1. h
Copy !req
2. ht
Copy !req
3. htt
Copy !req
4. http
Copy !req
5. /
Copy !req
6. http://
Copy !req
7. http://h
Copy !req
8. http://hi
Copy !req
9. http://hiq
Copy !req
10. http://hiqv
Copy !req
11. http://hiqve
Copy !req
12. http://hiqve.
Copy !req
13. http://hiqve.c
Copy !req
14. http://hiqve.com/
Copy !req
15. http://hiqve.com/
Copy !req
16. Hey, check it out, guys,
it's Sergeant Crossing Guard.
Copy !req
17. Rough day
on the crosswalk, Sarge?
Copy !req
18. I'm not a crossing guard, Hyde,
Copy !req
19. I'm a police officer
in training.
Copy !req
20. - Read the badge.
- You mean your paper nametag?
Copy !req
21. No, I mean my badge.
Copy !req
22. This symbolizes
all the authority
Copy !req
23. of the Point Place
police department.
Copy !req
24. How'd it get ripped?
Copy !req
25. Hey! Your first case.
Copy !req
26. Get this. Tomorrow I get to go
on a ride-along in a real police car.
Copy !req
27. I get to see
all the crime as it happens.
Copy !req
28. Yeah, this town is a hotbed
for criminal activity.
Copy !req
29. Hey, let's not forget the
great ten-speed robbery of '74.
Copy !req
30. Yeah, or that
criminal mastermind
Copy !req
31. who stole my mum's garden gnome.
Copy !req
32. Guys, I have very exciting news.
Copy !req
33. I'm in a mentor programme
for little girls,
Copy !req
34. kind of like a Big Sister thing.
Copy !req
35. And there's someone here
who's very anxious to meet you.
Copy !req
36. Come here.
Copy !req
37. Isn't she cute?
I call her Little Jackie.
Copy !req
38. For the last freaking time,
my name is Colette.
Copy !req
39. I'm trying to like her,
she's just a little mouthy.
Copy !req
40. Jackie, why would you be
a Big Sister?
Copy !req
41. Well, it's a community
service project for school.
Copy !req
42. It was either this or helping
out at a senior center.
Copy !req
43. And you know how gray hair
gives me nightmares.
Copy !req
44. Can I leave now?
There's nothing to do.
Copy !req
45. Here, take these pictures of me
Copy !req
46. and put them
in order of cuteness,
Copy !req
47. from "Very cute" to "It's
just not fair she's so cute."
Copy !req
48. Lame, lamer, lamest.
Copy !req
49. I like her.
Copy !req
50. - Yeah, me, too.
- She's feisty.
Copy !req
51. Nice nametag.
Are you a garbage man?
Copy !req
52. It's a badge!
Copy !req
53. Hello, Wisconsin!
Copy !req
54. Get away from me!
Copy !req
55. I bet that's the first time
you said that to a man.
Copy !req
56. Don't you walk out that door.
Copy !req
57. Don't you walk
through that door!
Copy !req
58. What the hell was that
all about?
Copy !req
59. They have been fighting
like that all morning.
Copy !req
60. Sometimes he even yells at her
in his native language.
Copy !req
61. I believe the main idea is,
she gets around.
Copy !req
62. Ah, to be young and trapped
Copy !req
63. in a loveless sham
of a marriage.
Copy !req
64. - Kitty, where's the coffee?
- I'm sorry, I almost forgot.
Copy !req
65. Since no one fixed my sink yet,
Copy !req
66. today instead of coffee,
Copy !req
67. we're having pipe sludge.
Copy !req
68. You know the doctor told me
not to do household chores.
Copy !req
69. It's either a working sink
or a dead husband.
Copy !req
70. It's your choice.
Copy !req
71. Well, Red, somebody's gotta
do something around here.
Copy !req
72. The garage needs to be painted,
Copy !req
73. the lawnmower won't start,
Copy !req
74. and I'm getting tired of
running to the hose
Copy !req
75. every time I need
a bourbon and water.
Copy !req
76. Fine, fine,
we'll let Eric do it.
Copy !req
77. Maybe if I supervise him,
Copy !req
78. he'll only screw up
half as much.
Copy !req
79. Yeah, thanks, Dad.
You know what? I got it.
Copy !req
80. Yeah. This from the kid
who gets sweaty
Copy !req
81. when he has to
change out the toilet paper.
Copy !req
82. Don't you walk back
into that house.
Copy !req
83. Don't you walk back
into the house!
Copy !req
84. Officer Kennedy?
Copy !req
85. I want you to know that even
though it's my first ride-along,
Copy !req
86. I'm not afraid to kill a man.
Copy !req
87. I just don't wanna touch him
after he's dead.
Copy !req
88. Shut it, Cadet.
Here, take care of the radio.
Copy !req
89. Cool. We each get our own
Copy !req
90. I'd like a pepperoni pizza.
Copy !req
91. Address,
Hauling Ass Down Central.
Copy !req
92. Hey, if you wanna play games,
go join the highway patrol.
Copy !req
93. Unit 10, we've got
a 415 in progress.
Copy !req
94. - Cool. What's a 415?
- Why don't you look
in your manual?
Copy !req
95. "A canine defecating
on private property."
Copy !req
96. Cool! It's a dog crapping
on a lawn! Gun it!
Copy !req
97. A 415 is a domestic
disturbance, you chowder head.
Copy !req
98. Oh.
Copy !req
99. Damn, I always wanted to
put a dog in handcuffs.
Copy !req
100. - I want you out! Out, I say!
- It's my house!
Copy !req
101. Oh, really? Because you didn't
sleep here last night.
Copy !req
102. Or the night before that.
Copy !req
103. Or the night before that.
Copy !req
104. To be fair, Fez, her army
buddies only get a three-day pass.
Copy !req
105. - Listen to me...
- No, you listen...
Copy !req
106. Pipe down!
The neighbors are staring.
Copy !req
107. Don't mind us.
Just practicing for a show.
Copy !req
108. Take a bow and get in the house.
Copy !req
109. Whoa, it's the Five-O.
Better go hide my stash.
Copy !req
110. Comic books.
And comic book paraphernalia.
Copy !req
111. What seems
to be the problem here?
Copy !req
112. - Put that down.
- Put that down.
Copy !req
113. - No, put that down!
- Put what down?
Copy !req
114. Give me that.
Copy !req
115. Now, what seems to be
the problem here?
Copy !req
116. I'll tell you what the problem
is. I am married to a whore.
Copy !req
117. I am not a whore!
Copy !req
118. I'm just a girl
who likes a good time.
Copy !req
119. I'm sorry. I can't imagine
who would've called the police.
Copy !req
120. It's about time you showed up.
Copy !req
121. These two were making
so much noise,
Copy !req
122. I couldn't enjoy my programme.
Copy !req
123. Bob, you really
had to call the police?
Copy !req
124. Sorry, Kitty, but how am I
supposed to name that tune
Copy !req
125. if I can't even hear the notes?
Copy !req
126. Okay. Well, this kid
seems to be harmless,
Copy !req
127. but since you're training, why
don't you frisk him anyway?
Copy !req
128. Sure, frisk the foreign guy.
Copy !req
129. The color of my skin
is not a crime!
Copy !req
130. Why do you have a frog
in your pocket?
Copy !req
131. It's a surprise for the ladies.
Copy !req
132. Oh! He peed on me!
That's resisting arrest.
Copy !req
133. Well, then I'm about
to resist arrest, too.
Copy !req
134. Dad, that was pretty cool how I shut
off all the water in the house, huh?
Copy !req
135. Yeah, you really instill
a lot of confidence,
Copy !req
136. muttering "lefty loosey,
righty tighty" the whole time.
Copy !req
137. Okay, let's get started.
Copy !req
138. Now, this is a wrench.
Copy !req
139. - Dad, I think I know
what tools are.
- Good.
Copy !req
140. Then grab the Philips head.
Copy !req
141. Uh, shouldn't I buy Philip
a drink first?
Copy !req
142. Come on!
Copy !req
143. We're just a couple guys having
some fun on the job, lighten up.
Copy !req
144. Get a little "lefty-loosey".
Copy !req
145. Do you even know what a
Philips head screwdriver is?
Copy !req
146. I know it's a screwdriver.
Copy !req
147. Now.
Copy !req
148. The water's off.
Why is the water off?
Copy !req
149. We gotta fix the pipes.
Copy !req
150. - But I have to use
the bathroom.
- What?
Copy !req
151. - I have to use the bathroom!
- Well, go ahead.
Copy !req
152. But you only get one flush,
so make it count.
Copy !req
153. Well, I guess I can hold it.
I just hope I don't sneeze.
Copy !req
154. - Would you sit still?
- Jackie, she's not a doll.
Copy !req
155. Well, not a good one, anyway.
Copy !req
156. I don't want a makeover. You're supposed
to be helping me with my homework.
Copy !req
157. Homework is for ugly girls.
Copy !req
158. Okay?
Copy !req
159. Pretty girls get geeky boys
to do their homework for them.
Copy !req
160. Jackie, you're supposed to do
fun stuff, like go roller-skating,
Copy !req
161. not teach her to prostitute
herself for geometry notes.
Copy !req
162. She's cool. Why can't
she be my Big Sister?
Copy !req
163. See, Donna already has a
little sister. Her name's Eric.
Copy !req
164. Okay, get under the sink and loosen
that disposal so we can get to the pipes.
Copy !req
165. Under there?
Copy !req
166. But it's all spidery.
Copy !req
167. Get under there
or you're gonna get a spider
Copy !req
168. the size of my foot in your ass.
Copy !req
169. I just realized something.
Copy !req
170. After all the years of
me helping you fix stuff,
Copy !req
171. you finally have to
hold the flashlight for me.
Copy !req
172. Lower, dumb ass!
Copy !req
173. All right, I'm in.
I'm just gonna loosen the...
Copy !req
174. Spider! Big one!
Oh, my God, it touched me!
Copy !req
175. A Brillo pad? You were
afraid of a Brillo pad?
Copy !req
176. It bit me.
Copy !req
177. Boy, somewhere down the line
I failed with you.
Copy !req
178. You know, I think it was that
one day when you were 10
Copy !req
179. and I caught you
with those dolls.
Copy !req
180. They were action figures.
Copy !req
181. I want to go to the movies.
Copy !req
182. Why? You're watching me
live my life.
Copy !req
183. It's better than any movie.
Copy !req
184. Afternoon, civilians.
Copy !req
185. Where's my frog,
you son of a bitch?
Copy !req
186. Well, the good news is
I let him loose.
Copy !req
187. And the bad news is he
hopped in front of an 18-wheeler.
Copy !req
188. Now, he dodged the first
wheel, but the last 17 got him.
Copy !req
189. Hey, did you show up
in a cop car?
Copy !req
190. Yeah. My training officer let
me take the cruiser out for a spin.
Copy !req
191. Mind if we check it out?
Copy !req
192. Fine. Just don't
touch anything.
Copy !req
193. I'll be in the bathroom taking
care of some police business.
Copy !req
194. Or as the boys down
at the station like to say,
Copy !req
195. I'll be taking a 10-100.
Copy !req
196. How would you like
to see a police car?
Copy !req
197. I already saw one when the
police took my daddy to jail.
Copy !req
198. All right. You know what? Cheer
up, or you're not getting lunch.
Copy !req
199. Jackie!
Copy !req
200. Oh, Donna, don't worry,
you're getting lunch.
Copy !req
201. Okay, you know what?
Copy !req
202. You don't have a clue when
it comes to dealing with kids.
Copy !req
203. Well, if you think you're so good
at it, why don't you give it a shot?
Copy !req
204. Okay, I will.
Copy !req
205. Come on, Colette, you've just
been upgraded to Little Donna.
Copy !req
206. What... You know what?
It is your loss
Copy !req
207. because I was gonna
let you give me a pedicure.
Copy !req
208. I can't believe they
trusted Kelso with a cop car.
Copy !req
209. I can't believe
he left the keys in it.
Copy !req
210. Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
Copy !req
211. Burn rubber, little buddy.
Copy !req
212. Hey!
Copy !req
213. You're out of soap
in the men's room.
Copy !req
214. My eagle eye catches everything.
Copy !req
215. This is so exciting.
What should we do next?
Copy !req
216. Plant some evidence?
Copy !req
217. Bust some prostitutes?
Copy !req
218. Plant some evidence in
the bust of some prostitutes?
Copy !req
219. Oh, hey, check it out.
A walkie-talkie.
Copy !req
220. Freeze! You're under arrest.
Copy !req
221. Freeze, you're under arrest!
Copy !req
222. Freeze. You're under arrest!
All right, that's the one.
Copy !req
223. This is Officer Michael
Kelso. And I'm not wearing any pants!
Copy !req
224. Am I supposed to be driving
all over the road?
Copy !req
225. 'Cause I'm loaded.
Copy !req
226. My car's gone!
Somebody call the police!
Copy !req
227. Okay, that's it. I can't
fix it. I just... I can't do it.
Copy !req
228. What's the problem now?
Copy !req
229. Did the fuzzy dishtowel
jump out and attack you?
Copy !req
230. I can't believe you said
you failed with me.
Copy !req
231. Oh, come on.
That was a joke.
Copy !req
232. You know, like, "A priest
and a rabbi walk into a bar,"
Copy !req
233. or "I failed with you."
Copy !req
234. - Do you really think that?
- No, not completely.
Copy !req
235. I mean... Maybe you're not
good at fixing stuff.
Copy !req
236. But you stayed behind from
school to help the family out.
Copy !req
237. And that's admirable.
Copy !req
238. Yeah.
Copy !req
239. Yeah, it is.
Copy !req
240. Some might say it's the greatest
gift a son could give his father.
Copy !req
241. No, the greatest gift
a son could give his father
Copy !req
242. is a Heisman Trophy.
Copy !req
243. Look, you've tortured yourself
enough for one day.
Copy !req
244. - Let's just pack it up
and call the plumber.
- No, no.
Copy !req
245. Look, I can fix some things.
Copy !req
246. Boba Fett's jetpack doesn't
just glue itself back on.
Copy !req
247. You know what? I'm gonna
fix the lawnmower. Right now.
Copy !req
248. Now, why would you wanna
embarrass yourself like that?
Copy !req
249. I mean, I'll be standing there
and you'll be standing there,
Copy !req
250. and the mower won't work,
Copy !req
251. and I'll say something mean
and claim it's a joke.
Copy !req
252. I'm gonna fix that lawnmower.
Copy !req
253. I'm gonna fix
the hell out of it.
Copy !req
254. And when I'm done, you're
gonna be able to race that baby
Copy !req
255. at the Indy 500.
Copy !req
256. Now, look, Son,
just so you know,
Copy !req
257. the lawnmower's the red thing
with the wheels on it.
Copy !req
258. Yeah? Well, not for long!
Copy !req
259. More news after this.
Copy !req
260. You know, if a white man
had stolen that car,
Copy !req
261. it'd be all over that news.
Copy !req
262. Fez, not having
every cop in Wisconsin
Copy !req
263. looking for us
is probably a good thing.
Copy !req
264. Shut up, whitey.
Copy !req
265. Has anyone seen Little Jackie?
Copy !req
266. - No. Why?
- Never mind.
Copy !req
267. Oh, my God.
You lost Little Jackie?
Copy !req
268. No, I didn't lose Little...
Copy !req
269. We're playing hide-and-seek
and she's really, really good.
Copy !req
270. Oh, so you look for her,
but when you play with Fez,
Copy !req
271. you let him sit
in the closet all day.
Copy !req
272. I cannot believe you, Donna.
Copy !req
273. You said I didn't know what I
was doing, and look at what you did.
Copy !req
274. Okay, are you going to
help me find her or not?
Copy !req
275. Well, I'm gonna have to.
I mean, this is serious.
Copy !req
276. If we don't find
that little girl,
Copy !req
277. I'm gonna get, like,
half-hour detention.
Copy !req
278. Okay.
Copy !req
279. Where's my cop car?
Copy !req
280. You know what?
I'm gonna count to three.
Copy !req
281. And before I'm done, you'd
better tell me where it is.
Copy !req
282. One, two...
Copy !req
283. Two-and-a-half.
Copy !req
284. Three.
Copy !req
285. No, you can't say "three".
That's not how it works.
Copy !req
286. Did my frog know how it worked
when he saw that tire coming?
Copy !req
287. His tiny green life flashing
before his eyes?
Copy !req
288. Guys, come on, you can't
just take somebody's car
Copy !req
289. without asking permission.
Copy !req
290. And especially since I kind of
took it without asking permission.
Copy !req
291. - What?
- You stoled it?
Copy !req
292. I was supposed to be watching it
Copy !req
293. while my training officer
got a haircut.
Copy !req
294. They're gonna have
my paper badge for this.
Copy !req
295. Mom, Dad, come quick!
I fixed it! I fixed it.
Copy !req
296. It was like God had control
over my hands.
Copy !req
297. - Let me... Let me start it for you.
- Eric, don't.
Copy !req
298. I've seen you use a wrench.
Copy !req
299. If you went lefty-loosey instead
of righty-tighty, we could all die.
Copy !req
300. - Let me just
put this in the garage.
- Wait, but, Dad...
Copy !req
301. No, no, honey, honey. Your
father's right. It's not safe.
Copy !req
302. We'll let Bob start it later.
Copy !req
303. What did you do?
Copy !req
304. Why? Why?
Why is it always my house?
Copy !req
305. You really wanna know, or
you wanna just keep yelling?
Copy !req
306. I wanna keep yelling.
Copy !req
307. I don't care whose fault it is.
Copy !req
308. Just get that thing
out of here now!
Copy !req
309. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
310. All right, everybody. Show's
over, let's go in the house.
Copy !req
311. Dad, the lawnmower. I fixed
the lawnmower, you've gotta see.
Copy !req
312. Kelso, wait!
Copy !req
313. Hey, look, Fez,
just like your frog.
Copy !req
314. Well, it was broken anyway.
Copy !req
315. No, it wasn't.
Copy !req
316. I fixed it.
Copy !req
317. Mom, you believe me, don't you?
Copy !req
318. Of course I do, honey.
Copy !req
319. I believe that you believe
you fixed it.
Copy !req
320. Why are you in my seat?
Copy !req
321. This automobile has not moved.
Copy !req
322. Wait, you didn't ask me that.
Copy !req
323. Did you touch anything?
Copy !req
324. Because if you did,
you are in big trouble.
Copy !req
325. No, I can assure you,
everything is exactly as you left it.
Copy !req
326. Hey, Kelso, did you get
the cop car back
Copy !req
327. before your boss found out
you stole it?
Copy !req
328. Okay, that...
I can explain that.
Copy !req
329. Where am I?
Copy !req
330. I can't explain that.
Copy !req
331. Socket wrench.
Copy !req
332. Drives the spaceship.
Sits next to the hairy guy.
Copy !req
333. Han Solo.
Copy !req
334. Flathead screwdriver.
Copy !req
335. I know this. Guy with
the breathing problem.
Copy !req
336. "Guy with the breathing problem."
This is Darth freaking Vader.
Copy !req
337. Seriously, Dad, if you don't
know the Dark Lord of the Sith,
Copy !req
338. the most hated enemy
of the Jedi warrior,
Copy !req
339. then I guess somewhere
down the line I failed with you.
Copy !req
340. Marker.
Copy !req
341. Oh! He peed on me!
Copy !req
342. That's resisting arrest.
Copy !req
343. That's resisting arrest.
Copy !req
344. Put that down.
Copy !req
345. Give it to me!
Copy !req
346. Give me that.
Copy !req
347. God.
Copy !req
348. http://hiqve.com/
Copy !req