1. Gooood morning.
- Try good 13:30.
Copy !req
2. I'm just so worn out from carrying
around all this tip money. Here you go, mom.
Copy !req
3. Why don't you, kick up the thermostat
couple deegres on me.
Copy !req
4. Well, thank you, honey. And you have been
such a big help working yourself nearly
to death. I made you
Copy !req
5. your special sandwich.
- Oooh, "the Eric McSweady".
Copy !req
6. It's a regular sandwich.
Hold the masculinity.
Copy !req
7. It's almost time for Red's doctors appointment.
I have to iron his underware.
Copy !req
8. No crust, check, extra jelly, check.
My mommy loves me. Check.
Copy !req
9. Eric, wow you look beat. - Yeah, I was working
until like 1:00 last night. - Oh, my poor baby.
Copy !req
10. I know something that will cheer you up.
Copy !req
11. Today, I got my first bridal magazine.
Copy !req
12. We can spend the whole afternoon
talking about wedding stuff.
Copy !req
13. Like, the groomsmen can wear kilts.
Copy !req
14. Donna, you know how much I'd love to spend
4-5 hours talking about the wedding,
Copy !req
15. or clothes, or clothes for the wedding,
but, God I'm so beat from last night.
Copy !req
16. Okay. Why don't you go back to bad, and I'll
crawl up with you after class, but this time
Copy !req
17. sweep the bed for GI Joes, cause that last
thing that happened that was unpleasant.
Copy !req
18. Life is a cabaret, my friend!
Copy !req
19. You didn't work untill 1:00. We got
off at 22:00 and played poker.
Copy !req
20. Hyde, let's not wear ourselves
down with the truth here.
Copy !req
21. When I started working full time, I thought
that my life was gonna be a total grind,
Copy !req
22. but my mom, Donna,
they can't do enaugh for me.
Copy !req
23. Look at this. Heart shaped sandwiches.
Donna's giving me sexy naps.
Copy !req
24. As God is my witness I will never go
hungry or horny again.
Copy !req
25. Will you please wear the ironed underware.
I have a reputation to protect.
Copy !req
26. Eric, you're driving me to my doctors appointment.
Please, put on pants.
Copy !req
27. Eric is a little tired from working so late,
so I found someone else to drive you.
Copy !req
28. Jump in Smokey,
Bandit's on the move.
Copy !req
29. Okay, Brooke. Here's the thing. We should date.
- Michael, I'm pregnant with your child.
Copy !req
30. Pretty much the best and worst things
about dating have already happened to us.
Copy !req
31. Okay, but we missed out on all the in between.
Copy !req
32. Like. Okay, we need to spice up our illegitimate pregnancy with a little romance.
Copy !req
33. I mean, look how much we have in common.
You are having my baby,
Copy !req
34. and I am the father of your baby.
Copy !req
35. Okay look, don't pretend you wanna go out
with me just because you feel guilty.
Copy !req
36. Brooke, I wanna go out with
you cause you're hot.
Copy !req
37. Okay fine, but I'm not hot.
I've gain six pounds.
Copy !req
38. That's okay, cause it's mostly in your boobs.
Copy !req
39. See, nature does this to keep us
guys around while you gals chunk out.
Copy !req
40. Okay, let's get couple of things straight.
I don't wanna be here,
Copy !req
41. you don't wanna be here.
- I wan't to be here.
Copy !req
42. Fine. I don't wanna be here,
and I don't care what you want.
Copy !req
43. Okay then. Are you buckled up?
- Yes.
Copy !req
44. Hmm, because the little blinking man
on the dashboard says you aren't.
Copy !req
45. Buckle up. - No. - Yes.
- No. Look, start this car
Copy !req
46. or I'm gonna pack you in the crate, take you down to the port
and trade you for a year supply of bananas.
Copy !req
47. Hey. - Hey.
- You awake?
Copy !req
48. Well, if I were asleep there'd be six
of you all making out with yourselves.
Copy !req
49. Can't belive how late you must stay at the restaurant.
- Well, you know
Copy !req
50. that grated cheese you like so much?
Gets grated the night before.
Copy !req
51. Yeah, little thing we like to call "prep", so.
- I love it when you use restaurant talk.
Copy !req
52. Donna, I have to warn you, I'm exhausted.
So, you're gonna have to do all the work.
Copy !req
53. Why should today be any different?
Copy !req
54. I need to know what to do on a first date with a women who is carrying my child?
Copy !req
55. Hold her while she weeps.
Copy !req
56. Hey wait, what if you guys came to dinner with me and Brooke? It would make easier to find stuff
Copy !req
57. to talk about. - No, no man, there is no way
I'm going on a date with your ex girlfriend
Copy !req
58. who is now my girlfiend,
and your new girlfriend
Copy !req
59. who doesn't wanna be your girlfriend,
but is pregnant with your child.
Copy !req
60. It's like hillbilly territory.
Copy !req
61. I'll pay.
Copy !req
62. I'm in.
Copy !req
63. Well then I have to go find something to wear. I mean I'm happy that Brooke's gonna have
Copy !req
64. a father for her baby and all, but I still have to look prettier than her.
Copy !req
65. Well I was woken from my afternooon nap by my girlfriend for some afternoon delight,
Copy !req
66. after which I took another afternoon nap.
Copy !req
67. You know what I have right in the palm of my hand?
- No one wants to know that. Just wash up.
Copy !req
68. The secret of life.
Copy !req
69. You know what? I'm taking this one step
further, fellas. I'm gonna get fat.
Copy !req
70. Yeah, I'll never be strong,
but I think I can be fat.
Copy !req
71. That's a pretty thought.
Copy !req
72. C'mon, Fez, don't be scared.
Go say "hi".
Copy !req
73. No, he's too fat.
Copy !req
74. I don't know where his face is.
Copy !req
75. He can't eat you. He can't even move.
Copy !req
76. That tickles.
Copy !req
77. Aaah, something's poking me.
Copy !req
78. GI Joe.
There you are.
Copy !req
79. What else is in there?
Copy !req
80. Kelso!
Copy !req
81. I thought you moved away!
- I've been living on crumbs!
Copy !req
82. Alright, okay. Laugh all you want but all I
see is a guy who doesn't have to go out of bed
Copy !req
83. to go to the bathroom... And that's beautiful.
Copy !req
84. Hey look there's the "Oaks Lodge".
Pull over.
Copy !req
85. But I thought we would celebrate your good checkup.
Copy !req
86. There's this pie down at the coffee shop
I've been flirting with for days.
Copy !req
87. How about this for a celebration, I'm
going in there with my budies and you
Copy !req
88. wait in the car.
- But that does not sound like fun.
Copy !req
89. Well, that's how we celebrate in America.
Copy !req
90. Okay, let's head for home.
Copy !req
91. So now you're not gonna talk?
- Why should I talk?
Copy !req
92. My feelings are obviously of no consequence to you.
Copy !req
93. Alright, maybe I stayed a little
longer then I expected.
Copy !req
94. Hey look, how about we stop for some pie?
- No.
Copy !req
95. Oh c'mon, let me get you a pie.
- I am not in the mood.
Copy !req
96. Oh just let me buy you a...
- There will be no pie!
Copy !req
97. Wow, good pot. There's gotta
be like 4 or 5 bucks in there.
Copy !req
98. Yeah you guys are going down.
I gotta a full house.
Copy !req
99. I mean... What do I got?
Copy !req
100. Why don't you bet a lot and see.
Copy !req
101. Kelso, I know you think you got a full house,
but you're only holding two cards.
Copy !req
102. So I'll raise.
Copy !req
103. This is great. It's
1:00 and I'm not alone.
Copy !req
104. I'm not alone. This is great.
Copy !req
105. Guys I don't wanna brag but my
belt is getting pretty tight.
Copy !req
106. I think operation "Fat Eric"
is well under way.
Copy !req
107. What the hell are you doing?
Copy !req
108. You told me you were working.
Copy !req
109. I brought you brownies because you told
me you were working your ass off.
Copy !req
110. And now it turns out you were spending all the time, we could have spent together, with the guys.
Copy !req
111. And, I gave you daytime sex.
Copy !req
112. Alright.
Who brought brownies?
Copy !req
113. Is Eric upstairs?
- Just look for the lump under the cover sucking his thumb.
Copy !req
114. Hey, you gonna yell? - No, I'm past yelling.
- What's past yelling?
Copy !req
115. It's the dark side of the moon, my friend.
Copy !req
116. The place so ugly if it was a women
even you wouldn't have sex with her.
Copy !req
117. Ahh, that's bad.
Copy !req
118. How can you sleep untill noon
after what happened last night?
Copy !req
119. I'm exhausted from loving you so much.
Copy !req
120. You're completely regressing. You lie around all day
and you act if you'd be happy
Copy !req
121. to stay in your mothers house forever.
- Look Donna, let me make it up to you.
Copy !req
122. There's some tip money on the dresser.
Why don't you go buy yourself something pretty?
Copy !req
123. Don' worry, we can still hear!
Copy !req
124. Eric, what is happening to you?
- Look Donna, I'm sorry but I'm not regressing.
Copy !req
125. You gotta understand I'm the
man of this house now.
Copy !req
126. Okay, who is ready for a Spidey
and a sandwich? - Me!
Copy !req
127. Mrs. Forman, your son is a big lazy chump because
you keep babying him. - I don't baby him.
Copy !req
128. Is there a crust on that sandwich?
Copy !req
129. Well of course not. Crusts are
icky they make Eric sicky.
Copy !req
130. Oh my God, I'm ruining him.
Copy !req
131. Eric, things are gonna change
around here, drastically.
Tomarrow you are getting
Copy !req
132. a sandwich whith crust on.
And no more crazy straws.
Copy !req
133. You will be drinking your chocolate
milk from a standard straw.
Copy !req
134. Now, who's hungry?
- I call sandwich. - I call Spidey.
Copy !req
135. I call sandwiches you haven't made yet.
Copy !req
136. Okay, Donna I get it, I'm sorry.
- No, that's not gonna cut it.
Copy !req
137. I've been wearing this engagement ring
so long it's white under there,
Copy !req
138. and a little wrinkly. You haven't
brought up the wedding in weeks.
Copy !req
139. I stayed home from college to be
with you. And if I knew
Copy !req
140. you were gonna act like this, I would
have gone. - You're right. - I know.
Copy !req
141. Donna, I know that I'm
lucky to be with you.
Copy !req
142. Hell, when we go out together,
people think I'm your little brother.
Copy !req
143. That's true. They say I shouldn't
have you out so late.
Copy !req
144. You are right. No, you are absolutely right.
Copy !req
145. I'm really, really sorry. Okay?
So, are you still mad at me?
Copy !req
146. Well, it's kind of hard when
you keep agreeing with me.
Copy !req
147. I agree. - Stop it.
- You're beautiful. - I will kick your ass.
Copy !req
148. So, maybe a good way to break the ice would be for everyone to tell a few things about themselves.
I'll go first
Copy !req
149. I like makeup and diets,
and Steven here likes black things
Copy !req
150. and throwing stuff at glass.
Copy !req
151. Okay. Well, I was valedictorian at my class,
I ran marathons
Copy !req
152. and I tutor kids in Latin.
Copy !req
153. Well, I egged the valedictorian of my class
and a marathon runner.
Copy !req
154. Oh, and some kids that took Latin.
Copy !req
155. This is fun.
Copy !req
156. So, how do you guys all know eachother?
- Well, Michael and I dated for like 3 years.
Copy !req
157. Then I stole her from him.
- Wait, what?
Copy !req
158. You never could have stolen from
me if I hadn't cheated on her first.
Copy !req
159. Okay, wait a minute... - That sounds a lot worse than what it is. I only cheated on her
Copy !req
160. with Eric's sister.
Copy !req
161. Well, and then the rest of the
girls when we were on a break
Copy !req
162. cause I annoyed her, but none of
those girls were anybody's sister.
Copy !req
163. Except for the two that were sisters.
Copy !req
164. He brought up the sisters.
Copy !req
165. Okay. This was a mistake. I think I'm gonna go.
- No, Brooke, wait.
Copy !req
166. I've been with a lot of chicks, a lot...
Copy !req
167. a lot... a lot.
Copy !req
168. Okay, that's not helping.
- Brooke, just let me start over, okay?
Copy !req
169. We might not be a perfect match, okay,
but I really, really like you
Copy !req
170. and I think us having this baby
together is like... faith.
Copy !req
171. Michael, faith is when two people
meet on a train or in Paris,
Copy !req
172. not in a bathroom at a
Molly Hatchet concert.
Copy !req
173. Faith. Man, never use a word in a fight
Copy !req
174. if you don't really really knows what it means.
Copy !req
175. Still not speaking to me?
Copy !req
176. Fine, I'll speak.
Copy !req
177. I spent all day running your bold,
grumpy ass around town.
Copy !req
178. And do I get a thanks? No.
Because you're unpleasant.
Copy !req
179. You wanna know why I'm unpleasant?
I just had a heart attack,
Copy !req
180. and now I have to be driven around like a
useless dope
Copy !req
181. by the idiot that marry my daughter and gave
me the heart attack in the first place.
Copy !req
182. But I am also unpleasant because I just
spent the entire day cooped up in the car,
Copy !req
183. breathing that mustard gas that you call cologne.
Copy !req
184. But mostly I'm unpleasant because
that's how it works in this family.
Copy !req
185. I'm family?
Copy !req
186. Oh crap.
Copy !req
187. Guys, everything is totally cool. I've
promised to stop acting like such an ass,
Copy !req
188. and give Donna only presents, not cash.
Copy !req
189. Why is that? - Because presents are
for girlfriends and cash is for hookers.
Copy !req
190. Although...
- You're so good I should pay you.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
191. You should've seen it coming Forman.
Cause when you're deeply,
Copy !req
192. truly happy, it's a sure sign you're
doing everything wrong.
Copy !req
193. It's true. Once Steven's unhappy,
I know our relationship is in good shape.
Copy !req
194. Well, then we've been tip top
since the minute I've meet you.
Copy !req
195. Yeah, I couldn't be unhappier about
me and Brooke, so I know I'm doing
Copy !req
196. the right thing. Cause the misery is how God
lets you know you're on track.
Copy !req
197. And how. Red and I are miserable together,
and that crazy bastard is nuts about me.
Copy !req
198. Donna, what are you doing the day after your birthday?
- Nursing a hangover.
Copy !req
199. You might wanna stick to light beer. Cause I was thinking maybe we could get married that day.
Copy !req
200. Oh my God, are you setting a date?
You can't set a date in a circle.
Copy !req
201. I can and I did.
- I love you.
Copy !req
202. There's no groping in the circle!
We made that rule for Fez,
Copy !req
203. but it goes for everyone!
Copy !req
204. Oh, c'mon Eric take charge,
grab her like you mean it.
I'll do it.
Copy !req
205. Brooke?
Copy !req
206. Holly crap! That's the girl you got pregnant?
She's hot!
Copy !req
207. Do you think we could talk alone for a minute?
Copy !req
208. Sure, I'll go. But just know if it doesn't work out with him, I've got dental
Copy !req
209. for all dependents.
- You're funny. - I love you.
Copy !req
210. Goodbye.
I've got a things to do.
Copy !req
211. Look. I don't know why what happened happened.
I mean it could've been faith,
Copy !req
212. it could've been the Colt 45s,
but I do know you're beeing very sweet,
Copy !req
213. and I could probably use a hand, cause to
tell you do truth I'm kind of scared.
Copy !req
214. That's perfect cause I'm terrified.
Copy !req
215. I know, I mean it's crazy.
- We're having a baby! - I know!
Copy !req
216. And we have no clue!
- None at all!
Copy !req
217. So, can I call you tomarrow? - Yes.
Copy !req
218. Before you go I just wanted to say, I don't love you.
Copy !req
219. I just kind of get nervous in front of women.
I blurr.
Copy !req
220. What is wrong with me?
Copy !req
221. Hi, Roy.
- Hello, Brooke.
Copy !req
222. Hi, Roy.
- Hello, Brooke.
Copy !req
223. Hi, Roy.
- Hello, Brooke.
Copy !req
224. I got this.
Copy !req
225. Hi, Roy.
- I love you.
Copy !req
226. Excuse me. - Roy, that's the freezer.
- I know.
Copy !req