1. Now, that sign
says "applesauce."
Copy !req
2. No, no, no.
Copy !req
3. I'm kidding.
It says "applause."
Copy !req
4. Ray, do me a favor,
could you flick that once?
Copy !req
5. All right.
Copy !req
6. Now, remember, you're all
a big part of the show.
Copy !req
7. So, the better you are,
the better Larry is.
Copy !req
8. Okay, now you see
this gentleman?
Copy !req
9. Now he's giving me
this sign,
Copy !req
10. and it says we're on
in ten seconds.
Copy !req
11. So get ready
to have a good time.
Copy !req
12. All right, here we go.
Copy !req
13. In five, four, three, two...
Copy !req
14. Live on tape from Hollywood,
Copy !req
15. "The Larry Sanders Show."
Copy !req
16. Tonight, join Larry
and his guests,
Copy !req
17. John Forsythe,
Copy !req
18. Rosie Perez,
Copy !req
19. Richard Marx,
and me,
Copy !req
20. "Hey now" Hank Kingsley!
Copy !req
21. And now, because he's standing
behind the curtain
Copy !req
22. waiting to come out,
Copy !req
23. Larry Sanders!
Copy !req
24. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
25. Thank you.
Copy !req
26. Hank, Artie.
Copy !req
27. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
28. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
29. If I seem a little confused,
I'm just in a lot of turmoil.
Copy !req
30. I just feel so stupid.
Copy !req
31. I don't know if
I should be pulling
Copy !req
32. for Bosnia or Herzegovina.
Copy !req
33. Well, you're no better
than last night's audience.
Copy !req
34. Thank you.
Copy !req
35. So, Bill Clinton intends
Copy !req
36. to actually stop
the fighting in Bosnia.
Copy !req
37. At least, that's what
he was overhead saying
Copy !req
38. to some chick in a bar.
Copy !req
39. Group together.
Your instincts are right.
Copy !req
40. The Surgeon General
announced today,
Copy !req
41. it is now official,
Copy !req
42. you are not fully clean
unless you're zestfully clean.
Copy !req
43. I told you—
Copy !req
44. I told you that joke
would not work. Didn't I, Hank?
Copy !req
45. It, uh, it's very
funny to me.
Copy !req
46. How does it—
How does it go again?
Copy !req
47. Oh, that's what
I want to do.
Copy !req
48. The Surgeon General announced,
it is now official,
Copy !req
49. you are not clean—
Copy !req
50. Maybe I didn't
say it exactly right?
Copy !req
51. You're not fully clean,
unless you're zestfully clean.
Copy !req
52. It's funnier
every time I hear it.
Copy !req
53. You can't go for the masses.
Copy !req
54. No, I'll just go—
Just announcers around
the country are laughing.
Copy !req
55. You're a wonderful audience.
We have a terrific show tonight.
Copy !req
56. Thanks for coming.
We have John Forsythe,
Copy !req
57. Rosie Perez,
and Richard Marx.
Copy !req
58. Please, do not flip around.
Copy !req
59. Come right back.
Copy !req
60. Do not flip around.
Copy !req
61. We, uh, of course, have a—
Copy !req
62. We have a terrific show
lined up for this evening.
Copy !req
63. But before we get into it,
Copy !req
64. of course,
it's 11:40 on Thursday,
Copy !req
65. and that can mean
only one thing,
Copy !req
66. it's time for
a Hank weight update.
Copy !req
67. You ready?
Copy !req
68. All right. This week
I have dropped...
Copy !req
69. Seven pounds.
Copy !req
70. All right.
Copy !req
71. All right. Settle down.
Copy !req
72. And you are down to...
Copy !req
73. 198 and a half.
Copy !req
74. Now, because—
Copy !req
75. You're down
to 198?
Copy !req
76. That's right. And a half.
The first—
Copy !req
77. And a half. The first time
you're below 200
Copy !req
78. since we've started
the Hank weight update.
Copy !req
79. We have a special surprise
for you, Hank.
Copy !req
80. Hi, everybody!
Copy !req
81. Does he look
wonderful or what?
Copy !req
82. Hank. Hank.
Yes, sir.
Copy !req
83. You look
absolutely unbelievable.
Copy !req
84. Look at this.
Look at this picture.
Copy !req
85. Look at this, everybody.
Copy !req
86. Do you know
who this person is?
Copy !req
87. That's— That's the old Hank.
Copy !req
88. May I see that?
Copy !req
89. May I— May I see that?
Yes. Yes.
Copy !req
90. This picture was taken
an hour ago in the commissary.
Copy !req
91. Gimme this picture back!
Copy !req
92. This is not—
Stop it, Larry!
Copy !req
93. This is not the old Hank,
this is the hour-old Hank.
Copy !req
94. Can't you be supportive?
Copy !req
95. I can be supportive.
Copy !req
96. Can't you be
supportive of Hank?
Copy !req
97. I have—
Hank, look at me.
Copy !req
98. Yes. Yes.
Hank, look at me.
Copy !req
99. This man is like
the little boy next door
Copy !req
100. who used
to make fun of people
Copy !req
101. and put people down.
Just forgive him.
Copy !req
102. That is not true.
I am supportive.
Copy !req
103. I have not mentioned
the fact that he's bald. I—
Copy !req
104. Oh, my—
Copy !req
105. I am there for the man.
Copy !req
106. Larry, stop it!
Copy !req
107. Just stop it.
Copy !req
108. I don't like
when you scold me.
Copy !req
109. Hank, I just wanna tell you...
Copy !req
110. that I like you
for just who you are.
Copy !req
111. Thank you.
Copy !req
112. Am I right?
Copy !req
113. You all right?
You all right?
Copy !req
114. I like Richard Simmons,
very funny guy,
Copy !req
115. but what's he always
jumping around for?
Copy !req
116. He's got the nervous
energy of a squirrel.
Copy !req
117. I don't think
that's healthy.
Copy !req
118. I think it's all a front.
Copy !req
119. I think they're gonna catch him
going through a dumpster
at Winchell's one night.
Copy !req
120. It'll all be over.
Copy !req
121. Right there on the Enquirer.
Him eating just a few donuts
out of the trash.
Copy !req
122. What is this?
Oh, that's not
supposed to be here.
Copy !req
123. That's supposed to be
in my office.
Copy !req
124. What is it?
Copy !req
125. It's a new demographic report
Copy !req
126. from the network
research people, you know.
Copy !req
127. Every 30 days, they take
their thumb out of their ass,
Copy !req
128. they scribble down
some numbers. It's all bullshit.
Copy !req
129. Yeah. Have you read this?
Have you read this?
Copy !req
130. Yeah.
Copy !req
131. So, we're gonna be getting
a new one of these every month?
Copy !req
132. It's a new thing.
Copy !req
133. It's meaningless bullshit crap.
I'm gonna throw it in the trash.
Copy !req
134. I wanna take
a look at it.
Copy !req
135. Oh, jeez.
Do you mind?
Copy !req
136. I'd like to take
a little look at this.
Copy !req
137. What is this number
right here?
Copy !req
138. Well, why don't you look?
Copy !req
139. This is a number...
Copy !req
140. that says
how likable you are
Copy !req
141. to the 18-34 age group.
Copy !req
142. I don't believe this shit,
though, do you?
Copy !req
143. Well, is this
a low number, 4.2?
Copy !req
144. It's all relative. Here.
Copy !req
145. Here's your overall rating.
This is a high number.
Well, wait a minute.
Copy !req
146. Wait a minute.
Relative to what?
Copy !req
147. Arsenio is a 9.3.
Copy !req
148. Well, it's not
the size of the number,
it's the motion of the ocean.
Copy !req
149. Oh, for god sakes, Artie.
Copy !req
150. I wish you were a woman.
I'd feel a little better
when you say that.
Copy !req
151. Where's Rush Limbaugh on here?
Copy !req
152. Oh, Pete's sake.
Copy !req
153. Look at, he's below Mengele.
Copy !req
154. It's alphabetical.
Copy !req
155. What is VL?
Copy !req
156. What is this?
Copy !req
157. Larry, I want you
to put this—
Copy !req
158. Oh, Larry, I had
the most wonderful time!
Copy !req
159. Oh, you have dogs.
Copy !req
160. I love dogs.
Copy !req
161. You know,
I have six dalmatians.
Copy !req
162. Let me show you,
I got a picture right here.
Copy !req
163. Richard, you were
wonderful out there.
Copy !req
164. I learned a lot.
Copy !req
165. See?
But we were
just on our way out.
Copy !req
166. Here's Scarlett and Ashley,
Copy !req
167. and Prissy and Pittypat.
I have six dalmatians.
You know what, Richard,
Copy !req
168. Hank loves dogs.
Why don't you show it to him?
Copy !req
169. He's over
at The Smokehouse.
Copy !req
170. Oh. Oh, well,
I hope they have salads.
Copy !req
171. Is there something
we can do about my likability?
Copy !req
172. You wanna do what
Arsenio does, eh?
Copy !req
173. No, of course not.
Copy !req
174. What is it
that he does, exactly.
Copy !req
175. They send his shows
to a focus group.
Copy !req
176. Oh, jeez.
And if those people,
Copy !req
177. they decide that
he's too hyper,
Copy !req
178. then Arsenio will go on
the air and tone it down.
Copy !req
179. And if they say that
he smiles too much,
Copy !req
180. then, you know,
he smiles less.
Copy !req
181. That's ridiculous.
Copy !req
182. Of course it is. You're never
gonna please every single
viewer every night.
Copy !req
183. But Arsenio is
going insane trying.
Copy !req
184. Did you see in "Entertainment
Weekly," by the way,
Copy !req
185. where he said he's
gonna kick our ass?
Copy !req
186. Yeah. That's why I have someone
walk me to my car at night.
Copy !req
187. So, you're saying
this is nothing, huh, Artie?
Copy !req
188. Oh, I'm going home.
You're likable, Larry.
Copy !req
189. You're a very likable guy.
Copy !req
190. I'll see you tomorrow.
Copy !req
191. How you guys doing?
Copy !req
192. Hey, honey?
Copy !req
193. What?
Copy !req
194. I'm a nice guy, right?
Copy !req
195. Sure, honey.
Copy !req
196. In your own way.
Copy !req
197. What?
Copy !req
198. In your own way
you're likable.
Copy !req
199. Meaning?
Copy !req
200. Why are you
asking me about this?
Copy !req
201. Well, I just—
Copy !req
202. Just tell me
what you mean
Copy !req
203. "in my own way."
Copy !req
204. Well, you know, um,
Copy !req
205. you've got that thing.
Copy !req
206. What thing?
Copy !req
207. We've talked about this.
Copy !req
208. The hostility.
Copy !req
209. You're a funny
person and all—
Copy !req
210. all funny people have
a certain amount of rage
Copy !req
211. bubbling up underneath.
So, I'm angry. I'm an angry—
Copy !req
212. No. No.
I'm bubbling with anger.
Copy !req
213. No, not— Come on,
you know,
What am I—
Copy !req
214. that people watch your show
Copy !req
215. because you're
partly an asshole.
Copy !req
216. We've talked about this.
Copy !req
217. You and who?
Copy !req
218. Me and—
You and others?
Copy !req
219. You and me!
You and the press?
Copy !req
220. Honey, you're
a little hostile.
You and—
Copy !req
221. I am not hostile.
You're a little hostile.
Copy !req
222. It makes you interesting.
It gives you an edge.
Copy !req
223. Well, there's an edge there.
Copy !req
224. Honey.
Copy !req
225. More?
Copy !req
226. Please, don't eat
in the living room.
Copy !req
227. Oh, for god sakes,
Copy !req
228. it's my fucking
living room too, honey.
Copy !req
229. There you go.
Copy !req
230. Excuse me, sir.
Copy !req
231. I'll need to see an ID.
Copy !req
232. I don't mean to sound
like a jerk, I'm Larry Sanders.
Copy !req
233. I'm really sorry.
Copy !req
234. But the people that I work for
are very specific about—
Copy !req
235. Uh— Hey, Don.
Oh, morning, Mr. Sanders.
Copy !req
236. How are you?
Fine, how are you?
Copy !req
237. I left my ID in the car.
Copy !req
238. No problem.
Copy !req
239. Well...
There isn't a problem,
is there?
Copy !req
240. There's a... little problem.
Oh, no, listen,
Copy !req
241. Rick here is new, and—
Copy !req
242. It won't happen again.
That's all right, no problem.
Copy !req
243. No problem at all.
Copy !req
244. Welcome aboard, Rick.
Copy !req
245. What the fuck
are you doing, man?
Copy !req
246. That's Mr. Sanders!
Copy !req
247. Actually, I think the key
is making the guest look good.
Copy !req
248. I think that's the whole deal.
Copy !req
249. I don't think a guest wants
to come on and feel like shit.
You know?
Copy !req
250. Don't say "shit."
Say "feel bad."
Copy !req
251. Are you taping this?
Copy !req
252. Uh, yeah, is that all right?
Yeah, it's fine.
Copy !req
253. Could you look
this way for a second?
Copy !req
254. Larry, did you ever
get romantically involved
with your guests on the show?
Copy !req
255. Uh, one time.
Joan Embery brought something
on I was attracted to.
Copy !req
256. Bad policy
to date a guest, you know,
Copy !req
257. especially when they have
to be back at the zoo at 6:30.
Copy !req
258. I just had an idea how we might
wanna jazz this up a little bit.
Copy !req
259. I was thinking, um...
Copy !req
260. could we maybe
take this dartboard
Copy !req
261. and, uh, we put a couple 8x10s
of Arsenio and Jay Leno on it,
Copy !req
262. and then we get some shots
of you throwing darts at them?
Copy !req
263. Well, how about
if I sit in this chair,
Copy !req
264. and you take pictures of me?
Copy !req
265. I mean, this is
an excellent idea.
Copy !req
266. No, it's okay.
If you really want
to do it, I'd be happy to.
Copy !req
267. Excuse me, sorry to interrupt.
I did not mean, by the way—
Copy !req
268. Larry? We took care
of that problem.
Copy !req
269. Uh, what problem?
Copy !req
270. You know, with security.
Copy !req
271. Increasing security lately?
Copy !req
272. Huh? No. You guys
got in, didn't you?
Copy !req
273. I don't think the three of us
know what you mean, Beverly.
Copy !req
274. You know, the guard
who was a problem this morning?
Copy !req
275. No longer a problem.
Copy !req
276. Let's flip all the cards.
Copy !req
277. Just tell us exactly
what you're trying to say.
Copy !req
278. They fired the guard
who wouldn't let you in
this morning.
Copy !req
279. Beverly...
Copy !req
280. I did not want
that guard fired.
Copy !req
281. I like that guard.
Would you—
Copy !req
282. Hire him back immediately.
Copy !req
283. It's all a misunderstanding.
Copy !req
284. Are you getting
what you need here?
Copy !req
285. I can't believe
you mentioned the thing
about the security guard.
Copy !req
286. I know, I'm sorry about that.
Copy !req
287. But, oh, you only have
one more interview today,
Copy !req
288. and that's with "The Advocate."
Copy !req
289. Why does "The Advocate"
want to interview me?
Copy !req
290. Well, you've had so many
gay guests on your show.
Copy !req
291. I have?
Copy !req
292. That's very funny.
No, I didn't know that.
Copy !req
293. Excuse me.
I'm serious.
Copy !req
294. You're gonna have to start
giving me a signal of some sort.
Copy !req
295. All right.
Copy !req
296. Also, Mike Ovitz's
office called.
Copy !req
297. He can't make
the Dodger game.
Yeah, that's what I figured.
Copy !req
298. Mike Ovitz hates me.
Copy !req
299. You know how many hundreds
of thousands of dollars
he makes off this show?
Copy !req
300. He just—
Can I just
tell you something?
Copy !req
301. You've gotta stop letting
that man pluck your nerves
the way you do.
Copy !req
302. Yeah, maybe you're right.
Copy !req
303. "Pluck your nerves."
What is that, a black thing?
Copy !req
304. You're such an idiot.
Copy !req
305. But the homosexual
community likes me, right?
Copy !req
306. There you go.
Okay, come on.
Copy !req
307. And he's the world's
youngest impressionist.
Copy !req
308. How old?
Copy !req
309. Who does he do?
Copy !req
310. The usual. John Wayne,
Elvis, Ed Sullivan.
Copy !req
311. That's it?
Copy !req
312. That's it. Arthur,
give him a break.
He's four years old.
Copy !req
313. Pass.
Copy !req
314. Uh, we got the world's
oldest skateboarder.
He's 74.
Copy !req
315. Pass. Let's call
a brief moratorium
Copy !req
316. on all world's youngest,
Copy !req
317. world's oldest
pitches, okay?
Copy !req
318. Fine.
What else do you have?
Copy !req
319. Look at this.
Copy !req
320. We have the world's best skier
under the age of four.
Copy !req
321. Haha, very funny. Pass.
Copy !req
322. Ladies and gentlemen,
Larry Sanders.
Copy !req
323. Yes.
Copy !req
324. Please, you're spoiling me.
Copy !req
325. Artie, can I talk to you
for a second, please?
Copy !req
326. Paula, excuse us.
Act natural.
Copy !req
327. I've been thinking. I'd like
to try that focus group.
Copy !req
328. Oh, my god, this is
the likability issue again,
isn't it?
Copy !req
329. No, it's my ass.
Copy !req
330. Of course it is.
Copy !req
331. Can we just try it?
You know, out of curiosity?
Copy !req
332. Larry, let me
ask you something.
Copy !req
333. If 20 random people decided
Copy !req
334. that you'd look better with
a crew cut, would you get one?
Copy !req
335. Yes.
Fine. We'll do the focus group.
Copy !req
336. Hi.
Copy !req
337. Hank.
Larry. Arthur.
Copy !req
338. Interrupting. Sorry.
Copy !req
339. Oh, no, Hank.
Copy !req
340. No, yes, he is.
Copy !req
341. Come on.
Copy !req
342. Uh, is this a—
It is.
Copy !req
343. Is this an affiliate problem?
Copy !req
344. Because listen,
I would be more than happy
Copy !req
345. to fly out to Bumfuck, Arkansas
or wherever, you know,
Copy !req
346. and give 'em the old
dog and pony show.
Copy !req
347. We were just discussing
my likability ratings.
Copy !req
348. Uh-huh. Is that a TVQ?
Copy !req
349. Nielsen, Arbitron,
in-house thing?
Copy !req
350. Oh. You know, I think—
I mean, I think
Copy !req
351. you should consider
getting yourself a publicist.
Copy !req
352. I'm with Weidenfeld-Johnson.
Copy !req
353. They are the best.
They handle everything.
Copy !req
354. Appearances,
endorsements, charities,
Copy !req
355. you know.
I didn't know
you did charity work.
Copy !req
356. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
357. Yeah. I give of myself.
Good for you.
Copy !req
358. The pay is great.
Copy !req
359. You know, they got me...
TB this year.
Copy !req
360. Tuberculosis?
Copy !req
361. Yes, sir. The lung disease.
Copy !req
362. Oh, man, you know,
Copy !req
363. I don't think if I had
an image problem that—
Copy !req
364. You don't.
Copy !req
365. That, uh,
Copy !req
366. being the spokesperson
for some contagious disease
Copy !req
367. would really help.
Copy !req
368. Contagious?
Copy !req
369. No, no.
Don't do that old gag.
Copy !req
370. I beg of you.
No, wait.
Copy !req
371. Don't do it.
No, watch.
I can make it work.
Copy !req
372. Contagious?
Copy !req
373. Darlene?
Copy !req
374. Why isn't he
that funny on the show?
Copy !req
375. That is completely
uncalled for.
Copy !req
376. This is nice.
Copy !req
377. I told you my father
was a strict disciplinarian.
Copy !req
378. Oh, man, I can't wait.
Copy !req
379. There were
people on that plane.
Copy !req
380. Oh, I know.
And they had to eat that food.
Copy !req
381. So, Ned Beatty
canoe trip sketch?
Copy !req
382. Tonight.
No, not tonight.
Copy !req
383. We have little kids
on the show tonight.
Copy !req
384. Can we have a desk piece?
Copy !req
385. Yeah, we got the old stuff.
The celebrity products stuff
that you turned down.
Copy !req
386. Hey, let's do that.
Yeah, we'll do it.
Do it this time.
Copy !req
387. And listen, thanks for these.
Copy !req
388. And listen, I just,
I wanna say,
Copy !req
389. I don't say
this often enough,
Copy !req
390. I just really, you know,
Copy !req
391. appreciate all
the hard work, uh,
Copy !req
392. that you do. Seriously.
Copy !req
393. And, uh...
Copy !req
394. maybe Thursday or something
we'll all get together and...
Copy !req
395. What the hell was that?
Copy !req
396. Listen to me, these children
inventors aren't gonna
cry on the show, are they?
Copy !req
397. 'Cause it'll look
like I made them cry.
Copy !req
398. And if they do cry I'm sure
you'll be very funny.
Copy !req
399. You have been in the past.
Copy !req
400. I'm sure the harder they cry,
Oh, for god sakes.
Copy !req
401. the funnier you are.
Copy !req
402. You know it'll look bad.
Copy !req
403. Hello, it's
the aerobic pest! Listen,
Copy !req
404. I have some Deal-a-Meal
friends out here,
Copy !req
405. and they're just dying to meet
Hank and they're really
huge fans of him.
Copy !req
406. So we'll stay and see
the show, is that okay?
Copy !req
407. It's always a pleasure
to have you, Richard.
Copy !req
408. You're a delight.
Copy !req
409. Larry and I have
a little pressing
business to finish here.
Copy !req
410. Oh, oh, that's okay.
Copy !req
411. I'll just see—
Your hands are freezing.
Copy !req
412. Bye! Okay, thanks!
Copy !req
413. Thanks, buddy,
for those tank tops.
Copy !req
414. He gave you tank tops?
A dozen.
Copy !req
415. A dozen?
Copy !req
416. I know how many
a dozen is.
Copy !req
417. Let me take a moment
here to say something
Copy !req
418. that I needn't
have to say.
Copy !req
419. I have too much
eyeliner on, don't I?
Copy !req
420. Just because a focus group
will be watching
this show tonight,
Copy !req
421. it doesn't mean we'll
do anything that we don't
usually do.
Copy !req
422. Okay. Correct.
Copy !req
423. And that...
Copy !req
424. to learn something
from this focus group—
which we won't—
Copy !req
425. we have to give them
an absolutely typical show.
Copy !req
426. "Liz Taylor's Passion.
Copy !req
427. "A scent for women,
Copy !req
428. and it tastes
great on steak."
Copy !req
429. Tastes great on steak? What
kind of a shit line is that?
Copy !req
430. You know we had that
great Larry Fortensky joke,
Copy !req
431. and he wimps out
and does this crap.
Copy !req
432. I wrote the steak line.
Copy !req
433. Tastes good on steak, huh?
Yes, is the punchline.
Copy !req
434. Would you like
to try some?
Copy !req
435. Oh, hey now,
I'm still on that strict diet.
Copy !req
436. Oh, that's right. And, uh...
Copy !req
437. may I say, you look great,
Copy !req
438. and that, uh—
and you're doing great
Copy !req
439. with that diet.
Copy !req
440. Thank you. It's not easy,
I can tell you that.
Copy !req
441. Some friends yesterday insisted
Copy !req
442. that I join them
at a smorgasbord.
Copy !req
443. Really?
Copy !req
444. I just had salad.
Copy !req
445. Was it
an all-you-can-eat buffet?
Copy !req
446. Yes, it was.
Copy !req
447. Really?
Copy !req
448. All right, now here—
Why does he keep
saying "really"?
Copy !req
449. It gets on my nerves.
Copy !req
450. All right. But what I'd
like to know is
Copy !req
451. do you find Larry friendly,
Copy !req
452. mildly friendly, neutral,
or not friendly at all?
Copy !req
453. Uh, neutral.
Copy !req
454. Yeah, neutral.
Copy !req
455. Love those celebrity products.
Copy !req
456. Likable, unlikable,
Copy !req
457. killer, pathological killer,
psycho killer?
Copy !req
458. Well, I like that guy
who goes "hey now."
Copy !req
459. Oh, yeah, he's funny
when he goes "hey now."
Copy !req
460. There isn't one person
in here I haven't seen on
"America's Most Wanted."
Copy !req
461. I'm telling you.
We should be making
a phone call right now.
Copy !req
462. Okay, now, in an overall sense,
do you find Larry likable?
Copy !req
463. Oh, yes. I saw him at
the Seafood Broiler one night.
Copy !req
464. Just like a regular guy.
Copy !req
465. What was he eating?
Copy !req
466. Oh, he had one of those
little white fish...
Copy !req
467. thing— Round—
Oh, yeah, those...
Copy !req
468. Scallops.
Copy !req
469. Broiled?
Copy !req
470. No, sautéed.
Copy !req
471. Shh!
Copy !req
472. Why doesn't he have
Howie Mandel on his show?
Copy !req
473. Howie Mandel cracks me up.
Copy !req
474. I told you
we should have booked him.
Copy !req
475. Call him tomorrow.
Copy !req
476. Okay.
Copy !req
477. I like him.
Well, I think Larry's
really cute.
Copy !req
478. I mean, he does have
really big nostrils,
Copy !req
479. and they're kind of uneven,
but I like them.
Copy !req
480. Would you stop it?
Copy !req
481. Stop it.
Copy !req
482. Anything else?
Copy !req
483. I like Larry because
he's from Minneapolis.
Copy !req
484. And I'm from
Minneapolis, too.
Copy !req
485. Hey now!
Copy !req
486. I didn't know
he was Canadian.
Copy !req
487. Canadians really
get on my nerves.
Copy !req
488. Oh, this is, uh...
Copy !req
489. I can't watch this.
Copy !req
490. This is too sad, Artie.
Copy !req
491. You wanted to do it.
Copy !req
492. Yeah, well, now I know why
"Baywatch" is in the top ten.
Copy !req
493. Sorry I'm late.
What did they say about me?
Copy !req
494. Uh, nothing. They're just
to the Martin Mull segment.
Copy !req
495. Hank, I thought you said
I was gonna meet Larry?
Copy !req
496. There he is. Come on.
Copy !req
497. I'm very good
in this segment.
Copy !req
498. Well, you can't deny
they all seem to like you.
Copy !req
499. Yeah, well, I'm telling you,
Copy !req
500. I have a real problem.
Copy !req
501. 20 people could say
they liked me, Artie,
Copy !req
502. and I'm telling you,
I would still be thinking
Copy !req
503. 17 of them are lying,
Copy !req
504. two of them probably
have severe emotional problems,
Copy !req
505. and one of 'em is probably
confusing me with Larry King.
Copy !req
506. I gotta say something
that's gonna sound trite,
Copy !req
507. but it's also true.
Copy !req
508. As soon as you start
liking yourself,
Copy !req
509. you won't care what
other people think.
Copy !req
510. Great. Then I'm totally fucked.
Copy !req
511. It's Richard Simmons.
Copy !req
512. I'm tired of running.
Can't believe this.
Copy !req
513. Hey, Richard.
Copy !req
514. Oh.
No, sorry.
Copy !req
515. Hey, you're Larry Sanders.
Copy !req
516. I'm Steve Himmel.
Hi, hi, hi.
Copy !req
517. I watch the show all the time.
I really like you.
Copy !req
518. Thanks. You must be
from Minneapolis.
Copy !req
519. No, I'm not. Why?
Copy !req
520. Oh, just a bad guess.
Copy !req
521. Hey, what are you laughing at?
Copy !req
522. Oh, nothing.
Copy !req
523. Are you guys
making fun of me?
No, no, no. No.
Copy !req
524. Fuck you!
Showbiz assholes.
Copy !req
525. I guess my favorite parts
were Martin Mull...
Copy !req
526. the opening monologue,
Copy !req
527. the celebrity products,
Copy !req
528. and Hank.
Copy !req
529. Hey, now.
Copy !req