1. You think
you're good at walking?
Copy !req
2. Yes.
Copy !req
3. You're
good at walking?
Copy !req
4. I bet I can walk
circles around you.
Copy !req
5. I bet you can.
Copy !req
6. Fantastic.
Copy !req
7. I'm fantastic.
Copy !req
8. I'm so fantastic I can walk
circles around you, literally.
Copy !req
9. Literally.
Copy !req
10. I bet I can walk
circles around you.
Copy !req
11. Okay.
Copy !req
12. Oh, fast.
Copy !req
13. Mwah.
Copy !req
14. I bet I can walk
circles around you.
Copy !req
15. No!
Copy !req
16. No!
Copy !req
17. I need this!
Copy !req
18. I need this!
Copy !req
19. Yes, I would like to order a
big bouquet of pretty flowers.
Copy !req
20. Hey, where have you been?
Copy !req
21. Hey, come in.
Copy !req
22. Oh, you're late.
Copy !req
23. What are you wearing?
Copy !req
24. You wore that to your wedding,
are you kidding me?
Copy !req
25. I know he's late.
Copy !req
26. I—
Ugh, here.
Copy !req
27. Do you have the ring?
Copy !req
28. Do you, Herbie Johnson, take
this lovely wife to be your
Copy !req
29. lawfully wedded wife?
Copy !req
30. Money okay?
Copy !req
31. Yeah, it's your
wedding day, man.
Copy !req
32. You're supposed to be happy.
Copy !req
33. Come on, come on back.
Copy !req
34. You can't back out now.
Copy !req
35. Come on, she's
lovely, look at her.
Copy !req
36. Don't cry.
Copy !req
37. You made her cry.
Copy !req
38. Don't cry.
Copy !req
39. What are you doing?
Copy !req
40. Hey, come here.
Copy !req
41. Ah, he's a stupid deadbeat
Copy !req
42. Who needs him?
Copy !req
43. And zoom, the panda ate
the sheriff's brains
Copy !req
44. with a pair of chopsticks
and was crowned the
Copy !req
45. most beautiful animal
in the whole room.
Copy !req
46. The end.
Copy !req
47. My autobiography is finally
Copy !req
48. Time to cool off.
Copy !req
49. No!
Copy !req
50. Aah, all my hard work!
Copy !req
51. My hard work!
Copy !req
52. I gotta start from scratch.
Copy !req
53. "The Andy Milonakis Story."
Copy !req
54. Ooh.
Copy !req
55. Ah.
Copy !req
56. I must find this boy.
Copy !req
57. Uh...
Copy !req
58. Hi.
Copy !req
59. I'm a big-time publisher.
Copy !req
60. Are you Andy Milonakis?
Copy !req
61. Yes.
Copy !req
62. Your book was brilliant!
Copy !req
63. Oh, thanks.
Copy !req
64. Oh!
Copy !req
65. Why did you do that?
Copy !req
66. Because I don't accept
unsolicited materials!
Copy !req
67. But Unsolicited Materials
is the name of
Copy !req
68. my autobiography and
you requested it.
Copy !req
69. Ahh.
Copy !req
70. Ah, I miss you.
Copy !req
71. Oh, run, it's a monster.
Copy !req
72. What are you doing?
Copy !req
73. Where?
Copy !req
74. Run, fast, fast.
Copy !req
75. Where?
Copy !req
76. It's Godzilla.
Copy !req
77. Where are you pointing?
Copy !req
78. I don't see
where you're pointing.
Copy !req
79. What are you doing?
Copy !req
80. Get away.
Copy !req
81. What are you looking at?
Copy !req
82. You get away now.
Copy !req
83. You get away now, boy.
Copy !req
84. You get away now, boy.
Copy !req
85. Get away, it's a monster.
Copy !req
86. Still don't see it.
Copy !req
87. Ow.
Copy !req
88. I feel better now.
Copy !req
89. This looks way too hot.
Copy !req
90. Ralphie, can you test this to
make sure it's not too hot?
Copy !req
91. Just fine, Andy.
Copy !req
92. Thank you.
Copy !req
93. Ugh.
Copy !req
94. Ralphie, can you test this apple
to see if it's rotten?
Copy !req
95. Andy, this
apple's mad rotten.
Copy !req
96. Now what
am I gonna eat, huh?
Copy !req
97. Andy, I miss my family.
Copy !req
98. Can I go home soon?
Copy !req
99. What, you don't like
living in my closet and testing
Copy !req
100. things for me?
Copy !req
101. Huh? Huh?
Copy !req
102. I kidnapped you fair and square.
Copy !req
103. Now test this battery and tell
me if there's any juice left.
Copy !req
104. Ahh. Ahh. Ahh.
Copy !req
105. Yeah, it's good.
Copy !req
106. This article
is so depressing.
Copy !req
107. What's so
depressing about it?
Copy !req
108. It's about
the homeless.
Copy !req
109. It's horrible.
Copy !req
110. Sometime all I wish is
that I could be homeless.
Copy !req
111. Who would ever
wish for homelessness?
Copy !req
112. Living with homes
can be a nightmare.
Copy !req
113. Ew, that's gross.
Copy !req
114. Oh, that's Billy's house.
Copy !req
115. Can Billy come out and play?
Copy !req
116. Hey, don't touch my homes.
Copy !req
117. Sorry.
Copy !req
118. It's:
Copy !req
119. Starring:
Copy !req
120. And a:
Copy !req
121. I could spend all day looking
at this handsome devil.
Copy !req
122. Your face looks like God himself
carved it from expensive marble
Copy !req
123. and sent it down to Earth on the
back of a magical luck dragon.
Copy !req
124. If the whole world looked as
good as you, there would be
Copy !req
125. no more wars.
Copy !req
126. In fact, the pure beauty that
emitted from your porcelain
Copy !req
127. complexion would cure all
disease and famine as well.
Copy !req
128. I love you.
Copy !req
129. I said, "The freakin'
apartment is on fire!"
Copy !req
130. Stop looking at yourself in the
mirror, and start panicking
Copy !req
131. with the rest of us.
Copy !req
132. Friggin' jerk.
Copy !req
133. I'll be back for you later.
Copy !req
134. Free samples.
Copy !req
135. Have some free samples.
Copy !req
136. Okay.
Copy !req
137. Take a bite.
Copy !req
138. Good.
Copy !req
139. Yeah.
Copy !req
140. You know, you just ate
the last unicorn's heart.
Copy !req
141. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
142. Can I have one?
Copy !req
143. That's
one, that's good.
Copy !req
144. You just ate the joy of
about 10,000 kids.
Copy !req
145. Now they're all sad,
they're crying.
Copy !req
146. Tastes good though, kind of, to
be mean like that, right?
Copy !req
147. It's yummy.
Copy !req
148. Have some free samples.
Copy !req
149. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
150. Hey, thanks.
Copy !req
151. You know what that is?
Copy !req
152. Uh-uh.
Copy !req
153. You just ate the
ability of a young pigeon.
Copy !req
154. Now it can't coo.
Copy !req
155. Coo.
Copy !req
156. I killed him?
Copy !req
157. It can't coo no more.
Copy !req
158. Duh, that's not the way
you grow a palm tree.
Copy !req
159. I'm not trying to grow
a palm tree, Ralphie.
Copy !req
160. I'm hiding my coconuts from
you, you fat bitch.
Copy !req
161. I resemble that remark.
Copy !req
162. Hi, I'd like to make
a delivery order please.
Copy !req
163. Come inside, please.
Copy !req
164. Hey, come inside, thanks.
Copy !req
165. What are you doing, man?
Copy !req
166. Let me see this.
Copy !req
167. What happened?
Copy !req
168. They didn't like it?
Copy !req
169. Oh, they didn't like it?
Copy !req
170. Here, fix this one.
Copy !req
171. Didn't you use the black
Copy !req
172. Why didn't he like the food?
Copy !req
173. Yeah, why is that?
Copy !req
174. How was
table five doing?
Copy !req
175. Were they doing okay?
Copy !req
176. Make it better.
Copy !req
177. Make it better.
Copy !req
178. Make it better.
Copy !req
179. Why didn't he like the food?
Copy !req
180. We put the rat feces in.
Copy !req
181. We put the pig's blood in.
Copy !req
182. We put the imported truffles in.
Copy !req
183. Why didn't he like it?
Copy !req
184. Get out!
Copy !req
185. Shut up!
Copy !req
186. Shut up?
Copy !req
187. Oh,
Copy !req
188. Going—
Copy !req
189. Shut up!
Copy !req
190. Shut up!
Copy !req
191. Ugh, come on, stupid remote.
Copy !req
192. Ugh.
Copy !req
193. Rifka, can you turn the TV on
for me please?
Copy !req
194. Okay, Andy.
Copy !req
195. Thanks, Rifka.
Copy !req
196. That'll be 50¢.
Copy !req
197. Let me out of here.
Copy !req
198. Get me out of this
stinkin' thing that
Copy !req
199. I'm not really stuck in.
Copy !req
200. Get me out of this stupid thing.
Copy !req
201. This is stupid.
Copy !req
202. You're all stupid.
Copy !req
203. Our plan worked.
Copy !req
204. Now we can really get down.
Copy !req
205. Yee-haw!
Copy !req
206. Well, I don't know, I mean—
Copy !req
207. Yeah, I want to go to the park,
but I mean, I do have some
Copy !req
208. things to do today.
Copy !req
209. All right.
Copy !req
210. Yeah well, maybe I'll meet you
later then.
Copy !req
211. Okay.
Copy !req
212. All right.
Copy !req
213. Okay, bye.
Copy !req
214. Hey, Ralphie.
Copy !req
215. What you got there?
Copy !req
216. I found it in the closet.
Copy !req
217. It's a bag of pleasure.
Copy !req
218. Well, open 'er up.
Copy !req
219. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
220. Ah-la-la-la-la-la.
Copy !req
221. I don't get it.
Copy !req
222. Let me try.
Copy !req
223. La-la-la-la-la.
Copy !req
224. Ah-la-la-la-la-la.
Copy !req
225. Ah-la-la-la-la-la.
Copy !req
226. Wow, this
really is pleasure.
Copy !req
227. Ha-ha-ha-ha.
Copy !req
228. Pleasure is pleasant.
Copy !req
229. Ah-la-la-la-la.
Copy !req
230. Oh, my head.
Copy !req
231. Where's my pleasure?
Copy !req
232. Where's my pleasure?
Copy !req
233. Andy, give me back my pleasure.
Copy !req
234. Andy, give me back my pleasure.
Copy !req
235. Andy, give me back my pleasure.
Copy !req
236. Ooh.
Copy !req
237. Andy, no!
Copy !req
238. Aah!
Copy !req
239. Can I help you with your TPS
reports, Mr. Gilson?
Copy !req
240. Bah!
Copy !req
241. We-de-de-de-de-de.
Copy !req
242. Blue chips.
Copy !req
243. Can I interest you in
some blue chips?
Copy !req
244. A-ling-ling-ling-ling-ling.
Copy !req
245. Remember kids, never mix
business with pleasure.
Copy !req
246. Got to go to the bank
and open some accounts.
Copy !req
247. Yay-woo-bop-boo.
Copy !req
248. Ah.
Copy !req
249. Ah.
Copy !req
250. Ah. Ah. Ah.
Copy !req
251. It's so good though.
Copy !req
252. Ahh!
Copy !req
253. What?
Copy !req
254. Stop judging me, machine!
Copy !req
255. Are you sick and tired of
Copy !req
256. animal attack videos that are
boring and wimpy?
Copy !req
257. Yes!
Copy !req
258. Don't you wish you could buy
an animal attack video that was
Copy !req
259. gross, brutal, and disgusting?
Copy !req
260. I sure do.
Copy !req
261. Then do I have the animal
attack video for you.
Copy !req
262. When Andy Attacksis the most
gruesome and shocking video
Copy !req
263. you'll ever see.
Copy !req
264. Watch Andy attack a lamp.
Copy !req
265. Watch Andy attack a TV.
Copy !req
266. Watch Andy attack a couch.
Copy !req
267. So for only 17 relatively large
payments of—
Copy !req
268. Help me, announcer, I
can't breathe.
Copy !req
269. I can't help you, Andy.
Copy !req
270. The voiceover was pre-recorded
ten years ago.
Copy !req
271. I'm probably retired by now.
Copy !req
272. So buy When Andy Attackstoday.
Copy !req
273. It'll probably be the
last one ever.
Copy !req
274. I mean, it will be the last one
Copy !req
275. Buy it!
Copy !req
276. Buy it!
Copy !req
277. Mmm.
Copy !req
278. Hey dude, you wanna
help me fold my sheet?
Copy !req
279. All right, but
only if you let me
Copy !req
280. criticize everything you do.
Copy !req
281. You got yourself a
deal, lady.
Copy !req
282. Don't wrinkle it!
Copy !req
283. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
284. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
Copy !req
285. Here!
Copy !req
286. Good.
Copy !req
287. You walk at an abnormal clip.
Copy !req
288. Your shoes have shoddy
Copy !req
289. You have terrible taste in
bedroom decor.
Copy !req
290. Your draperies contain 0%
Copy !req
291. You hold your head crooked when
you watch the set.
Copy !req
292. Your ear's got a
pink tinge to it.
Copy !req
293. The fella that cuts your hair
rushes the job.
Copy !req
294. I get the point.
Copy !req
295. Stop nitpicking.
Copy !req
296. Why are you even here?
Copy !req
297. Leave me alone!
Copy !req
298. Just leave me alone!
Copy !req
299. You got guts, kid,
and I'm proud of you.
Copy !req
300. Bow Wow, despite
previous warnings,
Copy !req
301. you have continued to behave
in a cool and awesome manner.
Copy !req
302. You are hereby sentenced to
hang out with Andy Milonakis
Copy !req
303. so that you learn to
be lame like us.
Copy !req
304. Come on, man,
anything but this dude.
Copy !req
305. Yeah!
Copy !req
306. Beam him in.
Copy !req
307. Wow, Bow-Wow, we're gonna be,
like, awesome friends, right?
Copy !req
308. Make him eat lame food
that isn't good.
Copy !req
309. All
righty-dighty-do, here we go.
Copy !req
310. Aw, man, I'm not eatin' that.
Copy !req
311. Look at that, man, it's Spam
and colored marshmallows
Copy !req
312. and trees and—
Copy !req
313. Make him play lame games that
aren't good either.
Copy !req
314. I got the neato-ist
video games ever.
Copy !req
315. A'ight, cool.
Copy !req
316. Okay, I got Silently
Reading to Yourself Part 2,
Copy !req
317. Mellow Marbles, and
Carrot Peeler Daytona.
Copy !req
318. I just got 10,000
points on that.
Copy !req
319. Which one you wanna play?
Copy !req
320. Them aren't
even video games, dawg.
Copy !req
321. They're VHS tapes.
Copy !req
322. Stupid!
Copy !req
323. Aah!
Copy !req
324. Come on, bud, relax.
Copy !req
325. Stupid.
Copy !req
326. Dude, chill, hey—
Copy !req
327. Oh, I do
have one cool thing.
Copy !req
328. Dang, man, what is that, man?
Copy !req
329. I don't know, it's a
cool toy I found.
Copy !req
330. I call it "Bark-bark."
Copy !req
331. I have no idea why.
Copy !req
332. No, the evil ones have
returned, and it's all that
Copy !req
333. Milonakis kid's fault.
Copy !req
334. Just for that I'm going to blow
up the world for some reason.
Copy !req