attic.
Copy !req
55. Clean your attic?
Copy !req
56. What's romantic about that?
Copy !req
57. I'm a 90 year old woman.
Copy !req
58. Get your mind
out of the gutter.
Copy !req
59. You're sure you don't want
to start with the living room?
Copy !req
60. Coming.
Copy !req
61. I said I'm coming!
Copy !req
62. Oh, brother.
Copy !req
63. Oh, you're home!
Copy !req
64. Yes, Lola. I'm home.
Copy !req
65. But not for long,
Copy !req
66. 'cause we are going
to Paris, France!
Copy !req
67. What?
Copy !req
68. For our date!
We're going to Paris.
Copy !req
69. You know, the city of lovers.
Copy !req
70. No, no, no, no, no.
That's not a date.
Copy !req
71. A date is dinner
at a restaurant.
Copy !req
72. So we'll have dinner
at a restaurant in Paris.
Copy !req
73. Lola, I'm not
leaving the country.
Copy !req
74. Oh, yes, you are.
It clearly states in article five,
Copy !req
75. section three of the bachelor
auction bylaws,
Copy !req
76. that the bidder—that's me—
will decide where
Copy !req
77. and what constitutes the date
while the bidee—that's you—
Copy !req
78. must escort the bidder—
again, that's me—
Copy !req
79. on said date for up to
but not exceeding 24 hours.
Copy !req
80. Again, the bidee is you,
and I'm the bidder,
Copy !req
81. and these are the bylaws.
And this is a megaphone.
Copy !req
82. Oh, I'm so bored.
Copy !req
83. I read all my magazines,
I did the crossword.
Copy !req
84. I ate all my peanuts.
I ate all your peanuts.
Copy !req
85. I peed four times.
Copy !req
86. Oh, I feel like
I've been on this plane forever.
Copy !req
87. Flight attendants,
Copy !req
88. please prepare the cabin
for takeoff.
Copy !req
89. How long is this flight again?
Copy !req
90. 10 hours. 10 hours there,
and 10 hours back.
Copy !req
91. That's 20 of your 24 hours.
Copy !req
92. Ooh, someone's good at math.
Copy !req
93. That's what
I love about you.
Copy !req
94. That and your smile.
Copy !req
95. Oh, and your frown.
Copy !req
96. And that in between smile
and frown face.
Copy !req
97. And your profile.
Copy !req
98. Oh, and the back of your head.
Oh, look at your ears.
Copy !req
99. What are those?
Copy !req
100. Noise canceling headphones.
Copy !req
101. You don't happen to have
another pair, do you?
Copy !req
102. Well, this is my attic.
Copy !req
103. Great day in the morning!
Copy !req
104. How much junk
can a person hoard?
Copy !req
105. Oh, if it's broken,
throw it away.
Copy !req
106. Otherwise, just organize
and clean as you go.
Copy !req
107. I'll go get us some tea.
Copy !req
108. Here we are.
Copy !req
109. Oh, thank goodness,
I'm melting.
Copy !req
110. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
111. It's a thousand degrees up here!
Copy !req
112. Ever heard of iced tea?
Copy !req
113. Ice will chip teeth.
Copy !req
114. Oh, I haven't
seen these in ages.
Copy !req
115. Hubba hubba!
Copy !req
116. How about you set me up
on a date with your granddaughter, huh?
Copy !req
117. That's me, during the war.
Copy !req
118. I was a waac.
Copy !req
119. Hate to break it to you,
but you're still a whack.
Copy !req
120. Oh, no, silly.
Copy !req
121. The women's auxiliary army corp.
Copy !req
122. You were in the army?
Copy !req
123. Yes. I was a spy.
Copy !req
124. It was the final days
of world war ii.
Copy !req
125. Germany still had
control of Paris.
Copy !req
126. I was told to meet my contact
at the louvre
Copy !req
127. in front of the "Mona Lisa".
Copy !req
128. Hold on.
What's a contact,
Copy !req
129. what's the louvre,
and what's the "Mona Lisa"?
Copy !req
130. Just listen.
Copy !req
131. From now on, all exchanges
are to be delivered
Copy !req
132. by carrier pigeon
from zee eiffel tower.
Copy !req
133. Carrier pigeon?
I hate birds.
Copy !req
134. I was never here.
Copy !req
135. Hurry, you fools!
Copy !req
136. The Americans will be here soon.
Copy !req
137. But we will no longer
control Paris,
Copy !req
138. but we're not leaving here
Copy !req
139. We're going to steal
all of their art.
Copy !req
140. Get to work!
Copy !req
141. A spy! Get her!
Copy !req
142. Did they catch you?
Did they kill you?
Copy !req
143. They killed you, didn't they?
Copy !req
144. What?
Copy !req
145. It's a legitimate question.
Copy !req
146. Now, where was I?
Copy !req
147. A spy! Get her!
Copy !req
148. Oh, my goodness.
Copy !req
149. Oh, I'm so excited!
Copy !req
150. It's the louvre!
I love the louvre.
Copy !req
151. Oh, I am a louvre lover!
Copy !req
152. You can't help but fall in love
when you're at the louvre.
Copy !req
153. Surrounded by so many
beautiful things.
Copy !req
154. Beautiful, expensive things.
Copy !req
155. The louvre is the most
incredible place in the world.
Copy !req
156. The louvre is an art museum?
I thought it was a mall.
Copy !req
157. Oh, well.
Copy !req
158. When in Rome!
Copy !req
159. Wait a second.
Copy !req
160. We're not in Rome.
We should go to Rome!
Copy !req
161. Or we could just roam
around here.
Copy !req
162. They have great malls in Rome.
Copy !req
163. The mall of America's in Rome.
Oh, no, wait, that's in Canada.
Copy !req
164. We should go to Canada!
Copy !req
165. I had lost the Germans.
Copy !req
166. Or so I had thought.
Copy !req
167. You don't look like
a carrier pigeon.
Copy !req
168. There's a shortage of pigeons.
Copy !req
169. They're using any birds
they can get their hands on.
Copy !req
170. Go.
Copy !req
171. I said go!
Copy !req
172. Good luck.
Copy !req
173. Take this film
to the allied forces.
Copy !req
174. Go!
Copy !req
175. Oh!
Copy !req
176. Whoa!
Copy !req
177. Oh! Oh!
Copy !req
178. Did you fall?
Copy !req
179. Did you fall to your death?
Copy !req
180. You fell to your death!
Copy !req
181. Oh, it's time for my nap.
Copy !req
182. I'll continue my story
when I wake up.
Copy !req
183. Oh, yeah,
she fell to her death.
Copy !req
184. Stonehenge.
Copy !req
185. One of the oldest structures
in the world.
Copy !req
186. - Lola—
- Was it the druids
Copy !req
187. who built it, or aliens, hmm?
Copy !req
188. The world will never know.
Copy !req
189. It's the eiffel tower.
Copy !req
190. The world will never know.
Copy !req
191. Oh, my gosh, hurry!
We only have two more hours left in Paris
Copy !req
192. and we haven't
fallen in love yet!
Copy !req
193. Wait, have you
fallen in love yet?
Copy !req
194. Ok, well, quit staring at stonehenge
and let's see the rest of the city!
Copy !req
195. - Wake up!
- Aah!
Copy !req
196. You know, that's a good way
to kill an old person.
Copy !req
197. I can't stand the suspense!
Copy !req
198. What happened
at the eiffel tower?
Copy !req
199. Eiffel tower? Oh.
Copy !req
200. Oh, yes. I was holding on
for dear life.
Copy !req
201. I am not leaving Paris
without France's finest piece of art,
Copy !req
202. the eiffel tower.
Copy !req
203. Help! Aaah!
Copy !req
204. No one can save you now!
Copy !req
205. I can!
Copy !req
206. Oh!
Copy !req
207. You saved my life.
Copy !req
208. He's getting away!
Copy !req
209. We need to stop him.
Copy !req
210. Wow.
Copy !req
211. The white house.
Copy !req
212. Lola—
Copy !req
213. - I thought
it would be more white.
Copy !req
214. And a little more
Copy !req
215. Oh, our poor president.
Copy !req
216. Has to commute 10 hours
to work every morning
Copy !req
217. and then do a bunch
of politics all day
Copy !req
218. and then get right back
on that plane
Copy !req
219. and fly another 10 hours
just to do it all over again the next day?
Copy !req
220. That man deserves our support.
Copy !req
221. Lola, stop!
Copy !req
222. You need to stop talking.
Copy !req
223. We're in one of the most
beautiful cities in the world.
Copy !req
224. Let's take a deep breath,
look around,
Copy !req
225. and just take it all in.
Copy !req
226. That's a great—
Copy !req
227. - with no talking.
Copy !req
228. Yeah, no, that whole thing
Copy !req
229. would have been a lot more better
with talking.
Copy !req
230. Ohh!
Copy !req
231. Get her!
Copy !req
232. Idiot! I'll do it myself!
Copy !req
233. A little closer.
Copy !req
234. Now!
Copy !req
235. You!
Copy !req
236. Land this blimp, Frankenheimer.
Copy !req
237. I don't take orders
from a woman!
Copy !req
238. I'm not just a woman.
I'm a waac!
Copy !req
239. Aah!
Copy !req
240. Aah! Oh!
Copy !req
241. This art
does not belong to you!
Copy !req
242. It will soon,
Copy !req
243. when we cross the German border.
Copy !req
244. And who are you?
Copy !req
245. Your worst nightmare!
Copy !req
246. You're not much
of a carrier pigeon,
Copy !req
247. but you're one heck
of a tweetie bird.
Copy !req
248. Now, let's turn
this blimp around.
Copy !req
249. Did the blimp explode?
Copy !req
250. Did it explode
into a million pieces?
Copy !req
251. It exploded and killed you,
didn't it?
Copy !req
252. You're not very bright,
are you?
Copy !req
253. Huh?
Copy !req
254. We arrive back in Paris
to an incredible reception.
Copy !req
255. The rest of the art
was returned to the louvre.
Copy !req
256. The allies liberated France.
Copy !req
257. Colonel Frankenheimer
was sent to prison.
Copy !req
258. And I was rewarded
with a very special gift.
Copy !req
259. A gift? What was it?
Copy !req
260. You think I would have
noticed that before.
Copy !req
261. Then what's the one
they got in France?
Copy !req
262. It's a fake.
Copy !req
263. Wow!
Copy !req
264. Oh, hey, we never finished
cleaning your attic.
Copy !req
265. Well, truth be told,
Copy !req
266. I didn't bid on you
just to clean my attic.
Copy !req
267. It's also nice to have
someone to talk to.
Copy !req
268. Any time.
That was a fun date.
Copy !req
269. Aren't you going
to walk me home?
Copy !req
270. Ah, just kiddin'.
Copy !req
271. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
272. Huh?
Copy !req
273. Meep meep!
Copy !req
274. Meep meep!
Copy !req
275. Meep meep!
Copy !req
276. Meep meep!
Copy !req
277. Meep meep!
Copy !req
278. Meep meep!
Copy !req
279. Meep meep!
Copy !req
280. So now let me
get this straight.
Copy !req
281. You fought in world war ii.
Copy !req
282. Yep.
Copy !req
283. How old are you?
Copy !req
284. I'll never tell.
Copy !req
285. Well, can you at least tell me
if you're a boy or a girl?
Copy !req
286. Huh.
Copy !req
287. I was wrong.
Copy !req