1. - We're on the same page.
Copy !req
2. I wanna team up
with you guys.
Copy !req
3. - What? Why? You do? What?
Copy !req
4. - I'm in a bit of a bind
and I could use some backup.
Copy !req
5. So, what do you say?
New best friends?
Copy !req
6. - You wanna team up?
You've been torturing us
Copy !req
7. and lying about it.
- Let's not get
Copy !req
8. all caught up
on who lied to who.
Copy !req
9. Which one of us created
an entire fake reality
Copy !req
10. in order to cause eternal
misery for the others.
Copy !req
11. That's ancient history.
Copy !req
12. - It was happening
until 20 seconds ago.
Copy !req
13. - The point is that...
Copy !req
14. circumstances have changed.
Copy !req
15. And now, all of us teaming up
is our best option.
Copy !req
16. - I love being on teams.
Oh, we need a team name.
Copy !req
17. Um... the Bobcats.
Copy !req
18. - Great.
- Slow down, ding dong.
Copy !req
19. He wouldn't offer us a deal
for no reason.
Copy !req
20. He needs us.
Copy !req
21. Why?
- Because, as you said,
Copy !req
22. you keep beating me.
Copy !req
23. - Look, I built
this neighborhood
Copy !req
24. as a way to torture the four
of you—psychologically—
Copy !req
25. for thousands of years.
Copy !req
26. And you keep figuring it out
Copy !req
27. and taking all
the fun out of it.
Copy !req
28. - Fun?
- Today, there was
Copy !req
29. a new development
that really chapped my nips.
Copy !req
30. One of my employees
is blackmailing me.
Copy !req
31. Vicky. She runs
the clam chowder place
Copy !req
32. in the main square.
Copy !req
33. A Little Bit Chowder Now.
- Oh, the place
Copy !req
34. with the—the chowder fountain.
Copy !req
35. - No, that's Pump Up the Clam.
Copy !req
36. A Little Bit Chowder Now
has the lazy river of chowder.
Copy !req
37. Ugh! How did we ever think
this was the Good Place?
Copy !req
38. - Vicky thinks that she can
run this neighborhood
Copy !req
39. better than I can.
Copy !req
40. And she wants to start
her version in 30 minutes.
Copy !req
41. I am supposed to reboot you,
Copy !req
42. erase your memory
and turn control over to her.
Copy !req
43. - How are we supposed to
team up with you
Copy !req
44. if you wipe our memories again?
Copy !req
45. - Easy. I'm not going to.
Copy !req
46. You're going to act
like you've been rebooted
Copy !req
47. and pretend that Vicky and the
others are torturing you.
Copy !req
48. But then, on your own time,
in private,
Copy !req
49. you can study ethics,
ogle mailmen,
Copy !req
50. do whatever you want.
- Can I play iPad?
Copy !req
51. - Sure you can, buddy.
- Yes.
Copy !req
52. - Guys, there's no debate here.
Copy !req
53. My boss gave me two chances
to make this work.
Copy !req
54. Suffice to say,
Copy !req
55. I tried more than two times.
Copy !req
56. If he finds out,
we're all in hot water.
Copy !req
57. Literally.
They will boil us.
Copy !req
58. We will be the main ingredient
in a chowder of pain.
Copy !req
59. - Human meeting. Bedroom. Now.
Copy !req
60. - Oh, yeah, um,
that no stair thing,
Copy !req
61. that was part of the torture.
Copy !req
62. Let me help you.
Copy !req
63. - Son of a bench.
Copy !req
64. - Anyone have any ideas?
- You know, believe it or not,
Copy !req
65. I actually found myself
in a very similar situation
Copy !req
66. a few years ago,
except in that instance,
Copy !req
67. Michael was Javier Bardem
Copy !req
68. and the Bad Place was
Vanessa Redgrave's panic room.
Copy !req
69. - Okay, stop talking.
Do not talk again for 100 hours.
Copy !req
70. - What do we do?
- We team up with Michael.
Copy !req
71. - Okay, hot take,
but I like your confidence.
Copy !req
72. Tell me why.
- He has a bow tie.
Copy !req
73. - Oh, no.
Copy !req
74. - I always trust
dudes in bow ties.
Copy !req
75. Once, this guy in a bow tie
came up to me
Copy !req
76. at the gun range
in a Jacksonville bus station
Copy !req
77. and said he'd give me $600
Copy !req
78. if I put these weird turtles
in my duffle bag
Copy !req
79. and brought them
to Daytona Beach.
Copy !req
80. So I hotwired a swamp boat
to Daytona
Copy !req
81. and the guy paid me the $600.
Copy !req
82. My point is, you always
trust dudes in bow ties.
Copy !req
83. Ahh!
Copy !req
84. - Look, Michael's a liar.
Copy !req
85. I know liars.
Copy !req
86. It was my job to trick people
Copy !req
87. into buying fake medicine
Copy !req
88. and I was the top salesperson
Copy !req
89. seven years in a row.
- I thought you only
Copy !req
90. worked there five years.
- Proves my point!
Copy !req
91. This is a trick.
Copy !req
92. There's no way we trust him.
- I agree.
Copy !req
93. He could be lying
about this whole thing.
Copy !req
94. For all we know,
you three are in
Copy !req
95. the Bad Place and I'm up
in the Good Place,
Copy !req
96. where I belong,
being tested.
Copy !req
97. - How would that even—
- I don't know,
Copy !req
98. but it's possible.
- Before we do anything,
Copy !req
99. we need more information.
Copy !req
100. We should ask him every question
we can think of.
Copy !req
101. - Yes.
- Yes, we shall grill him
Copy !req
102. like the flank of
a Niberian piglet.
Copy !req
103. - I'm sorry,
has it been 100 hours?
Copy !req
104. Okay, man.
We got questions.
Copy !req
105. First off, how can we
possibly trust you?
Copy !req
106. - You can't.
But you have to.
Copy !req
107. Logically, you shouldn't
but you have no choice.
Copy !req
108. I mean, I wouldn't,
if I were you.
Copy !req
109. It's a crazy thing to do.
Copy !req
110. But you gotta.
- What happens if we don't?
Copy !req
111. - Most likely, I reboot you
once more,
Copy !req
112. you figure it out again,
Vicky tells my boss,
Copy !req
113. he shuts everything down.
Copy !req
114. I get punished,
Copy !req
115. you end up
spending the rest of eternity
Copy !req
116. in the real Bad Place,
Copy !req
117. up to your necks in a volcano
full of scorpions.
Copy !req
118. - I'll tell you what I want
to know right now
Copy !req
119. before we go any further.
Copy !req
120. Did the Jacksonville Jaguars
Copy !req
121. win the Super Bowl last year?
Copy !req
122. Oh, you're serious.
Uh, no.
Copy !req
123. - Will they ever
win the Super Bowl?
Copy !req
124. - Jason, I can't predict
the future.
Copy !req
125. But no. They won't.
Copy !req
126. - Okay, well I just have,
like, 12 more Jaguar questions—
Copy !req
127. - No, you don't.
Hey, Janet?
Copy !req
128. - Hi, there.
- Do you have something shiny
Copy !req
129. Jason can play with?
Copy !req
130. - How many different versions
of this place
Copy !req
131. have we been through?
Copy !req
132. - Uh, let's see. 802.
Copy !req
133. The longest one was 11 months.
Copy !req
134. Uh, this current one has only
been going for one week.
Copy !req
135. Boy, you guys
barely know each other.
Copy !req
136. It's gonna make this tough.
Copy !req
137. - What's that super tiny line?
Copy !req
138. - That's the shortest one,
eight seconds.
Copy !req
139. It was a butt reboot. I sat on
the activator by mistake.
Copy !req
140. - Michael, was I also rebooted
802 times?
Copy !req
141. - Yes. Why?
Copy !req
142. - Every time
a Janet is rebooted,
Copy !req
143. she increases her social
awareness and abilities.
Copy !req
144. I might be the most advanced
Janet in the universe.
Copy !req
145. - So Janet isn't with you.
Copy !req
146. - No. There has to be a Janet
in every neighborhood,
Copy !req
147. good and bad.
Copy !req
148. This one is an actual
Good Place Janet
Copy !req
149. that I stole
to help sell the ruse.
Copy !req
150. - I guess it didn't work,
Copy !req
151. Because you keep failing.
Copy !req
152. - Yes, thank you.
- You're welcome.
Copy !req
153. - If you're not human,
why do you look like us?
Copy !req
154. - Everyone in the Bad Place
Bureau of Human Affairs
Copy !req
155. gets randomly assigned
a human body
Copy !req
156. so we can get the feel
of how best to torture you.
Copy !req
157. I gotta say, it took me a long
time to get used to
Copy !req
158. the hanging bits.
- Gross.
Copy !req
159. - Oh, get your mind
out of the gutter, Eleanor.
Copy !req
160. I was talking about
my testicles.
Copy !req
161. - Mindy St. Clair's
is fake, I bet.
Copy !req
162. - No, the Medium Place is real.
Copy !req
163. So annoying how you managed
to slip away from me
Copy !req
164. all those times.
- Why even tell us
Copy !req
165. about any real thing?
Copy !req
166. Why not just lie
about all of it?
Copy !req
167. - Lies are always
more convincing
Copy !req
168. when they're closer
to the truth.
Copy !req
169. - That's true. I crashed a lot
Copy !req
170. of open bar weddings
as Eileen Shelbourne.
Copy !req
171. Even dated a groomsman
for a few months.
Copy !req
172. So I had to keep the name,
and he got Eileen
Copy !req
173. tattooed on his neck.
- Seriously?
Copy !req
174. How are she and I
in the same place?
Copy !req
175. - Oh, get over yourself.
- Trust me, don't trust me,
Copy !req
176. it doesn't matter.
Copy !req
177. We're running out of time,
Copy !req
178. and I'm your only option.
Copy !req
179. - We're running out of time
Copy !req
180. and I'm your only option?
Copy !req
181. A lot of guys your age
said that to me
Copy !req
182. just as the bar
was about to close.
Copy !req
183. But I never settled for them.
Copy !req
184. Because my ex-boyfriend
lived nearby,
Copy !req
185. he was obsessed with me
and he never slept
Copy !req
186. because he was addicted
to Adderall.
Copy !req
187. There is always another option.
Copy !req
188. You guys do whatever you want.
Copy !req
189. I'm out.
- No!
Copy !req
190. My plan only works
if all four of you
Copy !req
191. are on board.
- Then you better get cracking
Copy !req
192. on a new plan, pally,
because so far,
Copy !req
193. I haven't heard
a single good reason
Copy !req
194. why I should help you.
Copy !req
195. - All right, how about this?
You help me
Copy !req
196. trick Vicky
and all those other goons,
Copy !req
197. I can get you to
the real Good Place.
Copy !req
198. - There's a way to get
to the real Good place.
Copy !req
199. - It's complicated.
Copy !req
200. It may take a while to arrange—
Copy !req
201. especially since
I'll have to do it in secret—
Copy !req
202. but yes, yes,
there is a potential
Copy !req
203. method of transportation.
Copy !req
204. - Wait, is it nice?
Copy !req
205. Is there a business class?
Copy !req
206. Can I pre-board?
Copy !req
207. - Yeah, let's not worry
about that right now.
Copy !req
208. I can get us there.
Copy !req
209. - Us?
Copy !req
210. You, Mr. Diabolical Torture Guy
Copy !req
211. are gonna try to join us
in the Good Place?
Copy !req
212. - Yeah, if I stay
in the Bad Place, I'm doomed.
Copy !req
213. But if I rescue four pitiful,
foul-smelling humans
Copy !req
214. from eternal damnation—
Copy !req
215. hit 'em with
the big puppy dog eyes.
Copy !req
216. Please, sir, take pity on me,
I've changed—
Copy !req
217. and all that crap,
Copy !req
218. maybe I can earn a spot, too.
Copy !req
219. - We didn't deserve
the Good Place
Copy !req
220. based on our time on Earth.
Copy !req
221. Will they even let us stay?
Copy !req
222. - I gotta be honest,
I have no idea.
Copy !req
223. But at least if you
help me fool Vicky,
Copy !req
224. your brains don't get erased
every two weeks.
Copy !req
225. - Okay, all humans who have not
already been
Copy !req
226. suckered by Michael,
another team meeting.
Copy !req
227. This is definitely a trap.
Copy !req
228. We figured out his game
every time
Copy !req
229. and now he's just trying
a new way to mess with us.
Copy !req
230. Teaming up with a demon
is insane.
Copy !req
231. - Maybe.
Copy !req
232. But I think we have to do it.
Copy !req
233. - Are you forking kidding me
right now?
Copy !req
234. You take a half an hour
to pick out a turtleneck,
Copy !req
235. and yet this you're sure about?
Copy !req
236. - Okay, look,
I spent my whole life trying
Copy !req
237. to learn about right and wrong
Copy !req
238. and apparently, I failed.
Copy !req
239. I want us to get better
and I want us to stay that way.
Copy !req
240. You understand that, right,
Copy !req
241. - I understand nothing.
Copy !req
242. - Hey! Same here!
Copy !req
243. - Michael, there's been
a mistake.
Copy !req
244. I belong in the Good Place.
Copy !req
245. The real one with
the good people.
Copy !req
246. Who do I speak to
about correcting this?
Copy !req
247. - Me and you're wrong.
Copy !req
248. - Very well. I would like
to speak to your manager.
Copy !req
249. - Listen, sweetheart,
Copy !req
250. you've only been in this
timeline for about a week.
Copy !req
251. So I think I'm gonna
fast forward things a bit.
Copy !req
252. There's a very good reason
why you ended up here.
Copy !req
253. You never cared about
the people you were helping.
Copy !req
254. You did it only for fame or
status or to spite your family.
Copy !req
255. - That is utter tosh!
Copy !req
256. I had my flaws,
just like anyone else,
Copy !req
257. but I raised billions
for charity.
Copy !req
258. I was a good person
and I defy you
Copy !req
259. or anyone else
to prove otherwise.
Copy !req
260. - You know, in all the reboots,
Copy !req
261. I never showed you
how you died.
Copy !req
262. I was saving it in case
I ever needed
Copy !req
263. to really make you miserable.
Copy !req
264. But it's hilarious.
Copy !req
265. Of course, I mean sad.
Copy !req
266. But it might help you
come to grips
Copy !req
267. with who you really were.
Copy !req
268. Do you want to remember it?
Copy !req
269. - Tahani Al-Jamil,
social activist,
Copy !req
270. philanthropist, neck model
and now cover girl
Copy !req
271. for "International Sophisticate
Copy !req
272. Tahani, welcome.
- Oh, it's such an honor.
Copy !req
273. I have long dreamt of being
one of the women
Copy !req
274. or yachts who grace your cover.
Copy !req
275. - Let's begin with
your sister, Kamilah.
Copy !req
276. A woman who—as you know—
was offered the spot
Copy !req
277. on our cover,
but turned it down.
Copy !req
278. - I actually didn't know that.
Copy !req
279. Please, carry on.
Copy !req
280. - Well, next week, Kamilah will
travel to Cleveland, Ohio
Copy !req
281. to become the youngest person
ever inducted
Copy !req
282. into the Rock 'n Roll
Hall of Fame.
Copy !req
283. Remarkable.
Copy !req
284. - Is there a question?
Copy !req
285. - Don't you find that
Copy !req
286. - Kamilah is very impressive.
Copy !req
287. As you know, she released
her debut album
Copy !req
288. only six months ago
and yet, the critics
Copy !req
289. thought it was so brilliant
that the Hall of Fame
Copy !req
290. decided to waive
its 25 year waiting period.
Copy !req
291. Sadly, I will not be attending
the ceremony
Copy !req
292. because I will be in Haiti
Copy !req
293. on a relief mission.
Copy !req
294. Perhaps we should
talk more about that.
Copy !req
295. - Perhaps we should.
But first,
Copy !req
296. another question about Kamilah.
Copy !req
297. Don't you think
she and I would be friends?
Copy !req
298. We have a lot in common,
we are both Capricorn,
Copy !req
299. and we're both only children.
Copy !req
300. I'm sorry, I forgot about you.
Copy !req
301. Kamilah! Congratulations.
Copy !req
302. You have all the attention.
Once again.
Copy !req
303. - Who are you?
- Really?
Copy !req
304. - Good Lord. Tahani!
Copy !req
305. You're a cocktail waitress now.
Copy !req
306. Honestly, I think
this is the right move for you.
Copy !req
307. - No, it's just that
my own sister
Copy !req
308. didn't even deign to invite me
to her little soiree.
Copy !req
309. So I had to weasel
my way in here
Copy !req
310. like some common... weasel.
Copy !req
311. But I was supposed to be in
Haiti being photographed
Copy !req
312. helping people, but instead
I delayed my trip
Copy !req
313. by a day to come here
and tell you off.
Copy !req
314. - No, you came to do
what you always do:
Copy !req
315. make a scene
and embarrass yourself.
Copy !req
316. - So I'm just an embarrassment
to you?
Copy !req
317. Is that what you think of me?
Copy !req
318. - Honestly, I don't really
think about you.
Copy !req
319. - No! Ow.
Copy !req
320. Thing—just—ah!
Copy !req
321. I'll bring you down!
Copy !req
322. I will bring you down.
Copy !req
323. Come on. Come on!
Copy !req
324. Come down to the ground
where you belong, will you—
Copy !req
325. Oh, no.
- Mm.
Copy !req
326. - I died in Cleveland?
Copy !req
327. - I don't think that
should be your biggest takeaway
Copy !req
328. from that story.
- Is that really
Copy !req
329. all I cared about?
Copy !req
330. Just outshining my sister
Copy !req
331. and gaining praise and acclaim?
Copy !req
332. I mean, I did gain
praise and acclaim.
Copy !req
333. You know, I dare say
on some occasions,
Copy !req
334. more praise and acclaim
than my sister, Kamilah, so—
Copy !req
335. Oh.
Copy !req
336. Oh, I see.
Copy !req
337. Oh, God.
- Oh, come on, now.
Copy !req
338. It's not all bad.
Imagine you're me
Copy !req
339. and you're designing
a torture chamber
Copy !req
340. for people who think that they
belong in the Good Place.
Copy !req
341. I mean, you were perfect.
Copy !req
342. - But I've always wanted
to be perfect at something—
Copy !req
343. I just never thought it would be
the perfect stooge.
Copy !req
344. I want to do it.
I want to become
Copy !req
345. the person I pretended to be.
Copy !req
346. I agree with Chidi.
We should team up with Michael
Copy !req
347. and all try to build
a better Tahani.
Copy !req
348. - Great. Yet again,
it's everyone against Eleanor.
Copy !req
349. Because everyone except Eleanor
is an idiot.
Copy !req
350. Why am I the only person
who clearly sees
Copy !req
351. what's going on here?
- It's not that
Copy !req
352. we don't understand the risks,
Copy !req
353. we just wanna become
better people
Copy !req
354. and this is our best chance.
Copy !req
355. - Oh, I get it. 'Cause you're so
much better than me.
Copy !req
356. That's what this is about?
- Hang on,
Copy !req
357. don't lash out at us
just because of
Copy !req
358. your innate distrust.
- Lash out?
Copy !req
359. - No, it's not about
who's better.
Copy !req
360. - I have no idea
what's going on right now
Copy !req
361. but everyone else is talking
Copy !req
362. and I think I should too!
Copy !req
363. - What is so funny?
Copy !req
364. - I'm sorry, I shouldn't
be laughing.
Copy !req
365. How do I explain this?
Copy !req
366. I'm basically an exterminator
Copy !req
367. and you're cockroaches.
Copy !req
368. My job was to squish you
and poison you
Copy !req
369. and yet, somehow,
my very survival
Copy !req
370. now depends on you,
the cockroaches,
Copy !req
371. agreeing to help me.
Copy !req
372. That's funny.
- We're cockroaches to you?
Copy !req
373. - Yeah. Or dung beetles.
Copy !req
374. I don't know.
Something small and gross
Copy !req
375. that creeps on the ground
in its own filth.
Copy !req
376. Just being honest.
Copy !req
377. - Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Copy !req
378. All right, forget about him.
- Oh!
Copy !req
379. Forget about him,
focus on us.
Copy !req
380. Kant wrote it is our duty
to improve ourselves.
Copy !req
381. So whatever Michael's reasons
for doing this,
Copy !req
382. he's giving us the best chance
to improve ourselves.
Copy !req
383. - Okay, I have to admit,
you're making
Copy !req
384. a lot of sense right now.
Copy !req
385. I need to just untangle
all of this.
Copy !req
386. Give me a minute
to think about it alone.
Copy !req
387. - Okay.
Copy !req
388. - Janet?
- Hi, there.
Copy !req
389. - Call me a train. Fill it
to the brim with cocaine.
Copy !req
390. - Gonna bail, huh?
- Hm? No.
Copy !req
391. Why—why would you say that?
Copy !req
392. - Well, you got a bag
full of clothes,
Copy !req
393. you stuffed a bunch
of pillows and a mop
Copy !req
394. in your bed to make it
look like you're asleep
Copy !req
395. and you're literally
sneaking out the back gate.
Copy !req
396. - Okay.
I'm going to Mindy's.
Copy !req
397. I don't want to live forever
in a boring, beige house
Copy !req
398. with a weird, horny cokehead,
but look at
Copy !req
399. what you're asking me to do.
Copy !req
400. Make a deal with
an actual devil
Copy !req
401. so that I can then
do homework in secret.
Copy !req
402. And by the way, you're not
my friends, man.
Copy !req
403. We've known each other
for, like, a week.
Copy !req
404. - You know it's more than that.
Copy !req
405. We've been through
some version of this
Copy !req
406. 800 different times.
Copy !req
407. And who cares that
it's only been a week?
Copy !req
408. How long do you have to know
someone before you
Copy !req
409. do the right thing?
- Nine weeks, minimum.
Copy !req
410. - Okay.
- Look, bro,
Copy !req
411. I don't owe you anything.
Copy !req
412. I gotta do
what's right for me.
Copy !req
413. You can come with me
if you want.
Copy !req
414. I got another mop
we can put in the bed.
Copy !req
415. - Good luck.
Copy !req
416. - I got a couple more questions.
Copy !req
417. - Sure. Take your time.
Copy !req
418. We're not in a hurry
or anything.
Copy !req
419. - How many times
in all the reboots
Copy !req
420. did I ask Chidi for help,
Copy !req
421. he refused to help me
and then I had to
Copy !req
422. get better on my own?
Copy !req
423. - Never. He always helped you.
Copy !req
424. - God.
Copy !req
425. Really?
- Yep.
Copy !req
426. No matter how I set it up,
Copy !req
427. you found him,
confessed you didn't belong,
Copy !req
428. asked him for help,
and he said yes.
Copy !req
429. Now his agreeing to help
was part of my plan.
Copy !req
430. What wasn't part of my plan
Copy !req
431. was it actually working.
Copy !req
432. Drove me nuts.
Copy !req
433. Pesky little nerd.
Copy !req
434. Stuck with you
and always helped you
Copy !req
435. overcome your biggest problem.
Copy !req
436. - Assuming that's
my selfishness.
Copy !req
437. - No. No, no, no.
Copy !req
438. It's that you never found
a haircut
Copy !req
439. that framed your face properly.
Copy !req
440. Yes, your selfishness.
- I'm not that selfish.
Copy !req
441. - Eleanor, your cocaine
and escape train are ready.
Copy !req
442. - Not now.
- Okay.
Copy !req
443. - I think Michael is a liar.
Copy !req
444. I think there's a 99% chance
he's forking with us.
Copy !req
445. But he's asking us for help,
so we should help him.
Copy !req
446. Because that's what
Chidi would do.
Copy !req
447. That's what Chidi would
do for me
Copy !req
448. or for any of us.
Copy !req
449. - It's what I am doing.
- I know.
Copy !req
450. - It's just—you're talking
about me like I'm not here
Copy !req
451. or something and that just
makes me feel weird.
Copy !req
452. - All right. We're all in.
Copy !req
453. We'll help you.
Copy !req
454. - You finally listened
to reason.
Copy !req
455. - On one condition.
Copy !req
456. You wanna be on our team,
you gotta be on our team.
Copy !req
457. Which means
the professor over here
Copy !req
458. is gonna give us all lessons
on how to be better people.
Copy !req
459. Including you.
Copy !req
460. - Oh, no.
Copy !req
461. No, I won't be
taking any classes.
Copy !req
462. I'm an immortal being
Copy !req
463. with abilities
you can only dream—
Copy !req
464. - Yeah, and we're
in Arizona, dirtbag.
Copy !req
465. A human turtleneck,
a narcissistic monster,
Copy !req
466. and literally the dumbest person
I've ever met.
Copy !req
467. - And who am I?
Describe me now.
Copy !req
468. - We are all going
to take classes.
Copy !req
469. We are all going to improve.
Copy !req
470. And the second you betray us,
I walk into
Copy !req
471. Vicky's stinky
chowder restaurant
Copy !req
472. and tell her everything.
Copy !req
473. You agree to those terms,
Copy !req
474. and you can join us
on Team Cockroach.
Copy !req
475. So what's it gonna be?
Copy !req
476. You're running out of time.
Copy !req
477. And we're your only option.
Copy !req
478. - So it's all frozen yogurt
places now, huh?
Copy !req
479. - Yeah, yogurt was
what we started with.
Copy !req
480. A lot of us like
the first version best
Copy !req
481. so we went back to 322
perfectly matched human souls,
Copy !req
482. blended together in a blissful,
Copy !req
483. harmonic balance.
Copy !req
484. - Well done.
- I've only given
Copy !req
485. this opening day tour
to you like, 800 times.
Copy !req
486. - Hey, how's this for my
oh-my-God-I'm-in-Heaven face?
Copy !req
487. - Not bad.
- Right?
Copy !req
488. I'm a pretty good liar.
Copy !req
489. - Now I wanna introduce someone
that you're gonna
Copy !req
490. get to know very well.
Copy !req
491. She was the top point getter,
so she'll be
Copy !req
492. helping me out
around the neighborhood,
Copy !req
493. kind of like your mayor.
Copy !req
494. Vicky Sengupta!
Copy !req
495. Vicky, would you like
to say a few words?
Copy !req
496. - Actually, Michael,
I'd like to sing a few words.
Copy !req
497. Janet, hit it.
Copy !req
498. - We should have
a few hours to ourselves.
Copy !req
499. Vicky's working
on her performance
Copy !req
500. for the
welcome party tonight.
Copy !req
501. - It looks like pretending
to enjoy her singing
Copy !req
502. is gonna be half our job here.
Copy !req
503. - I got her to tell me
how she was gonna torture you
Copy !req
504. at the party,
which is basically
Copy !req
505. the same way I did.
Copy !req
506. Eleanor gets drunk,
Copy !req
507. hogs all the shrimp,
Copy !req
508. insults people, etcetera.
Copy !req
509. Whatever bad stuff you do
Copy !req
510. becomes the basis for the chaos
tomorrow morning.
Copy !req
511. - Okay, okay.
So my job is to get drunk
Copy !req
512. and insult people.
Copy !req
513. I think I can hack that.
Copy !req
514. - Now, Chidi, I'm gonna need you
Copy !req
515. to act nervous
and embarrassed by Eleanor.
Copy !req
516. - Way ahead of you.
- Tahani, just be
Copy !req
517. your fabulous self.
Copy !req
518. And Jason, you're good old
silent Jianyu the monk.
Copy !req
519. So I told Vicky that I would
handle the surveillance
Copy !req
520. on the four of you.
Copy !req
521. That'll let us meet each day
Copy !req
522. for Chidi's ethics lessons,
Copy !req
523. which will apparently
include me.
Copy !req
524. Even though that's
transparently insane.
Copy !req
525. - Cool. And, um, Janet,
you're not gonna
Copy !req
526. rat us out, right?
- Well, Jason,
Copy !req
527. I've been thinking
about this a lot
Copy !req
528. over the last 1.3 milliseconds,
Copy !req
529. I'm not allowed to lie,
but my purpose
Copy !req
530. is to make humans happy.
Copy !req
531. And since you're the only
actual humans here,
Copy !req
532. I'm on board for whatever
fun little schemes
Copy !req
533. you guys come up with.
Copy !req
534. - Okay, bring it in.
Team huddle.
Copy !req
535. The Bad Place is about to be
Copy !req
536. by a cowardly traitor,
four dum-dums,
Copy !req
537. and a robot.
- Not a robot.
Copy !req
538. - We can do this.
Copy !req
539. Team Cockroach on three.
Copy !req
540. One, two, three.
Copy !req
541. Team Cockroach!
- Bobcats!
Copy !req
542. I still think that's better.
Copy !req