1. It's been, like, an hour
Copy !req
2. and my dad is still upstairs
talking to your folks.
Copy !req
3. Our pregnancy scare must have
really freaked them out.
Copy !req
4. Yeah, well,
that's because "pregnancy"
Copy !req
5. is one of the scariest words
in the English language.
Copy !req
6. Right after
"monster" and "broccoli."
Copy !req
7. Well, I'm not pregnant.
Copy !req
8. Everything's fine, so I'm sure
our parents will calm down soon.
Copy !req
9. Hey, fornicators, upstairs!
Copy !req
10. Oh, God, we're dead.
You know what?
Copy !req
11. None of this would have happened if
you hadn't insisted on sleeping with me.
Copy !req
12. I insisted?
Copy !req
13. You wouldn't give
me my wallet back.
Copy !req
14. Look, we're in this together.
Copy !req
15. You were there, too.
Copy !req
16. Or was I?
Copy !req
17. The Jedi mind trick
doesn't work in real life, dink.
Copy !req
18. Or does it?
Copy !req
19. Oh, hey, what's shaking, gang?
Copy !req
20. Certainly not Donna's belly
from being pregnant, right?
Copy !req
21. You're not funny,
you're a sinner.
Copy !req
22. Now, sit.
Copy !req
23. We have decided that you two
need premarital counseling at church.
Copy !req
24. Premarital?
Counseling? Church?
Copy !req
25. Why am I talking
like a Speak & Spell?
Copy !req
26. Dad, you think
this is a good idea?
Copy !req
27. No. I suggested
we get him fixed like a dog.
Copy !req
28. Counseling can be
extremely beneficial.
Copy !req
29. I knew two boys who were
about to marry their sweethearts.
Copy !req
30. One boy went to counseling
and one didn't.
Copy !req
31. And the one who didn't go
to counseling died.
Copy !req
32. I'll tell you, if Midge
and I had counseling,
Copy !req
33. it might have
saved our marriage.
Copy !req
34. Of course, not sleeping with
degenerates from the pool hall
Copy !req
35. would have helped, too.
Copy !req
36. So, you want us to
go to counseling?
Copy !req
37. Mom, where do you even come up
with this stuff?
Copy !req
38. It wasn't my idea.
Copy !req
39. Steven was thoughtful enough
to suggest it.
Copy !req
40. You're welcome.
Copy !req
41. Hello, Wisconsin!
Copy !req
42. Okay, you guys, this church
counseling idea is really crappy.
Copy !req
43. Would you listen to the
language on this kid?
Copy !req
44. What he needs is church,
and lots of it.
Copy !req
45. You know, Eric, you may not
think that you need counseling,
Copy !req
46. but maybe Donna does.
Copy !req
47. No, she doesn't.
Copy !req
48. Well, actually, I think
counseling might help us
Copy !req
49. work through some of our
issues before we get married.
Copy !req
50. We don't have issues.
Copy !req
51. - Yes, we do. Do.
- No, we don't. Don't.
Copy !req
52. Okay, see?
Copy !req
53. You don't do the "do, don't" if you
don't have issues, which you do.
Copy !req
54. Okay, Dad, how can you
think this is a good idea?
Copy !req
55. You always say to take care
of family business at home.
Copy !req
56. I am taking care
of business at home.
Copy !req
57. Because if you
two don't do this,
Copy !req
58. do you know what it's going to
be like living with your mother?
Copy !req
59. Just more of
a delight every day, is what.
Copy !req
60. Well, come on, Eric. We'll
learn stuff about each other.
Copy !req
61. For instance, what if one day I
get a high-paying job in California?
Copy !req
62. - Will you move?
- Whoa.
Copy !req
63. Why can't I get
the high-paying job?
Copy !req
64. Okay, what if you get a
high-paying job? Will I move?
Copy !req
65. No, who am I kidding? I'm
not getting a high-paying job.
Copy !req
66. All right, civilians.
Copy !req
67. Hide your stashes. Officer-in-training
Kelso's back from the Academy.
Copy !req
68. I've got to be honest, man.
Copy !req
69. Every day you come home
with all your fingers,
Copy !req
70. I die a little inside.
Copy !req
71. Michael,
you got another D on a test?
Copy !req
72. Is this your fourth D in a row?
Copy !req
73. Yeah.
Copy !req
74. It's just on
the penal code stuff.
Copy !req
75. "Criminals have
a right to an attorney."
Copy !req
76. "Criminals are innocent
until proven guilty."
Copy !req
77. Just crazy liberal gibberish.
Copy !req
78. What are you laughing at?
Copy !req
79. He said "penal code."
Copy !req
80. Fez, it doesn't mean that.
Copy !req
81. It's from the word "penalty."
Copy !req
82. You're like a four-year-old.
Copy !req
83. It's a legal term. "Penal."
Copy !req
84. It's kind of funny.
Copy !req
85. Hey, guys. Hey, Michael.
Copy !req
86. How'd your penal code test go?
Copy !req
87. I did great. I got another B.
Copy !req
88. Oh, that's your
fourth B in a row.
Copy !req
89. Yeah.
Copy !req
90. I'm so proud of you.
Can I see it?
Copy !req
91. Uh...
Copy !req
92. You could, but I didn't
write anything down
Copy !req
93. because the test was oral.
Copy !req
94. Oral test on the penal code!
Copy !req
95. So, are you free this afternoon?
Copy !req
96. I thought maybe we
could do something.
Copy !req
97. How about go-carting?
Copy !req
98. How about putting
together a crib?
Copy !req
99. Does the crib have wheels?
Copy !req
100. - Yeah.
- Then I'm in.
Copy !req
101. Great. I'll meet you outside.
Copy !req
102. - Bye, guys.
- Bye.
Copy !req
103. Hey, Michael, how come
you told Library Barbie
Copy !req
104. you got Bs instead of Ds?
Copy !req
105. Look, some people bring flowers.
Copy !req
106. Some people buy chocolates.
Copy !req
107. I lie about my intelligence.
Copy !req
108. But it's not working.
Copy !req
109. She's locked up the old
funhouse, if you know what I mean.
Copy !req
110. Michael, no way.
She's totally into you.
Copy !req
111. She changed from clear
lip gloss to pink shimmer.
Copy !req
112. What more does she need to do,
shout "I love you" from the rooftops?
Copy !req
113. Well, she could give me something
besides a kiss on the cheek.
Copy !req
114. It's like kissing your cousin.
Copy !req
115. Oh, the cousin kiss.
Copy !req
116. The sexiest of
all relative kisses.
Copy !req
117. Right above big-breasted aunt
Copy !req
118. and sleepy grandma.
Copy !req
119. Did you just say,
"sleepy grandma"?
Copy !req
120. You telling me you
kiss your grandma?
Copy !req
121. Not my grandma, a grandma.
Copy !req
122. Sick bastard.
Copy !req
123. I've got to say, I'm excited
about marriage counseling.
Copy !req
124. I'm looking forward to hearing from a third
party that I'm right about everything.
Copy !req
125. Oh, and I want my marriage
to Eric to be magical.
Copy !req
126. I know how you could do that.
Copy !req
127. Marry someone besides Eric.
Copy !req
128. Hey, I'll see you guys later.
Copy !req
129. I got someplace I
really need to be.
Copy !req
130. Hey, guys, sorry I'm late.
Copy !req
131. Had someplace I
really needed to be.
Copy !req
132. Okay, so get this.
Copy !req
133. I don't want counseling,
Donna does.
Copy !req
134. So we're going.
Copy !req
135. I'll tell you, ever since we got
engaged, she's been treating me like
Copy !req
136. some kind of child.
Copy !req
137. Oh, where's my toy surprise?
Copy !req
138. Kelso,
watch it with that gun, man.
Copy !req
139. Oh, relax, Eric. It's not
a gun, it's a flare gun.
Copy !req
140. Yeah, tomorrow's Flare Day
at the Academy,
Copy !req
141. so we're learning
how to use these.
Copy !req
142. Besides, they're totally safe.
All they do is shoot balls of fire.
Copy !req
143. Kelso, I don't think you should
be playing with fire when we're all...
Copy !req
144. Never mind.
Copy !req
145. Man, I've got to stop
hitting two circles in one day.
Copy !req
146. I could swear I just saw a ball
of fire shoot through this room.
Copy !req
147. Zowie!
Copy !req
148. Okay, so what brings
you to counseling?
Copy !req
149. A firm tug on the old ball and
chain, if you know what I mean.
Copy !req
150. What Eric is trying to say is
Copy !req
151. we wanted to talk to someone
about the pitfalls of marriage.
Copy !req
152. And we have some little issues.
Copy !req
153. For example, Eric sometimes likes
to talk too much about Star Wars.
Copy !req
154. I understand.
Copy !req
155. You do?
Copy !req
156. See, this is great.
Copy !req
157. Yeah, Star Wars is the
greatest movie of all time.
Copy !req
158. It's hard not to
talk about Star Wars.
Copy !req
159. Wow! This is great!
Copy !req
160. Oh. Oh, no.
Copy !req
161. I can't believe
you've seen Star Wars!
Copy !req
162. Well, I like to stay
current with pop culture
Copy !req
163. so that I can connect
with the youth I counsel.
Copy !req
164. Say, how about that disco?
Copy !req
165. Disco kind of blows.
Copy !req
166. I agree.
Copy !req
167. Blow on, disco. Blow on.
Copy !req
168. Can we get back to
me and Eric, please?
Copy !req
169. Because sometimes I feel like
we're racing toward this wedding,
Copy !req
170. and we're not even enjoying it
as much as we could be.
Copy !req
171. Hmm, I see.
Copy !req
172. Like in Star Wars,
Copy !req
173. when Luke,
much like the two of you,
Copy !req
174. wasn't the pilot
of his own future.
Copy !req
175. But he was a great pilot.
Copy !req
176. - He used to
bull's-eye womp rats...
In his T-16 back home!
Copy !req
177. I should be marrying you.
Copy !req
178. I thought this was a counseling
session, not a dork-off.
Copy !req
179. I'm sorry, Donna.
Copy !req
180. Okay, look, instead of talking about
what worries you about marriage,
Copy !req
181. let's talk about what
excites you about marriage.
Copy !req
182. Oh. Okay, well...
Copy !req
183. Hmm. That's weird. I can't
really think of anything.
Copy !req
184. You can't think of anything?
Copy !req
185. Well, hang on.
Give me a second.
Copy !req
186. Nope. Nothing.
Copy !req
187. Well, one thing young newlyweds
usually get excited about,
Copy !req
188. and that's having sexual
relations for the first time.
Copy !req
189. I'm sure you're both
looking forward to that.
Copy !req
190. - Oh...
- Yeah, that's...
Copy !req
191. Unless, of course,
you've already had sex.
Copy !req
192. Premarital sex.
Copy !req
193. - What?
- Huh?
Copy !req
194. Pre-what-ital-who?
Copy !req
195. I mean, come on, look at me.
Copy !req
196. Do I look like some guy who's
had sex? I mean... Ugh! Right?
Copy !req
197. You're
seeing pictures of what's left
Copy !req
198. of the Point Place Police Academy
auditorium, where a fire broke out today.
Copy !req
199. I hope Kelso's okay.
Copy !req
200. Yeah, I know he was there
'cause today was Flare Day.
Copy !req
201. Today was Flare Day!
Copy !req
202. Hey, what's up?
Copy !req
203. Okay, fine. I was at the Academy
when the auditorium burnt down,
Copy !req
204. but it totally wasn't my fault.
Copy !req
205. See, I got there early
to practice with my flare gun
Copy !req
206. 'cause I wanted to show Brooke
an actual B for a change.
Copy !req
207. Okay, so far, 0% your fault.
Copy !req
208. All right, so I accidentally shot off
a flare, and it went all...
Copy !req
209. Like, right
underneath the bleachers.
Copy !req
210. Well, we've just jumped up to
about 60% your fault.
Copy !req
211. Okay, so then I shot off
another flare at the first flare
Copy !req
212. 'cause you know what they say.
You've got to fight fire with fire.
Copy !req
213. Yeah, this is now,
like, 99% your fault.
Copy !req
214. So then I shot off another flare
to warn people about the fire.
Copy !req
215. But that one just went
right up and on the roof,
Copy !req
216. and that's when I just got
the hell out of there.
Copy !req
217. $5? For Pete's sakes,
God doesn't drive a Cadillac.
Copy !req
218. You know, in these times of loose
morals, even my faith gets challenged,
Copy !req
219. much like Han Solo's faith in his
sometimes unreliable Millennium Falcon.
Copy !req
220. Which is why I'm so pleased to
recently meet a young engaged couple
Copy !req
221. who have turned their backs
on temptation,
Copy !req
222. despite the lure
of premarital sex.
Copy !req
223. Oh, no. Oh, God. Oh, no.
Copy !req
224. So here they are, Eric
Forman and Donna Pinciotti.
Copy !req
225. Please stand.
Copy !req
226. Oh, look, it's Eric and Donna.
Copy !req
227. Did everyone know
they're virgins?
Copy !req
228. I think I want to
be a virgin, too.
Copy !req
229. Hey, everyone, I'm a virgin!
Copy !req
230. Well, I said it,
so it must be true.
Copy !req
231. Okay, I know this seems really bad,
but I got a really simple way to fix this.
Copy !req
232. Just start going to
a different church.
Copy !req
233. Hey, how about that one where they sing
more and let you marry, like, six people?
Copy !req
234. Hey, Red, tell me the story
about how Eric and Donna had to
Copy !req
235. stand up in front of the whole
church and pretend to be virgins.
Copy !req
236. Once upon a time,
two dumb asses went to church
Copy !req
237. and brought shame
upon their entire family.
Copy !req
238. And their father had to hear about
it the whole damn car ride home!
Copy !req
239. That is a great story.
Copy !req
240. It's scary, but it's funny, too.
Copy !req
241. What I don't understand is how
you can lie to a pastor in church.
Copy !req
242. Well, Mrs. Forman, what about
the time you lied to Pastor Dan?
Copy !req
243. You told him your dog ate
your bake sale cookies,
Copy !req
244. but you didn't bake them 'cause
you were too busy sipping Kahlua
Copy !req
245. and watching that
Paul Newman retrospective.
Copy !req
246. I did not lie to
Pastor Dan in church.
Copy !req
247. I lied to him at the market,
Copy !req
248. and at the market,
he is just a regular man.
Copy !req
249. Now, you two march back to
church and tell him the truth.
Copy !req
250. And for your information,
Donna, Kahlua is barely a drink.
Copy !req
251. It's like root beer.
Copy !req
252. So I can't believe the Police
Academy caught fire. What happened?
Copy !req
253. Huge mystery.
Copy !req
254. Like, what part of
the cow is the hot dog?
Copy !req
255. Maybe Kelso's just
too traumatized to remember.
Copy !req
256. I think he needs help
filling in the blanks, like...
Copy !req
257. "The fire was
started with a 'blank' gun
Copy !req
258. "by a 'blanking'
idiot named 'blank'-O."
Copy !req
259. Hey, Brooke, could you
wait outside for a minute?
Copy !req
260. Mrs. Forman has this rule
that there's only...
Copy !req
261. One, two, three, four...
Copy !req
262. Five people in
the kitchen at one time.
Copy !req
263. - Well,
there are five people here.
- That's why you need to leave.
Copy !req
264. - But you said no
more than five.
- Right.
Copy !req
265. - But I'm number five.
- Exactly.
Copy !req
266. - So I'll just
wait outside, then?
- Attagirl.
Copy !req
267. Hey, Jackie, I suspect
Kelso hasn't told Brooke
Copy !req
268. that he burned down
the Police Academy.
Copy !req
269. Interesting. I
suspect you're right, Steven.
Copy !req
270. Fez, what do you think?
Copy !req
271. I think I smell cookies.
Copy !req
272. All right,
fine, so I haven't told her.
Copy !req
273. But the only reason she likes me is
'cause I'm doing well at the Academy.
Copy !req
274. Michael, you can't start a
relationship based on a huge lie.
Copy !req
275. You have to start off fresh, and then
gently sprinkle in the lies as you go along.
Copy !req
276. A relationship is like a cookie
Copy !req
277. and the lies are
the tasty chocolate chips.
Copy !req
278. Where are the cookies, damn it?
Copy !req
279. Okay,
what did you want to tell me?
Copy !req
280. Well, you see, Pastor Dan,
when we were here before
Copy !req
281. and you had asked us about
premarital sex,
Copy !req
282. we might have...
Copy !req
283. We lied, okay?
Copy !req
284. We have had sex
zillions of times.
Copy !req
285. I used to try to keep track on a
pad, but it got unwieldy. Oh, God.
Copy !req
286. Eric!
Copy !req
287. Well, I'm sorry, Donna,
Copy !req
288. but we are knocking on
hell's door, and I ain't going in!
Copy !req
289. Eric, you're not going to hell.
Copy !req
290. Well, you might be.
I don't know you that well.
Copy !req
291. I just think you're depriving
yourselves of that wonderful moment
Copy !req
292. when marriage is cemented
Copy !req
293. by giving
the gift of yourselves.
Copy !req
294. Wow. I never
thought about it that way.
Copy !req
295. Maybe that's why you couldn't figure
out the whole excitement about marriage.
Copy !req
296. The one thing you should
have been looking forward to,
Copy !req
297. you had already experienced.
Copy !req
298. Maybe you knew that
without realizing it.
Copy !req
299. Um...
Copy !req
300. I don't mean to bring
up Star Wars again...
Copy !req
301. This is a lot like Luke before
he discovered the Force.
Copy !req
302. Exactly.
Copy !req
303. And what is
the Force in real life?
Copy !req
304. Wow.
Copy !req
305. Brooke, I've got to
tell you something.
Copy !req
306. I burnt down
the Police Academy auditorium.
Copy !req
307. See, this flare
just got away from me.
Copy !req
308. And then there was another flare
that was on purpose, but a bad idea,
Copy !req
309. and a final warning flare that I
now realize was unnecessary
Copy !req
310. 'cause the fire itself
was a pretty big flare.
Copy !req
311. Well, Michael, I'm glad
you were honest with me,
Copy !req
312. because I kind of
have a secret, too.
Copy !req
313. You have a twin sister
that loves threesomes.
Copy !req
314. No, no.
Copy !req
315. I've stopped myself
from getting close to you
Copy !req
316. because I didn't know
if I could trust you.
Copy !req
317. I knew you were lying about the
Police Academy fire because...
Copy !req
318. Well, your friends kind of
gave it away in the kitchen.
Copy !req
319. Also, Fez took me aside today
and just told me,
Copy !req
320. and kind of tried to kiss me.
Copy !req
321. Yeah, he does that.
Copy !req
322. But you were honest with me,
which means I can trust you now.
Copy !req
323. So, is there anything else you'd
like to be honest with me about,
Copy !req
324. like maybe your test grades?
Copy !req
325. Yeah.
Copy !req
326. I didn't get four Bs.
Copy !req
327. I kind of figured.
Copy !req
328. I got four As.
I just didn't want to brag.
Copy !req
329. Well, we committed
seven mortal sins,
Copy !req
330. and all we got was
a half-an-hour lecture.
Copy !req
331. Yeah.
Copy !req
332. But still, I want our
wedding day to be special.
Copy !req
333. You know, something
we'll remember forever.
Copy !req
334. You know what?
Whatever it takes.
Copy !req
335. Which is why I think we shouldn't
have sex again until we're married.
Copy !req
336. What? No. What? No.
Copy !req
337. No, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
338. You can't cut me off now.
I'm addicted now.
Copy !req
339. Look, Eric, I know it
seems like a crazy idea...
Copy !req
340. Oh, I see your plan, lady. The
first three years are free, huh?
Copy !req
341. Eric, it'll be great.
Copy !req
342. When you think about it,
it's really similar to Star Wars
Copy !req
343. and staying pure,
just like a Jedi.
Copy !req
344. There's no such thing as Jedi.
That's just a stupid movie! God!
Copy !req
345. Last Sunday,
we recognized two congregants
Copy !req
346. for abstaining from sex.
Copy !req
347. Well, it is my sad duty to
report that they were lying!
Copy !req
348. To me, to their families,
to God himself.
Copy !req
349. So let us correct
a great injustice.
Copy !req
350. Please stand, Eric
Forman and Donna Pinciotti.
Copy !req
351. Amen.
Copy !req
352. http://hiqve.com/
Copy !req