1. Mm.
Copy !req
2. Kinda overcooked
the eggs.
Copy !req
3. Not used to a gas stove.
Copy !req
4. Last thing I want
is food right now.
Copy !req
5. Ah, lightweight.
Copy !req
6. You know, I outdrank you
at least two to one.
Copy !req
7. Never mind
I was rolling on Molly.
Copy !req
8. I'm a cheap date.
Copy !req
9. I'll take the coffee,
Copy !req
10. You're a doctor?
Copy !req
11. Well, Dr. Browne...
Copy !req
12. I had fun last night.
Copy !req
13. Me too.
Copy !req
14. And that unenthusiastic
response answers
my question.
Copy !req
15. "Wanna meet up again?"
Copy !req
16. I'll get out of here.
Copy !req
17. Hey, Shaun...
Copy !req
18. I have a question
for Dr. Glassman.
Copy !req
19. Uh, he's, uh,
in the shower.
Copy !req
20. Do you want to come on...
When did his shower begin?
Copy !req
21. Just... He just got in.
Copy !req
22. His showers
are at least nine minutes.
Copy !req
23. I'd be late to work.
Copy !req
24. I'll wait.
This is important.
Copy !req
25. Is there something
I can help with?
Copy !req
26. The florist told me
the pink roses express passion
Copy !req
27. and the purple Peruvian lilies
convey devotion,
Copy !req
28. but I feel both passion
and devotion for Carly.
Copy !req
29. You could give her both.
Copy !req
30. Please ask Dr. Glassman
to text me the answer
Copy !req
31. as soon as he gets
out of the shower.
Copy !req
32. Well... What's
Carly's favorite color?
Copy !req
33. 'Cause flowers
don't really have meaning.
Copy !req
34. That's just a tactic
to boost sales.
Copy !req
35. Purple.
Copy !req
36. There you go.
Copy !req
37. Hi, Shaun.
Copy !req
38. I'd like to have sex
Copy !req
39. Would you?
Copy !req
40. Yes.
Copy !req
41. 39-year-old male,
multi-car accident,
blunt abdominal injuries,
Copy !req
42. including ruptured spleen
and lacerated liver.
Copy !req
43. What's his G.C.S.?
Copy !req
44. Intraperitoneal free fluid
in the right upper quadrant.
Copy !req
45. We need an O.R., stat.
Page Melendez.
Copy !req
46. We were at
our engagement photoshoot.
Copy !req
47. I thought
it was just a migraine.
Copy !req
48. I get them sometimes
with the flashing lights.
Copy !req
49. Then she started
slurring her words.
Copy !req
50. I was trying to tell him
Copy !req
51. that I couldn't feel
or move my left side.
Copy !req
52. The only thing that got me
through was Tony telling me,
Copy !req
53. "Okay, it will be."
Copy !req
54. How long before your symptoms
began to subside?
Copy !req
55. About half an hour.
Copy !req
56. By the time we got here,
all I had was a mild headache.
Copy !req
57. I think you had
a transient ischemic attack.
Copy !req
58. A mini-stroke.
Copy !req
59. A stroke?
Copy !req
60. Jeanie's 25.
Copy !req
61. Which is why we'll need
an MRI, cardiac echo, and labs
Copy !req
62. before... we know for sure.
Copy !req
63. DR.
Cauterize that bleed.
Copy !req
64. That's it
for the liver.
Copy !req
65. What's his mean
arterial pressure?
Copy !req
66. DR. 67.
Copy !req
67. What was that place
with the deviled oysters
you took Dr. Lim to?
Copy !req
68. Oh, Mia's in town.
Copy !req
69. As some of you
may be aware,
Copy !req
70. Dr. Lim and I are
no longer together.
Copy !req
71. It's called Half Shell.
Copy !req
72. Downtown, off Second.
Copy !req
73. Remove the packing.
Copy !req
74. Look at the aorta.
Copy !req
75. Likely a laceration
from the accident.
Copy !req
76. We'll need to dissect
further to determine the
extent of the damage.
Copy !req
77. B.P.'s skyrocketing.
Copy !req
78. He's just suffered
massive blood loss.
Copy !req
79. He's under anesthesia.
He should be hypotensive.
Copy !req
80. Pulmonary embolism?
Push beta-blockers.
Copy !req
81. That... That'd kill him.
Copy !req
82. He's tachycardic
and hyperthermic.
Copy !req
83. I think
he must be on something.
Copy !req
84. MDMA mixed
with anesthesia?
Copy !req
85. Give him a low dose
of nitroglycerin
Copy !req
86. and calcium
channel blockers.
Copy !req
87. B.P.'s dropping.
It's working.
Copy !req
88. DR. Push the
full dose. Close him up.
Copy !req
89. We're gonna have to
wait for the MDMA to
leave his bloodstream.
Copy !req
90. We'll get a better look
at the aorta via imaging.
Copy !req
91. Good call.
Copy !req
92. I need to use
the restroom.
Copy !req
93. Hang in there, Jeanie.
Just a couple more minutes.
Copy !req
94. You should ask me
what I'm going to do tonight.
Copy !req
95. Um... okay.
Copy !req
96. But just to make it feel
Copy !req
97. more like
an actual conversation...
Copy !req
98. Nothing much.
Copy !req
99. I've got a yoga class
and a date with
Ben & Jerry tonight.
Copy !req
100. How about you, Shaun?
Copy !req
101. I'm having sex
with Carly.
Copy !req
102. Whoa.
Copy !req
103. It's my first time.
Copy !req
104. Mazel tov.
Copy !req
105. It took us 22 days
to kiss,
Copy !req
106. nine more to hold hands...
Copy !req
107. Although, we don't really hold
hands when we hold hands...
Copy !req
108. And another six to touch
more than one thing at a time.
Copy !req
109. But now I'm ready.
Copy !req
110. That's a lot of foreplay.
Copy !req
111. I've been reading about
the four stages of arousal...
Copy !req
112. Fair warning...
The first time
for most people
Copy !req
113. is kind of awful.
Copy !req
114. Your first time
was awful?
Copy !req
115. Not an appropriate question
to ask a colleague.
Copy !req
116. Although, there's
an exception
to every rule.
Copy !req
117. Which books did your lover
read to prepare?
Copy !req
118. No clots, no bleeds,
no occlusions, no P.F.O.
Copy !req
119. W...
Copy !req
120. She didn't have
a stroke.
Copy !req
121. She's having a seizure.
Copy !req
122. Pushing diazepam.
Copy !req
123. She had to use
the restroom.
Copy !req
124. Her bladder is distended.
Copy !req
125. Whatever it's pressing
against must be
causing these attacks.
Copy !req
126. CT shows
she has two pelvic lesions,
Copy !req
127. and labs show elevated levels
of catecholamines.
Copy !req
128. The pain meds we gave her
could have distended
her bladder,
Copy !req
129. which is abutting
one of the tumors,
Copy !req
130. setting off
her second attack.
Copy !req
131. But what set off
the first one?
Copy !req
132. Sexual intercourse.
Copy !req
133. The other tumor appears
to be within her clitoris.
Copy !req
134. Progressive impact may have
destabilized it over time.
Copy !req
135. And now she's at risk
of having more seizures.
Copy !req
136. Sex could kill this woman.
Copy !req
137. He's stable, and the MDMA
is out of his system.
Copy !req
138. We're good to go back in
and graft the aorta.
Copy !req
139. We're just getting
caught up with blood loss
and fluid resuscitation.
Copy !req
140. An endovascular stent
is minimally invasive.
Copy !req
141. It is a better option
than a graft.
Copy !req
142. But a stent could clot off
because we won't be able
to give blood thinners.
Copy !req
143. His liver is still
a bleeding risk.
Copy !req
144. Let's take our chances
with the stent.
Copy !req
145. We can be in and out
and have him back in the ICU,
Copy !req
146. where we can focus
on his recovery.
Copy !req
147. I do not want to proceed
without consent.
Copy !req
148. He won't regain
consciousness for another
couple of hours.
Copy !req
149. We shouldn't wait
that long.
Copy !req
150. Get it from his wife.
She's on her way here now.
Copy !req
151. We can remove
the tumors,
Copy !req
152. but it means
we also have to remove
Copy !req
153. most of your vagina
and clitoris.
Copy !req
154. You can still
have children.
Copy !req
155. Via C-section. It won't affect
your uterus or ovaries.
Copy !req
156. What about sex?
Copy !req
157. You won't be able
to have intercourse
Copy !req
158. or experience an orgasm.
Copy !req
159. I-It doesn't
make sense.
Copy !req
160. I've been sexually active
for five years.
Copy !req
161. Never had any attacks.
Copy !req
162. We suspect the tumor's
been dormant for some time.
Copy !req
163. What if I don't have
the surgery?
Copy !req
164. What are the odds
of another attack?
Copy !req
165. There are many variables
Copy !req
166. including frequency, duration,
sexual position, penis size...
Copy !req
167. About 2%.
Copy !req
168. Each time?
Copy !req
169. Each time.
Copy !req
170. On average,
couples have sex
52 times per year,
Copy !req
171. which means
in the next three years,
Copy !req
172. your chance of having
a life-threatening attack
Copy !req
173. is well over 95%.
Copy !req
174. I think
we'll take our chances.
Copy !req
175. DR.You should
talk it over between
Copy !req
176. perhaps
with a counselor...
Copy !req
177. I understand
the situation.
Copy !req
178. I don't want
the surgery.
Copy !req
179. I'll catch up.
Copy !req
180. Hey.
Copy !req
181. Hey.
Copy !req
182. Missed you
at the research
Copy !req
183. I was in surgery.
Copy !req
184. Now I have two consults,
a meeting with a donor,
Copy !req
185. and a hospital chair
Copy !req
186. Well, don't forget
to eat something.
Copy !req
187. Ah, food is for the weak.
Copy !req
188. So is waiting
for this elevator.
Copy !req
189. Are we okay?
Copy !req
190. Yeah.
Sorry, I'm just busy.
Copy !req
191. DR. We're recommending
the stent.
Copy !req
192. It risks clotting,
but it's also less invasive
than the graft.
Copy !req
193. The graft would be
a more permanent repair,
Copy !req
194. but there's greater chance
of surgical complications.
Copy !req
195. I have to trust you,
Copy !req
196. Is Dad gonna be okay?
Copy !req
197. Oh, absolutely, darling.
Copy !req
198. We're gonna take
good care of your dad.
Copy !req
199. He'll be home
before you know it, okay?
Copy !req
200. Okay.
Copy !req
201. Thank you.
Copy !req
202. If we send her home
without the surgery,
she'll die.
Copy !req
203. We don't know that.
Copy !req
204. And taking away sex
from a young couple
in love?
Copy !req
205. That's devastating.
Copy !req
206. So's death.
Copy !req
207. How much time does
a couple actually
spend having sex?
Copy !req
208. 19 minutes per week,
including foreplay.
Copy !req
209. The rest...
That's the real
Copy !req
210. Forget the act itself.
Copy !req
211. Sex is crucial
to the happiness
Copy !req
212. and satisfaction
of a relationship.
Copy !req
213. Sex is destructive.
Copy !req
214. It turns people into liars
and cheaters and idiots.
Copy !req
215. It might start
Copy !req
216. but more often than not,
it rips them apart.
Copy !req
217. She got devastating news
Copy !req
218. and made an emotional decision
without thinking it through.
Copy !req
219. The least we can do
is get her counseling.
Copy !req
220. Was she offered counseling
when you gave her
the diagnosis?
Copy !req
221. Briefly, but she was still
reeling from the...
Copy !req
222. Then it's over.
When she's stable,
discharge her.
Copy !req
223. Thank you.
Copy !req
224. Yeah, the pink heart
and purple star...
Copy !req
225. How are you feeling?
Copy !req
226. Hi, Doctor.
He's doing great.
Copy !req
227. Hi. I'm Dr. Browne.
Copy !req
228. You had a tear
in your aorta,
Copy !req
229. but we stabilized it
with a stent.
Copy !req
230. Until we can give you
blood thinners,
Copy !req
231. you'll be at risk
of a clot,
Copy !req
232. so we'll be
monitoring you closely.
Copy !req
233. But right now, everything is
looking absolutely perfect.
Copy !req
234. Oh!
Copy !req
235. Gentle.
Copy !req
236. See, Cupcake?
Copy !req
237. It's all good.
Copy !req
238. Why didn't you come home
last night?
Copy !req
239. Daddy had a sleepover
at Uncle Jeff's.
Copy !req
240. He got a new turtle.
You can see it next time.
Copy !req
241. Your blood pressure
is responding well
to the alpha-blockers.
Copy !req
242. We'll run labs.
Copy !req
243. If they're normal,
you can be discharged
in the morning.
Copy !req
244. Thank you.
Copy !req
245. You'll want to be aware
at all times
Copy !req
246. of where
the closest hospital is.
Copy !req
247. Every time
you have intercourse,
Copy !req
248. you'll be endangering
your fiancee's life.
Copy !req
249. I-I'm aware of that.
Copy !req
250. We both are.
Copy !req
251. But it's Jeanie's body.
It's her decision.
Copy !req
252. I'm just... trying
to be supportive.
Copy !req
253. I don't think you are.
Copy !req
254. You're being selfish.
Copy !req
255. She's risking her life,
Copy !req
256. and you're keeping
your mouth shut
Copy !req
257. so you can keep
getting laid.
Copy !req
258. You do think I'm making
the right decision?
Copy !req
259. Yes.
Copy !req
260. I do.
Copy !req
261. Thanks.
Copy !req
262. He really is
gonna be fine.
Copy !req
263. I know. Thank you.
Copy !req
264. You okay?
Copy !req
265. I think
he's cheating on me.
Copy !req
266. His brother lives
in Willow Glen,
Copy !req
267. the other side
of the city from where
he had his accident.
Copy !req
268. What did he say
about it?
Copy !req
269. That he had
a breakfast meeting
with a client.
Copy !req
270. Not unlike the excuse he used
last time he cheated.
Copy !req
271. Him denying it
was the worst part.
Copy !req
272. Made me doubt myself.
Copy !req
273. You know, was I just
a paranoid, jealous wife,
Copy !req
274. throwing out
wild accusations?
Copy !req
275. Your husband has just had
a serious car accident,
Copy !req
276. and you're very stressed.
Copy !req
277. Right now, all you should be
thinking about is...
Copy !req
278. Getting him better.
Copy !req
279. You're right.
Copy !req
280. Thank you.
Copy !req
281. Not at all.
Copy !req
282. Would you like
to take my top off?
Copy !req
283. Yes.
Copy !req
284. Would you like me
to take your shirt off?
Copy !req
285. No.
Copy !req
286. I would like
to do it myself.
Copy !req
287. Even better.
Copy !req
288. Okay.
Copy !req
289. I've got it.
Copy !req
290. I-I got it.
Copy !req
291. Mm.
Copy !req
292. Do you want to slow down?
Copy !req
293. Do you want to stop?
Copy !req
294. I'd like
to go watch some TV.
Copy !req
295. So, eh,
you weren't feeling it?
Copy !req
296. I was definitely
feeling it.
Copy !req
297. She... Mm.
I don't know.
Copy !req
298. I think you're confused.
Copy !req
299. I think...
I think it's emotional
and it's hormonal,
Copy !req
300. and... And... And maybe...
Copy !req
301. I wasn't confused.
Copy !req
302. She had a tattoo.
Copy !req
303. It was half a heart.
Copy !req
304. I don't understand
why someone would get
an incomplete tattoo.
Copy !req
305. She shouldn't
have something
that's incomplete
Copy !req
306. on her body
that I can see.
Copy !req
307. You sure
it was the tattoo?
Copy !req
308. Yes. It is a
Copy !req
309. very disturbing tattoo
that makes no sense.
Copy !req
310. Maybe it's not
about the tattoo.
Copy !req
311. I mean...
Copy !req
312. Maybe it's about intimacy?
Copy !req
313. Letting another person
into your life...
That's a big deal.
Copy !req
314. I know. Trust me.
Copy !req
315. There are gonna be things
about her that you love
Copy !req
316. and things about her
that you don't.
Copy !req
317. And there are certain things,
like the tattoo,
Copy !req
318. you... You can't change.
Copy !req
319. Because...
Copy !req
320. Because...
Copy !req
321. Well, it's worth it.
Copy !req
322. She can get
the tattoo removed.
Copy !req
323. She can't get
the tattoo removed, Shaun.
Copy !req
324. I don't think
it's about the tattoo.
Copy !req
325. We are backed up.
Copy !req
326. Sorry, Shaun.
Copy !req
327. Okay.
Copy !req
328. Everything looks good.
Copy !req
329. Could've just checked them
on the E.M.R.
Copy !req
330. I know.
Copy !req
331. How's it going
with Shaun?
Copy !req
332. He tends to overshare
with coworkers.
Copy !req
333. Yes, he does.
Copy !req
334. And he was oversharing
up until this morning,
Copy !req
335. so I'm guessing
the Night of a Thousand Stars
didn't go as planned?
Copy !req
336. We're fine, thanks.
Copy !req
337. Of course.
Copy !req
338. You waited three weeks
for a kiss. You're a saint.
Copy !req
339. That didn't sound
like a compliment.
Copy !req
340. I like Shaun,
and I love that
he's dating,
Copy !req
341. but I can't help thinking
Copy !req
342. that the kind of person
who'd go out with Shaun
Copy !req
343. might be seeing him
more as a project
than a person.
Copy !req
344. And I'd rather not see him
get his heart broken.
Copy !req
345. Last week,
two techs called in sick.
Copy !req
346. I had to diagnose and file
over 200 slides.
Copy !req
347. But when I told Shaun,
Copy !req
348. he came down and he helped me
get through them
Copy !req
349. until 3:00
in the morning.
Copy !req
350. I am not going out
with Shaun because
I have a martyr complex.
Copy !req
351. I'm going out with him
'cause he's a great guy
who treats me well.
Copy !req
352. And the condescending notion
that someone needs
Copy !req
353. an ulterior motive
to be interested in him
Copy !req
354. means you're the one who
isn't seeing him as a person.
Copy !req
355. Your craniotomy ended
an hour before the
research meeting.
Copy !req
356. You didn't miss the meeting
'cause you were in surgery.
Copy !req
357. I think you missed the meeting
because I was gonna be there.
Copy !req
358. I'm busy. I can show you
my calendar if you'd like.
Copy !req
359. You dumped me.
I should be the one
avoiding you.
Copy !req
360. What's going on?
Copy !req
361. Are you having
second thoughts?
Copy !req
362. No. I'm not.
Copy !req
363. Why are you willing
to die for sex?
Copy !req
364. Sex creates...
Copy !req
365. Vulnerability,
Copy !req
366. lets you be open,
Copy !req
367. honest with
each other,
Copy !req
368. share your
biggest fears.
Copy !req
369. Sometimes,
you shouldn't share.
Copy !req
370. Sometimes, you have to
just accept, right?
Copy !req
371. Wrong.
Copy !req
372. What you have to accept,
that's not for anyone
else to say.
Copy !req
373. If you don't tell
your partner everything
that you're feeling,
Copy !req
374. thinking, worrying about,
Copy !req
375. then you aren't
fully connected.
Copy !req
376. Close your eyes.
Copy !req
377. Yes, this is one of those
dumb sensory exercises,
Copy !req
378. but just go with it.
Copy !req
379. Now tell me one of
your favorite memories
with your fiancee.
Copy !req
380. Last summer,
we went camping
in Yosemite.
Copy !req
381. We decided to rough it
by only packing
P.B. and J sandwiches.
Copy !req
382. The first night,
a bear rips into our tent
Copy !req
383. and devours them.
Copy !req
384. And the next night, of course,
we had this hole in our tent,
Copy !req
385. and the mosquitos
just ate us alive.
Copy !req
386. And the bug spray
that we thought we packed?
Copy !req
387. It was sunscreen.
Copy !req
388. And then
when it started pouring,
Copy !req
389. we turned to each other
at the same time and we said,
Copy !req
390. "Denny's."
Copy !req
391. And that's when I knew
I wanted to marry her.
Copy !req
392. Great.
Copy !req
393. That was a memory
of something you got
through together,
Copy !req
394. not about the time
you had a threesome
in Miami.
Copy !req
395. It was New Orleans.
Copy !req
396. The threesome
was in New Orleans,
not Miami.
Copy !req
397. And it was way better
than the bear trip.
Copy !req
398. But I wasn't gonna tell
my fiancee's doctor about it.
Copy !req
399. Sex... makes you real
with someone.
Copy !req
400. Sex makes you stupid.
Copy !req
401. I had the perfect man.
Copy !req
402. He was... smart
and funny.
Copy !req
403. He squeezed the sponge
after washing the dishes.
Copy !req
404. Then one night,
I-I met some guy
and I had a few drinks,
Copy !req
405. and, um...
Copy !req
406. I got all tingly
and got really stupid.
Copy !req
407. Never saw him again.
Copy !req
408. Or my boyfriend.
Copy !req
409. Sex can make us feel
incredibly close to someone...
Copy !req
410. Honest,
Copy !req
411. vulnerable.
Copy !req
412. But sex is not
the goal.
Copy !req
413. All the rest
of those things are.
Copy !req
414. She's the love
of my life.
Copy !req
415. And I always thought
that we were strong
Copy !req
416. and that we can overcome
anything together.
Copy !req
417. But without sex...
Copy !req
418. I don't know if...
Copy !req
419. If we have enough.
Copy !req
420. Okay.
Copy !req
421. Then you need to lie
to her.
Copy !req
422. Nurse said you'd be here
an hour ago.
Copy !req
423. Yeah, well,
you're not my only patient.
Copy !req
424. Look, I get it.
Copy !req
425. This is about
as awkward as it gets.
Copy !req
426. Yes, it is.
Copy !req
427. You know,
I almost died
in that accident.
Copy !req
428. When I woke up, all I could
think about was my wife,
Copy !req
429. and my little girl,
Copy !req
430. and how much of an ass
I'd been
and how hurt they'd be.
Copy !req
431. So, why is it
that once I get
out of here,
Copy !req
432. I'm gonna keep cheating
on them?
Copy !req
433. I can't help it.
Copy !req
434. No matter how much
remorse or guilt...
Copy !req
435. I feel like
I always give in.
Copy !req
436. Then you should
leave them.
Copy !req
437. I can't.
Copy !req
438. I love them.
Copy !req
439. How messed up
is that, right?
Copy !req
440. But I think you know.
Copy !req
441. Yeah, well,
I don't cheat.
Copy !req
442. I saw you checking me out
in the bar.
Copy !req
443. My left hand,
Copy !req
444. just making sure
I was married.
Copy !req
445. You're just as big
a cheater as me,
Dr. Browne.
Copy !req
446. My, uh, leg...
Copy !req
447. It's... It's cold.
Copy !req
448. No pulse.
Copy !req
449. Your stent has formed a clot.
We need an angio, stat!
Copy !req
450. Everything okay?
Copy !req
451. You haven't said a word
since "Pass the salt."
Copy !req
452. It's about Shaun,
isn't it?
Copy !req
453. Two weeks ago,
Copy !req
454. you asked me to give him
romantic advice,
Copy !req
455. which I didn't want
to do.
Copy !req
456. And then he comes
into my office
for romantic advice,
Copy !req
457. and you kick him
right out.
Copy !req
458. It's because
you're helping him
too much.
Copy !req
459. He is completely
dependent on you.
Copy !req
460. For good reason.
Copy !req
461. He hasn't spoken
to his parents
since he was 14.
Copy !req
462. The only person
he cared about
Copy !req
463. died right in front
of his eyes.
Copy !req
464. Aaron, I know
how much you love him.
Copy !req
465. How you hate to see him
struggle, fail, get hurt.
Copy !req
466. But you need to let him.
Copy !req
467. And he'll be okay.
Copy !req
468. Because he has someone else
in his life now.
Copy !req
469. Just like you do.
Copy !req
470. Placing guide wire
through the needle.
Copy !req
471. Placing catheter.
Copy !req
472. So, how do you know
this guy?
Copy !req
473. You knew
he was on MDMA,
Copy !req
474. you've been avoiding him
since he arrived,
Copy !req
475. and... I checked
on his accident.
Copy !req
476. It was a half mile
from your place.
Copy !req
477. I was with him
the night before
the accident,
Copy !req
478. but it's not relevant.
Copy !req
479. It hasn't affected
my judgement.
Copy !req
480. Yes, it has.
Copy !req
481. If you hadn't been
avoiding him,
Copy !req
482. we could've
caught the clot earlier.
Copy !req
483. I figure you've been
going through
something lately.
Copy !req
484. Something
that's really hurt you.
Copy !req
485. And maybe it's making
you turn to things you
normally wouldn't.
Copy !req
486. But some of the guys you meet
are gonna be trouble,
Copy !req
487. some are gonna be married,
some are gonna...
Copy !req
488. He took a vow, not me.
Copy !req
489. That's the exact attitude
someone had
Copy !req
490. when they helped
ruin my life.
Copy !req
491. There's the clot.
Copy !req
492. Activating angio jet.
Copy !req
493. It's too big to bust.
Copy !req
494. We have to
open him up.
Copy !req
495. You said to accept things
I don't like, but Jeanie said
Copy !req
496. I have to share everything,
and I don't know...
Shaun. Shaun.
Copy !req
497. Shaun,
stop, stop, stop.
Copy !req
498. I have to go home.
Copy !req
499. I can walk you to your car.
Is it very far?
Copy !req
500. I think this discussion
will take at least 15 minutes,
Copy !req
501. so maybe
you can drive me?
Copy !req
502. We have to
set boundaries, okay?
Copy !req
503. We have to set
some limits.
Copy !req
504. You can't just come over
6:30 in the morning,
Copy !req
505. uh, uh, for flower advice.
Copy !req
506. You can't just pop into
my office anytime you want.
Copy !req
507. Is this because
of Debbie?
Copy !req
508. No. Yes.
Copy !req
509. And I agree with her.
Copy !req
510. It was different when it was
just the two of us,
Copy !req
511. but now we have people
in our lives...
Copy !req
512. Both of us.
Copy !req
513. We have to make them
the priority.
Copy !req
514. Does this mean
we can't talk anymore?
Copy !req
515. No, of course
we can talk. Of...
Copy !req
516. It's just that there's
a time and a place
for everything.
Copy !req
517. And this is
the wrong time and place?
Copy !req
518. Yeah.
Copy !req
519. 7:00 a.m. Tuesday.
Copy !req
520. I liked it better
Copy !req
521. when it was
just the two of us.
Copy !req
522. 125 over 78.
Copy !req
523. Looks good.
Copy !req
524. Nice bug spray.
Copy !req
525. SPF 50.
Copy !req
526. Not much went right
that trip.
Copy !req
527. But...
Copy !req
528. The more
things went wrong,
Copy !req
529. the closer I felt to you.
Copy !req
530. We'll get through this,
Copy !req
531. I don't know.
Copy !req
532. Sex has always been...
Copy !req
533. Our language.
Copy !req
534. Our way of sharing
who we are
with each other.
Copy !req
535. And if we lose that...
Copy !req
536. What if we don't
have enough?
Copy !req
537. We'll still have...
Copy !req
538. Honesty,
Copy !req
539. intimacy,
Copy !req
540. love,
Copy !req
541. three kids.
Copy !req
542. Two boys and a girl.
Copy !req
543. I love you
more than sex.
Copy !req
544. I love you
more than sex, too.
Copy !req
545. Does... this mean
you're getting the surgery?
Copy !req
546. Yeah.
Copy !req
547. DR. 90 minutes
without a pulse in his leg.
Copy !req
548. He's at high risk
for necrosis.
Copy !req
549. DR.
Prosthetic successfully
sutured to aorta.
Copy !req
550. Almost done with
the distal right anastomosis.
Copy !req
551. DR.
Careful not to narrow
the artery during suturing.
Copy !req
552. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
553. DR.
Blood flow restored.
Good arterial pulse.
Copy !req
554. DR. Good job
catching that clot,
Dr. Browne.
Copy !req
555. If we'd waited any longer,
we'd have to amputate.
Copy !req
556. Thank you.
Copy !req
557. It... was a team effort.
Copy !req
558. DR. Making incision
at the vaginal wall.
Copy !req
559. Murphy, develop margins
at the lesion.
Copy !req
560. Forceps.
Copy !req
561. DR. Nicely done.
Copy !req
562. How you turned
your patient around.
Copy !req
563. It was nice
when Tony told Jeanie
Copy !req
564. he loved her
more than sex.
Copy !req
565. He was lying.
Copy !req
566. I told him that if he cared
about her at all, he had to.
Copy !req
567. DR.
Maybe it was the truth.
Copy !req
568. It can be true
without him
knowing it's true.
Copy !req
569. What's wrong?
Copy !req
570. Dr. Glassman told me
I have to accept things,
Copy !req
571. but Jeanie said
to be open and honest.
Copy !req
572. I agree with Jeanie...
Copy !req
573. Whoever she is.
Copy !req
574. It's your tattoo.
Copy !req
575. Thank God.
Copy !req
576. I thought
you hated my boobs
or something.
Copy !req
577. It's incomplete.
Copy !req
578. Didn't you have enough money
to pay for a full heart?
Copy !req
579. I got this in high school.
Copy !req
580. It's incomplete.
Copy !req
581. Not anymore.
Copy !req
582. I got you.
Copy !req
583. Shaun?
Copy !req
584. Dr. Glassman was right.
Copy !req
585. It's not the tattoo.
Copy !req
586. We were able to restore
blood flow to his legs.
Copy !req
587. He's gonna
be just fine.
Copy !req
588. Thank you so much,
Dr. Browne.
Copy !req
589. Now that
he's out of the woods,
Copy !req
590. you don't need to feel guilty
about questioning him.
Copy !req
591. All the pain, paranoia,
and self-doubt...
Copy !req
592. You deserve
to know the truth.
Copy !req
593. He's just gonna deny it.
Copy !req
594. Then you need to insist.
Copy !req
595. Our relationship
was a stupid idea.
Copy !req
596. Which made ending it
a smart idea.
Copy !req
597. Simple, binary...
Copy !req
598. And naive.
Copy !req
599. I really underestimated
how hard this would be.
Copy !req
600. Yes, I've been having
second thoughts.
Copy !req
601. I'm not saying we should
get back together...
Copy !req
602. What are you saying?
Copy !req
603. I don't know.
Copy !req
604. Good.
Copy !req
605. It's... good to know
that it's not easy.
Copy !req
606. It's good to know
that it mattered.
Copy !req
607. Intimacy isn't
about a tattoo.
Copy !req
608. And it's not about
touching or kissing
Copy !req
609. or... even sex.
Copy !req
610. It's about sharing
your biggest fears.
Copy !req
611. Yes.
Copy !req
612. What are you scared of?
Copy !req
613. I love
being a pathologist.
Copy !req
614. But every day
I walk into the lab,
Copy !req
615. I am filled with doubt.
Copy !req
616. Am I smart enough?
Am I capable enough?
Copy !req
617. Do I really deserve
to be here?
Copy !req
618. How long until
someone walks in
and exposes my fraud
Copy !req
619. and has me removed
from the premises?
Copy !req
620. Eventually,
those thoughts retreat.
Copy !req
621. Until the next morning,
Copy !req
622. when they all come crashing
back into my brain.
Copy !req
623. That and pigeons.
Copy !req
624. They freak me out.
Copy !req
625. Hmm.
Copy !req
626. My biggest fear...
Copy !req
627. is that I'll be alone.
Copy !req
628. If I don't get over this,
you'll leave.
Copy !req
629. We don't
have to have sex.
Copy !req
630. Can we just hold each other
for a little bit?
Copy !req
631. I think I'd like that.
Copy !req
632. Shaun?
Copy !req
633. Sash...
Copy !req
634. Sash!
Copy !req
635. You should go.
Copy !req
636. I don't know. Maybe.
Copy !req
637. It can wait
till tomorrow morning.
Copy !req
638. Eh, you were right.
Copy !req
639. Everything you said
was right.
Copy !req
640. But this is different.
Copy !req
641. Shaun needs you.
Copy !req
642. Hey.
Copy !req
643. Your mom called
from Wyoming.
Copy !req
644. Your dad's been diagnosed
with pancreatic cancer.
Copy !req
645. He may only have
a few days left.
Copy !req