1. Andy, Andy,
I have an idea!
Copy !req
2. Really, what is it?
Copy !req
3. Andy, I can't
tell you, 'cause my idea
Copy !req
4. won't come true.
Copy !req
5. Oh, no, no, no,
Ralphie, you're thinking
Copy !req
6. of a wish.
Copy !req
7. You can actually tell people
your ideas, that's okay.
Copy !req
8. No way, Jose!
Copy !req
9. Come on.
Copy !req
10. No way, Jose.
Copy !req
11. Come on!
Copy !req
12. No way, Jose.
Copy !req
13. Come on!
Copy !req
14. No way, Jose.
Copy !req
15. Come on.
Copy !req
16. I told you, you
stupid idiot!
Copy !req
17. ♪ I rock peas
♪ On my head
Copy !req
18. ♪ Pancake on my face
♪ Makes me extra happy
Copy !req
19. You won an award!
Copy !req
20. Yeah?
Copy !req
21. Yeah!
Copy !req
22. For the best umbrella
when it's not raining.
Copy !req
23. That's not possible.
Copy !req
24. Yeah, you won, you
really won, it's possible!
Copy !req
25. Win a dream home, anything is
Copy !req
26. You won an award.
Copy !req
27. Best pushing a bag around
in a cart.
Copy !req
28. You won. You earned that.
Copy !req
29. Yeah!
Copy !req
30. Excuse me, you won an award.
Copy !req
31. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
32. Appreciate this.
Copy !req
33. Biggest trophy award.
Copy !req
34. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
35. Wow, you have the
biggest trophy.
Copy !req
36. Here you go, here's your award.
Copy !req
37. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
38. You won an award, yeah.
Copy !req
39. You won an award for the best
person ignoring me.
Copy !req
40. You win the award for best ears.
Copy !req
41. What do you have to say?
Copy !req
42. Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay, yay,
yay, yay, yay, yay, yay, yay,
Copy !req
43. yay, yay, yay, yay, yay, yay!
Copy !req
44. That's right!
Copy !req
45. Best sound editing!
Copy !req
46. Hey, kids, you won an award for
the blurriest faces.
Copy !req
47. Hi, can I place a
Copy !req
48. delivery order, please?
Copy !req
49. Okay, one chicken chop suey and
an order, large order of fried
Copy !req
50. rice.
Copy !req
51. Come inside, please.
Copy !req
52. Hello?
Copy !req
53. Ugh. Hi.
Copy !req
54. How you doing?
Copy !req
55. Good.
Copy !req
56. Here, come in, please.
Copy !req
57. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
58. Please, come inside.
Copy !req
59. Got a real problem.
Copy !req
60. Got a real infestation.
Copy !req
61. It'll be really quick.
Copy !req
62. Oh, there you go.
Copy !req
63. I'll put these here.
Copy !req
64. Come here, mousey, mousey, who
bothers me at night.
Copy !req
65. I'm okay.
Copy !req
66. No, that's okay.
Copy !req
67. Come here.
Copy !req
68. Clean up this mess.
Copy !req
69. Mousey... mousey...
Copy !req
70. Aah!
Copy !req
71. Now you're stuck!
Copy !req
72. Eat it! Eat it!
Copy !req
73. That's what you get for waking
Copy !req
74. me up, mouse.
Copy !req
75. Whoo! Get out of here!
Copy !req
76. Thank you so much, thank you.
Copy !req
77. Get outta here!
Copy !req
78. Okay, bye-bye.
Copy !req
79. Monkey heads?
Copy !req
80. That's dumb.
Copy !req
81. Rocket ships?
Copy !req
82. Blecch, boring.
Copy !req
83. You can have a he-man voice.
Copy !req
84. Tsh. What?
Copy !req
85. Grow your own money tree?
Copy !req
86. I gots to get that!
Copy !req
87. Yay! I can't wait till you grow,
little money tree.
Copy !req
88. Grow, grow!
Copy !req
89. Whoo! Money!
Copy !req
90. Oh, I'm rich.
Copy !req
91. Oh, no. Pesos?
Copy !req
92. Ohh.
Copy !req
93. Here's your drink, senor.
Copy !req
94. Aah!
Copy !req
95. Duck.
Copy !req
96. Duck.
Copy !req
97. Duck.
Copy !req
98. Duck.
Copy !req
99. Duck.
Copy !req
100. Duck.
Copy !req
101. Duck.
Copy !req
102. Duck.
Copy !req
103. Goose!
Copy !req
104. Would you rather go on
a date with a tornado or a
lightning bolt?
Copy !req
105. What kind of question's that?
Copy !req
106. It's a good question.
Copy !req
107. A question about women,
that's a different story.
Copy !req
108. Jeez.
Copy !req
109. Would you rather get
hit by a clown car or a
Copy !req
110. hilarious regular car?
Copy !req
111. A hilarious regular car.
Copy !req
112. What would you rather
do, dream about shoes or shoes
Copy !req
113. about dreams?
Copy !req
114. Whoo! Wah wah wah wah wah wah!
Copy !req
115. Get it?
Copy !req
116. Yeah, I like shoes, yeah.
Copy !req
117. What would you rather
have, toes on your hands or
Copy !req
118. fingers on your feet?
Copy !req
119. Uh, fingers on my feet.
Copy !req
120. That was the
most beautiful answer I ever
Copy !req
121. heard.
Copy !req
122. Thank you, I love you too.
Copy !req
123. What would you rather
do, stick knives in your ears,
Copy !req
124. or stick really sharp pencils
that are designed to look like
Copy !req
125. knives in your ears?
Copy !req
126. Pencils instead of knives.
Copy !req
127. Knives are dangerous.
Copy !req
128. All right, that's fair.
Copy !req
129. What would you rather have,
wings that don't work or
Copy !req
130. flippers that don't work?
Copy !req
131. Flippers.
Copy !req
132. Don't you cry!
Copy !req
133. What would you rather
have, a glass of grape juice
Copy !req
134. that made you happy or a glass
of grape juice that tasted
Copy !req
135. good, which in turn makes you
happy because when you taste
Copy !req
136. good things it usually makes
people happy?
Copy !req
137. I'd rather have the one that
makes me happy.
Copy !req
138. But that one doesn't
taste good.
Copy !req
139. I forgot to tell you that.
Copy !req
140. That's okay.
Copy !req
141. Everything is okay, as long as
it works for me, then it's okay.
Copy !req
142. Also, I forgot to tell
you, it might not work for you.
Copy !req
143. It only works for some people.
Copy !req
144. I'll take a chance.
Copy !req
145. You take a chance on everything.
Copy !req
146. If you try hard enough, you
could grow a beak!
Copy !req
147. The Andy Milonakis Show will be
right back.
Copy !req
148. Aah! Whoo!
Copy !req
149. Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Copy !req
150. Waaaah!
Copy !req
151. Yeah, water's good,
Copy !req
152. ♪ Yeah, water
♪ Water you drink
Copy !req
153. ♪ Yo, raw gooseneck
♪ Soup, son
Copy !req
154. Uhh! I hate grapes!
Copy !req
155. I'm late for work!
Copy !req
156. FYI, Matthews, work starts
Copy !req
157. at 9:00, not 9:03!
Copy !req
158. In those three minutes, you've
cost this company $5 million!
Copy !req
159. Guys, guys, I'm not running a
chatterbox factory, all right?
Copy !req
160. Get back to work.
Copy !req
161. Get back to work.
Copy !req
162. ABC! Always Been Closing.
Copy !req
163. Always Been Closing.
Copy !req
164. Mr. Pernell, I read your
Copy !req
165. They're useless!
Copy !req
166. Hey, I like the cut of your jib,
Copy !req
167. Only one problem: there's a
no-jib policy in this company!
Copy !req
168. Mr. Pennington, your request for
maternity leave has been denied.
Copy !req
169. Back to work!
Copy !req
170. Back to work!
Copy !req
171. That's it, I like the hustle.
Copy !req
172. I like the hustle.
Copy !req
173. Hey, what are you guys doing,
Copy !req
174. It's crunch time!
Copy !req
175. Is it not crunch time?
Copy !req
176. No! It's crunch time!
Copy !req
177. Hey, you know what time it is?
Copy !req
178. No.
Copy !req
179. It's crunch time!
Copy !req
180. Get back to work!
Copy !req
181. I'm not paying you guys to eat
cereal all day!
Copy !req
182. I'm not paying you guys to drink
Copy !req
183. I'm paying you
to go back to work!
Copy !req
184. Back to work!
Copy !req
185. Back to work—that's it!
Copy !req
186. I'm done with the rat race!
Copy !req
187. I've had my day in corporate
Copy !req
188. You know what?
Copy !req
189. I'm gonna be a blue collar
Copy !req
190. I'm gonna be a hippie!
Copy !req
191. I'm gonna—gonna be
a crazy hippie!
Copy !req
192. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
193. I know.
Copy !req
194. No, but for real,
she did that.
Copy !req
195. Oh, my God,
she is such a jerk.
Copy !req
196. Oh, my God, your hair looks
so cute today.
Copy !req
197. Oh, my God, I know, right?
Copy !req
198. Oh, no, Al, there's Jake.
Copy !req
199. Oh, my God, don't look yet.
Copy !req
200. He looks so cute.
Copy !req
201. Hey.
Copy !req
202. Hi.
Copy !req
203. Hi.
Copy !req
204. Hi.
Copy !req
205. Hi.
Copy !req
206. Hi.
Copy !req
207. You going to Todd's party?
Copy !req
208. Yeah.
Copy !req
209. Cool. Hey, guys,
what you think about my
Copy !req
210. billion dollar watch?
Copy !req
211. Uh, cool?
Copy !req
212. Uh, cool.
Copy !req
213. Later.
Copy !req
214. Later.
Copy !req
215. Later!
Copy !req
216. Oh, my God, Jake is so cute,
but he's so immature.
Copy !req
217. He didn't even comment
on my hair.
Copy !req
218. Yeah, that was really lame
of him.
Copy !req
219. I know, right, I mean—
Copy !req
220. I know, like, totally, right?
Copy !req
221. Yeah, I know, like, right?
Copy !req
222. Tsh, I know, yeah, right.
Copy !req
223. I know, right?
Copy !req
224. Totally.
Copy !req
225. Oh, God, I know, right.
Copy !req
226. That's not good, right?
Copy !req
227. I know.
Copy !req
228. Totally.
Copy !req
229. Oh, God, I know, right?
Copy !req
230. Yeah, I know, like, right?
Copy !req
231. You stupid grape, I'm
gonna shoot you!
Copy !req
232. For being stupid grapes!
Copy !req
233. Yo, son, you scared?
Copy !req
234. Yo, you scared son?
Copy !req
235. Yeah, you gonna pee yourself?
Copy !req
236. Yeah, pee yourself, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
237. You're scared little grapes,
Copy !req
238. Kablow!
Copy !req
239. Mmm, grape pee is grape
Copy !req
240. Arrr...
Copy !req
241. Hot dog, you gotta put some
Copy !req
242. clothes on, it's cold outside!
Copy !req
243. Leave me alone!
Copy !req
244. I wanna be free!
Copy !req
245. I don't want no clothes!
Copy !req
246. Put on a jacket!
Copy !req
247. I ain't no jacket.
Copy !req
248. Get that meaty thing
away from me!
Copy !req
249. Blah, blah, blah!
Copy !req
250. Come on!
Copy !req
251. Excuse me, Andy, can you
Copy !req
252. please shut up?
Copy !req
253. Or play those juvenile games
somewhere else.
Copy !req
254. Some of us are trying to read
science facts and get smarter
Copy !req
255. than we already are.
Copy !req
256. Even though we're 100 times
more intelligent than you
Copy !req
257. will ever be.
Copy !req
258. Whatever,
Dr. Smartinokis.
Copy !req
259. You need to learn how to have
Copy !req
260. I know how to have fun.
Copy !req
261. No, you don't.
Copy !req
262. Yes, I do, watch this.
Copy !req
263. You're a big...
Copy !req
264. That's great.
Copy !req
265. Where'd you learn that,
in dork school?
Copy !req
266. No, I learned this in dork
Copy !req
267. Woo woo woo woo woo
woo woo woo woop!
Copy !req
268. Dork!
Copy !req
269. It's:
Copy !req
270. And introducing:
Ohh, I'm so sad!
Copy !req
271. No one will ever marry me.
Copy !req
272. I'm a horrible beast of a woman.
Copy !req
273. Miss Eye Mouth Suzy, will you
be my wife?
Copy !req
274. Yes! Of course I'll marry
you, Mr. Frog.
Copy !req
275. You is rich, right?
Copy !req
276. Well, I'm rich with love and
Copy !req
277. Stop talking crazy, girl.
Copy !req
278. I'm talking about cash money.
Copy !req
279. You gots a lots of it, right?
Copy !req
280. Well, um, no, but...
Copy !req
281. Later for this, yo!
Copy !req
282. Oh, that was the longest
Copy !req
283. relationship I ever had!
Copy !req
284. Oh, joy!
Copy !req
285. Oww!
Copy !req
286. Uhh.
Copy !req
287. Now you're beautiful.
Copy !req
288. your can opener.
Copy !req
289. Fine, Larry!
Copy !req
290. Do you love Larry?
Copy !req
291. Yes!
Copy !req
292. Not you, you idiot
jerk, them!
Copy !req
293. Well, if you love Larry, chances
are, you probably love falafels
Copy !req
294. too!
Copy !req
295. Yeah, I like falafels,
they're great!
Copy !req
296. Shut your mouth!
Copy !req
297. Now you can experience all the
joy of Larry in falafel form!
Copy !req
298. Introducing Falafel Larry!
Copy !req
299. Wow!
Copy !req
300. Falafel Larry does
everything real Larry would do
Copy !req
301. if he were made out of falafel!
Copy !req
302. Yes!
Copy !req
303. He'll come over and
borrow your can opener.
Copy !req
304. You can shave his armpits.
Copy !req
305. You can put a tiny pancake on
his face.
Copy !req
306. He even bleeds green blood, just
like the real Larry.
Copy !req
307. And Falafel Larry can talk!
Copy !req
308. Duh, I'm an idiot jerk. Duh.
Copy !req
309. Holy Moses, it's like
listening into a mirror.
Copy !req
310. Buy Falafel Larry
Copy !req
311. Falafel Larry is delicious.
Copy !req
312. Almost as delicious as the
regular Larry.
Copy !req
313. Also available,
Souvlaki Rivka.
Copy !req
314. Uhh!
Copy !req
315. Ohh!
Copy !req
316. So you thought I could only
hold fishes.
Copy !req
317. Oops, you're right, I can only
Copy !req
318. hold fish.
Copy !req
319. All right. We're all done.
Copy !req
320. How do you like it?
Copy !req
321. Oops.
Copy !req
322. Whoa! Floating turtles!
Copy !req
323. They're hover turtles, to be
Copy !req
324. Aren't you guys from
The All-American Rejects?
Copy !req
325. Yes, we are the All-American
Copy !req
326. Don't just hover there.
Copy !req
327. Come on in!
Copy !req
328. So what can I do for you guys?
Copy !req
329. Our research shows you own a
turtle named Herbie.
Copy !req
330. And our research is never wrong.
Copy !req
331. Correct-O!
Copy !req
332. Our other band members'
turtles were killed by
Copy !req
333. tarantulas in a rainstorm.
Copy !req
334. And we would like to test Herbie
for hover capability.
Copy !req
335. Oh, really?
Copy !req
336. I've never seen him hover
before, but maybe he can
Copy !req
337. hover if we try.
Copy !req
338. Let's try, okay?
Copy !req
339. Here he is.
Copy !req
340. Andy, could you please step
Copy !req
341. We're going to perform a couple
of tests.
Copy !req
342. Okay.
Copy !req
343. We got one test left to run
Copy !req
344. this turtle through.
Copy !req
345. What test is that?
Copy !req
346. This one.
Copy !req
347. Eeeeeh!
Copy !req
348. Well, that was a real waste
Copy !req
349. of time.
Copy !req
350. Yeah, thanks for nothin',
Copy !req
351. Let's go, Chris.
Copy !req
352. My poor Herbie!
Copy !req
353. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
354. Ahh!
Copy !req
355. Hi, we're the cast of
The Andy Milonakis Show.
Copy !req
356. We hope that this episode has
taught you a little more
Copy !req
357. about the dangers of eating
Copy !req
358. You don't have to starve
yourself so people will like
Copy !req
359. you.
Copy !req
360. Just be yourself!
Copy !req
361. Now, come on, these
mayonnaise-covered donuts ain't
Copy !req
362. gonna bob for themselves, now,
are they?
Copy !req
363. All right.
Copy !req
364. Mmm. Mmm.
Copy !req
365. ♪ Yo the show is over
♪ So I gotta go, son
♪ Go eat a pork sandwich
Copy !req
366. Hee haw!
Copy !req