1. Get up! Everybody, get up!
Copy !req
2. Yo! What's the matter?
Copy !req
3. Aah!
Copy !req
4. Calm down, will!
Copy !req
5. It's aunt Vivian.
She's having a baby!
Copy !req
6. That ain't
what's scaring me.
Copy !req
7. You ain't got
no drawers on!
Copy !req
8. Oh.
Copy !req
9. Oh. Okay.
Copy !req
10. Oh! Oh! Oh!
Copy !req
11. Ho. Oh. Oh.
Copy !req
12. Ah. Oh.
Copy !req
13. Oh!
Copy !req
14. Oh!
Copy !req
15. Oh. Oh!
Copy !req
16. Aah!
Copy !req
17. Mother,
are you alright?
Copy !req
18. Of course you're not.
You're having a baby.
Copy !req
19. I think I'm going
to be sick.
Copy !req
20. Hilary, sweetie,
come here.
Copy !req
21. Having a baby
is very spiritual.
Copy !req
22. This is
my last baby,
Copy !req
23. and I'll never
this miracle again.
Copy !req
24. Here comes
another contraction.
Copy !req
25. Oh! Aah! Oh!
Copy !req
26. Ow!
Copy !req
27. Well, that
wasn't so bad.
Copy !req
28. Hilary,
don't be so dramatic.
Copy !req
29. My hand. Ah.
Copy !req
30. Everything's cool,
aunt viv!
Copy !req
31. Everything cool.
Copy !req
32. Alright, check it out.
Copy !req
33. Um...
Copy !req
34. Carlton,
you boil some water.
Copy !req
35. Ashley,
you get some blankets.
Copy !req
36. Uh...
Copy !req
37. Hilary, you, uh,
c-circle the wagons.
Copy !req
38. What are you
talking about?
Copy !req
39. I wish to God
I knew, aunt viv.
Copy !req
40. I think
will is referring to—
Copy !req
41. aah!
Copy !req
42. Aah!
Copy !req
43. Oh!
Copy !req
44. Oh!
Copy !req
45. Aah!
Copy !req
46. Oh, my God. The pains
are getting closer.
Copy !req
47. Carlton, honey,
get up off the floor.
Copy !req
48. My hand!
Copy !req
49. What is wrong
with everybody?
Copy !req
50. Philip!
Copy !req
51. Put on your damn pants
and let's go!
Copy !req
52. Hey.
Copy !req
53. Aunt viv,
I want to go, too.
Copy !req
54. I could use somebody
to hold my hand.
Copy !req
55. wonder if mom
had the baby yet.
Copy !req
56. Birth is a miraculous thing.
Isn't it?
Copy !req
57. To think I was once
inside of a woman's body.
Copy !req
58. I find that
hard to believe.
Copy !req
59. I think we all do,
Copy !req
60. Hi, mom.
Copy !req
61. Mom!
Copy !req
62. Mom,
you're still pregnant.
Copy !req
63. You think?
Copy !req
64. Look, I can't
do this anymore.
Copy !req
65. Me neither.
Copy !req
66. Getting woke up
in the middle
of the night
Copy !req
67. by a naked man
running around
the house.
Copy !req
68. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
69. I thought
you were all asleep.
Copy !req
70. Not you, g.
Copy !req
71. Oh.
Copy !req
72. Never mind.
Copy !req
73. Everybody calm down.
Copy !req
74. False alarms
happen all the time.
Copy !req
75. But Uncle Phil
was naked,
aunt viv.
Copy !req
76. Shut up, will.
Copy !req
77. Vivian,
Copy !req
78. I want to have this baby
Copy !req
79. And you think
I don't?
Copy !req
80. I feel like
I ate a buick.
Copy !req
81. Look like a winnebago
from here.
Copy !req
82. Is there anything more
I can do?
Copy !req
83. Will you look at her,
Uncle Phil?
Copy !req
84. Haven't you done enough?
Leave her alone!
Copy !req
85. I'm fine, Philip.
Thank you.
Copy !req
86. Oh, good.
Copy !req
87. I got to lay down.
Copy !req
88. May I get you
some tea?
Copy !req
89. That
would be lovely.
Copy !req
90. Bring it
to the laundry room.
Copy !req
91. I'll be sitting
on the dryer.
Copy !req
92. Poor mom.
Copy !req
93. Poor mom?
Poor me!
Copy !req
94. I saw Uncle Phil
Copy !req
95. And he was running!
Copy !req
96. What can I get you,
Copy !req
97. Geoffrey, I've got
a proposition for you.
Copy !req
98. Perhaps if we were
both younger
Copy !req
99. and I didn't
work for you...
Copy !req
100. Not that kind
of proposition,
Copy !req
101. I'll give you 50 bucks
to drive me over
some railroad tracks.
Copy !req
102. Well, doctor,
the pains are coming
closer together.
Copy !req
103. They start
in the abdomen
Copy !req
104. and radiate up and down
in all directions.
Copy !req
105. Philip, I'm not
having any pains.
Copy !req
106. Well, I am.
Copy !req
107. Well, yes.
Thursday afternoon
will be fine.
Copy !req
108. Yes, your majesty?
Copy !req
109. From an objective
point of view,
Copy !req
110. who is having this baby,
him or me?
Copy !req
111. It's rather
difficult to tell
just by looking.
Copy !req
112. She's in here.
Copy !req
113. Don't mention
her chins.
Copy !req
114. Or ankles,
Copy !req
115. or feet.
Copy !req
116. Oh, and whatever
you do,
Copy !req
117. never ever
feed her
after midnight.
Copy !req
118. Oh, poor diva!
Copy !req
119. I'm sick of this!
Copy !req
120. Oh, look at you!
Copy !req
121. Come on, y'all.
Come on.
Copy !req
122. Will,
why are you crying?
Copy !req
123. I don't know, man.
Copy !req
124. Where's Helen?
Copy !req
125. She had to go to court
with Lester.
Copy !req
126. I thought the divorce
was final months ago.
Copy !req
127. Right. Everything
was going well
Copy !req
128. until she saw Lester
with another woman.
Copy !req
129. That's when
she snatched off
the wig.
Copy !req
130. She snatched off
the woman's wig?
Copy !req
131. No.
Copy !req
132. Lester's.
Copy !req
133. What a novel idea,
that little bell.
Copy !req
134. Would you get us
something to eat, please?
Copy !req
135. Oh, golly, yes!
Copy !req
136. It's great
to be working
in the big house!
Copy !req
137. You've all met
our Butler...
Copy !req
138. Chicken George?
Copy !req
139. Don't worry.
I'll take good care
of you.
Copy !req
140. Oh. Me, too.
Copy !req
141. Oh! I'm so happy
you guys are here.
Copy !req
142. I was beginning to feel
like nobody understood me.
Copy !req
143. Oh, hey.
We're family.
Copy !req
144. Love you. Yes.
We love you.
Copy !req
145. Stop with the damn bell!
Copy !req
146. I'm never going back
up there again.
Copy !req
147. I'm sorry
I went up there
in the first place.
Copy !req
148. I took her some honey
for her tea.
Copy !req
149. She does not want honey
from California.
Copy !req
150. She wants honey
from new Mexico.
Copy !req
151. Puh-lease.
Copy !req
152. Diva needs
to get her butt
Copy !req
153. out of bel-air
a little more often!
Copy !req
154. If it get any bigger,
Copy !req
155. it'll be in and out
of bel-air
at the same time.
Copy !req
156. Oh.
Oh, my goodness.
Copy !req
157. Okay, come on.
This ain't easy
on aunt viv.
Copy !req
158. The baby is
a week late.
Copy !req
159. That bell's mine!
Who's with me?
Copy !req
160. I'm with you.
Copy !req
161. Hilary, act like
you're going to hug her
Copy !req
162. and then
pin her arms down.
Copy !req
163. I know
the choke hold.
Copy !req
164. Hold it now!
Copy !req
165. Now, that's enough!
Copy !req
166. This is harder on her
than it is on us.
Copy !req
167. We're her family.
We have to be here
for her.
Copy !req
168. You guys?
Copy !req
169. Why isn't anybody
answering my bell?
Copy !req
170. Could somebody
please come upstairs
and keep me company?
Copy !req
171. You hate me, don't you?
Copy !req
172. Okay.
Copy !req
173. I know
this is hard to take,
Copy !req
174. and this baby doesn't
look like he's coming
anytime soon.
Copy !req
175. Let's take a breather
from one another?
Copy !req
176. Just for a little while
if you—
Copy !req
177. hello?
Copy !req
178. Geoffrey,
Copy !req
179. have you seen
my bell?
Copy !req
180. What bell?
Copy !req
181. I don't blame you,
Copy !req
182. I've been
pretty unbearable.
Copy !req
183. Do you think
my family's ever
going to come back?
Copy !req
184. I doubt it.
Copy !req
185. Why don't you sit down?
I'll make some tea.
Copy !req
186. You always know
what to do.
Copy !req
187. You relax.
Copy !req
188. If anything happens,
Copy !req
189. Mr. banks has
master William's
Copy !req
190. And your sisters
will be back
from the salon soon.
Copy !req
191. This is great.
I really needed this.
Copy !req
192. I know. Some electrolysis
wouldn't hurt either.
Copy !req
193. This could get ugly.
Copy !req
194. We're family.
Copy !req
195. Aren't you guys
finished yet?
Copy !req
196. Aunt vy
is getting a makeover.
Copy !req
197. It could take hours.
Copy !req
198. Am I wearing
a "kick me" sign?
Copy !req
199. I don't see why
women spend so much time
in these places.
Copy !req
200. Wow!
Copy !req
201. Forget college.
I'm going
to beauty school.
Copy !req
202. If I'm not back
in 20 minutes,
Copy !req
203. be really happy for me.
Copy !req
204. Way to go, speedy.
Copy !req
205. Shut up.
Copy !req
206. I could have
driven myself here
for my examination.
Copy !req
207. I don't think so,
Uncle Phil.
Copy !req
208. You're taking this
sympathy pains thing
a wee bit too far.
Copy !req
209. Don't be ridiculous,
Copy !req
210. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
211. I think
my water broke.
Copy !req
212. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
213. It's Vivian!
She's having the baby.
Copy !req
214. We got to get
to the hospital!
Copy !req
215. Uncle Phil,
we in the hospital.
Copy !req
216. Oh, good...
Copy !req
217. Because I'm having
a heart attack.
Copy !req
218. You better let me
take care of this.
Copy !req
219. False alarm,
Uncle Phil.
Copy !req
220. It's for me.
It's Carla.
Copy !req
221. 402436—that's
no phone number.
Copy !req
222. No, no, Uncle Phil.
Copy !req
223. That's 40-24-36.
Copy !req
224. Boom, bang, ka-boom!
Copy !req
225. Hey, hey.
Ruff ruff ruff!
Copy !req
226. Shut up!
Copy !req
227. Get in the elevator.
Copy !req
228. Excuse me.
Copy !req
229. Would you mind
putting out
that cigarette?
Copy !req
230. It's a free country.
Copy !req
231. It certainly is.
But it's
against the law
Copy !req
232. to smoke cigarettes
in elevators.
Copy !req
233. That's right,
Copy !req
234. This is
a new Jack city.
Copy !req
235. You the man.
You the man.
Copy !req
236. You the big man
that broke
the elevator.
Copy !req
237. Geoffrey,
we better beep
Mr. banks.
Copy !req
238. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
239. Okay.
Copy !req
240. Keep calm.
Copy !req
241. I think
we'd better beep
Mr. banks.
Copy !req
242. I just said that.
Copy !req
243. That's good.
Copy !req
244. Now we're on
the same train of thought.
Copy !req
245. How do you work
this bloody thing?
Copy !req
246. Well, thank God
you're here.
Copy !req
247. Oh!
Copy !req
248. Oh, God!
Copy !req
249. Oh!
Copy !req
250. My ha—
Copy !req
251. aah!
Copy !req
252. Uncle Phil, is that you?
Copy !req
253. No, but you have
really soft hands.
Copy !req
254. Mommy!
Copy !req
255. Ma!
Copy !req
256. Just relax, will.
Copy !req
257. We'll be out of here
in no time.
Copy !req
258. Uncle Phil,
that's aunt viv.
Copy !req
259. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
260. Somebody get us
out of here!
Copy !req
261. I'm having a baby!
Copy !req
262. Something must be wrong.
Copy !req
263. I've beeped twice,
and he hasn't answered.
Copy !req
264. My hand!
Copy !req
265. I'd better try
the beauty salon.
Copy !req
266. So while she's
been stepping out
on him,
Copy !req
267. he's been
having an affair
with her sister!
Copy !req
268. But she works here,
so keep it quiet!
Copy !req
269. Oh! Okay.
Copy !req
270. What?
Copy !req
271. Black beauty.
How can I help you?
Copy !req
272. Yeah, right. It's
always an emergency.
Copy !req
273. I'll ask.
Copy !req
274. Vy Smith,
phone call.
Copy !req
275. Sorry. Nobody's
Copy !req
276. Don't you love
these quiet girl talks?
Copy !req
277. What?
Copy !req
278. I know!
Copy !req
279. Great.
Copy !req
280. Geoffrey, you'll have
to drive me to the hospital.
Copy !req
281. Will I steer
with my left foot?
Copy !req
282. I hate men.
Copy !req
283. Hi, mommy.
Copy !req
284. Here comes
another one.
Copy !req
285. Give me
your hand!
Copy !req
286. No way.
Copy !req
287. Ashley!
Copy !req
288. You keep away from me!
Copy !req
289. Oh!
Copy !req
290. Oh! Aah!
Copy !req
291. Aah!
Copy !req
292. Aah! Aah!
Copy !req
293. This baby's coming!
I got to get
to the hospital!
Copy !req
294. Don't worry, mom.
I'll get you there.
Copy !req
295. Ashley,
you can't drive.
Copy !req
296. I've been
taking the car
since I was 12.
Copy !req
297. Oh.
Copy !req
298. Hey!
Copy !req
299. How much longer before
we get out of here?
Copy !req
300. My wife's
having a baby!
Copy !req
301. She ain't in there
with you, is she?
Copy !req
302. No!
Copy !req
303. Good.
I'm going on a break!
Copy !req
304. What?
Copy !req
305. Just kidding. A little
elevator humor there.
Copy !req
306. Oh, man!
Copy !req
307. I'll get you out of there
as soon as I can.
Copy !req
308. Hi, honey.
Copy !req
309. I'm going
to be late
for lunch.
Copy !req
310. Great.
You have a phone.
Copy !req
311. That's right...
Copy !req
312. And you don't.
Copy !req
313. Will, we got
to get that phone.
Copy !req
314. Uncle Phil,
just ask him nice.
Copy !req
315. After what I did to him,
he'll never let me use it.
Copy !req
316. Well, I'm coming
straight out
the 'hood, right?
Copy !req
317. Where I come from,
Copy !req
318. when we
want something,
Copy !req
319. we step aboard
and take it.
Copy !req
320. Observe.
Copy !req
321. if you don't let me
use your phone,
Copy !req
322. I'll sing Paula Abdul's
greatest hits.
Copy !req
323. I guess you want
to use this phone
real bad, huh?
Copy !req
324. Yes, sir, I do.
Copy !req
325. About as bad as
I wanted that cigarette?
Copy !req
326. Stop! Ghetto time!
Copy !req
327. No, no! Will!
Copy !req
328. Calm down. No!
Calm down now.
Copy !req
329. I trained as a lawyer
for many years.
Copy !req
330. I was trained in
the art of negotiation.
Copy !req
331. Hey. Okay?
Copy !req
332. Observe.
Copy !req
333. Sir...
Copy !req
334. Give me
that damn phone,
Copy !req
335. or I'll rip
your liver out
and eat it... Raw.
Copy !req
336. That's right, boy,
and he about due
for a snack.
Copy !req
337. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
338. Yes, Mr. banks.
Copy !req
339. Mrs. banks should be
arriving at the hospital
any minute.
Copy !req
340. What?
Who drove her?
Copy !req
341. Who drove?
You are trapped
in an elevator, right?
Copy !req
342. Yes, I am.
Now, who drove her?
Copy !req
343. Miss Ashley drove.
Copy !req
344. What?
Copy !req
345. How could you allow that?
Are you insane?
Copy !req
346. I don't know how
I could have
let that happen.
Copy !req
347. Tell Mrs. banks' sisters
to meet her.
Copy !req
348. I'll call the salon
right away.
Copy !req
349. This was completely
irresponsible of you!
Copy !req
350. Yes, sir. I'm
a very, very bad Butler.
Copy !req
351. In fact, I'm going
to punish myself.
Copy !req
352. No phone privileges
for a week.
Copy !req
353. There's going to be
more of that happening—
Copy !req
354. we're on our way,
Copy !req
355. Vivian's having the baby.
Let's go.
Copy !req
356. Finally.
I'll get Carlton.
Copy !req
357. I can't go
looking like this.
Copy !req
358. The place
is full of doctors.
Copy !req
359. Don't tell me you're
that superficial.
Copy !req
360. It may be superficial
to you, but I'm young.
Copy !req
361. I can still get
a husband.
Copy !req
362. Not without any teeth,
you won't.
Copy !req
363. Now try me.
Get on out of here.
Copy !req
364. That girl wanted me,
aunt Janice.
Copy !req
365. When a woman says,
"drop dead, troll,"
Copy !req
366. it usually means
she's not interested.
Copy !req
367. Let's go.
Copy !req
368. I'll call you!
Copy !req
369. I'm sorry,
young lady.
Copy !req
370. But you
have to fill
the insurance form
Copy !req
371. like everyone else.
Copy !req
372. I'm a kid.
I don't know
about insurance.
Copy !req
373. I'm sorry.
Those are the rules.
Copy !req
374. Oh, my God.
Here comes the big one.
Copy !req
375. Nurse, could you
hold my hand,
Copy !req
376. Ah.
Copy !req
377. Ah-aah.
Copy !req
378. Get this woman
to a pressing room.
Copy !req
379. What happened
to Hillary?
Copy !req
380. Oh, lord.
get right here.
Copy !req
381. My hand!
Copy !req
382. I'm sure
mom's been here.
Copy !req
383. Look,
this is an emergency.
Copy !req
384. Do you have any mascara?
Copy !req
385. Where is the woman
that did this to you?
Copy !req
386. Down the hall.
Copy !req
387. Come on.
Down here.
Copy !req
388. We got here
as soon as we could.
Copy !req
389. You doing okay, baby?
Copy !req
390. She's fine.
I took care
of things.
Copy !req
391. You all can't be in here,
Copy !req
392. I'll go.
Copy !req
393. Me, too.
Copy !req
394. And, um...
Copy !req
395. This is what
I usually look like.
Copy !req
396. Phil-iiippp!
Copy !req
397. Phil-iiippp!
Copy !req
398. Vivian!
Copy !req
399. Philip!
Copy !req
400. Vivian!
Copy !req
401. Wilma!
Copy !req
402. Dad, over here!
Copy !req
403. What?
Copy !req
404. Where is she?
Copy !req
405. That way.
Copy !req
406. Vivian!
Copy !req
407. Say hello
to your new son.
Copy !req
408. Ooh!
Copy !req
409. Look at him.
Copy !req
410. Doc, could you get
a picture of this?
Copy !req
411. Sure.
Copy !req
412. He look like
a little black Yoda.
Copy !req
413. Oh, stop.
Copy !req
414. Ohh!
Copy !req
415. He's adorable.
Copy !req
416. Hello, little
Nicholas Andrew banks.
Copy !req
417. Ooh!
Copy !req
418. Honey, I thought we agreed
to call him Philip.
Copy !req
419. Ew, that's
a stupid name.
Copy !req
420. Why don't we name him
after daddy... Eli?
Copy !req
421. Over my dead body.
Copy !req
422. No. Let's
name him Rufus.
Copy !req
423. Smile!
Copy !req
424. Colin Powell!
Copy !req
425. Bobby brown
and Whitney Houston!
Copy !req
426. Wilma!
Copy !req