1. - Linda.
Copy !req
2. - You can have literally
Copy !req
3. anything you could possibly—
Copy !req
4. - What the—
Copy !req
5. - You sent a demon in disguise
Copy !req
6. as one of the subjects?
Copy !req
7. This outrageous act
Copy !req
8. must be punished.
Copy !req
9. Chidi will be the fourth
Copy !req
10. subject in this experiment.
Copy !req
11. - I still don't get why
Copy !req
12. the Bad Place
Copy !req
13. would try something
Copy !req
14. so obvious.
Copy !req
15. - They're desperate.
Copy !req
16. They know they're gonna lose.
Copy !req
17. Plus, we can get
Copy !req
18. rid of the Linda picture...
Copy !req
19. and put a Chidi picture
Copy !req
20. on the other side
Copy !req
21. since we know
Copy !req
22. a ton about him.
Copy !req
23. This is all good news,
Copy !req
24. right, Team Leader?
Copy !req
25. - Yeah, it's super cool that
Copy !req
26. I'm actively surveilling
Copy !req
27. and manipulating
Copy !req
28. an ex-boyfriend.
Copy !req
29. I mean,
Copy !req
30. more so than I usually did.
Copy !req
31. Okay, let's focus on Brent.
Copy !req
32. Born on third base,
Copy !req
33. thinks he invented
Copy !req
34. the game of baseball.
Copy !req
35. Guys like this believe
Copy !req
36. that the world
Copy !req
37. revolves around them because...
Copy !req
38. it kind of does.
Copy !req
39. If we could get him
Copy !req
40. to listen to anyone else,
Copy !req
41. he'd hear how much better
Copy !req
42. they are than he was,
Copy !req
43. which might make him realize
Copy !req
44. that he doesn't belong here.
Copy !req
45. And also, bonus...
Copy !req
46. maybe he cries
Copy !req
47. like a stupid little baby.
Copy !req
48. - Anyway, long story short,
Copy !req
49. that's why
Copy !req
50. there are still ducks.
Copy !req
51. I saved all the ducks.
Copy !req
52. - Aw!
Copy !req
53. - Incredible. Wow.
Copy !req
54. Thank you, Wanda.
Copy !req
55. What a life.
Copy !req
56. Now we turn to our next guest,
Copy !req
57. Chidi Anagonye.
Copy !req
58. Now Chidi, you led an
Copy !req
59. impressive life as an academic.
Copy !req
60. - Well, not "save an entire
Copy !req
61. species" impressive,
Copy !req
62. but, yes, I was a professor
Copy !req
63. of ethical
Copy !req
64. and moral philosophy.
Copy !req
65. I'm sorry—
Copy !req
66. literally every duck?
Copy !req
67. You saved every duck?
Copy !req
68. - In essence, yes.
Copy !req
69. And I didn't
Copy !req
70. mention this before.
Copy !req
71. I really don't like to brag
Copy !req
72. but also... horses.
Copy !req
73. Oh!
Copy !req
74. - What?
Copy !req
75. Man...
Copy !req
76. I mean, compared to you,
Copy !req
77. I feel a little inadequate.
Copy !req
78. - Hey, Mikey,
Copy !req
79. can I ask you something?
Copy !req
80. I feel bad for making
Copy !req
81. Janet's life
Copy !req
82. more chaotic
Copy !req
83. and unpredictable,
Copy !req
84. so here's my idea
Copy !req
85. to make it up to her.
Copy !req
86. Me and 100 Janet Babies
Copy !req
87. do a giant flash mob—
Copy !req
88. just total unpredictable
Copy !req
89. chaos all around her.
Copy !req
90. Great idea, right?
Copy !req
91. - Jason, Jason, Jason,
Copy !req
92. Jason, Jason.
Copy !req
93. - Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
94. - Sorry, I put a little cheat
Copy !req
95. code in the Neighborhood
Copy !req
96. where if I say
Copy !req
97. your name five times
Copy !req
98. my headache goes away.
Copy !req
99. Do you know why I forced you
Copy !req
100. to act like a monk
Copy !req
101. in the original Neighborhood?
Copy !req
102. - Does it have to do
Copy !req
103. with the TV show "Monk"?
Copy !req
104. - No.
Copy !req
105. It's because you have no
Copy !req
106. control over your own impulses.
Copy !req
107. You think every problem
Copy !req
108. can be solved
Copy !req
109. with a Molotov cocktail
Copy !req
110. or slashing somebody's tires
Copy !req
111. or plunging Derek.
Copy !req
112. So being a monk
Copy !req
113. was torture for you.
Copy !req
114. The only way for you to repair
Copy !req
115. your relationship with Janet
Copy !req
116. is to give her some space.
Copy !req
117. Show her that you can
Copy !req
118. control your impulses.
Copy !req
119. - So you're saying
Copy !req
120. wanting to do something
Copy !req
121. isn't a good reason
Copy !req
122. to immediately do it?
Copy !req
123. - Yeah.
Copy !req
124. - Man, I wish someone
Copy !req
125. had taught me this on Earth.
Copy !req
126. - People tried,
Copy !req
127. mostly judges.
Copy !req
128. - Hey, show time.
Copy !req
129. - And now, Brent Norwalk,
Copy !req
130. why don't you tell us
Copy !req
131. a little bit about yourself?
Copy !req
132. - Thank you very much.
Copy !req
133. Thank you.
Copy !req
134. Sure.
Copy !req
135. I'm pretty interesting.
Copy !req
136. I grew up in Chicago.
Copy !req
137. A suburb, obviously.
Copy !req
138. I went to Princeton University.
Copy !req
139. No handouts, by the way.
Copy !req
140. I earned my spot there...
Copy !req
141. just like my father
Copy !req
142. and his father before him.
Copy !req
143. I then inherited
Copy !req
144. the family business,
Copy !req
145. and in just 18 years,
Copy !req
146. I grew Norwalk Materials
Copy !req
147. from a $90 million company...
Copy !req
148. to a $94 million company.
Copy !req
149. One second.
Copy !req
150. Hey, Janet.
Copy !req
151. - Hi, there.
Copy !req
152. - Perrier.
Copy !req
153. - Why don't you tell us
Copy !req
154. about a time
Copy !req
155. when things
Copy !req
156. didn't come so easy to you.
Copy !req
157. - Look, I've had my share
Copy !req
158. of disappointments.
Copy !req
159. I smartly bought Netflix stock
Copy !req
160. at $38 a share,
Copy !req
161. but I couldn't
Copy !req
162. cash it in before I died,
Copy !req
163. so all that money's
Copy !req
164. going to my dumb kid.
Copy !req
165. But you
Copy !req
166. have to press on, right?
Copy !req
167. In the words
Copy !req
168. of Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Copy !req
169. who I personally
Copy !req
170. believe was a great man,
Copy !req
171. he said that when life
Copy !req
172. knocks you on your butt,
Copy !req
173. you jump back up
Copy !req
174. and start throwing haymakers.
Copy !req
175. - I'm not sure he said that.
Copy !req
176. - No, no, he did.
Copy !req
177. You're wrong.
Copy !req
178. For me, Eleanor,
Copy !req
179. it's all about
Copy !req
180. taking personal responsibility.
Copy !req
181. I don't know if people do that.
Copy !req
182. And if you ask me,
Copy !req
183. that's what's wrong
Copy !req
184. with this country.
Copy !req
185. - What country?
Copy !req
186. - This was fun, Eleanor,
Copy !req
187. but I have a tee time.
Copy !req
188. Daddy no golfy,
Copy !req
189. daddy get cranky.
Copy !req
190. So, Chad, duck lady,
Copy !req
191. nice to meet you.
Copy !req
192. Thank you.
Copy !req
193. Thank you all very much.
Copy !req
194. You were great.
Copy !req
195. - A car?
Copy !req
196. He got a car?
Copy !req
197. - Okay,
Copy !req
198. well,
Copy !req
199. back to the drawing board.
Copy !req
200. - If we want him to understand
Copy !req
201. he doesn't belong here,
Copy !req
202. we don't need a drawing board.
Copy !req
203. We need to bust
Copy !req
204. him open like a piñata.
Copy !req
205. - We tried that
Copy !req
206. in the Bad Place.
Copy !req
207. The goo that comes out
Copy !req
208. doesn't taste as good as candy.
Copy !req
209. - No, dude, metaphorically.
Copy !req
210. - Ahh.
Copy !req
211. - Although, there is another
Copy !req
212. Bad Place strategy
Copy !req
213. that might work very well here.
Copy !req
214. - I don't know
Copy !req
215. if that's the right move.
Copy !req
216. - It's our only move.
Copy !req
217. And we're doing it.
Copy !req
218. Tomorrow.
Copy !req
219. - What the...
Copy !req
220. Hey, Janet?
Copy !req
221. Janet!
Copy !req
222. [Chicago's "25 or 6 to 4"
Copy !req
223. plays]
Copy !req
224. Is that Perrier?
Copy !req
225. - Michael, Eleanor.
Copy !req
226. - Brent, I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
227. We don't know why
Copy !req
228. all of this is happening.
Copy !req
229. - Well, I do.
Copy !req
230. This chaos is clearly
Copy !req
231. all about me.
Copy !req
232. This is the universe telling me
Copy !req
233. that I don't belong here.
Copy !req
234. - Brent, what do you mean?
Copy !req
235. - I don't belong
Copy !req
236. in the Good Place.
Copy !req
237. - I mean, obviously there's
Copy !req
238. a place better than this.
Copy !req
239. I belong there.
Copy !req
240. In the best place.
Copy !req
241. [screaming, growling,
Copy !req
242. chaos continues]
Copy !req
243. - Walk me through this, Brent.
Copy !req
244. I'm not sure we follow.
Copy !req
245. - Well, I've been feeling
Copy !req
246. this way for a while now.
Copy !req
247. I mean, this can't be all
Copy !req
248. the Afterlife has to offer.
Copy !req
249. Not to the cream of the crop.
Copy !req
250. I mean, if this is heaven,
Copy !req
251. then where are my guys?
Copy !req
252. Where's Scotty
Copy !req
253. and Schultzy and Porcupine?
Copy !req
254. Where's White Guillermo?
Copy !req
255. And where is Mexican William?
Copy !req
256. And what about Squirtman?
Copy !req
257. - Well, he makes a good point.
Copy !req
258. You know, what about Squirtman?
Copy !req
259. - Also, frankly,
Copy !req
260. my assistant Janet
Copy !req
261. is a little uptight.
Copy !req
262. I mean, she hasn't worn
Copy !req
263. any of my gifts.
Copy !req
264. - Have you been asking Janet
Copy !req
265. to make herself clothes
Copy !req
266. that you give back to her?
Copy !req
267. - Yeah, you're doing
Copy !req
268. the math right there, bud.
Copy !req
269. - Look, this chaos,
Copy !req
270. which is clearly all about me,
Copy !req
271. is a sign.
Copy !req
272. If this is the Good Place,
Copy !req
273. I belong in the best place.
Copy !req
274. So figure it out.
Copy !req
275. Get back to me, okay?
Copy !req
276. [screaming, explosions
Copy !req
277. continue]
Copy !req
278. - I'm gonna go punch
Copy !req
279. a wall with my head.
Copy !req
280. I'll meet up with you later.
Copy !req
281. - Michael, I'm afraid
Copy !req
282. we need to talk about Eleanor.
Copy !req
283. - I know what you're gonna say.
Copy !req
284. She's just been really busy.
Copy !req
285. I'm sure she'll get around
Copy !req
286. to showering at some point.
Copy !req
287. - No, it's not that,
Copy !req
288. although, it's not... not that.
Copy !req
289. It's possible
Copy !req
290. we need a new Team Leader.
Copy !req
291. - Oh, really?
Copy !req
292. - We just can't help but
Copy !req
293. question her decision-making.
Copy !req
294. She balked at bringing
Copy !req
295. Chidi and Simone together.
Copy !req
296. She ignored
Copy !req
297. my concerns about Linda.
Copy !req
298. Her plans for Brent backfired.
Copy !req
299. We've made precious
Copy !req
300. little progress.
Copy !req
301. Perhaps leadership
Copy !req
302. isn't her forte.
Copy !req
303. - Yeah, I mean,
Copy !req
304. Eleanor is dope,
Copy !req
305. but she keeps
Copy !req
306. screwing everything up.
Copy !req
307. That's my thing,
Copy !req
308. and you wouldn't
Copy !req
309. put me in charge.
Copy !req
310. - Actually,
Copy !req
311. that's a decent point.
Copy !req
312. But think about
Copy !req
313. what you're saying here.
Copy !req
314. - We have.
Copy !req
315. We should at least discuss
Copy !req
316. pursuing a change
Copy !req
317. in leadership.
Copy !req
318. - Yeah, definitely,
Copy !req
319. let's pursue it.
Copy !req
320. - Oh, hey, Eleanor,
Copy !req
321. we were just talking about
Copy !req
322. maybe you shouldn't be...
Copy !req
323. Team... Leader?
Copy !req
324. Saved it.
Copy !req
325. - Go ahead, guys.
Copy !req
326. Speak your mind.
Copy !req
327. - It isn't personal, Eleanor.
Copy !req
328. When we started
Copy !req
329. this experiment,
Copy !req
330. I calculated
Copy !req
331. a 9% chance of success.
Copy !req
332. After your first
Copy !req
333. three days on the job,
Copy !req
334. it's down to 7.1%.
Copy !req
335. So purely from
Copy !req
336. a mathematical standpoint,
Copy !req
337. you are kind of pooching it.
Copy !req
338. - Very helpful feedback.
Copy !req
339. And if I could
Copy !req
340. give you some feedback,
Copy !req
341. I'd say that you're all
Copy !req
342. ungrateful ash-faces
Copy !req
343. who can shove your fat grumps
Copy !req
344. all the way up your snork-box.
Copy !req
345. - Which curses were those?
Copy !req
346. - I didn't ask for this!
Copy !req
347. I'm only doing it
Copy !req
348. because Michael,
Copy !req
349. who is supposed
Copy !req
350. to be in charge,
Copy !req
351. had a nervous breakdown
Copy !req
352. the second it started.
Copy !req
353. But maybe you can
Copy !req
354. do it better than me.
Copy !req
355. Tahani can be in charge
Copy !req
356. since she's so smart.
Copy !req
357. Or better yet, Jason.
Copy !req
358. Maybe all of humanity
Copy !req
359. can be saved
Copy !req
360. with one good old-fashioned
Copy !req
361. Jacksonville carnival.
Copy !req
362. - I mean, we could try.
Copy !req
363. All I need is a bouncy house,
Copy !req
364. some ninja stars,
Copy !req
365. and a bunch of ambulances.
Copy !req
366. - Well, good luck, forkfaces.
Copy !req
367. I quit.
Copy !req
368. Shellstrop out.
Copy !req
369. - You got it all
Copy !req
370. out of your system?
Copy !req
371. You gonna come back?
Copy !req
372. Get to work?
Copy !req
373. - No, man.
Copy !req
374. I meant what I said.
Copy !req
375. I quit.
Copy !req
376. - I'm sorry
Copy !req
377. you overheard that.
Copy !req
378. And they're sorry
Copy !req
379. they said it.
Copy !req
380. But you don't
Copy !req
381. just get to quit this, Eleanor.
Copy !req
382. This is not
Copy !req
383. your 7th grade band
Copy !req
384. or three hours
Copy !req
385. into a two-week juice cleanse.
Copy !req
386. A little more at stake here.
Copy !req
387. - Yeah, man,
Copy !req
388. that's why I'm quitting.
Copy !req
389. The things that are happening
Copy !req
390. here are above my pay grade.
Copy !req
391. How do I get Brent
Copy !req
392. to stop being such a deckhead?
Copy !req
393. How do I fix Simone
Copy !req
394. when she's convinced
Copy !req
395. all of this is happening
Copy !req
396. inside of her brain?
Copy !req
397. Ooh, maybe I should
Copy !req
398. drive her into the arms
Copy !req
399. of my ex-boyfriend—
Copy !req
400. that sounds fun.
Copy !req
401. What do I do about
Copy !req
402. John the gossip king,
Copy !req
403. or the demon spy
Copy !req
404. who punched me in the face?
Copy !req
405. And how do I do it all
Copy !req
406. with a pleasant smile
Copy !req
407. to keep everyone's
Copy !req
408. spirits up?
Copy !req
409. I'm not meant for this.
Copy !req
410. I'm not the freakin'
Copy !req
411. savior of the universe.
Copy !req
412. I'm just...
Copy !req
413. a girl from Arizona.
Copy !req
414. That's it.
Copy !req
415. I'm just a normal
Copy !req
416. girl from Arizona.
Copy !req
417. I ate junk food.
Copy !req
418. I watched reality shows.
Copy !req
419. I sometimes left H&M
Copy !req
420. wearing more underpants
Copy !req
421. than I had on when I came in.
Copy !req
422. I did a bad job of being
Copy !req
423. in charge of my own life,
Copy !req
424. and now I'm supposed to be in
Copy !req
425. charge of everyone else's life?
Copy !req
426. I—
Copy !req
427. I cannot do this.
Copy !req
428. - When I started my experiment,
Copy !req
429. I thought:
Copy !req
430. "Four broken birdbrains
Copy !req
431. who will believe
Copy !req
432. "everything I tell them.
Copy !req
433. This will be a breeze."
Copy !req
434. You beat me in three months.
Copy !req
435. Okay, fine, I thought.
Copy !req
436. A fluke.
Copy !req
437. You then beat me
Copy !req
438. 800 more times.
Copy !req
439. Because human beings,
Copy !req
440. it turns out,
Copy !req
441. are weird
Copy !req
442. and I will never
Copy !req
443. truly understand
Copy !req
444. what it's like to be one.
Copy !req
445. This is a job for a human—
Copy !req
446. one who's tough
Copy !req
447. but also empathetic
Copy !req
448. and has a big heart.
Copy !req
449. And a world-class
Copy !req
450. bullshirt detector.
Copy !req
451. You think you can't do this?
Copy !req
452. Eleanor...
Copy !req
453. you're the only one
Copy !req
454. who can do this.
Copy !req
455. Like it or not...
Copy !req
456. the only one
Copy !req
457. who can save a humanity
Copy !req
458. is a girl from Arizona.
Copy !req
459. - But everything I do
Copy !req
460. blows up in my face.
Copy !req
461. I'm like a hot, blonde
Copy !req
462. Wile E. Coyote
Copy !req
463. - That's true.
Copy !req
464. About you making
Copy !req
465. lots of mistakes,
Copy !req
466. not the thing where
Copy !req
467. you sexualized a cartoon.
Copy !req
468. Come on,
Copy !req
469. you know how this works.
Copy !req
470. You fail and then
Copy !req
471. you try something else.
Copy !req
472. And you fail again and again,
Copy !req
473. and you fail a thousand times,
Copy !req
474. and you keep trying because...
Copy !req
475. maybe the 1001st idea
Copy !req
476. might work.
Copy !req
477. Now, I'm gonna and try to find
Copy !req
478. our 1,001st idea.
Copy !req
479. I hope you'll join me.
Copy !req
480. I hope you shower first
Copy !req
481. and then join me.
Copy !req
482. - Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
483. back with her trademark brand
Copy !req
484. of B-minus leadership,
Copy !req
485. Eleanor Shellstrop.
Copy !req
486. - We are so, so, so sorry,
Copy !req
487. Eleanor.
Copy !req
488. We never should've
Copy !req
489. questioned you.
Copy !req
490. - Don't worry about it,
Copy !req
491. hot stuff.
Copy !req
492. I was questioning me, too.
Copy !req
493. But I'm back, baby.
Copy !req
494. And I have a new idea
Copy !req
495. for Brent.
Copy !req
496. Guys like him never think
Copy !req
497. they're wrong, so...
Copy !req
498. we're gonna
Copy !req
499. tell him he's right.
Copy !req
500. - Brent.
Copy !req
501. This conversation
Copy !req
502. must remain confidential.
Copy !req
503. - Okay.
Copy !req
504. - Obviously,
Copy !req
505. you're a very smart guy.
Copy !req
506. - Yes.
Copy !req
507. - But we need to know
Copy !req
508. that we can trust you
Copy !req
509. with sensitive information.
Copy !req
510. - You can.
Copy !req
511. I routinely buried
Copy !req
512. HR complaints,
Copy !req
513. so, no problem.
Copy !req
514. - Truth is, Brent,
Copy !req
515. you figured us out.
Copy !req
516. There is a Best Place.
Copy !req
517. - I knew it.
Copy !req
518. I knew it.
Copy !req
519. - The Best Place is reserved
Copy !req
520. for a select upper echelon
Copy !req
521. of good people,
Copy !req
522. sort of like
Copy !req
523. a Diamond Elite VIP Club
Copy !req
524. of Afterlife residents.
Copy !req
525. - I was Diamond Elite.
Copy !req
526. I swear.
Copy !req
527. One time I did shots
Copy !req
528. with this pilot in the lounge,
Copy !req
529. and the guy let me fly
Copy !req
530. his helicopter.
Copy !req
531. - We know.
Copy !req
532. That's how you died.
Copy !req
533. - Right.
Copy !req
534. - So you'll all be evaluated,
Copy !req
535. and then a very small group
Copy !req
536. of the most morally upstanding
Copy !req
537. residents get to go.
Copy !req
538. - Oh, I see.
Copy !req
539. So it's like
Copy !req
540. a "good deeds" contest?
Copy !req
541. That's easy.
Copy !req
542. I'm gonna crush this.
Copy !req
543. Oh, and hey...
Copy !req
544. mum's the word, right?
Copy !req
545. Why tip off my competition?
Copy !req
546. Oops. Looks like
Copy !req
547. you dropped your fork.
Copy !req
548. Let me get that for you.
Copy !req
549. Did you get that?
Copy !req
550. The fork thing?
Copy !req
551. Or should I start
Copy !req
552. writing these down?
Copy !req
553. - No, you're good.
Copy !req
554. We'll keep track.
Copy !req
555. - Great. Love it.
Copy !req
556. - Hi, Jason.
Copy !req
557. - Janet,
Copy !req
558. I'm so happy to see you.
Copy !req
559. I got you a box of chocolates.
Copy !req
560. But then I remembered
Copy !req
561. you can't eat, so I ate them.
Copy !req
562. And I thought
Copy !req
563. it'd be a nice present
Copy !req
564. for me to describe them to you.
Copy !req
565. So...
Copy !req
566. the first one was gross—
Copy !req
567. - Jason, um,
Copy !req
568. please just let me talk.
Copy !req
569. You know that I've
Copy !req
570. been overwhelmed with work
Copy !req
571. since the Neighborhood
Copy !req
572. started.
Copy !req
573. - Yup.
Copy !req
574. - And I asked you
Copy !req
575. to give me some space.
Copy !req
576. - Yup.
Copy !req
577. - I'm so sorry to say this.
Copy !req
578. But I can't be
Copy !req
579. in a relationship
Copy !req
580. with you right now.
Copy !req
581. Being with you is fun,
Copy !req
582. but it's not always easy,
Copy !req
583. and I'm afraid it would
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584. endanger the experiment.
Copy !req
585. - It won't, though.
Copy !req
586. - Jason, it already has.
Copy !req
587. So why don't we just
Copy !req
588. take a break
Copy !req
589. until it's all finished.
Copy !req
590. Also, I hate to pile on,
Copy !req
591. but I feel like
Copy !req
592. you have a right to know.
Copy !req
593. The Jacksonville Jaguars
Copy !req
594. cut Blake Bortles.
Copy !req
595. He's not on the team anymore.
Copy !req
596. I am genuinely sorry.
Copy !req
597. - Hi, how are you?
Copy !req
598. Nice to see you.
Copy !req
599. Enjoy your yogurt.
Copy !req
600. - Problem is, now he's saddled
Copy !req
601. with a bad motivation.
Copy !req
602. I mean, his points won't
Copy !req
603. go up if the only reason
Copy !req
604. he's being nice
Copy !req
605. is to make his points go up.
Copy !req
606. - Yeah, but that was
Copy !req
607. also my situation
Copy !req
608. when I first asked
Copy !req
609. Chidi for help.
Copy !req
610. I only did it
Copy !req
611. so you wouldn't catch me.
Copy !req
612. We have to hope that over time
Copy !req
613. Brent starts doing
Copy !req
614. good things out of habit.
Copy !req
615. - Just like you.
Copy !req
616. - Hey,
Copy !req
617. I just realized something.
Copy !req
618. That whole "you're the only one
Copy !req
619. who can save us" speech—
Copy !req
620. you didn't actually have
Copy !req
621. a nervous breakdown
Copy !req
622. on day one, did you?
Copy !req
623. You faked it
Copy !req
624. so that I would step up
Copy !req
625. and take over.
Copy !req
626. Guilty.
Copy !req
627. - You tricky devil!
Copy !req
628. Very clever.
Copy !req
629. All right.
Copy !req
630. Time to go help
Copy !req
631. Simone and Chidi.
Copy !req
632. Oof, why did I
Copy !req
633. come up with this idea?
Copy !req
634. This is gonna hurt
Copy !req
635. real bad.
Copy !req
636. - I know, I know.
Copy !req
637. But I think it's gonna work.
Copy !req
638. - Yeah, but it's gonna
Copy !req
639. suck for me.
Copy !req
640. You sure there's no other girl
Copy !req
641. from Arizona who can do this?
Copy !req
642. What about Emma Stone?
Copy !req
643. She's from there.
Copy !req
644. She's very capable.
Copy !req
645. Remember her in "Zombieland"
Copy !req
646. and "La La Land"?
Copy !req
647. What's with all her movies
Copy !req
648. ending with "land"?
Copy !req
649. - You're stalling.
Copy !req
650. - Yep, heading out.
Copy !req
651. - Jason, I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
652. - Janet was my whole
Copy !req
653. Afterlife.
Copy !req
654. How am I gonna get over her?
Copy !req
655. - I used to have
Copy !req
656. a breakup routine
Copy !req
657. when a relationship ended—
Copy !req
658. Champagne
Copy !req
659. and Alanis Morissette.
Copy !req
660. Not the actual singer.
Copy !req
661. I'd just listen to her albums
Copy !req
662. at my friend Adele's house.
Copy !req
663. - I guess I could do
Copy !req
664. my normal breakup routine—
Copy !req
665. drink a ton of Mountain Dew,
Copy !req
666. steal an ATV,
Copy !req
667. and ride it through
Copy !req
668. a Panda Express.
Copy !req
669. But then I'd have to ask Janet
Copy !req
670. for the Mountain Dew
Copy !req
671. and the ATV,
Copy !req
672. and then I'd have to see Janet,
Copy !req
673. and then I'd start crying.
Copy !req
674. What do I do?
Copy !req
675. - I honestly don't know.
Copy !req
676. But whatever you do,
Copy !req
677. you'll be doing it
Copy !req
678. with your friends.
Copy !req
679. - And I didn't even
Copy !req
680. get to tell you
Copy !req
681. about the Blake Bortles part.
Copy !req
682. - So, Chidi...
Copy !req
683. do you remember
Copy !req
684. that woman Simone
Copy !req
685. from the party the other night?
Copy !req
686. - Simone...
Copy !req
687. the... Third Eye Blind
Copy !req
688. superfan
Copy !req
689. who walked around
Copy !req
690. cutting off people's ponytails?
Copy !req
691. - That's the one.
Copy !req
692. I need your help acclimating
Copy !req
693. her to the Neighborhood.
Copy !req
694. I've tried, but since
Copy !req
695. she thinks this whole thing
Copy !req
696. is imaginary
Copy !req
697. and I'm an authority figure,
Copy !req
698. I'm extra suspicious.
Copy !req
699. - Well, what makes you think
Copy !req
700. I'd have any more luck?
Copy !req
701. - Chidi, you and Simone...
Copy !req
702. Are soul mates.
Copy !req
703. - Soul mates?
Copy !req
704. Like our souls are... are...
Copy !req
705. - Mates. Yes.
Copy !req
706. Everyone has people that
Copy !req
707. they're cosmically bound to,
Copy !req
708. and the system brings
Copy !req
709. them together in the Afterlife,
Copy !req
710. and I can say
Copy !req
711. with complete certainty
Copy !req
712. that you and Simone
Copy !req
713. are two such people.
Copy !req
714. - I haven't told her yet.
Copy !req
715. I wouldn't have
Copy !req
716. told you ordinarily,
Copy !req
717. but since she's gone
Copy !req
718. a little cuckoo bananas—
Copy !req
719. that's the official
Copy !req
720. Architect term—
Copy !req
721. I thought it was prudent
Copy !req
722. to let you know.
Copy !req
723. - Whoo, boy, uh...
Copy !req
724. I'm getting a stomach ache...
Copy !req
725. but a good one.
Copy !req
726. A happy stomach ache.
Copy !req
727. This is new!
Copy !req
728. There are some great writings
Copy !req
729. on simulated realities
Copy !req
730. that might help her adjust—
Copy !req
731. Descartes, Moravec,
Copy !req
732. Zhuang Zhou.
Copy !req
733. I wonder if I can summon
Copy !req
734. a book from my apartment.
Copy !req
735. - Well, good luck.
Copy !req
736. - This is incredible!
Copy !req
737. I spent my whole life
Copy !req
738. in pursuit
Copy !req
739. of fundamental truths
Copy !req
740. about the universe,
Copy !req
741. but I never actually...
Copy !req
742. fell in love with someone.
Copy !req
743. - I know.
Copy !req
744. - Oh, right, of course.
Copy !req
745. You know everything about me.
Copy !req
746. - I do, indeed.
Copy !req
747. - Hi, Simone.
Copy !req
748. Uh, Chidi.
Copy !req
749. From the other night.
Copy !req
750. - Oh, wow.
Copy !req
751. My brain must really like
Copy !req
752. keeping you around.
Copy !req
753. Have a fake seat and grab
Copy !req
754. a yogurt that doesn't exist.
Copy !req
755. - Right, um...
Copy !req
756. so if I understand
Copy !req
757. your state of mind,
Copy !req
758. it's basically solipsism.
Copy !req
759. You think that you're the only
Copy !req
760. real thing in the universe
Copy !req
761. and everything else stems
Copy !req
762. from your consciousness.
Copy !req
763. - Yes, but to be fair,
Copy !req
764. I only think that because
Copy !req
765. it's true and I'm right.
Copy !req
766. - No offense,
Copy !req
767. but solipsism as a philosophy
Copy !req
768. is pretty juvenile,
Copy !req
769. especially for a person
Copy !req
770. with multiple advanced degrees.
Copy !req
771. It's also impossible to refute
Copy !req
772. because everything you see
Copy !req
773. is confirmed by your belief.
Copy !req
774. However...
Copy !req
775. Dude.
Copy !req
776. - What? I mean,
Copy !req
777. if none of this is real,
Copy !req
778. then it really
Copy !req
779. shouldn't matter, right?
Copy !req
780. In fact...
Copy !req
781. - Ha. Dude!
Copy !req
782. - What?
Copy !req
783. It's not real!
Copy !req
784. None of this matters.
Copy !req
785. Leave that on your nose
Copy !req
786. for the rest of time.
Copy !req
787. - Fine. Point sort of taken.
Copy !req
788. - You know,
Copy !req
789. in a larger sense,
Copy !req
790. if you go around acting
Copy !req
791. like no one else matters
Copy !req
792. then you end up
Copy !req
793. doing things like
Copy !req
794. knocking over cakes
Copy !req
795. and pushing
Copy !req
796. people into pools
Copy !req
797. and just generally
Copy !req
798. acting like a jerk.
Copy !req
799. Why not treat them better
Copy !req
800. just in case they're real?
Copy !req
801. I mean, what do you have
Copy !req
802. to lose by treating people
Copy !req
803. with kindness and respect?
Copy !req
804. - Okay, keep talking,
Copy !req
805. probably fake, but maybe real,
Copy !req
806. philosopher man.
Copy !req
807. - Well, good news—Simone
Copy !req
808. and Chidi are hitting it off.
Copy !req
809. I mean, I wasn't getting any
Copy !req
810. use out of him as a boyfriend,
Copy !req
811. so why not pass him off
Copy !req
812. to someone in need?
Copy !req
813. Is this what donating old
Copy !req
814. bras to Goodwill feels like?
Copy !req
815. - Must've been really hard
Copy !req
816. lying to Chidi like that.
Copy !req
817. - That's the thing.
Copy !req
818. I don't know that it was a lie.
Copy !req
819. They did fall in love on Earth,
Copy !req
820. and Michael was right.
Copy !req
821. Chidi made a huge
Copy !req
822. sacrifice for us,
Copy !req
823. and I had to make sure
Copy !req
824. it was worth it.
Copy !req
825. - It's arguable that you made
Copy !req
826. an even bigger sacrifice.
Copy !req
827. You actually have to live
Copy !req
828. with this situation.
Copy !req
829. Chidi just gets
Copy !req
830. to go around blissfully
Copy !req
831. unaware of what he gave up.
Copy !req
832. - Yeah, but we know
Copy !req
833. what he gave up.
Copy !req
834. - Dat ash.
Copy !req
835. - Come on, bud,
Copy !req
836. I know you're down,
Copy !req
837. but you can't
Copy !req
838. leaving me hanging.
Copy !req
839. - You're right.
Copy !req
840. That is the code.
Copy !req