1. Hey, what are you doing,
Copy !req
2. Ralphie?
Copy !req
3. I'm touring Mexico, Andy.
Copy !req
4. Shalom.
Copy !req
5. I hate myself.
Copy !req
6. Free stuff.
Copy !req
7. Free stuff.
Copy !req
8. You don't really have to do
Copy !req
9. anything.
Copy !req
10. All you have to do is sign this
Copy !req
11. contract, saying that I get your
Copy !req
12. soul.
Copy !req
13. No way.
Copy !req
14. I'll just take your hopes and
Copy !req
15. dreams instead.
Copy !req
16. Please.
Copy !req
17. Come on, you never use your
Copy !req
18. soul, just sign it.
Copy !req
19. All you've got to do is sign
Copy !req
20. and date.
Copy !req
21. Let's see what the hell this
Copy !req
22. is all about.
Copy !req
23. Hell, ha ha ha.
Copy !req
24. I like the way you think, lady.
Copy !req
25. Blow, Blow, Blow.
Copy !req
26. You don't really have to read
Copy !req
27. it.
Copy !req
28. It's just boring like jargon.
Copy !req
29. It' just basically says that I
Copy !req
30. get to have your soul for all
Copy !req
31. eternity and that you'll perish
Copy !req
32. in hell.
Copy !req
33. I don't like the devil.
Copy !req
34. You don't like the devil?
Copy !req
35. When was the last time that
Copy !req
36. God gave you a free tea kettle?
Copy !req
37. The devil will.
Copy !req
38. The devil's a nice guy.
Copy !req
39. So what would you like?
Copy !req
40. I'll take this can opener.
Copy !req
41. With the can opener you could
Copy !req
42. open food like you want a good
Copy !req
43. last meal right before you come
Copy !req
44. to hell for eternity, because we
Copy !req
45. don't really have food, you just
Copy !req
46. have to eat hot coal there.
Copy !req
47. Okay.
Copy !req
48. Thank you.
Copy !req
49. Merry Christmas and see you in
Copy !req
50. hell.
Copy !req
51. A diet of blood, crickets,
Copy !req
52. moths, bees.
Copy !req
53. Hey Andy, I just lost a game
Copy !req
54. of poker to Larry.
Copy !req
55. Now, you belong to him.
Copy !req
56. How can you do that to me,
Copy !req
57. Ralphie?
Copy !req
58. I went with my gut, but it
Copy !req
59. turns out that my gut is a real
Copy !req
60. jerk.
Copy !req
61. Fine, you're the boss of me
Copy !req
62. now, Larry.
Copy !req
63. What do you want?
Copy !req
64. Well, I could use another
Copy !req
65. fighting janitor.
Copy !req
66. Mine's lonely now.
Copy !req
67. Great, I can't wait.
Copy !req
68. Herschel, I have a surprise
Copy !req
69. for you.
Copy !req
70. A sparring partner?
Copy !req
71. Round one.
Copy !req
72. Come on.
Copy !req
73. Get him.
Copy !req
74. Get him.
Copy !req
75. Kill him.
Copy !req
76. Andy, you suck at janitor
Copy !req
77. fighting.
Copy !req
78. I'll never play poker with
Copy !req
79. Ralphie again.
Copy !req
80. No!
Copy !req
81. Hi, could I place a delivery
Copy !req
82. order please?
Copy !req
83. Yeah, can I have a beef with
Copy !req
84. mushrooms, a schezwan chicken,
Copy !req
85. and a white rice, small.
Copy !req
86. You order.
Copy !req
87. Come inside please.
Copy !req
88. All right.
Copy !req
89. First, let me get Ralphie.
Copy !req
90. Oh hello.
Copy !req
91. How much is the food?
Copy !req
92. How much is the food?
Copy !req
93. Food?
Copy !req
94. How much is the food?
Copy !req
95. How much is the food?
Copy !req
96. How much is the glorious food?
Copy !req
97. Good.
Copy !req
98. Eat the food.
Copy !req
99. Like to tap.
Copy !req
100. Like to tap.
Copy !req
101. We like to tap.
Copy !req
102. One, two.
Copy !req
103. Like to tap.
Copy !req
104. Like to tap.
Copy !req
105. Like to tap.
Copy !req
106. Like to tap with the food.
Copy !req
107. Like to tap.
Copy !req
108. Like to tap.
Copy !req
109. Like to slippery, slippery,
Copy !req
110. slippery tap.
Copy !req
111. Slippery, slippery, I like to
Copy !req
112. tap.
Copy !req
113. I like to tap.
Copy !req
114. I like to tap.
Copy !req
115. Can you feed me a brownie,
Copy !req
116. sir?
Copy !req
117. Excuse me, will you feed me?
Copy !req
118. Feed me a brownie.
Copy !req
119. Please, I just want one brownie.
Copy !req
120. I can almost reach it.
Copy !req
121. I just want one brownie.
Copy !req
122. I'm wasting away to nothing.
Copy !req
123. I just want one brownie.
Copy !req
124. All right here.
Copy !req
125. Go ahead.
Copy !req
126. Who locked you up like that?
Copy !req
127. I don't know.
Copy !req
128. I just woke up like this.
Copy !req
129. All right.
Copy !req
130. How dare you feed me?
Copy !req
131. It says don't feed the human.
Copy !req
132. I'm a diabetic.
Copy !req
133. Oh no.
Copy !req
134. Now, I'm going to be in
Copy !req
135. trouble and I'm going to get
Copy !req
136. sick.
Copy !req
137. Can you feed me a brownie?
Copy !req
138. There's a sign that says,
Copy !req
139. "Don't feed the human."
Copy !req
140. Oh, that's just there for
Copy !req
141. decoration.
Copy !req
142. Okay, here I'm going to give
Copy !req
143. you a little piece of brownie.
Copy !req
144. Okay, thanks.
Copy !req
145. Who put you in this?
Copy !req
146. It's illegal.
Copy !req
147. How dare you feed me?
Copy !req
148. It says "Do not feed the human."
Copy !req
149. I'm going to get whipped and
Copy !req
150. beaten tonight because you were
Copy !req
151. irresponsible.
Copy !req
152. Feed me.
Copy !req
153. Feed me please.
Copy !req
154. Please.
Copy !req
155. Thank you.
Copy !req
156. Thank you for not listening to
Copy !req
157. rules.
Copy !req
158. Now my life is over.
Copy !req
159. Hmmm.
Copy !req
160. No!
Copy !req
161. I guess I'm a hero now.
Copy !req
162. You hear that everybody.
Copy !req
163. I'm a hero.
Copy !req
164. I'm a hero.
Copy !req
165. Hello.
Copy !req
166. Thank you everyone.
Copy !req
167. I bet it's a real treat for all
Copy !req
168. of you to listen to such a hero
Copy !req
169. speak.
Copy !req
170. And I want to thank all of
Copy !req
171. you for making me who I am today
Copy !req
172. and I promise to lead you all
Copy !req
173. into the future.
Copy !req
174. Not as Andy Milonakis the man,
Copy !req
175. but as Andy Milonakis the
Copy !req
176. surpreme leader of everything.
Copy !req
177. I will rule you now.
Copy !req
178. This is my universe.
Copy !req
179. You are all nothing, you are
Copy !req
180. pawns in my little game.
Copy !req
181. You are all pawns.
Copy !req
182. Who would do such a thing?
Copy !req
183. You, you idiot, bastards.
Copy !req
184. I was your hero.
Copy !req
185. Step right up and watch the
Copy !req
186. magnificent Milonakis escape.
Copy !req
187. Watch me escape.
Copy !req
188. Ready?
Copy !req
189. Uh, it doesn't come off.
Copy !req
190. I can do it.
Copy !req
191. I can do it.
Copy !req
192. Don't laugh at me.
Copy !req
193. Can you maybe?
Copy !req
194. Can you help me a little without
Copy !req
195. touching me?
Copy !req
196. Don't touch me though.
Copy !req
197. Just help me.
Copy !req
198. Can you just grab the strap, but
Copy !req
199. no, no, don't touch it.
Copy !req
200. Just grab it.
Copy !req
201. Go ahead and just grab it with
Copy !req
202. your hands without touching it.
Copy !req
203. Don't touch it.
Copy !req
204. Touch it without touching it.
Copy !req
205. Ah.
Copy !req
206. Ah.
Copy !req
207. With your hands actually grab
Copy !req
208. onto the strap without touching
Copy !req
209. it, without touching it, without
Copy !req
210. touching it.
Copy !req
211. No, no, no without touching it.
Copy !req
212. Certificate of impatience.
Copy !req
213. Oh, it's just what I wanted.
Copy !req
214. Yes.
Copy !req
215. Ahh.
Copy !req
216. Hmmm.
Copy !req
217. What the hay?
Copy !req
218. You ate my cookies, didn't you
Copy !req
219. oven?
Copy !req
220. What?
Copy !req
221. I was hungry.
Copy !req
222. You stupid, idiot, jerk face,
Copy !req
223. jerk loser.
Copy !req
224. I'm never talking to you again.
Copy !req
225. Andy, wait.
Copy !req
226. Maybe I was too hard on him.
Copy !req
227. I'm sorry Andy, but I
Copy !req
228. couldn't live with the guilt of
Copy !req
229. eating a fat boy's cookies.
Copy !req
230. I'm not fat.
Copy !req
231. You ready?
Copy !req
232. All done.
Copy !req
233. Thank you.
Copy !req
234. Now I can wear four pairs of
Copy !req
235. glasses.
Copy !req
236. I've been working on my
Copy !req
237. impressions for a long time and
Copy !req
238. I think I have you pinned.
Copy !req
239. Can I try to do an impression of
Copy !req
240. you?
Copy !req
241. Go ahead.
Copy !req
242. Look at me, I've got a
Copy !req
243. leather hat and I've got a big
Copy !req
244. knife in my cane and I'm going
Copy !req
245. to slice the world, I'm a
Copy !req
246. warrior.
Copy !req
247. Ah, that's good, ah.
Copy !req
248. Thanks.
Copy !req
249. I've got you nailed right?
Copy !req
250. I got, you got that right.
Copy !req
251. I've been working on an
Copy !req
252. impression of you for two
Copy !req
253. months.
Copy !req
254. Can I do it?
Copy !req
255. Do you mind?
Copy !req
256. Yes, I don't mind.
Copy !req
257. Look at me, I have a Yankee
Copy !req
258. hat on and gloves.
Copy !req
259. I hop around like a bunny all
Copy !req
260. day.
Copy !req
261. I've got a brown collar.
Copy !req
262. That's what I do all day.
Copy !req
263. Blah, blah, blah.
Copy !req
264. Was that good?
Copy !req
265. Not bad at all.
Copy !req
266. I've been working on an
Copy !req
267. impression of you.
Copy !req
268. I want to do it for you.
Copy !req
269. Can I do it?
Copy !req
270. Sure.
Copy !req
271. Look at my hair, I've got a
Copy !req
272. little birdie on my shirt.
Copy !req
273. Hi, little birdie, you're my
Copy !req
274. friend.
Copy !req
275. Look at my hair, I put all the
Copy !req
276. grease in it.
Copy !req
277. It smells like banana nut bread.
Copy !req
278. What do I do now?
Copy !req
279. I don't know.
Copy !req
280. I don't know.
Copy !req
281. I don't know.
Copy !req
282. I don't know.
Copy !req
283. Can I do an impression of you?
Copy !req
284. I've been working on it for like
Copy !req
285. two months.
Copy !req
286. Okay.
Copy !req
287. Are you sure that you don't
Copy !req
288. mind?
Copy !req
289. Uh uh.
Copy !req
290. Look at my blue scarf.
Copy !req
291. Blah, blah, blah, blue scarf.
Copy !req
292. I'm a dumb idiot, I have a pink
Copy !req
293. bag and I don't know what's in
Copy !req
294. it, because I don't know what
Copy !req
295. stuff is.
Copy !req
296. Oh my gosh.
Copy !req
297. What's wrong with you?
Copy !req
298. Ahhh.
Copy !req
299. Oh it's here.
Copy !req
300. Yes.
Copy !req
301. Yes, my duck call is here.
Copy !req
302. Duck.
Copy !req
303. Oww.
Copy !req
304. Duck.
Copy !req
305. Ah, stop it.
Copy !req
306. Andy, why didn't you listen
Copy !req
307. to me?
Copy !req
308. You're usually wrong, Larry.
Copy !req
309. Pigeon.
Copy !req
310. Yeah, it's a blessing in
Copy !req
311. disguise.
Copy !req
312. Hmmm.
Copy !req
313. Yummy!
Copy !req
314. Wow, it must be so cool
Copy !req
315. having a long neck like that.
Copy !req
316. I'm so fat.
Copy !req
317. Ooh, that's much better.
Copy !req
318. Now, I'm a hot little thing.
Copy !req
319. If you're waiting for the
Copy !req
320. Andy Milokanis show, don't eat
Copy !req
321. it.
Copy !req
322. It's a TV show, don't eat it.
Copy !req
323. Shut up, you lazy, filthy
Copy !req
324. dog.
Copy !req
325. You try to hold the cookies, you
Copy !req
326. dumb, stupid, jerk idiot.
Copy !req
327. Don't take it out on her,
Copy !req
328. Andy.
Copy !req
329. Take it out on scream pal.
Copy !req
330. Go ahead, scream at him.
Copy !req
331. Okay.
Copy !req
332. I dropped my plate of cookies.
Copy !req
333. It made me really mad.
Copy !req
334. Everyone made fun of me and made
Copy !req
335. me even more angry.
Copy !req
336. See?
Copy !req
337. Don't you feel better now?
Copy !req
338. Kind of.
Copy !req
339. What do you mean?
Copy !req
340. You're supposed to feel way
Copy !req
341. better.
Copy !req
342. What the hell is wrong with you,
Copy !req
343. you little jerk?
Copy !req
344. Hey, why don't you take it
Copy !req
345. out on the scream pal?
Copy !req
346. Oh sorry, you're right.
Copy !req
347. You stupid scream pal, you're
Copy !req
348. supposed to make people feel
Copy !req
349. better about screaming.
Copy !req
350. You idiot.
Copy !req
351. You moron.
Copy !req
352. You're worthless.
Copy !req
353. How does that make you feel?
Copy !req
354. All right, I guess.
Copy !req
355. Just all right.
Copy !req
356. How is it going to make you just
Copy !req
357. feel all right?
Copy !req
358. You're the one selling the
Copy !req
359. product and it only makes you
Copy !req
360. feel all right.
Copy !req
361. You're like, try the scream pal,
Copy !req
362. it's the best, it's the best.
Copy !req
363. Call the number on your screen
Copy !req
364. today, today, today.
Copy !req
365. Order a scream pal.
Copy !req
366. Andy, fishing is mad boring.
Copy !req
367. We've been here for hours.
Copy !req
368. Yeah, but come on, we're
Copy !req
369. spending time together, you
Copy !req
370. know.
Copy !req
371. Oh my God I've got something.
Copy !req
372. Oh my God it's big.
Copy !req
373. Pull it in.
Copy !req
374. It's big.
Copy !req
375. It's big.
Copy !req
376. I'm going to lose it.
Copy !req
377. That's a mad, big fish.
Copy !req
378. I can't pull it in.
Copy !req
379. Take it out.
Copy !req
380. I can't pull it.
Copy !req
381. Oh, take it out.
Copy !req
382. Give me.
Copy !req
383. Give me.
Copy !req
384. Thanks so much for inviting
Copy !req
385. me to your hot diggety dog
Copy !req
386. palooza celebration of the
Copy !req
387. annual time and winter solstice.
Copy !req
388. Yeah, no problem, let's
Copy !req
389. diggety dog it up Seth.
Copy !req
390. Let's do it.
Copy !req
391. Just let me get a.
Copy !req
392. Umm, mustard, I love it, love
Copy !req
393. it, love it.
Copy !req
394. Hmm, hmm, hmm.
Copy !req
395. Do you think that I could get
Copy !req
396. some of your mustard?
Copy !req
397. Do you know the secret
Copy !req
398. handshake?
Copy !req
399. What, you don't think I know
Copy !req
400. the secret handshake?
Copy !req
401. Does this answer your
Copy !req
402. question Andy?
Copy !req
403. Bam.
Copy !req
404. Ahh.
Copy !req
405. Ahhh.
Copy !req
406. Let it begin.
Copy !req
407. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
408. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
409. Whoo.
Copy !req
410. How's that for a secret
Copy !req
411. handshake?
Copy !req
412. Huh?
Copy !req
413. Sorry, that wasn't it.
Copy !req
414. Oh, well, that's okay, I hate
Copy !req
415. mustard anyway.
Copy !req
416. Well see you next year for the
Copy !req
417. annual hot diggety dog palooza.
Copy !req
418. Oh definitely.
Copy !req
419. Yeah.
Copy !req
420. See ya.
Copy !req
421. Peace.
Copy !req
422. Next week on the Andy
Copy !req
423. Milonakis Show.
Copy !req
424. Oh my God!
Copy !req
425. I am a robot.
Copy !req
426. That's a guy.
Copy !req
427. Ay, poppy.
Copy !req
428. Hee haw.
Copy !req