1. Captioning sponsored by
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3. America...
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4. you've seen me every week.
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5. You know how much
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6. I do for those kids.
Copy !req
7. Bernie Mac is a giver
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8. and those kids ain't
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9. nothing but takers.
Copy !req
10. Over these last few months,
Copy !req
11. these kids have committed acts
Copy !req
12. that was unspeakable.
Copy !req
13. Stopped up my toilets, scratched
Copy !req
14. my album and dented my car
Copy !req
15. but now they've gone
Copy !req
16. one step beyond.
Copy !req
17. They've done the unthinkable.
Copy !req
18. They ate my chicken.
Copy !req
19. Who ate my chicken?
Copy !req
20. I got one rule
Copy !req
21. when I come from a gig,
Copy !req
22. and what is it?
Copy !req
23. How'd your gig go?
Copy !req
24. Don't ask me
Copy !req
25. nothin' stupid, Jordan.
Copy !req
26. Sorry.
Copy !req
27. Yeah, you are sorry.
Copy !req
28. Your problem starts
Copy !req
29. when you ate my chicken.
Copy !req
30. Matter of fact,
Copy !req
31. you open your mouth.
Copy !req
32. Let me smell your breath.
Copy !req
33. Bernie!
Copy !req
34. Come here.
Copy !req
35. Hey, take a message, baby!
Copy !req
36. I'm getting ready
Copy !req
37. to expose a criminal.
Copy !req
38. Open your mouth.
Copy !req
39. You crazy.
Copy !req
40. Yeah, I'm crazy
Copy !req
41. when somebody
Copy !req
42. eats my chicken.
Copy !req
43. Baby, please listen.
Copy !req
44. I'm conducting
Copy !req
45. an investigation.
Copy !req
46. It was D from Chicago.
Copy !req
47. Your Uncle Elister
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48. passed away.
Copy !req
49. How?
Copy !req
50. In his sleep last night.
Copy !req
51. Honey, I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
52. My Uncle Elister
Copy !req
53. was very special.
Copy !req
54. Well, he wasn't actually
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55. my blood uncle
Copy !req
56. but he lived across
Copy !req
57. the street from us
Copy !req
58. when I was growing up.
Copy !req
59. He practically
Copy !req
60. raised me, you know.
Copy !req
61. I remember my Uncle Elister
Copy !req
62. bought my first bike.
Copy !req
63. He taught me how to ride.
Copy !req
64. He picked me up
Copy !req
65. when I fell off of it
Copy !req
66. and he comforted me
Copy !req
67. when someone stole it.
Copy !req
68. Baby, I'm going to...
Copy !req
69. have to go to Chicago
Copy !req
70. and pay my respects.
Copy !req
71. Baby, we'll all go.
Copy !req
72. I know.
Copy !req
73. We're going
Copy !req
74. to Chicago?
Copy !req
75. Can we see our mom?
Copy !req
76. Oh, Nessa, please.
Copy !req
77. Of course you can see your mom.
Copy !req
78. Without a doubt.
Copy !req
79. It's time for family.
Copy !req
80. You know what, Wanda?
Copy !req
81. I never got a chance
Copy !req
82. to really thank him
Copy !req
83. for supporting me
Copy !req
84. and believing in me.
Copy !req
85. I never, ever, ever got
Copy !req
86. a chance to thank him.
Copy !req
87. Baby, I think he knows
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88. how much you care.
Copy !req
89. Aunt Wanda.
Copy !req
90. Have you seen my pirate cape?
Copy !req
91. Honey, I'll help
Copy !req
92. you pack.
Copy !req
93. Know what, Jordan?
Copy !req
94. Don't be like
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95. your Uncle Bernie
Copy !req
96. and wait till somebody die
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97. before you get a chance
Copy !req
98. to tell them you love them.
Copy !req
99. Mm-mm. No way.
Copy !req
100. Don't be like me.
Copy !req
101. Uncle Bernie, I...
Copy !req
102. I...
Copy !req
103. I ate your chicken.
Copy !req
104. Jordan...
Copy !req
105. don't worry about it.
Copy !req
106. Look at that champagne.
Copy !req
107. Bernie Mac in coach.
Copy !req
108. You doggone
Copy !req
109. kids.
Copy !req
110. Yeah, right
Copy !req
111. back at you.
Copy !req
112. Hey! Turn around!
Copy !req
113. Leave my Uncle Bernie
Copy !req
114. alone!
Copy !req
115. He's 'motional.
Copy !req
116. Yeah, 'motional.
Copy !req
117. This is our first
Copy !req
118. trip as a family.
Copy !req
119. Can I go sit
Copy !req
120. by the window?
Copy !req
121. Go ahead.
Copy !req
122. Ow!
Copy !req
123. Oh, ma'am, ma'am,
Copy !req
124. ma'am, miss.
Copy !req
125. I'm ready for my meal right now.
Copy !req
126. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
127. welcome to Chicago O'Hare.
Copy !req
128. Oh, yeah. Chicago.
Copy !req
129. I'm home, baby.
Copy !req
130. Just a little bad news.
Copy !req
131. The ground crew has informed us
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132. that some of the luggage didn't
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133. quite make the flight.
Copy !req
134. Oh...
Copy !req
135. Oh, goodness.
Copy !req
136. Hi, baby.
Copy !req
137. Baby.
Copy !req
138. Hey, Mama Liva.
Copy !req
139. Oh, come on
Copy !req
140. in here, boy.
Copy !req
141. Oh, Beanie
Copy !req
142. your uncle would have
Copy !req
143. been so glad you came.
Copy !req
144. Oh, Mama Liva, you kidding, man?
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145. Y'all my family.
Copy !req
146. Shoot, I'd have walked here.
Copy !req
147. Bernie Bern Bern.
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148. Hey, what's up, D?
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149. What's up, big brother?
Copy !req
150. What's up, man?
Copy !req
151. Man, sorry I couldn't
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152. get here earlier.
Copy !req
153. Oh, that ain't nothing.
Copy !req
154. You know how it is
Copy !req
155. working for the man.
Copy !req
156. I mean, the supervisor
Copy !req
157. want a brother
Copy !req
158. to work the whole
Copy !req
159. 9:00 to 5:00, man.
Copy !req
160. Hey, D, I'm truly sorry
Copy !req
161. about your dad, man, really.
Copy !req
162. It's heavy.
Copy !req
163. I can still smell him
Copy !req
164. on his coat.
Copy !req
165. Hey, how'd they let you on
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166. the plane with that weapon?
Copy !req
167. I ain't got no weapon.
Copy !req
168. What you talking about?
Copy !req
169. Wanda, man.
Copy !req
170. She's like a fine
Copy !req
171. bomb, boom!
Copy !req
172. Hi, D.
Copy !req
173. Hey, Wanda.
Copy !req
174. Hey, kids.
Copy !req
175. Look at these kids.
Copy !req
176. Last time I saw y'all,
Copy !req
177. I was bringing that
Copy !req
178. couch over to y'all's house.
Copy !req
179. Remember when
Copy !req
180. I was bringing that couch
Copy !req
181. over to y'all's
Copy !req
182. house?
Copy !req
183. Man, them kids
Copy !req
184. love me, Bernie.
Copy !req
185. Yeah, I see.
Copy !req
186. Everybody loves you, D.
Copy !req
187. Named it Earl.
Copy !req
188. Oh, he was
Copy !req
189. a good man.
Copy !req
190. He really loved
Copy !req
191. you boys.
Copy !req
192. I know, Mama.
Copy !req
193. Hey, listen,
Copy !req
194. you kids
Copy !req
195. why don't you all
Copy !req
196. go in the front
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197. and watch television
Copy !req
198. while us grown folks
Copy !req
199. sit here and talk
Copy !req
200. a little while, okay?
Copy !req
201. Go ahead,
Copy !req
202. go ahead.
Copy !req
203. Okay.
Copy !req
204. And if you lose the picture,
Copy !req
205. just jiggle the hanger.
Copy !req
206. And we only get
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207. channel two.
Copy !req
208. Mama Liva
Copy !req
209. why don't you let us take care
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210. of the funeral arrangement?
Copy !req
211. I mean, it would
Copy !req
212. do my heart
Copy !req
213. real good,
Copy !req
214. please.
Copy !req
215. Oh, no, no.
Copy !req
216. You're such an angel,
Copy !req
217. but D's taking care
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218. of everything.
Copy !req
219. That's right; it's going
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220. to be beautiful, Mama.
Copy !req
221. I know it is.
Copy !req
222. Let me help you.
Copy !req
223. Bernie, let me put this
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224. bug in your ear over here.
Copy !req
225. Hey, um
Copy !req
226. now I'm going to handle
Copy !req
227. everything, right
Copy !req
228. but I'm still waiting
Copy !req
229. for Daddy's check from
Copy !req
230. the government, man.
Copy !req
231. You know how slow
Copy !req
232. they can be.
Copy !req
233. Hey, maybe you don't
Copy !req
234. remember, you know.
Copy !req
235. You're big time and
Copy !req
236. everything now, but
Copy !req
237. could you float me
Copy !req
238. for a minute, man?
Copy !req
239. He did not just say that.
Copy !req
240. He did not
Copy !req
241. just ask me for money.
Copy !req
242. Oh... D!
Copy !req
243. Had to ruin everything.
Copy !req
244. America, I know we all got
Copy !req
245. somebody in our family
Copy !req
246. just like this, too.
Copy !req
247. And if you don't think so,
Copy !req
248. then it's you.
Copy !req
249. D, why don't we go down in the
Copy !req
250. morning and take care of it.
Copy !req
251. You my dog, man.
Copy !req
252. Yeah.
Copy !req
253. And, hey, you already
Copy !req
254. offered anyway, right?
Copy !req
255. Mama, I get that,
Copy !req
256. I get that.
Copy !req
257. Now this is one
Copy !req
258. of our best sellers.
Copy !req
259. White oak.
Copy !req
260. Very nice,
Copy !req
261. very understated.
Copy !req
262. No, no, no,
Copy !req
263. no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
264. Mm-mm, no.
Copy !req
265. What's wrong, D?
Copy !req
266. Come on, Bern,
Copy !req
267. this looks like
Copy !req
268. somebody's shop
Copy !req
269. class project.
Copy !req
270. Thing can't cost more
Copy !req
271. than $200, man.
Copy !req
272. Well, well, what
Copy !req
273. do you suggest, D?
Copy !req
274. Bernie, when Biggie died...
Copy !req
275. R.I.P.
Copy !req
276. they put the brother
Copy !req
277. in a gold coffin
Copy !req
278. lined with
Copy !req
279. velvet.
Copy !req
280. It had his initials
Copy !req
281. in diamonds on
Copy !req
282. the top of it.
Copy !req
283. I know this man ain't
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284. trying to tell me
Copy !req
285. my daddy ain't
Copy !req
286. as good as Biggie.
Copy !req
287. We do special
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288. requests
Copy !req
289. but it can get a bit expensive.
Copy !req
290. Hey, man, hey.
Copy !req
291. My father died.
Copy !req
292. Now I know we ain't up in here
Copy !req
293. trying to pinch pennies.
Copy !req
294. Ain't that right, Bern?
Copy !req
295. Um... I mean, let's just hear
Copy !req
296. what the man got to say, D.
Copy !req
297. And just walk around
Copy !req
298. see if we can pick out
Copy !req
299. something more proper.
Copy !req
300. Okay, you're right.
Copy !req
301. You're right.
Copy !req
302. Maybe something
Copy !req
303. like solid teak?
Copy !req
304. Ebony wood,
Copy !req
305. something like that?
Copy !req
306. I think my Daddy's
Copy !req
307. worth it, right?
Copy !req
308. This is expensive.
Copy !req
309. And it don't even move.
Copy !req
310. What is that?
Copy !req
311. Rustproof.
Copy !req
312. Air con...
Copy !req
313. This is some...
Copy !req
314. Let's move on.
Copy !req
315. Thanks, cuz.
Copy !req
316. I think we really did
Copy !req
317. right by Daddy back there.
Copy !req
318. Yeah, Mama Liva'll
Copy !req
319. be proud.
Copy !req
320. Come on, I want
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321. to show you something.
Copy !req
322. Now, see, what may look like
Copy !req
323. an ordinary old church to you
Copy !req
324. to me... it's a club.
Copy !req
325. A club?
Copy !req
326. A comedy club.
Copy !req
327. Now hold on, stand
Copy !req
328. right over here.
Copy !req
329. Now over here,
Copy !req
330. this is the stage, okay?
Copy !req
331. Now right, we're
Copy !req
332. going to put a bar.
Copy !req
333. And this wall,
Copy !req
334. just get rid of it.
Copy !req
335. Knock this
Copy !req
336. whole thing out.
Copy !req
337. Extend the seating
Copy !req
338. out that way.
Copy !req
339. And right here
Copy !req
340. where you're standing
Copy !req
341. that's the
Copy !req
342. dance floor.
Copy !req
343. Check it out,
Copy !req
344. I got a name, okay.
Copy !req
345. You ain't going to believe this.
Copy !req
346. "Buster Guts."
Copy !req
347. You get it?
Copy !req
348. It's like "bust a gut"
Copy !req
349. but it's "bust-er gut."
Copy !req
350. Now that's comedy, man.
Copy !req
351. What do you think?
Copy !req
352. D, listen, you know
Copy !req
353. you have to really
Copy !req
354. know what you're doing
Copy !req
355. to put up a club and
Copy !req
356. it cost a lot of money.
Copy !req
357. Money ain't a thing, man.
Copy !req
358. That's where you come in.
Copy !req
359. You're gonna give me
Copy !req
360. the seed money
Copy !req
361. to get it started
Copy !req
362. because the way I figure it
Copy !req
363. if you got ten grand
Copy !req
364. to dump into the ground
Copy !req
365. you definitely
Copy !req
366. got ten grand
Copy !req
367. to launch a dream.
Copy !req
368. Woo.
Copy !req
369. Why does he do this? Why?
Copy !req
370. Why does D do this?
Copy !req
371. You know, maybe D has changed.
Copy !req
372. I shouldn't judge him, America.
Copy !req
373. I shouldn't judge him
Copy !req
374. by his past.
Copy !req
375. Maybe it's probably just a loan.
Copy !req
376. And I'm sure he's got every
Copy !req
377. intention on paying me back.
Copy !req
378. The nerve of that damn fool
Copy !req
379. askin' me for ten
Copy !req
380. damn thousand dollars.
Copy !req
381. I should have given him
Copy !req
382. 10,000 kicks right in the crack
Copy !req
383. of his damn ass.
Copy !req
384. That's what I should have did.
Copy !req
385. Okay, I'm going
Copy !req
386. to give him the money.
Copy !req
387. But this time
Copy !req
388. we put it on paper
Copy !req
389. and he got to have a solid
Copy !req
390. business plan
Copy !req
391. and it better be notarized.
Copy !req
392. Bernie Mac is depressed.
Copy !req
393. Damn, damn, damn!
Copy !req
394. Well, mm...
Copy !req
395. D is D.
Copy !req
396. Hello.
Copy !req
397. No, I didn't have
Copy !req
398. no wake-up call, sweetheart.
Copy !req
399. You got the wrong number.
Copy !req
400. I ordered it.
Copy !req
401. Mom can have visitors at 8:00
Copy !req
402. so we have to be
Copy !req
403. on the road by 7:30.
Copy !req
404. You have about five minutes.
Copy !req
405. All of our patients
Copy !req
406. are in their rooms
Copy !req
407. right now for private
Copy !req
408. reflection time.
Copy !req
409. We set visiting hours
Copy !req
410. to coincide with this time
Copy !req
411. because it's nice
Copy !req
412. and peaceful and quiet.
Copy !req
413. Okay.
Copy !req
414. I made that.
Copy !req
415. Stacy, you have visitors.
Copy !req
416. Stacy?
Copy !req
417. Where's Mommy?
Copy !req
418. That's a very
Copy !req
419. good question.
Copy !req
420. Excuse me.
Copy !req
421. Bob, it's Donna.
Copy !req
422. We have a situation.
Copy !req
423. Maybe it'd be better
Copy !req
424. if you came back later.
Copy !req
425. Hey, listen, we're going to go.
Copy !req
426. We'll see your mother
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427. at the funeral, okay?
Copy !req
428. Come on, baby girl.
Copy !req
429. Come on, Jordan.
Copy !req
430. Let's move on.
Copy !req
431. Hey, y'all.
Copy !req
432. Y'all ready?
Copy !req
433. Uncle Bernie...
Copy !req
434. Huh?
Copy !req
435. I don't want to see dead people.
Copy !req
436. You're not going to see
Copy !req
437. any dead people, baby.
Copy !req
438. We're just going to go
Copy !req
439. say a few nice words
Copy !req
440. and pay our respects.
Copy !req
441. When you die,
Copy !req
442. I'm going to say my respects.
Copy !req
443. Uncle Bernie, when you die
Copy !req
444. can I have your house?
Copy !req
445. I'm going to outlive y'all.
Copy !req
446. Hello?
Copy !req
447. Stacey.
Copy !req
448. Hey, girl, what happened to you?
Copy !req
449. Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, hold...
Copy !req
450. Hold on now.
Copy !req
451. Watch your tone.
Copy !req
452. Watch how you're talking to me.
Copy !req
453. You sitting up there
Copy !req
454. gonna try to trip on me.
Copy !req
455. I'm trying to do you a favor.
Copy !req
456. I bring your kids to see you,
Copy !req
457. you ain't there.
Copy !req
458. You trying to get better?
Copy !req
459. H-Hello?
Copy !req
460. Hello?
Copy !req
461. She got a lot of nerve, America.
Copy !req
462. How do I get to be the bad guy
Copy !req
463. after all I've done?
Copy !req
464. Taking those kids in?
Copy !req
465. She's lucky I've actually grown
Copy !req
466. fond of the ungrateful urchins.
Copy !req
467. I mean, America, no good deed...
Copy !req
468. no good deed.
Copy !req
469. She gonna trip out on me.
Copy !req
470. Junkie.
Copy !req
471. That's right.
Copy !req
472. Okay, what you call it?
Copy !req
473. Okay? I thought so.
Copy !req
474. Psst. Psst.
Copy !req
475. Psst.
Copy !req
476. Psst.
Copy !req
477. What?
Copy !req
478. I was thinking
Copy !req
479. about our club.
Copy !req
480. You know who we should get
Copy !req
481. for our opening night act?
Copy !req
482. Chris Tucker, boy.
Copy !req
483. He really made me
Copy !req
484. laugh, you know.
Copy !req
485. D. D...
Copy !req
486. This ain't the time
Copy !req
487. or the place, man.
Copy !req
488. My God.
Copy !req
489. You right, you right.
Copy !req
490. I'll holler at you
Copy !req
491. over by the crypt.
Copy !req
492. What do you think about
Copy !req
493. topless waitresses?
Copy !req
494. D, I'm here to pay my last
Copy !req
495. respects to your father.
Copy !req
496. No, no, your father.
Copy !req
497. I know,
Copy !req
498. I'm just saying...
Copy !req
499. I know what you're
Copy !req
500. saying, D. Shut up.
Copy !req
501. Let us pray.
Copy !req
502. Nighttime daycare.
Copy !req
503. Mull that one over.
Copy !req
504. White liquor nights.
Copy !req
505. What's the first thing
Copy !req
506. pop into your head?
Copy !req
507. White people, right?
Copy !req
508. But it ain't white people.
Copy !req
509. It's white liquor.
Copy !req
510. You get it? It's like
Copy !req
511. a double, um, entourage...
Copy !req
512. entree... what's the word?
Copy !req
513. Bye, Daddy.
Copy !req
514. I will give thanks to the Lord.
Copy !req
515. Hey, Bern, I got this cat
Copy !req
516. who got a line on
Copy !req
517. a liquor license.
Copy !req
518. You want to holler
Copy !req
519. at him real quick?
Copy !req
520. Some other time, D.
Copy !req
521. But he's on the phone
Copy !req
522. right now, man.
Copy !req
523. He's a busy man.
Copy !req
524. It's not like he's going
Copy !req
525. to hang around forever.
Copy !req
526. You want me to tell him
Copy !req
527. to call back later?
Copy !req
528. I'll tell him
Copy !req
529. to call back later.
Copy !req
530. Thou has set on the throne
Copy !req
531. given righteous judgment.
Copy !req
532. Give me this doggone phone.
Copy !req
533. Give it here, D!
Copy !req
534. Before we commit
Copy !req
535. Elister's body
Copy !req
536. to the ground
Copy !req
537. would someone like to say
Copy !req
538. a few kind words
Copy !req
539. about this gentle soul?
Copy !req
540. I was just saying...
Copy !req
541. This brother getting on my...
Copy !req
542. All you ever wanted
Copy !req
543. was a handout.
Copy !req
544. You dirty, greedy bastard!
Copy !req
545. All you ever did in your life
Copy !req
546. is take, take, take.
Copy !req
547. Why? All you did was sit
Copy !req
548. in the house and watch TV.
Copy !req
549. Now you getting just
Copy !req
550. what the heck you deserve
Copy !req
551. and that's nothing.
Copy !req
552. Nothing!
Copy !req
553. It ain't a person up in here
Copy !req
554. don't feel the same.
Copy !req
555. Lord, I feel so much better
Copy !req
556. getting this off my chest
Copy !req
557. I swear to God.
Copy !req
558. Go to hell!
Copy !req
559. I mean, it's
Copy !req
560. okay, Bernie.
Copy !req
561. I know how much
Copy !req
562. you love your uncle.
Copy !req
563. I ruined the burial,
Copy !req
564. didn't I?
Copy !req
565. Oh, you didn't ruin anything.
Copy !req
566. I know how D can
Copy !req
567. drive a man crazy.
Copy !req
568. Mama Liva, I was thinking
Copy !req
569. about lending D the money
Copy !req
570. to open up a comedy club.
Copy !req
571. Well, Bernie, you might as well
Copy !req
572. just give me the money
Copy !req
573. let me flush it down the toilet.
Copy !req
574. 'Cause that's exactly
Copy !req
575. what he's going to do.
Copy !req
576. Oh, Mama Liva.
Copy !req
577. Now, he's my son,
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578. and I love him.
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579. But the boy is trifling.
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580. Now you keep your money.
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581. I'm just so sorry
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582. I didn't get a chance
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583. to pay my respect to Uncle E.
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584. Oh, baby.
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585. You showed your respect
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586. while he was alive
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587. and that's what counts.
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588. Oh, Mama Liva, thanks.
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589. I love old people.
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590. You know, just when you think
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591. you know everything
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592. they drop some knowledge on you
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593. and open your eyes.
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594. Sometime when you think
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595. you're protecting them
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596. it's them protecting you.
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597. Respect your elders, America.
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598. And pay those respect
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599. like you're supposed
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600. to pay your bills—
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601. I mean, on time.
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602. Don't wait
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603. till the fifth and final notice.
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604. Y'all know who you are.
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605. Oh, you know.
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606. You put your foot in this
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607. this time.
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608. I almost forgot how good
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609. your homecooked food
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610. taste like, girl.
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611. Well, let's see if
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612. you remember this.
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613. Mm... Look at that.
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614. Let me see.
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615. That's your Uncle Elister
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616. right there, and that's me.
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617. Every Sunday he used to take me
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618. fishing right over there
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619. that little lake over there?
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620. And that's my first fish.
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621. He even named it.
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622. Oh, now I don't know
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623. about all of that.
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624. Named it Earl.
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625. Named it Earl.
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626. Captioning sponsored by
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628. Captioned by
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629. Media Access Group at WGBH
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