1. Welcome to Chem Club!
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2. Aijo Rentaro's newest soulmate:
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3. the shrinking and growing,
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4. drug-loving president of Chem Club,
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5. Yakuzen Kusuri.
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6. However, the drug that
she concocted for Rentaro,
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7. the Uncontrollable-Urge-to-Kiss-Lover Medicine,
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8. was accidentally consumed by Hakari,
Karane, Shizuka and Nano...
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9. Kiss.
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10. "Kiss."
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11. turning them into kiss zombies.
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12. By the way, if not given the Medicine-Reversing
Medicine before the drug circulates,
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13. they stay like this the rest of their lives.
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14. Their personality gets erased?
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15. Kissy kiss!
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16. Kiss!
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17. And so began Rentaro and the girls'
game of Resident Hazard: Kissage!
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18. Run, Rentaro!
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19. Kissy...
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20. But...
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21. Hurry up!
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22. Kissy... kiss...
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23. Can't make four doses of neutralizer here.
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24. Gotta get away from the four
kiss zombies and head to the chem lab!
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25. Gotcha.
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26. Hurry!
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27. Girls...
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28. I promise we'll bring you back!
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29. Kissy...
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30. Kiss.
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31. The 100 Girlfriends
Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You
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32. Now's our chance to get to the chem lab.
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33. They headed us off.
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34. Anything to slow them down?
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35. Oh, this is...
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36. The Melt-Ya-Face-Off Medicine!
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37. You are not using that!
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38. Let's take a detour!
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39. Aye, got it!
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40. Kissy...
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41. They're fast.
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42. Must be part of the superhuman abilities
they gained due to their loss of reason.
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43. Running in my halls?
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44. Vice Principal?
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45. Pardon my French!
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46. Gah! Monster!
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47. Vice Principal!
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48. I apologize, aye.
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49. The foundation I spent three hours applying...!
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50. It's melting!
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51. The abyss stares back!
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52. My true form will be revealed to the humans!
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53. I don't think it's working.
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54. Kusuri's drug was stopped by some foundation?
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55. No way!
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56. That's what's bothering you?
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57. Scree! I must restore my makeup!
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58. Science can't beat monsters.
That's how the world works.
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59. Let's go.
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60. The acids... the psience!
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61. Coming through.
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62. Kiss kissy kiss kiss. Kissy kiss.
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63. Kisser.
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64. They split up?
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65. So they're planning to pincer us?
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66. Wait, the girls are trying to kiss me, right?
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67. Kusuri-senpai, let's split up, too.
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68. Gotcha.
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69. "Kiss. Kiss."
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70. I knew it. She's coming after me.
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71. Shizuka-chan isn't as fast as the others.
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72. Her limiter may be off, but it's all still
based on her original physical abilities.
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73. I'll get away from her before
the other three can surround me.
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74. "Kiss."
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75. Shizuka-chan!
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76. Oh, no! Your forehead's all red!
You need to get to the nurse's office now!
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77. "Kiss."
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78. It's okay. You'll be all right.
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79. Okay, time to get you treated.
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80. On leave?
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81. Screw that! This is an emergency!
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82. Thanks for holding up your bangs.
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83. We cooled it and applied a pain-relief patch.
You'll be fine now.
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84. Pain, pain, go away.
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85. "Kiss."
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86. Oh, right! I forget we were
in the middle of Resident Hazard!
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87. I messed up!
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88. Sh-Shizuka...
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89. "Kiss."
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90. I-It keeps going.
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91. Sh-Shiz...
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92. I-It's over.
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93. I can't even think straight...
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94. No! I have to get you back to normal!
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95. Sorry, Shizuka-chan.
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96. I'll fix this somehow, I promise.
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97. So hang in there!
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98. "Kiss."
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99. "Kiss."
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100. Kiss!
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101. Kissy-kun!
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102. Gotta change course.
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103. Kissy-san!
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104. Kissy, kiss it!
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105. Kiss!
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106. Kiss!
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107. Kissy...
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108. kiss kiss!
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109. Kara-pult...
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110. Kiss!
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111. Hurl-kari!
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112. Agh! We're not in an All Japan
Pro Wrestling Tag League, you know?
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113. Hakari... Karane...
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114. Kiss.
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115. Kiss.
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116. Kiss...
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117. Kiss...
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118. Kiss...
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119. Kiss...
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120. No... My mind's going blank again...
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121. Unlike Shizuka-chan,
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122. they're too strong to push away...
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123. Kissey!
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124. Kiss's kiss kissem?
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125. Kiss kisses kiss kiss kissy!
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126. Kiss kissy kiss kiss, kisser!
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127. Jeez, they're fighting again.
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128. Even as kiss zombies, they're the same as ever.
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129. Even as kiss zombies?
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130. These two are the same?
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131. That means...
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132. Kissy kiss!
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133. Kiss kiss, kiss!
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134. Kissy...
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135. Kissy kiss...
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136. Kissy kiss kiss.
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137. Kiss.
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138. Let's go!
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139. That's right. The girls drank the
Uncontrollable-Urge-to-Kiss-Lover Medicine.
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140. And the two of them are
so close, they fight every day...
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141. They're tough lovers!
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142. We did share a three-way kiss, after all!
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143. I knew I could count on you two!
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144. Rentaro was not immune
to jumping to conclusions.
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145. L-Look at 'em kiss zombies go.
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146. Things are heating up by the second.
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147. Wait, this is no time to be staring!
I gotta get to the chem lab!
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148. Okay, I made it somehow.
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149. Did Kusuri-senpai make it here o—
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150. Kay?
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151. What's Nano doing in the lab?
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152. This is bad!
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153. I can't get away!
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154. Kiss kiss!
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155. Kiss...
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156. I managed to hide,
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157. but it's only a matter of time
before she finds me.
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158. But there's still hope!
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159. We've split up.
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160. If Kusuri-senpai takes this chance
to sneak into the lab...
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161. Whew! Couldn't breathe!
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162. Kusuri-senpai!
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163. All hope was lost.
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164. Kusuri-senpai!
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165. Wh-What are you doing here?
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166. Tried to enter chem lab, but Nano spotted me,
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167. so Kusuri hide here!
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168. Now she going around
looking for Kusuri. Can't get out.
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169. But why?
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170. Nano should be looking for me,
the person she wants to kiss.
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171. Maybe Nano realized we
on the same team.
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172. Right. She was the one who gave
the order to flank us, too.
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173. Being a kiss zombie hasn't completely
taken away her intelligence.
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174. Damn it! At this rate,
she'll find and capture us both!
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175. Eureka.
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176. Rentaro run and lure Nano away.
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177. Kusuri take that chance to sneak into chem lab.
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178. I thought about that, too...
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179. But making a break for it after hiding
would look too suspicious.
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180. It would be obvious that I ran out
expecting to be caught.
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181. And she'd realize that I was
a decoy to lure her away.
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182. That would be the same
as telling her that you're in here.
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183. Damn it!
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184. What do I do? What can I do?
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185. If we don't act quick,
it'll be too late to reverse the drug!
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186. I gotta do something to save them,
no matter what!
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187. It always be like this...
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188. Kusuri always be like this.
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189. Think of nothing but drugs,
make trouble for everyone else.
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190. Already lost all the Chem Club
members, and yet...
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191. Senpai...
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192. The others are one thing, but...
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193. But Kusuri loves you! Don't want to be
hated by you or cause trouble for you!
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194. Enough is enough. Kusuri will...
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195. stop developing drugs forever!
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196. Senpai...
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197. So, so sorry, Rentaro!
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198. Rentaro, this game of Resident Hazard is over.
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199. Is fine. In case of emergency,
Kusuri always have
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200. a single dose of the reversing medicine!
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201. I see!
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202. At first, we needed four doses
of the reversing medicine.
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203. But now, one dose is enough to turn Nano
back to normal and get into the lab!
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204. Kiss.
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205. You're a genius, Kusuri-senpai!
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206. Indeed, aye!
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207. But why?
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208. Wait, wait! Stop, Senpai!
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209. Huh?
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210. Argh! Wh-What are you doing?
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211. That's what I wanna know!
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212. Wasn't that dose for Nano?
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213. Ah! Good idea!
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214. More like the only idea!
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215. Well, Kusuri...
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216. thought it'd be easy to enter the lab in this
form because Nano doesn't know about it.
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217. Why the red face, Rentaro? Is there a problem?
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218. I-I mean...
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219. We're all up-close and personal...
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220. However, only got a mouthful
of reversing medicine.
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221. Effect will wear off soon.
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222. If Kusuri turns back into a kid
while making more, Nano might find...
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223. Could tie Nano up and immobilize her.
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224. C-Can you really do that?
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225. Possible if I surprise her in this form.
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226. Gotta act fast before the drug wears off.
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227. Kiss!
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228. Kissingless.
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229. All right. She's not interested.
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230. She might actually be able to pull it off.
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231. Kissy kiss?
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232. Kiss...
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233. Uh...
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234. Kusuri just a passerby, aye aye.
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235. You just gave it away!
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236. Bud ow id she kno?
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237. Damn it!
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238. Is this it?
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239. With Senpai captured, we have no way
of making the reversing medicine!
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240. What do I do?
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241. What do I do?
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242. Kiss kiss.
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243. Enawo?
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244. Don't get caught!
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245. Run, run, run! For my life!
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246. So what if she's a kiss zombie with
no reason or limiter holding her back?
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247. I'll take off my limiters, too!
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248. With my unending love for these girls!
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249. She's breaking open the door?
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250. Kissed kissu.
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251. Nano!
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252. Kiss.
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253. Kiss.
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254. Nano!
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255. Now when she wakes up,
she'll be back to normal, aye.
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256. I'm so glad... you made it, Kusuri-senpai.
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257. You planned this all out, Rentaro?
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258. Uh, I wouldn't call it a plan.
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259. That was all I could think of.
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260. I lured Nano away from there,
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261. ran around to buy time, and waited...
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262. Waited for the mouthful of reversing
medicine that you took to wear off.
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263. Then your body would shrink and untie itself.
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264. Oh, right!
That's how Kusuri got outta there, aye?
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265. Wait, you hadn't realized?
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266. Uh, thought that maybe you'd used
some kinda Melt-Ya-Ropes-Off Medicine.
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267. Anyway, let's hurry up and give the other
three the reversing medicine, too.
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268. Yes, aye!
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269. Where am I?
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270. I-It's not like I was dozing off
or anything, okay?
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271. What was I doing?
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272. Why did I do that to Aijo Rentaro?
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273. "My deepest apologies."
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274. Girls!
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275. Rentaro-kun!
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276. I'm truly sorry!
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277. How could I do something so—
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278. Kiss.
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279. H-Huh?
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280. S-Sorry, but I can't remember anything!
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281. Right, Karane-san?
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282. Y-You don't remember anything, either, right?
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283. Wait, what?
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284. Like Nano and Shizuka, I remember every—
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285. Kiss.
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286. Take the reversing medicine!
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287. You two are way too into each other!
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288. O-Oh!
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289. Y-You're right. My memory's gone, too!
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290. Thought as much!
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291. Can't remember a thing!
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292. Right! It's almost funny!
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293. Good, good. Sharing a secret
has brought them even closer.
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294. This was all Kusuri's fault!
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295. So sorry, aye!
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296. Kusuri's drug turned you all into zombies...
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297. Sorry! Sorry!
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298. So, so sorry!
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299. Kusuri...
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300. Kusuri-senpai.
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301. "Drug Master."
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302. Yeah, your drug did turn them into zombies,
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303. but it was also your drug
that brought them back.
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304. So it all evens out, right?
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305. But... but...
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306. I'll fix anything with you.
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307. Whatever messes
your drugs create in the future,
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308. I'll fix them for you, no matter what!
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309. Rentaro?
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310. So stop talking about
abandoning your drug research!
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311. For me...
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312. The passion you show for the things you love
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313. is part of why I love you, Kusuri-senpai!
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314. Lovely.
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315. So dreamy.
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316. He is such a Chad.
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317. I'm so wet right now.
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318. Rentaro...
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319. Kusuri... Kusuri...
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320. really, really, really, really,
really loves drugs and you!
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