1. Hey, can I ask you a question?
Copy !req
2. You've had this dart board
since I've known you,
Copy !req
3. But I've never seen you play.
Copy !req
4. Oh, uh, we played... Once.
Copy !req
5. I broke a window.
Copy !req
6. What window?
Copy !req
7. That one over there.
Copy !req
8. Leonard, where are
the skee-ball tickets?
Copy !req
9. Skee-ball tickets?
Copy !req
10. Yeah, from when we went
to the arcade three years ago?
Copy !req
11. I finally decided
what prize I want.
Copy !req
12. Hurry up.
Copy !req
13. Uh, if I still have them,
Copy !req
14. They're probably
in the junk box.
Copy !req
15. Ooh, what are you gonna get?
Copy !req
16. None of your business.
Copy !req
17. But when you see me
wearing a flower
Copy !req
18. In my lapel later,
Copy !req
19. You are most welcome
to sniff it.
Copy !req
20. Yup, oh... Here you go.
Copy !req
21. Oh, thank you.
Copy !req
22. Here, get yourself an eraser
for your troubles.
Copy !req
23. Oh.
Copy !req
24. Oh-ho.
Copy !req
25. I forgot about this.
Copy !req
26. My aunt made it for me
when I started college.
Copy !req
27. Aw, did she hate you?
Copy !req
28. Why? Because I got an
ugly, itchy sweater,
Copy !req
29. And my brother got a car?
No, I was her favorite.
Copy !req
30. Yeah, I seem to be
a few tickets short.
Copy !req
31. Are there more in the box?
Copy !req
32. Hmm, I think I got them all.
Copy !req
33. Nope, they're not in there.
Copy !req
34. Well, you barely looked.
Let me see.
Copy !req
35. No, no, no, I-I looked, and...
Copy !req
36. No more tickets.
Copy !req
37. Leonard, let me
look in the box.
Copy !req
38. Okay, okay!
Copy !req
39. I'm gonna show you
what's in the box.
Copy !req
40. But just...
Promise not to flip out.
Copy !req
41. Why would I flip out?
Copy !req
42. Is it a spider?
Copy !req
43. it's a spider!
Copy !req
44. No, if it was a spider,
Copy !req
45. Lenny would've flipped out.
Copy !req
46. Okay, sheldon,
Copy !req
47. I know I was supposed to return
Copy !req
48. This dvd a long time ago,
Copy !req
49. And I know we rented it
Copy !req
50. On your card.
Copy !req
51. But it's been, like, seven years
Copy !req
52. And clearly nothing
bad has happened.
Copy !req
53. So in-in-in-instead of being
Copy !req
54. A giant pain in the ass
like you always are,
Copy !req
55. What if
Copy !req
56. This one time
you just tried staying calm?
Copy !req
57. That seems
like a reasonable request.
Copy !req
58. Although so did,
"hey, leonard, would you mind
Copy !req
59. Returning that dvd?"
Copy !req
60. I'm sorry.
I'll-I'll take care of it.
Copy !req
61. Okay.
Copy !req
62. I mean it, I'm going to.
Copy !req
63. I believe you.
Copy !req
64. And you're going to stay calm?
Copy !req
65. I said I would.
Copy !req
66. How about that?
Copy !req
67. Sheldon's being reasonable.
Copy !req
68. Yeah, it's freaking me out.
Copy !req
69. I'm gonna go.
Copy !req
70. So... When you say
Copy !req
71. You're not going to freak
out about the dvd,
Copy !req
72. Here's what that means.
Copy !req
73. Don't fixate on it.
Copy !req
74. Don't wake me up
in the middle of the night.
Copy !req
75. Or nag me through the door
Copy !req
76. While I'm on the toilet.
Copy !req
77. Okay, first, talking to you
while you're on the toilet
Copy !req
78. Isn't exactly a picnic
for me either, okay?
Copy !req
79. Remember...
Copy !req
80. When you can hear me,
I can hear you.
Copy !req
81. And second...
Copy !req
82. You completely disregard
Copy !req
83. How uncomfortable
unresolved issues are for me.
Copy !req
84. It's-it's like, a...
Copy !req
85. An itch in my brain
I can't scratch.
Copy !req
86. When I broke my arm I used
Copy !req
87. To stick
a coat hanger down there.
Copy !req
88. You ever try that?
Maybe go in through the ear?
Copy !req
89. You wouldn't make jokes if you
could feel the way I feel.
Copy !req
90. Well, I don't know
how to do that.
Copy !req
91. How about this?
Copy !req
92. I promise I won't pester you
about the dvd.
Copy !req
93. You can defecate in peace.
Copy !req
94. That's a win for both of us.
Copy !req
95. But...
Copy !req
96. Until this matter is resolved,
Copy !req
97. I would like you
Copy !req
98. To wear this sweater.
Copy !req
99. With nothing underneath it.
Copy !req
100. That's stupid.
Copy !req
101. Why?
Copy !req
102. You say it's itchy
and uncomfortable.
Copy !req
103. I say situations like this
make me feel the same way.
Copy !req
104. I'm telling you, try the hanger.
Copy !req
105. Put it on.
Copy !req
106. Let's share the experience.
Copy !req
107. You got it.
Copy !req
108. If this sweater
shuts you up,
Copy !req
109. I'm gonna make a fortune
Copy !req
110. Selling them
to everyone we know.
Copy !req
111. Now...
Copy !req
112. All I need to do
Copy !req
113. Is head down to the video store
Copy !req
114. And return the dvd.
Copy !req
115. Oh, did I forget to tell you?
Copy !req
116. That store went
out of business years ago.
Copy !req
117. Really?
Copy !req
118. How those nipples feeling,
Copy !req
119. Penny, can we please
get our drinks?
Copy !req
120. Yeah, hang on, just give me sec.
Copy !req
121. At work today, I did an
in vivo stereotaxic surgery.
Copy !req
122. Cool. At my lab,
Copy !req
123. I performed ten laser
capture micro-dissections.
Copy !req
124. I scraped gum off the
bottom of that table.
Copy !req
125. Only 'cause my manager
saw me put it there.
Copy !req
126. Oh, my gosh.
Copy !req
127. That's the girl that
broke rajesh's heart.
Copy !req
128. That's lucy?
Copy !req
129. I don't know why but I always
pictured her as indian.
Copy !req
130. I think that reason's
called racism.
Copy !req
131. I'm gonna go talk to her.
Copy !req
132. Why? What are you gonna say?
Copy !req
133. I'm not gonna
say anything.
Copy !req
134. I just want
to check her out.
Copy !req
135. Because she hurt my friend.
Copy !req
136. My indian friend.
Copy !req
137. Who's racist now?
Copy !req
138. You because you just called him
Copy !req
139. Your "indian friend."
Copy !req
140. Yeah, well, you're short.
Copy !req
141. We're never getting
our drinks.
Copy !req
142. No, but we knew that.
Copy !req
143. Hey, can I start you off
with something to drink?
Copy !req
144. Oh, water would be great.
Copy !req
145. Okay.
Copy !req
146. Um, you're lucy, right?
Copy !req
147. I'm a friend
of raj koothrappali's.
Copy !req
148. Actually amy recognized you.
Copy !req
149. Wow.
Copy !req
150. How's he doing?
Copy !req
151. Oh, you know, he's good.
Copy !req
152. Great.
Copy !req
153. Yeah, this is none
of my business.
Copy !req
154. But why did you break up
with him in an e-mail?
Copy !req
155. Oh, I don't know.
Copy !req
156. I guess I thought
it would be easier.
Copy !req
157. Yeah, I get that.
Copy !req
158. I'll go get you your water.
Copy !req
159. When you say "easier,"
Copy !req
160. You mean easier for you, right?
Copy !req
161. 'cause it certainly didn't
make it easier for him.
Copy !req
162. Any chance I can get
Copy !req
163. A different waitress?
Copy !req
164. I-I'm sorry, this is rude of me.
Copy !req
165. I will go get that water.
Copy !req
166. See, see, see, see.
Copy !req
167. Just now you expressed
your feelings to my face.
Copy !req
168. How come you could do that
with me, but not raj?
Copy !req
169. I don't know your e-mail.
Copy !req
170. You know what the worst part is?
Copy !req
171. You're sitting here,
perfectly happy
Copy !req
172. And he's at home,
a blubbering mess.
Copy !req
173. Oh, I thought you said
he was okay.
Copy !req
174. Well, I also said
I was getting you water,
Copy !req
175. But look at me
still standing here.
Copy !req
176. You know, I may be
a bad waitress,
Copy !req
177. But you are a bad person.
Copy !req
178. Now, you want
to hear the specials?
Copy !req
179. So, you can never take it off?
Copy !req
180. No.
Copy !req
181. Not even to sleep?
Copy !req
182. No.
Copy !req
183. So, you're just an idiot?
Copy !req
184. It's called proving a point.
Copy !req
185. Is the point you're an idiot?
Copy !req
186. Gentlemen, please.
Copy !req
187. Leonard is trying to walk a mile
in my metaphorical shoes.
Copy !req
188. He can't walk
in my actual shoes.
Copy !req
189. He has the feet of a toddler.
Copy !req
190. So, how are you gonna
return the dvd
Copy !req
191. If the store went
out of business?
Copy !req
192. Monday morning I'll go downtown
Copy !req
193. Look up the owner's information.
Copy !req
194. And send him the dvd.
Copy !req
195. Pay the late fee.
Copy !req
196. And prove to sheldon
Copy !req
197. That you can have
a problem and solve it...
Copy !req
198. Without acting
like a complete lunatic.
Copy !req
199. Ah!
Copy !req
200. And the man impersonating
a bear would like everyone
Copy !req
201. To know that "only you can
prevent forest fires."
Copy !req
202. I don't get it.
Copy !req
203. You didn't have
smokey the bear in india?
Copy !req
204. No. Oh, is he anything
like, uh, mun-mun the mongoose?
Copy !req
205. He taught us not
to play with cobras.
Copy !req
206. You had to be taught
not to play with cobras?
Copy !req
207. You had to be taught
Copy !req
208. Not to burn down the forest?
Copy !req
209. Hey, if you guys were hungry,
why didn't you order
Copy !req
210. Something at the restaurant?
Copy !req
211. We did, you never brought it.
Copy !req
212. Oh, that's right.
Copy !req
213. Nachos and a turkey club.
Copy !req
214. Not even close.
Copy !req
215. Well, I was too busy standing up
Copy !req
216. For my friend to worry
about your...
Copy !req
217. I want to say
Copy !req
218. Salmon.
Copy !req
219. You want to say sorry.
Copy !req
220. So, how are you gonna
tell raj abut what you did?
Copy !req
221. What do you mean "how"?
What's the big deal?
Copy !req
222. You told lucy
he was a pathetic mess.
Copy !req
223. Then you made her cry and leave.
Copy !req
224. Okay, you guys are overreacting.
Copy !req
225. Raj is gonna appreciate
how I had his back.
Copy !req
226. What is wrong
with you, penny?
Copy !req
227. You ruined
any chance I had
Copy !req
228. Of getting back
with lucy!
Copy !req
229. now she knows
I'm a desperate mess
Copy !req
230. Instead of just
being pretty sure!
Copy !req
231. It's lucy.
Copy !req
232. She wants to meet
for coffee.
Copy !req
233. I love you, penny!
Copy !req
234. Hey, what're you working on?
Copy !req
235. I'm thinking about
Copy !req
236. How one could use the fact
Copy !req
237. That a rapidly
rotating mirror
Copy !req
238. Turns virtual photons
into real ones
Copy !req
239. As a method of
observing dark energy.
Copy !req
240. That's a pretty cool idea.
Copy !req
241. Yeah.
It's great you're here.
Copy !req
242. I'd love to get
an engineer's opinion.
Copy !req
243. Sure.
Copy !req
244. This chair is squeaky.
Copy !req
245. Now, do I fix it
or get a new one?
Copy !req
246. Well, sheldon,
it took me all morning,
Copy !req
247. But I found the owner
of the video store.
Copy !req
248. And I am happy to report that
he died peacefully in his sleep,
Copy !req
249. Drunk at the bottom of a pool.
Copy !req
250. Anyway, there is no one
to return the dvd to,
Copy !req
251. So this issue is resolved.
Copy !req
252. Ah...
Copy !req
253. And I'd just like
to point out that
Copy !req
254. Even though the sweater
was uncomfortable,
Copy !req
255. I didn't use it as an excuse
Copy !req
256. To antagonize
everyone around me.
Copy !req
257. You know,
you could reimburse
Copy !req
258. The video store owner's
next of kin.
Copy !req
259. Or it's resolved!
Copy !req
260. Hey, that next of kin thing
sounds pretty good.
Copy !req
261. I believe
this is yours.
Copy !req
262. Can I ask you guys
a question?
Copy !req
263. So, I'm seeing lucy
tomorrow night,
Copy !req
264. And I've never hung out with
someone who broke up with me.
Copy !req
265. How do you do it?
Copy !req
266. You can't let her
know you're hurting.
Copy !req
267. You know, the key
is confidence.
Copy !req
268. Why is the key
always confidence?
Copy !req
269. How come it's never
love handles and flop sweat?
Copy !req
270. If this girl hurt you so much,
Copy !req
271. Are you sure you want
to see her again?
Copy !req
272. Well, if I may...
Copy !req
273. He has so little
Copy !req
274. And is so desperate
Copy !req
275. For the smallest
crumb of affection,
Copy !req
276. She could literally sleep
with his own father
Copy !req
277. In his own bed
and post the video to youtube,
Copy !req
278. And he'd still
buy her flowers
Copy !req
279. And ask her
to be his bride.
Copy !req
280. He's right.
Copy !req
281. But in my defense,
if we could survive that,
Copy !req
282. We could survive anything.
Copy !req
283. Well, if you're sure
you want to do this,
Copy !req
284. It's only coffee...
Copy !req
285. Just relax
and see what happens.
Copy !req
286. Well, can I say
she looks nice?
Copy !req
287. Sure.
Copy !req
288. Can I tell her I miss her?
Copy !req
289. Maybe, if she asks.
Copy !req
290. Oh, can I show her
an oil painting I made
Copy !req
291. Of us surrounded by our
children and grandchildren?
Copy !req
292. I'd save that
for the second date.
Copy !req
293. Good, good.
Copy !req
294. 'cause no matter how hard I try,
Copy !req
295. I cannot get the twins
to look alike.
Copy !req
296. What are you doing?
Copy !req
297. Oh, I'm just trying to find
the stupid next of kin
Copy !req
298. To this stupid video store owner
Copy !req
299. So I can return the dvd
Copy !req
300. And see the look
on sheldon's stupid face
Copy !req
301. When he sees that
I didn't let this get to me.
Copy !req
302. Sheldon's not here.
Copy !req
303. Why don't you take
the sweater off?
Copy !req
304. Th-th-there's a principle
at stake!
Copy !req
305. Which is?
Oh, I don't know.
Copy !req
306. Who cares? Look at me!
Copy !req
307. Oh, my god!
Copy !req
308. Is that sweater made of bees?
Copy !req
309. Come on, take it off.
I won't tell.
Copy !req
310. No, no, honey,
if I take it off, sheldon wins.
Copy !req
311. Sweetie...
Copy !req
312. Every night you don't
kill him in his sleep,
Copy !req
313. He wins.
Copy !req
314. Nah, I-it's... It's almost done.
Copy !req
315. I just,
I have to find...
Copy !req
316. The next of kin,
and send 'em the dvd
Copy !req
317. And then just wait for someone
with my complexion to die
Copy !req
318. So I can get a skin graft.
Copy !req
319. smile.
Copy !req
320. What-what is that?
Copy !req
321. What is that for?
Copy !req
322. So you can send it to princeton
Copy !req
323. And get your money back.
Copy !req
324. I must say, sheldon,
Copy !req
325. You're handling
this dvd business
Copy !req
326. With an impressive
amount of maturity.
Copy !req
327. I don't know why
that surprises you.
Copy !req
328. I'm a grown man.
Copy !req
329. As should be evident
by this sport coat
Copy !req
330. And very real flower
in my lapel.
Copy !req
331. Is there some kind of
new coping mechanism
you're employing?
Copy !req
332. The more interesting question
you should be asking is:
Copy !req
333. "what does this
flower smell like?"
Copy !req
334. I'm gonna go with sad.
Copy !req
335. So what's the story
Copy !req
336. With you and this dvd?
Copy !req
337. There's nothing to tell.
Copy !req
338. Maybe I purchased
a book entitled,
Copy !req
339. Don't sweat
the small stuff
Copy !req
340. And I followed
its wise suggestions,
Copy !req
341. One of which was:
Copy !req
342. Stop and smell the flowers.
Copy !req
343. Seriously?
Copy !req
344. Please.
Copy !req
345. Ha-ha!
Copy !req
346. Oh.
Copy !req
347. Hi.
Copy !req
348. Oh, it's so good
to see you.
Copy !req
349. You, too.
Copy !req
350. Please, sit.
Copy !req
351. I, uh, I got you
a cappuccino.
Copy !req
352. I remembered
it was your favorite.
Copy !req
353. Oh.
I also got crumb cake,
Copy !req
354. But I remembered it was
my favorite and I ate it.
Copy !req
355. Anyway, uh,
how are you?
Copy !req
356. I'm pretty good.
Copy !req
357. Listen, I just wanted
to apologize
Copy !req
358. For breaking up
with you in an e-mail.
Copy !req
359. Well, and I ate
all the crumb cake.
Copy !req
360. We both made
Copy !req
361. Okay.
Copy !req
362. I'm so happy
you asked me here,
Copy !req
363. And I hope we can
hang out again sometime.
Copy !req
364. You know,
as friends,
Copy !req
365. Lovemaking partners,
Copy !req
366. Oh, uh...
Copy !req
367. I'm kind of
seeing someone.
Copy !req
368. I think I know
the answer to this,
Copy !req
369. But just to be clear,
it's not me, right?
Copy !req
370. This is all
your fault!
Copy !req
371. I should've
listened to mun-mun
Copy !req
372. Because I've been
playing with a cobra
Copy !req
373. And her name is penny!
Copy !req
374. Why are you so cruel?
Copy !req
375. Do you enjoy my pain?
Copy !req
376. There's a girl at
the cheesecake factory
I can set you up with.
Copy !req
377. I love you, penny!
Copy !req
378. How is it I can
conceptualize a methodology
Copy !req
379. Of examining dark matter
in the universe
Copy !req
380. But can't figure out how
to fix a novelty squirt flower?
Copy !req
381. I think the real
question is,
Copy !req
382. Why do you waste
your time with cheap,
childish pranks?
Copy !req
383. There's probably a deep reason.
Copy !req
384. Which I'd be happy
to discuss with you
Copy !req
385. Over some peanut brittle
in a can.
Copy !req
386. Okay, sheldon,
I am out of options!
Copy !req
387. Video store owner,
nursis manookian,
Copy !req
388. Has no next of kin!
Copy !req
389. Well, you seem hot
under the collar...
Copy !req
390. Or is that the sweater?
Copy !req
391. Oh, oh, no, no.
Copy !req
392. I-it's because
I spent all afternoon
Copy !req
393. At the armenian church where
his funeral mass was held.
Copy !req
394. According to
father solakian,
Copy !req
395. No one attended.
Copy !req
396. Luckily, my trip
wasn't a complete waste.
Copy !req
397. I lit a candle and
prayed for your death.
Copy !req
398. But I'm not armenian,
so it probably won't work!
Copy !req
399. This is over, right?
Copy !req
400. Oh, not necessarily.
Copy !req
401. I suggest
Copy !req
402. You look for long-lost relatives
Copy !req
403. Either in armenia or lebanon.
Copy !req
404. Listen to me, sheldon.
Copy !req
405. I am not going to lebanon
Copy !req
406. To return super mario bros.
The movie!
Copy !req
407. You know, it might be fun.
Copy !req
408. You love hummus.
Copy !req
409. Why isn't this
bothering you?
Copy !req
410. I-isn't your brain
getting itchy?
Copy !req
411. This is
on your card.
Copy !req
412. This could be ruining
your credit score!
Copy !req
413. Why isn't this
making you crazy?
Copy !req
414. Leonard...
Copy !req
415. I have something
to tell you,
Copy !req
416. But I want you to promise
not to flip out.
Copy !req
417. What?
Copy !req
418. Seven years ago,
Copy !req
419. I found out
the dvd was late
Copy !req
420. And I paid for it.
Copy !req
421. What?
Copy !req
422. I was going to mention
it at the time,
Copy !req
423. But then I thought,
some day,
Copy !req
424. This might be
a teachable moment.
Copy !req
425. Hah...
Copy !req
426. I... You...
Copy !req
427. How can...
Copy !req
428. What?
Copy !req
429. Sheldon...
Copy !req
430. That was diabolical.
Copy !req
431. I know.
Copy !req
432. And it wasn't easy.
Copy !req
433. Do you have any idea
what it's like
Copy !req
434. To wait for years and never know
Copy !req
435. If you're going to finally
get satisfaction?
Copy !req
436. Wow.
Copy !req
437. You're even prettier
than penny said.
Copy !req
438. I can't believe
Copy !req
439. A girl like you
doesn't have a boyfriend.
Copy !req
440. Well, I don't.
Copy !req
441. I don't believe you,
you're lying to me!
Copy !req
442. What?
Copy !req
443. Oh, it's okay.
Copy !req
444. I have no morals and
I'm desperately lonely.
Copy !req
445. I'll be the other man
Copy !req
446. If you want a little
something-something on the side.
Copy !req
447. What is wrong
with you?
Copy !req
448. What is wrong with you?
Copy !req
449. What is wrong with you?
Copy !req
450. Captioning sponsored by
cbs, warner bros. Television
Copy !req
451. And toyota.
Copy !req
452. Captioned by
media access group at wgbh
Copy !req