1. Previously on
The Good Doctor...
Copy !req
2. Coming back to California
and moving in with you,
Copy !req
3. it's been harder
than I anticipated.
Copy !req
4. Hershey meant
everything to me, Shaun.
Copy !req
5. I took the biggest chance
of my life going back there.
Copy !req
6. And then it just went away.
Copy !req
7. Deep brain stimulation
was used
to treat anorexia.
Copy !req
8. You want to use brain surgery
for a psychiatric disorder?
Copy !req
9. DBS isn't FDA-approved
for anorexia treatment here.
Copy !req
10. It's not
a real option.
Copy !req
11. My wife's decided against
the valve-repair surgery,
Copy !req
12. at least until she's tried
the deep brain stimulation.
Copy !req
13. You won't be
a part of the surgery.
Copy !req
14. Or any of my surgeries.
Copy !req
15. You went around me,
directly to the patient.
Copy !req
16. You're booting me
off your service?
Copy !req
17. Oh, he's
very affectionate.
Copy !req
18. Ooh. Yeah.
Copy !req
19. Cats are smart
and independent.
Copy !req
20. I don't think my first pet
should be something
I'm allergic to.
Copy !req
21. Oh.
Copy !req
22. Did you know constrictors
don't crush their prey?
Copy !req
23. They induce arterial
circulatory collapse.
Copy !req
24. He looks like a Hubert.
Copy !req
25. The pH should be maintained
within a range of 7.1 to 7.3.
Copy !req
26. And we're supposed to
add three drops of Klor-out
to neutralize the tap water.
Copy !req
27. Don't worry, Hubert.
Daddy just shows his love
in a different way.
Copy !req
28. Mmm-mmm, no.
Copy !req
29. You don't come
by for a month,
Copy !req
30. and then you think
a store-bought pie
is gonna make it all right?
Copy !req
31. It's from
the farmer's market.
Copy !req
32. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
33. Fine. Hand it over.
Copy !req
34. Bring it in.
Copy !req
35. Hey.
Thanks for coming.
Copy !req
36. How is she?
Copy !req
37. Why didn't you tell me
things were getting so bad?
Copy !req
38. I would have come.
You're busy.
Copy !req
39. I will always make
time for you, Kay.
Copy !req
40. Good, 'cause
you're not leaving
Copy !req
41. until the three of us
finish a bottle of Merlot.
Copy !req
42. Did you call that oncologist
doing the new ovarian cancer
PARP-I trial?
Copy !req
43. The intake doctor said I don't
have the right tumor markers.
Copy !req
44. Then you need to go
back to your hos...
Copy !req
45. My... My team put me
on hospice last week.
Copy !req
46. Do you want a dose
of morphine?
Copy !req
47. No. I got it.
Copy !req
48. Just give it a minute to pass.
Copy !req
49. Her doctors keep
upping the dosage,
Copy !req
50. but it's not helping anymore.
Copy !req
51. Nothing is.
Copy !req
52. Hey, um...
Copy !req
53. Um, my college roommate
was diagnosed
Copy !req
54. with stage 4 ovarian cancer
a year ago.
Copy !req
55. She's had six cycles
of Carbo-Taxol
Copy !req
56. without cyto-reductive surgery
due to widespread disease.
Copy !req
57. They stopped chemo when
she stopped responding.
Copy !req
58. She has a month at most.
Copy !req
59. Wow. I'm so sorry
to hear that, Claire.
As am I.
Copy !req
60. And I assume you're not here
just seeking sympathy.
Copy !req
61. I have reviewed her scans
and she can't be cured,
Copy !req
62. but this metastatic lesion
extending through
her diaphragm
Copy !req
63. is causing most
of her pain.
Copy !req
64. Her surgeon has ruled out
removing it
Copy !req
65. due to vascular complexity.
Copy !req
66. But I think laparoscopic
debulking is possible.
Copy !req
67. Difficult, but possible.
Copy !req
68. I know you're upset with me,
Copy !req
69. but she...
She's my friend
and she's in pain.
Copy !req
70. I need your help.
Copy !req
71. I'll take a look
at her today.
Copy !req
72. Thank you.
Copy !req
73. We need a surgeon over here!
Copy !req
74. He fell down the stairs
at a construction site
while holding a nail gun.
Copy !req
75. Portable head X-ray, stat.
Any other injuries?
Copy !req
76. Nah. Just yank it off
and slap a Band-Aid.
Copy !req
77. Any weakness?
Copy !req
78. All right.
On my count.
Copy !req
79. One, two, three.
Copy !req
80. Let's get you that Band-Aid.
Copy !req
81. We could have done that
for free at home
Copy !req
82. with a pair
of vise grips.
Copy !req
83. You don't pay for
our equipment.
Copy !req
84. You pay for me to tell you
that he got lucky.
Copy !req
85. It's superficial.
Copy !req
86. His pressure's dropping.
Copy !req
87. You feeling faint?
A little banged up.
Copy !req
88. All right,
something else is going on.
Let's log-roll him.
Copy !req
89. What's wrong
with my brother?
Copy !req
90. I see a puncture wound
in his flank.
Copy !req
91. There's a nail
in his abdomen, too.
Copy !req
92. Let's get him up
to the OR.
Copy !req
93. How bad is the pain?
Copy !req
94. Maybe a six.
She's lying.
Copy !req
95. She, uh, hides it well,
but she's in terrible pain
all the time.
Copy !req
96. But Claire said you're
not out of options
Copy !req
97. until Dr. Melendez
says you are.
Copy !req
98. So, am I?
Copy !req
99. I think we can make things
a little easier for you.
Copy !req
100. How soon?
Copy !req
101. Dr. Park and I
will do it today.
Copy !req
102. What about Claire?
Copy !req
103. I came here because of her.
Copy !req
104. Dr. Park is excellent.
Copy !req
105. You're in very
capable hands.
Copy !req
106. When my doctors gave up on me,
Claire found a way.
Copy !req
107. I trust her. I won't do
this surgery without her.
Copy !req
108. Dr. Park and Dr. Browne
will prep you for surgery.
Copy !req
109. Now try that again.
Copy !req
110. Show me.
Copy !req
111. Straight. Straight.
Copy !req
112. Straight. Yeah.
Copy !req
113. Oh, almost.
Copy !req
114. And pull back up.
Copy !req
115. That's good.
Copy !req
116. Thank you.
Copy !req
117. DR.
The nail completely
ruptured the kidney.
Copy !req
118. DR.
Renal hilum's blown, too.
4-0 on a driver.
Copy !req
119. This isn't working.
Clamp the renal vessels.
Copy !req
120. He's gonna have
to live without it.
Copy !req
121. Expose the other kidney,
make sure it's got
that new-car smell.
Copy !req
122. The adrenal
gland is low-lying.
Copy !req
123. You won't find
the left kidney there.
Copy !req
124. You expect her to find it
on the right?
Copy !req
125. No.
The most likely reason
Copy !req
126. for the gland to be lower
is unilateral renal agenesis.
Copy !req
127. He was born
with one kidney.
Copy !req
128. DR.
Is that the vena cava?
Copy !req
129. There's so much
tumor in there,
Copy !req
130. it's hard to tell
what anything is.
Copy !req
131. I need to free this segment
without nicking that vein
Copy !req
132. Park, pull on that fragment
very carefully.
Copy !req
133. Got it.
Copy !req
134. All right.
Claire, I need you to tilt...
Copy !req
135. Exactly.
Copy !req
136. The tumor's invaded
the vessel wall.
Copy !req
137. I think you got it.
Copy !req
138. Why isn't there tumor tissue
penetrating her diaphragm?
Copy !req
139. DR. Hmm.
Copy !req
140. The CT scan showed...
Copy !req
141. The segment we removed
was displacing the diaphragm
Copy !req
142. giving the appearance
of chest infiltration.
Copy !req
143. If the cancer's
just in her abdomen,
Copy !req
144. she could be a candidate
for HIPEC treatment.
Copy !req
145. Treatment?
Copy !req
146. Not pain relief?
Copy !req
147. We may be able to give her
a little more time.
Copy !req
148. DR.
It's called HIPEC surgery.
Copy !req
149. I'd remove as much
tumor as possible,
Copy !req
150. and then we'd infuse
your abdomen
Copy !req
151. with a chemotherapy
solution for 90 minutes.
Copy !req
152. It could give you
another six months.
Copy !req
153. DR.It comes
with a big risk.
Copy !req
154. This is a major operation,
and your body's frail.
Copy !req
155. You could die
on the table.
Copy !req
156. Uh... I...
I want more time.
Copy !req
157. But her pain
is finally manageable.
Copy !req
158. I... I'm afraid to press
our luck anymore.
Copy !req
159. The thought of gambling
away your last few weeks
Copy !req
160. terrifies me, too,
but this wasn't luck.
Copy !req
161. Dr. Melendez has proved that
despite all of the challenges
Copy !req
162. of your cancer, he can safely
navigate inside your abdomen.
Copy !req
163. I think it's worth putting
your trust in him again.
Copy !req
164. Okay.
Copy !req
165. We'll start with
a complete PET-CT scan
Copy !req
166. so we can plan
our approach.
Copy !req
167. DR. He has
extensive vein thrombosis.
Copy !req
168. There's a clear segment
we can use
for an AV dialysis graft.
Copy !req
169. It's short,
but we can attach it
to the brachial artery...
Copy !req
170. Ohh.
Copy !req
171. Hello, Lea.
Copy !req
172. I'm sorry,
but I can't talk right...
Copy !req
173. There's a problem with Hubert.
Copy !req
174. Oh, okay.
Copy !req
175. Yeah. The pH is exactly 7.2,
Copy !req
176. temp's 73,
everything is perfect.
Copy !req
177. Perfect.
Copy !req
178. He looks bored.
Copy !req
179. Bored?
Copy !req
180. He can't be bored.
Copy !req
181. He's a fish.
Copy !req
182. He's just floating there
with nothing to do.
Copy !req
183. I thought you
were working today.
Copy !req
184. I was, from home.
Copy !req
185. Now I'm procrastinating
with Hubert.
Copy !req
186. You should work.
Copy !req
187. Okay, can you pick up one
of those little castles?
Copy !req
188. Mmm.
Copy !req
189. Okay.
Copy !req
190. I'm not sure who's
being domesticated,
Copy !req
191. you or the fish.
Copy !req
192. Uh, yes,
I'm still here.
Copy !req
193. Call us if anything
Copy !req
194. Due to his tissue type,
Copy !req
195. UNOS doesn't expect to
locate a match in time.
Copy !req
196. We'll need to find
a living donor.
Copy !req
197. DR.
You did a great job today.
Copy !req
198. Ooh!
You want some pirate booty
and a juice box with that?
Copy !req
199. You keep me waiting
for hours on end.
Copy !req
200. Now at least
I have something to do.
Copy !req
201. Cancer is keeping
you waiting.
Copy !req
202. Yeah.
We're ready for you.
Copy !req
203. Here you go.
Oh, you can keep that.
Copy !req
204. Oh. Oh, thank you.
Copy !req
205. Bye.
Copy !req
206. That story is not gonna
end well, is it?
Copy !req
207. Mmm.
Copy !req
208. You know, the yo-yo
has been around
Copy !req
209. for 1,400 years,
since ancient China.
Watch this.
Copy !req
210. You're not
my only patient.
Copy !req
211. Remembering and executing
these tricks
Copy !req
212. will help with
my sequential memory
Copy !req
213. and protect my brain
against your radiation.
Copy !req
214. With this
new targeted therapy,
I can better focus
Copy !req
215. on just knocking
the things out of your
head that I want to.
Copy !req
216. Of course I'm also
making a little wish list
Copy !req
217. about other things I might
want to get rid of.
Copy !req
218. I'm worried.
Copy !req
219. Whether it's tomorrow
or a few months from now,
Dash is gonna lose me.
Copy !req
220. And he'll be devastated.
Copy !req
221. He's an amazing,
loving husband.
Copy !req
222. I want you
to go out with him.
Copy !req
223. What?
Copy !req
224. You two get along.
You even have chemistry.
Copy !req
225. No. We're friends.
Copy !req
226. If Dash is gonna move on
with his life,
Copy !req
227. he needs something
to live for.
Copy !req
228. I think that could be you.
Copy !req
229. DR.
We need to begin now.
Copy !req
230. Okay.
Copy !req
231. Don't say a word.
Copy !req
232. It's none of my business.
Copy !req
233. Dash seems like
a nice guy.
Shut up.
Copy !req
234. You're a perfect match.
Copy !req
235. Great.
We just need you to
sign the consent forms.
Copy !req
236. Donation carries
several risks,
Copy !req
237. including blood clots,
infection, hemorrhage,
Copy !req
238. lung collapse,
and possibly death.
Copy !req
239. There are also lifelong risks,
such as high blood pressure,
Copy !req
240. which can cause
a heart attack,
Copy !req
241. and protein-losing
Copy !req
242. which can impair
your remaining kidney,
Copy !req
243. leading to the need for
a transplant yourself.
Copy !req
244. It's a big ask.
Copy !req
245. Yes, it is.
Copy !req
246. I'm happy to sign the forms
on one condition.
Copy !req
247. I'm not selling
the business.
Copy !req
248. I told you 10 times.
Copy !req
249. We're not taking
that offer.
Copy !req
250. Either sell or buy me out
at the same price.
Copy !req
251. You know I can't
afford that.
Copy !req
252. I can't afford anything.
Copy !req
253. Look, Dad left you
in charge,
Copy !req
254. but all of my money
is tied up in it.
Copy !req
255. I got investment
Copy !req
256. I got things that
I'm excited about.
Copy !req
257. Dad left me in charge because
when things got tough,
Copy !req
258. you took off to college
while we rebuilt.
Copy !req
259. And now you want
to cash in?
We'll both cash in.
Copy !req
260. The deal I negotiated
is way over-market.
Copy !req
261. I don't care how
good the deal is.
Copy !req
262. I like what I do.
And I like my kidney.
Copy !req
263. It seems we both need
to make a sacrifice.
Copy !req
264. I'm not selling.
Copy !req
265. Kayla's
back in her room.
Copy !req
266. We finished her staging,
and everything supports
our operative plan.
Copy !req
267. Do you have any questions
about her upcoming surgery?
Copy !req
268. Uh...
Copy !req
269. Did Kay bring up
anything about, uh...
Copy !req
270. Us?
Copy !req
271. Oh, my God.
I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
272. I told her not to do that.
Copy !req
273. I mean, it's, uh...
Copy !req
274. It's nuts, you know?
Copy !req
275. Well,
that's a little insulting.
Copy !req
276. Uh...
Copy !req
277. I'm kidding.
It's insane.
Copy !req
278. Uh... Just, you know...
Copy !req
279. We'll just forget
she mentioned it, okay?
Copy !req
280. Will she?
Copy !req
281. I mean,
we've both said no.
What's she gonna do?
Copy !req
282. You've been married
to her eight years.
Copy !req
283. You still ask
that question?
Copy !req
284. Well, we, uh,
do have one other choice.
Copy !req
285. You guys have
a chapel here, right?
Copy !req
286. He's exploiting
this situation.
Copy !req
287. Yes. He's entitled to.
Copy !req
288. You don't think
an organ donation
Copy !req
289. should be an
altruistic act?
Copy !req
290. Can it be?
Copy !req
291. A majority of donors do it
to make their own lives
more worthwhile,
Copy !req
292. and almost
a quarter do it
Copy !req
293. to relieve guilt
over a past mistake.
Copy !req
294. Redemption, meaning,
sure, but not money.
Copy !req
295. So, you never take
an opportunity to get ahead
at someone else's expense?
Copy !req
296. I'm competing,
not trafficking organs.
Copy !req
297. I need Armando's kidney.
Copy !req
298. And I need it without
getting dragged into
their family drama,
Copy !req
299. which is why
I have residents.
Copy !req
300. So you two find a way
to make it happen.
Copy !req
301. This central line will
allow us to monitor your heart
during tomorrow's surgery.
Copy !req
302. Have you considered
my proposal?
Copy !req
303. I have been more focused
on your surgery
than seducing your husband.
Copy !req
304. Typical.
Copy !req
305. Ah. You got me.
Copy !req
306. I'm not dating
my cancer-riddled
friend's husband
Copy !req
307. because I have
commitment issues.
Copy !req
308. You've been sprinting
away from men
as long as I've known you.
Copy !req
309. Yeah.
Copy !req
310. I will find the time
when I have the time.
Copy !req
311. It will never be
the right time.
Copy !req
312. You're afraid
to get hurt.
Copy !req
313. I know how short life is.
Copy !req
314. I don't want you to miss out
on the best part of it.
Copy !req
315. All done.
Copy !req
316. What do I owe you for
the therapy session?
Copy !req
317. Date my husband.
Copy !req
318. Do you know how stupid
that sounds?
Copy !req
319. I want someone to take care
of the man that I love.
Copy !req
320. Does that sound stupid?
Yes, very, but...
Copy !req
321. Please.
Copy !req
322. Please, would you
just drop this?
Copy !req
323. I will drop this.
If... One date.
Copy !req
324. One dinner. That's all.
Copy !req
325. But a real one,
not a latte in the cafe.
Copy !req
326. I want a real date.
Appetizers, main course,
Copy !req
327. I'm on call.
No wine. But candles.
Copy !req
328. I want candles.
Copy !req
329. One date.
I will never mention
any of this again.
Copy !req
330. It's a federal crime to
barter a human organ
for anything of value.
Copy !req
331. I'm not selling
Santiago anything.
Copy !req
332. You're receiving money
from a third party
in exchange for your kidney.
Copy !req
333. He's receiving money
from a third party
for his business.
Copy !req
334. So is his brother.
Copy !req
335. He should love him
enough to not...
Copy !req
336. I love him enough
to give him a kidney.
Copy !req
337. He should love me enough
to accept an offer
Copy !req
338. that would improve
my life, too.
Copy !req
339. I mean, it's a much lower
ask than a vital organ.
Copy !req
340. You're not allowed
to ask for anything.
Copy !req
341. Are you saying
that if he agrees
Copy !req
342. you're not gonna
perform the surgery?
Copy !req
343. He doesn't agree.
He will.
Copy !req
344. Everything in life
is transactional,
Copy !req
345. and in this case,
I've got all the leverage.
Copy !req
346. Leverage?
It's what you have
that they need.
Copy !req
347. It's how you shift a deal
in your favor.
Copy !req
348. You guys have no leverage
and no cards to play.
Copy !req
349. Yes, we do.
Copy !req
350. I don't believe you're willing
to let your brother die.
Copy !req
351. A good negotiator
doesn't bluff.
Copy !req
352. If you cave on a threat,
you lose all credibility.
Copy !req
353. And Santiago knows
I'm a good negotiator.
Copy !req
354. So he won't die
Copy !req
355. precisely because
I'm willing to let him.
Copy !req
356. I'll talk to
your brother.
Copy !req
357. Okay.
Copy !req
358. Um...
How long do we have to stay?
Copy !req
359. She said dinner, so I assume
till we're done eating?
Copy !req
360. Okay.
Copy !req
361. Dessert?
Do you want any?
Copy !req
362. Not really.
I think we're good.
Copy !req
363. Okay.
Copy !req
364. Look at that old clock.
Copy !req
365. It's the same as the one
that they had at Meline's,
off campus.
Copy !req
366. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
367. Hey,
remember that time we went
there on that double date?
Copy !req
368. You set me up with
your English TA.
Copy !req
369. Yeah. Kay said
it was a bad idea.
Copy !req
370. I just remember him
droning on about...
Copy !req
371. Dryden's influence on
18th-century literature.
Copy !req
372. If you hadn't stepped in,
I think I might have
Copy !req
373. stabbed him with
my salad fork.
Copy !req
374. Ah, Kay always
knew better.
Copy !req
375. Yeah. She fixed me up
three times.
Copy !req
376. Then she gave up.
Copy !req
377. Until now.
Copy !req
378. You should sell
the business.
Copy !req
379. Excuse me?
Copy !req
380. You would live.
Copy !req
381. And you could take
the proceeds and start
a new business
Copy !req
382. without your brother
as a partner.
Copy !req
383. It's a good deal.
Copy !req
384. Benitez Builders
is my father's legacy.
Copy !req
385. He built it from nothing.
Copy !req
386. He was committed,
hardworking, honorable.
Copy !req
387. He expected the same thing
from both of us.
Copy !req
388. My dad was difficult
to please.
Copy !req
389. I worked hard to be
someone that my father
could be proud of.
Copy !req
390. And I'm the one he trusted
with the controlling share.
Copy !req
391. I'd rather die
than let him down.
Copy !req
392. Is that bothering you?
Copy !req
393. Yeah. A little bit.
Copy !req
394. The graft is failing.
Copy !req
395. Oh!
Copy !req
396. What's happening?
Copy !req
397. Infusing heparin.
He's hypercoagulable.
Copy !req
398. The tunnel catheter is gonna
clot off just like the graft.
Copy !req
399. That gives him
even less leverage.
Copy !req
400. It should convince Santiago
to accept his brother's offer.
Copy !req
401. Santiago? Why him?
Copy !req
402. I'm negotiating.
Copy !req
403. With the wrong brother.
Copy !req
404. The catheter's already
Copy !req
405. Whatever we're doing,
it needs to happen in
the next couple of days.
Copy !req
406. We'll do a live donor drive.
Copy !req
407. Okay.
Copy !req
408. One in 100,000 chance
of success,
Copy !req
409. but better than planning
his funeral.
Copy !req
410. I think the odds
are better than that.
Copy !req
411. We don't need to find a match.
Copy !req
412. We just need the parade of
selfless family members
Copy !req
413. to embarrass Armando into
doing the right thing.
Copy !req
414. Evening, roomie.
Copy !req
415. Evening, roomie.
Copy !req
416. Hubert is dead.
Copy !req
417. Yeah.
Copy !req
418. Hmm.
Copy !req
419. That's odd.
Copy !req
420. I'm not sure
if I overfed him
Copy !req
421. or if it was when I changed
the water to clean
his pebbles,
Copy !req
422. but, yeah,
definitely dead.
Copy !req
423. We can get
another fish.
Copy !req
424. We don't need to.
Copy !req
425. There are many fish
in the sea.
Copy !req
426. I said no.
Copy !req
427. You wanted a pet.
Copy !req
428. I got one.
Copy !req
429. Very briefly.
Copy !req
430. I'll go tomorrow and...
Copy !req
431. Are you crying?
Copy !req
432. Are you sad?
Copy !req
433. I'm sad.
Copy !req
434. And I'm angry
and frustrated and upset.
Copy !req
435. We should get
another fish.
Copy !req
436. The fish isn't
the problem.
Copy !req
437. I am.
Copy !req
438. I'm pathetic.
Copy !req
439. I went home to Hershey
because I was unfulfilled
with my life.
Copy !req
440. I thought I could help
my bullheaded brother
save the shop,
Copy !req
441. be a part of something
I was really passionate about.
Copy !req
442. Instead, we ended up
tanking it together,
Copy !req
443. along with our relationship.
Copy !req
444. I came back here to get
my life back on track.
Copy !req
445. How am I supposed to do that
if I can't even keep
a damn fish alive?
Copy !req
446. I'll make it through this.
Copy !req
447. It is okay
to be afraid.
Copy !req
448. How was your dinner
with Dash?
Copy !req
449. Forget about that.
Copy !req
450. How are you?
Copy !req
451. If I don't make it,
you have to give this thing
with Dash a real shot.
Copy !req
452. Kayla, please stop.
Copy !req
453. Promise me.
You have to.
Copy !req
454. No.
Copy !req
455. You can't put that on me.
Copy !req
456. That's right. Claire never
turns her back on a friend,
Copy !req
457. as long as it doesn't
put her heart at risk.
Copy !req
458. That is not fair.
Copy !req
459. What you're asking...
Copy !req
460. I'm asking you to
trust my judgment
about the two of you.
Copy !req
461. No, you're trying
to pressure me into
something that I don't want.
Copy !req
462. Like you always do.
You need pushing
Copy !req
463. because you've never known
what's best for you.
Copy !req
464. So... So, is that why
you dragged me out
Copy !req
465. to pledge week to be rejected
by every sorority on campus?
Copy !req
466. Or... Or went
behind my back
Copy !req
467. and invited my mother
to graduation?
Copy !req
468. At least you tried.
Copy !req
469. You put something at risk.
Copy !req
470. No.
Give me a break.
Copy !req
471. This was never about me,
none of it.
Copy !req
472. You always have to
have it your way.
Copy !req
473. You are a neurotic
control freak
Copy !req
474. who thinks she has the right
to dictate how everyone else
should live their lives.
Copy !req
475. It's time.
Copy !req
476. I'm ready.
Copy !req
477. Kayla...
Copy !req
478. I'm sure you recognize Rafael,
your second cousin
from Oxnard.
Copy !req
479. He drove up as soon
as he heard.
Copy !req
480. Either we get lucky here
and you look like an ass,
Copy !req
481. or we don't and you look like
an ass with a dead brother.
Copy !req
482. Mmm.
Copy !req
483. He won't give his life for
a contracting company.
Copy !req
484. He's not dying
for the company.
Copy !req
485. He's dying for
your father.
Copy !req
486. What makes you think that?
Copy !req
487. He would rather die than
let your father down.
Copy !req
488. He thinks that's what
Dad would want?
Copy !req
489. Santi did everything
the old man asked of him,
Copy !req
490. worked twice as hard,
did everything twice as well
as Dad ever could,
Copy !req
491. but nothing
was ever good enough
for our father.
Copy !req
492. No matter what we did,
he was always right there
Copy !req
493. to point out where
we had gone wrong.
Copy !req
494. You know what he told me
on his deathbed?
Copy !req
495. He said that he
wasn't proud of Santi
Copy !req
496. for following in
his footsteps...
Copy !req
497. That he was disappointed
that he settled.
Copy !req
498. You should tell
your brother that.
Copy !req
499. It's a good card to play.
Copy !req
500. He was wrong.
Copy !req
501. You are the most loyal,
Copy !req
502. and principled guy
I've ever known.
Copy !req
503. And you deserve
Dad's respect.
Copy !req
504. You greedy, lying snake.
Copy !req
505. You will say anything
to get what you want,
Copy !req
506. even trying to ruin
the memories I have of Dad.
Copy !req
507. Your memories of Dad?
He was horrible.
You know that.
Copy !req
508. Get the hell out.
Copy !req
509. Santi,
I'm not trying to...
Get out!
Copy !req
510. Give me the consent forms.
Copy !req
511. My father told me he wished
I hadn't been born.
Copy !req
512. I wasn't worth
the trouble.
Copy !req
513. But I knew I was worth
the trouble
Copy !req
514. because my brother always
looked out for me...
Copy !req
515. even when it made
his life harder.
Copy !req
516. DR. 5-0 prolene.
Copy !req
517. Position the kidney
in the pelvis.
Copy !req
518. Dr. Murphy.
Copy !req
519. Your stat cultures
came back positive
Copy !req
520. for ichthyophthirius
Copy !req
521. Thank you.
Copy !req
522. It's not for
this patient.
Copy !req
523. Do you need to
deal with it?
Copy !req
524. It's too late.
Copy !req
525. You have a security problem.
Copy !req
526. I will get my badge
and my gun.
Copy !req
527. Somebody stole my wallet
out of the locker.
Copy !req
528. Are you sure
you left it there?
Copy !req
529. Yes. I'm sure.
Copy !req
530. You were worried about it
getting stolen,
Copy !req
531. so you gave this to me
before your session today.
Copy !req
532. Mine.
Copy !req
533. Sorry.
Copy !req
534. Stupid.
Copy !req
535. Don't read anything
into this.
Copy !req
536. Uh, how is she?
Copy !req
537. We removed a lot
of the tumor
Copy !req
538. and she's having the
chemotherapy bath now.
Copy !req
539. Mmm-hmm.
So far, she's doing well.
Copy !req
540. Oh. Okay.
Copy !req
541. Kayla would want
you to eat.
Copy !req
542. Yeah.
Of course she would.
Copy !req
543. She'd forget to eat
Copy !req
544. Man, I...
I really hate all...
All this waiting.
Copy !req
545. Okay. Just sit.
Copy !req
546. Breathe.
Copy !req
547. Kayla's dealt with so much
Copy !req
548. prodding and nausea,
Copy !req
549. fatigue and so much pain.
Copy !req
550. I just wish she would let
me do something for her
to make things easier.
Copy !req
551. I want to protect my wife.
Copy !req
552. Instead, I'm just
sitting here, waiting...
Copy !req
553. Waiting for her to die.
Copy !req
554. Dash, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
555. They need me back in the OR.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
556. DR.
Push another 60 of lasix.
Copy !req
557. MAP is 26.
Copy !req
558. She's in cardiopulmonary
Copy !req
559. DR.
Second chest tube in.
Copy !req
560. JL: SATS are still
dropping on 100%.
Copy !req
561. It has to be heart failure.
We need to crash her
onto ECMO.
Copy !req
562. Her cardiac index was fine.
Copy !req
563. It must be toxic inflammatory
reaction to the chemo.
Copy !req
564. She's intolerant.
Copy !req
565. Stop the chemo.
Copy !req
566. What if the fluid buildup
isn't a reaction to the
chemo bath?
Copy !req
567. What if it is
the chemo bath?
Copy !req
568. Her... Her mediastinum
is widening.
Copy !req
569. If her diaphragm perforated,
Copy !req
570. fluid could be leaking
into her chest,
compressing her heart.
Copy !req
571. The tumor we removed yesterday
was clinging to her diaphragm.
Copy !req
572. If we close the hole,
she can finish her treatment.
Copy !req
573. Let's re-open her incision.
Copy !req
574. I just wanted to see
how you were doing.
Copy !req
575. His kidney numbers
are starting to improve.
Copy !req
576. Take me back to
my room, Doc.
Copy !req
577. Manny, thanks
for the kidney.
Copy !req
578. You're welcome.
Copy !req
579. Just don't come looking
for another one
Copy !req
580. without a big check
in your hand.
Copy !req
581. Jerk.
Copy !req
582. That's good.
Copy !req
583. Hey. You're just in time
for some, uh,
celebratory ice chips.
Copy !req
584. Kay, I'm sorry...
Don't be.
Copy !req
585. You weren't
entirely wrong.
Copy !req
586. I... I can be a little
Copy !req
587. No.
Copy !req
588. No, I was wrong.
Copy !req
589. You don't try to control
Copy !req
590. because you think you know
better than everyone else.
Copy !req
591. You do it because
you're a caring friend.
Copy !req
592. You focus all your energy
Copy !req
593. trying to protect us from
pain and suffering, and...
Copy !req
594. And that lets you not
think about your own.
Copy !req
595. But you have to.
Copy !req
596. You are dying, Kayla.
Copy !req
597. I know.
Copy !req
598. You're dying,
Copy !req
599. and it is not fair.
Copy !req
600. And it is painful
and scary.
Copy !req
601. And it feels like you're
all alone with it.
Copy !req
602. Please, stop.
But you're not.
Copy !req
603. Dash is here.
Copy !req
604. So am I.
Copy !req
605. Thank you for
everything you did.
Copy !req
606. Of course.
Copy !req
607. I, um... I meant what
I said to Kayla.
Copy !req
608. You really are the most
gifted surgeon
I have ever worked with.
Copy !req
609. You did well today.
Copy !req
610. Thanks.
Copy !req
611. I'll report back to
Dr. Lim in the morning
if that's what you want.
Copy !req
612. Yeah, that's probably
for the best.
Copy !req
613. Shaun, I don't need
another fish.
Copy !req
614. I don't want
another fish.
I do.
Copy !req
615. Our goldfish died.
Copy !req
616. You need to provide
a replacement.
Copy !req
617. Store policy...
Once a fish
leaves this store,
Copy !req
618. all responsibility for
its well-being falls up...
Copy !req
619. Hubert had
Copy !req
620. a common goldfish parasite
picked up in pet stores.
Copy !req
621. You have no leverage
and no cards to play.
Copy !req
622. Pick a fish.
Copy !req
623. You didn't kill Hubert.
Copy !req
624. He was defective.
Copy !req
625. We'll try again.
Copy !req
626. Thank you, Shaun.
Copy !req
627. Caring for a fish won't
sort out my problems.
Copy !req
628. That one's pretty cute.
Copy !req
629. Platies are a very
hardy fish.
Copy !req
630. They are difficult
to kill.
Copy !req