1. Get a move on, Rentaro!
Copy !req
2. Today's the day we score those five
limited "Passionate Pair's Pancakes"!
Copy !req
3. "We, the Four Great Lords,
needed to occupy these four lands."
Copy !req
4. Wait, will I have to eat four portions?
Copy !req
5. Well, duh!
Copy !req
6. Blending Rentaro's portions into a drink
will achieve maximum efficiency.
Copy !req
7. Talk about the least grammable image ever!
Copy !req
8. Let's go!
Copy !req
9. The 100 Girlfriends
Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You
Copy !req
10. Wonder if she's in.
Copy !req
11. That zing I felt yesterday...
She's a soulmate.
Copy !req
12. Um, excuse me.
Copy !req
13. Welcome to Chem Club!
Copy !req
14. Huh?
Copy !req
15. She's not here?
Copy !req
16. What is your name?
Copy !req
17. Oh, I'm Aijo Rentaro.
Copy !req
18. Rentaro? Good you're here.
Copy !req
19. I'm in the Chem Club.
Name's Yakuzen Kusuri, aye?
Copy !req
20. "Aye"?
Copy !req
21. Never heard anyone say that in real life.
Copy !req
22. How about some tea for you, aye?
Copy !req
23. By beaker? Teaker!
Copy !req
24. Oh, don't mind me. I was only...
Copy !req
25. You're lucky!
Copy !req
26. Kusuri just finish developing fantastic drug!
Copy !req
27. Uh, I'm not here to join the club.
I'm just looking for somebody.
Copy !req
28. Sip on that tea and wait, aye?
Copy !req
29. Again...
Copy !req
30. No peeking! Sit over there and wait!
Copy !req
31. O-Okay, she's not having it.
Copy !req
32. I guess I'll see what she has in store.
Copy !req
33. But I dunno...
Copy !req
34. If it's too advanced, I won't even
know what's special about it.
Copy !req
35. Ta-da!
Copy !req
36. Human Magnet Medicine!
Copy !req
37. Nobel Prize winners
ain't got nothing on this!
Copy !req
38. You know how when you stick nail to magnet,
Copy !req
39. the nail become magnet for a while?
Copy !req
40. Oh, yeah...
Copy !req
41. Put simply, this a magnet in drink form.
Copy !req
42. Drinking this take the iron
in your blood, like that nail,
Copy !req
43. and make it into magnet.
Copy !req
44. I... see?
Copy !req
45. Drink and find out!
Copy !req
46. I'm drinking this?
Copy !req
47. Never feel the practical effects
of drug until you try it.
Copy !req
48. Like...
Copy !req
49. M*th is a good example, aye?
Copy !req
50. You know what m*th is like?
Copy !req
51. Honestly interesting chemical. Want to try.
Copy !req
52. Not even once!
Copy !req
53. Anyway, drink up!
Copy !req
54. W-Wow.
Copy !req
55. My body really is acting like a magnet.
Copy !req
56. Heh-heh. This be the power
of drug Kusuri invents!
Copy !req
57. Oh, warning, that drug cause
Copy !req
58. three day and night of unimaginable
constipation, so be ready.
Copy !req
59. The heck did you make me drink?
Copy !req
60. But wait, there's more.
Copy !req
61. When Kusuri drinks drug
with opposite pole as yours...
Copy !req
62. Hee hee hee. Opposite attract.
Copy !req
63. Wh-What...
Copy !req
64. What is this adorable little angel?
Copy !req
65. By the way...
Copy !req
66. Drink the same drug, and you stick
upside-down and can't be shown on TV.
Copy !req
67. There was no need to share that information!
Copy !req
68. Hm? Huh?
Copy !req
69. Magnetism stronger
than expected. Can't get away.
Copy !req
70. What?
Copy !req
71. Is fine. Effect wears off in ten minutes.
Copy !req
72. Oh, that's good.
Copy !req
73. Wait, was holding in pee forever.
Copy !req
74. Are you stupid?
Copy !req
75. A-Are you gonna pee
while you're stuck to me?
Copy !req
76. Can't be bothered
going to toilet during experiment.
Copy !req
77. But is fine.
Copy !req
78. Always wear diapers,
so no problem going here and now.
Copy !req
79. I see nothing but problems!
Copy !req
80. Can't hold it in anymore.
Copy !req
81. Oh.
Copy !req
82. Stop it!
Copy !req
83. Something is awakening inside me!
Copy !req
84. Effect finally wore off.
Copy !req
85. See now, Rentaro? Chemistry is amazing.
Copy !req
86. Kusuri loves to make
wonderful drug like this!
Copy !req
87. And there's more!
Copy !req
88. The Night-Vision Medicine.
Copy !req
89. The Ventriloquism Medicine.
Copy !req
90. What else...
Copy !req
91. Size-Up and Size-Down Medicine.
Copy !req
92. She really does love it.
Copy !req
93. Oh, and Gender Swap Medicine, too!
Copy !req
94. She's sparkling with joy in my eyes.
Copy !req
95. Wait, no!
Copy !req
96. I'm here to find the soulmate
I saw yesterday.
Copy !req
97. And... yet...
Copy !req
98. Why am I getting so worked up over her?
Copy !req
99. Rentaro, my boy...
Copy !req
100. You're bamboozled by Kusuri's cuteness, aye?
Copy !req
101. How'd you know?
Copy !req
102. Truth is, that tea you drank before...
Copy !req
103. was dosed with love potion!
Copy !req
104. What?
Copy !req
105. You see, Kusuri...
Copy !req
106. fell for Rentaro at first sight!
Copy !req
107. Love you, Rentaro!
Copy !req
108. We should go out, aye?
Copy !req
109. Huh?
Copy !req
110. Heh. Rentaro can't refuse
after drinking love potion.
Copy !req
111. Bleurgh!
Copy !req
112. Bleurgh, you say?
Copy !req
113. A girl professes her love,
and you go "bleurgh"?
Copy !req
114. Rude! Have you no tact?
Copy !req
115. Says the girl who just took
a leak while hugging me!
Copy !req
116. That's not it. I'm trying
to throw up the love potion.
Copy !req
117. But why? He should be in love...
Copy !req
118. Got the mix wrong?
Copy !req
119. No, worse.
Copy !req
120. H-He hates the idea of going out
with Kusuri that much?
Copy !req
121. Love you so much, though!
Copy !req
122. Is Kusuri not your type? Damn it all!
Copy !req
123. Have drug that can fix that!
Copy !req
124. No!
Copy !req
125. I want to be myself, not drugged up,
Copy !req
126. when I accept your feelings!
Copy !req
127. Aba ba ba ba ba!
Copy !req
128. Aba ba ba ba ba?
Copy !req
129. Aba ba ba ba ba!
Copy !req
130. His body rejects the drug!
Copy !req
131. Did Kusuri cause overdose
with intensity of feelings?
Copy !req
132. Make drug too strong?
Copy !req
133. Rentaro!
Copy !req
134. Neutralizer! Medicine-Reversing Medicine!
Copy !req
135. Drink this!
Copy !req
136. N-No...
Copy !req
137. Convulsion too strong. He can't take it.
Copy !req
138. No choice left.
Copy !req
139. Gotta force it in!
Copy !req
140. Phew, convulsion stopped.
Copy !req
141. But now, the love potion effect is gone...
Copy !req
142. Huh?
Copy !req
143. Then why are you still
so mind-boggingly cute?
Copy !req
144. Huh?
Copy !req
145. Huh?
Copy !req
146. The drug's effect is gone, no doubt.
Copy !req
147. What if... Rentaro's body rejected drug
Copy !req
148. because he already liked Kusuri?
Copy !req
149. His heart was already full! Maximum love?
Copy !req
150. R-Rentaro!
Copy !req
151. Y-Yes?
Copy !req
152. Beg you! Go out with me!
Copy !req
153. Down on both knees?
Copy !req
154. Love you too much! Super-duper love!
Copy !req
155. Somehow as much as drugs!
Copy !req
156. Will do whatever you want, so please!
Copy !req
157. Wait, wait, wait!
Come on, raise your head, please...
Copy !req
158. Huh?
Copy !req
159. What?
Copy !req
160. What?
Copy !req
161. Th-The girl from yesterday!
Copy !req
162. Ah, right.
Copy !req
163. Must've drank neutralizer
when giving it to you by mouth.
Copy !req
164. And it neutralized what?
Copy !req
165. This is how Kusuri actually looks, aye aye.
Copy !req
166. A failed immortality drug made me small.
Copy !req
167. She was doing big-bad research!
Copy !req
168. Can only turn back for less than an hour.
Copy !req
169. Oh, by the way, I'm actually
a third-year and president of Chem Club.
Copy !req
170. Huh? You're a senpai?
Copy !req
171. Well, this form comes with
poor vision and long hair.
Copy !req
172. Prefer to be small for experiments, aye aye.
Copy !req
173. So she's a senpai and really
the girl from yesterday...
Copy !req
174. And my soulmate?
Copy !req
175. Aye!
Copy !req
176. Which means...
Copy !req
177. Aye aye.
Copy !req
178. I would be deeply honored to go out with you!
Copy !req
179. Reverse?
Copy !req
180. Yay! I'm so happy to hear it, aye aye.
Copy !req
181. She sticks close at this size, too?
Copy !req
182. Help!
Copy !req
183. Oh, need to change diapers.
Copy !req
184. Please don't mention diapers
when you look like that!
Copy !req
185. And that's the whole story.
Copy !req
186. Could I have your permission to make
Yakuzen Kusuri-san my newest girlfriend—
Copy !req
187. Heya!
Copy !req
188. Yakuzen Kusuri's the name!
Good to know ya, aye!
Copy !req
189. Dating multiple partners at once
to achieve optimal efficiency.
Copy !req
190. Genius.
Copy !req
191. It's not for efficiency or anything, okay?
Copy !req
192. Okay, so tell us a bit more about yourself.
Copy !req
193. Sure! You see, Kusuri...
Copy !req
194. really, really, really loves drugs, aye.
Copy !req
195. Are we sure she's okay?
Copy !req
196. It's fine.
She says she hasn't tried m*th yet.
Copy !req
197. That's the least convincing "fine" ever!
Copy !req
198. By the way, she only looks
like this because of a drug.
Copy !req
199. She's actually a third-year.
Copy !req
200. Girl needs rehab!
Copy !req
201. Brought drugs for everyone today.
Copy !req
202. For Karane, Bust-Biggening Medicine.
Copy !req
203. What's that supposed to mean?
Copy !req
204. Huh? Don't want it?
Copy !req
205. I-In that case...
Copy !req
206. Un-Twistify Medicine!
Copy !req
207. Again, what does that mean?
Copy !req
208. Femininification Medicine!
Copy !req
209. What the hell?
Copy !req
210. Where'd you do your research on me?
What's your source?
Copy !req
211. Rentaro told me.
Copy !req
212. You're the worst!
Is that what you think of me?
Copy !req
213. Rentaro, you dickhead! I hate you!
Copy !req
214. Wait, no! Rentaro was like,
"Karane is slender and beautiful."
Copy !req
215. "Shy and cute," is what I heard.
Copy !req
216. Sorry... I didn't mean it...
Copy !req
217. I don't hate you or anything, okay?
Copy !req
218. Did it hurt?
Copy !req
219. Don't worry.
Copy !req
220. It actually felt good
being in the Boston Karane.
Copy !req
221. A masochist, aye?
Copy !req
222. For Hakari, Hot Stuff Medicine.
Copy !req
223. To make me more sexy?
Copy !req
224. I-If I can seduce Rentaro-kun with this...
Copy !req
225. I can't hold back!
Copy !req
226. Oh, dear!
Copy !req
227. maybe we can get down and dirty.
Copy !req
228. Down the hatch!
Copy !req
229. Hakari? You should be a bit more cautious...
Copy !req
230. Close call.
Copy !req
231. Thank you...
Copy !req
232. Huh? I feel all sweaty.
Copy !req
233. What's happening? My clothes!
Copy !req
234. Drug that makes your sweat melt your clothes.
Copy !req
235. Nothing sexier than a birthday suit.
Copy !req
236. What?
Copy !req
237. This is far too indecent!
Copy !req
238. Hakari!
Copy !req
239. Take my sweats!
Copy !req
240. I wore them for P.E.,
but it's better than nothing!
Copy !req
241. Th-Thank you very much!
Copy !req
242. Rentaro-kun... Rentaro-kun's...
Copy !req
243. Rentaro-kun-worn sweats!
Copy !req
244. Won't my sweat melt this, too?
Copy !req
245. Drug only works once.
Copy !req
246. Good job, Professor Kusuri!
Copy !req
247. Sniff, sniff!
Copy !req
248. For the storybook lover Shizuka,
Copy !req
249. the BunBun Fantasy Medicine.
Copy !req
250. "I am most grateful."
Copy !req
251. Peak cuteness!
Copy !req
252. I am most grateful!
Copy !req
253. "I am unworthy of such praise."
Copy !req
254. This is amazing.
Copy !req
255. It's like a movie costume.
Copy !req
256. Huh? Sorry! You felt that?
Copy !req
257. "A gate to an unexplored realm."
Copy !req
258. "A novel sensation."
Copy !req
259. Oh, kinda like this?
Copy !req
260. Then...
Copy !req
261. Tickle, tickle!
Copy !req
262. "B-Bossman!"
Copy !req
263. "This be the Shangri-La of our dreams?"
Copy !req
264. For the efficient Nano, Hair-Control Medicine.
Copy !req
265. Hair like extra arms she can freely use!
Copy !req
266. Increased efficiency. Not bad.
Copy !req
267. She drank it already. Not a second wasted.
Copy !req
268. Aijo Rentaro, there is dirt on your face.
Copy !req
269. That smelled nice!
Copy !req
270. I like it.
Copy !req
271. Me, too.
Copy !req
272. More where that came from, aye.
Copy !req
273. Each vial works ten minutes,
Copy !req
274. but the second one onward increases
the risk of going bald, so careful.
Copy !req
275. A heavy price to pay!
Copy !req
276. Going bald would reduce time
spent on maintenance.
Copy !req
277. Nano? A-Are you sure?
Copy !req
278. I mean, you would love me
even when I'm bald, would you not?
Copy !req
279. Of course!
Copy !req
280. Whether you're bald, or fat,
Copy !req
281. or possessed by an alien,
I'd still love you!
Copy !req
282. The last one would no longer be me.
Copy !req
283. But...
Copy !req
284. I love this beautiful hair of yours, too.
Copy !req
285. I have no need for this drug.
Copy !req
286. Aww, it's fun, though!
Copy !req
287. Well, I guess these drugs
have got their uses.
Copy !req
288. Right? Drugs are the best, aye!
Copy !req
289. N-Not that I care,
Copy !req
290. but how would I have looked if I'd
taken that "Bust-Biggening Medicine"?
Copy !req
291. Here's an illustration of effect.
Copy !req
292. Swole!
Copy !req
293. Those are pecs!
Copy !req
294. Making plenty more like these.
Copy !req
295. But maximum effort goes into the one for
applying to the dream research team!
Copy !req
296. Research team?
Copy !req
297. It's Kusuri's dream, aye!
Copy !req
298. Want to join that research team
and make all sort of amazing drugs!
Copy !req
299. "What a beautiful vision."
Copy !req
300. What's wrong, Kusuri-senpai?
Copy !req
301. Suddenly felt the urge the pee.
Copy !req
302. Oh, well. Wearing diaper, after all.
Copy !req
303. Use the restroom!
Copy !req
304. Boo.
Copy !req
305. Right back at you!
Copy !req
306. Oh, I'll pour the tea, then.
Copy !req
307. Tea's different for Rentaro
and the rest, so be careful, aye?
Copy !req
308. What do you mean, for me?
Copy !req
309. W-Well, different blend for boys and girls.
Copy !req
310. Whatever! Go to the restroom!
Copy !req
311. A-Anyway...
Copy !req
312. Look at bottles, and it's obvious!
Copy !req
313. Er...
Copy !req
314. There's a big one and a small one, so...
Copy !req
315. I think?
Copy !req
316. Back.
Copy !req
317. Okay, now that everyone's here,
Copy !req
318. let's eat!
Copy !req
319. Let's eat!
Copy !req
320. Let's eat, aye.
Copy !req
321. These cookies aren't bad.
Copy !req
322. "A sweet seduction."
Copy !req
323. Store-bought. Efficient.
Copy !req
324. Is that praise?
Copy !req
325. It is.
Copy !req
326. Yak, yak, I did it!
Copy !req
327. Huh?
Copy !req
328. O-Oh no!
Copy !req
329. This tea is for Rentaro!
Copy !req
330. Why?
Copy !req
331. Made sure to split the bottles
for boys and girls!
Copy !req
332. Everyone! Wrong tea!
Copy !req
333. Spit it out!
Copy !req
334. Hurry! Hurry up and bleurgh!
Copy !req
335. Come on, they're just different flavors.
Copy !req
336. Th-That's not it!
Copy !req
337. That tea...
Copy !req
338. had the
Uncontrollable-Urge-to-Kiss-Lover Medicine
Copy !req
339. planned to give to Rentaro
to get me smoochies!
Copy !req
340. What?
Copy !req
341. Not like back then...
Copy !req
342. Wanted to kiss you for real!
Copy !req
343. Wh-What...
Copy !req
344. I don't need some drug
to make me want to kiss you!
Copy !req
345. Rentaro!
Copy !req
346. Mwah...
Copy !req
347. Uh, Karane?
Copy !req
348. Her heartburn can cause death by fire!
Copy !req
349. Kusuri-senpa—
Copy !req
350. Kiss...
Copy !req
351. Kiss.
Copy !req
352. G-Girls?
Copy !req
353. Kusuri-senpai!
Copy !req
354. Kiss.
Copy !req
355. What's gotten into you all?
Copy !req
356. Owie...
Copy !req
357. Gone and done it again...
Copy !req
358. Keep messing up!
Copy !req
359. Run, Rentaro!
Copy !req
360. That's the drug's side effect.
Copy !req
361. Wait,
Copy !req
362. you wanted me to turn into that?
Copy !req
363. No, drug's not safe for girls!
Copy !req
364. Male libido makes boys
want to get physical, bump uglies.
Copy !req
365. But female libido seeks intimacy,
emotional pleasure—
Copy !req
366. that is kissing!
Copy !req
367. R-Really?
Copy !req
368. So...
Copy !req
369. Not meant to increase the urge
for kisses even more.
Copy !req
370. Nothing but the desire to kiss
remains in these four.
Copy !req
371. Their brain don't limit them,
giving superhuman strength!
Copy !req
372. Unable to think about anything but
kissing the person they love most,
Copy !req
373. they wander in search for his lips...
Copy !req
374. They are kiss zombies!
Copy !req
375. "Kissy."
Copy !req
376. Kissy.
Copy !req
377. Kissy.
Copy !req
378. Kissy.
Copy !req
379. No escape from their powerful
arms if they catch you.
Copy !req
380. You'll be stuck
being kissed with them forever!
Copy !req
381. What?
Copy !req
382. That...
Copy !req
383. just sounds like paradise!
Copy !req
384. Kiss.
Copy !req
385. By the way, if not given the Medicine-Reversing
Medicine before the drug circulates,
Copy !req
386. they stay like this the rest of their lives.
Copy !req
387. Their personality gets erased?
Copy !req
388. How long until the drug circulates
throughout their bodies?
Copy !req
389. Depends on person, but around an hour!
Copy !req
390. We need to give them
the Reversing Medicine before then...
Copy !req
391. Kissy kiss!
Copy !req
392. Kiss!
Copy !req
393. And so began Rentaro and the girls'
game of Resident Hazard: Kissage!
Copy !req