1. I'm James.
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2. I'm 17.
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3. And I'm pretty sure I'm a psychopath.
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4. I was eight when I realized
I didn't have a sense of humor.
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5. Why doesn't the Queen wave
with this hand?
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6. Eh? Why doesn't the Queen wave
with this hand?
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7. 'Cause it's my hand!
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8. I'd always wanted to punch
my dad in the face.
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9. When I was nine,
he bought a deep-fat fryer.
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10. He saw it
on an American shopping channel.
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11. One day, I put my hand in it.
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12. I wanted to make myself feel something.
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13. When I was 15,
I put my neighbor's cat in a box
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14. and took it into the woods.
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15. It probably had a name.
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16. After that, I killed more animals.
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17. And I remember every single one.
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18. School was beneath me,
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19. but it was a good place
for observation and selection
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20. because I had a plan.
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21. I was gonna kill something bigger,
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22. much bigger.
Copy !req
23. Hey.
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24. I've seen you skating.
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25. You're pretty shit.
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26. Fuck off.
Copy !req
27. I get these moments
when I have to lie down
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28. because everything feels,
sort of, too much.
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29. And I look up and see the blue
or the grey or the black
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30. and I feel myself melting into it.
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31. And for, like, a split second,
I feel free
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32. and happy.
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33. Innocent.
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34. Like a dog. Or an alien.
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35. Or a baby.
Copy !req
36. Your presence is required, young lady.
Copy !req
37. Why are you talking
like Downton Abbey?
Copy !req
38. Just get inside and help.
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39. My mum used to be nice,
but then she divorced my dad
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40. and met... Tony.
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41. Last week, he said he thought
I needed a bigger bra.
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42. So I threw a Chicken Kiev at his head.
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43. Mum pretended
that she hadn't heard him.
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44. Now she has the perfect house
and the perfect garden
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45. in the perfect neighborhood...
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46. with perfect twins.
Copy !req
47. Well...
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48. their heads do smell nice, though.
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49. It's true.
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50. I haven't see my dad since I was eight.
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51. He never fitted in. He couldn't settle.
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52. So he had to leave.
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53. I don't blame him.
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54. But he sends me a card, without fail,
every single birthday.
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55. I understand, actually.
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56. I don't trust people who fit in.
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57. Is this from you?
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58. What?
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59. I'm here. I'm literally here.
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60. It's free.
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61. I'm not saying he's the answer,
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62. but he's something.
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63. Hey. Hey.
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64. I've seen you skating.
Copy !req
65. I haven't.
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66. You're pretty shit.
Copy !req
67. Fuck off.
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68. Alyssa was new.
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69. She'd started that term.
Copy !req
70. I thought
she could be interesting to kill.
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71. Are you waiting for me?
Copy !req
72. So I pretended
to fall in love with her.
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73. What happened to your hand?
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74. Shut up.
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75. I haven't got a phone.
Copy !req
76. OK.
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77. I smashed it.
Copy !req
78. OK.
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79. Like, on purpose.
Copy !req
80. OK.
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81. So you can't call me.
Copy !req
82. OK.
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83. I don't have a phone either.
Copy !req
84. - Yeah.
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85. I hate them.
Copy !req
86. I knew that people in love
went out on dates.
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87. Do you wanna go on a date?
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88. With me.
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89. She said yes.
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90. Hi, what can I get for you today?
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91. Is this true?
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92. "One of the top 10 greatest
American dining experiences"?
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93. Yeah!
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94. I can take your orders.
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95. - Uh—
- I will have a...
Copy !req
96. banana split with extra cherries.
Copy !req
97. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
98. Some blueberry pancakes.
Copy !req
99. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
100. And a hot chocolate with cream.
Copy !req
101. You're hungry!
Copy !req
102. And an extra fucking spoon.
Copy !req
103. - For him.
Copy !req
104. Sorry. You can't use language like that,
Copy !req
105. otherwise I'm gonna have to ask you
and your boyfriend to leave.
Copy !req
106. OK.
Copy !req
107. OK, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
108. Sorry.
Copy !req
109. I will have...
Copy !req
110. a great big banana shit
Copy !req
111. with extra fucking cherries
all on top of it.
Copy !req
112. OK, sorry, that's it. Right.
Copy !req
113. Oh, yeah! Go get Marvin!
Copy !req
114. See if Marvin can make a banana split
for me, you fucking cunt!
Copy !req
115. Bye, Marvin!
Copy !req
116. It seemed that Alyssa had
some issues.
Copy !req
117. I think we live in the most boring town
on the planet.
Copy !req
118. Yeah, maybe.
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119. Everyone's so fucking square.
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120. Well, they've got money. They feel safe.
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121. Are you boring, too?
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122. No.
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123. She's the only cool person in this town.
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124. - Yeah. She's done stuff.
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125. She was probably a spy
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126. and had, like, 15 abortions
when it was illegal or something.
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127. She's lived.
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128. Really?
Copy !req
129. Whatever.
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130. Can we go to your house?
Copy !req
131. Yeah, sure.
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132. Why do you live in such a weird house?
Copy !req
133. I don't know.
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134. There's too many windows.
Copy !req
135. Maybe.
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136. Is that your mum?
Copy !req
137. Yeah.
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138. She lives in Japan.
Copy !req
139. Cool. You look like her.
Copy !req
140. - This is pretty retro.
- I don't like it.
Copy !req
141. Why not?
Copy !req
142. I just don't.
Copy !req
143. Alyssa was kind of
a nymphomaniac.
Copy !req
144. What
Copy !req
145. Oh, no.
Copy !req
146. The hunter has returned!
Copy !req
147. Cheers!
Copy !req
148. Well, this is nice.
Copy !req
149. What is?
Copy !req
150. This. You two. Eh?
Copy !req
151. What a relief!
Copy !req
152. I tell you what. I've never been sure
if he even, you know...
Copy !req
153. I always thought there was
something wrong with him!
Copy !req
154. I actually masturbated
once a week for medical purposes.
Copy !req
155. I knew it wasn't good
to let things build up.
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156. I thought probably he was gay.
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157. Which is... That's fine. Like...
Copy !req
158. Obviously.
Copy !req
159. But, uh, here you are.
Copy !req
160. Maybe I'm gay.
Copy !req
161. Maybe he's asexual.
Copy !req
162. We're dealing with a really broad spectrum
these days.
Copy !req
163. Your dad's a prick.
Copy !req
164. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
165. Sometimes, I feel like punching him
in the face.
Copy !req
166. You should definitely do that.
Copy !req
167. Have you ever eaten a pussy before?
Copy !req
168. It was important to be confident
in moments like this.
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169. Yeah. A few.
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170. I want you to eat mine.
Copy !req
171. Now?
Copy !req
172. Tomorrow.
Copy !req
173. I'll be here at 11.
Copy !req
174. I was ready at 11.
Copy !req
175. Actually, I was ready at ten.
Copy !req
176. It was important to work out
the exact logistics beforehand.
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177. When it got to 12, I started to think
she might not be coming.
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178. Sometimes,
I worry that I ruin things.
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179. But I feel... I dunno.
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180. I feel comfortable with him.
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181. Sort of safe.
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182. - Lyssa. Alyssa.
Copy !req
183. Put these on and come downstairs.
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184. - The party.
Copy !req
185. No way, I told you. I'm going out.
Copy !req
186. I am not having
this argument again, Alyssa.
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187. Mum, there's no way!
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188. Please, love. I want you to be there.
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189. For me.
Copy !req
190. Right. Those aren't for you.
Hand them round.
Copy !req
191. Hiya!
Copy !req
192. - Go away.
Copy !req
193. Here.
Copy !req
194. Have a beer.
Copy !req
195. Chill out.
Copy !req
196. Thanks, Tone.
Copy !req
197. This is a load of bullshit. Your life is bullshit.
Copy !req
198. Oh, well, if you hate it so much...
Copy !req
199. leave.
Copy !req
200. I'm serious.
Copy !req
201. Do us all a favor.
Copy !req
202. You look good when you make an effort,
don't you?
Copy !req
203. Sometimes, everything is
suddenly really simple.
Copy !req
204. It's like everything shifts
in a moment.
Copy !req
205. And you step out of your body,
Copy !req
206. out of your life.
Copy !req
207. You step out and you see where you are
really clearly.
Copy !req
208. You see yourself.
Copy !req
209. And you think...
Copy !req
210. Fuck. This. Shit.
Copy !req
211. James!
Copy !req
212. I think being angry and sad
at the same time really turns me on.
Copy !req
213. Come here.
Copy !req
214. I think I could fall
in love with him.
Copy !req
215. Also...
Copy !req
216. he has a car.
Copy !req
217. I wondered if it'd be easier
to slit her throat if I flipped her round.
Copy !req
218. Whether it would be better
not to see her face,
Copy !req
219. but then, the angle.
Copy !req
220. It was a conundrum.
Copy !req
221. - Let's get out of here.
Copy !req
222. - I'm serious.
Copy !req
223. Let's leave this shithole town. Now.
Copy !req
224. You hate it. I hate it.
Our parents are dickheads.
Copy !req
225. You've got a car.
Copy !req
226. - It's my dad's.
- Who's a dickhead.
Copy !req
227. I'm going, whether you come with me
or not. Are you in?
Copy !req
228. Please say yes.
Copy !req
229. I figured...
Copy !req
230. I wasn't in a rush.
Copy !req
231. Yeah, all right.
Copy !req
232. I didn't know where we were going,
or when I was gonna kill her,
Copy !req
233. but I punched my dad in the face
and stole his car.
Copy !req
234. And that felt like a good place to start.
Copy !req
235. Are you scared?
Copy !req
236. I dunno.
Copy !req
237. A bit, maybe.
Copy !req
238. I'm not.
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239. She probably should have been.
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