1. So, Mr. Hammond said it was fine for me to
miss class 'cause I'm already getting an "A."
Copy !req
2. So just as you suspected, Mom...
Copy !req
3. I am better than everybody.
Copy !req
4. All I know is, my little boy was
very brave at the dentist today.
Copy !req
5. Wasn't he? Yes, he was,
my "wittle snicklefwitz."
Copy !req
6. Okay, Mom, uh, when a boy
reaches a certain age...
Copy !req
7. the baby voice
no longer comforts him.
Copy !req
8. It urges him to kill.
Copy !req
9. - Shh! Shh!
- Okay, let's, uh, get you some coffee.
Copy !req
10. Nobody pukes
in the Trans Am.
Copy !req
11. Mrs. Forman.
Copy !req
12. Uh-oh, you look mad.
Copy !req
13. What did Eric do? Bad Eric!
Copy !req
14. Donna?
Why aren't you in school?
Copy !req
15. No worries.
I called her in sick.
Copy !req
16. I told 'em "lady troubles."
No questions asked.
Copy !req
17. Oh, hey.
Easy there, wobbles.
Copy !req
18. Have you been drinking?
Copy !req
19. I hope so.
Copy !req
20. 'Cause if not, this whole
place is a-spinnin'!
Copy !req
21. Hang on, boys,
it's a twister!
Copy !req
22. So, my mom and I were at
The Hub getting ice cream...
Copy !req
23. and we caught Donna
with Casey skipping school.
Copy !req
24. And she was drunk,
in the middle of the afternoon.
Copy !req
25. It was like...
It was like Sue Ellen on Dallas.
Copy !req
26. You went to The Hub for
ice cream with your mommy?
Copy !req
27. Why would you tell me that?
Copy !req
28. Hyde, the point is,
he went for ice cream without us.
Copy !req
29. You cannot
pick up a phone?
Copy !req
30. You know who can't
pick up a phone? Jackie.
Copy !req
31. I broke up with her
and she never calls to even say hi...
Copy !req
32. or to offer me sad,
but hot break-up sex.
Copy !req
33. I mean,
that's just selfish.
Copy !req
34. Guys, my mom's over at the Pinciottis' right
now telling Bob about Donna being drunk.
Copy !req
35. You can't do that kind of stuff
in the middle of the afternoon.
Copy !req
36. It'll mess with your... your... your...
your... your... your... thinking thing.
Copy !req
37. You know what I'm saying.
Copy !req
38. Yeah, you got to
stay sharp, man.
Copy !req
39. That's why I keep
myself pure until 3:00.
Copy !req
40. 2:00.
Copy !req
41. That's why I keep myself
pure until 2:00.
Copy !req
42. I'm not wearing a watch.
Copy !req
43. Hey, you know what? Donna getting
busted is actually great for me...
Copy !req
44. because now she's got to
realize what a jackass Casey is.
Copy !req
45. And when she dumps him...
Copy !req
46. I'll be standin' right here
with open arms and a gentle "I told you so."
Copy !req
47. Oh, yeah, that could happen.
After all, I mean...
Copy !req
48. I made that girl a woman.
Copy !req
49. I made Jackie a woman...
Copy !req
50. like, a thousand times.
Copy !req
51. We stole dead fish.
Copy !req
52. Dead fish?
What are you going to do with dead fish?
Copy !req
53. You're missing the point, man!
We stole dead fish!
Copy !req
54. Ah, you just
don't get it.
Copy !req
55. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
56. - I just came by...
- I miss you.
Copy !req
57. - What?
- What?
Copy !req
58. - Did you say you missed me?
- No.
Copy !req
59. - Look, just say you miss me.
- Fine, I miss you!
Copy !req
60. Michael, I miss you too.
Copy !req
61. And look, I was thinking, since we
broke up because I kissed another guy...
Copy !req
62. what if I let you
kiss another girl?
Copy !req
63. I mean, we would be even,
and we could get back together.
Copy !req
64. Jackie, if you think that me kissin' another
girl is going to bring us closer together...
Copy !req
65. I'm totally willing
to make that sacrifice.
Copy !req
66. Thank you, Michael.
Copy !req
67. - Yeah. I better go wash my face.
- Okay.
Copy !req
68. Ah, this fish is so stinky.
Copy !req
69. What the hell are we going to
do with the stinky?
Copy !req
70. It's simple, man.
Copy !req
71. We're gonna find a place to hide
the stinky... and ruin someone's day.
Copy !req
72. Now, question is:
Where, how and who?
Copy !req
73. The answer is:
There, that and Kelso.
Copy !req
74. Oh, it's like a bowl...
a bowl for the stinky.
Copy !req
75. And we will put it, and he'll never find it,
and it will smell forever!
Copy !req
76. What the hell's going on with you?
You're grounded! No arguments!
Copy !req
77. Dad, I'm not grounded.
Copy !req
78. Okay, well, then,
whatever you think is best.
Copy !req
79. No, not whatever she thinks is best.
You are grounded.
Copy !req
80. Hey, you're not my mother.
You have no say in what I do.
Copy !req
81. Well, she's got you there.
Copy !req
82. Okay, let's see.
Which chick do I want to kiss?
Copy !req
83. Oh, no, no, no, Michael.
I get to pick the girl.
Copy !req
84. But you'll pick an "uggo."
Copy !req
85. You didn't call
"no uggos."
Copy !req
86. Hey, I just thought
of something.
Copy !req
87. Your plan's good and all, but what if the
girl that you pick doesn't want to kiss me?
Copy !req
88. "Doesn't want to kiss me"!
Copy !req
89. And then I told Donna she
was grounded, and she said no.
Copy !req
90. She said no?
Copy !req
91. Can you do that?
Copy !req
92. No.
Copy !req
93. I need your help, Red.
I gotta get Donna away from that guy.
Copy !req
94. Oh, Dad, you know what's good?
Threaten her with the old foot in the ass.
Copy !req
95. You know, that Casey.
Copy !req
96. How can such a bad influence live
in such a handsome package?
Copy !req
97. Bad people should have
a... a big scar...
Copy !req
98. or an eye patch
so you can recognize them.
Copy !req
99. The problem is...
Copy !req
100. you know, there's a point when your kids
realize you can't do nothin' to control them.
Copy !req
101. There is?
Copy !req
102. No. Now stop listening.
Copy !req
103. Bob, I don't want to
get involved.
Copy !req
104. I've got enough problems with the 14 kids
who think they live here now.
Copy !req
105. Why do I have to
hold the fish?
Copy !req
106. Because that's what
the little buddy does.
Copy !req
107. Oh! Oh! Someone's coming.
Copy !req
108. So the guy's trying to tell me that his
Z28 is the same car as my Trans Am...
Copy !req
109. except for the decals.
Copy !req
110. How can people
be so ignorant?
Copy !req
111. I see you, Donna!
I see you!
Copy !req
112. - Dad!
- Don't "Dad" me!
Copy !req
113. You're not going anywhere,
not with this guy.
Copy !req
114. You're grounded again.
Copy !req
115. - How much did we miss?
- Shh! Just started.
Copy !req
116. Dad, I'm gonna do whatever I want with
whoever I want whenever I want to do it!
Copy !req
117. We have to have a talk
right now, Donna.
Copy !req
118. Mr. Pinciotti, sir, let me just say
that you're making a lot of sense here...
Copy !req
119. and I think that when
I bring Donna home tonight...
Copy !req
120. you two ought to sit down
and really hammer this thing out.
Copy !req
121. Okay, that sounds fair.
Copy !req
122. What?
Copy !req
123. - You're just gonna let her go off with him?
- What else can I do?
Copy !req
124. Oh, good God,
that's it!
Copy !req
125. Everybody in the living room.
Copy !req
126. Now!
Copy !req
127. Not you.
Copy !req
128. Bob, get in here!
Copy !req
129. Donna, what has
gotten into you?
Copy !req
130. Skipping school,
showing no respect for your father.
Copy !req
131. - That's right.
- Shut up, Bob.
Copy !req
132. Okay, here's snacks.
Copy !req
133. So, um,
anybody need a drink?
Copy !req
134. I'll take a rum and Coke
for the road.
Copy !req
135. Hey, hey, buddy,
little tip?
Copy !req
136. I think booze is what got you
in trouble in the first place.
Copy !req
137. How could you take this girl out drinking
in the middle of the day?
Copy !req
138. Well, you know how it is.
All the older girls were at work.
Copy !req
139. Can I just say this guy
is not boyfriend material.
Copy !req
140. I agree. You're not going out with
him anymore. You two are done.
Copy !req
141. - No!
- All right.
Copy !req
142. - What?
- You got to admit this has been a real hassle.
Copy !req
143. I mean, it was fun
and you're a great girl...
Copy !req
144. but let's just
call it a day.
Copy !req
145. Wait, you're breaking up
with her?
Copy !req
146. Casey, I thought
you said you...
Copy !req
147. - you know, you said you loved me.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
148. I have this thing where I say stuff
I don't really mean.
Copy !req
149. - Casey...
- Look, Donna...
Copy !req
150. I see what you're gettin' at,
and I'm not that type of guy.
Copy !req
151. Mrs. Forman, what say we rain check
that rum and Coke?
Copy !req
152. Donna, I'm...
I'm really sorry.
Copy !req
153. You're not sorry.
You got exactly what you wanted.
Copy !req
154. - Ow!
- Ohh!
Copy !req
155. Eric, someone
here to see you.
Copy !req
156. - Hi.
- Hi.
Copy !req
157. Okay. Can I get
anyone a snack?
Copy !req
158. - Mom.
- Right, right. Have to stop doing that.
Copy !req
159. So, um, how are you?
Copy !req
160. Humiliated.
Copy !req
161. I'm such an idiot.
Copy !req
162. I got dumped in front
of the whole world.
Copy !req
163. I don't... I don't even know
what I said to your mom at The Hub...
Copy !req
164. and I hate that
she saw me like that.
Copy !req
165. What is wrong with me?
Copy !req
166. Hey, nothing.
Copy !req
167. Look, your mom left. Come on, you're...
you're allowed to freak out.
Copy !req
168. Everybody warned me about Casey,
and I fell for him anyway.
Copy !req
169. And he's such a jackass.
Copy !req
170. You know, I... really, really wanted you
to figure that out, just...
Copy !req
171. not like this.
Copy !req
172. Eric, I'm just...
Copy !req
173. - I'm so sorry.
- Hey.
Copy !req
174. I was so stupid.
Copy !req
175. - Eric, we should be together.
- Wait, what?
Copy !req
176. Let's just, like, forget all this
other stuff happened.
Copy !req
177. Wait. Wait.
Copy !req
178. Donna, I mean...
Copy !req
179. if you come running back
to me now...
Copy !req
180. I...
Copy !req
181. Donna, I can't be
your second choice.
Copy !req
182. But you're not.
Copy !req
183. Eric.
Copy !req
184. Oh! Oh, where am I?
Copy !req
185. Mmm. How about
I kiss her?
Copy !req
186. No way.
Copy !req
187. She's too tall,
too tan, too rich.
Copy !req
188. Damn, Jackie, I don't want to kiss
a short, pale, poor girl.
Copy !req
189. Okay, look, Michael, all I know is
I don't want to stay broken up.
Copy !req
190. Oh! Okay, you know what, you choose.
Kiss any girl you want.
Copy !req
191. I choose you.
Copy !req
192. Michael, that is the most
romantic thing...
Copy !req
193. I've ever read,
heard about or seen on TV.
Copy !req
194. Yeah, it was
pretty romantic.
Copy !req
195. I could tell
while I was doing it.
Copy !req
196. - Oh, God.
- What?
Copy !req
197. No, it's just...
Copy !req
198. Look, one week you break up with me,
and the next week you're Prince Charming?
Copy !req
199. I'm an incredibly
complex man, Jackie.
Copy !req
200. Michael,
I can't do this anymore.
Copy !req
201. Look, Michael,
if you want to choose me, then choose me.
Copy !req
202. I mean, really choose me.
Let's get married.
Copy !req
203. What?
Copy !req
204. Michael, all our problems are
because we haven't decided...
Copy !req
205. we're gonna be
together forever.
Copy !req
206. So let's decide.
Copy !req
207. Hold on.
Copy !req
208. You want to get married?
Copy !req
209. Yes, Michael!
Yes, I accept!
Copy !req
210. Oh! Oh, my God!
Copy !req
211. You know what? I gotta go tell my dad.
And you... you have to buy a ring.
Copy !req
212. Just think about it:
We are going to be the Burkhart-Kelsos!
Copy !req
213. The Who-hart What-os?
Copy !req
214. Michael and I are getting married!
Copy !req
215. Yeah, we heard.
That's why we're decorating the van.
Copy !req
216. But... But not with fish.
Copy !req
217. Ow!
Copy !req
218. Let me get
this straight.
Copy !req
219. Donna wanted to get back
together and you said no?
Copy !req
220. I said no.
Copy !req
221. You said no?
Copy !req
222. Dumb-ass!
Copy !req
223. Look, I have
my reasons, okay?
Copy !req
224. What could they be?
What could they possibly be?
Copy !req
225. Casey dumps her and she comes to me?
Okay, I'm not a rebound.
Copy !req
226. So you're too proud
to take her back?
Copy !req
227. And what do you have
to be so proud of?
Copy !req
228. You're not an athlete.
Copy !req
229. The only smart thing
about you is your mouth.
Copy !req
230. And look at you.
Copy !req
231. Red... Red, he looks fine.
He's just so darn stupid!
Copy !req
232. I'm... I'm very upset!
Copy !req
233. Well, stop, okay?
Copy !req
234. Because, I already feel
bad enough as it is.
Copy !req
235. - Well, you should.
- Well, I do!
Copy !req
236. I love her.
Copy !req
237. God, why do I always have to
screw these things up, you know?
Copy !req
238. Why does everything
always have to be my way?
Copy !req
239. That's why we broke up
in the first place.
Copy !req
240. Uh-huh, well, we've
all known that for a year!
Copy !req
241. Okay.
Copy !req
242. Okay, I have to
tell Donna how I feel.
Copy !req
243. Then go!
Copy !req
244. Oh, Red.
Copy !req
245. I know.
Copy !req
246. We're never gonna get him
out of the house.
Copy !req
247. Donna?
Copy !req
248. Oh, hello,
Mr. Pinciotti, Mrs...
Copy !req
249. I'm sorry, Joanne.
I don't know your last name.
Copy !req
250. I have something
to tell you guys.
Copy !req
251. I love Donna.
Copy !req
252. Well, she isn't here.
We don't know where she is.
Copy !req
253. And... And it's Stupak.
Copy !req
254. Well, uh, if it's okay,
I'll just wait.
Copy !req
255. Sure.
I always liked you.
Copy !req
256. Oh, thank you, sir.
Copy !req
257. But do me a favor.
Don't play with her undergarments.
Copy !req
258. Somethin' reeks!
Copy !req
259. Man!
Copy !req
260. - Where are you goin'?
- Bus station. I'm going to my mom's in California.
Copy !req
261. Oh, my God.
You're runnin' away.
Copy !req
262. I don't know
what else to do.
Copy !req
263. No, I know how you feel.
Jackie wants to get married.
Copy !req
264. To me!
Copy !req
265. What?
Copy !req
266. Look, a lot of people don't know this about
us, but Jackie's pretty much in charge.
Copy !req
267. So it might happen.
Copy !req
268. But it won't happen
if I'm not here.
Copy !req
269. You know what, I'll drive you.
We'll both go to California.
Copy !req
270. Kelso, are you up for this?
Copy !req
271. Hey, if the Beverly Hillbillies
can do it, so can I.
Copy !req
272. Great, let's go.
Copy !req
273. Oh, my God.
What stinks?
Copy !req
274. This town, baby.
Copy !req
275. We're leaving that smell behind.
Copy !req
276. Whew!
Copy !req
277. Kelso!
Copy !req
278. I'm not gonna
tell you again!
Copy !req
279. Well, I was reaching
for my soda. Damn!
Copy !req
280. Man, Iowa smells
like fish too.
Copy !req
281. Should have taken the bus.
Copy !req