1. What?
Copy !req
2. It's time
to wake up.
Copy !req
3. Mnh-mnh. It's still
dark outside.
Copy !req
4. I'd like
to have sex.
Copy !req
5. As romantically
as that was put,
Copy !req
6. it's too early, Shaun.
Copy !req
7. It's exactly early enough
to have sex
Copy !req
8. for the average duration
it takes us
Copy !req
9. and still allow
precisely enough time
Copy !req
10. to get ready
for work.
Copy !req
11. How long have you
been up figuring that out?
Copy !req
12. Since 4:53.
Copy !req
13. But it only took
two minutes.
Copy !req
14. You've been waiting
since then to propose this?
Copy !req
15. I let you sleep
as long as possible.
Copy !req
16. That's... very considerate.
Copy !req
17. Ohh.
Copy !req
18. Sorry, I'm late.
Copy !req
19. I'm Dr. Shaun Murphy.
Copy !req
20. Kayley has
a sore throat.
Copy !req
21. More like
this constant feeling
Copy !req
22. like there's something
stuck in my throat.
Copy !req
23. And I've fainted
a couple times,
Copy !req
24. which I first thought
was just random.
Copy !req
25. And I'm obviously
losing my voice.
Copy !req
26. Since I've only
just met you,
Copy !req
27. I have no idea
what your voice
normally sounds like.
Copy !req
28. Well, not this.
Copy !req
29. Sometimes when swallowing,
I get a super intense pain,
Copy !req
30. like, worse than
an ice cream headache.
Copy !req
31. My internist sent me
to an ear, nose,
and throat guy,
Copy !req
32. an orthopedic surgeon,
um, three gastroenterologists,
Copy !req
33. a voice issues
specialist dude.
Copy !req
34. An otolaryngologist.
Copy !req
35. a-a neurosurgeon who thinks
it might be a messed up nerve
Copy !req
36. connecting the throat
to the brain.
Copy !req
37. The ninth cranial nerve,
glossopharyngeal neuralgia.
Copy !req
38. He recommended,
like, brain surgery.
Copy !req
39. Microvascular decompression.
Copy !req
40. Which a second neurosurgeon
said I don't need.
Copy !req
41. You're not happy with
the answers you're getting
Copy !req
42. from a whole bunch
of recommended specialists,
Copy !req
43. so you came to the ER?
Copy !req
44. I ran out of
recommended specialists.
Copy !req
45. Hmm.
Copy !req
46. It is an intriguing
combination of symptoms.
Copy !req
47. We'll admit you
and run some tests.
Copy !req
48. Uh, Dr. Murphy?
Copy !req
49. You're...
Copy !req
50. Interesting.
Copy !req
51. I have autism.
Copy !req
52. That's so cool.
Copy !req
53. Uh, I mean, no...
Copy !req
54. Sor... Not... Not cool
that you are.
Copy !req
55. Be more insensitive,
Kayley. Um...
Copy !req
56. It's cool
that you're this...
Copy !req
57. Totally chill,
super knowledgeable medico.
Copy !req
58. Compliments...
are very awkward.
Copy !req
59. Cute doctor
who's gonna cure me.
Copy !req
60. Severe abdominal discomfort.
Copy !req
61. Fever, tachy, hypotensive.
Copy !req
62. It's okay, sweetie.
Copy !req
63. What's your name?
Copy !req
64. That's Marla.
Copy !req
65. No one to leave her with.
Copy !req
66. We're gonna take care
of your mommy.
Copy !req
67. Abdomen tender
and distended.
Copy !req
68. Dehydrated.
Copy !req
69. Delayed capillary refill.
Copy !req
70. Rapid respiratory rate.
Copy !req
71. Skin cool and bluish,
looks cyanotic.
Copy !req
72. She's going into shock.
Copy !req
73. We need aggressive
fluid resuscitation.
Copy !req
74. Start broad spectrum
Copy !req
75. place an NG to decompress
distended abdomen.
Copy !req
76. Trend her lactates, initiate
complete sepsis bundle.
Copy !req
77. Her CBC,
BMP autoimmune panel,
Copy !req
78. nasal swab,
and blood cultures.
Copy !req
79. All normal.
Copy !req
80. Ohh.
That's exciting.
Copy !req
81. Negative tests
are exciting?
Copy !req
82. No one's been able
to find out what she has.
Copy !req
83. I'm going to get brain FIESTA
and time-of-flight MRI
Copy !req
84. to assess the cranial nerves
and vessels,
Copy !req
85. and Doppler ultrasound
Copy !req
86. I have to
get back to work.
Copy !req
87. Our pre-dawn romantic
interlude made me late.
Copy !req
88. Yes. There was a flaw
in my methodology.
Copy !req
89. My calculation
was based on
Copy !req
90. the mean duration of our sex
overall, but generally,
Copy !req
91. we take statistically
significantly longer
Copy !req
92. in the morning
than at other times of day.
Copy !req
93. Well, maybe
we can discuss
Copy !req
94. this whole timing-our-sex
thing at lunchtime.
Copy !req
95. Mm. No, thank you.
Copy !req
96. I can't have lunch today.
Copy !req
97. Too much to do.
Copy !req
98. Sorry I'm late.
Copy !req
99. I was going to
cancel our lunch.
Copy !req
100. Let me guess.
Copy !req
101. A patient
more interesting than me.
Copy !req
102. Exactly.
Copy !req
103. Yeah.
Copy !req
104. She has
a mysterious condition.
Copy !req
105. But I realized
I could use our lunch
to help understand it.
Copy !req
106. I ordered you a salad.
Thank you.
Copy !req
107. How do I get
an ice cream headache?
Copy !req
108. I've never had one.
Copy !req
109. You don't want one.
Brain freeze is horrible.
Copy !req
110. The scientific term
Copy !req
111. is sphenopalatine
Copy !req
112. The trigeminal nerve
reacts to
Copy !req
113. rapid temperature change
in the mouth,
Copy !req
114. sending a signal
to the brain,
Copy !req
115. which responds with
changes in blood flow
and dura irritation,
Copy !req
116. which combats what
it perceives as a dangerous,
noxious stimuli,
Copy !req
117. but is just ice cream.
Copy !req
118. I need to experience that.
Copy !req
119. Okay.
Copy !req
120. The technique
I usually use is,
Copy !req
121. eat way too much,
way too fast.
Copy !req
122. I'm quitting my job.
Copy !req
123. The job you came back
from Hershey for?
Copy !req
124. Don't tell Glassy.
He already thinks I'm a flake.
Copy !req
125. You kicking me out
is just what I needed.
Copy !req
126. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
127. I was in a complete rut.
Copy !req
128. In my personal life,
at work, super stale.
Copy !req
129. I mean, we weren't
developing anything,
Copy !req
130. just market
testing designs...
Copy !req
131. Ow.
Copy !req
132. Ow! Ow, ow!
Copy !req
133. That's awful!
Copy !req
134. What's the cure?
Copy !req
135. How much time?
Copy !req
136. Do you think
I should include my job
in Hershey on my resume?
Copy !req
137. It hurts so much!
Copy !req
138. Or does it make me
look like
Copy !req
139. I'm unable
to commit to anything?
Copy !req
140. Ow!
Copy !req
141. Okay.
Copy !req
142. The ultrasound showed
your colon is distended.
Copy !req
143. We placed a rectal tube
and an NG
Copy !req
144. to try to get that
Copy !req
145. Mommy,
can we go home?
Copy !req
146. Not yet, sweetie.
Copy !req
147. It would be helpful
to try to find out
Copy !req
148. what could've triggered this.
Copy !req
149. Any history of Crohn's
or ulcerative colitis?
Copy !req
150. No.
Copy !req
151. I, um...
Copy !req
152. I have had
some UTIs lately.
Copy !req
153. That's likely
not connected.
Copy !req
154. Okay.
Copy !req
155. Any recent
international travel?
Copy !req
156. I have a three-year-old
and no husband.
Copy !req
157. Okay.
Copy !req
158. We're gonna need
to keep you on IV antibiotics
Copy !req
159. and monitor
the distention.
Copy !req
160. In the meantime,
is there anyone
who can look after Marla?
Copy !req
161. No one.
Copy !req
162. My whole family's back east.
It's... It's just us.
Copy !req
163. I'll get a social worker
to look after her.
Copy !req
164. Thank you.
Copy !req
165. Go ahead, honey.
Copy !req
166. Why is my mom upset?
Copy !req
167. If her anterior inferior
cerebellar artery
Copy !req
168. is encroaching
on her glossopharyngeal nerve,
Copy !req
169. it's very minor.
Copy !req
170. Certainly not enough
to justify
Copy !req
171. microvascular
decompression surgery.
Copy !req
172. I agree.
Copy !req
173. It could also be acid
reflux temporal arteritis,
Copy !req
174. laryngopharyngeal dysesthesia.
We need to...
Copy !req
175. We need to do
$50,000 of tests,
Copy !req
176. and it might be
acid reflux?
Copy !req
177. Or temporal arteritis or...
Copy !req
178. It's a constellation
Copy !req
179. of relatively insignificant
Copy !req
180. Have you ever had
an ice cream headache,
Dr. Andrews?
Copy !req
181. Yes.
Copy !req
182. I believe it didn't require
brain surgery, Dr. Murphy.
Copy !req
183. As a compromise,
we could do an MRI
Copy !req
184. and CT her neck
and a swallow...
Copy !req
185. Shaun.
Copy !req
186. You don't compromise
with your boss.
Copy !req
187. Start her on dilantin for
her pain and send her home.
Copy !req
188. Can I just leave her
with you?
Copy !req
189. I'm a receptionist,
not a social worker.
Copy !req
190. And I'm a surgeon.
Copy !req
191. I didn't mean
I'm more important.
Copy !req
192. I just meant we both have
more important things to do.
Copy !req
193. When will the social worker
be here?
Copy !req
194. She said half an hour.
Copy !req
195. Can you page her again?
Copy !req
196. I want my mama.
Copy !req
197. Why don't you just go play
with the toys, okay?
Copy !req
198. Do you have her number?
I'll call her myself.
Copy !req
199. I made Mommy sick.
Copy !req
200. No, sweetie.
It's not your fault.
Copy !req
201. Sometimes
people just get sick.
Copy !req
202. Mommy drawk ma poop.
Copy !req
203. Your mommy
drew your poop?
Copy !req
204. Drawk. Mommy drawk.
Copy !req
205. Drank?
Copy !req
206. Yes.
Copy !req
207. Mommy drawnk my poop.
Copy !req
208. The good news is,
we've ruled out
glossopharyngeal neuralgia.
Copy !req
209. You don't need
brain surgery.
Copy !req
210. Never any good news
without bad news.
Copy !req
211. We've got a list of
a few things you don't have,
Copy !req
212. but we don't know
what you do have.
Copy !req
213. So you'll run more tests.
Copy !req
214. We can't.
Copy !req
215. There are 21 different things
this might be,
Copy !req
216. but they don't want us
to run 37 more tests.
Copy !req
217. Well, this is lame.
Copy !req
218. I can afford the tests.
I make good money.
Copy !req
219. I can't
keep talking like this!
Copy !req
220. I need a...
Copy !req
221. She's hypotensive.
Copy !req
222. Code stroke.
Copy !req
223. We need stat brain CT
and MRI.
Copy !req
224. Call angio. She may need
mechanical thrombectomy.
Copy !req
225. 3 cc's of 2% lidocaine.
Copy !req
226. Wow.
Copy !req
227. I-I didn't drink it.
I just...
Copy !req
228. I just used her stool
to do a home fecal transfer.
Copy !req
229. And you didn't think
to mention that?
Copy !req
230. You said my UTIs
were unrelated.
Copy !req
231. They didn't get better
with antibiotics,
Copy !req
232. so I did exactly
what I was supposed to do.
Copy !req
233. The video swore that
it was completely safe.
Copy !req
234. Make sure your friend
is completely healthy.
Copy !req
235. I've had the best results
with vegans,
Copy !req
236. though if it were between
Copy !req
237. an 18-year-old carnivore
and a 60-year-old vegan...
Copy !req
238. Well, don't make me choose.
Copy !req
239. We're gonna add
the saline solution.
Copy !req
240. Should be a one-to-one match,
more or less.
Copy !req
241. Then, we're gonna puree...
Copy !req
242. puree, and then
puree some more.
Copy !req
243. While it's mixing...
Copy !req
244. Let's talk enema bags.
Copy !req
245. Marla must have seen her
using the blender,
Copy !req
246. assumed she drank it.
Copy !req
247. Yeah, that's
the mystery here,
Copy !req
248. not how anyone
this stupid is still alive.
Copy !req
249. It's not
completely irrational.
Copy !req
250. The E. coli strain
in drug-resistant UTIs
Copy !req
251. can hide out
in the gut.
Copy !req
252. Repopulating the
colon microbiome using FMT
Copy !req
253. has shown some success.
Copy !req
254. In a hospital,
under controlled
and sterile conditions.
Copy !req
255. Prep her for surgery.
Copy !req
256. Between the dilation
and rigidity,
Copy !req
257. there may be
colon perforation.
Copy !req
258. And test Marla's stool
for toxins
and infectious bacteria.
Copy !req
259. She was suffering
a mini-stroke,
and I saved her.
Copy !req
260. I saved her.
I need to celebrate.
Copy !req
261. I want to celebrate
by kissing you.
Copy !req
262. A lot.
Copy !req
263. I-Inside would be
Copy !req
264. Eagle Syndrome
is very rare.
Copy !req
265. A longer-than-normal
styloid bone
Copy !req
266. coming off the base
of the skull.
Copy !req
267. And...
I only get
a five-minute break.
Copy !req
268. It impinged
on her nerves,
Copy !req
269. causing the
confusing symptoms
Copy !req
270. that baffled
eight expert doctors.
Copy !req
271. And then when she
turned her head suddenly,
Copy !req
272. it pinched her carotid,
causing her TIA.
Copy !req
273. Yeah, it's him!
Copy !req
274. It's Dr. Murphy!
Copy !req
275. How do I know you?
Copy !req
276. He is cute!
Copy !req
277. Is that his girlfriend?
Copy !req
278. Kayley's hotter.
Copy !req
279. He's so cute!
Copy !req
280. My personal... Chernobyl.
Copy !req
281. What?
Copy !req
282. Seriously, guys.
Copy !req
283. Ohh, come on.
Copy !req
284. A zone of exclusion
should be imposed
around my kitchen.
Copy !req
285. Millions of people
have watched that?
Copy !req
286. As of 9:00 a.m.
Copy !req
287. You're an influencer.
Copy !req
288. And you posted
how I saved you?
Copy !req
289. But I take it
I'm not saved yet?
You still have to operate?
Copy !req
290. A normal
styloid process
Copy !req
291. is 2.5 centimeters
in length. Yours measures...
Copy !req
292. Don't do that.
Copy !req
293. There are two
surgical options.
Copy !req
294. Transoral, where we go in
through your mouth.
Copy !req
295. It's non-invasive, but
creates surgical challenges
Copy !req
296. for physical
and visual access.
Copy !req
297. The alternative
transcervical procedure
Copy !req
298. involves an incision
in your neck
Copy !req
299. with none of those
access issues,
Copy !req
300. but with some
post-operative scarring.
Copy !req
301. So one way is safer,
but the other way,
I'll look better?
Copy !req
302. It's a pretty
bad-ass scar.
Copy !req
303. Can I take a bit
to decide which?
Copy !req
304. Of course.
Copy !req
305. You had no right
to tell the world about me.
Copy !req
306. It was flattering.
Copy !req
307. Not everyone
wants to be famous.
Copy !req
308. Uh... If it's
any consolation,
Copy !req
309. you've had over
70 marriage proposals.
Copy !req
310. It's not.
Copy !req
311. Some of us
are more comfortable
in the spotlight than others.
Copy !req
312. I think you're great.
Copy !req
313. Thanks.
Copy !req
314. I don't have to poop.
Copy !req
315. Be patient.
Copy !req
316. I don't have to poop!
Copy !req
317. Is there something
your mom does
Copy !req
318. to help you
when you can't go?
Copy !req
319. Sometimes
she hold my hand.
Copy !req
320. Would you like me to?
Copy !req
321. You're not my mom.
Copy !req
322. Well, just keep trying.
Copy !req
323. Pbbbbbbht.
Copy !req
324. Sweetie, we really
need you to go.
Copy !req
325. If you can't,
there is another way
we can do this.
Copy !req
326. How?
Copy !req
327. Well, it's not fun.
Copy !req
328. For either of us.
Copy !req
329. Isolate and divide
middle colic artery and vein.
Copy !req
330. It's an epidemic.
Copy !req
331. People taking
online medical advice.
Copy !req
332. It's not the problem.
It's the symptom.
Copy !req
333. Medical care is a financial
stress for lots of people,
Copy !req
334. not to mention
physician arrogance,
Copy !req
335. incompetence, impatience.
Copy !req
336. So it's our fault?
Copy !req
337. Resect and cut the colon
proximal and distal
Copy !req
338. to the perforation
with GIA stapler.
Copy !req
339. A friend of a friend
Copy !req
340. her own
Cushing's disease online
Copy !req
341. after a series of doctors
barely listened to her,
Copy !req
342. told her
to get more rest.
Copy !req
343. I'm guessing
she didn't then perform
Copy !req
344. do-it-yourself
brain surgery at home.
Copy !req
345. Claire's right.
Copy !req
346. I was...
supporting your point.
Copy !req
347. She convinced me
I was wrong.
Copy !req
348. Divide mesentery
with LigaSure.
Copy !req
349. We have a bleed.
Copy !req
350. It's major.
Copy !req
351. Tension during mobilization
Copy !req
352. must have caused
a splenic capsule tear.
Copy !req
353. We need to do
a splenectomy.
Copy !req
354. Cut the connecting
Copy !req
355. Kidney.
Copy !req
356. Diaphragm.
Copy !req
357. Take the vascular pedicle
with a white load stapler.
Copy !req
358. Do not get the tail
of the pancreas.
Copy !req
359. Dr. Melendez?
Copy !req
360. Can this wait?
Copy !req
361. I'm not sure.
Copy !req
362. The fecal sample
that your team sent me...
Copy !req
363. It might be normal,
but was it mislabeled?
Copy !req
364. It seems to be
from a 70-year-old.
Copy !req
365. It's from a three-year-old.
Copy !req
366. SCFAs, elevated isobutyric
and isovaleric acid.
Copy !req
367. She is at high risk
for serious cardiac problems.
Copy !req
368. Oh, are you okay?
Copy !req
369. Her social media posts
about Shaun have gone viral.
Copy !req
370. I've got reporters
clamoring to speak
Copy !req
371. to the "twice-exceptional"
Dr. Murphy.
Copy !req
372. Bad idea.
Luckily, he won't do it.
Copy !req
373. He went off on Kayley
about his privacy.
Copy !req
374. The publicity would be good
for the hospital.
Copy !req
375. And I'm sure Dr. Glassman
can make him see
the wisdom of that.
Copy !req
376. I'm with Andrews.
Copy !req
377. It smacks of us
patting ourselves on the back.
Copy !req
378. It could also come off
as exploitative.
Copy !req
379. But the bigger issue is,
it could blow up in our face.
Copy !req
380. Shaun is a complete
communications wild card.
Copy !req
381. Who knows what he'll say
about you, about me,
Copy !req
382. about being demoted,
about screw-ups.
Copy !req
383. Well, we would
have to coach him.
Copy !req
384. Do we have six years
before they need
to go to press?
Copy !req
385. I can go with him,
manage the situation.
Copy !req
386. No, no, no.
Copy !req
387. If we consider Shaun
an asset,
Copy !req
388. we shouldn't treat him
like a liability.
Copy !req
389. I'll talk to him,
see what he says.
Copy !req
390. You can see the proximity
of her elongated styloid
Copy !req
391. to the nerves and carotid.
Copy !req
392. The trick is to break off
the excess length
Copy !req
393. without injury to local
neurovascular structures.
Copy !req
394. If done transcervically,
entry point is key.
Copy !req
395. Minimizes risk of a marginal
mandibular nerve injury.
Copy !req
396. Has she made a decision?
Copy !req
397. Not yet.
Copy !req
398. I'd like to lead.
Copy !req
399. Being that it's such
a rare surgery,
Copy !req
400. I may not get
another chance at it
during residency.
Copy !req
401. When I have the benefit
of supervision.
Copy !req
402. And it wouldn't have
anything to do with hoping
Copy !req
403. Kayley might then post
glowingly about you?
Copy !req
404. Not at all.
Copy !req
405. Well, undoubtedly,
a little.
Copy !req
406. Given the attention
this case has drawn,
Copy !req
407. I think we should
put our best, most
experienced choice forward.
Copy !req
408. Well, this is
a teaching hospital.
Copy !req
409. It's exactly
the type of surgery
we'd give to a third-year.
Copy !req
410. The fact that she has
an online presence
Copy !req
411. shouldn't be a factor.
Copy !req
412. And yet here you are,
the Chief of Surgery
Copy !req
413. working a case you say
a third-year can handle.
Copy !req
414. It also might reflect
well on this place
Copy !req
415. to have a young woman
be the face
of Kayley's surgery.
Copy !req
416. Assuming it goes well.
Copy !req
417. Live by the Internet,
die by the Internet.
Copy !req
418. You still want to lead?
Copy !req
419. Yes.
Copy !req
420. It's yours.
Copy !req
421. Ann?
Copy !req
422. Ann.
Copy !req
423. Am I okay?
Copy !req
424. You're fine.
Copy !req
425. We had to wake you up
a little earlier
than we'd like
Copy !req
426. because we need
to discuss something
with you.
Copy !req
427. Do you understand?
Copy !req
428. Your gut biome showed markers
for elevated cholesterol.
Copy !req
429. Which you don't have.
Copy !req
430. Your daughter does.
Copy !req
431. Marla has
high cholesterol?
Copy !req
432. She has
a genetic condition:
Copy !req
433. Coronary testing
showed 90% narrowing
Copy !req
434. of the left main artery
to her heart.
Copy !req
435. I'm afraid your daughter
needs urgent heart surgery.
Copy !req
436. I don't want to.
Copy !req
437. Okay.
Copy !req
438. I'll tell
the reporters that.
Copy !req
439. But can... can we
talk about why?
Copy !req
440. Your computer
just beeped.
Copy !req
441. I know.
Copy !req
442. I can think of a few reasons
why you might be reticent.
Copy !req
443. You're shy.
No, I'm not.
Copy !req
444. Well, you do have trouble
with social interactions,
Copy !req
445. and you have
trouble anticipating
Copy !req
446. what people might ask
and how you might respond.
Copy !req
447. Yes, that is a problem when
I'm meeting with a patient
Copy !req
448. or I'm at a job interview
or I'm on a date.
Copy !req
449. Then my answers matter.
Copy !req
450. But if I'm talking
to a reporter,
they don't matter.
Copy !req
451. It beeped again.
Copy !req
452. Yes, I know.
We're digitizing.
Copy !req
453. Every time a patient
needs to take a drug,
Copy !req
454. we send them
a reminder.
Copy !req
455. For some unknown reason,
they keep sending me one, too.
Copy !req
456. I think stories
do matter.
Copy !req
457. I think what you do
and what you have done
Copy !req
458. might be inspirational
for people to hear.
Copy !req
459. Okay.
Copy !req
460. Okay, you'll do it?
Copy !req
461. Okay, you've convinced me
I should be nervous about it.
Copy !req
462. Now I have two reasons
not to do it.
Copy !req
463. What's the other reason?
Copy !req
464. I'm very busy
between doing my job
and having sex.
Copy !req
465. I don't have
a lot of free time.
Copy !req
466. You should hire Lea.
Copy !req
467. No.
Copy !req
468. She's very good at tech
Copy !req
469. and isn't happy
in her job right now.
Copy !req
470. I'll tell you what, Shaun.
Copy !req
471. You think about this,
you really think about this,
Copy !req
472. how your story
can benefit people,
Copy !req
473. and I will...
Copy !req
474. Interview Lea.
Copy !req
475. Excellent.
Copy !req
476. I'll think about it.
Copy !req
477. I'll really think
about it.
Copy !req
478. Okay.
Copy !req
479. Some people definitely thought
I would look amazeballs
Copy !req
480. rocking a neck scar.
Copy !req
481. But the consensus was,
Copy !req
482. there's only so many
turtleneck days in a year.
Copy !req
483. So I'm going with
the no-scar approach.
Copy !req
484. Which one
did you vote for?
Copy !req
485. Well, these are my people.
I mean, they know me.
Copy !req
486. They know what's best for me
and my brand.
Copy !req
487. "Wisdom of the crowd."
Copy !req
488. My warrior goddess
lead surgeon.
Copy !req
489. We'll get you prepped
for surgery.
Copy !req
490. New blouse?
It's nice.
Copy !req
491. Dr. Murphy,
do you have a minute?
Copy !req
492. I really am sorry
I upset you.
Copy !req
493. And I really am
Copy !req
494. Being sick was...
Copy !req
495. You don't need to explain
Copy !req
496. why you're grateful
we diagnosed your illness.
Copy !req
497. Well, I do.
Copy !req
498. You saved me
and my career.
Copy !req
499. At first,
my followers were super into
Copy !req
500. what I was going through,
but after a while,
Copy !req
501. you just start being
"the sick girl."
Copy !req
502. You give up your privacy.
Doesn't that bother you?
Copy !req
503. I have nothing to hide.
Copy !req
504. No one should.
Copy !req
505. We should all just be
who we are.
Copy !req
506. We are...
Copy !req
507. The decisions we make.
Copy !req
508. And you let other people
make them for you.
Copy !req
509. So you're not
being anyone.
Copy !req
510. You know how
you and I like to do
so many things together?
Copy !req
511. We make clay mugs.
Copy !req
512. That's right.
Copy !req
513. Mommy was sick,
and she needed to be fixed.
Copy !req
514. And you're sick, too.
Copy !req
515. I don't feel sick.
Copy !req
516. That's good.
Copy !req
517. And the doctors
just want to make sure
Copy !req
518. everything is all better
before you do.
Copy !req
519. How?
Copy !req
520. They're gonna
go inside you and...
Copy !req
521. How?
Copy !req
522. They're gonna make
a little cut...
Copy !req
523. No!
Copy !req
524. You're gonna be asleep.
Copy !req
525. No!
Just like Mommy.
Copy !req
526. I...
No, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
527. I'll be with you, Marla.
I'll take good care of you.
Copy !req
528. No, no, no, no, no!
It's okay.
Just breathe, sweetie.
Copy !req
529. Count to three.
Copy !req
530. Hey, sweetie,
you have to be brave.
Copy !req
531. No!
Copy !req
532. Code blue!
Copy !req
533. What's happening?
Copy !req
534. Please help my baby.
Copy !req
535. She's had a heart attack!
Copy !req
536. Marla.
Copy !req
537. Marla?
Copy !req
538. Marla!
Copy !req
539. Uh, would you
like my CV?
Copy !req
540. No.
Copy !req
541. I know who you are.
I don't need to see a list.
Copy !req
542. Where do I work?
Copy !req
543. It's a tech company.
Copy !req
544. You were there.
Copy !req
545. Cars.
Something about cars.
Copy !req
546. You have no interest
in hiring me, do you?
Copy !req
547. No.
It's not personal.
Copy !req
548. It's a little personal.
Copy !req
549. I'm doing a favor for Shaun.
I don't really need anyone.
Copy !req
550. Did he ask you
to waste my time?
Copy !req
551. Yeah... It's okay.
Copy !req
552. I didn't really want
to work for you anyway.
Copy !req
553. You're a bit of a grouch.
Copy !req
554. But make sure
whoever does do the job
shores up your firewall.
Copy !req
555. A kindergartner
can hack it.
Copy !req
556. Thank you.
I'm sure we'll be fine.
Copy !req
557. And you're right,
you know.
Copy !req
558. We are not a good fit.
Copy !req
559. And our mutual affection
for Shaun
Copy !req
560. isn't enough to stop us
from killing each other.
Copy !req
561. I...
Copy !req
562. Your Chronicle subscription
is about to expire
Copy !req
563. because they don't have
your updated credit card.
Copy !req
564. The coffee maker
you ordered,
Copy !req
565. third new one
in the last six months,
Copy !req
566. will be delivered Tuesday.
Copy !req
567. And you're deducting
way too much money
Copy !req
568. out of Debbie's paycheck
for FICA.
Copy !req
569. Would you like to hear
about your Google searches?
Copy !req
570. Thank you.
Copy !req
571. Lea!
Copy !req
572. Severe proximal LAD disease
with mid total occlusion.
Copy !req
573. Angioplasty won't resolve
that stenosis.
Copy !req
574. High risk of rupture
in someone this young.
Copy !req
575. A stent?
Copy !req
576. Won't be enough
effective revascularization.
Copy !req
577. She needs a left IMA
to LAD anastomosis.
Copy !req
578. I've never done a coronary
bypass on a three-year-old.
Copy !req
579. Neither have I.
Copy !req
580. I guess
it was the right call
Copy !req
581. to put her daughter's poop
up her tush.
Copy !req
582. Cost her a large chunk
of her colon.
Copy !req
583. Saved her daughter's life.
Yeah, lucky coincidence.
Copy !req
584. I'm sure the mother
doesn't regret a thing.
Copy !req
585. At least she shouldn't.
Copy !req
586. I'm with Claire.
Copy !req
587. Do you have time
for lunch?
Copy !req
588. And by "lunch,"
you mean...?
Copy !req
589. Lunch.
Copy !req
590. I need advice.
Copy !req
591. I need to really think
about something.
Copy !req
592. Oh.
Copy !req
593. Then yes, of course.
Copy !req
594. It could be patronizing,
Copy !req
595. being put up
as some kind of feel-good,
human interest story.
Copy !req
596. Or objectified
and glorified
Copy !req
597. as some kind of a symbol
for people who are different.
Copy !req
598. But I also know
that when I told
my sister your story,
Copy !req
599. she cried.
Copy !req
600. She was sad?
Copy !req
601. No, she was inspired.
Copy !req
602. I... don't know
what your advice
is telling me.
Copy !req
603. I don't know
what you think
I'm supposed to do.
Copy !req
604. Shaun, you aren't
supposed to do anything,
Copy !req
605. except what you
believe is right.
Copy !req
606. Thank you.
Copy !req
607. Now I'm going to go see
what Lea thinks.
Copy !req
608. I thought
you had a surgery.
Copy !req
609. I'm just
going upstairs.
Copy !req
610. Lea's meeting
with Dr. Glassman
about a job.
Copy !req
611. A job here?
Copy !req
612. Lea told me
at lunch yesterday
Copy !req
613. that she was looking
for different work, so...
Copy !req
614. Wait, you... you had lunch
with Lea? Yesterday?
Copy !req
615. And... And you kept it
from me?
Copy !req
616. I didn't keep it
from you.
Copy !req
617. There was no reason
to mention it
Copy !req
618. until just now,
when I did.
Copy !req
619. Shaun...
Copy !req
620. You know how I feel
Copy !req
621. about how Lea hovers
over our relationship.
Copy !req
622. And...
Copy !req
623. You're just sneaking
around with her?
Copy !req
624. Arranging for her
to work here,
Copy !req
625. where she'll just loom
all the more.
Copy !req
626. She won't be looming
or hovering.
Copy !req
627. She'll be
on a whole other floor.
Copy !req
628. Yeah, where you can go
and get her two cents
Copy !req
629. whenever the advice given
by your actual girlfriend
Copy !req
630. is deemed insufficient.
Copy !req
631. Yes.
Copy !req
632. Hey.
Copy !req
633. What are you doing?
Copy !req
634. Eh, fresh air.
Copy !req
635. You?
Copy !req
636. Shaun lied to me
about having lunch with Lea.
Copy !req
637. No, he didn't.
Copy !req
638. Shaun is incapable
of deceit.
Copy !req
639. He must have
genuinely thought
that you wouldn't mind.
Copy !req
640. Well, then, he is completely
tone deaf and insensitive,
Copy !req
641. which are not better qualities
in a boyfriend.
Copy !req
642. True.
Copy !req
643. But not exactly
Copy !req
644. when you get into
a relationship with Shaun.
Copy !req
645. And it's never
really about the lie.
Copy !req
646. It's what's underneath.
Copy !req
647. You're jealous of Lea.
Copy !req
648. I am not jealous.
Copy !req
649. I am concerned...
Copy !req
650. You don't need to justify.
I'm on team jealousy.
Copy !req
651. It's flattering,
stimulating, it...
Copy !req
652. It means you're committed
and you care.
Copy !req
653. It's ugly and reflects
underlying trust issues
Copy !req
654. that I don't want to...
Copy !req
655. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
like all things,
Copy !req
656. a little is good,
and a lot will kill you.
Copy !req
657. My advice...
Copy !req
658. Admit you're jealous,
give in to it,
Copy !req
659. and then get over it.
Copy !req
660. Finding the styloid
Copy !req
661. via digital palpitation
of the tonsillar fossa.
Copy !req
662. There.
Copy !req
663. Making incision vertically
along the mucosa of mandible.
Copy !req
664. Next?
Copy !req
665. I will free the styloid
process from its muscle
Copy !req
666. and ligament attachments.
Copy !req
667. Done.
Copy !req
668. Dissecting away from
the internal carotid medially,
Copy !req
669. and external, laterally.
Copy !req
670. Now fracture and excise
the styloid.
Copy !req
671. Bradycardia.
Copy !req
672. Loss of EEG waveform.
Cerebral ischemia.
Copy !req
673. You may have injured
the carotid.
Copy !req
674. Or compressed it
by fracturing the styloid.
Copy !req
675. See if the fragment
is impinging on the vessel.
Copy !req
676. Dr. Murphy,
extend her head.
Copy !req
677. Yes. Found it.
Easing it away.
Copy !req
678. Carotid decompressed.
Copy !req
679. EEG back to baseline normal.
Copy !req
680. Resuming styloid extraction.
Copy !req
681. Kayley's in ICU,
Copy !req
682. CT shows no signs
of any permanent damage.
Copy !req
683. No reason to anticipate
any future problems.
Copy !req
684. So, the question is,
what do we tell her?
Copy !req
685. That the surgery
was a success.
Copy !req
686. She had a cerebral ischemia.
On the table.
Copy !req
687. That did no damage
and that there's
no evidence of.
Copy !req
688. Hospital policy
is transparency...
Copy !req
689. We don't tell them
what music we played,
Copy !req
690. what we talked about.
Copy !req
691. This isn't relevant
to the outcome
or to her prognosis.
Copy !req
692. Would you be taking
the same position
Copy !req
693. if Kayley wasn't someone
whose criticism
could go viral?
Copy !req
694. I don't know.
Copy !req
695. But it would be delusional
to think it's not relevant.
Copy !req
696. Dr. Reznick.
Copy !req
697. Any thoughts?
Copy !req
698. I don't think I can
fairly offer an opinion,
Copy !req
699. because my career
could hang in the balance.
Copy !req
700. Yeah, well, none of us
are disinterested parties,
Copy !req
701. given the hospital's
is also at stake.
Copy !req
702. Did you screw up?
Copy !req
703. Could that crisis
have been avoided?
Copy !req
704. If it could have been,
then we are all responsible.
Copy !req
705. We were watching
everything she was doing,
Copy !req
706. and none of us
told her to stop.
Copy !req
707. This is an easy call.
Copy !req
708. There's only one reason
to tell her everything,
Copy !req
709. and that's you might
feel guilty if you don't.
Copy !req
710. On the other hand, there's
the future of this hospital.
Copy !req
711. Okay.
Copy !req
712. Shaun, if the patient asks
for details about the surgery,
Copy !req
713. can you limit
your answers?
Copy !req
714. I... don't know.
Copy !req
715. Okay, we need to know if—
Copy !req
716. No.
Copy !req
717. Dr. Murphy, I hope
you will limit your answers.
Copy !req
718. But I won't order you
to defy your conscience.
Copy !req
719. We don't normally have
patients share rooms,
Copy !req
720. She's...?
Gonna be completely fine.
Copy !req
721. And once she's recuperated,
we'll begin her on statins
and Ezetimibe,
Copy !req
722. and she'll undergo
lipid apheresis.
Copy !req
723. It's kind of like
Copy !req
724. but it'll allow us
to extract LDL
out of her blood.
Copy !req
725. Should get her cholesterol
to within normal range.
Copy !req
726. She'll need those drugs
and that other stuff
Copy !req
727. for the rest of her life?
Copy !req
728. Yes. But hopefully
a very long one.
Copy !req
729. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
730. Thank God
I did what I did.
Copy !req
731. Everything went great?
Copy !req
732. The repair was
successful. You should
have no...
Copy !req
733. Everything went great.
Say it. Say it to your fans.
Copy !req
734. Everything went great.
Copy !req
735. You rocked it.
Copy !req
736. You'll be with us
another few days,
and then you...
Copy !req
737. She rocked it, right?
Copy !req
738. She was lead surgeon
in a successful...
Copy !req
739. And how gorgeous
is that hair?
Copy !req
740. Dr. Morgan Reznick,
take a bow!
Copy !req
741. She was wrist-deep
all up in my mouth, y'all.
Copy !req
742. She is a damn hero!
Copy !req
743. You've got work to do.
Copy !req
744. We're proud of you.
Copy !req
745. Any reason
you screwed up?
Copy !req
746. I didn't. It could've
happened to anyone.
Copy !req
747. Not anyone suffers
from arthritic pain.
Copy !req
748. That didn't affect
Copy !req
749. You sure about that?
Copy !req
750. 'Cause I'm not.
Copy !req
751. Did you speak to Lea?
Copy !req
752. Yes.
Copy !req
753. I know
she's a good friend.
Copy !req
754. And it would be unfair
Copy !req
755. for me to expect you
to cut her out of your life.
Copy !req
756. But...
Copy !req
757. You going to ask her opinion
right after I had given mine,
Copy !req
758. it just called up Wyoming
all over again.
Copy !req
759. That you preferred Lea
to me.
Copy !req
760. I was jealous.
Copy !req
761. And it's something
that I have to work out.
Copy !req
762. For the two of us
to work out.
Copy !req
763. Together.
Copy !req
764. What was Lea's advice?
Copy !req
765. That it'd be selfish not to
share my story with the world.
Copy !req
766. I liked your advice better.
Copy !req
767. Hey.
Copy !req
768. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
769. Actually, yeah.
Copy !req
770. There's something awkward
we need to talk about.
Copy !req
771. You and Claire.
Copy !req
772. You can reopen the door.
Copy !req
773. There's nothing
remotely improper going on.
Copy !req
774. I received an anonymous
favoritism complaint.
Copy !req
775. We need to deal with it.
Copy !req
776. I don't want
to talk to reporters.
Copy !req
777. I know.
Copy !req
778. So if I talked
to reporters,
Copy !req
779. it wouldn't be honest
to who I really am.
Copy !req
780. Well, sometimes, Shaun,
Copy !req
781. people present a different
version of themselves
Copy !req
782. depending upon
the circumstances.
Copy !req
783. Like, I'm not always
the same here as I am at home.
Copy !req
784. I don't.
Copy !req
785. No, you don't.
Copy !req
786. I considered
all the arguments.
Copy !req
787. I want to be known
as a good doctor.
Copy !req
788. Not a good autistic doctor.
Copy !req