1. How's your mom
holding up?
Copy !req
2. She's doing okay, but we just
lost another nurse.
Copy !req
3. How many is that now?
Copy !req
4. Two, and I know what
you're thinking—
Copy !req
5. She's eating them.
Copy !req
6. She's just so impossible,
they keep quitting.
Copy !req
7. So, who's
watching her now?
Copy !req
8. A bowl full of m&m's with
a few ambien tossed in.
Copy !req
9. What up, guys?
Copy !req
10. Hello.
Copy !req
11. Okay.
Copy !req
12. Well, now that
everyone's here,
Copy !req
13. Penny and I have
some big news.
Copy !req
14. We're engaged!
Copy !req
15. And I thought me having sex with
emily was gonna be the big news.
Copy !req
16. Hey! Hey!
Copy !req
17. What the hell!
Copy !req
18. You guys propose all the time.
Copy !req
19. This never happens.
Copy !req
20. You're right!
Copy !req
21. Boy, I'm so
hungry today.
Copy !req
22. I wonder why?
Copy !req
23. Because you had sex
the other night?
Copy !req
24. You know what?
Copy !req
25. That may be it.
Copy !req
26. By the way,
it isn't like riding a bike.
Copy !req
27. Like, I fell off a few times.
Copy !req
28. Hey, buddy.
Copy !req
29. Hello.
Copy !req
30. You okay?
Copy !req
31. I just got called
Copy !req
32. Into president siebert's office.
Copy !req
33. The university
Copy !req
34. Won't let me switch my field of
study to inflationary cosmology.
Copy !req
35. They're forcing me
to continue with string theory.
Copy !req
36. Why?
Copy !req
37. He said it's why they hired me,
Copy !req
38. It's-it's what my grant
was designated for,
Copy !req
39. And that everybody has to do
things they don't want to do.
Copy !req
40. He then gave an example
of something he had to do,
Copy !req
41. Even though he didn't want to,
Copy !req
42. Which was look
at my stupid face.
Copy !req
43. That's a rude thing to say.
Copy !req
44. Out loud.
Copy !req
45. It's an outrage.
Copy !req
46. Honestly, I'm tempted
to leave the university.
Copy !req
47. You know, if you're really
serious about that,
Copy !req
48. I hear there are
some exciting opportunities
Copy !req
49. In home care
for the old and fat.
Copy !req
50. Whatever you do, just don't
make any rash decisions.
Copy !req
51. I don't know.
Copy !req
52. I am really aggravated.
Copy !req
53. When I'm feeling low,
I have sex with a girl.
Copy !req
54. But that's just me.
Copy !req
55. Oh, come on,
give her a chance.
Copy !req
56. Life, it is too short.
Copy !req
57. I know you've only been
here a day and a half,
Copy !req
58. But you're like
part of the family!
Copy !req
59. I don't think the service is
gonna send any more people.
Copy !req
60. Yeah, maybe it's time we just
release ma back into the sea.
Copy !req
61. That's not helpful.
Copy !req
62. Well, then, we may need
to get used to the idea
Copy !req
63. That we're gonna be living
here the next few months.
Copy !req
64. But we have jobs.
Copy !req
65. We can't baby-sit her
24 hours a day.
Copy !req
66. Well, what if we use
our vacation time?
Copy !req
67. I wanted to go to hawaii,
not hell.
Copy !req
68. I don't know
what else we can do.
Copy !req
69. Howie, I love you,
Copy !req
70. And as your wife, your
mother is every bit
Copy !req
71. As much my problem as
she is yours, so...
Copy !req
72. I want a divorce.
Copy !req
73. Hello, leonard.
Copy !req
74. Hi, mom.
Copy !req
75. I have some exciting news.
Copy !req
76. I'm listening.
Copy !req
77. Before I tell you,
will you promise to try
Copy !req
78. And be happy for me and keep any
concerns you have to yourself?
Copy !req
79. No.
Copy !req
80. Let me save you
all of your hemming and hawing.
Copy !req
81. Sheldon already told me
that you and penny are engaged.
Copy !req
82. I-I hate that you talk to him
more than you talk to me.
Copy !req
83. Would you like for you and me
to talk more?
Copy !req
84. You know what?
It's probably fine.
Copy !req
85. In any event, while I've had
my misgivings about...
Copy !req
86. Penny...
Copy !req
87. Sheldon spoke
very fondly of her,
Copy !req
88. And if she is good enough
for him,
Copy !req
89. Then she's good enough for me.
Copy !req
90. I'm your son.
Copy !req
91. What about the fact
that she's good enough for me?
Copy !req
92. Sure.
Copy !req
93. Thanks, mom.
Copy !req
94. Leonard,
would it make you feel better
Copy !req
95. To hear that your mother
approved of your life choices?
Copy !req
96. Yes, it would.
Copy !req
97. Yeah. Well,
you should work on that.
Copy !req
98. No, mom, it's the same guy
Copy !req
99. I've been going out with
for the past two years.
Copy !req
100. Yeah, the scientist.
Copy !req
101. Well, it's complicated.
Copy !req
102. I mean, he works with lasers
and atomic magnets.
Copy !req
103. No, I did not see it coming.
Copy !req
104. No, we did not set a date.
Copy !req
105. No, I am not pregnant.
Copy !req
106. Yeah, this is a first
for our family.
Copy !req
107. All right, tell dad I love him.
Copy !req
108. I gotta go.
Copy !req
109. All right, bye.
Copy !req
110. Atomic magnets?
Copy !req
111. Shut up.
Copy !req
112. Sorry I'm late.
Copy !req
113. The leaf blower broke, so I had
to hand-dry my mother-in-law.
Copy !req
114. You want some wine?
Copy !req
115. Thanks.
Copy !req
116. Little warning
before you jump into
Copy !req
117. This marriage business:
Copy !req
118. You're not just marrying him,
Copy !req
119. You're marrying his family.
Copy !req
120. I think leonard's mom's okay
with me.
Copy !req
121. It doesn't matter
if she's okay with you.
Copy !req
122. The question is: Can she go
to the bathroom by herself?
Copy !req
123. Hit me again.
Copy !req
124. So, what are the living
arrangements gonna be?
Copy !req
125. Well, haven't really talked
about it yet, but I figure,
Copy !req
126. At some point, I'll move in with
him, or he'll move in with me.
Copy !req
127. Well, with you not working,
that makes financial sense.
Copy !req
128. You're not working!
Copy !req
129. How would you like a job
in home health care?
Copy !req
130. Not a chance.
Copy !req
131. Please. I'm desperate.
Copy !req
132. I'll pay you
anything you want.
Okay, then, yeah.
Copy !req
133. No! Keep your money!
Copy !req
134. I could've ridden a bull
longer than that.
Copy !req
135. What you working on?
Copy !req
136. I'm writing an appeal
Copy !req
137. To the faculty senate,
Copy !req
138. So that I can move on
from string theory.
Copy !req
139. Oh. How's it going?
Copy !req
140. You tell me.
Copy !req
141. "dear esteemed colleagues,
Copy !req
142. "as you may know,
I have requested
Copy !req
143. "to change my field of study.
Copy !req
144. "my decision
to do so
Copy !req
145. "is, I believe,
in the best interest of science.
Copy !req
146. "at your convenience, I'd be
happy to explain it to you
Copy !req
147. In words you'll understand."
Copy !req
148. It's nice
that you called them "esteemed."
Copy !req
149. You're right.
I'll take that out.
Copy !req
150. So, listen, there was something
I was hoping to float past you.
Copy !req
151. Mm.
Now that
penny and I are engaged,
Copy !req
152. I thought we might want to talk
about our living arrangements.
Copy !req
153. Of course.
Copy !req
154. She's spent many nights here,
and you're worried
Copy !req
155. About preserving the myth of her
virginity before the wedding.
Copy !req
156. I'm not.
Copy !req
157. Good, because not only has
that ship sailed,
Copy !req
158. If it hit an iceberg,
countless men would perish.
Copy !req
159. Actually, this is about where
she and I are going to live.
Copy !req
160. What do you mean?
Copy !req
161. Well... Well, we might want
to live together.
Copy !req
162. Oh, yeah, well, I've already
given this some thought,
Copy !req
163. And...
Copy !req
164. I'm willing
to let penny live with us
Copy !req
165. One day a week
for a trial period.
Copy !req
166. Now, obviously,
not when she's made cranky
Copy !req
167. By the shedding
of her uterine lining.
Copy !req
168. That's very sweet.
Copy !req
169. But we were thinking more of us
maybe living together with...
Copy !req
170. Not you.
Copy !req
171. I don't understand.
Copy !req
172. How could we all live together
if I'm not there?
Copy !req
173. Look, I-I know
this is... This is change,
Copy !req
174. And that sounds scary, but...
Copy !req
175. Where are you going to go?
Copy !req
176. I don't know.
Copy !req
177. We just started
to think about this.
Copy !req
178. Maybe I'll move
in with penny,
Copy !req
179. Or maybe she and
I'll take this place,
Copy !req
180. And you can move
across the hall.
Copy !req
181. Move across the hall?
Copy !req
182. Did you take a marijuana?
Copy !req
183. No, I did not.
Copy !req
184. Did you get hit
on the head with a coconut?
Copy !req
185. No.
Well, then,
Copy !req
186. I'm all out of guesses.
Copy !req
187. What? Me move across the hall—
Copy !req
188. Why would you even suggest
such a thing?
Copy !req
189. Because I love penny,
Copy !req
190. And want to give her
the life she deserves.
Copy !req
191. I see.
Copy !req
192. You're putting your future
bride's happiness above mine.
Copy !req
193. Well, yeah.
Copy !req
194. Wow.
Copy !req
195. How dare the university force me
to go back to string theory!
Copy !req
196. They just don't appreciate you.
Copy !req
197. Yeah, and on top of that,
leonard has the audacity
Copy !req
198. To suggest that now
that he and penny are engaged,
Copy !req
199. He may not want
to live with me anymore.
Copy !req
200. Here, I made you some
strawberry quik.
Copy !req
201. I have real problems here, amy.
Copy !req
202. I can't be mollified with a
beverage designed for children.
Copy !req
203. Mmm! Yummy.
Copy !req
204. You know, this might
work out for the best.
Copy !req
205. I mean, you're
always complaining
Copy !req
206. About what a terrible
roommate leonard is.
Copy !req
207. Like how he turns up
Copy !req
208. The thermostat when
you're not there.
Copy !req
209. Ugh! It's like walking
into the amazon.
Copy !req
210. And not the good amazon
with one-day shipping.
Copy !req
211. The awful one
with birds and snakes.
Copy !req
212. You hate the sound of all
those keys on his key chain.
Copy !req
213. Four keys!
Copy !req
214. Who does he think
he is, a warden?
Copy !req
215. See? Maybe you'll
love living alone.
Copy !req
216. I don't know. Perhaps.
Copy !req
217. And if it turns
out you don't...
Copy !req
218. You and I could
live together.
Copy !req
219. You and... Oh, sure.
Copy !req
220. And while we're at it,
Copy !req
221. Why don't we get engaged, too?
Copy !req
222. Why don't we get a little house,
start a family?
Copy !req
223. Enjoy our sunset years together?
Copy !req
224. Do you hear yourself, woman?
Copy !req
225. Sheldon, it was
just a thought.
Copy !req
226. Here's a thought.
Copy !req
227. You're not moving in,
Copy !req
228. Leonard's not moving out,
Copy !req
229. Everything stays
exactly the way it is.
Copy !req
230. Yeah, and by the way,
Copy !req
231. I saw you make
this strawberry quik with syrup,
Copy !req
232. And you're supposed
to use the powder!
Copy !req
233. It tastes the same.
Copy !req
234. No. The syrup tastes better
and I don't like it.
Copy !req
235. This is so sweet!
Copy !req
236. You never cook for me.
Copy !req
237. You cook for me
all the time and...
Copy !req
238. Ugh.
Copy !req
239. If you don't like my cooking,
Copy !req
240. Why haven't you ever
said anything?
Copy !req
241. It's hard to talk with
so much heavy chewing to do.
Copy !req
242. Sorry. I'll get better.
Copy !req
243. I know you'll try.
Copy !req
244. So, should we talk
about setting a date?
Copy !req
245. Well, I'd like
to pick one that works
Copy !req
246. With my brother's schedule.
Copy !req
247. Okay.
And when would that be?
Copy !req
248. Uh, 12 to 18 months from now,
depending on good behavior.
Copy !req
249. Hi, is sheldon here?
Copy !req
250. No, I thought he was with you.
Copy !req
251. He was, but he stormed off
Copy !req
252. And now he isn't
answering his phone.
What happened?
Copy !req
253. He was really angry
that you suggested he move out.
Copy !req
254. Oh.
Copy !req
255. I also mentioned that he and I
could live together
Copy !req
256. But he was too mad at you
to realize
Copy !req
257. What a great idea that is.
Copy !req
258. Well, he's been having
a couple of tough days.
Copy !req
259. I'm sure he's fine.
He probably just
Copy !req
260. Needs a little alone
time to decompress.
Copy !req
261. You're probably right.
Copy !req
262. So, what are you guys doing?
Copy !req
263. Well, leonard cooked for me
and now we're just having
Copy !req
264. A nice dinner, you know,
as a newly engaged couple.
Copy !req
265. That's nice.
Copy !req
266. Anyway, as I was saying,
Copy !req
267. Sheldon probably just needs
a little alone time.
Copy !req
268. 'cause that's important.
Copy !req
269. Not just for him, but for...
Copy !req
270. Most anybody, really.
Copy !req
271. Don't I know it.
Copy !req
272. What is that, polenta?
Copy !req
273. Amy, get out.
Copy !req
274. No.
Copy !req
275. Hey, sheldon.
Copy !req
276. What happened?
Copy !req
277. I was cooking
in the back room last night
Copy !req
278. And the hot plate
caught on fire.
Copy !req
279. And you couldn't put it out?
Copy !req
280. I was across the street
Copy !req
281. At the do-it-yourself car wash,
taking a shower.
Copy !req
282. So when will you reopen?
Copy !req
283. Um, I don't know.
Copy !req
284. I'm waiting to hear back
from the insurance company.
Copy !req
285. So, tomorrow?
Copy !req
286. I don't mean to be rude,
sheldon, but, uh,
Copy !req
287. My life is kind of
falling apart right now.
Copy !req
288. Your life?
Copy !req
289. The university is making
me do string theory
Copy !req
290. And my girlfriend loves me so
much she wants to live with me.
Copy !req
291. And now,
Copy !req
292. The place I need to go when I'm
sad is damp and smells funny.
Copy !req
293. Well, sorry I let you down.
Copy !req
294. No.
Copy !req
295. I do not accept this.
Copy !req
296. Everything is changing
and I hate it.
Copy !req
297. It stops now.
Copy !req
298. I'm helping you
get back on your feet.
Copy !req
299. I would like to purchase
this comic book, please.
Copy !req
300. That'll be $2.99.
Copy !req
301. Really? It's soaking wet.
Copy !req
302. Fine, a dollar.
Copy !req
303. Can you break a 20?
Copy !req
304. No, I only have hundreds.
Copy !req
305. You know what?
Copy !req
306. I don't always recognize
sarcasm, but I do right now,
Copy !req
307. And I don't appreciate it.
Copy !req
308. I'm sorry for your loss.
Copy !req
309. But you're not the only one
whose day has been a disaster.
Copy !req
310. That could have killed me.
Copy !req
311. I can't catch a break.
Copy !req
312. I haven't heard
from sheldon in a while.
Copy !req
313. you think he's okay?
Copy !req
314. Oh, I'm sure he's fine.
Copy !req
315. I'm gonna see where he is.
Copy !req
316. How?
Copy !req
317. Oh, I know his password,
so I can track his phone.
Copy !req
318. you do that?
Copy !req
319. Not always, but ever since he
wandered off at the swap meet
Copy !req
320. Chasing a balloon,
I get worried.
Copy !req
321. He can take care of himself.
Copy !req
322. Look, we went over
stranger danger
Copy !req
323. And gave him that whistle.
Copy !req
324. That's weird.
Copy !req
325. What?
He's at the train station.
Copy !req
326. So? He loves trains.
Copy !req
327. It's dark out and he's
alone, I don't like it.
Copy !req
328. Let's go get him.
Copy !req
329. Oh, it's sweet how you
look out for him.
Copy !req
330. You're a good guy.
Copy !req
331. It's not just that.
Copy !req
332. My mother would kill me if I let
something happen to him.
Copy !req
333. Dude, I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
334. Don't take this
the wrong way,
Copy !req
335. But did you do this
for the insurance money?
Copy !req
336. No. God, you sound like
the police, the firemen,
Copy !req
337. My parents, my therapist
and the insurance company.
Copy !req
338. We're here for you, man.
Whatever you need, okay?
Copy !req
339. Uh, actually, I was
wondering if I could
Copy !req
340. Crash at your place
for a few nights.
Copy !req
341. Sure, of course.
Copy !req
342. Oh, actually, emily was
gonna spend the night.
Copy !req
343. You slept with her? Nice.
Copy !req
344. Well, I can't take
all the credit.
Copy !req
345. She let me do it
to her, but...
Copy !req
346. Uh, but I can always
call her and cancel.
Copy !req
347. Hang on. I know
a place you can stay
Copy !req
348. And earn some money
at the same time.
Copy !req
349. Great.
I just have
to warn you,
Copy !req
350. It'll involve humiliation,
degradation and verbal abuse.
Copy !req
351. So what's the catch?
Copy !req
352. Sheldon.
Copy !req
353. You tracked my phone?
Copy !req
354. Yeah.
Copy !req
355. Boy, you chase one balloon
for three miles.
Copy !req
356. We were worried
about you.
Copy !req
357. Don't be melodramatic.
Copy !req
358. I'm just getting on a train
and leaving forever.
Copy !req
359. Seriously?
Copy !req
360. You don't even have
a change of clothes
Copy !req
361. Or a toothbrush.
Copy !req
362. My plan is to stop at malls
and buy what I need.
Copy !req
363. It's called
living off the land.
Copy !req
364. Okay, I know you're upset
Copy !req
365. And there's a lot
of stuff going on,
Copy !req
366. But it's nothing
we can't work out.
Copy !req
367. Come on, let's get you home.
Copy !req
368. No. I've reached
my breaking point.
Copy !req
369. I need to leave. Now.
Copy !req
370. And go where?
Copy !req
371. It doesn't matter.
Copy !req
372. So a few things
don't go your way
Copy !req
373. And your best decision is to
ride the rails like a hobo?
Copy !req
374. I suppose it is.
Copy !req
375. Except I have a credit card.
Copy !req
376. And I refuse to carry
my laptop at the end of a stick.
Copy !req
377. And I'd sooner die
than eat beans out of a can.
Copy !req
378. Come on, come home with us
Copy !req
379. And tomorrow I'll-I'll
take you to legoland.
Copy !req
380. Legoland is not
the solution to everything.
Copy !req
381. And it's too much of a scene
Copy !req
382. Since that movie came out.
Copy !req
383. Then what can I do?
Copy !req
384. Leonard, I am overwhelmed.
Copy !req
385. Everything is changing
and it's simply too much.
Copy !req
386. I need to get away and think.
Copy !req
387. Oh, c-come on, you know
you're overreacting.
Copy !req
388. Leonard, hang on.
Copy !req
389. Just... Come here
for a second.
Copy !req
390. Maybe we need to let him go.
Copy !req
391. What? Why?
Copy !req
392. It might be good for him.
Copy !req
393. Y-you know he can't
Copy !req
394. Take a trip like this
by himself.
Copy !req
395. He's a grown man.
Copy !req
396. No, he looks like a grown man.
Copy !req
397. You've seen
freaky Friday, sometimes
Copy !req
398. Little kids end up
in big person bodies.
Copy !req
399. Leonard, we can't
protect him forever.
Copy !req
400. I know, but...
Copy !req
401. He'll be okay.
Copy !req
402. You taught him
well, padawan.
Copy !req
403. Good lord!
Copy !req
404. Padawan's the student,
not the teacher.
Copy !req
405. Seriously, let him go.
Copy !req
406. Sheldon, if you really
need to do this,
Copy !req
407. I'm not gonna
stand in your way.
Copy !req
408. I do.
Copy !req
409. Okay.
Copy !req
410. Good luck.
Copy !req
411. Be safe and call us.
Copy !req
412. I will.
Copy !req
413. Bye, buddy.
Copy !req
414. Sheldon...
Copy !req
415. Yes?
Copy !req
416. I'm gonna miss you.
Copy !req
417. Of course you are.
Copy !req
418. He just made that easier.
Copy !req
419. Hey!
Copy !req
420. What are you guys
still doing here?
Copy !req
421. I got this, go. Go home.
Copy !req
422. You sure?
Copy !req
423. Yeah, she's fed,
she took her pills,
Copy !req
424. She's all tucked in
and watching tv.
Copy !req
425. So, she's not
too much for you?
Copy !req
426. Are you kidding?
I love her, she's great.
Copy !req
427. Mrs.
Stewie, you gonna watch
Copy !req
428. Wheel of fortune with me?
Copy !req
429. Coming, debbie.
Copy !req
430. You call her debbie?
Copy !req
431. She insisted.
Copy !req
432. So, hey, guys,
thank you so much.
Copy !req
433. This job is a dream come true.
Copy !req
434. Was that a little weird?
Copy !req
435. Yeah. I don't know why,
Copy !req
436. But something
about it feels...
Copy !req
437. Unnatural.
Copy !req
438. Okay, let's go.
Copy !req
439. Okay, sheldon,
thanks for checking in.
Copy !req
440. Talk to you tomorrow?
Copy !req
441. O-okay, bye.
Copy !req
442. He's okay?
Copy !req
443. Actually sounds like
he's doing pretty well.
Copy !req
444. I really think
this is gonna be for the best.
Copy !req
445. Me, too.
Copy !req
446. And he was able
to take a sabbatical from...
Copy !req
447. How could you let him go?
Copy !req