1. Previously,
on "The Good Doctor"...
Copy !req
2. Message
received from Mom.
Copy !req
3. Hey, baby.
I got your text.
Copy !req
4. We're gonna celebrate.
I'll see you soon.
Copy !req
5. I'm so proud of you, baby!
Copy !req
6. Here are flowers
and chocolates.
Copy !req
7. - Are you asking me out?
- Yes.
Copy !req
8. I would love to.
Copy !req
9. Will we be doing this
during all the commercials?
Copy !req
10. It's possible.
Copy !req
11. Hmm.
Copy !req
12. Patient came in through
the celebrity track.
Copy !req
13. He was admitted through
an entrance by the loading dock.
Copy !req
14. You're not to mention
his name even to your colleagues.
Copy !req
15. What is his name?
Copy !req
16. Mitchell Stewart.
Copy !req
17. The conspiracy theorist?
That's a celebrity now?
Copy !req
18. A guy who thinks
9/11 was an inside job?
Copy !req
19. He's an ass.
Copy !req
20. He's an ass
who needs liver surgery.
Copy !req
21. Whoa, whoa.
Hold it right there.
Copy !req
22. Uhp! It's okay, Dex.
They're on the list.
Copy !req
23. Drs. Murphy,
Park, Andrews.
Copy !req
24. Mitchell Stewart.
Copy !req
25. I don't blindly turn over
my well-being,
Copy !req
26. or anything else,
to those in authority,
Copy !req
27. so I ran background checks
on all of you.
Copy !req
28. Including Nurse Villanueva.
Copy !req
29. Nurse Villanueva is not
a person in authority.
Copy !req
30. People can be gotten to,
bribed, threatened.
Copy !req
31. And don't bother
trying to hook up that IV
Copy !req
32. until I know what you
want to pump into me.
Copy !req
33. They're normal IV fluids,
Mr. Stewart. Please.
Copy !req
34. I'm sure you consider
whatever you give me
Copy !req
35. to be normal medical
treatment, but we all know
Copy !req
36. that doctors are pushers in the
pay of the drug companies.
Copy !req
37. The bag contains
an isotonic crystalloid
Copy !req
38. composed of 0.9% sodium chloride
dissolved in sterile water.
Copy !req
39. Also, given that
we will soon be
Copy !req
40. drugging you
into unconsciousness
Copy !req
41. and cutting into
your body,
Copy !req
42. don't you have to
trust us a little?
Copy !req
43. You must be
the autistic guy.
Copy !req
44. Good. No bull.
Copy !req
45. Probably doesn't know
what bull is.
Copy !req
46. Bet your parents got one of
those combination vaccinations.
Copy !req
47. Not connected, because science
does not support an autism link.
Copy !req
48. Yeah, that's what
they told you.
Copy !req
49. Mr. Stewart, suppose we focus
on what we'll be doing
Copy !req
50. to halt the liver damage caused
by your genetic condition.
Copy !req
51. Idiopathic portal hypertension
can cause...
Copy !req
52. My liver is damaged,
but that's not the cause.
Copy !req
53. I've been poisoned.
Copy !req
54. Sync corrections by srjanapala
Copy !req
55. His internist
heard the same theory.
Copy !req
56. Tox screen
came back negative.
Copy !req
57. And KCNN3 genetic testing
confirmed the cause
Copy !req
58. of his idiopathic
portal hypertension.
Copy !req
59. He inherited it
from his mother.
Copy !req
60. Worth running
that tox screen again?
Copy !req
61. The guy has a web show
where he claims
Copy !req
62. the parents of children who died in
school shootings are "crisis actors."
Copy !req
63. He's earned some enemies.
Copy !req
64. Once we start
doubting the tests,
Copy !req
65. then you can't trust
Copy !req
66. and there's no point
in anything.
Copy !req
67. We know our patient
needs liver shunt surgery.
Copy !req
68. We're doing the surgery.
Copy !req
69. You were late.
Copy !req
70. Your mom
keeping you up?
Copy !req
71. Singing at night again?
Copy !req
72. No.
Copy !req
73. She's been quiet.
Copy !req
74. Ms. Barstow,
Copy !req
75. I'm Dr. Browne.
This is Dr. Reznick.
Copy !req
76. What seems to be
the trouble?
Copy !req
77. Nothing much, really.
Copy !req
78. I feel silly for coming here,
but Jonas insisted.
Copy !req
79. Because you aren't
getting any better.
Copy !req
80. Lily likes to downplay
her problems.
Copy !req
81. She's the rock,
and I'm the wimp.
Copy !req
82. Ah, fuss, fuss, fuss.
Copy !req
83. I've just been a little
off food for a few days.
Copy !req
84. You also have a fever.
Copy !req
85. Most likely,
it's an infection.
Copy !req
86. Oh, my God! Lily!
Copy !req
87. Sir, please step back.
Lay back for me.
Copy !req
88. We're gonna do
an ultrasound.
Copy !req
89. Her pulse is up.
Blood pressure's up, too.
Copy !req
90. Uh...
Copy !req
91. Her appendix is ruptured.
Copy !req
92. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
93. Page anesthesia stat!
We're taking her to the O.R.
Copy !req
94. We need
pre-op lab results.
Copy !req
95. Patient name?
Copy !req
96. Oh, we can't tell you.
Copy !req
97. Celebrity track. You'll find the
results under the ID number.
Copy !req
98. Politics, arts,
Copy !req
99. Is it the President?
Copy !req
100. I'll give you
a hint.
Copy !req
101. He's less popular.
Copy !req
102. Well,
that's disappointing.
Copy !req
103. Once we get this cleaned
up, we need to figure out
Copy !req
104. why her brain isn't getting
the right distress signals.
Copy !req
105. How should we go about
that, Dr. Browne?
Copy !req
106. We do an fMRI. Stimulate her
and see how her brain reacts.
Copy !req
107. Sorry. You asked Claire,
but I have lunch plans.
Copy !req
108. I have a question.
Copy !req
109. Well, hopefully,
it's a quick one.
Copy !req
110. I've cleared my schedule
for the rest of the day.
Copy !req
111. Debbie and I
are going to City Hall
Copy !req
112. to get married.
Copy !req
113. Not gonna make
a big fuss out of it.
Copy !req
114. You know, get dressed up,
turn it into a big event.
Copy !req
115. After all,
we are not kids anymore.
Copy !req
116. This is where you say
Copy !req
117. Congratulations.
Copy !req
118. Thank you.
Copy !req
119. Do you and Debbie
hold hands?
Copy !req
120. Yeah. Why?
Copy !req
121. Is that what Carly
wants to do?
Copy !req
122. Yes.
Copy !req
123. She tried twice.
Copy !req
124. Have you tried to explain
why it's difficult for you?
Copy !req
125. No.
Copy !req
126. Well, I...
I'd start with that.
Copy !req
127. How can this
be important?
Copy !req
128. It's a little thing.
Copy !req
129. Carly and I are compatible
on so many big things,
Copy !req
130. children,
geographic preferences,
Copy !req
131. work priorities,
the use of headphones,
Copy !req
132. potential color schemes
for our home...
Copy !req
133. You have a checklist?
Copy !req
134. Yes.
Copy !req
135. Carly and I are still
learning about each other.
Copy !req
136. It's not like
you and Debbie.
Copy !req
137. You already
know these things,
Copy !req
138. or you wouldn't be
getting married.
Copy !req
139. Four?
Copy !req
140. Five?
Copy !req
141. I'm feeling some pain.
Copy !req
142. We can stop.
Copy !req
143. We're not
getting anything.
Copy !req
144. She's fine.
We need feedback.
Copy !req
145. Eight.
Copy !req
146. Nine.
Copy !req
147. Claire,
she's not feeling pain.
Copy !req
148. The only activity
is in the parietal.
Copy !req
149. Nothing in the limbic, nothing in
the anterior cingulate cortex.
Copy !req
150. She's feeling touch.
Copy !req
151. - But why did she just say...
- My guess?
Copy !req
152. Because
she's never felt pain.
Copy !req
153. She doesn't know
what it is.
Copy !req
154. Sleep apnea.
Copy !req
155. What?
Copy !req
156. That poor guy over there,
I think he's got sleep apnea.
Copy !req
157. Maybe he's just tired.
Copy !req
158. It's... It's one of the most important
days of his life, and he can't stay awake.
Copy !req
159. Maybe you could... You could tell
him that there are treatments.
Copy !req
160. Me?
Copy !req
161. Otherwise, he's gonna keep
his wife awake snoring
Copy !req
162. for the rest
of his life.
Copy !req
163. It's gonna destroy
their marriage.
Copy !req
164. You seem
very sure about that.
Copy !req
165. There's literally
no greater torture
Copy !req
166. than not getting
a good night's sleep.
Copy !req
167. All right, first of all,
I don't think you mean
Copy !req
168. literally
no greater torture.
Copy !req
169. Oh, no. It's true.
Copy !req
170. Once when I was
in the Merchant Marine...
Copy !req
171. Merchant Marines?
Copy !req
172. It's... It's "Marine."
No "S."
Copy !req
173. - You were in the Merchant Marines?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
174. And we were stationed
off the Azores,
Copy !req
175. and every night,
we were driven crazy
Copy !req
176. by these loud, just,
like, strangled sounds.
Copy !req
177. Turns out it was just
a bunch of cagarro birds.
Copy !req
178. We were
literally hearing the sound
Copy !req
179. of Daffy Duck drowning.
Copy !req
180. 'Course,
that was nothing
Copy !req
181. compared to what
happened in Valparaiso.
Copy !req
182. Are you okay?
Copy !req
183. Sorry.
Copy !req
184. It's just, I...
I'm not feeling so good.
Copy !req
185. You're not
feeling well?
Copy !req
186. I can't do this.
Copy !req
187. What?
Copy !req
188. Is that it?
Copy !req
189. Are we finished?
Copy !req
190. Yeah, we're gonna
get you out.
Copy !req
191. Uh, just a couple
more questions.
Copy !req
192. Your mother died age 66
of a heart attack.
Copy !req
193. Were you there
when that happened?
Copy !req
194. Yes.
I called the ambulance.
Copy !req
195. She died
while we were waiting.
Copy !req
196. Check the anterior
cingulate cortex.
Copy !req
197. Physical pain and emotional
pain are processed
Copy !req
198. through the same areas.
Copy !req
199. Nothing.
Copy !req
200. But we don't know
how she feels about her mother.
Copy !req
201. It's your mother.
When she goes, there is a vacuum.
Copy !req
202. What about your husband?
Copy !req
203. Has he had
any problems lately?
Copy !req
204. He had a cancer scare
about a year ago.
Copy !req
205. Slight activity here,
but it's pretty weak.
Copy !req
206. You want to argue
that she doesn't like
Copy !req
207. her mother
and her husband?
Copy !req
208. Wow. Sh...
Copy !req
209. She's like... A superhero.
Copy !req
210. Nothing can
really hurt her.
Copy !req
211. Is everything okay?
Copy !req
212. Your right hand is red.
Copy !req
213. Starting to swell.
Copy !req
214. What does that mean?
Copy !req
215. Infection.
Copy !req
216. Hello.
Your surgery went well.
Copy !req
217. If there are
no delayed complications,
Copy !req
218. you should be discharged
in a few days.
Copy !req
219. Hey!
Copy !req
220. That's great,
but what about the big picture?
Copy !req
221. Once I'm out of here,
I'll go back to being poisoned.
Copy !req
222. You make many statements
that have been proven wrong.
Copy !req
223. Do you really
believe them?
Copy !req
224. You want to untangle
what's real and what's for show?
Copy !req
225. Now you're talking.
Copy !req
226. Okay.
Copy !req
227. Do you think vaccination
damage is being covered up?
Copy !req
228. Yes.
Copy !req
229. Do you think the parents of
children killed in school shootings
Copy !req
230. are "crisis actors"?
Copy !req
231. I can't answer for
individuals, but I do believe
Copy !req
232. there's a force in this country
that wants to scam our people
Copy !req
233. into laying down
their arms.
Copy !req
234. But I no longer think
there's a pedo-slave-ring
Copy !req
235. in a basement
under that pizza joint.
Copy !req
236. That was a wrong call.
Copy !req
237. What did you do when you
realized you'd made an error?
Copy !req
238. Nothing.
Copy !req
239. No apologies,
no admissions.
Copy !req
240. The second you say
you were wrong,
Copy !req
241. they'll make it seem like
everything you know is wrong.
Copy !req
242. You can't give them
that ammunition.
Copy !req
243. Then you're not really
offering the truth.
Copy !req
244. Maybe if people saw you
admit you were wrong,
Copy !req
245. maybe they'd
believe you more.
Copy !req
246. No. There is
no middle ground.
Copy !req
247. Compromise is a scam.
Copy !req
248. When only one side
can get what it wants,
Copy !req
249. make sure it's yours.
Copy !req
250. We have to surgically remove
all infected tissue.
Copy !req
251. Immediately.
Stop it from spreading.
Copy !req
252. We discovered that
Lily can't feel pain,
Copy !req
253. which is why the
appendicitis went untreated,
Copy !req
254. causing
a widespread infection.
Copy !req
255. I can't feel pain?
That makes no sense.
Copy !req
256. Whatever stimulation
your nerves receive,
Copy !req
257. your brain doesn't
acknowledge it as pain.
Copy !req
258. No, I feel pain.
Copy !req
259. Do you?
Because I'm pinching you.
Copy !req
260. I feel it.
Copy !req
261. But you didn't jump or react.
You felt it as a touch.
Copy !req
262. Physical or emotional pain,
it doesn't matter.
Copy !req
263. Okay,
let's go. O.R. 2.
Copy !req
264. Stop hiding.
Copy !req
265. I'm not hiding.
I'm thinking.
Copy !req
266. Well, I've done my thinking,
and what I've come up with is,
Copy !req
267. I deserve a better explanation
than "I can't do this."
Copy !req
268. Because
that was humiliating.
Copy !req
269. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
270. You're sorry?
Copy !req
271. What does that mean?
Copy !req
272. Are we going back
Copy !req
273. Never? What?
Copy !req
274. You are the one
that proposed to me.
Copy !req
275. You're the one
that told me
Copy !req
276. how happy our being
together makes you.
Copy !req
277. It makes me happy.
It does.
Copy !req
278. But
when I proposed to you,
Copy !req
279. y-you even said,
"I don't know you."
Copy !req
280. Is... Is that what this is about?
Because I was...
Copy !req
281. Because I was in
the Merchant Marine?
Copy !req
282. I mean, yes, okay,
I... I... I...
Copy !req
283. It makes me wonder what else
I don't know about you.
Copy !req
284. But more importantly,
it makes me realize
Copy !req
285. you don't know
anything about me.
Copy !req
286. I am really annoying.
Copy !req
287. I'm easily irritable.
Copy !req
288. Like when people
use the word "literally"
Copy !req
289. about things
that aren't literal.
Copy !req
290. I am impossible
to live with.
Copy !req
291. Maybe literally.
Copy !req
292. That's been made very
clear to me in the past.
Copy !req
293. I don't want to go two years
and get divorced.
Copy !req
294. Divorcing you would hurt.
Copy !req
295. Thank you.
Copy !req
296. But that's
a bunch of crap.
Copy !req
297. You know that, right?
Copy !req
298. We have
different personal styles.
Copy !req
299. You like to examine things
from every angle,
Copy !req
300. and I... I like
to take a leap
Copy !req
301. into the dark
every now and then.
Copy !req
302. You're right.
Copy !req
303. I am not a leaper.
Copy !req
304. I am a toe-dipper.
Copy !req
305. Takes me two hours to get into
the ocean even when it's warm.
Copy !req
306. I know that you're
good for me.
Copy !req
307. And I know that I'm
good for you, Aaron.
Copy !req
308. Since meeting me,
Copy !req
309. you've jumped ship
from a comfortable career
Copy !req
310. because you decided that you
were missing something.
Copy !req
311. And...
Copy !req
312. You asked
a complete stranger
Copy !req
313. to marry you.
Copy !req
314. Who knows what's next?
Copy !req
315. I guess you'll have to
keep thinking.
Copy !req
316. Dr. Browne,
widen the debridement.
Copy !req
317. Extending
the incisions proximally.
Copy !req
318. Her husband thought
she was a rock.
Copy !req
319. Turns out she's a rock because
nothing matters to her.
Copy !req
320. You're making
Copy !req
321. We were monitoring
her reaction to pain.
Copy !req
322. Love wasn't
part of the test.
Copy !req
323. You care, you hurt.
Copy !req
324. Maybe not Lily.
Copy !req
325. She married this man.
She stayed with him for years.
Copy !req
326. Maybe for her, love can exist
without the pain of loss.
Copy !req
327. That would be paradise.
Copy !req
328. There is way more necrotic tissue here
than I expected.
Copy !req
329. She's gonna lose the hand.
Copy !req
330. Well, if anyone
can handle bad news...
Copy !req
331. Are you going to
take my hand?
Copy !req
332. Not right now, no.
Copy !req
333. I don't like
to hold hands.
Copy !req
334. Either we hold hands
or we don't.
Copy !req
335. There's no compromise.
Copy !req
336. Only one of us
can get what they want.
Copy !req
337. - I guess that's true...
- It should be me.
Copy !req
338. Holding hands
makes me uncomfortable.
Copy !req
339. Not holding hands doesn't
make you uncomfortable.
Copy !req
340. That show we watched
the other night,
Copy !req
341. it had a happy ending.
Copy !req
342. Because they stopped
the story in a good place.
Copy !req
343. But in real life,
Copy !req
344. it's gonna get dark
and cold out there.
Copy !req
345. All we have...
Copy !req
346. Is this.
Copy !req
347. This says
we're in it together,
Copy !req
348. we've got
each other's back,
Copy !req
349. that we'll hold each other up
for as long as we can.
Copy !req
350. I can say all those
things verbally.
Copy !req
351. You could shout them,
Copy !req
352. and it wouldn't say it
as loud as this.
Copy !req
353. You said that not
holding hands
Copy !req
354. wouldn't make me
Copy !req
355. but it would.
Copy !req
356. I would feel...
Copy !req
357. separate.
Copy !req
358. It's all right.
Copy !req
359. You've actually
been lucky,
Copy !req
360. considering you have
no warning system.
Copy !req
361. You need to be doing
Copy !req
362. Knees, feet,
elbows, hands.
Copy !req
363. Look for bruises,
Copy !req
364. Anything at all that changes
could be dangerous,
Copy !req
365. life-threatening.
Copy !req
366. But there's another option.
Copy !req
367. Naloxone affects
the central nervous system.
Copy !req
368. It's been shown
to block the action
Copy !req
369. of pain-lowering
Copy !req
370. It could give you
the ability to feel pain.
Copy !req
371. I don't see the point.
I've been fine so far.
Copy !req
372. Guess that sounds
a little silly.
Copy !req
373. I know
I just lost a hand.
Copy !req
374. But now I know
about checking myself,
Copy !req
375. and I'll be
a lot more careful.
Copy !req
376. Why is one gesture
so important?
Copy !req
377. Carly still pushing you
to hold hands?
Copy !req
378. No.
Copy !req
379. I tried, and she said
it was all right.
Copy !req
380. Huh.
Copy !req
381. You should give me
context for that "Huh."
Copy !req
382. She wants it.
She's just given up.
Copy !req
383. - Good.
- No.
Copy !req
384. Not if
it's gonna bother her
Copy !req
385. for the rest
of your relationship.
Copy !req
386. Which may not be
very long.
Copy !req
387. Huh.
Copy !req
388. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
389. We need to do imaging to make
sure the problem isn't the shunt,
Copy !req
390. then check there isn't
a clot causing backup...
Copy !req
391. The surgery was a success,
but I'm still being poisoned?
Copy !req
392. No.
The surgery was a success,
Copy !req
393. but your liver's still deteriorating.
We don't know why.
Copy !req
394. Jen, check me out of here.
Find another hospital.
Copy !req
395. I can't approve that,
Mr. Stewart.
Copy !req
396. You're in no condition
to leave the hospital...
Copy !req
397. You just confirmed that someone
in this hospital is poisoning me.
Copy !req
398. You want me to cooperate
with the suspects?
Copy !req
399. Another hospital wouldn't
solve your problem.
Copy !req
400. People can be gotten to.
Copy !req
401. Bribed or threatened.
Copy !req
402. Right. Someone here
wants to kill me.
Copy !req
403. - No one is trying...
- Let's constrain
Copy !req
404. some of these variables.
Copy !req
405. One person touches me.
Copy !req
406. Him.
Copy !req
407. He doesn't know
how to lie.
Copy !req
408. Oh, I can lie.
Copy !req
409. Yes, but not successfully.
Good choice.
Copy !req
410. Will I be able
to play tennis?
Copy !req
411. Yes, eventually.
Copy !req
412. Funny,
I never could before.
Copy !req
413. You always
take things well.
Copy !req
414. We had to pick up
and move from Durham.
Copy !req
415. Well, that was
for your job.
Copy !req
416. No sense
in moping about it.
Copy !req
417. The miscarriage.
Copy !req
418. You never talked
about it, so...
Copy !req
419. I never talked about it, I
didn't want to hurt you.
Copy !req
420. But did you
not talk about it
Copy !req
421. because you just weren't
thinking about it?
Copy !req
422. What are
all these questions for?
Copy !req
423. I thought we were
carrying the load together,
Copy !req
424. knowing
how each other felt.
Copy !req
425. This isn't about us.
Copy !req
426. This is just
a medical condition.
Copy !req
427. If I died,
would you care?
Copy !req
428. Would you miss me,
or, uh,
Copy !req
429. would you just...
Copy !req
430. Move on?
Copy !req
431. Would you want me
to be miserable?
Copy !req
432. I want it to matter.
Copy !req
433. Of course it matters.
Copy !req
434. You know I love you.
Copy !req
435. Jonas.
Copy !req
436. Maybe...
Copy !req
437. You think it's love,
but it's like the pain...
Copy !req
438. It just doesn't go
that deep.
Copy !req
439. But isn't it possible
for me to love you
Copy !req
440. without it being all
wrapped up in suffering?
Copy !req
441. But that's how it works.
Copy !req
442. When you lose someone,
it shouldn't be like your hand.
Copy !req
443. It should ache.
Copy !req
444. That's right, isn't it?
Copy !req
445. That's what
loss feels like?
Copy !req
446. I need to get away
for a while.
Copy !req
447. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
448. Next, we're
going to test you
Copy !req
449. for autoimmune hepatitis
and fatty liver.
Copy !req
450. Those are diseases
whose symptoms overlap yours.
Copy !req
451. They might have
been masked
Copy !req
452. by your idiopathic
portal hypertension.
Copy !req
453. Nurse Villanueva.
Copy !req
454. But you know
I'm not gonna touch that.
Copy !req
455. The dietician ordered it for you,
and I'm required to bring it.
Copy !req
456. What are you eating
if you're refusing hospital food?
Copy !req
457. Uh...
Copy !req
458. 80 grams of protein
a day.
Copy !req
459. Kale and baby greens.
Copy !req
460. "Leopard Spring."
Copy !req
461. Jen, Dex,
you mind stepping out?
Copy !req
462. It's Chinese herbs.
Copy !req
463. To make you feel younger,
more energetic, more...
Copy !req
464. Virile.
Copy !req
465. You don't feel virile?
Copy !req
466. Of course I do, but there's nothing
wrong with feeling more virile.
Copy !req
467. I need strength
for the fight.
Copy !req
468. You're not talking.
Is there a problem?
Copy !req
469. No. These herbs
are harmless.
Copy !req
470. You asked
about my virility.
Copy !req
471. I was curious.
Copy !req
472. We're going to test you for
autoimmune hepatitis and fatty liver.
Copy !req
473. What's up?
Copy !req
474. I tested a patient for autoimmune
hepatitis and fatty liver.
Copy !req
475. What's up with you?
Copy !req
476. Our patient decided
to take the drugs.
Copy !req
477. Because I guess
a husband walking out
Copy !req
478. can make an impression even
on a woman who feels no pain.
Copy !req
479. That's a lot of paperwork
for two tests.
Copy !req
480. They were negative.
Copy !req
481. I thought
I might find something
Copy !req
482. in his mother's old records
that could help,
Copy !req
483. but no, no.
Copy !req
484. Her case
was straightforward.
Copy !req
485. His parents
were both alcoholics,
Copy !req
486. but her liver was already
weakened by her condition.
Copy !req
487. Parents both alcoholics?
Copy !req
488. No wonder he thinks people in
authority like to deny the truth.
Copy !req
489. He's grown up now,
Copy !req
490. No longer
in that position.
Copy !req
491. There's still plenty of lying
going on in the world.
Copy !req
492. That's not a situation
you outgrow.
Copy !req
493. Yes.
Copy !req
494. There is a lot of lying.
Copy !req
495. Want to hear
my theories?
Copy !req
496. Fight with your mother
is number one.
Copy !req
497. You're debating
whether to throw her out.
Copy !req
498. This theory explains what?
Copy !req
499. Why the usually compassionate
Dr. Claire Browne
Copy !req
500. envies a woman
who feels no pain.
Copy !req
501. You're miserable, torn.
Copy !req
502. You don't know what to do to
make your own pain go away.
Copy !req
503. Want to hear my theory?
Copy !req
504. People that aren't you
are doing great,
Copy !req
505. so you're looking for a toy
you can break,
Copy !req
506. a pet you can torture.
Copy !req
507. - Is she in pain?
- No.
Copy !req
508. What are her vitals?
Copy !req
509. Vitals are fine.
Copy !req
510. Then how can she
be in crisis?
Copy !req
511. I don't know.
But she is.
Copy !req
512. Lily?
Copy !req
513. Are you okay?
Copy !req
514. Lily?
Copy !req
515. I never noticed
how ugly the walls are.
Copy !req
516. I've discovered the cause
of your liver problem.
Copy !req
517. Really? Fatty liver?
Copy !req
518. I've never had
any symptoms of...
Copy !req
519. No. You were
being poisoned.
Copy !req
520. What?
Copy !req
521. Who? Do you know who?
Copy !req
522. I thought
maybe the dose of herbs
Copy !req
523. listed on the bottle
was wrong...
Copy !req
524. There's a toxic dose
in there?
Copy !req
525. No. There are no herbs
at all in here.
Copy !req
526. It contains sildenafil.
Copy !req
527. It's the active element
in Viagra.
Copy !req
528. It promotes blood flow
in your penis.
Copy !req
529. I know what it does.
Copy !req
530. They say
it's natural herbs.
Copy !req
531. They lied.
Copy !req
532. Your idiopathic
portal hypertension
Copy !req
533. means your liver
is vulnerable to abuse.
Copy !req
534. The amount of sildenafil in
here wouldn't kill most people,
Copy !req
535. but if someone with pre-existing
liver issues took it every day...
Copy !req
536. You were right.
Copy !req
537. You've been
poisoning yourself.
Copy !req
538. It's good news.
Copy !req
539. Those Communist bastards.
Copy !req
540. I think they're based
in San Pedro.
Copy !req
541. Mr. Barstow.
Copy !req
542. Is Lily all right?
Copy !req
543. She's on medication to reverse
her pain-free condition,
Copy !req
544. but it's hit her hard.
Copy !req
545. She's being wrung out by all the
negative thoughts and feelings
Copy !req
546. the rest of us have all
built calluses against.
Copy !req
547. But she made
the right choice?
Copy !req
548. I mean, she needs
this to be safe.
Copy !req
549. I don't think she's
doing this to be safe.
Copy !req
550. I think she's doing this
because you walked out.
Copy !req
551. Why?
Copy !req
552. You were happy
for years.
Copy !req
553. Now you're sure you can't be
happy unless your wife changes?
Copy !req
554. I want her to feel
everything I feel.
Copy !req
555. The love, the pain,
Copy !req
556. Wouldn't you?
Copy !req
557. The residents in this
hospital work long hours.
Copy !req
558. You know why?
Copy !req
559. Because the surgeons in charge
worked long hours
Copy !req
560. when they were residents.
Copy !req
561. They suffered, so we have to suffer.
It's human nature.
Copy !req
562. - What does that...
- But someone like your wife,
Copy !req
563. so invulnerable,
Copy !req
564. it's... It's like she's
gotten away with something.
Copy !req
565. It's hard
not to resent her.
Copy !req
566. Sure, we want to "cure" her,
but how much of it is...
Copy !req
567. Is to give her
a warning system,
Copy !req
568. and how much is because we want to pull
her down into hell with the rest of us?
Copy !req
569. Are you married now?
Copy !req
570. No.
Copy !req
571. I chickened out.
Copy !req
572. Apparently,
I don't like change.
Copy !req
573. Change makes me
very nervous.
Copy !req
574. I'm not the easiest man
in the world to live with.
Copy !req
575. My first wife
made that very clear.
Copy !req
576. It's true.
Copy !req
577. You can be
very irritating.
Copy !req
578. Are you saying
I shouldn't get married?
Copy !req
579. Are you asking
for my advice?
Copy !req
580. Yes.
Copy !req
581. You've never
really asked before.
Copy !req
582. And this is
an important decision.
Copy !req
583. Your happiness
depends on it.
Copy !req
584. This is huge.
Copy !req
585. Well?
Copy !req
586. Oh. I don't have
any advice.
Copy !req
587. I don't even
understand the issue.
Copy !req
588. I also don't understand
why you asked
Copy !req
589. when you've already
made up your mind.
Copy !req
590. What?
Copy !req
591. You usually call her
your ex-wife.
Copy !req
592. You just called her
your "first."
Copy !req
593. It implies a second.
Copy !req
594. Why are you staring
in your trunk?
Copy !req
595. Something in here
the answer to your problem?
Copy !req
596. Yoga mat,
Copy !req
597. gym bag,
Copy !req
598. extra sneakers...
Copy !req
599. Here's a little
earthquake kit.
Copy !req
600. So sensible.
Copy !req
601. Dirty towel.
Copy !req
602. Ooh! What's this?
Copy !req
603. Put it back.
Copy !req
604. It's my mom.
Copy !req
605. Why are you jumping?
Copy !req
606. I'm not jumping.
I'm leaping.
Copy !req
607. Come on.
Come leap with me.
Copy !req
608. We both can't leap
on that thing.
Copy !req
609. Oh!
Copy !req
610. Are you okay?
Copy !req
611. Never better.
Copy !req
612. Will you leap with me...
Copy !req
613. To City Hall?
Copy !req
614. Yes, I will.
Copy !req
615. Also, I may have done
something to my ankle.
Copy !req
616. Do you want me
to call someone...
Copy !req
617. Je ne regret nothing,
Copy !req
618. I left the champagne because
I was so ready for victory.
Copy !req
619. Now I don't even know
what to do with the damn ashes.
Copy !req
620. Leave them on a shelf in the
closet with the spare towels?
Copy !req
621. Put them
down the disposal?
Copy !req
622. What did she want done
with them?
Copy !req
623. It was stupid.
I'm sure she was joking.
Copy !req
624. Yeah, everyone jokes
in their will.
Copy !req
625. The Marine Science Center.
Copy !req
626. She loved sea lions.
Copy !req
627. She'd take me to see them all the time.
It was a thing.
Copy !req
628. Any city we were in,
"I wonder if they have sea lions."
Copy !req
629. You need to do it.
Copy !req
630. No. No.
Copy !req
631. It is a pointless gesture
Copy !req
632. because my mother is dead
and she doesn't care.
Copy !req
633. Perfect. The center's open this
evening for an after-hours event.
Copy !req
634. We'll have to dress up.
Copy !req
635. The winner of tonight's vote for
Most Fabulous Sea Creature,
Copy !req
636. the vampire squid!
Copy !req
637. I feel ridiculous!
Copy !req
638. You look great.
Copy !req
639. You could give the vampire squid a run
for her money.
Copy !req
640. Now let's find
the sea lions.
Copy !req
641. You came back.
Copy !req
642. Yeah.
Copy !req
643. Thank God.
Copy !req
644. We'll stop this.
Copy !req
645. It'll be all right.
Copy !req
646. Doctor, you got to get
this stuff out of her IV.
Copy !req
647. You don't need it.
Copy !req
648. If you have to be careful
about getting hurt,
Copy !req
649. I'll be there to help you.
Copy !req
650. The "stuff" was removed
some time ago.
Copy !req
651. Before Dr. Browne
went off-shift,
Copy !req
652. she told me that Lily was
experiencing some problems.
Copy !req
653. So I thought it best to discontinue
the medication for a while.
Copy !req
654. She's as she was
when you left her.
Copy !req
655. You never cry.
Copy !req
656. When I saw you
sitting there,
Copy !req
657. I've never been so happy
in my whole life.
Copy !req
658. I thought you didn't
want to "make a fuss."
Copy !req
659. Yeah.
Copy !req
660. Who knew?
Copy !req
661. This seems weird.
Copy !req
662. It is weird.
Copy !req
663. Most people have some kind
of ritual all ready for them
Copy !req
664. so they don't have to think
about this kind of stuff.
Copy !req
665. You got a prayer?
Copy !req
666. I'm not religious.
Copy !req
667. Neither was my mom.
Copy !req
668. Everybody has
a religion.
Copy !req
669. Not everybody has a God,
but everybody has a religion.
Copy !req
670. Music.
Copy !req
671. Your mother's religion
was music.
Copy !req
672. Sing.
Copy !req
673. By the sea lion colony
at a drag pride party?
Copy !req
674. Or you can just dump
it out and feel weird.
Copy !req
675. Your call.
Copy !req
676. Okay.
Copy !req
677. Oh, God.
Copy !req