1. Wes Keeler, 49,
Copy !req
2. pricked in the upper right arm
by a cactus four days ago.
Copy !req
3. Temp 102.5.
Copy !req
4. Wound is seriously infected.
Copy !req
5. He was
leading a camping trip
on Mount Thayer.
Copy !req
6. We couldn't leave 'em
up there alone.
Copy !req
7. BP's 86/51.
Copy !req
8. Rapid,
shallow breathing.
Copy !req
9. Signs of sepsis.
Copy !req
10. You gonna have to
cut his arm off?
Copy !req
11. I'll be fine!
Copy !req
12. We need to debride
the wound stat!
Copy !req
13. Shaun, I've been
looking all over for you.
Copy !req
14. Hey, uh, h-how about
getting some breakfast?
Some pancakes?
Copy !req
15. No. I'm not hungry.
Copy !req
16. Okay.
Copy !req
17. Um, how about
coming over for
dinner tonight?
Copy !req
18. Is Debbie
making lasagna?
Copy !req
19. She could.
Copy !req
20. No, thank you.
Copy !req
21. Okay, Shaun.
Copy !req
22. Um, can we just
stop and...
Copy !req
23. And talk
for just a minute?
Copy !req
24. Why are... Aren't you, uh,
responding to my texts?
Copy !req
25. Are you upset?
Copy !req
26. Are you sad
because of Lea?
Yes. Yes.
Copy !req
27. I am very sad.
Copy !req
28. But it will be okay.
Copy !req
29. Yeah, of course
it'll be okay.
Copy !req
30. I'm still
going to be with Lea.
Copy !req
31. Wait. What?
Copy !req
32. She said she loves me.
Copy !req
33. She also gave you
a hundred reasons
Copy !req
34. why she can't be
with you, Shaun.
Yes. Yes.
Copy !req
35. She gave me
very specific reasons
Copy !req
36. why we can't be together,
Copy !req
37. but I've overcome
other challenges...
Copy !req
38. No, Shaun, it's not...
to become a good doctor,
a good friend.
Copy !req
39. It's not about
overcoming challenges.
Copy !req
40. It's not about you.
Copy !req
41. It's about Lea.
Copy !req
42. I can't take two steps
without falling down.
Copy !req
43. Is the issue
balance or weakness?
Copy !req
44. All of the above.
Copy !req
45. Fatigue, dizziness,
Copy !req
46. occasional bouts
of nausea.
Copy !req
47. And when d...
Copy !req
48. Five years ago, just after
the birth of my daughter.
Copy !req
49. And there's
no discernible fluctuation
Copy !req
50. based on time of day
or time of the month.
Copy !req
51. Temp 98.2. BP 111/78.
Copy !req
52. That'll drop to 80/50
when I'm upright.
Copy !req
53. I don't drink, smoke,
or take drugs.
Copy !req
54. I haven't traveled
outside of the country
Copy !req
55. in the last ten years.
Copy !req
56. And there's no family history
of a similar condition.
Copy !req
57. You've been
through this before.
Copy !req
58. Seventeen times.
Eighteen if you count
the naturopath in Seattle.
Copy !req
59. Which I don't.
Copy !req
60. No one has been able
to give me a diagnosis.
Copy !req
61. We need to do an EKG
and stress test,
Copy !req
62. get a CT of your chest,
abdomen, and pelvis.
Copy !req
63. Let me
save you some time.
Copy !req
64. Five years' worth of tests,
labs, scans, reports...
Copy !req
65. My entire
medical odyssey.
Copy !req
66. Fun.
Copy !req
67. Set up in the lounge
Copy !req
68. and get me copies
of each of those...
Copy !req
69. Claire!
Copy !req
70. Dash. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
71. Why are you here?
Copy !req
72. Uh, you changed
your number.
Copy !req
73. Right.
Um, it's a long story.
Copy !req
74. Uh, Dash, you remember
Dr. Melendez, Dr. Murphy?
Copy !req
75. Yeah, of course.
Copy !req
76. Uh, you gave my wife
six more good months.
Copy !req
77. We considered
renaming our cat
after you.
Copy !req
78. That would have been foolish.
Cats remember their names.
Copy !req
79. Sorry for your loss.
Wish we could've done more.
Copy !req
80. Let you two catch up.
Copy !req
81. Hi.
Copy !req
82. I think the infection
spread quickly
Copy !req
83. because of the
underlying damage
to your liver and kidney.
Copy !req
84. We'll need to keep you
on a prolonged course
of IV antibiotics.
Copy !req
85. Hey, you hear
that, guys?
Copy !req
86. Hep C and heroin
aren't as much fun
as they sound.
Copy !req
87. Although one was more fun
than the other...
Copy !req
88. For a while.
Copy !req
89. Don't they have
somewhere else to go?
Copy !req
90. Not likely.
Copy !req
91. Most of them haven't seen
their parents in years,
so they're with me...
Copy !req
92. Survivalist training program
for at-risk youth.
Copy !req
93. We prefer "young adults
with unrealized potential."
Copy !req
94. I'm supposed to be teaching
these yahoos responsibility
Copy !req
95. and good
Copy !req
96. Hell of an example.
Copy !req
97. Oof.
Copy !req
98. He's got a new murmur.
Copy !req
99. BP's dropping.
Copy !req
100. Wes, we need
to take a look
at your heart.
Copy !req
101. Wes,
the infection's spread.
Copy !req
102. It's damaged
your aortic valve.
Copy !req
103. You need
emergency surgery.
Copy !req
104. Mm...
What about vasculitis?
Copy !req
105. Or dysautonomia?
Copy !req
106. Both are consistent
with weakness and fatigue.
Copy !req
107. Her temporal artery biopsy
was negative.
Copy !req
108. That rules out vasculitis.
Copy !req
109. And I thought I saw something
about dysautonomia in here.
Copy !req
110. There are 15 different causes
of dysautonomia.
Copy !req
111. Seven have been
ruled out.
Copy !req
112. The rest are inconsistent
with Alice's symptoms
Copy !req
113. or have
no definitive
diagnostic test.
Copy !req
114. How did you make Dr. Lim
fall in love with you
Copy !req
115. after you had been friends
for so long?
Copy !req
116. I assume that's
directed at you.
Copy !req
117. I don't think
you make anyone
Copy !req
118. fall in love
with you, Shaun.
Copy !req
119. It unfolds naturally
over time.
Copy !req
120. That's not true.
Copy !req
121. Everyone starts off
not loving you.
Copy !req
122. Then you say and do things
that make them love you.
Copy !req
123. Or not. That's the
point of romance.
Copy !req
124. But romance is harder
Copy !req
125. if you're already friends
with the person.
Copy !req
126. You can't hide the less
attractive parts of yourself.
Copy !req
127. It can be an advantage.
Copy !req
128. You already know
what pisses them off.
Copy !req
129. That's very true.
Copy !req
130. Shaun...
Copy !req
131. Did Carly tell you
she just wants
to be friends?
Copy !req
132. Or are you talking about
someone else?
Copy !req
133. Hey,
sorry to interrupt.
Copy !req
134. I'm... I'm looking
for my dad.
Copy !req
135. I just... I'm here visiting,
and I locked mys...
Yes. Okay.
Copy !req
136. Dr. Park is not here,
Copy !req
137. and we're discussing
something important.
Copy !req
138. Right. Sorry.
Copy !req
139. Kellan, your dad's in surgery.
Copy !req
140. It could be
a couple hours.
Copy !req
141. Thanks.
Copy !req
142. Shaun.
Copy !req
143. That was a little harsh.
Copy !req
144. We're talking
about your love life.
Copy !req
145. Talking about
my love life is important.
Copy !req
146. It helps clear my head
Copy !req
147. so I can focus
on the medicine.
Copy !req
148. Intracranial hypotension.
Copy !req
149. It is consistent
with Alice's headaches
Copy !req
150. and dizziness getting worse
when she's upright.
Copy !req
151. And a leak in spinal fluid
can be triggered
Copy !req
152. by severe
intracranial pressure
during childbirth.
Copy !req
153. To confirm I'm right,
Copy !req
154. we need to insert
a lumbar drain
into Alice's spine,
Copy !req
155. infuse her with fluid,
and see if her
symptoms improve.
Copy !req
156. But if you're wrong,
Copy !req
157. she'll have
an excruciating
Copy !req
158. massive brain pressure,
temporary vision loss...
Copy !req
159. She'll give her consent.
Copy !req
160. It's a reasonable diagnosis,
Copy !req
161. and the patient's desperate
for an answer.
Copy !req
162. Can you do
the procedure alone?
Copy !req
163. Only one doctor is needed
to insert a lumbar drain,
Copy !req
164. and I have a time-sensitive
matter to take care of.
Copy !req
165. Sure.
Copy !req
166. You okay?
You look okay.
Copy !req
167. I'm fine.
Copy !req
168. Your text said
it was urgent, a...
Copy !req
169. My text said it was
"time sensitive."
Copy !req
170. I have to get
back to work
Copy !req
171. before my lunch
break is over.
Copy !req
172. I was at work, too,
Copy !req
173. I know we left things
in a weird place,
Copy !req
174. but now
is not a good time.
Copy !req
175. The pinto beans
are next to the tomatoes.
Copy !req
176. That is not
in alphabetical order.
Copy !req
177. There's more.
Copy !req
178. The toilet paper
is in the wrong direction.
Copy !req
179. The way you like it.
Copy !req
180. You got angry
when we were roommates
Copy !req
181. because I sometimes
couldn't accept
Copy !req
182. your way
of doing things.
Copy !req
183. But I can learn
to accept things
Copy !req
184. I'm not comfortable with.
Copy !req
185. This is not
bothering me at all.
Copy !req
186. I can deal
with your messiness
Copy !req
187. and neediness
Copy !req
188. and selfishness...
Copy !req
189. Stop.
Copy !req
190. Your way of proving
Copy !req
191. that you're flexible
and attentive to my needs
Copy !req
192. is to pull me away from work
Copy !req
193. with no notice,
Copy !req
194. make me drive
all the way across town,
Copy !req
195. just so you can show me
you un-alphabetized
your beans?
Copy !req
196. Doesn't that seem
a little...
Copy !req
197. Inconsistent?
Copy !req
198. Oh.
Copy !req
199. That is a good point.
Copy !req
200. I should have waited
until evening,
Copy !req
201. when you are done
with work.
Copy !req
202. We can
discuss this later.
Copy !req
203. I have to get back
to the hospital.
Copy !req
204. DR.
Resecting necrotic tissue
around the annulus.
Copy !req
205. Dr. Reznick,
trim down the patch
from the pericardium.
Copy !req
206. The infection
caused a fistula,
Copy !req
207. and we need to remove it.
Copy !req
208. Repair the annular defect
with a pericardial patch.
Copy !req
209. He's gonna have
permanent heart damage.
Copy !req
210. The guy survives IV drugs,
Hep C, hard time
Copy !req
211. and gets taken down
by a cactus spike
Copy !req
212. on his road
to redemption.
Copy !req
213. That's... ironic.
Copy !req
214. Predictable.
Copy !req
215. He ignored
dangerous symptoms
Copy !req
216. because he wanted
to be a tough guy
for those kids.
Copy !req
217. He's trying to keep them
from repeating his mistakes.
Copy !req
218. It's admirable.
Copy !req
219. Narcissistic
waste of time.
Copy !req
220. You can't undo
a lifetime of abandonment
Copy !req
221. with a couple weeks
in the woods.
Copy !req
222. The kids
are all still here,
aren't they?
Copy !req
223. Finish the closure
of the fistula tract
Copy !req
224. with pledgeted sutures.
Copy !req
225. Park.
Copy !req
226. I need you
to come with me.
Copy !req
227. Now?
Copy !req
228. Go. We got this.
Copy !req
229. Security agreed to let us
keep this between us.
Copy !req
230. No need
to call the cops.
Copy !req
231. Everyone needs to chill.
Copy !req
232. We weren't cooking meth
in the dumpster.
Copy !req
233. You have any idea
how many people die
from vaping pot?
Copy !req
234. What were you thinking?
Copy !req
235. We'll give you two
some space.
Copy !req
236. You. With me.
Copy !req
237. You have asthma, Kellan.
Copy !req
238. I know
you're not this stupid.
Copy !req
239. Heart rate's tachy at 148.
Systolic's in the 200s.
Copy !req
240. I removed the drain
a half-hour ago.
Copy !req
241. I was wrong.
My idea made things worse.
Copy !req
242. We need to do
a lumbar puncture to relieve
the built-up fluid.
Copy !req
243. But it didn't
make her worse
Copy !req
244. the way it should have
made her worse.
Copy !req
245. She should have a headache
or upward brain herniation.
Copy !req
246. Heart rate should be low.
Copy !req
247. Something is causing her heart
to beat too hard, too fast.
Copy !req
248. Mm. I missed something...
Copy !req
249. Shaun,
you need to give her
Copy !req
250. a 10-milligram bolus
of labetalol now,
Copy !req
251. or she is going to die.
Copy !req
252. I missed something.
Copy !req
253. Shaun!
Copy !req
254. Mommy?
Copy !req
255. Alice?
Copy !req
256. There was significant tissue
damage from the infection,
Copy !req
257. but it should be manageable
with medication
Copy !req
258. and some modifications
to your diet.
Copy !req
259. So... no more
Flamin' Hot Cheetos?
Copy !req
260. That's not a thing
any self-respecting
adult should eat.
Copy !req
261. You'll need long-term
follow-up with a cardiologist,
Copy !req
262. beta-blockers,
ACE inhibitors...
Copy !req
263. What'd you do?
Copy !req
264. Mr. Reed was found vaping THC
on hospital grounds.
Copy !req
265. I'm emancipated,
so I'm basically
an adult.
Copy !req
266. You're only emancipated
Copy !req
267. 'cause your parents do even
dumber stuff than you do.
Copy !req
268. Thanks for
letting me know.
Copy !req
269. There'll be consequences
for his behavior.
Copy !req
270. Starting with an apology.
Copy !req
271. And not some
smartass one,
Copy !req
272. Uh, Mr. Keeler,
your hand is swollen.
Copy !req
273. I need to take a look
at your feet.
Copy !req
274. Less than
a hundred milliliters.
Copy !req
275. What's wrong
with his piss?
Copy !req
276. Max.
Copy !req
277. What's going on?
Copy !req
278. We're gonna need to run
some additional tests.
Copy !req
279. We've done a lumbar puncture
to remove the excess fluid
Copy !req
280. and bring your spinal pressure
back to normal.
Copy !req
281. When will she be able
to go home?
Copy !req
282. I'm not going home.
Copy !req
283. Honey, their test
just about killed you.
Copy !req
284. In front
of your daughter.
Copy !req
285. She wasn't
supposed to be here.
Copy !req
286. That's because you
told me you were
visiting your sister.
Copy !req
287. Since when do we
lie to each other,
Copy !req
288. You have to stop
doing this to yourself.
Copy !req
289. They're only gonna confirm
the same diagnosis
Copy !req
290. you've already been given.
Copy !req
291. You said you don't
have a diagnosis.
Copy !req
292. They told her
she has idiopathic
Copy !req
293. six months ago.
Copy !req
294. It was confirmed
by two other doctors.
Copy !req
295. You left it out
of your medical records?
Copy !req
296. "Idiopathic" is just
a doctor's fancy way
Copy !req
297. of saying that they
don't know why I'm sick
or how to fix it.
Copy !req
298. You haven't given
the treatments a chance.
Copy !req
299. Because even on them,
I can barely sit up
most of the time.
Copy !req
300. Ruby deserves a mother
Copy !req
301. who can teach her
how to do a cartwheel...
Copy !req
302. and scoop her up
when she's having
a nightmare.
Copy !req
303. She deserves a mother
who's around.
Copy !req
304. Ruby...
Copy !req
305. doesn't need to learn
how to do a cartwheel.
Copy !req
306. She needs you to watch her,
cheer her on.
Copy !req
307. And lay down next to her
when she's scared.
Copy !req
308. And eat the cookies
she bakes and pretend
to be enjoying them.
Copy !req
309. You're a great mother.
Copy !req
310. And...
Copy !req
311. There's good
in the life we have.
Copy !req
312. And you're missing it
Copy !req
313. by constantly searching
for something better.
Copy !req
314. Something that
may not exist.
Copy !req
315. Are you
feeling overheated?
Copy !req
316. No.
Copy !req
317. Scared?
Copy !req
318. No, I'm feeling sad
that my husband thinks
there's no hope.
Copy !req
319. You are sweating.
Copy !req
320. Sweat is a response
to fear, not sadness.
Copy !req
321. Your temperature
is normal.
Copy !req
322. You may have
an adrenal tumor.
Copy !req
323. Is that good?
Copy !req
324. Tumors can be removed.
Copy !req
325. I'm not mad.
Copy !req
326. I'm a little mad.
Copy !req
327. But I want to understand
what's going on.
Copy !req
328. Dad, not now.
Copy !req
329. I mean, it's not like you
to be this reckless
Copy !req
330. with your health,
your future.
Copy !req
331. I can't...
Copy !req
332. Kel, are you having
an asthma attack?
Copy !req
333. Where's your inhaler?
Copy !req
334. I don't... It's...
Copy !req
335. It's not the asthma.
Copy !req
336. What is it?
Copy !req
337. Tell me
what you're feeling.
Copy !req
338. My heart's...
Beating fast.
Copy !req
339. Do you feel dizzy?
Copy !req
340. Like the walls
are closing in?
Copy !req
341. I think you're having
a panic attack.
Copy !req
342. Take a deep breath.
Copy !req
343. One, two, three...
Copy !req
344. Now out.
Copy !req
345. Keep breathing.
Copy !req
346. Good.
Copy !req
347. Does this happen a lot?
Copy !req
348. I know vaping
is stupid, but...
Copy !req
349. It helps
this feeling go away.
Copy !req
350. Hey, give it back,
Copy !req
351. Victor, Max!
Copy !req
352. Cut it out.
Copy !req
353. Mr. Keeler.
Copy !req
354. We have some test results
we need to discuss.
Copy !req
355. In private.
Copy !req
356. Whatever you have
to say to him,
you can say to us.
Copy !req
357. Oh, wish you could.
Copy !req
358. Would love your input.
Copy !req
359. But, clearly,
you're far too
busy watching...
Copy !req
360. Pimple-popping videos.
Copy !req
361. Go away.
Copy !req
362. The damage
to your heart
Copy !req
363. temporarily cut off
blood flow
to your kidneys.
Copy !req
364. They were already weak
and couldn't handle
the stress.
Copy !req
365. You've progressed
to complete renal failure.
Copy !req
366. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
367. DR.
You'll need a transplant.
Copy !req
368. But dialysis can keep
you going until a matching
donor is found.
Copy !req
369. I'm guessing
a guy with a bad heart
Copy !req
370. and damaged liver,
history of hepatitis
Copy !req
371. isn't first up.
Copy !req
372. Your best bet
is to find
a living donor,
Copy !req
373. most likely,
a family member.
Copy !req
374. I'm an addict...
Copy !req
375. Who stole and lied like one
and then went to prison.
Copy !req
376. My Christmas card list
is pretty short.
Copy !req
377. DR.
We'll connect you with
our transplant coordinator.
Copy !req
378. She'll help you
reach out to family
Copy !req
379. and answer
any questions
they may have.
Copy !req
380. Should've taken those twerps
Copy !req
381. Her husband's
not wrong, Shaun.
Copy !req
382. Sometimes,
people need to accept
Copy !req
383. that things are
as good as they're gonna get
Copy !req
384. and make peace with it.
Copy !req
385. Wanting more
can only lead
Copy !req
386. to disappointment
and heartbreak.
Copy !req
387. What good does it do
to give up
Copy !req
388. if you're
already heartbroken?
Copy !req
389. Hmm.
Copy !req
390. You were right.
No tumor.
Copy !req
391. Well,
you were also right.
Copy !req
392. The bright color.
Copy !req
393. It means there is
an increase in the uptake
Copy !req
394. of radioactive material
in the medullary space.
Copy !req
395. Which is enlarged
and overproducing adrenaline,
Copy !req
396. so the gland itself
is acting like a tumor.
Copy !req
397. We have
a new diagnosis.
Copy !req
398. The quiet
is a nice change of pace.
Copy !req
399. I told the boys
to get some air,
Copy !req
400. try to avoid committing
more criminal offenses
on hospital grounds.
Copy !req
401. I know they can be
annoying and loud
Copy !req
402. and constantly
in the way,
Copy !req
403. but I can't
make them leave.
Copy !req
404. Want me
to give it a shot?
Copy !req
405. I'd like to see that,
Copy !req
406. Nah, they just scared.
Copy !req
407. They think if they
leave, then...
Copy !req
408. I'll be the latest
in a long line of people
Copy !req
409. they didn't have a chance
to say goodbye to.
Copy !req
410. Wes?
Copy !req
411. Code blue!
Copy !req
412. You do not have
idiopathic dysautonomia.
Copy !req
413. You have
a rare condition
Copy !req
414. called bilateral adrenal
medullary hyperplasia.
Copy !req
415. Unfortunately, Alice,
there's only one cure
for this condition,
Copy !req
416. and that's to remove
your adrenal glands.
Copy !req
417. You would need to be
on steroid replacement
Copy !req
418. for the rest
of your life.
Copy !req
419. And that comes
with a whole new
set of symptoms.
Copy !req
420. Fragile bones,
high blood pressure,
Copy !req
421. G.I. issues,
mood disorders,
Copy !req
422. increased chance
of diabetes,
serious infections.
Copy !req
423. I-I understand.
I want to do it.
Copy !req
424. Medullary hyperplasia
is not terminal
or progressive.
Copy !req
425. You could have
a normal life expectancy
Copy !req
426. in your
current condition.
Copy !req
427. My "current condition"
is pathetic.
Copy !req
428. I'm having the surgery.
Copy !req
429. Alice.
Copy !req
430. This could kill you.
Copy !req
431. I love you.
Copy !req
432. I won't risk your life.
Copy !req
433. If you insist on
going through with this...
Copy !req
434. Ruby and I are leaving.
Copy !req
435. If you love her,
you shouldn't leave her.
Copy !req
436. It's not her fault
she's sick.
Copy !req
437. And she just wants
to make things better.
Copy !req
438. It isn't fair.
DR. Shaun.
Copy !req
439. There is nothing worse
than losing the person
you love.
Copy !req
440. DR.
I'm sorry. This isn't
Dr. Murphy's call.
Copy !req
441. Nor is it mine.
Copy !req
442. We'll give you two
some time.
Copy !req
443. He's right.
Copy !req
444. I-I can't lose
you and Ruby.
Copy !req
445. I won't do it. I won't...
I won't do the surgery.
Copy !req
446. Wes suffered
major cardiac damage.
Copy !req
447. We can't
solve one problem
with this guy
Copy !req
448. before
the next one hits.
Copy !req
449. He's stable now,
but his heart can't handle
Copy !req
450. the fluid volume shifts
of standard dialysis.
Copy !req
451. So the only thing
keeping him alive
will also kill him.
Copy !req
452. We could put him
on low-flow dialysis.
Copy !req
453. Keep him in the ICU
'round the clock.
Copy !req
454. That'll buy him
a little time.
Copy !req
455. Very little.
Copy !req
456. Call UNOS. See if
they'll move him up the list.
Copy !req
457. Where are we
with family members?
Copy !req
458. Two of Wes' cousins
agreed to be tested.
Copy !req
459. We're waiting on
the results.
Copy !req
460. Get on the phone with
any other family you can find.
Copy !req
461. Tell them if their man
doesn't get a kidney
in the next couple days,
Copy !req
462. they should make arrangements
to say their goodbyes.
Copy !req
463. New kicks won't help
you outrun me.
Copy !req
464. Um, they're recipes.
Copy !req
465. From Dash.
Copy !req
466. Well, from Kayla.
Copy !req
467. Kayla by way of Dash.
Copy !req
468. It's complicated.
Copy !req
469. He asked me on a date.
Copy !req
470. What did you say?
Copy !req
471. Nothing. I stammered,
and then I fled.
Copy !req
472. What did you want to say?
Copy !req
473. Ohh. I don't know.
Copy !req
474. Shaun was right.
Copy !req
475. Coming home to
an empty apartment
really sucks.
Copy !req
476. I...
Copy !req
477. Used men
to make me feel better.
Copy !req
478. Most of them
didn't mind.
Copy !req
479. But...
Copy !req
480. I...
Copy !req
481. Don't trust myself not to hurt
someone I care about.
Copy !req
482. Claire, it's not
that complicated.
Copy !req
483. You lit up this morning
when you saw him.
Copy !req
484. He seems
to make you happy.
Copy !req
485. You deserve to be happy.
Copy !req
486. Mmm.
Copy !req
487. How you feeling?
Copy !req
488. I'm not high,
if that's what
you're asking.
Copy !req
489. It's not.
Copy !req
490. You know,
earlier in the car,
Copy !req
491. I pushed too hard,
Copy !req
492. made you feel cornered.
Copy !req
493. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
494. You didn't know.
Copy !req
495. I, uh...
Copy !req
496. I talked to your mom.
Copy !req
497. Is she totally
freaking out?
Copy !req
498. She's concerned.
Copy !req
499. And we talked about
finding a therapist
in Phoenix
Copy !req
500. who specializes
in treating anxiety.
Copy !req
501. So you're pawning me off
on a total stranger?
Copy !req
502. No. No. I...
Copy !req
503. I thought you'd be
more comfortable
Copy !req
504. talking to someone
who's not...
Copy !req
505. She said you've been
pretty withdrawn lately.
Copy !req
506. I know things between
your mom and I are a little...
Copy !req
507. Screwed up?
Copy !req
508. Unsettled.
Copy !req
509. Is that
making you feel anxious?
Copy !req
510. No.
Copy !req
511. It's not you.
Copy !req
512. It's nothing.
It's... It's okay.
Copy !req
513. No, it's obviously not.
Copy !req
514. Some of this is on you.
Copy !req
515. You know,
every time we talk,
Copy !req
516. you don't tell me anything
about your life.
Copy !req
517. That's because
you don't want
to know anything.
Copy !req
518. That's not true!
Copy !req
519. You're busy saving patients
a hundred hours a week.
Copy !req
520. You don't want to feel
guilty about being
a thousand miles away.
Copy !req
521. You just want to know
that I'm okay.
Copy !req
522. So I say I'm okay.
Copy !req
523. DR. Ew!
Copy !req
524. That's annoying.
Copy !req
525. Can you do that
someplace else?
Copy !req
526. I'm trying to find a better
solution for my patient.
Copy !req
527. Your patient
is being discharged.
Copy !req
528. I'm trying to get a kidney
for a dying guy.
Copy !req
529. You're watching
gross videos.
Copy !req
530. I'm waiting to hear back
from UNOS.
Copy !req
531. Ew!
Copy !req
532. Do you prefer
being called or texted?
Copy !req
533. Neither.
Copy !req
534. Do you like surprises
or do you find them
Copy !req
535. I find this irritating.
Copy !req
536. It's research.
Copy !req
537. Lea said
we can't be together
Copy !req
538. because she is
too needy and selfish
to deal with my issues.
Copy !req
539. You are the most
selfish person I know,
Copy !req
540. so you are
a good subject.
Copy !req
541. Lea's right.
She is needy and selfish.
Copy !req
542. Find someone who loves you
the way you are.
Copy !req
543. People always say that,
but shouldn't we be
with someone
Copy !req
544. who makes us
a better version
of ourselves?
Copy !req
545. Maybe.
Copy !req
546. But trying not to be autistic
won't make you better.
Copy !req
547. I'm sorry you still don't
feel good, Mommy.
Copy !req
548. Well, I'll feel better
when I'm home.
Copy !req
549. Eating those delicious cookies
that you make for me.
Copy !req
550. You don't
have to go home.
Copy !req
551. I invented
a better surgery.
Copy !req
552. Instead of removing
both your adrenal glands,
Copy !req
553. we can just squeeze out the
hyperplastic medullary part...
Copy !req
554. Like popping a pimple.
Copy !req
555. You "invented" a surgery?
Copy !req
556. Dr. Murphy's come up
with a surgical plan
Copy !req
557. that could curb
of your hormones
Copy !req
558. while leaving you
some adrenal function.
Copy !req
559. What are the chances
it'll work?
Copy !req
560. Oh, we don't know.
Copy !req
561. DR.
Since it's never
been done before,
Copy !req
562. it's difficult
to predict the outcome,
Copy !req
563. but it is a safe
and viable treatment option.
Copy !req
564. Is Wes dying?
Copy !req
565. We're doing
everything we can
to help him.
Copy !req
566. I snuck a look at his chart
when no one was around.
Copy !req
567. You know that's
a crime, right?
Copy !req
568. Only a misdemeanor.
Copy !req
569. You should talk to Wes.
Copy !req
570. We all got tested.
Copy !req
571. I'm a match.
Copy !req
572. I'm gonna give Wes
my kidney.
Copy !req
573. We've discussed your offer
at length, Max.
Copy !req
574. It's incredibly admirable
and generous.
Copy !req
575. But you're 16.
Copy !req
576. Living donors have to be
18 years old.
Copy !req
577. I'm emancipated.
Copy !req
578. I can give consent
for myself.
Copy !req
579. But it's still
up to the hospital
Copy !req
580. to decide
if this is a good idea.
Copy !req
581. We don't feel this is
in your best interest.
Copy !req
582. DR. Max.
Copy !req
583. The surgery's much harder
on the donor
than the recipient.
Copy !req
584. You could have postoperative
bleeding or infection.
Copy !req
585. And it's
incredibly painful.
Copy !req
586. I've been through more crap
than any of you.
Copy !req
587. I can handle it.
Copy !req
588. There are also
long-term consequences...
Copy !req
589. High blood pressure,
renal failure.
Copy !req
590. If something happens
to your other kidney,
you don't have a spare.
Copy !req
591. I know how to subtract.
I'm cool with it.
Copy !req
592. DR. And the recovery
is long and hard.
Copy !req
593. You would need someone to
help you get dressed and bathe
Copy !req
594. and make sure you take
all your medications.
Copy !req
595. I've been taking care
of myself just fine
for a long time.
Copy !req
596. Actually, Max,
Copy !req
597. you've been in juvie
and on drugs.
Copy !req
598. You're not
taking care of yourself.
Copy !req
599. Okay, I get it.
Copy !req
600. I'm a screw-up.
Copy !req
601. But Wes isn't.
Copy !req
602. He's bailed me
out of jail.
Copy !req
603. He's picked me up
in the middle of the night
Copy !req
604. when I was
too messed up to drive.
Copy !req
605. He's cleaned me up
after fights.
Copy !req
606. He came with me
to my sister's funeral.
Copy !req
607. If I manage
to stay out of jail,
Copy !req
608. it's because of Wes.
Copy !req
609. If I'm a halfway decent
father someday,
Copy !req
610. if I'm not
a lost cause,
Copy !req
611. it's because
Wes never gave up on me.
Copy !req
612. He shouldn't die
Copy !req
613. because I made
dumb-ass decisions.
Copy !req
614. DR.
It's your surgery.
Copy !req
615. And we have the exact
same amount of
experience with this.
Copy !req
616. Free up the medulla along
the inner cortical surface.
Copy !req
617. Careful not to penetrate
the cortex.
Copy !req
618. Mm.
Copy !req
619. Nothing's coming out.
Copy !req
620. Try using your fingers
to pinch the gland.
Copy !req
621. Use a circular motion
to coax it out.
Copy !req
622. I've popped
my share of pimples.
Copy !req
623. That's cool.
Copy !req
624. One down, one to go.
Copy !req
625. Wes is like a father
to Max.
Copy !req
626. If he were
his actual father,
Copy !req
627. we wouldn't hesitate
to let him do it.
Copy !req
628. I think we should.
Copy !req
629. Me, too.
Copy !req
630. The little punk
got to me.
Copy !req
631. We've explained
all the risks.
Copy !req
632. Max was unwavering.
Copy !req
633. I vote yes.
Copy !req
634. One admirable decision
Copy !req
635. doesn't wipe away
a lifetime of bad ones.
Copy !req
636. It's three against one.
Copy !req
637. This isn't a democracy.
Copy !req
638. I'll tell the patient.
Copy !req
639. One of the boys
get into trouble again?
Copy !req
640. No.
Copy !req
641. No, they've given you
a reason to be proud.
Copy !req
642. They all got tested
to see if they were
a match.
Copy !req
643. Max is.
Copy !req
644. He wants
to give you his kidney.
Copy !req
645. That little turd
is full of surprises.
Copy !req
646. I can't approve
the transplant, Wes.
Copy !req
647. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
648. Max is a good kid.
Copy !req
649. He's gonna make a good man
one day, thanks to you.
Copy !req
650. But, for now,
Copy !req
651. he still needs grown-ups
to have his back.
Copy !req
652. The risks
to his health...
Copy !req
653. It's okay.
Copy !req
654. It...
Copy !req
655. It's the right call.
Copy !req
656. It's my job
to save those kids.
Copy !req
657. Not the other way around.
Copy !req
658. You're still
on the UNOS list.
Copy !req
659. We'll keep reaching out
to your family.
Copy !req
660. We're not giving up.
Copy !req
661. I need you to do
one other thing for me.
Copy !req
662. Sorry to interrupt.
Copy !req
663. It's okay.
Copy !req
664. No one's probably
listening anyway.
Copy !req
665. Your kidney's
not a match.
Copy !req
666. They said I was.
Copy !req
667. Your blood and tissue type
were good.
Copy !req
668. But the serum
crossmatch showed
Copy !req
669. that Wes produces antibodies
in reaction to your cells.
Copy !req
670. His body
would reject your kidney.
Copy !req
671. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
672. Figures.
Copy !req
673. I can't do
one stupid thing right.
Copy !req
674. That's not true.
Copy !req
675. You did
everything you could.
Copy !req
676. Wes is so proud of you.
Copy !req
677. Any dizziness
or nausea?
Copy !req
678. No.
No headaches, either.
Copy !req
679. You need to try
getting out of bed
Copy !req
680. to see if your
symptoms return.
Copy !req
681. She ready for that?
Copy !req
682. No cartwheels yet,
but hopefully.
Copy !req
683. How's it feel?
Copy !req
684. Room's not spinning.
Copy !req
685. Mommy!
You're all better!
Copy !req
686. Whoa!
Careful, sweet pea.
Copy !req
687. Mama's still recovering.
Copy !req
688. I'm okay.
Copy !req
689. Ooh!
Copy !req
690. Here's the Big Dipper.
Copy !req
691. If you extend a straight line
through these two,
Copy !req
692. this bright star
is Polaris.
Copy !req
693. All of our phones
have compass apps.
Copy !req
694. Hey,
just shut up and listen.
Copy !req
695. This crap's important.
Copy !req
696. Polaris is
your true north.
Copy !req
697. You keep your eye on that,
you're gonna find your way out
Copy !req
698. of whatever mess
you've gotten into.
Copy !req
699. O... kay.
Copy !req
700. All right.
Copy !req
701. That's, uh...
Copy !req
702. Even worse
than it looks.
Copy !req
703. It's so bad.
It's so bad!
Copy !req
704. Mm.
Cooks, we are not.
Copy !req
705. I think we should
go on a date.
Copy !req
706. A real date.
Copy !req
707. Shaun,
I already said no.
Copy !req
708. Yes, because you think
there are problems
that can't be fixed.
Copy !req
709. But I am very good
at solving problems.
Copy !req
710. I saved a woman today
who nobody thought
I could save.
Copy !req
711. I don't need saving,
Copy !req
712. Okay. I understand.
Copy !req
713. I can fix this.
Copy !req
714. Yes. You have to
give me a chance.
Copy !req
715. You need to
let me try.
Copy !req
716. No. I don't need
to do anything.
Copy !req
717. You need to listen to me.
Copy !req
718. No. No...
This is only
proving my point.
Copy !req
719. I have...
I have a plan.
Copy !req
720. I can fix it!
Copy !req
721. I-I will fix it!
Copy !req
722. Shaun, you're autistic.
You can't fix that.
Copy !req
723. You are who you are.
Copy !req
724. And I am who I am.
Copy !req
725. And the two of us
will never work.
Copy !req