1. DR. Previously,
on The Good Doctor...
Copy !req
2. You work together and
you are sleeping together.
Copy !req
3. You don't see any way
that can go wrong?
Copy !req
4. You went out
on a limb for me.
Copy !req
5. You fire me now,
you look like a fool
in front of the board.
Copy !req
6. Dr. Andrews, I don't
think you have the votes
to carry it.
Copy !req
7. But I don't
need the votes.
Copy !req
8. Just as you have the power
to fire someone
Copy !req
9. under your supervision,
so do I.
Copy !req
10. DR. Did you
hear about Han?
Copy !req
11. DR. Can't imagine Andrews
will survive the fallout.
Copy !req
12. They're gonna need
a new Chief of Surgery.
Copy !req
13. Aoki should be
calling you with
the offer any minute.
Copy !req
14. Here are flowers
and chocolates.
Copy !req
15. Are you
asking me out?
Copy !req
16. I would love to.
Copy !req
17. Why are you
Copy !req
18. I don't know.
Copy !req
19. I just...
I wanted you
to know that
Copy !req
20. things are okay.
Copy !req
21. Good.
Copy !req
22. I saw a movie
last weekend.
Copy !req
23. Which one?
Was it good?
Copy !req
24. What kind of movies
do you like?
Copy !req
25. Oh. This looks delicious.
Thank you.
Copy !req
26. I said no pickles.
Copy !req
27. It's okay. They can
just take that off...
I said no pickles.
Copy !req
28. Oh. I am so sorry.
Copy !req
29. I said no pickles.
Copy !req
30. It was a disaster.
Copy !req
31. What happened?
Copy !req
32. Don't you all
have work to do?
Copy !req
33. Sorry.
We were just...
Copy !req
34. Shaun was on a date.
Copy !req
35. Hmm.
Copy !req
36. Congratulations
on your promotion.
Copy !req
37. I believe you're our first
female Chief of Surgery.
Copy !req
38. That's nice.
Uh, thank you. Yes.
Copy !req
39. And you're still
not working.
Copy !req
40. Not you.
Copy !req
41. We need to go to H.R.
and break up.
Copy !req
42. We need a head CT
and a trauma panel.
Copy !req
43. Please! Someone!
Help my wife!
Copy !req
44. We've been married
for 45 years.
Copy !req
45. Two children.
Copy !req
46. Eh, so far.
Copy !req
47. Oh, stop it.
Copy !req
48. Ricky and Tammy.
Copy !req
49. Ricky's got two kids
of his own.
Copy !req
50. When did you
first notice the pain?
Copy !req
51. This morning.
No, on Saturday.
Copy !req
52. He has a history
of kidney stones.
Copy !req
53. I try to get him
to drink more water...
Copy !req
54. You "try"?
Copy !req
55. When did I ever
say no to you?
Copy !req
56. It's probably another stone,
but we'll do some imaging
Copy !req
57. to rule out anything
more serious.
Copy !req
58. Oh, thank you.
Copy !req
59. Did you tell them
about the kids?
Copy !req
60. We have two, you know.
Copy !req
61. So far.
Copy !req
62. That's nice.
Copy !req
63. Not it.
Copy !req
64. He's got dementia,
and even worse,
it's boring.
Copy !req
65. Probably stones.
Copy !req
66. Best case scenario,
it's a kidney tumor.
Copy !req
67. We've assisted
on eight nephrectomies.
Copy !req
68. It's your case,
your chart,
you're primary.
Copy !req
69. Kellan's coming to town.
I need to be out of here
Copy !req
70. at a decent hour,
and we are not children.
Copy !req
71. We do not decide things
by who called it.
Copy !req
72. You touched
the chart first.
It's yours.
Copy !req
73. Did not.
Did so.
Copy !req
74. We walked up together,
Petringa handed
the chart to you.
Copy !req
75. Did not.
Did so.
Copy !req
76. Did not.
Did so.
Copy !req
77. Why?
Copy !req
78. It just wasn't
working out.
Copy !req
79. Oh. Well, I certainly hope
it's not because in light of
Copy !req
80. Dr. Lim's recent promotion
to Chief of Surgery
Copy !req
81. that she's now
your supervisor?
Copy !req
82. We knew that arrangement
would be unacceptable,
Copy !req
83. and since
we only recently
Copy !req
84. started seeing
each other...
Copy !req
85. You were seeing each other
secretly for some time
Copy !req
86. before you reported it,
Copy !req
87. So, maybe you've
just gone back
Copy !req
88. to seeing each other
in secret.
Copy !req
89. No. Uh, we made
Copy !req
90. the decision
that this opportunity
Copy !req
91. for Dr. Lim is just...
Copy !req
92. You're... What...
What are you writing?
Copy !req
93. I have accepted
your explanation and report.
Copy !req
94. Thank you.
Copy !req
95. But I don't believe it.
Copy !req
96. You're going to keep
seeing each other,
Copy !req
97. and I can't do
anything to stop that,
nor do I even want to.
Copy !req
98. But know this.
Love doesn't conquer all,
Copy !req
99. lust doesn't either,
and like doesn't
even come close.
Copy !req
100. This is gonna be
a lot more complicated
than either of you think.
Copy !req
101. Looks like you have
a large uterine fibroid
that's bled.
Copy !req
102. It has to be
removed surgically.
Copy !req
103. Yes, routine surgery.
You should be fine.
Copy !req
104. Uterine? Am I gonna
be able to have...
Copy !req
105. The surgery won't
affect your ability
to have children.
Copy !req
106. I didn't let her finish
her question because
Copy !req
107. I anticipated what
she was going to ask
Copy !req
108. because the uterus
has very few functions.
Copy !req
109. Nicely done.
Copy !req
110. To improve O.R. access,
Copy !req
111. we're going to
automatic block release
Copy !req
112. and implement staggered
starts for anesthesia.
Copy !req
113. Any questions?
Copy !req
114. Dr. Andrews
and Dr. Han
Copy !req
115. wouldn't authorize
staff overtime.
Copy !req
116. Now, our nurses...
Copy !req
117. Good point. Thank you.
Copy !req
118. Yes. Authorized.
Copy !req
119. One other thing, and this is
really for our third years,
Copy !req
120. but it will affect
all of you.
Copy !req
121. Traditionally, you don't
get to lead surgeries
until fourth year.
Copy !req
122. That will be changing.
Copy !req
123. The earlier you get in there
and take responsibility,
Copy !req
124. the more chance
you have to learn.
Copy !req
125. When the right
surgery comes along,
Copy !req
126. something simple,
Copy !req
127. it'll be yours.
Copy !req
128. Start prepping.
Copy !req
129. Maybe I did touch
the chart first.
Copy !req
130. Relax. It's okay.
Copy !req
131. I can stay late
now and again.
This is my job.
Copy !req
132. Stop it.
Copy !req
133. You don't want the case.
It's boring. I get it.
Copy !req
134. I know you get it.
Boring is now exciting.
Copy !req
135. Boring means
it's a routine surgery,
Copy !req
136. which means it's a surgery
that Lim just said
Copy !req
137. one of us may well lead.
Copy !req
138. This one's probably
no surgery at all.
Copy !req
139. It's probably just
kidney stones and late nights
with a man with dementia.
Copy !req
140. I'll take that chance.
Copy !req
141. You hate people.
Copy !req
142. People don't know that.
Copy !req
143. People like me.
Copy !req
144. You need to be
with your family.
Copy !req
145. Kellan's 16.
He barely talks to me.
Copy !req
146. It's who touched
the chart first, which,
as you said, was me.
Copy !req
147. And as you said...
Excuse me.
Copy !req
148. Y-Yes, Harvey?
Is everything okay?
Copy !req
149. Why am I in here?
Copy !req
150. Nothing to worry about.
Copy !req
151. It's likely just
a kidney stone.
You just have to...
Copy !req
152. Yes!
It's cancer.
Copy !req
153. Nicely isolated,
simple surgery.
Copy !req
154. Perfect for a resident.
Copy !req
155. DR. Put some
traction on the uterus
Copy !req
156. to expose
the broad ligament.
Copy !req
157. I'll slide the pelvic
retractor under the fundus.
Copy !req
158. Did the wine
spill all over you?
Copy !req
159. Um...
Copy !req
160. Did it spill
all over Carly?
Copy !req
161. S-Stop.
Copy !req
162. Look above
the posterior cul de sac.
Copy !req
163. Cancer.
Copy !req
164. Very extensive,
I think.
Copy !req
165. It appears to have
metastasized everywhere.
Copy !req
166. Liver, kidney,
abdominal wall.
Copy !req
167. Close her up.
Copy !req
168. I rang the doorbell.
Copy !req
169. Yes, you did.
Copy !req
170. Are you gonna spend
the rest of your life
Copy !req
171. lying around
in this backyard?
Copy !req
172. That, and lying next
to my future wife.
Copy !req
173. Congratulations.
I heard.
Copy !req
174. But what are you going to
do professionally?
Copy !req
175. When people think they're
going to die, like you did,
Copy !req
176. they assess their life,
reevaluate what's important.
Copy !req
177. You're going to need
to make a difference.
Copy !req
178. Do you have a puppy
for me to adopt?
Copy !req
179. I have a vacancy
at President.
Copy !req
180. Again?
Copy !req
181. You're interested,
Copy !req
182. but you think things
have to change.
Copy !req
183. They don't.
Copy !req
184. You led a meaningful life
before cancer,
Copy !req
185. and you will lead
a meaningful life after.
Copy !req
186. Well, thank you.
I'm very inspired.
Copy !req
187. Think about it.
Copy !req
188. Also, sunscreen.
Copy !req
189. What's going on behind
the pancreas at the root
Copy !req
190. of the superior
mesenteric artery?
Copy !req
191. We need
a better angle.
Copy !req
192. We're not gonna get
a better angle.
Copy !req
193. Definitely not when
we're actually operating.
Copy !req
194. So what's the solution?
Copy !req
195. There isn't one.
Copy !req
196. Not surgically.
Copy !req
197. We should refer them
to an oncologist.
Copy !req
198. Chemo might help,
but I'm not hopeful.
Copy !req
199. What are you
gonna tell them?
Copy !req
200. You guys are third year.
Copy !req
201. You want stuff
to learn by doing?
Copy !req
202. How about sympathetic
Copy !req
203. Shaun, let the bride know
she's probably dying.
Copy !req
204. This morning, who did you
give the Calderon chart to?
Copy !req
205. I gave it to you guys.
Copy !req
206. Uh, but you handed it
to one of us.
Copy !req
207. One of us actually
took it from you.
Copy !req
208. It was me, right?
Copy !req
209. I don't know.
What does it matter?
You just came up and...
Copy !req
210. From the right.
I came up on
Morgan's left.
Copy !req
211. You're left-handed?
Copy !req
212. It only makes sense
that I would be closer to...
Copy !req
213. Excuse me.
Copy !req
214. Is there any news
about my husband?
Copy !req
215. Harvey, you remember
Drs. Park and Reznick.
Copy !req
216. They did your scan.
Copy !req
217. R-Right.
For my, uh...
Copy !req
218. They were looking
for kidney stones.
Copy !req
219. Unfortunately,
we found some cancer.
Copy !req
220. It's on your
left kidney.
Copy !req
221. The good news is
it's isolated
Copy !req
222. and in a very
operable location.
Copy !req
223. Cancer.
Copy !req
224. I have cancer?
Copy !req
225. We have to tell
the children.
Copy !req
226. DR. We'll do
a biopsy to confirm,
Copy !req
227. but I'm confident
that we caught it early.
Copy !req
228. This is terrible.
I... I can't die.
Copy !req
229. I... You need me.
Copy !req
230. I know.
Copy !req
231. But with surgery,
and immunotherapy,
Copy !req
232. the prognosis
is excellent.
Copy !req
233. You're supposed to be
talking to our patient.
Copy !req
234. They can wait
until we're sure.
Copy !req
235. We are sure.
Dr. Melendez is sure.
Copy !req
236. Dr. Lim told us
we're ready for
more responsibility,
Copy !req
237. so I decided I can make
a decision on my own,
Copy !req
238. and I decided to do
some more research.
Copy !req
239. Shaun,
you need to learn
how to do this,
Copy !req
240. and stalling
just makes it worse.
Copy !req
241. I think
maybe you're feeling
bad about your date,
Copy !req
242. and you're in here
burying yourself
in things
Copy !req
243. you subconsciously think
you can control.
Copy !req
244. How do people
know what's going
on in their subconscious?
Copy !req
245. What happened, Shaun,
Copy !req
246. when you jumped up?
Copy !req
247. Your phone is ringing.
Copy !req
248. It can wait.
Copy !req
249. It's your mother.
Copy !req
250. It can wait.
Copy !req
251. What went wrong?
What was the disaster?
Copy !req
252. She called earlier, too.
Copy !req
253. If stalling is bad,
then why are you
Copy !req
254. avoiding your
mother's calls?
Copy !req
255. Did you
ever forgive your mother
for not protecting you?
Copy !req
256. Is that what
your mother
wants to know?
Copy !req
257. My mother was
a terrible mother.
Copy !req
258. It wasn't all her fault.
She was bipolar.
Copy !req
259. That doesn't change the fact
that she was terrible.
Copy !req
260. I... I don't think it's good
for her to be in my life.
Copy !req
261. Are you looking
for guidance...
Copy !req
262. From me?
Copy !req
263. Am I a role model
to you?
Copy !req
264. On some issues,
Copy !req
265. I don't usually think
about the past.
Copy !req
266. It doesn't help.
Copy !req
267. But the date.
Copy !req
268. Mm-mm.
Copy !req
269. Yesterday is part
of the past,
Copy !req
270. and the past matters.
Copy !req
271. What happened?
Copy !req
272. I... Told a joke.
Copy !req
273. No.
Copy !req
274. Lea said I should.
Copy !req
275. No. That is not
what I said.
Copy !req
276. Does this tie
look good?
Copy !req
277. Yes. But not
with those pants.
Copy !req
278. And what I was saying
was that jokes are
Copy !req
279. the types of things
people do on dates.
Copy !req
280. They talk about
the weather, hobbies,
Copy !req
281. where they went
to college.
Copy !req
282. I'm a person.
Copy !req
283. Should I change my pants
with you in the room?
Copy !req
284. No.
Copy !req
285. And, yes, I know
you're a person, Shaun,
Copy !req
286. but we
all have strengths
and weaknesses.
Copy !req
287. Telling jokes is easy.
There are books
full of them.
Copy !req
288. I said no.
Copy !req
289. Yes, there are
a lot of jokes,
Copy !req
290. but you have to know
how to tell them.
Copy !req
291. You have to know
when to tell them.
Copy !req
292. So, I took a gap year
before college, which,
Copy !req
293. in hindsight, I think
might have been a mistake.
Copy !req
294. Staying at home.
Copy !req
295. My relationship
with my dad...
Copy !req
296. Caesar walked
into a bar
Copy !req
297. and asked the bartender
for a martinus.
Copy !req
298. The bartender said,
"Do you mean a martini?"
Copy !req
299. And Caesar says,
"If I wanted two,
Copy !req
300. "I would have
ordered two."
Copy !req
301. Uh... Did she laugh?
Copy !req
302. I'm not sure.
Well, what did she say?
Copy !req
303. She made a sound.
Copy !req
304. "Heh.
Copy !req
305. "Heh heh heh."
Copy !req
306. You got a chuckle,
I think.
Copy !req
307. That's... That's good.
No, it's not.
Copy !req
308. I read six joke books,
and all I got was a...
Copy !req
309. "Heh. Heh, heh, heh."
Copy !req
310. It was a disaster.
Copy !req
311. Because of a joke?
Copy !req
312. Something bigger
must have gone wrong.
Copy !req
313. What happened?
Copy !req
314. A young woman
may be dying.
Copy !req
315. I have a lot
of research to do.
Copy !req
316. Boom. My chart, my case,
my patient, my surgery.
Copy !req
317. You took it from me.
Copy !req
318. It touched my fingers.
I know it did.
Copy !req
319. And then you
took it from me.
Copy !req
320. All I know is
I'm the one
holding the chart.
Copy !req
321. That's the evidence
we got to deal with.
Copy !req
322. If you could prove...
Copy !req
323. We need more angles.
Copy !req
324. How many cameras
do we have in that section?
Copy !req
325. Dr. Lim,
I'm glad you made that
decision on the overtime.
Copy !req
326. Oh. You're welcome.
Copy !req
327. But I thought
you'd want to know
the real issue
Copy !req
328. isn't the overtime.
It's being understaffed.
Copy !req
329. We need two more
nurses on this floor
alone, one in ICU...
Copy !req
330. I'm sorry.
I'm sure you're right,
Copy !req
331. but we just don't
have the budget.
Copy !req
332. Excuse me?
Copy !req
333. Nothing, ma'am.
Copy !req
334. I gave you the OT.
You're not being fair.
Copy !req
335. Aren't I?
Copy !req
336. You told me I was right,
Copy !req
337. then you told me
you're not gonna do it.
Copy !req
338. Who's being unfair?
Copy !req
339. Nobody said this job...
Copy !req
340. DR. Shaun.
Copy !req
341. Come with me.
Copy !req
342. Is everything okay?
Copy !req
343. The nurse told us
you didn't finish
the surgery.
Copy !req
344. Suzanne...
Copy !req
345. 3... you have
very extensive cancer
Copy !req
346. throughout your
Copy !req
347. It appears
to be malignant.
Copy !req
348. And it appears to
have metastasized
around every organ.
Copy !req
349. But there's hope
with surgery.
Copy !req
350. We can't see the retrohepatic
part of the cancer
because of the liver.
Copy !req
351. We can't see
the retroperitoneal part
because of the right kidney.
Copy !req
352. Yes, I know.
That's why we should
take out the organs.
Copy !req
353. You want to remove
her liver and right kidney?
Copy !req
354. Yes.
And also her left kidney
and her pancreas
Copy !req
355. and her intestinal tract
and the stomach.
Copy !req
356. You do know that
several of those organs
are quite essential.
Copy !req
357. We'll put them back.
Copy !req
358. We remove them,
clean up the cancer,
Copy !req
359. then put them back.
Copy !req
360. Ex vivo surgery.
Copy !req
361. It's been done
for pancreatic cancer.
Copy !req
362. Without much success.
Copy !req
363. No.
You think it'd work
better here?
Copy !req
364. Not really.
Copy !req
365. But the alternative
is death.
Copy !req
366. Hi.
Copy !req
367. How are you?
Copy !req
368. Good.
Copy !req
369. N-Not working?
Copy !req
370. Yeah.
Copy !req
371. It's been 72 hours,
and I still haven't
found a job.
Copy !req
372. Relax.
I'll be fine.
Copy !req
373. I got some irons in the fire.
What do you need?
Copy !req
374. How do you say no
to a person?
Copy !req
375. I don't think
I'm doing it right.
Copy !req
376. Okay.
Watch closely.
Copy !req
377. Really?
Copy !req
378. If you're gonna
give up that easily,
Copy !req
379. you might as well
just quit now.
Copy !req
380. The biopsy confirmed
that the kidney cancer is
a renal cell carcinoma.
Copy !req
381. Cancer?
I have cancer?
Copy !req
382. Yes.
Copy !req
383. Why didn't you tell me?
Copy !req
384. We did.
Copy !req
385. The good news is that
it's treatable with surgery
Copy !req
386. and immunotherapy
and radiation.
Copy !req
387. We have to tell
the children.
Copy !req
388. The children know.
Copy !req
389. How do they know?
Copy !req
390. What's going on?
Copy !req
391. Am I dying?
Copy !req
392. The cancer is serious,
Copy !req
393. Ruby, we'd like to
talk to you outside.
Copy !req
394. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
395. The problem isn't
how you said no.
Copy !req
396. The problem is how
you said yes.
Copy !req
397. She seemed quite happy
with the yes.
Copy !req
398. It came too quickly.
Copy !req
399. You made her think
she was helping you
Copy !req
400. instead of the
other way around,
Copy !req
401. so she came
asking for more,
Copy !req
402. feeling she was
entitled to more.
Copy !req
403. So I should have said no
when I wanted to say yes?
Copy !req
404. You shouldn't tell her
what you want to tell her.
Copy !req
405. You should tell her
what she needs to hear.
Copy !req
406. See, it's your job
to figure out
what you can give them,
Copy !req
407. convince them
that's what they need,
Copy !req
408. and then make them feel
like they owe you.
Copy !req
409. N-None of that sounds
like me.
Copy !req
410. And you want to
do the job your way,
Copy !req
411. without changing
who you are?
Copy !req
412. Is that amusing to you?
Yes, I do.
Copy !req
413. Yesterday,
you were an attending.
Copy !req
414. Today, you're Chief.
Copy !req
415. You are
a different person.
Copy !req
416. Want an espresso?
Copy !req
417. Without surgery,
your husband would
Copy !req
418. probably live another
two to five years.
Copy !req
419. He would have
very little discomfort
Copy !req
420. until very close to the end,
and that can be managed.
Copy !req
421. You said
it was treatable.
It is.
Copy !req
422. But fighting cancer's
never easy.
Copy !req
423. We have to
weigh the benefits
against the suffering,
Copy !req
424. and the surgery itself
is usually the easiest part.
Copy !req
425. He's strong.
He's healthy.
Copy !req
426. He's not healthy.
Not mentally.
Copy !req
427. And the burden
on you...
Copy !req
428. I am not letting
my husband die
Copy !req
429. because caring for him
is inconvenient,
Copy !req
430. because I'm gonna have to
repeat a conversation.
Copy !req
431. Just go to hell.
Copy !req
432. This type of surgery's
never been done
for this condition.
Copy !req
433. We'd be dealing with every one
of your abdominal organs,
Copy !req
434. and something could
go wrong with any of them.
Copy !req
435. You could be on
dialysis for the
rest of your life.
Copy !req
436. You could have
a very compromised
digestive tract,
Copy !req
437. lifelong diabetes.
Copy !req
438. You could
have liver failure.
Copy !req
439. That's not
a complete list.
Copy !req
440. You could die.
Copy !req
441. And, um,
Copy !req
442. if we don't
do the surgery?
Copy !req
443. DR.
and radiation.
Copy !req
444. Although the likelihood of
success is slim, about 25%.
Copy !req
445. You may prefer
hospice care.
Copy !req
446. You'd probably live
maybe a year,
Copy !req
447. but it'd be a good year.
Copy !req
448. Could you give us
some time
to think about it?
Copy !req
449. Of course.
Copy !req
450. We're supposed
to be at lunch.
Copy !req
451. We're gonna be late.
Copy !req
452. Why?
Copy !req
453. Why? Because I need
meaning in my life.
Copy !req
454. Your heart seems fine.
Copy !req
455. Your liver seems to be
in the right place.
Copy !req
456. You're a brain surgeon.
Copy !req
457. You don't think you
can get meaning being
a brain surgeon?
Copy !req
458. This is a boring patient
with boring symptoms.
Copy !req
459. Shaun,
meet Marco Higgins,
Copy !req
460. diesel mechanic,
currently in between jobs.
Copy !req
461. Three sons, two of whom
he hasn't spoken to
Copy !req
462. in quite some time,
but he's working on that.
Copy !req
463. Open.
Copy !req
464. Wide.
Copy !req
465. It's good to get
to know people, Shaun.
Copy !req
466. It makes you
a better doctor.
Copy !req
467. Say, "Ah."
Copy !req
468. Ah.
Copy !req
469. You have boring symptoms.
That's a good thing.
Copy !req
470. You do not want
exciting symptoms.
Copy !req
471. You had a date
last night,
didn't you?
Copy !req
472. Mm.
I want to hear
about this.
Copy !req
473. Marco, you want to
hear about this?
Copy !req
474. Yes, please.
Copy !req
475. Yes, please.
Copy !req
476. It was a disaster.
Copy !req
477. Oh, thank you, Shaun,
but it's really not...
Copy !req
478. No, it's polite
and chivalrous...
Copy !req
479. and even though chivalry
is a problematic notion,
Copy !req
480. politeness is a good thing,
no matter which...
Copy !req
481. Ohh!
Copy !req
482. Are you okay?
Oh, my.
Copy !req
483. I'm okay.
She might not be okay.
Copy !req
484. No, I am okay.
Okay. Don't get up.
Copy !req
485. I'm pretty sure
she's okay.
Copy !req
486. Take off his boots.
Copy !req
487. What?
Copy !req
488. Do you think
Marco's diabetic?
Copy !req
489. Based on the color
of his skin in the crease
of his neck, I do.
Copy !req
490. Based on what it says
on his chart, I do, too.
Copy !req
491. He could have
an infection in his feet,
Copy !req
492. and the pain
is being masked
by diabetic neuropathy.
Copy !req
493. That infection
could be causing
the abdominal symptoms.
Copy !req
494. Marco, would you mind
taking off your boots?
Copy !req
495. I was wrong.
It's not boring.
Copy !req
496. I can do it myself.
Copy !req
497. I'm sure,
but our job here
is to help each other,
Copy !req
498. and today
I didn't do that.
Copy !req
499. I'm trying to make up for that
with a jar of pickles.
Copy !req
500. I overstepped and...
Copy !req
501. undercut you in front
of the patient's wife.
Copy !req
502. I accept your apology.
Copy !req
503. What I should have done
Copy !req
504. was privately tell you
that you're wrong.
Copy !req
505. Give me the jar back.
Copy !req
506. And let you,
as lead doctor,
Copy !req
507. tell them that
this surgery's a bad idea.
Copy !req
508. Because we should let
a 70-year-old man die
Copy !req
509. of a treatable
Copy !req
510. Because we shouldn't
condemn a 70-year-old man
Copy !req
511. to years of confusion
and fear.
Copy !req
512. His life
still has value.
Copy !req
513. Seriously?
Copy !req
514. He has memory issues.
He's not a vegetable.
Copy !req
515. He's funny,
he's charming.
Copy !req
516. They've lived
a life together.
Copy !req
517. He brings happiness
to his wife,
to his children.
Copy !req
518. He's happy.
Copy !req
519. Exactly.
Copy !req
520. Let him stay happy
for whatever time
he has left.
Copy !req
521. Nurse Petringa.
Copy !req
522. I'm sorry
if I overstepped.
Copy !req
523. I didn't track you down
for an apology.
Copy !req
524. You gonna get us
the additional staff?
Copy !req
525. No.
Copy !req
526. If I get you
the additional staff,
Copy !req
527. you lose hours,
you lose overtime.
Copy !req
528. So you're doing us
a favor by making sure
Copy !req
529. we never
see our families?
Copy !req
530. Your problem
isn't the staff.
Copy !req
531. Your problem
is the actual work,
Copy !req
532. the crap part of the work
that takes too long
and too many of you.
Copy !req
533. I authorized the purchase
of two Hoya patient lifts
Copy !req
534. and a mechatronic
ICU bed.
Copy !req
535. A smart bed?
Copy !req
536. Those are actually
supposed to be kind of fun.
Copy !req
537. You got to promise
to let me try it.
Copy !req
538. You got it.
Copy !req
539. Dr. Lim?
Copy !req
540. Thank you.
Copy !req
541. You owe me.
Copy !req
542. I'm well aware of what
he'll be going through.
Copy !req
543. My sister had cancer.
Copy !req
544. The chemo,
the radiation...
Copy !req
545. They beat the crap
out of her,
didn't they?
Copy !req
546. Yeah.
Copy !req
547. Now imagine
going through that
Copy !req
548. and not understanding,
every day.
Copy !req
549. Throwing up
and not knowing why,
Copy !req
550. losing your hair
and not knowing why,
Copy !req
551. learning he has cancer
and being devastated by it
Copy !req
552. day after day.
Copy !req
553. But at the end...
Copy !req
554. There are
no guarantees.
Copy !req
555. He's old, and his
body's breaking down.
Copy !req
556. His mind
is breaking down,
Copy !req
557. and it's gonna end,
no matter what we do.
Copy !req
558. In 45 years,
I have never
once lied to him.
Copy !req
559. When memory goes,
all that's left is emotion.
Copy !req
560. What we've learned
doesn't matter.
Copy !req
561. What we had for lunch,
where we went for vacation,
Copy !req
562. none of it matters.
Copy !req
563. But how we feel,
Copy !req
564. who we're close to...
Copy !req
565. He's the same man
I've always loved.
Copy !req
566. Same sense of humor.
Copy !req
567. Same everything.
Copy !req
568. He hasn't changed.
Copy !req
569. And what I owe him
hasn't changed.
Copy !req
570. Have you decided?
Copy !req
571. Not yet.
Copy !req
572. Take your time.
There is no urgency to...
Copy !req
573. What are
you waiting for?
Copy !req
574. Dr. Murphy,
they are kind of facing
an impossible choice.
Copy !req
575. But they
have to make it.
Copy !req
576. What additional information
are you waiting for?
Copy !req
577. Shaun...
I'll be a better doctor
Copy !req
578. if I understand
the patient.
Copy !req
579. True, but right now,
your skills are secondary
to their...
Copy !req
580. Are you debating
whether you should
find somebody else
Copy !req
581. to fall in love with,
someone healthy?
Copy !req
582. No.
No, of course not.
Copy !req
583. You should be.
Copy !req
584. We're kids.
Copy !req
585. You shouldn't have to
spend the rest of your life
Copy !req
586. taking care
of an invalid.
Copy !req
587. You think that's
the issue?
Copy !req
588. Me?
A-A burden on me?
Copy !req
589. This is so much easier
on me than you.
Copy !req
590. No, it's not.
Copy !req
591. Whatever happens to me
is gonna happen,
Copy !req
592. and I have to
live with it.
Copy !req
593. You...
Copy !req
594. You have a choice.
Copy !req
595. "In sickness
and in health."
Copy !req
596. That was the commitment
I made...
Copy !req
597. This morning.
Copy !req
598. Now, if this had
happened yesterday...
Copy !req
599. So, it's not
that difficult
a decision then, right?
Copy !req
600. I guess not.
Copy !req
601. I can feel her
humeral head outside
the glenoid fossa.
Copy !req
602. It's an anterior
Copy !req
603. I can reduce that.
Copy !req
604. Here?
Copy !req
605. Yes, with traction
and external rotation.
Copy !req
606. Ow!
Copy !req
607. Oh. Oh.
Copy !req
608. Oh, my, that... That...
That feels better.
Copy !req
609. I bumped you.
Copy !req
610. Oh, d-d-don't worry.
Copy !req
611. It happens.
I-I wasn't watching,
Copy !req
612. Come on.
Copy !req
613. That's it?
Copy !req
614. You bumped into
a very understanding woman,
Copy !req
615. you amazingly caught
a bottle of wine.
Copy !req
616. Where was the disaster?
Copy !req
617. Unclamp
the superior mesenteric
to perfuse the organs.
Copy !req
618. The small intestines
look dusky and cyanotic.
Copy !req
619. We'll need to resect
all the necrotic segments.
Copy !req
620. Claire, find the first
viable part of the ilium
Copy !req
621. and clamp proximal
to it.
Copy !req
622. I don't think your irons
in the fire are very hot.
Copy !req
623. Any job interviews you get,
you're gonna spend
Copy !req
624. a large chunk of time
trying to explain why
Copy !req
625. you lasted less than
a year as President
at St. Bonaventure.
Copy !req
626. I mean, how do you put
a positive spin on
Copy !req
627. why you spent a fortune
on a Chief of Surgery
Copy !req
628. you fired weeks later
to protect
a second-year resident?
Copy !req
629. You think
I made a mistake?
Copy !req
630. No, I think you did
the right thing.
Copy !req
631. I admire you, which is why
I want to do you a favor.
Copy !req
632. What you need to do
is prove that you haven't
burned any bridges,
Copy !req
633. which means you have to
come back to work
at St. Bonaventure.
Copy !req
634. As what?
As a surgeon
working for you?
Copy !req
635. And the fact that you're
undoubtedly in need of
Copy !req
636. a surgical attending
to replace yourself
is just a coincidence?
Copy !req
637. It's what you need.
Copy !req
638. I admire the effort.
Copy !req
639. But don't con a con man.
Copy !req
640. Your greatest strength
and your greatest weakness
Copy !req
641. as a leader
was your stubbornness.
Copy !req
642. Don't let it be
a weakness today.
Copy !req
643. My back hurts
on the left side.
Copy !req
644. That's where
you had your biopsy.
Copy !req
645. It's gonna hurt
for a little while.
Copy !req
646. What biopsy?
Copy !req
647. Harvey, you came in here
because you thought
you had kidney stones.
Copy !req
648. We did some imaging,
and you don't.
Copy !req
649. What is it? What...
What's wrong?
Copy !req
650. What?
What's going on, Ruby?
Copy !req
651. I...
Copy !req
652. Why isn't anybody
saying anything?
Copy !req
653. Am I dying?
Copy !req
654. Ruby?
Copy !req
655. I... I can't die.
Copy !req
656. I need to
take care of you.
Copy !req
657. I... I can't...
Copy !req
658. They didn't
find stones.
Copy !req
659. Everything is okay.
Copy !req
660. The pain will go away.
Copy !req
661. We're gonna
go home tonight.
Copy !req
662. Okay? Okay?
Copy !req
663. I had a nice time.
Copy !req
664. That's it?
Copy !req
665. It's over?
Copy !req
666. Where's the disaster?
Copy !req
667. I've listened to
an hour of this.
Copy !req
668. I was promised
a disaster.
Copy !req
669. Where's the disaster?
Copy !req
670. It... was exhausting.
Copy !req
671. Everything was always
out of control.
Copy !req
672. Anything could happen
at any time.
Copy !req
673. Anything did.
Copy !req
674. There was too much
to remember to do,
Copy !req
675. too much to
remember not to do,
Copy !req
676. and none of it made sense.
Copy !req
677. It was hard,
Copy !req
678. I spent the whole evening
doing unnatural things
Copy !req
679. to make her happy, and I have
no idea if she was happy,
Copy !req
680. and I know I wasn't happy.
Copy !req
681. It was all a disaster.
Copy !req
682. I want you to meet
our new attending,
Dr. Marcus Andrews.
Copy !req
683. Pleasure to meet you.
Copy !req
684. How long have
you been working here?
Copy !req
685. Ms. McDougal?
Copy !req
686. She didn't ask for ID.
Copy !req
687. It's policy.
Copy !req
688. We take a lot
of immigrants here.
Copy !req
689. She also
didn't look at me.
Copy !req
690. Check the symptom
I told her I had...
Copy !req
691. A cut
over the left eye.
Copy !req
692. You heal very nicely,
Ms. McDougal.
Copy !req
693. You hate it here.
Copy !req
694. "Hate" is a strong word.
Copy !req
695. What would you do
Copy !req
696. Give me five things.
Copy !req
697. Diabetes clinical educator,
onsite lab and X-ray,
Copy !req
698. mental health advisor,
multidisciplinary care team,
Copy !req
699. electronic
medical records.
Copy !req
700. We had the clinic
at the hospital
Copy !req
701. and had to shut it down
because it was a money pit.
Copy !req
702. Come back as President,
and we'll re-open it.
Copy !req
703. Your office can be
in the clinic.
Copy !req
704. Do I have to wear a tie?
Copy !req
705. Hey.
Copy !req
706. Welcome back.
Copy !req
707. Am I okay?
Copy !req
708. The surgery
went very well.
Copy !req
709. We're confident that
we got all of the cancer.
Copy !req
710. There's a bag
by her side.
Copy !req
711. Is that just to drain
stuff post-surgery?
Copy !req
712. There were
Copy !req
713. We had to remove
a large portion
of your bowel
Copy !req
714. and divert the waste
through a stoma
in your skin.
Copy !req
715. That's an ileostomy bag.
Copy !req
716. How long
will I have that?
Copy !req
717. Forever.
Copy !req
718. So I have to go
to the bathroom
Copy !req
719. in this thing
for the rest of my life?
Copy !req
720. Yes.
Copy !req
721. We'll teach you
how to change it,
how to dispose of it.
Copy !req
722. They'll teach both of us.
Copy !req
723. Now, this is
why we do it, Shaun.
Copy !req
724. Every date is a disaster.
Copy !req
725. Every relationship
is out of control.
Copy !req
726. But if you stick with it,
you wind up with someone
Copy !req
727. in your life who will help you
when you need to be helped,
Copy !req
728. love you when
you do not feel lovable,
Copy !req
729. be with you
no matter what.
Copy !req
730. It's not worth it.
Copy !req
731. Hi, Mom.
Copy !req
732. My son's coming
to town.
Copy !req
733. Think I'll pick him up
at the airport.
Copy !req
734. Hi, Grandpa.
Copy !req