1. DR. Shaun,
you need to make a decision.
Copy !req
2. Shaun, please.
Your mom's been calling.
Copy !req
3. Your father wants
to talk to you.
Copy !req
4. Say something, will you?
Say anything.
Copy !req
5. I know he wasn't
a good father,
Copy !req
6. but he's the only father
you've got.
Copy !req
7. If ever there was something
you wanted to say to him,
Copy !req
8. now's the time.
Copy !req
9. I have nothing
to say to him.
Copy !req
10. Okay.
Copy !req
11. But if he wants to say
something to me
before he dies,
Copy !req
12. I'll listen.
Copy !req
13. Okay.
Copy !req
14. Can you come with me?
Yeah, of course.
Copy !req
15. Can I bring a friend?
Copy !req
16. I don't think
that's a good idea.
Copy !req
17. I want to bring a friend.
Copy !req
18. Shaun, how... How long
have you been dating Carly?
Copy !req
19. I don't want
to bring Carly.
Copy !req
20. I want to bring Lea.
Copy !req
21. Morning.
Copy !req
22. Never seen you here
Copy !req
23. Yeah, I just joined.
Copy !req
24. I'm not really
a gym person,
Copy !req
25. but I, uh, thought
I'd try something new.
Copy !req
26. It's a great way
to clear your head.
Copy !req
27. Yeah. Um...
Copy !req
28. About last night.
Copy !req
29. In the stairwell.
Copy !req
30. Thanks.
Copy !req
31. No problem.
Copy !req
32. I know the boss
isn't always the person
you want to talk to,
Copy !req
33. but if you ever do...
Copy !req
34. Thanks again.
But I'm fine.
Copy !req
35. Is that guy serious?
Copy !req
36. That's it.
That's it.
Copy !req
37. I'm gonna say yes,
since that's Art Kalman.
Copy !req
38. Raiders'
offensive tackle.
Copy !req
39. That's like 800 pounds.
Copy !req
40. It's the NFL.
Copy !req
41. No pain, no paycheck.
Copy !req
42. Come on!
Awesome, man.
We got you.
Copy !req
43. One more.
Copy !req
44. Naw, man.
Come on,
you're good.
Copy !req
45. One... more!
Copy !req
46. Push, push, push!
Copy !req
47. Push!
Copy !req
48. Aah!
Copy !req
49. Are you okay?
Copy !req
50. Can you hear me?
Don't move.
Copy !req
51. I'm a doctor.
Where's it hurt?
Copy !req
52. It doesn't, but...
I can't move.
Copy !req
53. Call 911.
Copy !req
54. I can't feel my legs!
Copy !req
55. Listen to me, Art.
Copy !req
56. You need to hold still.
Copy !req
57. I'm gonna take
good care of you.
I can't feel my legs!
Copy !req
58. You know,
you don't have to go
if you don't want to.
Copy !req
59. I can handle it.
Copy !req
60. I don't want to go.
Copy !req
61. I obviously have
no wisdom to offer...
Copy !req
62. My own family's a disaster.
Copy !req
63. And things are
at work now.
Copy !req
64. Okay.
Copy !req
65. But he's my best friend,
Copy !req
66. and he seems to need
my support,
Copy !req
67. so there's no way
I'm gonna say no.
Copy !req
68. Well, don't force
yourself to go
if you don't want to.
Copy !req
69. Sounds like
you don't want me to go.
Copy !req
70. It's just that it's...
Copy !req
71. It's gonna be intense,
it's gonna be emotional.
Copy !req
72. Really?
Copy !req
73. I thought going home
to visit the parents
Copy !req
74. who abused and abandoned him
would be a fun family reunion.
Copy !req
75. Why are you getting
Copy !req
76. Why do you have to be
Copy !req
77. How am I controlling?
Copy !req
78. I'm just ask...
I'm ready to go.
Copy !req
79. We have to be at
the airport 90 minutes
prior to our flight.
Copy !req
80. Can you believe
the size of this guy?
Copy !req
81. DR. Exactly why
I don't watch football.
Copy !req
82. Size is more important
than talent or skill.
Copy !req
83. I'm gonna guess
you never played.
Copy !req
84. Half the players
are morbidly obese.
Copy !req
85. DR. Yet they
can still run 4.9 forties
Copy !req
86. and have
36-inch verticals.
Copy !req
87. It doesn't matter
what kind of body
you're born with.
Copy !req
88. No one makes it
to the top
Copy !req
89. unless they're
incredibly talented
Copy !req
90. and they worked
their ass off.
Copy !req
91. It's just stupid.
Copy !req
92. Jocks get paid millions
and get treated like royalty,
Copy !req
93. whereas people
who do jobs that
actually matter...
Copy !req
94. Teachers, cops,
Copy !req
95. We can barely pay
our student loans.
Copy !req
96. Someone woke up
on the wrong side
of the bed.
Copy !req
97. I'm gonna guess
someone else's.
Copy !req
98. I'm not doing
that anymore.
Copy !req
99. Just like that?
Copy !req
100. Just like that.
Copy !req
101. This is bad.
Copy !req
102. Burst and facet fractures...
T3 and 4.
Copy !req
103. Retropulsion
of bony fragments
in the spinal canal.
Copy !req
104. But look here.
Copy !req
105. There's no transectional
bruising in his spinal cord.
Copy !req
106. We're in
boarding group A, right?
Copy !req
107. Boarding group A,
Copy !req
108. no emergency exit row,
Copy !req
109. right side of the plane.
Copy !req
110. Have you spoken
to Carly?
Copy !req
111. Not since last night.
Copy !req
112. Well, don't you think
you should call her,
Copy !req
113. let her know where
you're going and why
and with whom?
Copy !req
114. She won't worry.
Copy !req
115. She knows
I don't like my dad,
Copy !req
116. so I won't be sad
when he dies.
Copy !req
117. Shaun...
Copy !req
118. Call her
and let her know
Copy !req
119. that you're...
You're gonna miss her.
Copy !req
120. She must know
I'll miss her.
Copy !req
121. Tell her anyway.
Copy !req
122. You know it must be
good advice
Copy !req
123. if he and I
actually agree.
Copy !req
124. If we can stabilize
the fractures
Copy !req
125. and decompress
the cord,
Copy !req
126. we should be able to
reverse the paralysis.
Copy !req
127. Fantastic. We should
start a preoperative
Copy !req
128. Riluzole regimen.
Copy !req
129. No.
Copy !req
130. There's an experimental
hypothermia treatment
Copy !req
131. shown to reduce cord edema
and cell death
Copy !req
132. when done prior
to surgery.
Copy !req
133. It's also shown a high rate
of bradycardia
and arrhythmias,
Copy !req
134. which is the last thing I want
to deal with during surgery.
Copy !req
135. There's an infusion protocol
we can follow
to reduce that risk.
Copy !req
136. The faster we reduce
the inflammation...
Copy !req
137. Thank you,
I appreciate your input,
Copy !req
138. but as Art's surgeon...
Copy !req
139. She's right.
Copy !req
140. And what makes you think
you're doing the surgery?
Copy !req
141. Dr. Melendez, I appreciate
all you've done.
Copy !req
142. But now that he's stable,
my staff will take over.
Copy !req
143. Well, actually,
that's not your call.
Copy !req
144. Or mine.
Copy !req
145. You're a pro athlete
with a pro athlete's body.
Copy !req
146. And you need a surgeon
who understands
Copy !req
147. that this is not just
about making sure
you can walk again.
Copy !req
148. It's about making sure
you can run, block,
Copy !req
149. so you can get back out
on that field
Copy !req
150. and play at the top
of your game.
Copy !req
151. This is what I do.
Copy !req
152. Sure, you do knees,
you do shoulders.
Copy !req
153. Have you ever
done anything
like this before?
Copy !req
154. Robert Stokes,
last year.
Copy !req
155. Donny Lund
a few years before that.
Copy !req
156. Both players had
similar spinal fractures.
Copy !req
157. Actually, not that similar.
Copy !req
158. This is more like what
I see in high-speed
motorcycle accidents.
Copy !req
159. And unfortunately,
I've seen a lot of those.
Copy !req
160. Not one or two
every few years,
but 20 to 30 every year.
Copy !req
161. That's what I do.
Copy !req
162. This is gonna be
Copy !req
163. Have you got
something to say?
Copy !req
164. I get you want to deal
with stuff on your own,
Copy !req
165. for people to mind
their own business.
Copy !req
166. But whatever pressure
you've been feeling
is still here.
Copy !req
167. If you don't seek help
or rely on other people,
Copy !req
168. you will fail.
Copy !req
169. Thank you.
Copy !req
170. Should we get
back to work now?
Copy !req
171. (ON PA)
Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
172. welcome to Cheyenne
Regional Airport.
Copy !req
173. I changed my mind.
Copy !req
174. I don't want to hear
what he has to say.
Copy !req
175. I think you do want to hear
what he has to say.
Copy !req
176. No. No.
Copy !req
177. Okay...
I-I don't want to be here.
Copy !req
178. Shaun...
Okay, why don't we just sit
in the car for a while?
Copy !req
179. There's no rush.
Copy !req
180. Okay.
Copy !req
181. I want to go.
Copy !req
182. Now.
Copy !req
183. Shaun,
take a deep breath.
No, thank you.
Copy !req
184. I don't want
to take a breath.
Copy !req
185. Shaun, just...
No, I want to go!
Copy !req
186. I want to go.
DR. Okay.
Copy !req
187. I want to go now!
Copy !req
188. Go now! Please!
Okay, okay, okay.
Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
189. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
190. Here we go.
Copy !req
191. Please, okay, go now.
We're going back
to the hotel.
Copy !req
192. I'm sorry.
Go now!
Copy !req
193. We'll settle in
at the hotel...
Go now!
Copy !req
194. We're going.
It's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
195. We're going.
Go now, please!
Copy !req
196. We'll settle in
at the hotel,
Copy !req
197. and then
we'll see, okay?
Copy !req
198. Okay.
Copy !req
199. How you doing?
Copy !req
200. I'm ready to go home.
Copy !req
201. We're not gonna be able
to do that until tomorrow,
Copy !req
202. Maybe we should try to make
the most of our visit.
Copy !req
203. Shaun, it's okay.
Copy !req
204. Just because
your dad's dying
Copy !req
205. doesn't mean he deserves
to be forgiven.
Copy !req
206. And if he dies
before you're ready
to listen
Copy !req
207. to whatever
he wants to say,
that's his fault.
Copy !req
208. His.
Copy !req
209. Not yours.
Copy !req
210. There is someone
I'd like to see.
Copy !req
211. He's in
a peaceful place.
Copy !req
212. He's decomposed.
Copy !req
213. Except for maybe
his face and hands.
Copy !req
214. That's where
they concentrate
the embalming fluid
Copy !req
215. because that's
what people see
at the funeral.
Copy !req
216. Are you ready?
Copy !req
217. Okay.
Copy !req
218. Well, you take
as much time as you need.
Copy !req
219. Your Mom and I
are gonna wait in the car.
Copy !req
220. I'm not
going with you.
Copy !req
221. Shaun...
Copy !req
222. I'm never going
with you.
Copy !req
223. What are you gonna do?
Copy !req
224. You gonna live
in that bus?
Copy !req
225. You gonna eat
out of the trash?
Copy !req
226. Huh?
Copy !req
227. Come on, let's go home.
Leave me alone.
Copy !req
228. DR.
It was an accident, Shaun.
Copy !req
229. A horrible, tragic accident.
Copy !req
230. And I know you're hurting.
Copy !req
231. I promise you,
he's hurting, too.
Copy !req
232. You don't get over
losing a child.
Copy !req
233. He wants to see you.
Copy !req
234. What do you
want to do?
Copy !req
235. But you don't have to.
Copy !req
236. If you're not ready yet,
that's fine.
Copy !req
237. Whatever feels right for you,
that's what you should do.
Copy !req
238. Hi, Shaun.
Copy !req
239. Hello.
Copy !req
240. Can I hug you?
Copy !req
241. No.
Copy !req
242. DR.
Got venous blood return.
I'm in the subclavian.
Copy !req
243. DR.Next step?
Copy !req
244. Large bore catheter.
Copy !req
245. FYI, he grew up poor.
Copy !req
246. He bought his mom a house
with his signing bonus.
Copy !req
247. Set up a business
for his brother
and cousins...
Copy !req
248. Focus on the procedure.
Copy !req
249. You can write his biography
on your own time.
Copy !req
250. DR.
Infusing 400 milliliters
cooling saline.
Copy !req
251. Core body temp
down to 94.5.
Copy !req
252. He's bradycardic.
Copy !req
253. DR.
Push.5 atropine.
Copy !req
254. Let's get
a transcutaneous
pacer on him.
Copy !req
255. Low charge.
Copy !req
256. We can't allow
the contractions to
increase the dislocation
Copy !req
257. and sever the cord.
Copy !req
258. Charge at 40.
Copy !req
259. 40 milliamps.
Copy !req
260. Clear.
Copy !req
261. Can't feel his pulse.
Copy !req
262. 10 milliliters epi
on a long needle.
Copy !req
263. We should start
Copy !req
264. No, we can't risk
further dislocation.
Copy !req
265. Should we up the...
No. Keep it at 40.
Copy !req
266. 40 milliamps.
Copy !req
267. Clear.
Copy !req
268. No response.
Give him more atropine.
Copy !req
269. DR.
Should we push
more IV epi?
Copy !req
270. DR.No,
that'll take too long.
Copy !req
271. We should increase
the charge by 100.
Copy !req
272. No, we can't take
that risk.
Copy !req
273. Better paralyzed
than dead.
Copy !req
274. He's got a pulse.
Copy !req
275. Core temp?
Copy !req
276. That's cool enough.
Copy !req
277. Let's monitor him closely
Copy !req
278. make sure that his BP
and heart rate are steady
before we start surgery.
Copy !req
279. Shaun, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
280. It's just...
Copy !req
281. I always wanted a son.
Copy !req
282. I mean, a boy
that I could teach
to hunt and fish.
Copy !req
283. Play catch with.
Copy !req
284. Have a beer with.
Copy !req
285. A little kid that
I could carry around
on my shoulders.
Copy !req
286. And I got angry.
Copy !req
287. Not at you,
but just me.
Copy !req
288. I was pissed off
at myself.
Copy !req
289. Because I couldn't
help my son.
Copy !req
290. No matter
how hard I tried,
I always failed.
Copy !req
291. But you were
a good kid.
Copy !req
292. And you've become
a great man.
Copy !req
293. Better than I could
ever dream of.
Copy !req
294. I'm proud of you, Shaun.
Copy !req
295. And I love you.
Copy !req
296. I just wanted you
to know that.
Copy !req
297. You...
Copy !req
298. are not
a good person.
Copy !req
299. You always drank
too much beer,
Copy !req
300. which made you stink.
Copy !req
301. Shaun.
Copy !req
302. And you always blame
other people.
Copy !req
303. And you hit and punch
other people...
Copy !req
304. Shaun, please calm down.
Copy !req
305. You killed my rabbit.
Copy !req
306. Shaun...
Copy !req
307. You killed my rabbit.
Copy !req
308. And you killed
my brother!
Copy !req
309. S-So I don't care
that you're dying!
Copy !req
310. I don't care at all!
Copy !req
311. Shaun.
Copy !req
312. You done yet?
We need to
follow up on Art.
Copy !req
313. I'll be right there.
Copy !req
314. You said that
ten minutes ago.
Copy !req
315. I am just finishing up
some charts.
Copy !req
316. The charts on your phone?
Copy !req
317. Satisfied?
Copy !req
318. Nice. Very dramatic.
And stupid.
Copy !req
319. People need to be able
to page you.
Copy !req
320. Tequila, stat.
Copy !req
321. No, thank you.
Copy !req
322. We need to do
something fun.
Copy !req
323. Like go for a swim.
Copy !req
324. There is a gorgeous lake
a few blocks away.
Copy !req
325. I saw it
when we first drove in.
Copy !req
326. It's the Rocky Mountains.
It's December.
Copy !req
327. So? My family
used to do
Copy !req
328. a New Year's Eve
"Polar Bear Plunge"
at our lake house.
Copy !req
329. Sometimes, my dad would...
Copy !req
330. The diagnosis
is correct.
Copy !req
331. There is no hope.
He's going to die.
Copy !req
332. Yeah.
Copy !req
333. Shaun, I don't think
you're done with your dad.
Copy !req
334. You can't help him medically,
but you can talk to him.
Copy !req
335. Yes, you have every right
to be angry,
Copy !req
336. but I'm not so sure
that's all you feel.
Copy !req
337. I think we should go home
to the motel,
Copy !req
338. get some sleep,
wake up in the morning,
Copy !req
339. go to the Hilltop,
get some pancakes,
Copy !req
340. and then see
what happens.
Copy !req
341. Sounds like
a very wise plan.
Copy !req
342. Good.
Copy !req
343. On the other hand,
there is that lake.
Copy !req
344. Oh, my God,
do you ever stop?
Copy !req
345. I'm going with Lea.
Copy !req
346. Yes!
The lake is probably
half frozen.
Copy !req
347. I'm going with Lea.
Copy !req
348. Let's do this, Shaunie.
Copy !req
349. Your heart is stabilized,
and surgery will likely be
in a few hours.
Copy !req
350. You're gonna walk out of here
and probably even play again.
Copy !req
351. You want to know
why I chose you guys?
Copy !req
352. Because I thought
you didn't care
if I played or not.
Copy !req
353. I hate football.
Copy !req
354. I always have.
Copy !req
355. But you've dedicated
your entire life
to being the best at it.
Copy !req
356. I was 6'1", 250 pounds
in 8th grade.
Copy !req
357. When I got to high school,
the coach,
Copy !req
358. he didn't
ask me to play...
He told me.
Copy !req
359. But from the
first practice, it was...
Copy !req
360. It's not who I am.
Copy !req
361. I wanted to quit, but...
Copy !req
362. college coaches
started calling my mom.
Copy !req
363. She insisted
it was God's plan.
Copy !req
364. Why else would
I be born this way?
Copy !req
365. But you're not a kid
Copy !req
366. You must have
plenty of money.
Copy !req
367. Everybody depend on me...
Copy !req
368. My mother,
my brother,
Copy !req
369. my cousins,
my friends.
Copy !req
370. They'd hate me.
Copy !req
371. So I prayed to get hurt,
Copy !req
372. but no matter how
out of control I played...
Copy !req
373. I thought I'd go
to the weight room
Copy !req
374. and blow out a knee,
and then this happens.
Copy !req
375. He wants closure.
There's no such thing.
Copy !req
376. Some relationships
are just not meant to be,
Copy !req
377. which is why people
should focus
Copy !req
378. on nurturing the ones
they have,
Copy !req
379. instead of trying to salvage
the ones they've lost.
Copy !req
380. Talking's done.
Copy !req
381. Time for action.
Copy !req
382. Okay.
Copy !req
383. What's wrong?
Copy !req
384. The majority
of drownings
are caused
Copy !req
385. by swimming
after drinking alcohol.
Copy !req
386. Not gonna be a problem,
because we're not gonna swim.
Copy !req
387. It's way too cold
for that.
Copy !req
388. We're just gonna run in
Copy !req
389. until it's deep enough
to dunk our heads
Copy !req
390. and then run back out.
Copy !req
391. No.
Oh, come on.
Copy !req
392. It'll feel amazing.
Copy !req
393. Like... Like you've just had
an awesome massage.
Copy !req
394. I don't like massages.
Copy !req
395. It's not at all
like a massage.
Copy !req
396. It's... It's not
even close to that.
Copy !req
397. I don't like the mud.
Copy !req
398. It gets between my toes.
Copy !req
399. You won't even feel it.
Copy !req
400. Your toes will be numb
as soon as they hit the water.
Copy !req
401. But that feeling
when you get out...
Copy !req
402. That warm,
tingly sensation...
Copy !req
403. It's the best high
there is.
Copy !req
404. That can't be true.
Copy !req
405. Okay.
Copy !req
406. Guess I'll just have
to go solo, then.
Copy !req
407. You're not supposed
to swim alone.
Copy !req
408. I'm not alone.
You're here.
Copy !req
409. And you're gonna regret it
if you don't come with me.
Copy !req
410. Suit yourself.
Copy !req
411. Aah!
Copy !req
412. Lea?
Copy !req
413. Lea?
Copy !req
414. Lea!
Copy !req
415. Damn it!
Copy !req
416. If only I could hold my breath
longer than 15 seconds!
Copy !req
417. That is not a good joke!
Copy !req
418. I knew
you would forgive me.
Copy !req
419. Shaun's not
an angry person.
Copy !req
420. Right?
Copy !req
421. He can be insecure,
Copy !req
422. Uh, stubborn sometimes.
Copy !req
423. But he's not
an angry person.
Copy !req
424. And if that's
the last conversation
Copy !req
425. he has with his dad,
Copy !req
426. Then all I've succeeded
in doing
Copy !req
427. is ripping open
an old scab,
Copy !req
428. and this whole trip
was a mistake.
Copy !req
429. His dad was a disaster,
Copy !req
430. and his mom did nothing
to protect him.
Copy !req
431. So, I just don't think
you need to be so worried
Copy !req
432. about getting him
to forgive.
Copy !req
433. You're gonna become
a-a parent someday.
Copy !req
434. Maybe. Right?
Copy !req
435. I...
Copy !req
436. Well, if you do,
Copy !req
437. you're gonna be responsible
for another human being.
Copy !req
438. And your first job,
number one,
Copy !req
439. is to keep them alive.
Copy !req
440. You're gonna
make mistakes,
Copy !req
441. but you hope that one mistake
doesn't scar you for life.
Copy !req
442. Uh, I'm...
Copy !req
443. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
444. Shaun's dad needed
a little bit of mercy.
Copy !req
445. We'll leave
in the morning.
Copy !req
446. I don't like the mud.
Copy !req
447. It gets between my toes.
Copy !req
448. Aw, come on, buddy.
We can't turn back now.
Copy !req
449. We're almost
to the waterfall.
Copy !req
450. I can wait here.
Copy !req
451. Um, I-I'll meet you
when you come back.
Copy !req
452. No, no, no, no,
you're too young
to be left alone.
Copy !req
453. I tell you what...
I will help you
Copy !req
454. clean every speck of dirt
off your feet
as soon as we cross.
Copy !req
455. I don't want to.
Copy !req
456. Okay, well,
what if I carry you?
Copy !req
457. You won't even touch
the water.
Copy !req
458. No, I don't want
to be picked up.
It'll be five seconds.
Copy !req
459. For the most amazing
mountaintop picnic ever!
Copy !req
460. And I-I got
all your favorite foods.
Copy !req
461. I got, uh, peanut butter
and jelly on white bread,
Copy !req
462. I got apples,
chocolate chip cookies.
Copy !req
463. Huh?
Copy !req
464. Aw, Shaun, come on.
Copy !req
465. No! No, put me down!
All right, all right,
all right, all right.
Copy !req
466. No, no, no, buddy,
it's okay, it's okay.
Copy !req
467. It's okay!
Let me go!
Put me down!
Copy !req
468. Okay. Okay.
Let me go!
Copy !req
469. All right, all right.
All right.
Copy !req
470. You did good.
Copy !req
471. You're okay.
We're good.
It's all good.
Copy !req
472. All right,
let's do this.
Copy !req
473. Put your shoes on,
Copy !req
474. These are as good
as I remember.
Copy !req
475. There's a flight
at 11:00,
Copy !req
476. if that's what you want.
Copy !req
477. Are you good with that?
Copy !req
478. Shaun?
Copy !req
479. You never could get enough
of Hilltop's pancakes.
Copy !req
480. Can we talk?
Copy !req
481. It'll just take a minute.
I promise.
Copy !req
482. Okay.
Copy !req
483. Inflammation's
definitely been reduced.
Copy !req
484. Well done, Doctor.
Copy !req
485. And get the rods
and place set screws...
Copy !req
486. Got it.
while Park and I
compress the spine
Copy !req
487. above and below the fracture
to improve alignment.
Copy !req
488. All I ever wanted was
to figure out a way
Copy !req
489. to move past...
Copy !req
490. Everything.
Copy !req
491. I wanted us
to be a family again.
Copy !req
492. Why did you stay
with him?
Copy !req
493. I don't know.
Copy !req
494. I just...
Copy !req
495. I love him.
Copy !req
496. You loved him
more than me and Steve?
Copy !req
497. No.
Copy !req
498. No.
Copy !req
499. That isn't true.
Copy !req
500. I just...
Copy !req
501. I guess I knew
what I could do for him.
Copy !req
502. With you...
Copy !req
503. I don't blame you
for hating us.
Copy !req
504. We were young.
Copy !req
505. Stupid.
Copy !req
506. Not like people today.
Copy !req
507. Like Dr. Glassman.
Copy !req
508. There was so much
we didn't understand
Copy !req
509. You.
Copy !req
510. And what you needed
from us.
Copy !req
511. We've missed you.
Copy !req
512. So much.
Copy !req
513. Can I hug you?
Copy !req
514. I need to talk to my dad.
Copy !req
515. I thought you went home.
Copy !req
516. I couldn't let you put me
on your shoulders.
Copy !req
517. Or let you hug me.
Copy !req
518. I couldn't make you happy.
Copy !req
519. You are my son.
Copy !req
520. You're Shaun.
Copy !req
521. I forgive you.
Copy !req
522. And...
Copy !req
523. I don't want
to punish you anymore.
Copy !req
524. I don't want
to punish you.
Copy !req
525. You're not like
other people.
Copy !req
526. You're s-so smart.
Copy !req
527. But weak.
Copy !req
528. You're like
a spoiled, little baby.
Copy !req
529. He's delirious
from the morphine.
Copy !req
530. You understand.
He... He doesn't know
what he's saying.
Copy !req
531. You're damn right
Stevie's death
wasn't my fault.
Copy !req
532. It was yours.
Shh, shh, shh.
Copy !req
533. He was always trying
to impress you.
Copy !req
534. You and that
damn rabbit.
Ethan, shh!
Copy !req
535. DR.
Shaun, let's go.
Stop. Shh.
Copy !req
536. Oh, yeah, go ahead.
Copy !req
537. Get out of here.
Copy !req
538. Run away again!
Come on.
Copy !req
539. G-G-Go ahead!
Run away again!
Copy !req
540. Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Copy !req
541. Now what?
Copy !req
542. You need to tell them.
Copy !req
543. If they care about you,
they will understand.
Copy !req
544. No one will blame you
for retiring after
breaking your back.
Copy !req
545. Nearly paralyzing
Copy !req
546. My mom worked
minimum-wage jobs
her whole life.
Copy !req
547. Raised an entire family
on her own.
Copy !req
548. And you think
I should tell her
I want to quit the NFL
Copy !req
549. because I don't
"like" it?
Copy !req
550. Because it's not "fun"
for me?
Copy !req
551. You think
I don't understand
what it's like
Copy !req
552. to need to please
your mother.
Copy !req
553. No matter
how hard you work,
Copy !req
554. you still owe
something more.
Copy !req
555. And every good thing
that has ever happened
to you
Copy !req
556. is pure luck.
Copy !req
557. But every bad decision
you make,
Copy !req
558. that's the real you.
Copy !req
559. And you deserve
to suffer.
Copy !req
560. Your mom called.
Copy !req
561. Your dad passed
30 minutes ago.
Copy !req
562. You want to stay
for the funeral?
Copy !req
563. No.
Copy !req
564. I want to go home.
Copy !req
565. Okay.
Copy !req
566. You want me to stay
for a while?
Copy !req
567. Talk?
Copy !req
568. No.
Copy !req
569. Well, we don't have to talk.
We can just sit.
Copy !req
570. Or, um, go for a walk.
Copy !req
571. I'm... tired.
Copy !req
572. I should go to sleep.
Copy !req
573. Okay.
Copy !req
574. Good night.
Copy !req
575. Hey, it's Claire.
Copy !req
576. Yeah, I know.
I, um...
Copy !req
577. I got a new phone
with a different number.
Copy !req
578. I changed my mind.
Copy !req
579. I think we should meet up...
Copy !req
580. Ma?
Copy !req
581. Yes, baby.
Copy !req
582. I'm here.
Copy !req
583. There's something
I need to tell you.
Copy !req
584. I'm sorry for making
you meet me
after hours like this.
Copy !req
585. I just...
Copy !req
586. I really needed someone
to talk to.
Copy !req
587. Of course, Claire.
Copy !req
588. I'm always available
for my patients.
Copy !req
589. Come on in.
Copy !req
590. Shaun?
Copy !req