1. So, guys, guess what.
Copy !req
2. I found the perfect place for
me and Eric to get married.
Copy !req
3. Where, Donna? Please tell us.
Copy !req
4. Okay, well that place up by the lake
that overlooks the entire valley...
Copy !req
5. Where people go for romance.
Copy !req
6. You mean mount Hump?
Copy !req
7. People don't go there for the romance, Donna.
Copy !req
8. They go there for the humping.
Copy !req
9. Eric, let's go up there tomorrow and check it out.
Copy !req
10. I know the cruiser's in the shop,
Copy !req
11. but we could take my dad's car.
Copy !req
12. Donna, he's got that
Copy !req
13. "honk if you're horny" bumper sticker.
Copy !req
14. Yeah, well, I'd scrape it off,
Copy !req
15. but "I brake for boobies" is underneath it.
Copy !req
16. Why are you guys all in Steven's room?
Copy !req
17. Well, Hyde was here,
Copy !req
18. so I came in because
Copy !req
19. I'm not comfortable enough
with myself to be alone.
Copy !req
20. Yeah, but it's all gray, like a prison cell.
Copy !req
21. Gray is why prisoners are unhappy.
Copy !req
22. Really? I always thought it
was the loss of freedom...
Copy !req
23. And the uninvited man love.
Copy !req
24. Steven, I just think that you would be happier
Copy !req
25. if you saw pretty things.
Copy !req
26. Like when I look at myself in the mirror,
Copy !req
27. I'm happy.
Copy !req
28. When I look at you, I'm happy too,
Copy !req
29. but when you talk, eh...
Copy !req
30. Hey, Eric, I have to ask you
a very important question.
Copy !req
31. Can I borrow your G.I. Joe
for a little experiment?
Copy !req
32. No.
Copy !req
33. I thought you were gonna say "yes."
Copy !req
34. And by the way, the experiment was a success.
Copy !req
35. G.I. Joe melts faster than cheese.
Copy !req
36. Kelso, you can't just take my things
Copy !req
37. without asking permission.
Copy !req
38. Come on, we're friends.
Copy !req
39. I figure what's mine is yours
and what's yours is mine.
Copy !req
40. What's Donna's is mine, too.
Copy !req
41. Kelso!
Copy !req
42. Yeah, Barbie didn't make it, either.
Copy !req
43. No one likes to see civilian casualties.
Copy !req
44. That's weird.
Copy !req
45. My finger's due back tomorrow,
Copy !req
46. but my hand's due back next week.
Copy !req
47. You know, Michael, I was a little worried
Copy !req
48. about starting to date you,
Copy !req
49. but lately, you've really impressed me.
Copy !req
50. Well, that's the police motto...
Copy !req
51. To serve and impress.
Copy !req
52. I thought it was "serve and protect."
Copy !req
53. They just changed it.
Copy !req
54. Maybe you could take me to my
doctor's appointment tomorrow.
Copy !req
55. We'll hear the baby's heartbeat.
Copy !req
56. Seriously?
Copy !req
57. You want me to do baby stuff with you?
Copy !req
58. Yeah, you've been really
great these last few weeks.
Copy !req
59. Yes, I have.
Copy !req
60. And there's no telling what you'll do next.
Copy !req
61. One day you might even read one of these things.
Copy !req
62. Yeah, let's just pray to God that day never comes.
Copy !req
63. Stupid Kelso.
Copy !req
64. Guess what I packed.
Copy !req
65. I'm gonna have to go with picnic.
Copy !req
66. You win.
Copy !req
67. So when do I get my car back?
Copy !req
68. I don't know. We're scouting
places to have the wedding.
Copy !req
69. You don't need to scout anywhere
Copy !req
70. but the inside of a church.
Copy !req
71. What better place to start a happy life
Copy !req
72. than our lady of perpetual sorrow?
Copy !req
73. Well, dad, the thing is we're
not getting married in a church.
Copy !req
74. But we are thinking
Copy !req
75. about getting married at mount Hump,
Copy !req
76. which is sort of the church of humping.
Copy !req
77. Well, no church, no car,
Copy !req
78. just like it says in the bible.
Copy !req
79. Well, the bible doesn't say anything
Copy !req
80. about taking Kelso's van.
Copy !req
81. Donna, we can't just take it.
Copy !req
82. Of course we can. What's his is yours, remember?
Copy !req
83. Do it for the liquefied face of G.I. Joe.
Copy !req
84. I can't think of a more fitting way
Copy !req
85. to honor the real American hero.
Copy !req
86. You're welcome, big guy.
Copy !req
87. What's this for?
Copy !req
88. No reason.
Copy !req
89. I was just thinking about you
Copy !req
90. And how we've been through a lot together.
Copy !req
91. No, we haven't.
Copy !req
92. Oh, he gave you shoes.
Copy !req
93. What do you say, Red?
Copy !req
94. What the hell is wrong with you?
Copy !req
95. Or we say, "thank you very much."
Copy !req
96. Don't you think it's a little odd
Copy !req
97. for a man to give another man a pair of shoes?
Copy !req
98. I saw 'em.
Copy !req
99. I thought they'd go nice with your tan pants.
Copy !req
100. Quit thinking about my pants!
Copy !req
101. My legs and what covers them
Copy !req
102. is my business.
Copy !req
103. He's very sensitive about his legs.
Copy !req
104. You know, he shouldn't be.
Copy !req
105. They're shapely, like a lady dancer.
Copy !req
106. Maybe that's why he's so sensitive.
Copy !req
107. Oh, finally.
Copy !req
108. I've been waiting all afternoon.
Copy !req
109. I'm about to burst!
Copy !req
110. Hey, man.
Copy !req
111. Thinking maybe you should wait out here.
Copy !req
112. No, no, no, Fez. You should see this.
Copy !req
113. It's a dream come true.
Copy !req
114. Surprise!
Copy !req
115. Jackie, what the hell happened to my room?
Copy !req
116. I redecorated it.
Copy !req
117. Now if a stranger comes in here,
Copy !req
118. he'd never know you were poor.
Copy !req
119. Looks like something for a girl.
Copy !req
120. I like it.
Copy !req
121. Or Fez. I can't live like this.
Copy !req
122. I'm getting sick just looking at it.
Copy !req
123. Yes, yes, Steven, that sick feeling
Copy !req
124. is your orphan soul coming alive.
Copy !req
125. Jackie, just put it all back, okay?
Copy !req
126. Make it ugly and dirty like I like it.
Copy !req
127. Well, excuse me for spending all morning
Copy !req
128. putting up twinkle lights that are breathtaking,
Copy !req
129. pillows as soft as
marshmallows and scented candles
Copy !req
130. that make you feel like
Copy !req
131. you're running through a field
like Laura freakin' ingalls!
Copy !req
132. Okay, okay. We came here for a reason.
Copy !req
133. Now should I start and you watch,
Copy !req
134. or should you start and I watch?
Copy !req
135. Either way, I'll be done first.
Copy !req
136. So I told Hyde he could watch
Copy !req
137. while Jackie and I do it.
Copy !req
138. And then he beat my ass with a twinkle light.
Copy !req
139. Where's my van?
Copy !req
140. Now I parked it right here!
Copy !req
141. Calm down. You probably just lost it again.
Copy !req
142. Where was the last place you had it?
Copy !req
143. Right here!
Copy !req
144. Somebody stole my van!
Copy !req
145. That's horrible!
Copy !req
146. I left a brand-new bag of tootsie rolls in there.
Copy !req
147. Fez!
Copy !req
148. Okay, okay, it was just half a bag.
Copy !req
149. But if you talk to the insurance company,
Copy !req
150. just tell them it was a whole bag.
Copy !req
151. I finally got Brooke to trust me,
Copy !req
152. and if I don't take her to
this doctor's appointment,
Copy !req
153. I'm dead. What am I gonna do?
Copy !req
154. Don't beat yourself up.
Copy !req
155. It's only tootsie rolls.
Copy !req
156. Look, I'm gonna take Red's car.
Copy !req
157. I know he's got a hide-a-key
in there somewhere.
Copy !req
158. Are you brain-damaged?
Copy !req
159. Fez, did you just say, "are you brain-damaged?"
Copy !req
160. and sound exactly like Red?
Copy !req
161. Kelso, you know I only do
Johnny Carson and Pepe le Pew.
Copy !req
162. Get away from my car.
Copy !req
163. Your car, my car.
Copy !req
164. Aren't we all just driving the same car?
Copy !req
165. It's a car called life.
Copy !req
166. How about I drive my foot
Copy !req
167. into this thing called your ass?
Copy !req
168. A simple "no" would suffice.
Copy !req
169. Shoes are an inappropriate gift
Copy !req
170. to give another man.
Copy !req
171. Well, what about when you joined the service?
Copy !req
172. Another man issued you your boots.
Copy !req
173. But then he gave me a gun, so I let it go.
Copy !req
174. Well, why don't you just accept the shoes
Copy !req
175. because Bob is your friend?
Copy !req
176. You don't understand how men work.
Copy !req
177. We don't give each other presents.
Copy !req
178. We pretty much ignore each other
Copy !req
179. until someone scores a touchdown.
Copy !req
180. You should listen to me.
I know how to be a friend,
Copy !req
181. and you obviously don't, since you don't have any.
Copy !req
182. I have plenty of friends.
Copy !req
183. Charlie's a friend. He
saved my life during the war.
Copy !req
184. And when is the last time you talked to Charlie?
Copy !req
185. We said all we needed to
say on the boat back home.
Copy !req
186. I don't believe this.
Copy !req
187. This is crazy.
Copy !req
188. not bad.
Copy !req
189. Feels so good...
Copy !req
190. Nice.
Copy !req
191. Lying here next to me...
Copy !req
192. It's so soft.
Copy !req
193. So smooth.
Copy !req
194. Ahh.
Copy !req
195. My hands just won't keep still...
Copy !req
196. Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
197. Isn't this amazing?
Copy !req
198. It is called mount hump because
people come here to hump?
Copy !req
199. Or do people come here to hump
Copy !req
200. Because it's called mount hump?
Copy !req
201. It's like the chicken or the egg.
Copy !req
202. Well, I have a really good
feeling about this place.
Copy !req
203. Donna, there are panties in the grass.
Copy !req
204. Well, Fez collects panties.
Copy !req
205. So we could just set him loose up here
Copy !req
206. Before the ceremony.
Copy !req
207. So quiet and peaceful.
Copy !req
208. Can't hear anything.
Copy !req
209. Actually, I hear a car.
Copy !req
210. Oh, man, some poor sucker
Copy !req
211. Just totally got into an accident.
Copy !req
212. Your chariot has arrived, my lady.
Copy !req
213. What happened to your van?
Copy !req
214. A little problem with the van.
Copy !req
215. I can't find it.
Copy !req
216. Michael, people lose keys to a van,
Copy !req
217. Not the whole van.
Copy !req
218. Now I'm gonna miss my doctor's appointment.
Copy !req
219. Look, brooke, this is not my fault.
Copy !req
220. You're right. It's my fault for depending on you.
Copy !req
221. Okay, I can fix this.
Copy !req
222. Just hop on the handlebars
and I'll pedal you there.
Copy !req
223. Hello! I'm pregnant!
Copy !req
224. Okay, fine. You pedal and I'll ride.
Copy !req
225. Oh, look.
Copy !req
226. Here you are with all your friends.
Copy !req
227. You claim to have all these friends.
Copy !req
228. Here are last year's christmas cards.
Copy !req
229. 56 are for me. 4 for you.
Copy !req
230. Kitty, a card from the
jose cuervo collector's club
Copy !req
231. Doesn't count.
Copy !req
232. Fine. I can afford to throw this one away
Copy !req
233. Because I have 55 more.
Copy !req
234. I will keep this because it has a coupon in it.
Copy !req
235. Anyway, it doesn't matter
Copy !req
236. Because I'm keeping the shoes.
Copy !req
237. A good shoe is a good shoe
no matter where it comes from.
Copy !req
238. Oh, it's like I'm walking on a pile of baby ducks.
Copy !req
239. Well, hello there,
Copy !req
240. Senor fancy sheets.
Copy !req
241. I love the way Jackie decorated your room.
Copy !req
242. It's all
glittery, like—
Copy !req
243. Like an italian person lives there.
Copy !req
244. You let your girlfriend decorate your room?
Copy !req
245. She also buy you a new dress?
Copy !req
246. Yeah, I guess I have a lot to answer for.
Copy !req
247. Then again, I never accepted a pair of shoes
Copy !req
248. From another man.
Copy !req
249. I knew it was a weird gift! Kitty said it wasn't.
Copy !req
250. They're nice. Steven, tell him they're nice.
Copy !req
251. Nah, can't do it.
Copy !req
252. But you know what? Maybe she's right.
Copy !req
253. Maybe you should keep the shoes
Copy !req
254. And give Bob a present in return,
Copy !req
255. Like a necklace or some sexy lingerie.
Copy !req
256. Man, poor Kelso's van.
Copy !req
257. When it finally landed,
Copy !req
258. It didn't so much crash as completely separate
Copy !req
259. Into its basic elements and just return to nature.
Copy !req
260. It was so sad.
Copy !req
261. There were tootsie rolls everywhere.
Copy !req
262. Yes, took a nap in my room.
Copy !req
263. My goose down duvet is like a cocoon.
Copy !req
264. I laid down a caterpillar and woke up a butterfly.
Copy !req
265. Maybe you with your room and red with his shoes
Copy !req
266. Should get a room
Copy !req
267. And decorate it with red's shoes. Ha! Burn!
Copy !req
268. Man, you just don't understand what it's like
Copy !req
269. To have a bed that hugs you
like you're a little baby.
Copy !req
270. It's like crawling into a mommy kangaroo.
Copy !req
271. I miss my kangaroo.
Copy !req
272. Remember when I said that
he should decorate his room
Copy !req
273. With red's shoes?
Copy !req
274. Ha! Burn!
Copy !req
275. Hyde's in trouble!
Copy !req
276. She took it all down.
Copy !req
277. Did you just scream like a girl?
Copy !req
278. No.
Copy !req
279. What happened to my lavender-scented candle?
Copy !req
280. Did you just say,
Copy !req
281. "what happened to my lavender-scented candle?"
Copy !req
282. No.
Copy !req
283. Thank you.
Copy !req
284. Oh, okay, so I made appointments
Copy !req
285. With all the doctors in your address book
Copy !req
286. 'cause I don't know which
one was the woo-woo doctor.
Copy !req
287. You know what? Stay out of my stuff.
Copy !req
288. I'll take care of things myself
Copy !req
289. 'cause you obviously aren't
responsible enough to handle it.
Copy !req
290. Oh, Kelso, you're here.
Copy !req
291. Um, hey, can I borrow your van
Copy !req
292. For a little experiment?
Copy !req
293. No.
Copy !req
294. Oh.
Copy !req
295. I thought you were gonna say "yes."
Copy !req
296. Oh, my god.
Copy !req
297. Is that my steering wheel?
Copy !req
298. It's the biggest piece I could find.
Copy !req
299. Listen, Kelso, I am so sorry.
Copy !req
300. I took the van to mount hump,
Copy !req
301. And I forgot to set the parking brake.
Copy !req
302. I'm just really sorry.
Copy !req
303. The horn doesn't honk anymore.
Copy !req
304. Look, you know, at first, it seemed okay
Copy !req
305. Because you melted my g.I. Joe.
Copy !req
306. But I mean, it's not as bad
as destroying a van, so...
Copy !req
307. I don't know why I just said that.
Copy !req
308. I don't know what to say.
Copy !req
309. Well, I do.
Copy !req
310. You know, I called Michael irresponsible,
Copy !req
311. But he's not. You are.
Copy !req
312. You're an irresponsible, twitchy little man!
Copy !req
313. Okay, please, just don't bump me
Copy !req
314. With that thing.
Copy !req
315. Wait. If he's irresponsible,
Copy !req
316. That means I'm the good one.
Copy !req
317. I'm the good one now!
Copy !req
318. Yeah, he's obviously the dumb one of your group.
Copy !req
319. Hey, he really is.
Copy !req
320. Red forman, don't you dare
Copy !req
321. Throw those shoes away.
Copy !req
322. I just can't keep 'em, kitty.
Copy !req
323. Every time I wear them,
Copy !req
324. I'll feel Bob touching my feet.
Copy !req
325. Are you throwing away my shoes?
Copy !req
326. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
327. He is not throwing away your shoes.
Copy !req
328. He is getting rid of that pesky new shoe smell
Copy !req
329. By rubbing old food on them.
Copy !req
330. I'm throwing them away, Bob.
Copy !req
331. Look, I appreciate the thought.
No, well, that's not true.
Copy !req
332. I mean...
Copy !req
333. Shoes are a weird gift to give another man.
Copy !req
334. I mean, what's next? A weekend in cancun?
Copy !req
335. Okay, fine. I bought the shoes for myself,
Copy !req
336. But they pinched my toes,
Copy !req
337. So I decided to pawn 'emff on you as a gift.
Copy !req
338. You were just trying to screw me over?
Copy !req
339. Well, I can respect that.
Copy !req
340. Thanks for the shoes, Bob.
Copy !req
341. See, I have a friend.
Copy !req
342. No, no. This is not the way friends act.
Copy !req
343. He was gonna throw away your present, Bob.
Copy !req
344. Come on, kitty. I gave him shoes.
Copy !req
345. That's weird.
Copy !req
346. I'm surprised you didn't punch
me in the face right then.
Copy !req
347. I almost did.
Copy !req
348. Jackie, what the hell?
Copy !req
349. Why'd you take everything down?
Copy !req
350. You said, "take everything down."
Copy !req
351. Well, you didn't have to.
Copy !req
352. You said, "you have to."
Copy !req
353. I didn't mean it.
Copy !req
354. You said, "I mean it."
Copy !req
355. Look, just put it all back.
Copy !req
356. Not until you admit you loved it.
Copy !req
357. Jackie, who cares who's right or wrong here?
Copy !req
358. Isn't the important thing that you make me happy?
Copy !req
359. Who are you talking to? Do you even know me?
Copy !req
360. Fine. I loved it.
Copy !req
361. And...?
Copy !req
362. The twinkle lights were breathtaking.
Copy !req
363. And...?
Copy !req
364. The scented candles made
me feel like laura ingalls.
Copy !req
365. All right, that's it.
Copy !req
366. We need to find another place to get married.
Copy !req
367. I just wrote out,
Copy !req
368. "you are cordial invited to mount hump,"
Copy !req
369. And I died a little inside.
Copy !req
370. Well, then I guess we should also rule out
Copy !req
371. The scenic banks of nipple creek.
Copy !req
372. Where is Michael?
Copy !req
373. You know, whenever he tells
me he has a surprise for me,
Copy !req
374. It makes me a little nervous.
Copy !req
375. It's probably just 'cause the last time
Copy !req
376. He said that to you, you got pregnant.
Copy !req
377. Tires squeal)
Copy !req
378. So what do you think?
Copy !req
379. I think barbie's probably worried sick
Copy !req
380. That her convertible's missing.
Copy !req
381. I thought you were getting another van.
Copy !req
382. Oh, so did I,
Copy !req
383. But then I saw this baby
down at the police auction,
Copy !req
384. And I knew it was destined to be mine.
Copy !req
385. Well, hey, man, can I give you some money?
Copy !req
386. No, it was pretty cheap.
Some guy got stabbed in it.
Copy !req
387. So nobody else bid on it.
Copy !req
388. It's pretty sweet, huh?
Copy !req
389. It's frickin' awesome.
Copy !req
390. Is it the car, or are you more handsome?
Copy !req
391. It's the car.
Copy !req
392. And I'm more handsome.
Copy !req
393. Michael, don't you think
it's a little impractical?
Copy !req
394. Impractical?
Copy !req
395. More like imperfecticable.
Copy !req
396. This thing is totally baby-friendly.
Copy !req
397. Remind me again how it's baby-friendly.
Copy !req
398. Cause it's tiny, just like a baby.
Copy !req
399. barbie, you are
gross, but I still love you.
Copy !req
400. really?
Copy !req
401. Even though my face is melted off?
Copy !req
402. yes, but your perfect plastic boobs
Copy !req
403. Remain untouched jewels.
Copy !req
404. oh,
can my twin sister watch?
Copy !req
405. why just watch?
Copy !req
406. There's plenty of Joe to go around.
Copy !req
407. I didn't see you.
Copy !req