1. - Good afternoon, Miguel.
- Good afternoon, how's it going?
Copy !req
2. - Where's Eliseo?
- He wasn't feeling good and went to sleep.
Copy !req
3. - Okay.
- Yes.
Copy !req
4. Very good.
Copy !req
5. Leave it like that, Miguel, it's fine.
Copy !req
6. Oh, well.
Copy !req
7. - Yes.
- Okay.
Copy !req
8. - Today's the pool vote, right?
- Yes.
Copy !req
9. Miguel… What's going on here
has nothing to do with you or Eliseo.
Copy !req
10. You've always done and excellent job.
I'm for real.
Copy !req
11. Well. Thank you.
How do you think the vote will go?
Copy !req
12. I don't know, but what I do know
is the moment of truth is here.
Copy !req
Copy !req
14. Hello, everyone.
Copy !req
15. Well, we already know why we're
Copy !req
16. I'll start by highlighting the convening,
we even have Andrea from Four A here.
Copy !req
17. She's right here. Hello, Andrea,
how are you? Where are you?
Copy !req
18. Working in San Pablo.
Copy !req
19. - Hello, everyone.
- Hello.
Copy !req
20. - Hello.
- Hello.
Copy !req
21. Good, we can state
Copy !req
22. that the owners of the 17 functional units
are here,
Copy !req
23. - that means full quorum.
- I'll interrupt for a second, Mario.
Copy !req
24. I want to thank on everyone's behalf
Renato DiLella's help.
Copy !req
25. Without his generosity, it'd have been
impossible to make this dream come true,
Copy !req
26. - so, thank you very much, bravo,
- Renato.
Copy !req
27. There's no need for applause.
Don't forget that you have to pay it back.
Copy !req
28. I also want to ask for applause,
just one,
Copy !req
29. for Florencia, who helped at the beginning
with the project and then hopped down,
Copy !req
30. - we don't really know why, but, well.
- You're very funny today.
Copy !req
31. It's just a little bit of humor.
Copy !req
32. Before we start with the vote,
I'd like to review the project with you.
Copy !req
33. Very good.
This is what the terrace will look like.
Copy !req
34. I want everyone to know I have nothing
to do with that thing over there.
Copy !req
35. As you can see,
the pool is facing north perfectly.
Copy !req
36. with a service area behind,
showers, locker room…
Copy !req
37. Here's the bar
and here's a friend having a little drink,
Copy !req
38. something girly, soft, what could it be?
A cosmopolitan.
Copy !req
39. Now, on a serious note,
Copy !req
40. we also have to thank Germán, who helped
with the structural calculation.
Copy !req
41. Excuse me, Germán, will that hold?
I mean, my home's right under it.
Copy !req
42. Yes, obviously.
Copy !req
43. Sorry, what would
the final cost for the pool be?
Copy !req
44. Well, that's on the folders
we distributed in a timely manner,
Copy !req
45. it seems that some people didn't study it.
Copy !req
46. - Oh, yes, sorry, sorry.
- Well, to conclude,
Copy !req
47. we're talking about quality of life and
the pool is just that: quality of life.
Copy !req
48. This pool is mainly going to be paid
with what we'll save by firing Eliseo.
Copy !req
49. Sorry, I did study it and, after
doing the math, I don't get that,
Copy !req
50. and even if I did, there's a human value
that can't be paid with money here.
Copy !req
51. What's wrong, Ricardo?
Did you became a hippie after growing up?
Copy !req
52. - Well, any other questions?
- Please, could we vote already?
Copy !req
53. Yes, Messina, please.
Yes, very well.
Copy !req
54. We will now formally vote if we want to
carry out this project, which includes
Copy !req
55. the pool, sun deck, and recreational
areas in the building terrace.
Copy !req
56. The project contemplates tearing down the
superintendent's apartment in the terrace…
Copy !req
57. eliminating the superintendent's position
Copy !req
58. by replacing its services
with a cleaning company.
Copy !req
59. - Is everything clear? Very good.
Copy !req
60. - No more ballot boxes.
As provided in article…
Copy !req
61. 2060 of the Civil and Commercial Code,
Copy !req
62. the project will be approved
by absolute majority.
Copy !req
63. This means that we need the affirmative
vote of more than half of all present.
Copy !req
64. Let's start from top to bottom.
Ninth floor, Renato DiLella,
Copy !req
65. - vote for or against?
- I know what you're voting for, you crook.
Copy !req
66. I vote… in favor of the project, I have
no choice after investing so much money.
Copy !req
67. First vote in favor, then.
- You and your daughter are mobsters.
Copy !req
68. We follow with Eight A,
Copy !req
69. Doctor Zambrano, secured vote.
- In favor.
Copy !req
70. - Typical resentful snob.
Two to zero.
Copy !req
71. We follow with Eight B,
Copy !req
72. - Bring a 100-inch television from Miami.
- In favor.
Copy !req
73. Very good.
Three in favor, zero… against.
Copy !req
74. - Seven A.
- In favor of the pool, for Faustino.
Copy !req
75. Faustino.
Four to zero.
Copy !req
76. - How vulgar.
This is theft, cancel it.
Copy !req
77. - Seven B.
- Completely against the project.
Copy !req
78. Well, one against, four in favor.
We follow with Six A, Augusto.
Copy !req
79. - In favor.
- A useless parasite, poor parents.
Copy !req
80. Five to one. Six B.
Copy !req
81. - You already got what you deserved.
- Yes, we're voting in favor.
Copy !req
82. - Very good.
- If I'm here, nothing's outside the law.
Copy !req
83. Six to one in favor of the
project. Five A.
Copy !req
84. Against.
Copy !req
85. Six in favor of the project, two
Copy !req
86. Good people who think of their fellow man.
Copy !req
87. - Five B, Basavilbaso.
- Yes.
Copy !req
88. - You're one of mine, let's see.
- Totally and utterly against.
Copy !req
89. A man of the country, a working
man that invests in this country despite
Copy !req
90. - the disaster it is.
Three against, six in favor.
Copy !req
91. We follow with Four A.
Andrea, are you there? Are you listening?
Copy !req
92. - From you I expect nothing.
- Yes, I vote in favor.
Copy !req
93. Good.
Copy !req
94. The best thing
you ever did in your life was Thiago.
Copy !req
95. Seven in favor, three against.
- And you don't even realize it.
Copy !req
96. - We follow with Four B, Beba.
- Against, of course.
Copy !req
97. - My little Beba, you're my weakness.
Seven in favor, four against.
Copy !req
98. And I'm the only thing
you have left.
Copy !req
99. Three A, Tatiana.
Copy !req
100. - A woman with personality, different.
- Zambrano, I'm absolutely against.
Copy !req
101. Seven to five, then.
- A total artist.
Copy !req
102. We follow with…
Three B.
Copy !req
103. I didn't have enough time
to work my magic in you.
Copy !req
104. - In favor.
- Very good.
Copy !req
105. It makes sense.
- Eight in favor, five…
Copy !req
106. - against.
- Match point.
Copy !req
107. - We follow with Two A.
- Florencia.
Copy !req
108. - We had a deal, right, Florencia?
- Yes, I vote against.
Copy !req
109. Very good, six against…
and eight in favor.
Copy !req
110. You must keep your promises.
Very good, Florencia.
Copy !req
111. We follow with Two B, Susana.
I'm scared of you,
Copy !req
112. I wanted to help your son,
but you don't screw with Paola, Susana.
Copy !req
113. Against.
Copy !req
114. - Momma.
Eight in favor
Copy !req
115. against seven negatives, right? Very good.
One A, Consuelo.
Copy !req
116. - You're mine.
Copy !req
117. - I'm against.
- Come on.
Copy !req
118. - Shit.
Of course,
Copy !req
119. you don't like common areas because people
will complain about the General.
Copy !req
120. Okay, it is a tie.
Eight to eight.
Copy !req
121. That's it.
Copy !req
122. Only the psychologist is left,
and she loves me.
Copy !req
123. One B is going to break
the tie with its vote.
Copy !req
124. Eugenia?
Copy !req
125. You're against this project,
right, my love?
Copy !req
126. Well.
Copy !req
127. Uhh…
Copy !req
128. - Baby.
Copy !req
129. please don't interfere
in the voting process.
Copy !req
130. - Sorry.
Copy !req
131. In favor.
Copy !req
132. Yes.
Copy !req
133. We conclude with nine votes for
the pool.
Copy !req
134. - In favor? What did you vote, you stupid?
And eight against.
Copy !req
135. The project is approved.
Copy !req
136. No. Who returned to you
that shitty cat, you fucker?
Copy !req
137. You ungrateful assholes.
Who will they call when they need
Copy !req
138. something? They can't do anything alone.
Copy !req
139. Hmm? I gave them everything, everything.
Copy !req
140. Why didn't I put
that shitty cat in the oven?
Copy !req
141. Damn you, Eugenia,
damn the pool
Copy !req
142. and damn
everyone, you ungrateful assholes.
Copy !req
143. I dare them to ask me for something now,
I dare them.
Copy !req
144. - Eliseo.
- Hey.
Copy !req
145. First of all, Eliseo,
we wanted to tell you personally and
Copy !req
146. as soon as possible, before you learned
about the vote from other neighbors.
Copy !req
147. The project was approved by
Copy !req
148. And there isn't a single neighbor
who has not regretted your departure.
Copy !req
149. They better not.
The need to renovate the building
Copy !req
150. continues to be concomitant
with the appreciation of your work.
Copy !req
151. Concomitant means that…
Copy !req
152. I know exactly what the word
"concomitant" means.
Copy !req
153. We made the calculation
for your severance pay
Copy !req
154. and, as of tomorrow, we will send
all the documents to the union.
Copy !req
155. Next week, you'll have
all the money in your account.
Copy !req
156. Take it for granted.
You don't have to worry about that.
Copy !req
157. I wasn't planning on worrying.
Copy !req
158. So, as of this moment,
Copy !req
159. you're relieved of your duties as
Copy !req
160. Super clear.
What about Miguel?
Copy !req
161. I have already told Miguel
not to come anymore as of tomorrow.
Copy !req
162. What's he going to do?
He's young, right? He'll find a job soon.
Copy !req
163. Another thing, Eliseo.
Copy !req
164. According to the labor agreement,
you have a month to leave your home,
Copy !req
165. but you can stay longer
so you can move peacefully if you need to.
Copy !req
166. It's a gesture we want to offer
Copy !req
167. so you don't have to rush the
moving and be at ease and…
Copy !req
168. I wasn't planning on rushing.
I didn't need such gesture.
Copy !req
169. Marito.
Copy !req
170. Here's a little gift
from the owner's association,
Copy !req
171. well, for the years you've been here and
for you to know that this isn't personal.
Copy !req
172. All the neighbors are very fond of you.
Copy !req
173. It's a really good wine,
and look, it comes with its crystal glass
Copy !req
174. and with its decanter.
A really expensive gift.
Copy !req
175. Mhm-hmm.
Copy !req
176. Thank you, but…
Copy !req
177. …I don't drink.
Copy !req
178. I know exactly…
Copy !req
179. …why you came here to talk to me.
Copy !req
180. You didn't do it for me,
you did it for yourselves,
Copy !req
181. so you don't feel guilty about your
shameful disloyalty towards me.
Copy !req
182. You're kicking me out like a dog.
Copy !req
183. You both can go fuck yourselves.
Copy !req
184. It was a joke, Doctor,
like the ones you tell me.
Copy !req
185. The face you both had. Doctor,
because you're always doing it but…
Copy !req
186. So funny…
Copy !req
187. It was beautiful, really beautiful.
Copy !req
188. The face you had…
But that's it, it's okay.
Copy !req
189. Beyond the nuances and discrepancies
we've had in the past
Copy !req
190. throughout my working period,
I know who you are: good people.
Copy !req
191. So everything's perfect.
Copy !req
192. Anything else?
Copy !req
193. - He took it well.
- Bastard, I was about to hit him.
Copy !req
194. I wasn't actually expecting
anything from anyone,
Copy !req
195. but I did find it strange that Eugenia,
from One B, voted in favor.
Copy !req
196. How do you know what she voted?
Copy !req
197. Messina showed me
the minutes of the meeting.
Copy !req
198. - Did I read it wrong?
- You didn't, she chose the pool.
Copy !req
199. It looks like a patient of hers
committed suicide,
Copy !req
200. he jumped from a fifth floor
and it really hit her, of course.
Copy !req
201. I don't care about one of her patients
dying. Why didn't she jump?
Copy !req
202. - Eliseo.
- What does this have to do with the pool?
Copy !req
203. She had an outbreak and doesn't listen.
She left her job, she was very shocked.
Copy !req
204. She wants to go to India
Copy !req
205. - for a spiritual journey.
- Look how cute she is.
Copy !req
206. - Yes.
- One guy dies and she screws my life.
Copy !req
207. She has to sell the apartment,
a pool adds more value, it makes sense.
Copy !req
208. What makes sense after 30 years
is for you to not change me for a pool,
Copy !req
209. - that's what makes sense, Beba.
- Don't overthink it.
Copy !req
210. You can do something different,
you can travel, rest…
Copy !req
211. Who wants to rest, Beba? Please.
Don't tell me that bullshit, not you.
Copy !req
212. You're right, I said something stupid.
Copy !req
213. Why don't we talk about something else?
Copy !req
214. What do you want to talk about,
my lovely Beba, the weather?
Copy !req
215. Is there any topic more important
than my dismissal after 30 years?
Copy !req
216. - Come on, I'm listening.
- You're mean.
Copy !req
217. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sorry, Beba.
Copy !req
218. I am very dazed. I apologize, Beba.
I don't want to eat,
Copy !req
219. I just want to go to sleep.
I'm really sorry.
Copy !req
220. Are you going to knock?
Copy !req
221. - Hasn't he moved out by now?
- No.
Copy !req
222. How could he move without telling us?
Copy !req
223. How weird.
Copy !req
224. Well, let's go, we'll be back later,
there's no one in there.
Copy !req
225. - Good morning.
- It's three p. m.
Copy !req
226. What do you need?
Copy !req
227. We came to check on you,
we came earlier but no one answered.
Copy !req
228. - Here I am.
- We wanted to say
Copy !req
229. - we're very sad about your departure.
- I'm not talking to my mom anymore.
Copy !req
230. Thiago, when you grow up,
you'll realize good things end up badly.
Copy !req
231. - It's shitty, but that's how it is.
- No, I don't think it works like that.
Copy !req
232. Things don't always end up badly.
Copy !req
233. Whatever happens,
good things come to an end,
Copy !req
234. - and when they do, they end badly.
- I don't think so.
Copy !req
235. - Don't talk to him like that.
- Sooner or later he's going to know.
Copy !req
236. Well, stop, we'll talk when you calm down.
Come on, don't like what he's saying.
Copy !req
237. Don't make it personal. All the owners'
associations are doing the same thing.
Copy !req
238. They're getting rid of the superintendents
to save a few pesos.
Copy !req
239. Remember Pedrito Piccolini?
Copy !req
240. - Yes.
- The one from Arenales and Ayacucho.
Copy !req
241. Yes, he's retiring.
Copy !req
242. Mhm. They fired him earlier because
they had already sold his apartment.
Copy !req
243. - They sold it without warning him.
- Bastards.
Copy !req
244. - Ours is a dying industry, Eliseo.
- Are you experiencing something
Copy !req
245. - similar here in the building?
- Fire me? Forget it, they won't.
Copy !req
246. They won't? What makes
you so essential? Come on, tell me.
Copy !req
247. You know what?
I don't interfere in anyone's life,
Copy !req
248. I do a ten out of ten job,
I'm punctual, efficient,
Copy !req
249. - but in a discreet way.
- Unlike me, do you mean?
Copy !req
250. - Suck my balls, Gómez.
- Why did you get heated up?
Copy !req
251. - Who are you? I'm looking for Gabriel.
- Gabriel from which apartment?
Copy !req
252. From no apartment,
he's a colleague of yours. Is he sick?
Copy !req
253. - Gabriel Marchetti?
- I don't know his last name, girl.
Copy !req
254. - Marchetti was fired.
- What happened?
Copy !req
255. He had an inappropriate
behavior with the owners.
Copy !req
256. What do you consider
inappropriate behavior?
Copy !req
257. I'm not in a position
to provide you with this information.
Copy !req
258. The thing is we know each other because I
Copy !req
259. bah! used to work across the street
as the superintendent.
Copy !req
260. - I ask you to leave, please.
- Tone it down, I'm talking nicely to you.
Copy !req
261. - I'm not being impolite. Leave, please.
- Here's the tone again. What's wrong?
Copy !req
262. - Sir, leave or I'll call the police.
- Who the fuck you're going to call?
Copy !req
263. Eh?
Copy !req
264. I can't even talk now?
Come on, call them.
Copy !req
265. When you need them again,
they'll not come. Come on, do it.
Copy !req
266. - The police are on their way.
- The fuss you make over nothing, you fool.
Copy !req
267. - Eliseo.
- Hey, Paola, how are you?
Copy !req
268. I wanted to apologize for yesterday.
Send my apologies to Thiago too.
Copy !req
269. - I didn't mean what I said.
- Don't worry, you were having a bad day.
Copy !req
270. Terrible.
And then I was left thinking and…
Copy !req
271. Maybe it's a good opportunity
to try new things, I don't know.
Copy !req
272. - Yes, of course, yes.
- Right?
Copy !req
273. I think that…
I was using this job to put off things
Copy !req
274. - that may be important for me.
- I didn't think you were like that.
Copy !req
275. - Like what?
- Introspective, reflective.
Copy !req
276. There's many things
you don't know about me.
Copy !req
277. - Yes, that's for sure.
- And that's why I would like…
Copy !req
278. - What would you like?
- For us to see each other once I move.
Copy !req
279. Of course, I want to see you too,
that's why we're friends, right?
Copy !req
280. I was thinking about something different,
not a friendship.
Copy !req
281. Maybe try a new relationship.
Copy !req
282. I… uhh…
Copy !req
283. I don't know, I didn't…
You're great,
Copy !req
284. but I haven't thought of you in that way.
What were you thinking?
Copy !req
285. - Are you kidding me?
- I'm a good actor, right?
Copy !req
286. - You really fell for it, what a face.
- You were kidding with me?
Copy !req
287. I loved your reaction. You didn't know
what to do. No, everything's cool.
Copy !req
288. - You're a jerk.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
289. Keep doing your thing,
I'll keep doing mine.
Copy !req
290. - I can't believe it, I fell like an idiot.
- We'll continue later.
Copy !req
291. - That's it, see you, bye.
- Okay, bye.
Copy !req
292. What's wrong, Eliseo?
Copy !req
293. You're a loser. That's it…
Copy !req
294. Let's see.
Copy !req
295. Clarita.
Copy !req
296. Look at the shitty life
you would've had with a guy like me.
Copy !req
297. What's the plan now, Eliseo?
Copy !req
298. You think you're so smart and clever.
Copy !req
299. Nothing…nothing.
Copy !req
300. No, no, it's not done like that.
First, you have to sweep,
Copy !req
301. and then you mop with warm water.
Not hot or cold, but warm.
Copy !req
302. Okay.
Copy !req
303. Then, you dry it with a flannel
dipped in wax using circular movements.
Copy !req
304. - Is it clear?
- Good.
Copy !req
305. About the windows,
don't use that, it leaves marks.
Copy !req
306. - You have to do it with a porous sponge.
- Okay.
Copy !req
307. Then, go over it with a newspaper,
but use an old one,
Copy !req
308. not a new one,
because the ink leaves stains.
Copy !req
309. - Is that clear?
- Yes. Thank you, Eliseo.
Copy !req
310. Come with me now.
I want to show you something important.
Copy !req
311. This is the boiler. As you can
see, it's very old and delicate.
Copy !req
312. The pressure must remain
between one and two bars,
Copy !req
313. otherwise it can be very dangerous, guys.
Copy !req
314. This is the pressure gauge,
the thing that measures the pressure.
Copy !req
315. If it ever drops to one or less than one,
you have to do the following.
Copy !req
316. There's three valves here.
Copy !req
317. If that ever happens,
turn the first valve clockwise
Copy !req
318. by one and a half turns, got it?
This is the second valve, counterclockwise
Copy !req
319. until it stops, and this third valve,
Copy !req
320. you have to do it clockwise three quarters
Copy !req
321. and slightly higher, slightly more.
Copy !req
322. Good, once pressure's restored,
everything goes back to its position.
Copy !req
323. Is it clear? I'm very glad, if you need
anything, call me, Cardona and Lucena.
Copy !req
324. Eliseo, it's ready, come on.
Copy !req
325. Pull out, come on.
Copy !req