1. Early 60s,
found prone on the sidewalk,
Copy !req
2. appears to have chest pain,
maybe broken ribs,
Copy !req
3. possible heart attack.
Did you fall?
Copy !req
4. She's very disoriented,
hasn't said a thing.
Copy !req
5. Coley?
Copy !req
6. No,
I'm Dr. Shaun Murphy.
Copy !req
7. Will you help me,
Copy !req
8. I have to,
it's my job.
Copy !req
9. She has stridor.
Checking her pulse.
Copy !req
10. Radial pulse is normal.
Copy !req
11. But much weaker
in her leg.
Copy !req
12. She has a descending
thoracic aneurysm.
Copy !req
13. Page Dr. Melendez
to the O.R.!
Copy !req
14. I just woke up
on the front campus lawn
Copy !req
15. covered in blood,
Copy !req
16. with a skateboard
next to me.
Copy !req
17. But...
I can't skateboard.
Copy !req
18. Obviously.
Copy !req
19. Were you drinking,
Copy !req
20. Or smoking something?
Copy !req
21. No to both.
Copy !req
22. There are actually
college students who abstain.
Copy !req
23. You are
incredibly lucky...
Copy !req
24. Half an inch
in any direction,
Copy !req
25. and you would've
bled out.
Copy !req
26. Aortic wall's tearing.
Copy !req
27. Can't expect pristine
Copy !req
28. in a 60-year-old
possibly homeless woman.
Copy !req
29. Drop to a 5-0 suture.
Copy !req
30. Not great, but better.
Copy !req
31. Let's see if it holds.
Copy !req
32. Remove proximal clamp.
Copy !req
33. No leakage.
Copy !req
34. Let's finish the repair.
Copy !req
35. Carly broke up with me.
Copy !req
36. I'm sorry, Shaun.
Copy !req
37. What happened?
Copy !req
38. I thought you two
were doing great.
Copy !req
39. We were.
Then I guess we weren't.
Copy !req
40. Cross-clamping.
Copy !req
41. You must really
be hurting?
Copy !req
42. N-No. I'm fine.
Copy !req
43. We've all
been through it.
Copy !req
44. And, trust me, it helps when
you own that you're in pain.
Copy !req
45. There's nothing for me
to own.
Copy !req
46. She's having epistaxis.
Copy !req
47. Carotid aneurysm rupture,
two French Foley catheters.
Copy !req
48. Give protamine stat.
Copy !req
49. 68/44.
Copy !req
50. Holding pressure
on both carotids at the neck.
Copy !req
51. Inflate.
Copy !req
52. 41/28.
Copy !req
53. She's still
bleeding internally.
Copy !req
54. Okay, four units of PRBCs
and start TXA.
Copy !req
55. Loading
700 milligrams TXA.
Copy !req
56. No distal perfusion.
Copy !req
57. We have to clamp her carotids.
Ten blades.
Copy !req
58. Suction, clamps,
let's go!
Copy !req
59. I can't see a thing.
Copy !req
60. Her blood volume's
on the floor.
Copy !req
61. Time of death, 10:22a.m.
Copy !req
62. Jane shouldn't have died.
Copy !req
63. Not then,
not like that.
Copy !req
64. Her carotid blew out.
Copy !req
65. What am I missing?
Copy !req
66. Patients die,
Dr. Murphy.
Copy !req
67. That's something else
we have to own.
Copy !req
68. Your next patient's waiting
in the E.R.
Copy !req
69. How are you feeling,
Copy !req
70. Awesome...
Copy !req
71. Considering
whatever you did to me.
Copy !req
72. Mm.
Surgery went well.
Copy !req
73. Hey, I'm alive,
doped up,
Copy !req
74. talking to two
very attractive doctors.
Copy !req
75. I guess this is what happens
Copy !req
76. when you mix weed
with my skateboarding skills.
Copy !req
77. You said
you didn't do drugs.
Copy !req
78. Or skateboard.
Copy !req
79. When did I say that?
Copy !req
80. When we met you
in the E.R.
Copy !req
81. I've never seen
you guys before
in my life.
Copy !req
82. Trust me,
I'd remember.
Copy !req
83. I'd like to order an autopsy
on Jane.
Copy !req
84. We went over this.
Copy !req
85. There was nothing suspicious
about her death.
Copy !req
86. Oh, I was asking
the Chief of Surgery.
Copy !req
87. I know the case,
and I agree with Dr. Melendez.
Copy !req
88. I'm not authorizing
an autopsy.
Copy !req
89. Jane's vascular walls...
Copy !req
90. It's hard
to lose a patient.
Copy !req
91. Almost as hard
as losing a girlfriend.
Copy !req
92. I'm okay, and I don't know why
no one believes me...
Copy !req
93. Isn't it okay
to be okay?
Copy !req
94. Not when
something bad happens.
Copy !req
95. We should feel hurt.
Copy !req
96. If you won't approve
the autopsy,
Copy !req
97. I'll get it
from Jane's family.
Copy !req
98. Good luck with that.
Copy !req
99. According to the files,
Jane's last name was Doe.
Copy !req
100. Y-You're saying I'm having
some kind of blackouts?
Copy !req
101. Which could be caused
by head trauma or drug use.
Copy !req
102. I'm definitely aware
of telling you
Copy !req
103. that I don't take drugs.
Copy !req
104. I live like a monk.
Copy !req
105. Sleep, class,
study, repeat.
Copy !req
106. That's it.
Copy !req
107. You've also told us
the exact opposite.
Copy !req
108. I need to find
Jane's family
Copy !req
109. to get their permission
to perform an autopsy.
Copy !req
110. Dr. Lim wished me luck,
Copy !req
111. but Jane has no I.D.,
no purse, no phone.
Copy !req
112. We know absolutely nothing
about her.
Copy !req
113. Mmm. This should be
interesting to you.
Copy !req
114. You used to be
a detective.
Copy !req
115. And now I'm a doctor,
Copy !req
116. and so are you,
and we both have a new case.
Copy !req
117. A boring case.
Copy !req
118. He has gallstones.
Copy !req
119. So, you and Melendez
sneaking around again?
Copy !req
120. I hear he's back to being
a good mentor.
Copy !req
121. Apparently,
my complaint changed nothing.
Copy !req
122. You?
Copy !req
123. Park said he did it.
Copy !req
124. Park was lying.
Copy !req
125. Because he wanted to get you
to focus on work.
Copy !req
126. Good motive,
bad judge of character.
Copy !req
127. And you don't like
that Melendez has gone back
Copy !req
128. to being a good mentor?
Copy !req
129. I don't like
that he likes you.
Copy !req
130. I don't like that,
because he likes you,
Copy !req
131. Shaun, Park, and I
are second-class residents.
Copy !req
132. For someone
as cynical as you are,
Copy !req
133. you are shockingly naive.
Copy !req
134. I'll tell you
what you did.
Copy !req
135. You threw a bomb
because you felt slighted.
Copy !req
136. You made Melendez
doubt himself,
Copy !req
137. doubt his judgment.
Copy !req
138. You made him resent
you, Park, Shaun, and me.
Copy !req
139. I like to think
it's that easy
Copy !req
140. to change the status quo.
Copy !req
141. But I am pretty naive.
Copy !req
142. I am with Dr. B on this.
Copy !req
143. Sorry.
Copy !req
144. Office politics.
Copy !req
145. Thought you were asleep.
Copy !req
146. Watching brain waves
can't be too thrilling.
Copy !req
147. Not when they're
as normal as yours.
Copy !req
148. Hmm.
Copy !req
149. Except these delta waves.
Copy !req
150. They mean
you're still asleep.
Copy !req
151. Not planning on doing
any cutting, I hope.
Copy !req
152. Jane had a knee replacement
using an LCS system,
Copy !req
153. which means
it's at least 30 years old.
Copy !req
154. She also had
an abnormal number
Copy !req
155. of cavities, crowns,
and implants.
Copy !req
156. These are clues,
Copy !req
157. I don't think this is about
you losing a patient.
Copy !req
158. I think you're
distracting yourself.
Copy !req
159. You don't want
to let Jane go
Copy !req
160. because you don't want
to let Carly go.
Copy !req
161. Hmm.
Copy !req
162. What?
Copy !req
163. You're a doctor now.
Copy !req
164. You won't
find it interesting.
Copy !req
165. Hmm.
Copy !req
166. A hummingbird.
Copy !req
167. Am I right?
Copy !req
168. The police
keep a database
of all distinguishing marks.
Copy !req
169. Jane Doe, homeless...
Copy !req
170. There's no way
she was never in the system...
Copy !req
171. How's Mr. Ginley?
Copy !req
172. Your gallbladder case
you should be working on?
Copy !req
173. Uh, we confirmed
the presence of gallstones
Copy !req
174. and have scheduled
a cholecystectomy.
Copy !req
175. It's a very simple case
and requires no work.
Copy !req
176. With that attitude,
Copy !req
177. you could end up sending
another patient to the morgue.
Copy !req
178. Focus on the living.
Copy !req
179. He's right.
We need to bail on this.
Copy !req
180. Hey, Shaun.
Copy !req
181. You and Carly shared
a lot of firsts.
Copy !req
182. That must make it harder
to move on.
Copy !req
183. I had a lot of firsts
with Lea, too.
Copy !req
184. Yeah, you did.
And you moved on.
Copy !req
185. Didn't you?
Copy !req
186. How do you move on?
Copy !req
187. Hmm.
Copy !req
188. Hey, Kenny,
I need a name.
Copy !req
189. We need to keep this
on the DL.
Copy !req
190. We're going undercover.
Copy !req
191. Causes of sleepwalking
run the gamut
Copy !req
192. from the serious,
Copy !req
193. like MS, encephalitis,
and brain tumors,
Copy !req
194. to the mundane,
like alcohol and drug use,
Copy !req
195. poor sleep hygiene,
and stress.
Copy !req
196. Problem is,
to rule some of those out,
Copy !req
197. we need
a full patient history,
Copy !req
198. but AsleepAiden and AwakeAiden
each have their own story.
Copy !req
199. So interview them
Copy !req
200. Take a medical history from
a patient when they're asleep?
Copy !req
201. I've never heard of
a lying sleepwalker.
Copy !req
202. I got to go.
Copy !req
203. Hey!
Copy !req
204. Stress?
Copy !req
205. I have to maintain
a 4.2 GPA.
Copy !req
206. W-What do you think?
Copy !req
207. You have to care
about something
to be stressed, don't you?
Copy !req
208. And since I'm getting a 4.2
without trying...
Copy !req
209. Maybe a glass of wine
at a party.
Copy !req
210. I just microdose...
Copy !req
211. You know, whenever
I'm not macrodosing.
Copy !req
212. Do you nap,
exercise before bedtime?
Copy !req
213. I never nap,
I work out five days a week...
Copy !req
214. Never too close to bedtime,
which is midnight,
Copy !req
215. 12:30 at the latest.
Copy !req
216. I am surrounded
by 5,000 women.
Copy !req
217. Yes,
right before bedtime.
Copy !req
218. That explains the headaches
I've been waking up with.
Copy !req
219. I never thought
that they were hangovers.
Copy !req
220. He's a Cro-Magnon.
Copy !req
221. He's not me.
Copy !req
222. He can't be.
Copy !req
223. Maribel Ventane.
Copy !req
224. "Sharing the Spirit.
Copy !req
225. "Marco, Maribel, and
their 5-year-old son, Jules,
Copy !req
226. "open their doors
to host
Copy !req
227. "the fourth annual fundraiser
'Friends in Need.'"
Copy !req
228. "Maribel Ventane, 33,
Copy !req
229. "was one jump away
from a first-place ribbon."
Copy !req
230. Blah, blah, blah.
Copy !req
231. "She suffered
severe orthopedic injuries."
Copy !req
232. "After two years
in family court,
Copy !req
233. "Maribel Ventane, 36,
Copy !req
234. "and ex-husband
Marco Ventane, 43"...
Copy !req
235. Blah, blah, blah.
Copy !req
236. "Mr. Ventane was given
full custody
Copy !req
237. "of their 11-year-old son,
Copy !req
238. "Marco Ventane, 63,
passed away in his home.
Copy !req
239. "He is survived by his son,
Jules Ventane, 32."
Copy !req
240. I found him.
Copy !req
241. Are you Jules Ventane?
Copy !req
242. Yes.
Copy !req
243. I'm Dr. Shaun Murphy,
Copy !req
244. and I recently treated
your mother, Maribel.
Copy !req
245. She died
on the operating table.
Copy !req
246. I would like your permission
to do an autopsy.
Copy !req
247. We're very sorry
for your loss.
Copy !req
248. She came in with
a ruptured aortic aneurysm,
Copy !req
249. and there wasn't much
we could do.
Copy !req
250. But we would like
to be absolutely certain
Copy !req
251. about her
cause of death.
Copy !req
252. I don't care
how she died.
Copy !req
253. Remember we talked about
moving on?
Copy !req
254. This is the time
to do that.
Copy !req
255. Where do we stand
with the Aidens?
Copy !req
256. Between the two alters,
Copy !req
257. they engage in just about
every single behavior.
Copy !req
258. So, we go back
to Dr. Lim's list.
Copy !req
259. Maybe we should be looking at
paraneoplastic syndromes.
Copy !req
260. DR.
May want to consider
psychiatric issues...
Copy !req
261. Could be having psychotic
or dissociative episodes.
Copy !req
262. I have a fair amount
of personal experience
Copy !req
263. with people
with psychiatric issues.
Copy !req
264. If he had psychosis,
I'd have picked up on it.
Copy !req
265. How about thyrotoxicosis?
Copy !req
266. No irritability,
Copy !req
267. Paraneoplastic syndromes
trigger a loss
of coordination,
Copy !req
268. which could have caused...
Copy !req
269. Actually,
our personal experiences
Copy !req
270. make us less effective
in spotting symptoms.
Copy !req
271. You know
I always make an effort
Copy !req
272. to be as objective
as possible.
Copy !req
273. Well,
you're not this time.
Copy !req
274. The vast majority of cases
of paraneoplastic syndromes
Copy !req
275. present with antibodies.
Copy !req
276. His labs show
a normal serum panel.
Copy !req
277. The "vast majority"
of all diseases
Copy !req
278. don't present with competing
entities day and night.
Copy !req
279. I'm just giving an idea.
you're undermining mine.
Copy !req
280. Fine. Your idea's brilliant.
Go waste your time on it.
Copy !req
281. Thank you both.
Copy !req
282. Get an MRI to rule out
brain tumors and MS,
Copy !req
283. an LP for encephalitis,
Copy !req
284. and a CSF panel to check for
paraneoplastic syndromes.
Copy !req
285. And a psych consult.
Copy !req
286. No.
Copy !req
287. Hi.
Copy !req
288. I'm Dr. Lim.
Copy !req
289. And you are?
Copy !req
290. Where are your parents?
Copy !req
291. My mother's
in the maternity ward.
Copy !req
292. She's having a baby?
Copy !req
293. Already did.
A girl.
Copy !req
294. Wonderful.
Copy !req
295. So, why the wandering?
Copy !req
296. My mom sent me
to the cafeteria
to get a snack,
Copy !req
297. but I got lost.
Copy !req
298. Three times?
Copy !req
299. Hey, Lucy.
We're looking for, um...
Copy !req
300. Trinity!
Copy !req
301. Please call security.
Copy !req
302. Stop the car.
Copy !req
303. No.
Copy !req
304. Yes.
Copy !req
305. Shaun! Shaun!
Copy !req
306. I need your permission!
Copy !req
307. Don't do this, Shaun!
Copy !req
308. I need your permission!
Let it go, Shaun!
Copy !req
309. It can't be over!
Copy !req
310. It can't be over!
It's over!
You have to let Carly go!
Copy !req
311. No! No!
You have to let Carly go!
Copy !req
312. No!
You have to let Carly go!
Copy !req
313. It's not about Carly!
Copy !req
314. Well, it's not about this,
Copy !req
315. It is not about Carly!
He's calling the police!
Copy !req
316. No!
Open the door! You'll get arrested!
Copy !req
317. Open the door!
Copy !req
318. Shaun,
he's calling the police!
Copy !req
319. Come here! Shaun!
No! Open the...
Copy !req
320. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
321. Shaun,
are you okay?
Copy !req
322. It was bad.
I missed my surgery.
Copy !req
323. Well,
don't worry about that.
Copy !req
324. Park's there.
Everything there is fine.
Copy !req
325. Will I have to
go back to jail?
Copy !req
326. No. No.
Copy !req
327. It's a good thing
you were with an ex-cop.
Copy !req
328. The guy's not gonna
press any charges,
Copy !req
329. but you're not allowed to be
anywhere near him ever again.
Copy !req
330. Here.
Copy !req
331. Let's get out of here,
Copy !req
332. Park says that you are upset
about Carly.
Copy !req
333. Everyone keeps
telling me that,
Copy !req
334. but I am not upset
about Carly,
Copy !req
335. and they need to stop.
Copy !req
336. Okay,
so, this isn't about Carly.
Copy !req
337. I wish Carly
didn't break up with me.
Copy !req
338. But she did.
Copy !req
339. And now I have to do
what she said.
Copy !req
340. What do you mean
you have to do what she said?
Copy !req
341. She doesn't get
to dictate to you.
Copy !req
342. She told me to tell Lea
I love her.
Copy !req
343. Oh.
Copy !req
344. O-Oh.
Copy !req
345. And you're afraid
of what might happen
Copy !req
346. if you told Lea
the truth?
Copy !req
347. If I tell her
I love her
Copy !req
348. and she tells me
she doesn't,
Copy !req
349. then I can't be
her boyfriend.
Copy !req
350. And even worse, I...
Copy !req
351. I don't think I can be
her friend, either.
Copy !req
352. And what if Lea
were to say...
Copy !req
353. "You know what, Shaun?
I love you, too"?
Copy !req
354. Hmm.
Copy !req
355. Pretty disturbing,
Copy !req
356. having this weird personality
creeping out of me.
Copy !req
357. Does he represent something
I'm suppressing
Copy !req
358. and need to express
Copy !req
359. or something I need
to bury forever?
Copy !req
360. If it's any consolation,
I kind of like him.
Copy !req
361. I think he's just trying
to enjoy himself.
Copy !req
362. Except he's sabotaging
Copy !req
363. all the hard work
of his waking self.
Copy !req
364. It's not sabotage.
It's just a part of who he is.
Copy !req
365. Some parts
of who we are suck.
Copy !req
366. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
367. I shouldn't have ratted
on you and Melendez.
Copy !req
368. I screwed things up.
Copy !req
369. But this guy needs a drink
every now and again.
Copy !req
370. You see that?
Copy !req
371. Yeah.
Copy !req
372. You have
an arachnoid cyst
Copy !req
373. compressing your hypothalamus,
Copy !req
374. We basically
just need to drain it.
Copy !req
375. W-Will it kill me
if you don't?
Copy !req
376. DR.
He knows the risks?
Copy !req
377. He knows
it won't kill him,
Copy !req
378. which is enough
for Jekyll
Copy !req
379. to decide
to keep Hyde alive.
Copy !req
380. What if we ask Hyde?
Copy !req
381. I'm pretty sure
consent needs to be
Copy !req
382. informed, voluntary,
and conscious.
Copy !req
383. It also doesn't matter.
AsleepAiden's a hedonist.
Copy !req
384. He's not gonna make a decision
against his interest
Copy !req
385. just to help
his alter.
Copy !req
386. Maybe he cares
more than you think.
Copy !req
387. Okay.
Copy !req
388. Dr. Lim?
Copy !req
389. Thank you.
Copy !req
390. Trinity,
have a seat.
Copy !req
391. There's no one
in our maternity ward
Copy !req
392. with a daughter
named Trinity.
Copy !req
393. So, I'm gonna need
some information,
Copy !req
394. and it will be
much more efficient
Copy !req
395. if it's the truth.
Copy !req
396. First and last name.
Copy !req
397. Trinity.
Copy !req
398. Mm-hmm.
Last name?
Copy !req
399. Okay.
Copy !req
400. Will you at least
tell me
Copy !req
401. what you're doing
in this hospital?
Copy !req
402. I just wanted
to meet you again.
Copy !req
403. Someone left a baby girl
at the E.R.
about eight years ago,
Copy !req
404. on Trinity Sunday.
Copy !req
405. You were so tiny,
Copy !req
406. so sick,
and so helpless.
Copy !req
407. Killed me
not to take you home.
Copy !req
408. But look at you now,
so strong and healthy.
Copy !req
409. And fast.
Copy !req
410. You know
we need to call your mother
Copy !req
411. and let her know
where you are.
Copy !req
412. That you're okay.
Copy !req
413. You know her number?
Copy !req
414. Yes, but...
Copy !req
415. But?
Copy !req
416. Can you adopt me?
Copy !req
417. Shaunie.
Copy !req
418. You poor thing.
Copy !req
419. I'm so sorry
about you and Carly.
Copy !req
420. I want to tell you
how I feel.
Copy !req
421. I know
you're hurting.
Copy !req
422. Carly made
a huge mistake.
Copy !req
423. You're a wonderful man,
Copy !req
424. Maybe the most wonderful man
I've ever met.
Copy !req
425. Lea?
Copy !req
426. Yeah, Shaun?
Copy !req
427. I found that
in my mother's drawer.
Copy !req
428. Does she know
you're here?
Copy !req
429. She's been
in Campbell Memorial
Copy !req
430. for the last two days.
Copy !req
431. She thinks
I've been in school
Copy !req
432. and at a friend's.
Copy !req
433. As long
as I'm home by 6:00,
Copy !req
434. no one knows
the difference.
Copy !req
435. Mmm, well,
it's past that.
Copy !req
436. I'm sure she's worried.
Copy !req
437. She has a new daughter.
Copy !req
438. It's hard to share your mom,
isn't it?
Copy !req
439. If she loves your sister
with all her heart,
Copy !req
440. it doesn't feel like
it'd leave much room for you.
Copy !req
441. Do you love your mom
with all your heart?
Copy !req
442. How about your dad?
Copy !req
443. You love him
with all your heart, too?
Copy !req
444. But that doesn't
seem possible, does it?
Copy !req
445. Hearts are
amazing things.
Copy !req
446. I've held one in my hands
many times.
Copy !req
447. You'd never know it
by looking at them,
Copy !req
448. but somehow, they have
all the room we need.
Copy !req
449. Dr. B.
Copy !req
450. Please tell me
you're single.
Copy !req
451. You have a cyst
in your brain.
Copy !req
452. If we leave it as is,
it could expose you
Copy !req
453. to considerable
neurological complications,
Copy !req
454. potential visual loss,
Copy !req
455. endocrine abnormalities,
Copy !req
456. But if we drain
and treat the cyst,
Copy !req
457. there should be
no complications.
Copy !req
458. Including sleepwalking.
Copy !req
459. The Professor already
rejected treatment?
Copy !req
460. So you're asking
the Frat Boy
Copy !req
461. to fall on his sword
for him?
Copy !req
462. I think the Frat Boy
Copy !req
463. is more than
just a Frat Boy.
Copy !req
464. We're all complicated.
Copy !req
465. We're all sometimes
superficial, selfish jerks.
Copy !req
466. But we're also
capable of sacrifice.
Copy !req
467. I think you live in him
Copy !req
468. the same way
he lives in you.
Copy !req
469. And that won't change,
Copy !req
470. no matter what decision
you make.
Copy !req
471. Shaun.
Copy !req
472. Maribel died.
Copy !req
473. I think she had
polycystic kidney disease,
Copy !req
474. which is associated with
dilation of the arteries,
Copy !req
475. which results in
weakened vascular walls,
Copy !req
476. which in turn contributes
to the formation of aneurysms.
Copy !req
477. I need to do an autopsy.
Copy !req
478. Dr. Melendez...
Copy !req
479. Didn't approve.
Dr. Lim didn't approve.
Copy !req
480. The family said no.
So, what can I...
Copy !req
481. You're the head
of pathology.
Copy !req
482. Shaun,
I'm not going to...
Copy !req
483. I can't do
what you told me I should do.
Copy !req
484. Until I solve
this distraction.
Copy !req
485. No sign
of polycystic kidney disease.
Copy !req
486. I know that this break-up
has been hard on you.
Copy !req
487. It's been hard on me, too.
Copy !req
488. But I know what I saw
between you and Lea.
Copy !req
489. I did see something,
didn't I?
Copy !req
490. I love you, Carly.
Copy !req
491. But you were right.
I love Lea more.
Copy !req
492. Okay.
Copy !req
493. So...
Copy !req
494. You know you have to
tell her, right?
Copy !req
495. I'm scared.
Copy !req
496. I know.
Copy !req
497. But look at how far
you've come with me...
Copy !req
498. How scared you were.
Copy !req
499. How brave you were.
Copy !req
500. I have to go.
Copy !req
501. Thank you, Carly.
Copy !req
502. If you're watching this,
it means I'm dead.
Copy !req
503. And you're waking up from a surgery
Copy !req
504. you think you didn't consent to,
Copy !req
505. but I hereby proffer
my full and informed consent
Copy !req
506. to said surgical procedure.
Copy !req
507. Signed Aiden...
Michael... Porter.
Copy !req
508. The second.
Copy !req
509. Uh, just one... One more thing.
Copy !req
510. My advice...
Copy !req
511. is to try
to chillax a little.
Copy !req
512. Neither of us is perfect.
Copy !req
513. But... We're okay.
Copy !req
514. We are gonna be...
Copy !req
515. okay.
Copy !req
516. Andthat girl
Copy !req
517. who sits in front of you
in Advanced Calculus,
Copy !req
518. her name is Staci with an "i," and she likes you.
Copy !req
519. Way more than she likes me.
Copy !req
520. Peace out, Professor.
Copy !req
521. You're kidding me,
Copy !req
522. I know
why your mother died.
Copy !req
523. And I said
I didn't care.
Copy !req
524. When I examined
her liver,
Copy !req
525. I found three aneurysms
in her hepatic artery,
Copy !req
526. which is very unusual
and made me realize
Copy !req
527. she has Vascular
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
Copy !req
528. It's a very rare disease
Copy !req
529. that often goes undiagnosed
and can be fatal.
Copy !req
530. Are you really gonna make me
call the police again?
Copy !req
531. It's hereditary.
Copy !req
532. No, I don't want
to get arrested again,
Copy !req
533. but do you have
an excess of cavities?
Copy !req
534. You might have
inherited Vascular
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Copy !req
535. from your mother,
Copy !req
536. and your life
could be in danger.
Copy !req
537. But its symptoms
can be treated.
Copy !req
538. Okay, goodbye.
Copy !req
539. So, that's all I got
from my mother?
Copy !req
540. A potentially
deadly disease?
Copy !req
541. Did your mother
ever call you "Coley"?
Copy !req
542. Yeah.
Copy !req
543. Short for "colibri,"
Copy !req
544. the French word
for hummingbird.
Copy !req
545. She said I would
flit around the house,
Copy !req
546. always going from one thing
to another.
Copy !req
547. She had a hummingbird
tattooed on her body.
Copy !req
548. And "Coley"
was the last word she said.
Copy !req
549. She loved you.
Copy !req
550. M-Maybe she was just afraid
to tell you.
Copy !req
551. Morgan buy the fight?
Copy !req
552. Is it weird
how hard we have to work
Copy !req
553. to hide
a platonic friendship?
Copy !req
554. Very.
But it's worth it.
Copy !req
555. Hi, Mom.
Copy !req
556. Shaun?
Copy !req
557. What's up, Shaunie?
Copy !req
558. Shaun.
Copy !req
559. Please.
Copy !req
560. Talk to me.
Copy !req
561. I love you, Lea.
Copy !req
562. I want to be
your boyfriend.
Copy !req
563. I love you, too.
Copy !req
564. But
Copy !req
565. you know me.
Copy !req
566. I am selfish,
and I am so, so needy.
Copy !req
567. I-I'm...
Copy !req
568. I mean,
listen to me right now.
Copy !req
569. I can't even put
a complete sentence together.
Copy !req
570. I am a...
I'm a total mess.
Copy !req
571. How?
Copy !req
572. How am I supposed to,
you know,
Copy !req
573. just lay all of that
on you?
Copy !req
574. Why do you think
I can't handle
Copy !req
575. your selfishness,
neediness, and messiness?
Copy !req
576. I think I can.
Copy !req
577. It's just...
Copy !req
578. I'm a challenge
for anyone...
Copy !req
579. And you're...
Copy !req
580. You.
Copy !req
581. And I just know
it would be too hard for you.
Copy !req
582. You need things
a certain way.
Copy !req
583. You work
in a certain way and...
Copy !req
584. Because...
Copy !req
585. I have autism?
Copy !req
586. You
Copy !req
587. don't want
to be my girlfriend
Copy !req
588. because I have autism?
Copy !req
589. Mmm.
Copy !req