1. Naughty thought.
Copy !req
2. How about we
don't wait 12 minutes
for our next kiss?
Copy !req
3. We would never see
the end of the movie.
Copy !req
4. Oh.
Copy !req
5. Mm.
Copy !req
6. It's better if we stick
to the schedule.
Copy !req
7. Sure.
Copy !req
8. Didn't hear you
come in last night.
Copy !req
9. So I'm guessing
it went well at Carly's.
Copy !req
10. The end of the movie
was very predictable.
Copy !req
11. Not the question
I was asking,
Copy !req
12. but you still managed
to answer it.
Copy !req
13. Carly touches me
when we kiss.
Copy !req
14. You don't like her
touching you?
Copy !req
15. Oh, I... I do.
Copy !req
16. But I prefer to touch only
one thing at a time.
Copy !req
17. Have you told her you
prefer to touch
only one thing at a time?
Copy !req
18. In those exact words?
Copy !req
19. Oh!
Copy !req
20. Whatever it is,
I'm definitely in.
Copy !req
21. My first lead surgery!
Copy !req
22. Oh!
Copy !req
23. Shaun!
That is awesome!
Copy !req
24. I am going to rock it!
Copy !req
25. Oh, hells to the yeah
you are!
Copy !req
26. Oh!
Copy !req
27. How you doing?
Copy !req
28. I'm good.
Copy !req
29. Thank you
for helping me
with the sea lions.
Copy !req
30. I'll never say no
to a caper.
Copy !req
31. But I'd like to keep
my mother's death
between the two of us.
Copy !req
32. I just... I can't deal
with people's
platitudes right now.
Copy !req
33. Okay, but that
kinda suggests
you're not good.
Copy !req
34. This is textbook denial.
Copy !req
35. It's only going to inhibit
your grief process.
Copy !req
36. Denial is the first step
in the grief process,
Copy !req
37. so I'd say
I'm right on track.
Copy !req
38. But thank you
for your platitudes.
Copy !req
39. This is Curtis.
Copy !req
40. He decided to fix his chimney
without a safety harness.
Copy !req
41. He has open bilateral
tib-fib fractures.
Copy !req
42. They wanted $1,200
for a two-hour job.
Copy !req
43. And I can still do
a Hurricane Grind.
Copy !req
44. It's a skateboard move
that builds off a 180 Ollie.
Copy !req
45. I got great balance.
Copy !req
46. Pupils are slow to react.
Copy !req
47. Unfortunately, balance is less
great after a few cocktails.
Copy !req
48. Not me.
Copy !req
49. Clean and sober six years,
three months,
Copy !req
50. and... And 24 days.
Copy !req
51. Get him on IV antibiotics
and to OR Level One.
Copy !req
52. And run a BAC.
Copy !req
53. I'm Dr. Shaun Murphy.
Copy !req
54. Your surgeon.
Copy !req
55. Esophageal cancer
is a serious condition.
Copy !req
56. However,
you don't have any remote
Copy !req
57. or metastatic disease
Copy !req
58. and responded well
to chemoradiation,
Copy !req
59. so a resection
of the esophagus
Copy !req
60. should render you
Copy !req
61. You look awfully young.
Copy !req
62. I always say,
the younger they are,
Copy !req
63. the smarter
they must be.
Copy !req
64. Oh, oh, yes.
Copy !req
65. We will pull the stomach up
and attach it to the remains
Copy !req
66. of your esophagus,
Copy !req
67. keeping your GI system
Copy !req
68. so you will not need
a permanent feeding tube.
Copy !req
69. My oncologist
told me all this,
Copy !req
70. but I refused
to believe it,
Copy !req
71. that it was all
gonna be okay,
Copy !req
72. until I heard it
from my surgeon.
Copy !req
73. Oh!
Copy !req
74. I'm sorry, it's just...
Copy !req
75. I've been through a divorce
and a career change,
Copy !req
76. and I finally bought
my own cafe,
Copy !req
77. three days before I got
my diagnosis.
Copy !req
78. And I thought it was a sign
I was making a mistake.
Copy !req
79. But it was just
the opposite.
Copy !req
80. I wasn't done.
Copy !req
81. Oh, I'm sorry...
Copy !req
82. I have to inform you
of the risks of this
Copy !req
83. There is a 7% chance
of heart and lung problems,
Copy !req
84. a 12% chance of infection,
a 0.5% of death, among others.
Copy !req
85. Bring it, Dr. Murphy.
Copy !req
86. Shaun got very lucky.
Copy !req
87. Landed the world's most genial
patient for his first case.
Copy !req
88. Nice.
Of you.
Copy !req
89. You picked that patient
for him...
Copy !req
90. I heard it was Park's chart
before you stepped in.
Copy !req
91. Shaun's weakness
is patient management.
Copy !req
92. You shouldn't
be coddling him.
Copy !req
93. We challenge him too much,
we lose him.
Copy !req
94. Murphy?
Copy !req
95. He perseveres.
He's annoyingly resilient.
Copy !req
96. I agree that some failures
don't seem to faze him at all.
Copy !req
97. But it's his
lifelong dream.
Copy !req
98. So, yes,
I think we could lose him.
Copy !req
99. I'll tough-love his ass
next week.
Copy !req
100. Okay, Curtis,
we're good to go.
Copy !req
101. Curtis, my God.
Are you okay?
Copy !req
102. I'm thinking
I should've gone
with the contractor.
Copy !req
103. His thinking was impaired.
Copy !req
104. He had a blood
alcohol level of.09.
Copy !req
105. Your test must be wrong.
Copy !req
106. You were quite inebriated
when you came in.
Copy !req
107. That's impossible.
Curtis doesn't drink.
Copy !req
108. We'll make a note of it
in his chart.
Copy !req
109. We've got to get him
to the O.R.
Copy !req
110. You play softball?
Copy !req
111. Uh, my junior year
in high school,
Copy !req
112. I had an ERA
of 2.95.
Copy !req
113. My wife's got an arm.
Copy !req
114. I can't believe
you're my wife.
Copy !req
115. Till death do us part.
Copy !req
116. Yeah.
Copy !req
117. Oh, you found Wally.
Copy !req
118. You have
a name for it?
Copy !req
119. Yeah, he's my
Walther PPK.32.
Copy !req
120. He and I go way back.
Copy !req
121. Is it loaded?
Copy !req
122. I mean,
is this a problem?
Copy !req
123. 'Cause I... I just...
I keep it in
my bedside table,
Copy !req
124. in my gun safe,
combination 7-3-5-9.
Copy !req
125. I'm not gonna
remember that.
Copy !req
126. I don't want
to remember that.
Copy !req
127. If we're gonna
live together,
Copy !req
128. we're gonna need
to make some compromises.
Copy !req
129. You nervous?
Copy !req
130. How badly are you
freaking out?
Copy !req
131. I'm not badly
freaking out.
Copy !req
132. I've assisted in six
esophageal resections,
Copy !req
133. all of which were
free of complications.
Copy !req
134. So you're overdue
for a blow-up.
Copy !req
135. Sorry.
Copy !req
136. I'm just a bit annoyed
'cause I had my hand
on this case first,
Copy !req
137. and now I'm third
out of four, at best.
Copy !req
138. But I'm happy for you.
Copy !req
139. Really.
Copy !req
140. I'm happy for me, too.
Copy !req
141. She has extensive
scar tissue.
Copy !req
142. And it's plastered
her stomach
Copy !req
143. to her anterior
abdominal wall.
Copy !req
144. I told her she wouldn't need
a permanent feeding tube.
Copy !req
145. But she will.
Copy !req
146. We've got to tell
a budding chef
she'll never eat again.
Copy !req
147. How will she react?
Copy !req
148. Don't know.
Copy !req
149. Badly.
But the specifics...
Copy !req
150. You should tell her.
Copy !req
151. She's your patient,
it's your job.
Copy !req
152. I'm bad at
patient communication.
Copy !req
153. If I make her very unhappy,
Copy !req
154. she may not want me
to do the surgery.
Copy !req
155. If you're not willing
to take that risk,
Copy !req
156. then you should hand
the case over to Park.
Copy !req
157. No. I don't want to hand
the case over to Dr. Park.
Copy !req
158. Park will tell Beth.
Copy !req
159. And, Shaun,
it's still your surgery.
Copy !req
160. DR. Drill.
Copy !req
161. Do you see
his heart rhythm?
Copy !req
162. DR.
Rate controlled A-fib.
Copy !req
163. Wasn't on his record.
Copy !req
164. Ask his wife
about it post-op.
Copy !req
165. Probably a symptom
of binge drinking.
Copy !req
166. Which he'll lie to us about
and she'll tell us
she believes.
Copy !req
167. She's in denial?
Copy !req
168. You had surgery
as a child.
Copy !req
169. As a baby.
I don't even
remember it.
Copy !req
170. There's considerable
scar tissue,
Copy !req
171. more than we'd typically
expect to find.
Copy !req
172. Which has affected
our surgical plan.
Copy !req
173. How?
Copy !req
174. Dr. Murphy will field
that question.
Copy !req
175. No, Dr. Lim s-said...
Copy !req
176. Proceed, Dr. Murphy.
Copy !req
177. Somebody
please tell me.
Copy !req
178. We can't move
your stomach up,
Copy !req
179. so you will need
a feeding tube.
Copy !req
180. For the rest
of your life.
Copy !req
181. The good news is that
this surgery is simpler,
Copy !req
182. so your recovery time
will be shorter
by three to five days.
Copy !req
183. Hey.
Copy !req
184. Do any of you own a gun?
Copy !req
185. Is there
someone you'd like
"taken care of"?
Copy !req
186. Ah.
I still have
my service pistol.
Copy !req
187. I have a Sig P365.
Copy !req
188. Do any of you have,
or have you ever had,
Copy !req
189. issues about it with
your significant others?
Copy !req
190. After our son was born,
Copy !req
191. my wife suddenly hated
having a firearm in the house.
Copy !req
192. And one night,
I came home late to a...
Copy !req
193. PowerPoint presentation.
Copy !req
194. Ninety minutes
of horrifying statistics.
Copy !req
195. Now it's in a locker
at my gun range.
Copy !req
196. Lotta set up
but I like that.
Copy !req
197. I had a boyfriend
who felt very weird
about me having a gun.
Copy !req
198. He wasn't big on logic,
so I took
the emotional approach.
Copy !req
199. Told him it's not
for the firepower,
Copy !req
200. it's for the confidence
it gives me as a woman
when I carry it.
Copy !req
201. I lived with
a guy who had a gun.
Copy !req
202. Had to use
the nuclear option.
Copy !req
203. It goes or he goes.
Copy !req
204. It worked...
They both went.
Copy !req
205. Well, that's just wonderful.
Copy !req
206. I heard your news.
Copy !req
207. It's pretty exciting.
Copy !req
208. I jumped seven times.
Copy !req
209. How's the anxiety level?
Copy !req
210. Why do people
keep asking me that?
Copy !req
211. Everyone has doubts,
Copy !req
212. I'm excited.
Copy !req
213. You can be excited.
And nervous.
Copy !req
214. Usually they go together.
Copy !req
215. Speaking of, uh,
I'm sorry if I was a bit
Copy !req
216. too assertive
last night.
Copy !req
217. Lea said it must be
tricky for you.
Copy !req
218. So now Lea is also
privy to the intimacies
of our intimacy?
Copy !req
219. Great.
Copy !req
220. Oh.
Copy !req
221. Lea said to tell you
Copy !req
222. that I prefer to touch
only thing at a time.
Copy !req
223. Located upper
esophageal sphincter.
Copy !req
224. You have a good
tumor margin...
Copy !req
225. Resecting above or below?
Copy !req
226. Below.
Copy !req
227. Shaun gave the news
to his patient after all.
Copy !req
228. Shaun did what I expected.
Copy !req
229. He upset her,
but the news is upsetting.
Copy !req
230. She'll deal with it,
he'll learn how to...
She wants him off the case.
Copy !req
231. Shaun...
Copy !req
232. Shaun, I will find
you another case.
Copy !req
233. This is my case.
Copy !req
234. I prepared for this case.
Copy !req
235. I don't want another case.
Copy !req
236. Dr. Murphy...
Copy !req
237. You're learning, Shaun.
Copy !req
238. That's what you do
at a teaching hospital.
Copy !req
239. I'm learning, too.
Copy !req
240. Going from attending
to Chief of Surgery
Copy !req
241. is... a big deal.
Copy !req
242. Every day,
every decision,
every mistake...
Copy !req
243. I learn something.
Copy !req
244. So do you.
Copy !req
245. No, I don't.
Copy !req
246. I have a developmental
Copy !req
247. Come with me.
Copy !req
248. I'm waiting for my bus.
Copy !req
249. You can take
a later one.
Copy !req
250. I'm sure I mentioned
I was Chief.
Copy !req
251. Hi, Beth.
Copy !req
252. I'm sorry for what
you're going through.
Copy !req
253. And Dr. Murphy's phrasing
was unfortunate.
Copy !req
254. But there's been no deceit
or negligence.
Copy !req
255. He's an excellent surgeon
who has my full confidence
in the O.R.
Copy !req
256. And if you don't trust him,
you don't trust me.
Copy !req
257. So, I would recommend
you have your surgery
at a different hospital.
Copy !req
258. I can make arrangements.
Copy !req
259. However, if you reconsider,
we can proceed as scheduled
Copy !req
260. first thing
tomorrow morning.
Copy !req
261. If you don't want
people to know
your mother died,
Copy !req
262. stop acting like someone
whose mother died.
Copy !req
263. I'm gonna move on
to the second stage
of grief... Anger.
Copy !req
264. I'm not acting depressed.
Copy !req
265. No, you're acting bitchy.
Copy !req
266. But you're not a bitch,
so that looks weird on you,
Copy !req
267. and people are gonna know
something's up.
Copy !req
268. So, do you want me
happier or sadder?
Copy !req
269. Let me know,
because I'm really
looking for your approval.
Copy !req
270. Bitchy...
Copy !req
271. You really think this guy's
still on the wagon?
Copy !req
272. Just because he's a drunk
doesn't mean he's not sick.
Copy !req
273. But all you can see
is an addict married
to an enabler,
Copy !req
274. so all roads
lead to rum.
Copy !req
275. C'mon, that was cute.
Copy !req
276. No LV wall motion
Copy !req
277. No valvular disease
or dysfunction.
Copy !req
278. Ruling out any
structural cause
for the arrhythmia.
Copy !req
279. You win.
Copy !req
280. Hey!
DR. Hey.
Copy !req
281. How was your day?
Copy !req
282. Good, good.
Copy !req
283. Pensive.
Copy !req
284. I was thinking
about your gun
and why you need it...
Copy !req
285. Oh, Aaron, I...
I don't...
No, no, no.
Copy !req
286. I was an idiot
and a guy,
I get it.
Copy !req
287. You walking alone
in a garage late
at night,
Copy !req
288. you walking alone
on the street
late at night...
Copy !req
289. Or getting into my own car,
or even my own house.
Copy !req
290. Exactly.
Copy !req
291. That's why
I got you a surprise.
Copy !req
292. Yeah?
Copy !req
293. Right outside
the back door.
Copy !req
294. We have exactly 10 seconds
to punch in the code
Copy !req
295. before S.E.A.L. Team Six
Copy !req
296. 7-3-5-9.
Copy !req
297. Every door, every window,
every vent over 36 inches.
Copy !req
298. This is your
security fob.
Copy !req
299. Works in all 48 contiguous
states and Canada.
Copy !req
300. You have no idea
how much extra comfort
this is gonna give me.
Copy !req
301. Actually, I was hoping
it would be
Copy !req
302. your primary source
of comfort.
Copy !req
303. You were thinking
that this would mean
I would give up my gun?
Copy !req
304. That's exactly
what I was thinking.
Copy !req
305. Well, the first rule
of security systems
is redundancy.
Copy !req
306. By that logic, we should get
a tank for the garage.
Copy !req
307. Aaron, it shouldn't matter
why I want a gun...
Copy !req
308. Whether it's because
it makes me
feel more secure,
Copy !req
309. or it was a memento
of my dad's
Copy !req
310. or just because
it's fun to shoot.
Copy !req
311. All that matters
is I'm a grown-up,
Copy !req
312. and I'm responsible,
and I want it.
Copy !req
313. You're ruining Shaun.
Copy !req
314. Maybe you got him
over the hump of
patient management,
Copy !req
315. but what about
surgical management?
Copy !req
316. Taking charge of the O.R.,
Copy !req
317. keeping lines of communication
open, everyone cooperating.
Copy !req
318. You're throwing him
into the deep end,
Copy !req
319. and that's unfair to him.
Copy !req
320. Unless you plan to scrub in
as a lifeguard.
Copy !req
321. He'll be fine.
Copy !req
322. You handpicked
his surgical team?
Copy !req
323. You're ruining him.
Copy !req
324. The tests prove
his arrhythmia
is associated
Copy !req
325. with excessive
ethanol consumption.
Copy !req
326. But there's no
permanent damage
Copy !req
327. and his rhythm
will return to normal
Copy !req
328. in the absence
of any further drinking.
Copy !req
329. We met when
we were 15.
Copy !req
330. I was first clarinet,
he was second.
Copy !req
331. We were at a band festival
in Anaheim when he found out
Copy !req
332. his parents died
in a plane crash.
Copy !req
333. We grieved together
and fell in love.
Copy !req
334. Then he started drinking.
Copy !req
335. It wasn't until I
threatened to leave
that he finally woke up.
Copy !req
336. The day he received
his two-year recovery chip
Copy !req
337. was the day
we got married.
Copy !req
338. The day he vowed to me,
Copy !req
339. and a church full
of our family and friends,
Copy !req
340. that he would never
drink again.
Copy !req
341. Our marriage is built
on his sobriety.
Copy !req
342. I believe him.
Copy !req
343. Teal, we ran the BAC
three times,
Copy !req
344. and the results
were consistent.
Copy !req
345. I believe in my husband.
Copy !req
346. I have to.
Copy !req
347. His BP is dropping.
Copy !req
348. Temp is normal.
Copy !req
349. Check for causes of shock.
Copy !req
350. Upper GI bleed...
Need stat hematocrits
and transfuse blood.
Copy !req
351. Surgery's
the easy-peasy part.
Copy !req
352. You wanted this,
enjoy it.
Copy !req
353. I can't.
Copy !req
354. If I get distracted,
if I get upset...
Copy !req
355. If you do,
Andrews has your back.
Copy !req
356. If Dr. Andrews
has to take over,
Copy !req
357. then I have failed.
Copy !req
358. I have failed, and I have
endangered a patient's life,
Copy !req
359. and if I'm no good
at the easy-peasy part,
Copy !req
360. then what part
am I good at?
Copy !req
361. What do we do when we get
all nutty like this?
Copy !req
362. Blow out the candles.
Copy !req
363. How many do you need?
Copy !req
364. Three.
Copy !req
365. Hey.
I was looking for you.
Copy !req
366. Big day, huh?
Copy !req
367. How are your nerves
holding up?
Copy !req
368. I'm not nervous.
Copy !req
369. Of course you're nervous.
Everybody's nervous.
Copy !req
370. It just means
that you care.
Copy !req
371. Being nervous means I feel
inadequate and unprepared,
Copy !req
372. and if I am either
of those things,
Copy !req
373. it doesn't matter
whether I care or not.
Copy !req
374. You are more than adequate,
and you're very prepared.
Copy !req
375. You remind me of a...
A young surgeon
I knew once.
Copy !req
376. The day he got
his first lead,
he was thrilled,
Copy !req
377. but he was a mess,
trying to remember
a million things,
Copy !req
378. imagining a million things
that could go wrong.
Copy !req
379. But then he remembered
the birth process,
Copy !req
380. how moms are asked
to pick a focal point,
Copy !req
381. let everything filter
through that.
Copy !req
382. Hmm.
So, he chose the
color orange to focus on.
Copy !req
383. This is the cap
that he focused on,
Copy !req
384. and he got through it
with flying colors.
Copy !req
385. Maybe it'll help.
Copy !req
386. Why do you have
the young surgeon's cap?
Copy !req
387. I was being coy.
Copy !req
388. The young surgeon was me.
Copy !req
389. Konnichiwa.
Copy !req
390. That's Japanese for hello.
Copy !req
391. Konnichiwa.
I have surgery
in 42 minutes.
Copy !req
392. Which is why I'm here,
to wish you luck.
Copy !req
393. I don't need luck.
Copy !req
394. Everyone needs luck.
Copy !req
395. That was
a good luck kiss.
Copy !req
396. How can a kiss
give you...
Copy !req
397. So was that.
Copy !req
398. I am feeling a bit lucky.
Copy !req
399. You know the thing that Lea
told you to tell me?
Copy !req
400. Yes.
Copy !req
401. That was actually
great advice.
Copy !req
402. It's important
that we tell each other
Copy !req
403. exactly what we like
and what we don't.
Copy !req
404. I also don't like pickles,
sirens, anything wool...
Copy !req
405. I was thinking more
in the romantic area.
Copy !req
406. And right now,
we are not going
to touch lips anymore.
Copy !req
407. Because there's something else
I want you to touch.
Copy !req
408. So, what do you think?
Copy !req
409. You don't have
any lumps.
Copy !req
410. Win-win.
Copy !req
411. Lab and imaging tests
rule out Crohn's,
Copy !req
412. gastroenteritis,
C-diff colitis,
and even H pylori.
Copy !req
413. Leaving bleeding ulcers.
Copy !req
414. Caused by alcohol abuse.
Copy !req
415. He needs to be on
a proton pump inhibitor
Copy !req
416. and octreotide to prevent
any further blood loss.
Copy !req
417. No.
Copy !req
418. He loves you.
Copy !req
419. That's why
he hasn't been honest.
Copy !req
420. Doesn't make it right,
Copy !req
421. but it's that same love
Copy !req
422. that kept you together
through everything.
Copy !req
423. And it'll get you
through this, too.
Copy !req
424. He's telling the truth.
Copy !req
425. We'll run more tests.
Copy !req
426. Your faith
in your husband
is impressive.
Copy !req
427. But it may
have just killed him.
Copy !req
428. Ten blade, please.
Copy !req
429. Located lower end
of esophageal lesion.
Copy !req
430. Linear cutting stapler.
Copy !req
431. Resecting the esophagus
from the stomach...
Copy !req
432. I'm now
at the upper end
of the lesion.
Copy !req
433. Hemoclips.
Copy !req
434. Dr. Murphy?
Copy !req
435. No.
Copy !req
436. No...
Copy !req
437. What's the matter?
Copy !req
438. No, no, no...
Copy !req
439. DR. Shaun,
what are you seeing?
Copy !req
440. Can't... Can't do this!
Copy !req
441. What...
What can't you do?
Copy !req
442. No!
DR. Don't... No.
Copy !req
443. No! No! No! No!
Copy !req
444. Dr. Murphy!
Copy !req
445. Dr. Murphy!
Copy !req
446. Go, go!
Copy !req
447. Page Dr. Lim.
Keep her stable.
Copy !req
448. No. No. No.
Copy !req
449. Yur...
Copy !req
450. No.
Copy !req
451. No.
Copy !req
452. No.
Copy !req
453. Yur...
What happened?
Copy !req
454. No, no, no.
He lost it, walked out
Copy !req
455. Yuri... Yu...
Copy !req
456. Yuri kucho saiken.
Copy !req
457. Yur... Yuri... Yur...
Copy !req
458. Okay, Park,
take over the surgery.
Copy !req
459. Y... No!
Copy !req
460. Dr. Park.
Copy !req
461. Y...
Copy !req
462. No.
He obviously can't.
Copy !req
463. I don't think
he lost it.
Copy !req
464. He was in complete charge
of that room.
Copy !req
465. I don't think
this is a meltdown.
Copy !req
466. He said he can't do it.
Copy !req
467. He said, "Can't do it."
Maybe he meant
we can't do it.
Copy !req
468. I think
he's seeing something...
Copy !req
469. We have a patient
open on the table.
Copy !req
470. Shaun, you have to tell us
what you're seeing.
Copy !req
471. It's okay, Shaun.
Copy !req
472. Breathe.
Copy !req
473. That's it.
Now slowly.
Copy !req
474. What are you thinking?
Copy !req
475. When...
Copy !req
476. Okay. When I examined
the upper portion...
Copy !req
477. When I examined
the upper portion,
Copy !req
478. there was a much
larger area
Copy !req
479. of tumor-free esophagus
than anticipated...
Copy !req
480. That's correct, but not nearly
enough to reach the stomach.
Copy !req
481. But there is enough
to accept
a jejunum free flap,
Copy !req
482. using a portion
of the small intestine
Copy !req
483. to replace
the resected esophagus.
Copy !req
484. We don't do
jejunum free flaps.
Copy !req
485. They do in Japan.
Copy !req
486. They do in Japan.
Copy !req
487. I've been studying
their technique...
Copy !req
488. Yuri kucho saiken.
Copy !req
489. They have
had great success.
Copy !req
490. It would mean Beth
wouldn't need a feeding tube.
Copy !req
491. But...
Copy !req
492. It is v-very complex.
Copy !req
493. It's too complex
for you to lead.
Copy !req
494. So you'll lose your case.
Copy !req
495. Yes...
Copy !req
496. I haven't done
a transposition graft
like that before.
Copy !req
497. Think you can walk us
through it?
Copy !req
498. Yes.
Copy !req
499. I'll scrub in.
Copy !req
500. Stomach is perfect.
Copy !req
501. Check the duodenum.
Copy !req
502. The only way Teal
will accept the treatment
Copy !req
503. is if we give her
no room for denial.
Copy !req
504. Did you really believe
what you said?
Copy !req
505. That their love is enough
to get them through this?
Copy !req
506. Such BS, the belief
that love is enough.
Copy !req
507. Even worse, it's corollary
that a lack of love
is the real problem.
Copy !req
508. If only they had someone
in their life
Copy !req
509. who had enough faith in them,
had enough love for them,
Copy !req
510. they could've pulled through.
Copy !req
511. It's wrong
and it's mean.
Copy !req
512. What's that?
Copy !req
513. Flush the area.
Copy !req
514. There's our bleed.
Copy !req
515. But it's not coming
from an ulcer...
Copy !req
516. It's coming from a tumor.
Copy !req
517. It's obstructing
his digestive tract.
Copy !req
518. I'm paging Melendez
to the O.R.
Copy !req
519. Okay.
Copy !req
520. Actually, I'm...
I'm gonna need
an extra shot.
Copy !req
521. Rough day?
Copy !req
522. Had to help out in the E.R.
with an eight-year-old boy
Copy !req
523. who was accidentally
shot by his sister.
Copy !req
524. He'll survive,
but with brain damage.
Copy !req
525. That's horrible.
Copy !req
526. Yes, it is.
Copy !req
527. And quite coincidental.
Copy !req
528. Like so many
other coincidences.
Copy !req
529. You know how many
kids are shot every day
in this country? 19.
Copy !req
530. You know you're three times
more likely to be shot
Copy !req
531. if you have access
to guns than if you don't?
Copy !req
532. Here's another fact...
Copy !req
533. One in four women
are victims
Copy !req
534. of violence at the hands
of their intimate partner.
Copy !req
535. No, no, no.
I'm not afraid of you.
Copy !req
536. This isn't about you.
Copy !req
537. Did something happen?
Copy !req
538. 'Cause if it did,
I want to know about it.
Copy !req
539. You figure something
horrible must have
happened to drive me
Copy !req
540. to such an irrational,
fear-driven choice?
Copy !req
541. I'm sorry. Hi.
Copy !req
542. The ends of the harvested
jejunum have been matched
Copy !req
543. for caliber size
for the attachment sites.
Copy !req
544. You should begin
proximal attachment
at the neck incision,
Copy !req
545. using layer-to-layer
on the esophagus
Copy !req
546. and microvascular anastomosis
of the vessels.
Copy !req
547. You wanted to know
when Dr. Semler
was heading to O.R. 3.
Copy !req
548. Dr. Park,
scrub out and join Semler.
Copy !req
549. I-if it's all right,
I'd rather stay here.
Copy !req
550. You're needed
where you're needed.
Copy !req
551. Tumor is free.
Copy !req
552. Bag it, tag it,
and get it to Path.
Copy !req
553. Do you smell that?
Copy !req
554. Smells like a distillery.
Copy !req
555. But we know he couldn't
have touched a drop
for at least 24 hours.
Copy !req
556. Final stitch is yours.
Copy !req
557. It's completely symbolic,
but symbols can be powerful.
Copy !req
558. Easy-peasy.
Copy !req
559. You had something called
Auto-Brewery Syndrome.
Copy !req
560. The tumor we found
was blocking
your intestinal tract.
Copy !req
561. So carbs weren't
being digested,
Copy !req
562. they were being trapped
and fermented.
Copy !req
563. Your stomach was actually
creating its own alcohol.
Copy !req
564. You were drunk,
but not from drinking.
Copy !req
565. With the removal
of the tumor,
which was benign,
Copy !req
566. you're all good.
Copy !req
567. And the arrhythmia's
gone, too.
Copy !req
568. I never doubted you.
Copy !req
569. Her faith in you
saved your life.
Copy !req
570. Thank you.
Copy !req
571. I was so pissed
when Lim kicked me out,
Copy !req
572. until I found Semler
had an appendectomy
waiting for me.
Copy !req
573. Got my first lead
after all.
Copy !req
574. I'm happy for you.
Copy !req
575. I'm happy for me, too.
Copy !req
576. You earned it.
Copy !req
577. And you'll get your chance
again soon, Shaun.
Copy !req
578. So that's it?
All's well that
ends well?
Copy !req
579. Your surgeon
walked out
on his case.
Copy !req
580. That's your takeaway?
That he failed?
Copy !req
581. A chef can eat.
Copy !req
582. Well,
as a diagnostician,
Copy !req
583. he did something wonderful,
but as a surgeon?
Copy !req
584. Yes, he failed.
Copy !req
585. We don't work alone,
Copy !req
586. Every time we have
a good outcome,
Copy !req
587. it's because everyone in the
room did something right.
Copy !req
588. Shaun came up with the idea,
Park got it out of him,
Copy !req
589. I approved the surgery,
and you?
Copy !req
590. The only reason Shaun
is working here
Copy !req
591. is because you
believed in him.
Copy !req
592. Yay, team.
Copy !req
593. Are you still having
a gun fight?
Copy !req
594. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
595. Second day of my marriage
and we are at an impasse.
Copy !req
596. Tried the
logical approach,
Copy !req
597. I tried the
emotional approach,
Copy !req
598. no compromise.
Copy !req
599. Only thing left is
the nuclear option,
which really sucks.
Copy !req
600. The thought of having a gun
in my house makes me sick...
Copy !req
601. Has Debbie let you
touch her breast?
Copy !req
602. What?
Copy !req
603. Has Debbie let you
touch her breast?
Copy !req
604. Yeah.
Copy !req
605. Then you shouldn't worry
about anything else.
Copy !req
606. I was wrong...
Copy !req
607. This time.
Copy !req
608. But 99.9% of cases,
I would be right.
Copy !req
609. If... If someone
acts like an addict,
Copy !req
610. lies like an addict,
Copy !req
611. smells like an addict,
then they are an addict.
Copy !req
612. And just because
we stumbled across
Copy !req
613. the one ridiculously
fluky exception,
Copy !req
614. that isn't going to change
my attitude moving forward.
Copy !req
615. I respect you, Claire.
Copy !req
616. Might even go as far
as to say I like you.
Copy !req
617. And I know
you're angry right now.
Copy !req
618. At your mother.
Copy !req
619. The world.
Copy !req
620. Yourself.
Copy !req
621. Eventually,
that'll go away.
Copy !req
622. Or... At least
some of it will.
Copy !req
623. But until then,
giving up on that 0.1%
Copy !req
624. means giving up
on something else.
Copy !req
625. Hope.
Copy !req
626. Hope...
Copy !req
627. Killed my mother.
Copy !req
628. We need to talk.
Copy !req
629. About the 800-pound
gun in the room.
Copy !req
630. I'm working
on my compromise skills.
Copy !req
631. Okay.
Copy !req
632. Looks like your first
lead surgery went well.
Copy !req
633. I didn't have
a first lead surgery.
Copy !req
634. Yes.
It went very well.
Copy !req
635. Can I check
your other breast?
Copy !req