1. - I know you have trouble
saying how you feel.
Copy !req
2. - I love you too.
Copy !req
3. I've never been
that certain about anything.
Copy !req
4. I once even tried
to rent socks.
Copy !req
5. - Do you have any feelings
like that for me again now?
Copy !req
6. - I'm sorry, but I—
I don't think I do.
Copy !req
7. - Thank you for
helping me today.
Copy !req
8. - You really did just
come here to chat, didn't ya?
Copy !req
9. It's just a very
humany thing to do.
Copy !req
10. I really feel like
things are starting to click
Copy !req
11. in our little study group.
Copy !req
12. - Hm.
Copy !req
13. - Hello, Michael.
Copy !req
14. Shut the door.
Have a seat.
Copy !req
15. When you proposed
this new form of torture,
Copy !req
16. we all laughed
behind your back.
Copy !req
17. Some people called you names,
Copy !req
18. like "the Thomas Edison
of incompetence,"
Copy !req
19. or "that dick."
Copy !req
20. - But against all odds,
Copy !req
21. it seems you've pulled it off.
Copy !req
22. What you've done here
is truly amazing.
Copy !req
23. - Really?
Copy !req
24. - Yes, these reports
are remarkable.
Copy !req
25. Your humans are experiencing
emotional torture
Copy !req
26. at the same level of
physical torture,
Copy !req
27. created by our squiggliest
eyeball corkscrews.
Copy !req
28. I'm jubilant.
Copy !req
29. As a result of our success,
Copy !req
30. I'm getting a seat
on the High Council.
Copy !req
31. We will greatly expand
our neighborhood idea,
Copy !req
32. and you will oversee
the entire project.
Copy !req
33. You are being promoted.
Copy !req
34. Your Senior Staff pin.
Copy !req
35. This is everything
you've ever wanted.
Copy !req
36. - No, this is everything
I've ever wanted.
Copy !req
37. Oh!
Copy !req
38. This is everything
I've ever wanted.
Copy !req
39. Oh, wow!
You're really happy?
Copy !req
40. - Can't you tell?
Copy !req
41. I'm basically squealing
like a birthday girl.
Copy !req
42. - At some point,
we should finish discussing
Copy !req
43. yesterday's events.
Copy !req
44. - Do you mean us
almost getting married
Copy !req
45. and then finding out
I was married to Janet
Copy !req
46. and then Janet making
a boyfriend to forget me
Copy !req
47. and then Janet getting
rid of that boyfriend?
Copy !req
48. Or do you mean
when we saw that cool cloud?
Copy !req
49. - The first bit.
Copy !req
50. Perhaps later
after Michael briefs us
Copy !req
51. on how we're gonna be
fake-tortured today,
Copy !req
52. we can just sit down
and have a chat?
Copy !req
53. - Yes, good idea.
Copy !req
54. Yo, Chidi.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
55. - You wanna hear about
a cool cloud I saw?
Copy !req
56. - Come in.
Copy !req
57. - I'd like to start
by saying something
Copy !req
58. I've wanted to say
for a very long time.
Copy !req
59. Surprise, idiots!
Copy !req
60. You're all in the Bad Place.
Copy !req
61. That's right, nerds.
Copy !req
62. Everything around you,
all you can see,
Copy !req
63. is an elaborate
system of torture
Copy !req
64. designed just for you.
Copy !req
65. - Sorry,
we're in the Bad Place?
Copy !req
66. - Why are you
revealing this now?
Copy !req
67. - Well, it was an experiment,
and it worked,
Copy !req
68. so my boss is promoting me.
Copy !req
69. Sorry, I should've
introduced you.
Copy !req
70. This is my boss, Shawn.
Copy !req
71. - Hello, imbeciles.
Copy !req
72. We need to study
everything that happened here.
Copy !req
73. There was a first version
that collapsed,
Copy !req
74. but the second
has been a huge success.
Copy !req
75. We'll be shutting
this place down.
Copy !req
76. The four of you will be
brought to the real Bad Pace,
Copy !req
77. where your brains
will be removed, studied,
Copy !req
78. and batted around a stadium
like beach balls.
Copy !req
79. Your arms will be peeled
like bananas.
Copy !req
80. That part's just for fun...
- Right.
Copy !req
81. - And then you will be,
you know, tortured forever.
Copy !req
82. - Michael, is this all true?
Copy !req
83. - Yes, Eleanor, it is.
Copy !req
84. You're such a rube,
Copy !req
85. thinking you could become
a better person.
Copy !req
86. You got Chidi to teach you
stupid philosophy...
Copy !req
87. - Like those old farts
were gonna provide guidance.
Copy !req
88. "Oh, Kierkegaard is so great.
Copy !req
89. Have you read
'Fear and Trembling'?"
Copy !req
90. Well, I don't know, have you
read "Boring and Stupid"?
Copy !req
91. Because that's what you are.
Copy !req
92. - Nice.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
93. - How long will it take you
to shut down the neighborhood?
Copy !req
94. - Better part of a day,
I'd guess.
Copy !req
95. In the meantime,
why don't we have
Copy !req
96. a farewell party here tonight?
Copy !req
97. You know, just to thank
the crew for all the hard work.
Copy !req
98. We could jam to some tunes,
you know, destroy the place,
Copy !req
99. play beer pong
with Jason's testicles.
Copy !req
100. What do you say, boss?
- Sure.
Copy !req
101. By the way,
I know what you're thinking.
Copy !req
102. "Maybe Janet can help."
- Ah.
Copy !req
103. - You're wrong.
Copy !req
104. Oh, hi, you little cuties.
Copy !req
105. I love you guys so much,
Copy !req
106. except for you, Jason,
because I hate you.
Copy !req
107. I hate you.
- Janet, what's wrong?
Copy !req
108. - Ooh!
Where's my phone?
Copy !req
109. - We put a restraining
bracelet on her,
Copy !req
110. disrupting her powers.
Copy !req
111. It's made of mag-a-nets.
Copy !req
112. Mag-a-nets.
Copy !req
113. Mag-a-ne-its.
Copy !req
114. - Magnets are supposed
to make me feel drunk,
Copy !req
115. but guess what,
I feel fine.
Copy !req
116. - I can't believe
Michael betrayed us again.
Copy !req
117. Why is it always
the ones you most expect?
Copy !req
118. - We should've
seen this coming.
Copy !req
119. No one can ever truly
turn over a new leaf.
Copy !req
120. Sure, Ben Affleck told me
he'd matured as an artist
Copy !req
121. after he directed "Argo,"
Copy !req
122. but then,
right on schedule, it was,
Copy !req
123. "Guess what, Tahani,
I'm gonna be Batman."
Copy !req
124. - There's only one option.
Sean clearly doesn't know
Copy !req
125. that Michael has rebooted
this neighborhood 800 times.
Copy !req
126. I say we trade that information
Copy !req
127. for some kind of
reduced sentence.
Copy !req
128. - Chidi, they're monsters.
Copy !req
129. Who's to say they won't
agree to a deal,
Copy !req
130. hear what we have to say,
and turn around
Copy !req
131. and install us into
their horrible human zoo?
Copy !req
132. - There's no other option.
Copy !req
133. There's no way for a human to
get that bracelet off of Janet.
Copy !req
134. - But if there were,
we could get her
Copy !req
135. to call us a train to
Mindy St. Claire's house.
Copy !req
136. We know for a fact that
the people from the Bad Place
Copy !req
137. can't follow us there,
and I vote for that.
Copy !req
138. - I vote we...
Copy !req
139. - No, sorry,
and no offense, Jason,
Copy !req
140. but the stakes here are
too high to let someone
Copy !req
141. with your limited intellectual
processing capacity weigh in.
Copy !req
142. - I was gonna agree with you.
- Oh, great,
Copy !req
143. well, that's two votes
for my plan.
Copy !req
144. Eleanor, what do you think?
Copy !req
145. Trade information on Michael
Copy !req
146. or try to escape
to the Medium Place?
Copy !req
147. - Neither.
Copy !req
148. I vote we ignore everything
Michael just said
Copy !req
149. and blindly assume
he's still on our side.
Copy !req
150. - Sorry,
but when all this started,
Copy !req
151. you're the one who told us that
Michael wasn't trustworthy.
Copy !req
152. Now you want us to trust him?
Copy !req
153. - Yes, for one very specific
and rock-solid reason:
Copy !req
154. What's-his-name.
- Who?
Copy !req
155. - The dude, the super
depressing religious guy.
Copy !req
156. The—the real buzzkill whose
name I can never remember.
Copy !req
157. Keeblers—car.
Copy !req
158. Kyra.
Copy !req
159. - Oh, I love her.
Dear friend of mine.
Copy !req
160. Not important right now.
Copy !req
161. - Kierkegaard?
- Yes, Kierkegaard.
Copy !req
162. When Michael was mocking us
Copy !req
163. about trying to become
better people,
Copy !req
164. whose name did he use, huh?
Copy !req
165. Kierkegaard.
Copy !req
166. I think he was
sending us a message
Copy !req
167. to take a leap of faith,
Copy !req
168. 'cause that was
Kierkegaard's thing, right?
Copy !req
169. - Yes, although it's probably
better translated
Copy !req
170. as a leap into faith.
Copy !req
171. - It's so hard
to be your friend.
Copy !req
172. - Yep, sorry.
Copy !req
173. - Michael was telling us
to trust him.
Copy !req
174. I had a long talk with him
the other night
Copy !req
175. about the whole Derek incident.
Copy !req
176. Dude was shook,
talking about ethics
Copy !req
177. and all spiraling
about human stuff.
Copy !req
178. I think he's on our side.
Copy !req
179. - Or maybe
he's a supernatural demon
Copy !req
180. designed to torture people,
Copy !req
181. who just got offered
his dream job,
Copy !req
182. and has flipped on us
like a ten-stone griddle chip.
Copy !req
183. It's a large pancake.
Copy !req
184. Come on, people,
you can get these from context.
Copy !req
185. - Look, maybe Michael
jumped back to the dark side,
Copy !req
186. but I don't think so.
Copy !req
187. I think he's gonna
help us escape.
Copy !req
188. I know it sounds crazy,
but if it weren't crazy,
Copy !req
189. they wouldn't call it
a leap of faith.
Copy !req
190. They would call it a...
Copy !req
191. sit of doubting.
Copy !req
192. - I never thought
I'd be the one to say it,
Copy !req
193. but this is getting
out of hand.
Copy !req
194. I think we gotta
go to the cops.
Copy !req
195. - What cops?
Where do you think we are?
Copy !req
196. - Before tonight's party,
I'd love to talk more about
Copy !req
197. your strategy for
torturing Tahani.
Copy !req
198. I'm impressed
you were able to make her
Copy !req
199. fall in love with Jason.
Copy !req
200. She must be miserable.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
201. Humans make a lot of mistakes
when they're horny.
Copy !req
202. Uh, boss,
give me a second here.
Copy !req
203. - What the here, dude?
- Vicky—
Copy !req
204. - My hard work
paid off for you,
Copy !req
205. and now you're just
taking all the credit.
Copy !req
206. - Vicky, Vicky, this can
work out great for both of us
Copy !req
207. if we play our cards right.
Copy !req
208. Shawn thinks that this is
attempt number two, right?
Copy !req
209. Now, if I tell him that you've
been in charge of this version,
Copy !req
210. he's eventually gonna find out
that there've been
Copy !req
211. hundreds of failed versions.
Copy !req
212. - Oh... right.
Copy !req
213. - And if that happens,
we're all going down.
Copy !req
214. - So, spread the word.
Copy !req
215. No one talks about the reboots.
Copy !req
216. - Fine, but you better
make this right.
Copy !req
217. Mama want promotion, ya heard?
Copy !req
218. - Hello, you dummies!
Copy !req
219. This neighborhood was a labor
of hate for many people here,
Copy !req
220. so I thought that
we should celebrate
Copy !req
221. with an art form
Copy !req
222. that we literally invented
here in the Bad Place:
Copy !req
223. the comedy roast!
Copy !req
224. I see Jason Mendoza's here.
Copy !req
225. Jason might not be
the smartest guy in the world,
Copy !req
226. but he is the dumbest
guy in the world.
Copy !req
227. Oh, Jason, buddy,
Copy !req
228. all you had to do
was to keep quiet,
Copy !req
229. but you couldn't stop talking
about Kendall Jenner
Copy !req
230. or that dumb quarterback—
what was his name?
Copy !req
231. Derek Bortles?
Copy !req
232. Always ranting about
Derek Bortles.
Copy !req
233. Lucky for you, my friend,
Jaguars games
Copy !req
234. are the only ones televised
in the Bad Place,
Copy !req
235. because they suck!
Copy !req
236. - No, they don't.
All we need is a defense
Copy !req
237. and an offense
and some rule changes.
Copy !req
238. - Don't take it personally.
Copy !req
239. He just has to put on a show
for the other demons.
Copy !req
240. - Tahani Al-Jamil,
Copy !req
241. elegance, grace,
Copy !req
242. but enough about your sister.
Copy !req
243. You know what the worst moment
of Tahani's life was?
Copy !req
244. When the last song played
at one of her parties,
Copy !req
245. and she would run off and cry
Copy !req
246. because she still hadn't won
her parents' approval.
Copy !req
247. You know the other worst
moment of Tahani's life?
Copy !req
248. Every other moment of
her empty, pointless life!
Copy !req
249. Hey-oh!
Copy !req
250. I see Eleanor Shellstrop
is here.
Copy !req
251. Eleanor and I have
a lot in common.
Copy !req
252. Now, here's how you can
tell us apart:
Copy !req
253. one of us is
a manipulative demon
Copy !req
254. who's an expert at making
other people miserable,
Copy !req
255. and then the other one... is me!
Copy !req
256. You thought you deserved
a Medium Place
Copy !req
257. like Mindy St. Claire?
Copy !req
258. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
259. You're bad, Eleanor.
Copy !req
260. This is exactly
the place you should be.
Copy !req
261. - Not super funny
for a roast there, bud.
Copy !req
262. - Oh, sorry, you want a joke?
Okay, you love Chidi,
Copy !req
263. and Chidi doesn't
love you back.
Copy !req
264. Boom!
Copy !req
265. Now, that's funny,
because it's very cruel
Copy !req
266. and humiliating.
Copy !req
267. - I consider you one of
my closest friends—
Copy !req
268. - Not now, dude.
- "Speaking of Chidi"
Copy !req
269. is something
no one has ever said,
Copy !req
270. because no one
talks about Chidi,
Copy !req
271. because no one likes Chidi,
Copy !req
272. because he's so annoying
about ethics.
Copy !req
273. Now, when you taught
the Trolley Problem,
Copy !req
274. did you secretly wish
that it could be you
Copy !req
275. who wound up under the trolley?
Copy !req
276. Because all your students did.
Copy !req
277. Whoo!
Copy !req
278. Oh, Chidi, sorry,
I got a joke for you, bud.
Copy !req
279. Uh, knock knock.
- Who's there?
Copy !req
280. - You died alone, because
you couldn't commit to anyone.
Copy !req
281. - You died alone because you
couldn't commit to anyone who?
Copy !req
282. - No.
- Jason Mendoza!
Copy !req
283. Okay, that's all my time.
Copy !req
284. Let's tear this mother
to the ground!
Copy !req
285. - So, maybe I was wrong,
Copy !req
286. - What up, pork sticks?
Copy !req
287. That was "She Hates Me"
by Puddle of Mudd.
Copy !req
288. Coming up next, "Grandma Got
Run Over by a Reindeer."
Copy !req
289. Idiots.
Copy !req
290. - We're going streaking!
Copy !req
291. The one time
Copy !req
292. I think someone
isn't lying to me,
Copy !req
293. and it bites me in the ash.
Copy !req
294. I guess Michael really did
flip back to the bad side.
Copy !req
295. - Oh, does one think?
Copy !req
296. That roast was the meanest
thing I've ever seen,
Copy !req
297. and I once saw a waiter bring
Russell Crowe the wrong tea.
Copy !req
298. - Well, we have no choice.
We go to Shawn,
Copy !req
299. and we tell him that
we'll trade secret information
Copy !req
300. about the reboots,
if he'll go easy on us,
Copy !req
301. and if that doesn't work,
we try to get Janet free
Copy !req
302. and head to Mindy's.
Copy !req
303. - Yeah, Michael sucks now.
Copy !req
304. He pretended to be our friend.
Copy !req
305. He's gonna torture us
for eternity.
Copy !req
306. And you know
what the worst part is?
Copy !req
307. He doesn't remember the name of
my favorite football player.
Copy !req
308. - Definitely not
the worst part.
Copy !req
309. - It is to me.
Copy !req
310. Blake Bortles is a cool name.
Copy !req
311. Derek Bortles is a dumb name.
Copy !req
312. - Hey, man, have you told Shawn
Copy !req
313. how hugely important I was yet?
Copy !req
314. - I will get to it.
Copy !req
315. Now, you just relax.
Enjoy yourself.
Copy !req
316. Rip a cat in half.
It's a party, Vicky, come on.
Copy !req
317. - Hey.
- Aah.
Copy !req
318. - What does Michael
keep whispering to you?
Copy !req
319. - Um, something, something,
Vicky, something, something.
Copy !req
320. Uh, can I braid your hair?
Copy !req
321. - No.
- Please?
Copy !req
322. - No, you know what, I'm good.
I got it.
Copy !req
323. - Ooh!
Copy !req
324. - Hey, help me get these
bracelets off Good Janet.
Copy !req
325. - No, Shawn put them on her
for a reason.
Copy !req
326. I'm not overruling the boss.
Copy !req
327. - You're such a suck-up, Gayle.
Copy !req
328. - Can I braid your hair?
- No—get this—I got it—
Copy !req
329. - Ow, get your own bracelet,
Copy !req
330. - Okay, you fat dinks,
the sun is up,
Copy !req
331. and we're about
to close it down
Copy !req
332. with one last song:
Copy !req
333. "She Hates Me"
by Puddle of Mudd
Copy !req
334. and "Grandma Got Run Over
by a Reindeer"
Copy !req
335. played at the same time.
Copy !req
336. - Honestly,
I'm still partial to
Copy !req
337. the old-fashioned
scorpion diapers,
Copy !req
338. but you've done
great work here.
Copy !req
339. - I can't thank you enough
for everything.
Copy !req
340. - Shawn, wait.
- No—
Copy !req
341. - I have some very
interesting information
Copy !req
342. about who's really responsible
for this neighborhood.
Copy !req
343. - Shawn,
the humans are escaping.
Copy !req
344. - It's Michael.
Copy !req
345. Michael's responsible
for this neighborhood
Copy !req
346. and everything that's
happening right now.
Copy !req
347. Bye!
- I...
Copy !req
348. - Bad Janet?
- What's cracking, nut-butts?
Copy !req
349. - Call us another train
Copy !req
350. Party's over.
Copy !req
351. - How did they get
Janet's bracelets off?
Copy !req
352. It's literally impossible
for a human to do.
Copy !req
353. It's like breathing underwater
or driving without texting.
Copy !req
354. - Shawn, I don't wanna make
any accusations,
Copy !req
355. but I accuse Vicky.
Copy !req
356. She asked me to help her
take Janet's bracelets off.
Copy !req
357. - Oh, Vicky, you didn't.
Copy !req
358. She definitely did.
She's jealous.
Copy !req
359. She's been trying to
sabotage me the entire time.
Copy !req
360. - What?
No, he's lying.
Copy !req
361. Okay, I did try to get
the bracelets off,
Copy !req
362. but I couldn't.
- Listen to yourself.
Copy !req
363. You sound crazy.
- Normally I would love
Copy !req
364. hearing a man tell
a woman she's crazy,
Copy !req
365. but I can't.
Copy !req
366. You aided the humans
just to spite Michael.
Copy !req
367. You're not a demon.
You're a jerk.
Copy !req
368. - Wait, this is trick.
Michael is the traitor.
Copy !req
369. I bet they're still here
Copy !req
370. This place stretches
for 1,000 miles.
Copy !req
371. - Fine.
Bad Janet?
Copy !req
372. - What?
Copy !req
373. - Scan the neighborhood,
Copy !req
374. - No sign of any humans,
Copy !req
375. but I actually did find
something for Vicky.
Copy !req
376. - What?
Copy !req
377. - Bad Janet,
Copy !req
378. great stuff as always.
- No duh.
Copy !req
379. - And as for Vicky...
- No, wait—
Copy !req
380. - This is a PR disaster.
Copy !req
381. We have to keep it
all under wraps.
Copy !req
382. Get her on the train,
Copy !req
383. and if anyone else
says a single word
Copy !req
384. of what happened here
to anyone,
Copy !req
385. you will be in a cocoon
just like Vicky,
Copy !req
386. and it is gooey in there.
Copy !req
387. - How do we get the humans
back from Mindy's?
Copy !req
388. - They've bought themselves
some time, but we'll get them.
Copy !req
389. I'll start
the extradition papers.
Copy !req
390. You stay here.
Copy !req
391. I want every trace of
this neighborhood erased.
Copy !req
392. - Oh, that was a bad idea!
That was so scary
Copy !req
393. so many different times.
I hated that.
Copy !req
394. - You guys!
Copy !req
395. I was so scared for you.
Copy !req
396. - I told you
he was on our side.
Copy !req
397. - You're my friends,
and I want...
Copy !req
398. I wanted to save you.
Copy !req
399. - Hey, it's okay, bud.
Copy !req
400. - This is the best summer ever,
you guys.
Copy !req
401. - Oh, Michael, we never
doubted you for a moment.
Copy !req
402. - Thank you, Tahani.
You're lying, though, right?
Copy !req
403. - Yes, I am.
I doubted you very strongly.
Copy !req
404. - But then I figured it out.
Kierkegaard, baby!
Copy !req
405. Leap of faith.
Copy !req
406. - It's better translated as
a leap into faith.
Copy !req
407. - You remembered!
Copy !req
408. - Can somebody please explain
what happened,
Copy !req
409. and—and can you guys just be
a tiny bit quieter?
Copy !req
410. Because, um, I've been drunk
on magnets all day,
Copy !req
411. and—and I can literally hear
every sound in the universe.
Copy !req
412. - Basically,
Michael sent us a code,
Copy !req
413. and we had to crack it.
Copy !req
414. - I figured out
the first clue—
Copy !req
415. - No, you didn't, I did.
- I was there, though!
Copy !req
416. - Ooh...
- Blake Bortles is a cool name.
Copy !req
417. Derek Bortles is a dumb name.
Copy !req
418. - Yes...
Copy !req
419. Derek Bortles is indeed
Copy !req
420. a very dumb name.
Copy !req
421. It's a clue.
There's no way
Copy !req
422. Michael would've forgotten
the name Blake Bortles.
Copy !req
423. You say it
a million times a day.
Copy !req
424. - 'Cause he's the best.
- No, he's not,
Copy !req
425. and even I know that.
Copy !req
426. Michael was telling us
to use Derek,
Copy !req
427. Janet's Derek, for something.
Copy !req
428. There were clues in the roast.
Copy !req
429. Everybody, quietly but quickly
head to the train station,
Copy !req
430. but let's split up,
so we don't draw attention.
Copy !req
431. Ugh, you guys are
the worst conspirators.
Copy !req
432. Okay, what else did Michael say
Copy !req
433. in the roasts
that might be meaningful?
Copy !req
434. Tahani, do you remember?
Copy !req
435. - Well, he said my entire life
was pointless and empty.
Copy !req
436. - Yeah, but did he say anything
we don't already know?
Copy !req
437. Anything that stood out?
Copy !req
438. - You know what the worst
moment of Tahani's life was?
Copy !req
439. When the last song played
at one of her parties,
Copy !req
440. and she would run off and cry,
Copy !req
441. because she still hadn't won
her parents' approval.
Copy !req
442. - That was odd.
Copy !req
443. A host never runs off
during their last song,
Copy !req
444. because after it's over, you're
supposed to act surprised
Copy !req
445. when everyone
drags you on stage
Copy !req
446. and showers you with applause.
Copy !req
447. - Maybe Michael
wanted us to wait
Copy !req
448. until the end of the party,
Copy !req
449. when everyone was at
their most distracted.
Copy !req
450. - And use Derek
to drive the train,
Copy !req
451. because he has some of
Janet's powers.
Copy !req
452. Janet!
- Hi, hey, hey...
Copy !req
453. - Janet...
- Yeah?
Copy !req
454. - We need you to go get Derek
from your void.
Copy !req
455. - Okay.
Copy !req
456. Shoot, where's my void again?
I forget.
Copy !req
457. Oh, yeah, it's everywhere.
Copy !req
458. Okay, hang on to
your butt cheeks.
Copy !req
459. Ugh, where is he?
Copy !req
460. Ow, owie.
Copy !req
461. I'm never gonna find—
there he is.
Copy !req
462. - Derek.
- Hm.
Copy !req
463. - Derek, we need you
to drive this train
Copy !req
464. and take us to
Mindy St. Claire's house.
Copy !req
465. Can you do that?
- Derek.
Copy !req
466. - Wait...
nobody get on that train.
Copy !req
467. - Derek?
- Why not?
Copy !req
468. - Because of what
Michael said to me.
Copy !req
469. - You thought you deserved
a Medium Place?
Copy !req
470. You're bad, Eleanor.
Copy !req
471. This is exactly
the place you should be.
Copy !req
472. - Derek...
Copy !req
473. - Michael wants us to stay here
for some reason.
Copy !req
474. - Eleanor, we have a train,
a conductor,
Copy !req
475. and a safe destination.
Copy !req
476. I'm going to tell you
the same thing
Copy !req
477. I told Pippa Middleton
Copy !req
478. right before we went
paragliding in Gibraltar.
Copy !req
479. "Let's go."
Copy !req
480. What? That's what I said.
- Guys, leap of faith.
Copy !req
481. Michael said we shouldn't
get on that train.
Copy !req
482. - Any minute now, those demons
are gonna come looking for us.
Copy !req
483. Where are we supposed to hide?
Copy !req
484. Oh, no.
Copy !req
485. - Now, when you taught
the Trolley Problem,
Copy !req
486. did you secretly wish
that it could be you
Copy !req
487. who wound up under the trolley?
Copy !req
488. Because all your students did.
Copy !req
489. - All aboard!
Copy !req
490. - The train is here.
Copy !req
491. It's a train!
Copy !req
492. Get on board?
Copy !req
493. - Actually, Derek...
- Derek.
Copy !req
494. - You're gonna wait until
the last song of the night...
Copy !req
495. - Derek.
- And when you do leave,
Copy !req
496. you're gonna be flying
a solo mission.
Copy !req
497. - Oh... maximum Derek.
Copy !req
498. - Derek headed off,
and when the new train arrived,
Copy !req
499. the four of us
crawled underneath
Copy !req
500. before any of
the drunk demons saw us.
Copy !req
501. That kept us
from being detected
Copy !req
502. when Bad Janet scanned
the neighborhood.
Copy !req
503. We fooled those mofos
like the chumps they are.
Copy !req
504. - We got all four clues
you left us.
Copy !req
505. - Oh, that's great.
Copy !req
506. Well, I mean, I actually
left you more than 1,200 clues,
Copy !req
507. because of how primitive
your brains are,
Copy !req
508. but I'm so glad you got enough
to figure it out.
Copy !req
509. - Wait, how did you escape
detection, though?
Copy !req
510. - Well, I'm not
ethically proud of this,
Copy !req
511. but I framed Vicky.
Copy !req
512. It was pretty easy.
Copy !req
513. I just kept whispering things
into Janet's ear
Copy !req
514. to make her paranoid.
Copy !req
515. - I'm sorry, wh-what did
you whisper to me?
Copy !req
516. I don't remember.
Copy !req
517. - Something, something, Vicky,
something, something.
Copy !req
518. - What does Michael
keep whispering to you?
Copy !req
519. - Something, something, Vicky,
something, something.
Copy !req
520. Uh...
- And that made her
Copy !req
521. try to take
Janet's bracelets off,
Copy !req
522. which framed her
for the escape.
Copy !req
523. - You.
- Oh...
Copy !req
524. - Guys, I-I want to apologize
for roasting you earlier.
Copy !req
525. I had to sell it, because
everyone was watching.
Copy !req
526. It was funny, though, right?
- Absolutely not.
Copy !req
527. - Tahani's stuff was perfect—
I mean, no.
Copy !req
528. - Guys,
let's just take a moment here.
Copy !req
529. They're gone,
which means that we won
Copy !req
530. and might actually get a chance
to go to the real Good Place.
Copy !req
531. - This is everything
we ever wanted.
Copy !req
532. - Speaking of people
getting what they want,
Copy !req
533. I really hope Mindy liked
the present we sent her.
Copy !req
534. - Who are you?
- Derek.
Copy !req
535. - "Thanks for helping us
all those times we showed up.
Copy !req
536. "To repay you,
here's a willing sex robot
Copy !req
537. and two duffel bags
full of cocaine."
Copy !req
538. - There are wind chimes
where my ding dong should be.
Copy !req
539. - I can work with that.
- All right!
Copy !req