1. There comes a time in every
boy's life when his body goes
Copy !req
2. through certain changes.
Copy !req
3. Sometimes these changes are
disturbing for a young boy.
Copy !req
4. Make him feel...
Copy !req
5. ashamed.
Copy !req
6. That's why it's important to let
him know those changes are
Copy !req
7. completely normal.
Copy !req
8. They're experienced by every
Copy !req
9. Umm, lemon!
Copy !req
10. Be proud of your disgusting,
filthy body.
Copy !req
11. ♪ I rock peas
♪ On my head
Copy !req
12. ♪ Pancake on my face
♪ Makes me extra happy
Copy !req
13. Excuse me, do you know
Copy !req
14. where the post office is?
Copy !req
15. Right here, man.
Copy !req
16. Who made you the
president of directions?
Copy !req
17. Excuse me?
Copy !req
18. I know where everything
Copy !req
19. I'm the president of directions.
Copy !req
20. Ask me anything.
Copy !req
21. I have a GPS unit in my brain.
Copy !req
22. Excuse me?
Copy !req
23. Do you know what time
it is?
Copy !req
24. It's 12:40, 20 to 1:00.
Copy !req
25. Who made you president
of time?
Copy !req
26. Who made me president of—
I'm not president of anything.
Copy !req
27. You're president of
Copy !req
28. You always know what time it is.
Copy !req
29. Because I have an appointment
that I have to buy a quart...
Copy !req
30. It's always about time
with you.
Copy !req
31. I'm on to ya.
Copy !req
32. Excuse me, what is this thing?
Copy !req
33. That's a tree.
Copy !req
34. Who made you the
president of telling me what
Copy !req
35. things are?
Copy !req
36. Excuse me, can you tell me what
Copy !req
37. number comes after three?
Copy !req
38. Four.
Copy !req
39. Who made you president
of numbers?
Copy !req
40. I know all about numbers.
Copy !req
41. Look at me.
Copy !req
42. I'm president of numbers.
Copy !req
43. What comes after four?
Copy !req
44. I bet you're gonna say five and
six and seven.
Copy !req
45. You got a point.
Copy !req
46. I do got a point.
Copy !req
47. A decimal point.
Copy !req
48. Number man!
Copy !req
49. Are you guys ready to enter the
Copy !req
50. House of Freaks?
Copy !req
51. Yes, you been asking us that
crap for an hour already!
Copy !req
52. Let us in!
Copy !req
53. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
54. That'll be $3.00 each.
Copy !req
55. Now feast your eyes on the
Copy !req
56. Look at that one!
Copy !req
57. It's hideous!
Copy !req
58. Is it even human?
Copy !req
59. That one looks half werewolf
and half refrigerator.
Copy !req
60. The monster's moving his hand
like I move mines.
Copy !req
61. Oh!
Copy !req
62. I've seen enough, Andy!
Copy !req
63. For the love of Pete, cover
these beasts at once!
Copy !req
64. I could do that for
another $3.00 each!
Copy !req
65. I'm blind!
Copy !req
66. Billy, grab those freaks.
Copy !req
67. We could sell them to the circus
and make a million dollars.
Copy !req
68. Okay.
Copy !req
69. They're encased in glass!
Copy !req
70. I can't get them!
Copy !req
71. Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Copy !req
72. Can I place a delivery
order, please?
Copy !req
73. Is it too late to order
Copy !req
74. Okay, good.
Copy !req
75. Can I have an order of pancakes
with butter and syrup?
Copy !req
76. Come in.
Copy !req
77. Oh!
Copy !req
78. The door's open.
Copy !req
79. Welcome to
Andy Milonakis' fish shop.
Copy !req
80. The freshest fish in the world.
Copy !req
81. Tell me it's not a fresh fish.
Copy !req
82. I want to hear you say it's not
a fresh fish.
Copy !req
83. No, no.
Copy !req
84. Look how cute he is.
Copy !req
85. Kitchen, kitchen.
Copy !req
86. Look how cute.
Copy !req
87. Oh, what's the matter?
Copy !req
88. You don't look so good.
Copy !req
89. You don't look so good right
Copy !req
90. Hey, where you going?
Copy !req
91. Are you gonna buy this fish?
Copy !req
92. $30.00.
Copy !req
93. I need to...
Copy !req
94. Who ordered this?
Copy !req
95. Put your hand inside
the fish.
Copy !req
96. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
97. Just put your hand—
tell me it's not a fresh fish.
Copy !req
98. Put away fish.
Copy !req
99. Hey, I know what you
Copy !req
100. You want dolphin meat.
Copy !req
101. It's black market dolphin.
Copy !req
102. You eat this, and you don't—you
don't sleep for three weeks.
Copy !req
103. Because dolphins they never
Copy !req
104. Andy Milonakis fish shop.
Copy !req
105. The give you
free dolphin this time.
Copy !req
106. No one gives away free dolphin.
Copy !req
107. No one gives away free dolphin.
Copy !req
108. I don't give away free dolphin.
Copy !req
109. Why don't you want free dolphin?
Copy !req
110. Even my fish, he like a dolphin.
Copy !req
111. Even my fish, he like the
Copy !req
112. I give you the fish.
Copy !req
113. The fish bigger than me.
Copy !req
114. The fish like it better than me.
Copy !req
115. Ah!
Copy !req
116. I give you money for the fish.
Copy !req
117. I need it better than me.
Copy !req
118. My hair is so shaggy.
Copy !req
119. Oh no, I look just like Wubbie.
Copy !req
120. What?
Copy !req
121. Wubbie, you fat, idiot dog!
Copy !req
122. I'm gonna kill that—
Ha-ha, now you look like that
Copy !req
123. dumb Andy kid.
Copy !req
124. Hey, Andy, can I borrow your
Copy !req
125. can opener?
Copy !req
126. Yeah, it's in the
Copy !req
127. Stop barking at me, Wubbie!
Copy !req
128. Bad dog, bad dog!
Copy !req
129. I'm not Wubbie!
Copy !req
130. Bad dog, bad dog, bad dog!
Copy !req
131. Oh, you're so cute.
Copy !req
132. Why do you have red ears, and
how come you're wearing four
Copy !req
133. pairs of glasses?
Copy !req
134. That's just weird.
Copy !req
135. I'm wearing four pair of
Copy !req
136. No, I'm talking to the
Copy !req
137. That guy on your shoulder.
Copy !req
138. Now I'm really mixed up.
Copy !req
139. What did you just say to me?
Copy !req
140. I'm talking to the
Copy !req
141. Who's the gnomes?
Copy !req
142. I'm very upset with
Copy !req
143. Why did you write, "I hate you,"
in Band-Aids on my bathroom
Copy !req
144. mirror?
Copy !req
145. I don't know.
Copy !req
146. Because—
I'm talking to the
Copy !req
147. gnome.
Copy !req
148. Why would you do that?
Copy !req
149. To get noticed?
Copy !req
150. Depending what you think.
Copy !req
151. You know?
Copy !req
152. Let the gnome speak for
Copy !req
153. He's old enough.
Copy !req
154. So this is how it's gonna be,
Copy !req
155. Yes.
Copy !req
156. I'm talking to the
Copy !req
157. I cook your pancakes.
Copy !req
158. I made sure I never put anything
meat in your stews because
Copy !req
159. you're a vegetarian.
Copy !req
160. Yes, I'm vegetarian.
Copy !req
161. No, not you.
Copy !req
162. The gnome!
Copy !req
163. I don't care if you're a
Copy !req
164. Gnome.
Copy !req
165. Listen, I said you could crash
at my house, but what was rule
Copy !req
166. number one?
Copy !req
167. No eating blackberry jam
sandwiches in my bed.
Copy !req
168. I had to wash the comforters and
the sheets.
Copy !req
169. I don't eat anything in bed.
Copy !req
170. Huh?
Copy !req
171. I don't eat anything in bed.
Copy !req
172. No-no-no, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
173. I'm talking to the gnome.
Copy !req
174. He knows what he did.
Copy !req
175. Listen, I accept your apology.
Copy !req
176. Be at the house at 8:00 and
bring the goosenecks.
Copy !req
177. I'm cooking stew.
Copy !req
178. Okay?
Copy !req
179. Okay.
Copy !req
180. No, she's not invited,
definitely not.
Copy !req
181. Whee!
Copy !req
182. Andy, Andy, I got a lottery
Copy !req
183. Cool.
Copy !req
184. You got to watch me scratch
it off, man.
Copy !req
185. Fine, scratch it off.
Copy !req
186. Cool, I won three cherries!
Copy !req
187. No, you didn't.
Copy !req
188. You won $50,000.
Copy !req
189. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
190. Yeah!
Copy !req
191. Y'all here because I won the
Copy !req
192. lottery, and y'all want some
Copy !req
193. Wow.
Copy !req
194. Since I'm a nice guy, I'm
splitting it with all of y'all.
Copy !req
195. Whoo!
Copy !req
196. Now look in your envelopes.
Copy !req
197. Oh, no!
Copy !req
198. Ralphie, what did you do?
Copy !req
199. You ripped up the ticket!
Copy !req
200. What is wrong with you?
Copy !req
201. What the hell is wrong with you?
Copy !req
202. What is wrong with you?
Copy !req
203. Ralphie, how could you
do that?
Copy !req
204. Andy, guess what?
Copy !req
205. That was a fake ticket.
Copy !req
206. This is the real one!
Copy !req
207. I'm only gonna share this ticket
with one person.
Copy !req
208. That's my best friend Andy.
Copy !req
209. Aw.
Copy !req
210. Oh, that's a stupid waste!
Copy !req
211. A waste!
Copy !req
212. A waste!
Copy !req
213. Fine, you don't want it?
Copy !req
214. Give it back to me.
Copy !req
215. Excuse me, sir.
Copy !req
216. How much are your hot dogs?
Copy !req
217. One dollar.
Copy !req
218. One dollar?
Copy !req
219. Yeah.
Copy !req
220. I'm not leaving here
until you sell me a hot dog
Copy !req
221. for one dollar!
Copy !req
222. I will not uncuff myself until
you sell me a hot dog for a
Copy !req
223. dollar.
Copy !req
224. Is that clear?
Copy !req
225. Yeah.
Copy !req
226. I'm not leaving here until you
give me a hot dog for a dollar
Copy !req
227. and put mustard on it for no
extra charge.
Copy !req
228. I will not leave here until you
do that.
Copy !req
229. Thank you.
Copy !req
230. Yeah, thank you.
Copy !req
231. Okay.
Copy !req
232. See ya.
Copy !req
233. Bye.
Copy !req
234. Mmmmm.
Copy !req
235. Yummy!
Copy !req
236. Mmmm.
Copy !req
237. Mmm.
Copy !req
238. Oh, gross, there's a apple in my
Copy !req
239. Eeww!
Copy !req
240. It's in the worm again!
Copy !req
241. It's time to spin the mystery
Copy !req
242. Ooh!
Copy !req
243. What does that mean?
Copy !req
244. No!
Copy !req
245. No, mystery wheel!
Copy !req
246. That's not polite!
Copy !req
247. That's not right!
Copy !req
248. That's not right!
Copy !req
249. That's not right!
Copy !req
250. That's not right!
Copy !req
251. What did you get so excited
Copy !req
252. What are you doing?
Copy !req
253. Oh!
Copy !req
254. Oh, Andy, I'm afraid I've done
something terrible.
Copy !req
255. Please help me.
Copy !req
256. Oh!
Copy !req
257. All right.
Copy !req
258. Please help me.
Copy !req
259. It's so terrible!
Copy !req
260. I did something terrible.
Copy !req
261. Oh, Andy, I did a terrible
Copy !req
262. I got so carried away.
Copy !req
263. I pressed all the flavor
indicator buttons down.
Copy !req
264. And now I don't know which soda
is which!
Copy !req
265. No!
Copy !req
266. There's only one thing we can
Copy !req
267. do.
Copy !req
268. Yes.
Copy !req
269. You have to drink it.
Copy !req
270. What if I drink the root
Copy !req
271. I'll turn into a pile of goo.
Copy !req
272. Ah, fiddley doo!
Copy !req
273. I'll drink it!
Copy !req
274. Guh!
Copy !req
275. Farewell, Andy.
Copy !req
276. Say hello to the sparrows for
Copy !req
277. Oh!
Copy !req
278. Ooh, a letter!
Copy !req
279. Dear Andy Milonakis...
Copy !req
280. Pffff!
Copy !req
281. Yeah, that's so dumb!
Copy !req
282. Oh, no!
Copy !req
283. I shouldn't have thrown it out!
Copy !req
284. I should have never thrown it
Copy !req
285. No, no!
Copy !req
286. No!
Copy !req
287. No!
Copy !req
288. Oh, no!
Copy !req
289. My babies!
Copy !req
290. No!
Copy !req
291. I'm sorry!
Copy !req
292. I'll send it!
Copy !req
293. I'll send it!
Copy !req
294. I'll send it!
Copy !req
295. Oh!
Copy !req
296. No!
Copy !req
297. Who could've done this?
Copy !req
298. Mm, I love eating snow!
Copy !req
299. Mmm, a yummy carrot!
Copy !req
300. Stupid TV.
Copy !req
301. Come on!
Copy !req
302. Ah!
Copy !req
303. Ugh!
Copy !req
304. Are you tired of the same old
boring practical jokes?
Copy !req
305. And cliche gags?
Copy !req
306. Well, now you can take your
Copy !req
307. pranks to the next level
with fake a clip!
Copy !req
308. Fake a clip looks and feels just
like a real paper clip!
Copy !req
309. Even a real scientist can't tell
the difference!
Copy !req
310. Fake a clip will fool anyone!
Copy !req
311. Even a certified public
Copy !req
312. This is not a real paper
Copy !req
313. Aaaah!
Copy !req
314. And coming soon,
Copy !req
315. the faker stapler!
Copy !req
316. Hate this job!
Copy !req
317. We got tons of exotic
Copy !req
318. Just make me an offer, sonny.
Copy !req
319. Rhyme bag?
Copy !req
320. Is that for sale?
Copy !req
321. Sure is.
Copy !req
322. And if you buy that, you own
every rhyme known to man.
Copy !req
323. And to woman.
Copy !req
324. I'll takes it!
Copy !req
325. Sounds good to me!
Copy !req
326. Yo, Mike!
Copy !req
327. We're on in five minutes!
Copy !req
328. All right.
Copy !req
329. Dandelion?
Copy !req
330. Where'd that come from?
Copy !req
331. Aardvark?
Copy !req
332. This ain't my rhyme.
Copy !req
333. What's going on, man?
Copy !req
334. Hello?
Copy !req
335. Hey, Mike, it's your manager!
Copy !req
336. Man, I'm glad you called,
Copy !req
337. 'Cause somebody stole my rhyme.
Copy !req
338. I can't rhyme anymore.
Copy !req
339. I know!
Copy !req
340. All the rhymes have been bought
by some kid named Andy
Copy !req
341. Milonakis!
Copy !req
342. Who the hell is Andy
Copy !req
343. Turn on the TV!
Copy !req
344. ♪ Yo, my name is Andy
♪ I wanna slap you with
Copy !req
345. Mike Jones?
Copy !req
346. What's up, Mike Jones?
Copy !req
347. Aaah!
Copy !req
348. No!
Copy !req
349. Give me some of those rhymes!
Copy !req
350. No, they're mine!
Copy !req
351. Come on, man!
Copy !req
352. Maybe I'll lend you
Copy !req
353. Well, I definitely need daddy
and Hennessy.
Copy !req
354. No way, man.
Copy !req
355. Those are way too popular.
Copy !req
356. How about I give you...
Copy !req
357. rhubarb?
Copy !req
358. How about I strangle your fat
gooseneck until your eyeballs
Copy !req
359. pop out, bitch?
Copy !req
360. Come on, eyeballs, pop out
Copy !req
361. already!
Copy !req
362. Pop out.
Copy !req
363. Wait, you got the wrong
Copy !req
364. I never stole it to begin with.
Copy !req
365. Well, who did it then?
Copy !req
366. It was him!
Copy !req
367. It was him!
Copy !req
368. You dirty son of a bitch!
Copy !req
369. That's right, I stole
them once and I'll steal 'em
Copy !req
370. again!
Copy !req
371. Aaagh!
Copy !req
372. Gonna get yours now, son.
Copy !req
373. Thanks for the tip, Andy.
Copy !req
374. Oh, no problem.
Copy !req
375. Yeah!
Copy !req
376. Ah, my glorious
bag of rhymes, aaah!
Copy !req
377. Yeah.
Copy !req
378. Mike Jones.
Copy !req
379. Hi, we're the cast
of The Andy Milonakis Show.
Copy !req
380. Tonight's episode had a very
special message.
Copy !req
381. Electricity is not free.
Copy !req
382. So make sure you turn the
lights off whenever you leave
Copy !req
383. the room.
Copy !req
384. But leave 'em on when
there's a killer in the house.
Copy !req
385. Sorry, Larry.
Copy !req
386. Ah, dead.
Copy !req
387. He's dead.
Copy !req