1. I got it.
Copy !req
2. Open it!
Copy !req
3. Mr. Dudley says this is a master key,
Copy !req
4. so it's supposed to open
any door in the house.
Copy !req
5. What do you think is in there?
Copy !req
6. What if it's a cotton candy machine?
Copy !req
7. That'd be something.
Copy !req
8. Or a pony? Not a pony.
Copy !req
9. This isn't working.
Copy !req
10. It could be a pony.
Something was moving.
Copy !req
11. I saw the shadow under the door.
Copy !req
12. Hello?
Copy !req
13. If there's a pony in there, it's dead.
Copy !req
14. Where's the friggin' key?
Copy !req
15. - Don't say that word.
- You say it.
Copy !req
16. I want to see what's in there, too.
Copy !req
17. Daddy, we need more keys!
Copy !req
18. It's an emergency!
Copy !req
19. You're not funny, Luke.
Copy !req
20. I am home.
Copy !req
21. I am home, I thought,
Copy !req
22. and stopped in wonder at the thought.
Copy !req
23. I am home.
Copy !req
24. I am home.
Copy !req
25. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
26. How was it?
Copy !req
27. It was great. Kelly says hi.
Copy !req
28. Her boys are huge.
Copy !req
29. You were missed.
Copy !req
30. I was going to cook.
Copy !req
31. I know, but she wants fries.
Copy !req
32. All the fries. Nothing but fries.
Copy !req
33. How's the writing?
Copy !req
34. Slow, it's really slow.
Copy !req
35. How much since I left?
Copy !req
36. Two...
Copy !req
37. pages. Ouch.
Copy !req
38. I always said, I'm never gonna do
a follow-up to Hill House
Copy !req
39. and I think this is why. It's just—
Copy !req
40. Eat.
Copy !req
41. It's the best cure for writer's block.
Copy !req
42. Don't use those words.
Copy !req
43. Fries, nothing but fries.
Copy !req
44. Read me something.
Copy !req
45. "Certainly there are places
which attach to themselves
Copy !req
46. an atmosphere of holiness and goodness.
Copy !req
47. It might also be said that some houses
Copy !req
48. are born bad."
Copy !req
49. "Born bad"?
Copy !req
50. Too much?
Copy !req
51. Hmm. It depends. Where are you?
Copy !req
52. Dad and I just got to the house,
Copy !req
53. and, um,
Copy !req
54. we know Luke bought the gasoline,
Copy !req
55. Oh, honey.
Copy !req
56. We're about to go inside.
Copy !req
57. You don't have to do this, you know?
Copy !req
58. You said yourself,
you were never gonna publish it.
Copy !req
59. I do, though.
Copy !req
60. To see it, to really see it.
Copy !req
61. Here.
Copy !req
62. You feel that?
Copy !req
63. - Mmm.
- That little girl in there,
Copy !req
64. who's getting ready to join this family,
Copy !req
65. one day she's going to ask
about her grandfather
Copy !req
66. and about her Uncle Luke,
Copy !req
67. and what happened in that house.
Copy !req
68. She's going to hear
all sorts of stories and speculation
Copy !req
69. like you did when you were little, but...
Copy !req
70. whose voice did you need?
Copy !req
71. Whose story did you need to hear the most?
Copy !req
72. She needs to hear this from you.
Copy !req
73. This is for little Eleanor.
Copy !req
74. This house, which seemed somehow
to have formed itself,
Copy !req
75. flying together in its own
powerful pattern
Copy !req
76. under the hands of its builders...
Copy !req
77. reared its great head back against the sky
without concession to humanity.
Copy !req
78. It was a house without kindness,
Copy !req
79. never meant to be lived in,
Copy !req
80. not a fit place for people, or for love,
Copy !req
81. or for hope.
Copy !req
82. - You smell that?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
83. Gasoline. Yeah.
Copy !req
84. All right. If he's here,
Copy !req
85. I think I know where to find him.
Copy !req
86. Dad.
Copy !req
87. It's okay.
Copy !req
88. Come on.
Copy !req
89. Look at me. Fear.
Copy !req
90. Look at me.
Copy !req
91. Fear is the relinquishment of logic,
Copy !req
92. the willing relinquishing
of reasonable patterns.
Copy !req
93. We yield to it or we fight it.
Copy !req
94. But we cannot meet it halfway.
Copy !req
95. Okay.
Copy !req
96. I am home.
Copy !req
97. "I am home," I thought,
Copy !req
98. and stopped in wonder at the thought.
Copy !req
99. I am home.
Copy !req
100. I am home.
Copy !req
101. Now to climb.
Copy !req
102. Luke! Luke!
Copy !req
103. Dad.
Copy !req
104. - That door has always been locked.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
105. Only when it wants to be.
Copy !req
106. Take off the hinges.
How hard can it be?
Copy !req
107. But I tried everything.
Copy !req
108. Maybe with the two of us...
Copy !req
109. Dad!
Copy !req
110. Steve, wait!
Copy !req
111. You okay?
Copy !req
112. Yeah, I just need a break.
Copy !req
113. Why don't you come to bed?
Copy !req
114. Get some sleep.
Hill House will be there in the morning.
Copy !req
115. I know it's hard.
It's too much right now.
Copy !req
116. - Why don't you put this down
Copy !req
117. come to bed,
and leave the ghosts where they belong.
Copy !req
118. That's—
Copy !req
119. That's not the problem.
Copy !req
120. Where are you now?
Copy !req
121. Well, we... we went into the house.
Copy !req
122. And then we went to the Red Room.
Copy !req
123. And then the...
Copy !req
124. the door opened and I saw Luke,
and then—
Copy !req
125. Luke died.
Copy !req
126. No.
Copy !req
127. He— He was alive on the floor. And then the door closed,
Copy !req
128. and...
Copy !req
129. And then he died.
Copy !req
130. You have to say it.
Copy !req
131. You gotta finally say it, Steve.
Copy !req
132. - That's the problem.
- I know.
Copy !req
133. The door closed and then I...
Copy !req
134. I— I, uh—
Copy !req
135. I can't say what happened.
Copy !req
136. It's still too soon.
Why don't you come to bed?
Copy !req
137. No, Leigh, I mean, I—
Copy !req
138. I can't say what happened
after the door closed.
Copy !req
139. I don't remember.
Copy !req
140. I mean, how I got out of the house.
Copy !req
141. I— I don't remember coming back
to California.
Copy !req
142. I don't remember us...
Copy !req
143. reconciling.
Copy !req
144. Or finding out you were pregnant.
Copy !req
145. Well, of course you don't.
Copy !req
146. Because you haven't written it yet.
Copy !req
147. I mean, is anything real
before you write it, Steve?
Copy !req
148. The things you write about are real,
those people are real,
Copy !req
149. their feelings are real,
their pain is real,
Copy !req
150. but not to you, is it?
Copy !req
151. Not until you chew it up
and you digest it
Copy !req
152. and you shit it out on a piece of paper.
Copy !req
153. And even then,
it's a pale imitation at best.
Copy !req
154. You take other people's lives
and love and loss and pain,
Copy !req
155. and you eat it, Steve.
Copy !req
156. You are an eater.
Copy !req
157. You eat it and you shit it out,
Copy !req
158. and then, and only then,
is it real for you.
Copy !req
159. Normal people's lives are flesh and blood
and muscle and bone,
Copy !req
160. but not yours, darling. Oh, no.
Copy !req
161. Your life is plastic.
Copy !req
162. You are a plastic parasite.
Copy !req
163. A plastic hack, aren't you, honey?
Copy !req
164. So of course you don't remember
how you healed our marriage
Copy !req
165. or made our baby,
because you haven't really seen it.
Copy !req
166. Have you?
You haven't shat it out in prose.
Copy !req
167. I was always a supporting player
in your story, if we're honest.
Copy !req
168. I would feed you and fuck you
and pay the bills
Copy !req
169. while you squinted over some novel
that nobody was going to read or publish,
Copy !req
170. but I paid you to write them, didn't I?
Copy !req
171. I picked up the check for your dreams
Copy !req
172. and I said goodbye to mine,
and not even that was enough.
Copy !req
173. Don't lie to me, honey. I wasn't real.
Copy !req
174. If I was real, you never would have
walked out that door,
Copy !req
175. but I wasn't, and you did,
and now this one...
Copy !req
176. this...
Copy !req
177. little one...
Copy !req
178. she won't be real either.
Copy !req
179. Oh.
Copy !req
180. She's kicking.
Copy !req
181. Oh, she's hungry.
Copy !req
182. She must be an eater like her dad.
Copy !req
183. If she is, my love,
Copy !req
184. if she eats me from the inside
Copy !req
185. and I burst like a blister,
Copy !req
186. will you lose your mind?
Copy !req
187. Like your mother?
Copy !req
188. Steve.
Copy !req
189. Luke.
Copy !req
190. Luke. Oh, God.
Copy !req
191. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
192. No, no, no.
Copy !req
193. Luke.
Copy !req
194. Come on.
Copy !req
195. Mom.
Copy !req
196. I couldn't help her.
Copy !req
197. Look, listen, I know I fucked up. Okay?
Copy !req
198. But I— I didn't use, I didn't,
Copy !req
199. and I'm so fucking cold,
Copy !req
200. and my... my arms and legs are so stiff,
I just...
Copy !req
201. I need— I need a bed.
Copy !req
202. Like a couch.
I'll sleep on the goddamn floor.
Copy !req
203. Just... please.
Copy !req
204. Please, please, please
let me come back, please.
Copy !req
205. Hey.
Copy !req
206. What do you think?
Copy !req
207. It's the perfect place to get clean
for a few days.
Copy !req
208. We're already paid up
and they even have room service, Luke.
Copy !req
209. You know, everybody's always
given up on me my whole life.
Copy !req
210. But not you, Luke. Not you.
Copy !req
211. You saved me.
Copy !req
212. But I, um, I didn't.
Copy !req
213. I mean, you...
Copy !req
214. You took the money and you ran away.
Copy !req
215. - I never found you.
- No.
Copy !req
216. No, I came here.
Copy !req
217. I got us this hotel room.
Copy !req
218. And I found you at the payphone,
Copy !req
219. Right.
Copy !req
220. - Why did you follow me?
Copy !req
221. You never did tell me the real truth. I think it's 'cause you're sweet on me.
Copy !req
222. A little bit.
Copy !req
223. I have something for us.
Copy !req
224. One last time, just to get well
before we get clean.
Copy !req
225. No, I'm 90-days clean.
Copy !req
226. Ninety-two, actually.
Copy !req
227. Yeah, but that's not clean.
Copy !req
228. You can 12-step it
and collect your chips,
Copy !req
229. but you're never clean,
Copy !req
230. never really clean,
Copy !req
231. because one day that needle's
going back in your arm.
Copy !req
232. You have an appointment with that needle.
Copy !req
233. You're expected.
Copy !req
234. No, that's— No, that's not true.
Copy !req
235. I know what you're thinking.
Copy !req
236. You're thinking this is what I did
with your money.
Copy !req
237. I mean, Steve's money. Let's be real.
Copy !req
238. You're thinking that I put it in my arm
in some alley
Copy !req
239. and maybe I died there.
Copy !req
240. In the puke and the piss.
Copy !req
241. And the alley rats are
Copy !req
242. chewing on me right now.
Copy !req
243. Little yellow teeth...
Copy !req
244. punching through the jelly...
Copy !req
245. of my pretty eyes, right?
Copy !req
246. God, that's good.
Copy !req
247. Come with me, Luke.
Copy !req
248. No.
Copy !req
249. No, I won't.
Copy !req
250. Baby, you already did.
Copy !req
251. Oh, Gordon was right.
Copy !req
252. If you look long enough at the wallpaper,
Copy !req
253. you can see that little girl.
Copy !req
254. It's the little girl with the runny-egg
Copy !req
255. eyes.
Copy !req
256. Luke! Luke!
Copy !req
257. But I've tried everything.
Copy !req
258. - Maybe with the two of us...
- Dad!
Copy !req
259. - Steve, wait!
Copy !req
260. Luke. Dad?
Copy !req
261. Up here!
Copy !req
262. Dad.
Copy !req
263. Up here! Hurry!
Copy !req
264. Dad!
Copy !req
265. Dad.
Copy !req
266. Dad!
Copy !req
267. Oh, my God. Shirley!
Copy !req
268. This is for you.
Copy !req
269. I didn't order that.
Copy !req
270. Oh, um...
Copy !req
271. Tell him thanks, but I'm...
Copy !req
272. Do you want me to pour it out?
Copy !req
273. Tell you what,
Copy !req
274. what's the weirdest thing
you guys have on the happy hour menu?
Copy !req
275. Like, the thing no one ever orders.
Copy !req
276. So I'm minding my own business over there
and all of a sudden...
Copy !req
277. I had to repay you for the drink.
Copy !req
278. So you sent me a plate of, uh...
Copy !req
279. Boneless Caribbean jerk wings.
Copy !req
280. Serves me right for not being able
to spot a ring at ten yards.
Copy !req
281. No way that's ten yards.
Copy !req
282. I never really thought about it,
Copy !req
283. but you send someone a drink—
Copy !req
284. - Without their consent.
- And it's socially acceptable.
Copy !req
285. - But you send someone an appetizer—
- Without their consent.
Copy !req
286. And yeah, it's really, really weird.
Copy !req
287. I'm sorry, I'm just trying to be funny.
Copy !req
288. It's been a minute, I guess.
Copy !req
289. Can I sit here while I eat these?
Copy !req
290. - You don't have to eat them.
- Oh, sure I do.
Copy !req
291. I will keep it professional. Hand to God.
Copy !req
292. We can chat, um, embalming technique.
Copy !req
293. That's what these things are for, right?
Copy !req
294. No funny stuff.
Copy !req
295. - Embalming only.
Copy !req
296. I guess that's the thing about
starting your own home,
Copy !req
297. they just never tell you.
Copy !req
298. It's not like buying a house,
not even a little.
Copy !req
299. I didn't sleep for two years.
Copy !req
300. And mine was pre-owned, too.
Copy !req
301. For real?
Copy !req
302. I didn't hear last call.
Copy !req
303. Me either.
Copy !req
304. Well, I guess that's it.
Copy !req
305. You were true to your word.
Copy !req
306. I always am.
Copy !req
307. Very well behaved.
Copy !req
308. I seldom am.
Copy !req
309. - Um, on that note—
- Oh, no.
Copy !req
310. - Don't do it.
- I'm not. I'm just saying, -since we missed last call—
- You're gonna do it.
Copy !req
311. I've got all the makings of a mean martini
in my room if you want a nightcap.
Copy !req
312. I did really good
right up until the end there.
Copy !req
313. You did. The one-yard line.
Copy !req
314. - Such a guy.
- I can't help it.
Copy !req
315. It's taken 60 million years to develop
the carnivorous biped you see before you.
Copy !req
316. Thank you, anyway.
Copy !req
317. It was nice to meet you,
and I enjoyed the conversation,
Copy !req
318. but I'm going to say goodnight.
Copy !req
319. That's not what you said, though.
Copy !req
320. You looked at my ring,
Copy !req
321. and then I said the thing
about the carnivorous biped,
Copy !req
322. and you said...
Copy !req
323. Let's see what kind of martini it makes.
Copy !req
324. We walked out of the bar,
crossed the lobby, into the elevator,
Copy !req
325. and you had that martini, didn't you?
Copy !req
326. How old was Jayden then? Six?
Copy !req
327. And Allie was...
Copy !req
328. Two. Two.
Copy !req
329. It had been diapers and bills for years
Copy !req
330. and you had just bought the business
and it was in the red
Copy !req
331. and life was...
Copy !req
332. - Loud.
- It was hungry, too.
Copy !req
333. The bills were screaming
and the children were screaming
Copy !req
334. and your husband just...
drifted out of focus, didn't he?
Copy !req
335. And you were so far away from home
for the first time in so long.
Copy !req
336. Stop it.
Copy !req
337. You looked at my wedding ring
right before you answered.
Copy !req
338. It was gross. You were married
and you were pushy—
Copy !req
339. Don't lie.
Copy !req
340. That ring closed the deal.
Copy !req
341. You went upstairs with me
because of the ring,
Copy !req
342. because the ring meant...
Copy !req
343. You had as much to lose as I did.
Copy !req
344. And that was a calculation,
Copy !req
345. Mrs. Harris.
Copy !req
346. You don't know me.
Copy !req
347. Well, that was the whole point.
Just a fling.
Copy !req
348. People have them all the time,
but not you.
Copy !req
349. I mean, the whole thing was so not you.
Copy !req
350. But God, who would have guessed
how good at it you were.
Copy !req
351. You got dressed and you flew home
and it was like nothing happened.
Copy !req
352. You got away with it.
Copy !req
353. I'm a good wife.
Copy !req
354. I'm a good... mother.
Copy !req
355. I'm a good person.
Copy !req
356. Well, you never did it again.
Copy !req
357. Never.
Copy !req
358. But you never told him, did you?
Copy !req
359. Fuck you.
Copy !req
360. And even then,
your anger at Theo and Kevin—
Copy !req
361. Fuck you.
Copy !req
362. So righteous.
Copy !req
363. You don't want to look at it, do you?
Copy !req
364. You did this thing.
Copy !req
365. You did it and you liked it,
and you just decided not to look at it.
Copy !req
366. Now, that's you all over.
Copy !req
367. Shirley never wants to look.
Copy !req
368. But Shirley has to look.
Copy !req
369. Is everything all right?
Copy !req
370. I think she's just a little overwhelmed.
Copy !req
371. She knows something most people don't.
Copy !req
372. The instant someone dies, they learn everything.
Copy !req
373. Every secret thing.
Copy !req
374. And when I die,
Copy !req
375. I'm going to wake up in that hotel room
Copy !req
376. and have to watch
every single thing she did.
Copy !req
377. And that scares her so bad,
Copy !req
378. she hopes she'll die first.
Copy !req
379. Oh, that's all right.
Copy !req
380. Here.
Copy !req
381. Come with me.
Copy !req
382. It's okay.
Copy !req
383. I fixed her.
Copy !req
384. I ripped out her organs and eyeballs,
Copy !req
385. and I sucked out the blood and the shit,
Copy !req
386. and plugged her holes
so she wouldn't leak.
Copy !req
387. And wired her jaw so she couldn't scream.
Copy !req
388. And I painted her face and her hands,
Copy !req
389. set her eyelids on spikes
so they wouldn't stare.
Copy !req
390. And I hung flowers full of smell
and posed her like a dreamer,
Copy !req
391. and now,
Copy !req
392. she is fixed and pretty.
Copy !req
393. But underneath,
Copy !req
394. she is a horror.
Copy !req
395. We pickle it and paint it,
but it's still death.
Copy !req
396. And rot.
Copy !req
397. And ruin.
Copy !req
398. But she is pretty.
Copy !req
399. Isn't she?
Copy !req
400. Shirley.
Copy !req
401. What the hell?
Copy !req
402. We need help.
Copy !req
403. This isn't real.
Copy !req
404. - It's a dream.
- It's real.
Copy !req
405. He's dying.
Copy !req
406. Come on, Luke!
Copy !req
407. Come on.
Copy !req
408. Tell me something
only I will ever know.
Copy !req
409. uke!
Copy !req
410. When I was a child...
Copy !req
411. When I was a child,
my mother spanked me
Copy !req
412. for throwing a rock
through a greenhouse roof.
Copy !req
413. It was the only time she ever.
Copy !req
414. She had designed it, you see, and she was
getting ready to show it to a client,
Copy !req
415. and because I threw the rock...
Copy !req
416. for the only time in my life, she hit me.
Copy !req
417. Just once.
Copy !req
418. That was all she could take,
and then never again.
Copy !req
419. But a simple rock through some glass
Copy !req
420. taught me so much about my mother.
Copy !req
421. Taught her, too.
Copy !req
422. I thought about it for a long time,
remembering the spanking.
Copy !req
423. But remembering also the lovely crash.
Copy !req
424. And after thinking about it
very seriously,
Copy !req
425. I went out and did it again. What's that about?
Copy !req
426. I...
Copy !req
427. can't...
Copy !req
428. recall.
Copy !req
429. There was a reason for this, and...
Copy !req
430. I don't remember.
Copy !req
431. I don't feel anything.
Copy !req
432. - That's okay, none taken.
- No, I don't...
Copy !req
433. I don't feel anything else.
Copy !req
434. Because you're normal.
Copy !req
435. What were you feeling before?
Copy !req
436. I was feeling...
Copy !req
437. fear. And...
Copy !req
438. And guilt.
Copy !req
439. Fear and guilt are sisters.
Copy !req
440. I knew a man once
Copy !req
441. who knew those sisters well.
Copy !req
442. They kissed his eyelids as he slept,
Copy !req
443. and every morning he went
just a little more mad.
Copy !req
444. So he built a wall to keep it all outside,
Copy !req
445. but those two sisters,
Copy !req
446. they were in there with him.
Copy !req
447. Even there.
Copy !req
448. That silly man thought his wall
would keep them out,
Copy !req
449. but there was just enough room
for him...
Copy !req
450. and them.
Copy !req
451. So he was trapped behind that wall.
Copy !req
452. Afraid and guilty.
Copy !req
453. And his voice left him
Copy !req
454. and he scratched and whimpered,
Copy !req
455. and his fingers were shredded
on his own bricks
Copy !req
456. until his scratches just sounded like...
Copy !req
457. rats in a wall.
Copy !req
458. He felt small.
Copy !req
459. So small.
Copy !req
460. But that was his dream.
Copy !req
461. And when he woke up, he was tall.
Copy !req
462. So tall.
Copy !req
463. For always.
Copy !req
464. Wait.
Copy !req
465. Fear and guilt are sisters, Theodora.
Copy !req
466. But when you wake up,
they'll leave you be.
Copy !req
467. For always.
Copy !req
468. Wait.
Copy !req
469. Shh.
Copy !req
470. Just enjoy me.
Copy !req
471. I'm loving you.
Copy !req
472. No.
Copy !req
473. No, no—
Copy !req
474. No. Theo.
Copy !req
475. He's not breathing.
Copy !req
476. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
477. Stop, stop, stop.
Copy !req
478. Come on.
Copy !req
479. Go, go.
- Check his pulse.
Copy !req
480. No, no. No, no, no.
Copy !req
481. I— I can't feel it.
Copy !req
482. Don't you fucking dare, Luke!
Copy !req
483. - Don't you fucking dare!
- Oh, shit.
Copy !req
484. Sweetheart.
Copy !req
485. You're awake.
Copy !req
486. Oh, I've missed you so, so much.
Copy !req
487. Where are we?
Copy !req
488. We're home, my love.
Copy !req
489. You know,
Copy !req
490. when I was a little girl about your age,
Copy !req
491. I was driving in the car
with your grandmother,
Copy !req
492. and we passed a house adorned
with a forest of red roses.
Copy !req
493. And I fell in love with that house,
Copy !req
494. and with houses, all at once.
Copy !req
495. I can live there forever, I thought.
Copy !req
496. No one will ever find me there, either.
Copy !req
497. I will light a fire in the cool evenings
Copy !req
498. and toast apples in my own hearth.
Copy !req
499. People will come to me to have
their fortunes told,
Copy !req
500. and I will brew love potions
for sad maidens.
Copy !req
501. I will have a...
Copy !req
502. a robin.
Copy !req
503. I will have a robin.
Copy !req
504. I almost named you Robin.
Copy !req
505. Your dad even agreed.
Copy !req
506. Robin Crain.
Copy !req
507. But when I looked at you
for the first time...
Copy !req
508. you were Luke.
Copy !req
509. You just were.
Copy !req
510. Oh.
Copy !req
511. I almost forgot.
Copy !req
512. Your big boy hat.
Copy !req
513. No, I, um...
Copy !req
514. No, no.
Copy !req
515. We were going to have a tea party,
Copy !req
516. with big boy hats
and cups of stars and we're...
Copy !req
517. we're so glad you're finally here.
Copy !req
518. Go.
Copy !req
519. Why would you want your brother to go?
Copy !req
520. He just got here.
Copy !req
521. Have a seat.
Copy !req
522. Don't.
Copy !req
523. Am I dead?
Copy !req
524. You're awake.
Copy !req
525. And I'm so sorry, honey. You were having such a nightmare.
Copy !req
526. I'm— I'm sorry, Mom.
Copy !req
527. No, don't you apologize to me.
Copy !req
528. It wasn't your fault, never once.
Copy !req
529. You were perfect.
Copy !req
530. But I— I wasn't.
Copy !req
531. - I'm— I'm not.
- You were.
Copy !req
532. And you are.
Copy !req
533. It's the world, my love.
Copy !req
534. It isn't and it wasn't and you never
Copy !req
535. should have been fed to it
like you were.
Copy !req
536. Yes, have a seat.
Copy !req
537. Don't.
Copy !req
538. Go.
Copy !req
539. Why— Why does she keep saying that?
Copy !req
540. Honey. Honey...
Copy !req
541. Just look at me. Look at me.
Copy !req
542. This is a gift.
Copy !req
543. For us all.
Copy !req
544. Not if I'm dead. I—
Copy !req
545. I don't want to be dead.
Copy !req
546. But you want to be in here.
Copy !req
547. - No, I— I don't.
- Yeah, you do.
Copy !req
548. You've been knocking on that door
Copy !req
549. for years and years and years.
Copy !req
550. We could hear you.
Copy !req
551. Knocking louder all the time.
Copy !req
552. And finally, here you are.
Copy !req
553. - Please.
- Don't.
Copy !req
554. No, I have to get— I have to get...
Copy !req
555. Please!
Copy !req
556. Oh, God.
Copy !req
557. Luke! Hey, can you hear me?
Copy !req
558. - His pulse is pretty weak.
- We got to get him to a hospital.
Copy !req
559. I thought you were gone, man.
I thought you were gone.
Copy !req
560. She saved me.
Copy !req
561. You— You just woke up.
Copy !req
562. - No.
- You were gone.
Copy !req
563. She saved me.
Copy !req
564. I feel a little clearer just now.
Copy !req
565. We have.
Copy !req
566. - Nell?
All of us have.
Copy !req
567. Wouldn't have changed anything.
Copy !req
568. I need you to know that.
Copy !req
569. - Nell—
The rest is confetti.
Copy !req
570. Hey.
Copy !req
571. So many times and we didn't know it.
Copy !req
572. All of us.
Copy !req
573. Nellie?
Copy !req
574. No, not a heart.
Copy !req
575. - Nell?
- A stomach.
Copy !req
576. Nell?
Copy !req
577. We have.
Copy !req
578. All of us have.
Copy !req
579. I don't think she can hear us.
Copy !req
580. So many times and we didn't know it.
Copy !req
581. All right, we need to get
Luke out of here,
Copy !req
582. we need to get him to a hospital—
Copy !req
583. I don't get it.
Copy !req
584. All this time we tried to get
into this room
Copy !req
585. and now we can't get the fuck out.
Copy !req
586. I feel like I've been here before.
Copy !req
587. We have.
Copy !req
588. All of us have.
Copy !req
589. So many times and we didn't know it.
Copy !req
590. All of us.
Copy !req
591. I feel a bit clearer now.
Copy !req
592. Everything's been out of order.
Copy !req
593. Time, I mean.
Copy !req
594. I thought for so long that time
Copy !req
595. was like a line, that...
Copy !req
596. that our moments were laid out
like dominoes,
Copy !req
597. and that they...
Copy !req
598. fell, one into another
Copy !req
599. and on it went,
Copy !req
600. just days tipping, one into the next,
into the next,
Copy !req
601. in a long line between the beginning...
Copy !req
602. and the end.
Copy !req
603. But I was wrong.
Copy !req
604. It's not like that at all.
Copy !req
605. Our moments fall around us like rain.
Copy !req
606. Or... snow.
Copy !req
607. Or confetti.
Copy !req
608. You were right.
Copy !req
609. We have been in this room.
Copy !req
610. So many times and we didn't know.
Copy !req
611. All of us.
Copy !req
612. Mom says...
Copy !req
613. that a house is like a body...
Copy !req
614. and that every house...
Copy !req
615. has eyes.
Copy !req
616. And bones.
Copy !req
617. And skin.
Copy !req
618. And a face.
Copy !req
619. This room is like the heart of the house.
Copy !req
620. No, not a heart, a stomach.
Copy !req
621. It was your dance studio, Theo.
Copy !req
622. It was my toy room.
Copy !req
623. It was a reading room for Mom.
Copy !req
624. A game room for Steve.
Copy !req
625. A family room for Shirley.
Copy !req
626. A treehouse.
Copy !req
627. How do you spell "No Girls Allowed"?
Copy !req
628. But it was always the Red Room.
Copy !req
629. How do you take your tea?
Copy !req
630. It put on different faces
so that we'd be still and quiet.
Copy !req
631. While it digested.
Copy !req
632. I'm like a small creature
swallowed whole by a monster.
Copy !req
633. And the monster feels my tiny little
movements inside.
Copy !req
634. You have to live.
Copy !req
635. I don't— I don't know how to do this
without you.
Copy !req
636. I learned a secret.
Copy !req
637. There's no without.
Copy !req
638. I am not gone.
Copy !req
639. I'm scattered into so many pieces,
Copy !req
640. sprinkled on your life like
Copy !req
641. new snow.
Copy !req
642. There's so much
I want to say to you all.
Copy !req
643. I'm so sorry our last words were in anger.
Copy !req
644. They weren't our last.
Copy !req
645. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
646. I'm sorry that I didn't...
Copy !req
647. answer the phone.
Copy !req
648. But you did.
Copy !req
649. So many times.
Copy !req
650. I'm sorry if I didn't listen,
and I'm sorry—
Copy !req
651. It wouldn't have changed anything.
Copy !req
652. I need you to know that.
Copy !req
653. Forgiveness is warm.
Copy !req
654. Like a tear on a cheek.
Copy !req
655. Think of that and of me
Copy !req
656. when you stand in the rain.
Copy !req
657. I loved you completely.
Copy !req
658. And you loved me the same.
Copy !req
659. That's all.
Copy !req
660. The rest is confetti.
Copy !req
661. The first was young Miss Grattan
Copy !req
662. She tried not to let him in
Copy !req
663. He stabbed her with a corn knife
Copy !req
664. That's how his crimes begin
Copy !req
665. The next was Grandma Grattan
Copy !req
666. So old and tired and gray
Copy !req
667. She f'it off her attacker
Copy !req
668. Until his strength gave way
Copy !req
669. The next was Grandpa Grattan
Copy !req
670. A-settin' by the fire
Copy !req
671. He came up close behind him
Copy !req
672. And strangled him with wire
Copy !req
673. The last was Baby Grattan
Copy !req
674. All in his trundle bed
Copy !req
675. He stove him in the short ribs
Copy !req
676. Until that child was dead
Copy !req
677. And then he spit tobacco juice
Copy !req
678. All on his golden head
Copy !req
679. Stay away.
Copy !req
680. He's just too cute, Liv.
Copy !req
681. Away.
Copy !req
682. Forgive a girl for being lonely.
Copy !req
683. Nothing sadder than a cold bed.
Copy !req
684. But all those wedding beds go cold.
Copy !req
685. Don't they, loves?
Copy !req
686. Journeys end in lovers' meeting.
Copy !req
687. I have spent an all but sleepless night.
Copy !req
688. I have told lies
and made a fool of myself.
Copy !req
689. And the very air tastes like wine.
Copy !req
690. Everyone is home.
Copy !req
691. You've changed so much.
Copy !req
692. For my heart.
Copy !req
693. How long has it been since you were here?
Copy !req
694. Longer than I intended.
Copy !req
695. It was too hard to see you here,
this way.
Copy !req
696. But I still... -had you with me.
- Oh, love.
Copy !req
697. That wasn't me,
Copy !req
698. that was just you.
Copy !req
699. What were you doing...
Copy !req
700. all this time away?
Copy !req
701. I was...
Copy !req
702. holding a door.
Copy !req
703. Holding a door closed.
Copy !req
704. I had my back against it
Copy !req
705. and my arms out wide,
Copy !req
706. because I knew there were monsters
in the other side
Copy !req
707. and they wanted what was left
of our family.
Copy !req
708. And I held it so hard,
Copy !req
709. I didn't have arms left for the kids.
Copy !req
710. The monsters got through anyway.
Copy !req
711. That's what monsters do.
Copy !req
712. - But not here.
- No.
Copy !req
713. Especially here.
Copy !req
714. They're— They're out there,
Copy !req
715. in the woods.
Copy !req
716. They're out there and we're in here
and the children are finally safe.
Copy !req
717. But, no. No.
Copy !req
718. They're— They're not.
Copy !req
719. They're dying.
Copy !req
720. They're waking.
Copy !req
721. You kept them from me.
Copy !req
722. To keep them safe.
Copy !req
723. You kept them from the truth.
Copy !req
724. To keep you safe.
Copy !req
725. Their— Their image of you.
Copy !req
726. I woke up...
Copy !req
727. at the foot of these stairs,
Copy !req
728. and I started walking.
Copy !req
729. No more headaches.
Copy !req
730. No pain, no day, no night,
Copy !req
731. no now, no then.
Copy !req
732. And I would dream while I walked.
Copy !req
733. I dreamed of you.
Copy !req
734. I dreamed of you
and the children's laughter.
Copy !req
735. And then I'd remember...
Copy !req
736. that you took them from me.
Copy !req
737. You took them
Copy !req
738. and you hurt them, Hugh.
Copy !req
739. - And they suffered.
- They did.
Copy !req
740. They all do.
Copy !req
741. And even if they're broken or addicted
Copy !req
742. or joyless or, yes, even if they die,
Copy !req
743. we have to watch it all
because we're parents.
Copy !req
744. And that's the deal we make.
Copy !req
745. Whatever that life is,
we bear witness.
Copy !req
746. - It's a horror.
- It doesn't have to be.
Copy !req
747. I saw our daughter dance at her wedding.
Copy !req
748. Her smile was like a light
Copy !req
749. and it was reflected in everyone's faces,
Copy !req
750. and I recognized that light.
Copy !req
751. Because it was ours. We did that.
Copy !req
752. We loved each other so well
Copy !req
753. that it spread out into the universe
Copy !req
754. and it created a new star.
Copy !req
755. Stars die.
Copy !req
756. The night sky is full of dead stars.
Copy !req
757. They explode to death.
Copy !req
758. And if you could reach up
with some great hand
Copy !req
759. and pull them down
Copy !req
760. just before they burst,
Copy !req
761. you would.
Copy !req
762. Yes, I would.
Copy !req
763. We're all safe now.
Copy !req
764. This is our forever house.
Copy !req
765. It always was.
Copy !req
766. Nothing bad will ever touch them
ever again.
Copy !req
767. Nothing good will, either.
Copy !req
768. Open that door.
Copy !req
769. I know you can open that door.
Copy !req
770. I know you love the people in that room
Copy !req
771. more than anything.
Copy !req
772. I won't let you take them away again.
Copy !req
773. They'll die.
Copy !req
774. Liv, they will die if they stay.
They're dying now.
Copy !req
775. Our babies are dying.
Copy !req
776. Let them go.
Copy !req
777. You have always said that our job
was to send them sailing.
Copy !req
778. - That was a dream.
- Out into the world.
Copy !req
779. - A dream.
- Into the world.
Copy !req
780. Let them go.
Copy !req
781. I'll be alone again!
Copy !req
782. If it wasn't for the kids in that room,
Copy !req
783. I would've
Copy !req
784. laid down with you.
Copy !req
785. I would have followed you...
Copy !req
786. right into the darkness.
Copy !req
787. But those kids, Liv...
Copy !req
788. but those kids in that room,
Copy !req
789. if you open that door right now...
Copy !req
790. I will make a promise to you
that I will keep forever.
Copy !req
791. Open the door.
Copy !req
792. Please.
Copy !req
793. Let me fix this.
Copy !req
794. Journeys end...
Copy !req
795. In lovers' meeting.
Copy !req
796. You had that engraved on my watch,
Copy !req
797. do you remember?
Copy !req
798. But I was wrong.
Copy !req
799. That's the secret, isn't it?
Copy !req
800. Journeys don't end.
Copy !req
801. Not if you love someone.
Copy !req
802. They don't end at all.
Copy !req
803. Isn't that wonderful?
Copy !req
804. Once upon a time,
Copy !req
805. the world was just play.
Copy !req
806. And all...
Copy !req
807. All we had...
Copy !req
808. - The five of us—
- No, no, no, stay with me.
Copy !req
809. All we had was... play.
Copy !req
810. Luke. Luke. Luke.
Copy !req
811. Stay with me. Stay awake! Stay—
Copy !req
812. I'll start the car.
Copy !req
813. - Is he breathing?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
814. Come on.
Copy !req
815. Sacred Heart's closest.
I can navigate.
Copy !req
816. Are you guys coming with us or—?
Copy !req
817. Go ahead.
Copy !req
818. There's one more thing
your brother and I have to do.
Copy !req
819. - We'll see you there.
- What?
Copy !req
820. We'll meet you at the hospital.
Copy !req
821. Probably best you didn't
say anything to them.
Copy !req
822. Dad.
Copy !req
823. What did I see?
Copy !req
824. Olivia?
Copy !req
825. Liv?
Copy !req
826. What happened?
Copy !req
827. Why are you here?
Copy !req
828. Did you see?
Copy !req
829. What happened?
Copy !req
830. I— I—
Copy !req
831. I don't know.
Copy !req
832. We were looking for...
Copy !req
833. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
834. I can fix this.
Copy !req
835. I can fix it.
Copy !req
836. Hugh.
Copy !req
837. I can fix it.
Copy !req
838. Put her down.
Copy !req
839. No, I can fix this.
Copy !req
840. You— You can't.
Copy !req
841. Why is this happening?
Copy !req
842. Why are you even here?
Copy !req
843. We need to get you help.
We need to get the police.
Copy !req
844. Why are you here?
Copy !req
845. Our daughter snuck out of a vent tonight
and we thought maybe...
Copy !req
846. No.
Copy !req
847. No.
Copy !req
848. No, no, no...
Copy !req
849. No. No. Oh, no.
Copy !req
850. No...
Copy !req
851. Both of their children.
Copy !req
852. All of their children.
Copy !req
853. She wasn't in her bed.
Copy !req
854. I didn't know. I didn't know.
Copy !req
855. Mommy? Abby?
Copy !req
856. Abby?
Copy !req
857. Abby. Abby.
Copy !req
858. What happened?
Copy !req
859. Who hurt you, baby girl?
Copy !req
860. Honey?
Copy !req
861. I'm having the strangest dream.
Copy !req
862. I'm gonna burn it.
Copy !req
863. I'm gonna burn this house to the ground.
Copy !req
864. Stand over it.
Copy !req
865. Make sure that every room, every wall,
every splinter is immolated.
Copy !req
866. Burn this house and its hills to the dirt.
Copy !req
867. Then I'll salt the earth.
Copy !req
868. You won't.
Copy !req
869. Horace, he can't.
Copy !req
870. She's still here.
Copy !req
871. I'll... carry her body back to the woods.
Copy !req
872. I'll...
Copy !req
873. bury her by the cottage in the garden
that she loved.
Copy !req
874. And when she's buried
Copy !req
875. and it's done, we'll say nothing.
Copy !req
876. You understand, Hugh?
Copy !req
877. We'll say nothing.
Copy !req
878. She barely left our house her whole life.
Copy !req
879. We kept her out of the world
to keep her safe.
Copy !req
880. And we're the only ones
who would even know to...
Copy !req
881. to mourn her.
Copy !req
882. We won't say anything about Olivia.
Copy !req
883. We won't.
Copy !req
884. That wasn't her.
Copy !req
885. We know that.
Copy !req
886. No, we know
Copy !req
887. what really happened here tonight.
Copy !req
888. And your kids,
Copy !req
889. they don't need to hear anything else.
Copy !req
890. Or remember their mother in any way
Copy !req
891. but the way that you truly was.
Copy !req
892. And we can protect that for you.
Copy !req
893. If...
Copy !req
894. If what?
Copy !req
895. If you keep this house.
Copy !req
896. Keep us on.
Copy !req
897. Keep everyone else away.
Copy !req
898. Don't let it take anyone else,
never again.
Copy !req
899. Let it starve.
Copy !req
900. But leave it here.
Copy !req
901. So I can see her.
Copy !req
902. This house,
Copy !req
903. it's full of precious, precious things,
Copy !req
904. and they don't all belong to you.
Copy !req
905. It's dangerous.
Copy !req
906. For both of you.
Copy !req
907. I don't care.
This is where she is now.
Copy !req
908. I'm her mother.
Copy !req
909. I won't leave her here alone.
Copy !req
910. I will not.
Copy !req
911. Please, Hugh.
Copy !req
912. Please.
Copy !req
913. I wish you would have told me.
Copy !req
914. You didn't tell your sisters what you saw.
Copy !req
915. Why not?
Copy !req
916. Some things
Copy !req
917. can't be told.
Copy !req
918. You live them...
Copy !req
919. or you don't.
Copy !req
920. But they can't be told.
Copy !req
921. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
922. No.
Copy !req
923. I'm sorry, Dad.
Copy !req
924. This is all yours now.
Copy !req
925. The house.
Copy !req
926. And the promise.
Copy !req
927. I want you to know.
Copy !req
928. You...
Copy !req
929. and your sisters...
Copy !req
930. and your brother...
Copy !req
931. were the best part of my...
Copy !req
932. my...
Copy !req
933. Never been prouder of anything.
Copy !req
934. Anything, ever.
Copy !req
935. Take care of each other.
Copy !req
936. - Dad?
- And be kind to each other.
Copy !req
937. If nothing else...
Copy !req
938. be kind.
Copy !req
939. I was so lucky...
Copy !req
940. to be your dad.
Copy !req
941. Home.
Copy !req
942. "I am home," I thought...
Copy !req
943. and stopped in wonder at the thought.
Copy !req
944. I am home.
Copy !req
945. I am home.
Copy !req
946. Now to climb.
Copy !req
947. I've been so wrong
Copy !req
948. about so much.
Copy !req
949. I've lived with ghosts since I was a kid.
Copy !req
950. Since before I knew they were even there.
Copy !req
951. Ghosts are guilt, ghosts are secrets,
Copy !req
952. ghosts are regrets and failings.
Copy !req
953. But most times...
Copy !req
954. most times a ghost is a wish.
Copy !req
955. Like a marriage is a wish.
Copy !req
956. A marriage can be like a house
and a marriage can be haunted,
Copy !req
957. and I let that happen to us.
Copy !req
958. And I'm so sorry, Leigh.
Copy !req
959. You're scaring me.
Copy !req
960. I have something
that I have to tell you.
Copy !req
961. And I'm going to.
Copy !req
962. But I need you to remember while I do,
that I love you,
Copy !req
963. my sweet...
Copy !req
964. friend.
Copy !req
965. My best friend.
Copy !req
966. I'm asking you to love me
Copy !req
967. hard for the next few minutes,
Copy !req
968. and it might be the hardest
Copy !req
969. that you've ever had to love me,
Copy !req
970. but I know it'll be okay,
Copy !req
971. because it's us.
Copy !req
972. So...
Copy !req
973. I'm going to jump
and I'm asking you to hold my hand...
Copy !req
974. while I'm falling.
Copy !req
975. Okay?
Copy !req
976. Okay.
Copy !req
977. Years ago...
Copy !req
978. six years ago...
Copy !req
979. I went to that conference in Chicago.
Copy !req
980. I wish...
Copy !req
981. I'd loved you better.
Copy !req
982. And let you see me clearly
without disguise.
Copy !req
983. I wish I'd been a better husband.
Copy !req
984. I wish I'd been a better son.
Copy !req
985. I wish I'd been a better brother.
Copy !req
986. What are you saying, Steve?
Copy !req
987. I'm saying I built a wall
around a big part of my life
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988. and I hid behind that wall
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989. and I thought that wall kept us both safe,
but walls don't work that way.
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990. Walls never work that way.
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991. What about these?
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992. Oh, trash.
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993. I think the truck's full.
Is that everything?
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994. Yeah, I'm ready.
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995. And all of that,
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996. the guilt and the grief
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997. and the secrets and the walls
and the ghosts,
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998. right now
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999. my only wish...
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1000. my only wish is to come home.
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1001. Please.
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1002. I just want to fix this.
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1003. Fear.
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1004. Fear is the relinquishment of logic,
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1005. the willing relinquishing
of reasonable patterns.
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1006. We're here.
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1007. We're here, Clara.
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1008. We made it.
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1009. But so, it seems, is love.
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1010. Love is the relinquishment
of logic...
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1011. the willing relinquishing
of reasonable patterns.
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1012. We yield to it or we fight it.
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1013. But we cannot meet it halfway.
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1014. Without it,
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1015. we cannot continue for long
to exist sanely
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1016. under conditions of absolute reality.
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1017. Hill House,
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1018. not sane,
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1019. stands against its hills
holding darkness within.
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1020. It has stood so for a hundred years
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1021. and might stand a hundred more.
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1022. Within...
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1023. walls continue upright...
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1024. bricks meet neatly...
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1025. floors are firm...
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1026. and doors are sensibly shut.
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1027. Silence lay steadily
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1028. against the wood and stone of Hill House.
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1029. And those who walk there...
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