1. Partners. Entrepreneurs.
They own a bar or a design business.
Copy !req
2. To me they look more like school mommies.
Copy !req
3. They dropped the kids at school
and they're going for coffee and gossip.
Copy !req
4. A doctor. An eminence.
He's a neurosurgeon.
Copy !req
5. He tricked you.
Copy !req
6. What?
Copy !req
7. I know him. He has a real-estate
agency. He sells apartments.
Copy !req
8. How is the pool thing coming along?
Copy !req
9. Fantastic. The project
is definitively dead.
Copy !req
10. They can't face the elevator and
the pool expenses at the same time.
Copy !req
11. Definitely?
Copy !req
12. Yes, Gómez, much to your
regret as I can see, but yes.
Copy !req
13. Eliseo.
Copy !req
14. Hey! He's here.
He's the new elevator technician.
Copy !req
15. - How are you? Okay?
Copy !req
16. - Ah… What's your name?
- Julio.
Copy !req
17. Well, Julio, let me tell you a little
bit about the work dynamic
Copy !req
18. of everyone who provides services
for the owners' association.
Copy !req
19. What?
Copy !req
20. You provide services for the
owners' association, don't you?
Copy !req
21. Yes.
Copy !req
22. Well, do you know who chooses
who the owners' association hires?
Copy !req
23. Who hires you for the job?
Copy !req
24. - You do.
- Hey! Very good.
Copy !req
25. We're understanding each other.
Copy !req
26. I will call you one of these days to
explain a little how all this works, okay?
Copy !req
27. - We'll get along just fine.
- Alright.
Copy !req
28. - My pleasure, champ. Bye.
- See you.
Copy !req
29. - Business?
- Private business, Gómez.
Copy !req
30. Hey! How are you?
- Very well, and you?
Copy !req
31. - Good.
- Remember, I want…
Copy !req
32. No, not want. I need you to model for me.
Copy !req
33. I really appreciate it,
but that makes me a little embarrassed.
Copy !req
34. I'll be painting you so well.
Copy !req
35. I know that, and I never doubted
your talent, but I'm shy, Tatiana.
Copy !req
36. I'll keep insisting until I
make your shyness go away.
Copy !req
37. Alright.
Copy !req
38. - Hello. What's up, Eliseo?
How are you, doctor? Tired?
Copy !req
39. Let me give you some good news.
The new technician just left.
Copy !req
40. The elevator is working.
Copy !req
41. - Yes, yes, he called me.
Ah! He already did? That's good!
Copy !req
42. It's a shame the pool can't be built.
I know the elevator repairs are expensive.
Copy !req
43. Well, one day you'll be able to build it.
Such a nice project… a swimming pool.
Copy !req
44. Oh, but listen, we're
lucky with this issue.
Copy !req
45. Di Lella called me yesterday
to tell me his daughter Chiara
Copy !req
46. is super excited about the pool,
Copy !req
47. so he's gonna advance us
the money to begin the project.
Copy !req
48. I mean, he's gonna loan the money to the
owners' association, but at zero interest.
Copy !req
49. We'll have three years to
pay him back, so it's great.
Copy !req
50. Di Lella, with the union thing,
has a lot of resources.
Copy !req
51. If we wanted to, we could get started
tomorrow. We're only missing the voting.
Copy !req
52. Oh well. Next week is the voting
assembly of the owner's association.
Copy !req
53. Are you alright?
Copy !req
54. - Who, me?
- Yes, you.
Copy !req
55. I'm okay, what about you?
Copy !req
56. - What?
Are you okay?
Copy !req
57. - I'd better be okay.
- Good.
Copy !req
58. Why?
- No, nothing.
Copy !req
59. - Well, then.
- I'm glad.
Copy !req
60. Well, I'm gonna take a shower…
You don't look okay.
Copy !req
Copy !req
62. - I underestimated the power of money.
- Yeah, you screwed up.
Copy !req
63. Against money, you know,
no strategy will help you.
Copy !req
64. Don't be so sure. They may have
the money, but I have the knowledge.
Copy !req
65. I know each one of them
better than they know themselves.
Copy !req
66. That's tough. I don't
understand. What will you do?
Copy !req
67. Take action. A coordinated attack.
Copy !req
68. The world belongs to the doers,
Gabriel, not to the talkers.
Copy !req
69. Hey! I like that quote.
Copy !req
70. You know what, Eliseo?
I'm also gonna take action.
Copy !req
71. About what?
Copy !req
72. About the woman you met the
other day, the one that's hot for me.
Copy !req
73. Don't you ever quit, Gabriel?
I think you're watching the wrong movie.
Copy !req
74. With all due respect, you're the
one watching the wrong movie.
Copy !req
75. But it's okay. You have a whole
bunch of problems, it's okay.
Copy !req
76. I'm just telling you because you're
my friend, but do whatever you want.
Copy !req
77. I'm leaving. The final
attack is about to begin.
Copy !req
78. You're scary, aren't you?
Copy !req
79. Augusto. Are you okay?
- Cool, man.
Copy !req
80. Good for you.
You're home early. Very good.
Copy !req
81. Yeah. Actually, I went out
last night and never stopped.
Copy !req
82. I'm just getting home.
Copy !req
83. Wait, wait. I wanna
ask you something very important.
Copy !req
84. Do you know if your folks
will vote for or against the pool?
Copy !req
85. Oh, yes. They're pretty stoked about it.
Copy !req
86. They say the apartment value will increase
with a pool. But what do I know?
Copy !req
87. - Oh, yes? How nice for them.
Copy !req
88. Well, I have a chore for you.
You have to make them vote against it.
Copy !req
89. - That's impossible, impossible, trust me.
No, no.
Copy !req
90. Not so impossible, or else they'll
find out you're always partying,
Copy !req
91. that you haven't passed
an exam in two years.
Copy !req
92. Eliseo, they already know that.
Copy !req
93. Besides, I don't care. I'm dropping
out of college and heading to California,
Copy !req
94. to Grass Valley,
to grow pot with a friend.
Copy !req
95. Such an ambitious project!
Copy !req
96. But, Eliseo, with all the money
you'll be receiving as severance pay,
Copy !req
97. you can leave this shithole
of a building, travel, enjoy life…
Copy !req
98. You can come visit me in Grass
Valley! We can smoke together!
Copy !req
99. Nice proposal.
Copy !req
100. How wonderful! So many people think that,
by traveling and visiting places,
Copy !req
101. they'll get more pleasure
than staying where they are.
Copy !req
102. I didn't understand shit.
I'm still a bit sloshed.
Copy !req
103. - Are you drunk now? It doesn't show.
Yeah, a little bit.
Copy !req
104. Are you smashed? Go on home.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
105. Can you walk by yourself?
Yeah, of course.
Copy !req
106. Well, I'm glad. Slowly, okay?
Copy !req
107. - I love you.
- I love you too, I love you too.
Copy !req
108. Go fuck yourself…
Copy !req
109. Eliseo!
- What are you doing here so late?
Copy !req
110. I was cleaning the storage
area. It was a mess.
Copy !req
111. - Yes, it's built-up grime.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
112. - We could have done it some other time.
- Well…
Copy !req
113. I wanted to give you a hand
after what you did for me.
Copy !req
114. - That was not necessary, Miguel.
- Yeah, it was.
Copy !req
115. Go on home, pal. It's late.
Copy !req
116. - Alright, thanks, Eliseo. Good night.
- Bye, Miguel, bye.
Copy !req
117. Sons of bitches.
Copy !req
118. Eliseo. My cat Kiwi is missing.
Copy !req
119. Don't worry, don't worry.
I'll help you find him.
Copy !req
Copy !req
121. I can't lie to you. Eugenia…
Copy !req
122. Kitties that get lost don't return
home unless you find them.
Copy !req
123. - Has Kiwi been neutered?
- Yes, why?
Copy !req
124. I'm worried because neutered cats
often lose their sense of direction,
Copy !req
125. they don't know where they are.
Copy !req
126. Oh! I don't even want
to think if he crossed a street and…
Copy !req
127. It's quite likely, you know?
Copy !req
128. Indoor cats don't know the
street dangers, that's the way it is.
Copy !req
129. So, we should better get used to the idea…
Copy !req
130. Anyway, thank you so much
for helping me, Eliseo.
Copy !req
131. Oh, please! Let's go on.
Copy !req
132. Let's go over to those trees.
Copy !req
Copy !req
134. Hello! How are you, darling?
Copy !req
135. I forgot to tell you
to wear something comfortable.
Copy !req
136. - Come in, come in.
With your permission, Tatiana.
Copy !req
137. - I'm so glad you're here.
- So am I.
Copy !req
138. I'm sorry, Tatiana.
Copy !req
139. Easy, easy, Eliseo. Relax.
Copy !req
140. I think with a little more clothing,
Copy !req
141. - I'd be more relaxed…
Listen to me,
Copy !req
142. - I won't do anything to you…
- Yeah. Thank you.
Copy !req
143. …that you don't want. Eh?
Copy !req
144. Alright?
Copy !req
145. You think I haven't noticed you've
got the hots for me, you dummy?
Copy !req
146. No, Tatiana, please, I beg you.
- What's wrong, Eliseo? Don't you like me?
Copy !req
147. No, don't say that,
quite the opposite. Good God.
Copy !req
148. The thing is you… you remind me…
so much of Clarita, my late wife.
Copy !req
149. You never told me you had a wife.
Copy !req
150. - It's hard for me to talk about that.
Copy !req
151. It was a long time ago.
I would say 30 years ago.
Copy !req
152. It was during a fun summer for both
of us. We were riding a banana boat.
Copy !req
153. On a sharp turn, she flew off the boat
and, when she went into the water,
Copy !req
154. the propeller severed off her leg…
Copy !req
155. No!
- …right on the femoral artery.
Copy !req
156. No!
She bled out…
Copy !req
157. That poor thing.
- …on the shore.
Copy !req
158. Well, it's all right now.
- Yes, I'm all right.
Copy !req
159. I'll help you…
- No…
Copy !req
160. …work through the mourning.
Copy !req
161. Thanks.
- Turn around, Eliseo.
Copy !req
162. Oh! Okay.
Copy !req
163. Oh! Such a nice picture…
of Don Emilio. Such a great judge!
Copy !req
164. Yes, yes. That judge
won't be judging us anymore.
Copy !req
165. You know what's the matter?
Copy !req
166. I have a pressing concern
that I'd like to share with you.
Copy !req
167. I don't know if you've heard
about the project for the terrace
Copy !req
168. to build a swimming pool.
Copy !req
169. They'll be hiring a cleaning
service and terminating me.
Copy !req
170. Don't worry about
a thing, I know all about it.
Copy !req
171. Forget it. A pool is the embodiment of
vulgarity. Letting you go is a crime,
Copy !req
172. and I'm not going to allow it. Don't
worry. Over my dead body.
Copy !req
173. You give me peace of mind.
I really appreciate it.
Copy !req
174. Alright, so… your existential
problem has been solved.
Copy !req
175. Yes.
Copy !req
176. Well, now let's
move on to the important stuff.
Copy !req
177. No…
Copy !req
178. Fucking hell…
Copy !req
179. Tatiana was a tough one, but it's done.
Copy !req
180. Eight votes for the pool.
Seven for Eliseo.
Copy !req
181. Hey! Come to Uncle Eliseo.
Copy !req
182. Come here, honey.
Copy !req
183. Two of them are still undecided, Kiwi.
One of them is Gregorio Basavilbaso.
Copy !req
184. I don't know how to find him,
since he lives in the country.
Copy !req
185. And the other one is your mom,
who must be frantic looking for you.
Copy !req
Copy !req
187. I need those two votes
and I'm gonna get them.
Copy !req
188. Shall we go get the first one, Kiwi?
Let's go get the first one.
Copy !req
189. Yes, my love.
Copy !req
190. Kiwi, my baby! Hello!
Copy !req
191. I couldn't sleep
and I went out looking for him.
Copy !req
192. Where did you find him?
Copy !req
193. He was on top of a wall
two blocks away from here.
Copy !req
194. I walked very slowly to him
so as not to scare him
Copy !req
195. and see what he was doing.
I waited for about an hour.
Copy !req
196. Then, he came willingly
to me and hugged me.
Copy !req
197. Oh, you don't know how thankful I am,
Eliseo. I was desperate.
Copy !req
198. I can imagine.
Copy !req
199. Hold on a second, I'll get my wallet.
Copy !req
200. No, Eugenia, my God. You offend me.
Copy !req
201. Any superintendent
would have done the same.
Copy !req
202. No, not anyone. A cleaning
service certainly wouldn't.
Copy !req
203. Well, have a good night.
I'm sorry I got you out of bed.
Copy !req
204. No! Thank you very much, Eliseo.
Copy !req
205. Bye. Bye, Kiwi.
Copy !req
206. Look how's he's watching everything.
Copy !req
207. Eugenia.
Copy !req
208. It's an 8-8 tie.
Copy !req
209. One more undecided owner. If I manage
to get that vote, Dr. Zambrano…
Copy !req
210. you're gonna have to shove
the pool up your ass, hm?
Copy !req
211. I'm sorry, Don Gregorio,
but your time has come.
Copy !req
212. - Hi, Eliseo. What are you up to?
What's up, Polaco?
Copy !req
213. Did you bring anything for me?
Copy !req
214. Some cigarettes.
- Thank you, pal.
Copy !req
215. Listen to me. I have a
very profitable proposal for you.
Copy !req
216. Come this way. Slowly.
Copy !req
217. This way, Polaco, come.
This way, this door. Here.
Copy !req
218. Well, here we are.
Copy !req
219. Ah! This is posh, my friend.
Copy !req
220. It's a mansion! Look.
Copy !req
221. See how pretty it is?
Yeah, beautiful.
Copy !req
222. And it has four rooms. It's sunny…
Copy !req
223. Yeah.
Take good care of it, Polaco.
Copy !req
224. Careful with the dog piss. I hope this
lazy dog doesn't take a leak here.
Copy !req
225. The lazy dog has a name.
Copy !req
226. His name is Alfredo Le Pera.
Copy !req
227. - Is there a bathtub here?
Copy !req
228. Fine, I'll have him piss
in the bathtub. No problem.
Copy !req
229. I've left you some decent clothes on
the bed. Take a bath and clean up,
Copy !req
230. because the show is tomorrow.
Copy !req
231. - Sure, don't worry.
Copy !req
232. So, what would you like for dinner?
Copy !req
233. - What? Anything I want?
Yeah, whatever you want.
Copy !req
234. - Okay, write it down.
- I'll remember.
Copy !req
235. - I'd like beef roulade with potato salad.
- Okay.
Copy !req
236. That's the hors d'oeuvres.
Copy !req
237. - Oh!
For the main course,
Copy !req
238. - Neapolitan breaded veal…
Copy !req
239. …no ham, with a fried egg
on top and potatoes.
Copy !req
240. Spanish potatoes, the round ones,
Copy !req
241. - not potato sticks.
- Okay.
Copy !req
242. An arugula and onion salad
on the side with olive oil, no vinegar.
Copy !req
243. - Ah.
And for dessert, crème caramel,
Copy !req
244. - with whipped cream.
- Very well. Anything else, Mr. Polaco?
Copy !req
245. That's for me.
Copy !req
246. For Le Pera, some noodles
with butter and grated cheese.
Copy !req
247. And an sirloin steak,
not too fatty if possible.
Copy !req
248. And I'll have some wine,
a Pinot Noir for example,
Copy !req
249. and one non-carbonated water
and a sparkling one.
Copy !req
250. - Non-carbonated.
- I'll make do with that.
Copy !req
251. Alright, Polaco.
Copy !req
252. Hello. Mr. Basavilbaso?
Yes, that's me.
Copy !req
253. How are you? This is Eliseo.
Copy !req
254. Eliseo! It's been so long. How are you?
Copy !req
255. Fine. That's right, we haven't talked
in a long time. How's everything?
Copy !req
256. Good, fortunately things are good.
Copy !req
257. - Well, I'm very glad. Sorry to bother you,
Yes, go on?
Copy !req
258. but the neighbors have been
complaining about your new tenant.
Copy !req
259. He's noisy, he moves furniture around—
Copy !req
260. My tenant? In my apartment?
Copy !req
261. - What…?
In 5B?
Copy !req
262. Yes, obviously 5B, your
apartment. That's why—
Copy !req
263. But I didn't rent my apartment!
Copy !req
264. What do you mean
you don't have a tenant? Oh!
Copy !req
265. Could it be your son?
Copy !req
266. Impossible, my son is in Chicago.
Copy !req
267. - He's in Chicago.
Copy !req
268. Well, I don't know…
Copy !req
269. There's someone in the apartment.
They've been there for four days now.
Copy !req
270. - I've knocked but they won't open.
I didn't rent it!
Copy !req
271. Take it easy now, Gregorio.
No, don't get—
Copy !req
272. Motherfucker! Someone's broken in!
Copy !req
273. You'll get sick, Gregorio. Take it easy.
Copy !req
274. I would advise you
to come as soon as possible,
Copy !req
275. and we'll work this out.
Copy !req
276. But there's someone in the house,
that's a fact. That's what I don't like.
Copy !req
277. I'll be waiting for you, yes.
Copy !req
278. - See you tomorrow. Bye, Gregorio. Goodbye.
I can't fucking believe—
Copy !req
279. That poor man.
Copy !req
280. Working as a team. Very nice.
Copy !req
281. - Hello, Eliseo.
Where's Magui?
Copy !req
282. No, don't even say her name.
What happened?
Copy !req
283. - She quit.
- No! Why?
Copy !req
284. Yes. She sent us an awful letter.
Copy !req
285. The bitch is asking
for two and a half million.
Copy !req
286. More than that. She wants 2.6.
Copy !req
287. It seems she has some pirate lawyer who's
been egging her on. Can you believe it?
Copy !req
288. Our lawyer says we should pay,
because she has the legal advantage.
Copy !req
289. Imagine doing this to us
after we brought her into our family.
Copy !req
290. - One ungrateful woman.
- That's the right word, ungrateful.
Copy !req
291. Some people are greedy bastards.
Excuse my language.
Copy !req
292. You give them a job, you feed them,
Copy !req
293. and they thank you by biting your hand.
Copy !req
294. It's the lawyers
who fill their heads with ideas.
Copy !req
295. I liked her, despite what she's
done. What a mean woman…
Copy !req
296. - Well, I'll leave you to your work. Bye.
Copy !req
297. Oh! By the way. I went to the store
and tried the sourdough bread.
Copy !req
298. And?
- Not good, it was sour. I didn't like it.
Copy !req
299. Bye, have a nice day.
Copy !req
300. Bye, Eliseo.
Copy !req
301. Will you tell me
what the fuck is going on?
Copy !req
302. Well, first of all, welcome,
Don Gregorio. Let me explain.
Copy !req
303. I tried to open the door
with the key you gave me,
Copy !req
304. but they must have changed the lock.
Copy !req
305. How can they just break into my apartment?
Copy !req
306. What the hell is going on in this country?
Copy !req
307. - Take it easy, Don Gregorio.
Easy my ass.
Copy !req
308. - I'm gonna beat the shit out of him.
- Please, follow my advice.
Copy !req
309. Do it the right way, trust me.
Copy !req
310. - That motherfucking bastard.
- Gregorio!
Copy !req
311. Stay calm, Gregorio, easy.
Calm my ass.
Copy !req
312. Please, please. Stay calm.
- No, no.
Copy !req
313. - Easy, easy.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
Copy !req
314. You old turd.
Copy !req
315. - Where the fuck did you come from?
- Such language!
Copy !req
316. Could you please turn down the music?
Copy !req
317. This music is “Viejo Smoking,"
Julio Sosa's version, you deaf.
Copy !req
318. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
319. Where the hell are you going?
Copy !req
320. - I'm gonna kill him.
- Gregorio, let's not fuck this up.
Copy !req
321. Stay calm.
Copy !req
322. Who are you? You have an ID?
Copy !req
323. I do.
- Let me see.
Copy !req
324. Dalmiro Novak, aka Polaco,
born in Dock Sud, Avellaneda.
Copy !req
325. Now, if you'll excuse me,
I must leave you. I have much work to do.
Copy !req
326. What work do you
have to do? Can you believe this?
Copy !req
327. That's it, that's it, please.
Take it easy. You'll get sick.
Copy !req
328. Believe it or not, this sort of
thing happens very often.
Copy !req
329. - Motherfucking son of a bitch!
- Yes, there are gangs that do this.
Copy !req
330. They squat on empty properties
knowing it's difficult to get them out.
Copy !req
331. You can do nothing. Calm down.
Copy !req
332. - What do you mean I can do nothing?
- You must call your lawyer.
Copy !req
333. No, no…
- Alright. Come here.
Copy !req
334. There's nothing you can do
now. Alright, calm down.
Copy !req
335. I'll do what you told me, Eliseo. Tomorrow
morning, I'll be here with my lawyer.
Copy !req
336. - Fine. I'll see you tomorrow.
- Yeah. This country has gone to hell.
Copy !req
337. Eliseo.
Copy !req
338. What's up, Polaco? How's everything?
Copy !req
339. Well… We're finished here. You can
go. This is what we had agreed on.
Copy !req
340. Come on, hurry, let's go.
Copy !req
341. Hurry, Polaco, what is it?
Come on, let's go.
Copy !req
342. You know what, Eliseo?
Copy !req
343. - Things just got complicated.
- What got complicated?
Copy !req
344. Le Pera and I were thinking about it,
Copy !req
345. and, the truth is, we'd like
to stay here a while longer.
Copy !req
346. We like this place very much.
It's very comfortable.
Copy !req
347. - What can I tell you?
Copy !req
348. We go back a long time, don't we, Polaco?
Copy !req
349. - Yeah.
Copy !req
350. And I've always helped you.
Copy !req
351. With money, clothes, with whatever I
could. I think you're making a mistake.
Copy !req
352. So? What will you do? If the
owner comes back, or the police,
Copy !req
353. I can always tell them you set me up here.
And that would be a huge problem for you.
Copy !req
354. So, don't break my balls.
I'm asking you, please.
Copy !req
355. What's the matter? Eh?
Copy !req
356. Nothing is the matter.
Don't worry. Enjoy the apartment.
Copy !req
357. Le Pera.
Copy !req
358. Le Pera!
Copy !req
359. Le Pera!
Copy !req
360. Le Pera… Where are you? Come
here, come out. Where are you?
Copy !req
361. Le Pera! Le Pera!
Copy !req
362. What did you do to Le Pera,
you son of a bitch?
Copy !req
363. I don't know what you're talking about.
Copy !req
364. Come on, don't take me
for a moron, Eliseo.
Copy !req
365. Polaco, I wanted to give you a
chance, and what did you do?
Copy !req
366. You tried to screw me over.
Copy !req
367. Give me back my
dog, you thieving bastard.
Copy !req
368. The doggy won't show up, you know?
Copy !req
369. Tell you what. I'm gonna report you to
the police and tell them everything.
Copy !req
370. Whatever you say,
who are they gonna believe?
Copy !req
371. The filthy pauper that lives in a square,
Copy !req
372. or the superintendent
of a high-standard building?
Copy !req
373. Come on, get lost. Go back
to that hellhole where you live.
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374. Go on. And maybe the
doggy will turn up. Go now.
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375. I'm leaving, but if Le Pera
doesn't show up today…
Copy !req
376. I swear… I'm gonna kill you, you dirty
son of a bitch. Le Pera!
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377. Le Pera! Le Pera!
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378. You must stand strong.
I want him out right away.
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379. Eliseo… What happened?
Oh, this is my lawyer.
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380. - Dr. D'Espósito.
Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
381. - Well, it's over. I already fixed it.
- I don't get it. How did you fix it?
Copy !req
382. I appealed to his common
sense. I had a long chat with him,
Copy !req
383. I told him who you are,
a working man from the country.
Copy !req
384. I told him the countryside was the driving
force behind our country and well…
Copy !req
385. And that was enough? He's gone?
Copy !req
386. Well, not really. I had to insist a
little more using other strategies.
Copy !req
387. Enough said. I got it.
You're a genius, you're great, my brother.
Copy !req
388. Well, I took the liberty
to mediate because…
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389. I figured the legal process
would take years.
Copy !req
390. Right?
- He's totally right.
Copy !req
391. Besides, I couldn't have
a guy like that in the building.
Copy !req
392. I can't even explain the monetary
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393. and mental problems you've just saved me.
Copy !req
394. I don't have a head for this.
You're extraordinary,
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395. - and I want to reward you, it's the least…
- No. You offend me. Let me tell you why.
Copy !req
396. As long as I'm here,
this is my job, Gregorio.
Copy !req
397. Though I don't know
how much longer I'll be here.
Copy !req
398. Are you leaving
the building, the country?
Copy !req
399. No. You obviously haven't heard.
Copy !req
400. Dr. Zambrano, the president
of the owners' association,
Copy !req
401. wants to build a swimming pool in the
terrace, and, as a result, get rid of me.
Copy !req
402. They'll be voting yes or no in
a meeting. And that's next week.
Copy !req
403. They are totally insane.
Copy !req
404. They want to fire you
to make a fucking pool?
Copy !req
405. That's crazy and I'm voting against it.
Copy !req
406. You're gonna come all the
way from the country? No.
Copy !req
407. If I can't make it,
I'll give him power of attorney.
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408. He'll do it. I pay him a fortune every
month. Besides, I hate this apartment.
Copy !req
409. If you happen to find someone
who'd like to buy it,
Copy !req
410. - there will be a commission for you.
- Thank you very much.
Copy !req
411. That has nothing to do
with my vote. My vote will be for you.
Copy !req
412. Goyo Basavilbaso is a man of his word.
Copy !req
413. - Thank you so much, Gregorio.
Thank you.
Copy !req
414. The last one.
You're great, Gregorio.
Copy !req
415. Nine for Eliseo.
Eight for the pool.
Copy !req
416. Aren't you late for your English class?
Copy !req
417. No, it's at half past.
They're picking me up.
Copy !req
418. Hello.
Copy !req
419. - Hello.
- Hey. How are you?
Copy !req
420. - Hey.
- Hi.
Copy !req
421. - I believe they've become good friends.
- Yes, they're getting along, aren't they?
Copy !req
422. Eliseo, I wanted to tell you
I spoke with Andrea.
Copy !req
423. She won't budge.
She'll be voting for the pool.
Copy !req
424. She's an idiot.
- Don't worry.
Copy !req
425. Everything is fine. Don't worry
about it. Thank you for trying.
Copy !req
426. But I think there's gonna be
Eliseo for quite some time,
Copy !req
427. because the votes are showing just that.
Copy !req
428. - Hey! That's great!
- We'll see. Let's hope I'm right.
Copy !req
429. - Obviously. I'm glad.
- Thanks, Paola.
Copy !req
430. - Sure. Let's go, Thiago.
- See you later.
Copy !req
431. Okay, bye.
Copy !req
432. Bye.
Copy !req
433. I know what you did.
Copy !req
434. What did I do?
- You set it all up.
Copy !req
435. You had Cony come here
and give you tickets.
Copy !req
436. - Thiago doesn't like Cony.
- Oh! That coward spilled the beans.
Copy !req
437. Yeah. But he didn't tell me why you
did it. But I guessed it all by myself.
Copy !req
438. Yes, because I thought
you would become good friends.
Copy !req
439. You don't do anything
that won't work in your favor.
Copy !req
440. You did it because you like Thiago's
nanny, to get closer to her.
Copy !req
441. But there's more. Paola doesn't know
all the things you did secretly.
Copy !req
442. So, there's only one explanation: you did
it for Thiago because you love him.
Copy !req
443. I won't tell her anything,
but deep inside you're a good guy.
Copy !req
444. Oh!
Copy !req
445. How are you, baby? How are you?
I missed you so much!
Copy !req
446. I'm sorry about the dog, Polaco,
but you gave me no choice.
Copy !req
447. No, no.
Copy !req
448. I'm the one who's sorry.
Copy !req
449. I became addicted to luxury.
Copy !req
450. I went nuts.
Copy !req
451. But… Well…
Copy !req
452. - Here. Cheers.
- Cheers, Polaco.
Copy !req
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