1. Any good mail?
Copy !req
2. Well, we got the new
Yarn Barn catalog.
Copy !req
3. And the model is
showing cleavage?
Copy !req
4. You know, if I want that in my house,
I will watch McMillan and Wife.
Copy !req
5. Oh, Steven got a letter
from Department of Motor Vehicles.
Copy !req
6. What?
Another damn ticket?
Copy !req
7. Hey, screw-head!
Copy !req
8. Why is the D.M.V.
sending you letters?
Copy !req
9. Screw-head. Hey, screw-head.
Copy !req
10. No, no, no.
You're screw-head.
Copy !req
11. I'm just called "boy."
Copy !req
12. I got a letter
from the D.M.V.?
Copy !req
13. Oh, my God.
It's about the cow.
Copy !req
14. Did I say "cow"?
Copy !req
15. Because what I meant
was countdown...
Copy !req
16. countdown to better driving.
Copy !req
17. I think what Eric's trying
to say is, he hit a cow.
Copy !req
18. Wait...
Copy !req
19. Well, I had
the right-of-way!
Copy !req
20. Go ahead.
Open it, hot rod.
Copy !req
21. You know, you are
the most irresponsible...
Copy !req
22. careless, no-account, undisc...
Copy !req
23. Oh, it's a license renewal
for my 18th birthday.
Copy !req
24. Oh.
Copy !req
25. Happy birthday!
Copy !req
26. Guess who gets 18 hugs the day
before his 18th birthday?
Copy !req
27. One, two...
Copy !req
28. - Three, four, five...
- Okay.
Copy !req
29. - Six, seven, eight...
- Okay. All right, all right!
Copy !req
30. Thanks, Mrs. Forman,
but you can drop it.
Copy !req
31. I'm not really into birthdays,
especially this one.
Copy !req
32. - Oh, no, you don't! Nine, ten...
- Get off me, spaz!
Copy !req
33. Oh, Steven likes birthdays.
He just doesn't know it.
Copy !req
34. Which is why we're throwing him
a surprise party.
Copy !req
35. Now, I need two helpers with keen
feminine sensibilities to help decorate.
Copy !req
36. Jackie and Fez.
Copy !req
37. Yea.
Copy !req
38. What the hell?
I'm feminine.
Copy !req
39. I should kick her ass
for that.
Copy !req
40. Hey, Jackie, while you're up
there, try not to kiss any more guys!
Copy !req
41. Man, are you guys
still fighting about that?
Copy !req
42. You gotta come down hard
on stuff like this.
Copy !req
43. If she'd have come down harder on me
when I was cheating, I would've...
Copy !req
44. Well, I would have been
way sneakier about it.
Copy !req
45. You know what, you guys?
Eighteen is a big deal.
Copy !req
46. We ought to get Hyde,
like, the perfect Hyde gift.
Copy !req
47. So, you know what? Let's try to put
ourselves in a total Hyde state of mind.
Copy !req
48. Yeah.
Copy !req
49. Okay, now, what
would Hyde want?
Copy !req
50. Something... stolen.
Copy !req
51. Stolen's good.
But you know what's better?
Copy !req
52. Stolen and dirty!
Copy !req
53. So what's a good gift
for Hyde that's stolen and dirty?
Copy !req
54. Someone else's pig!
Copy !req
55. No, no, wait!
I got it! I got it!
Copy !req
56. A street sign.
Copy !req
57. We'll steal it,
so it'll be stolen...
Copy !req
58. and it's dirty,
so it'll be dirty.
Copy !req
59. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
60. Kelso just solved
his first word problem. Ohh!
Copy !req
61. Yeah, I learned those
in Miss Carter's class...
Copy !req
62. 'cause I knew if I got one right
that'd she'd give me a hug.
Copy !req
63. No bra and they
were always pointy.
Copy !req
64. Now, that's good teachin'.
Copy !req
65. No problem.
You can have Hyde's party here.
Copy !req
66. There's only one thing I ask.
Copy !req
67. Can I come?
Copy !req
68. The party's at your house, Bob.
Of course you're invited.
Copy !req
69. Oh, boy, I'm in!
Copy !req
70. I'll get my
Anne Murray albums!
Copy !req
71. Okay, now, you two.
Copy !req
72. I want this party to look nice.
So, um, balloons, streamers...
Copy !req
73. whatever makes Steven forget
he has no parents.
Copy !req
74. So, Fez, how do you want
to decorate this place?
Copy !req
75. - Well, what I'm thinking...
- No, no, no. I want Arabian Nights...
Copy !req
76. veils, Persian rugs.
Copy !req
77. Uh-huh.
One question, Jackie.
Copy !req
78. Is this a party for Hyde,
or a bunch of whores in a whorehouse?
Copy !req
79. Oh, yeah. Check it out!
"High Street."
Copy !req
80. Oh, man.
Hyde's gonna love this.
Copy !req
81. - Here, Donna, I'll give you a boost.
- Okay.
Copy !req
82. One, two, three.
Copy !req
83. Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
84. Fingers!
Copy !req
85. - Oh!
- Come on, Eric. I'll give you a boost.
Copy !req
86. No way.
Copy !req
87. Why not?
Copy !req
88. Because you'll throw me.
Copy !req
89. What? No, I won't!
Copy !req
90. Yeah, I will.
Copy !req
91. Look. How about we stand on top
of the van and reach it?
Copy !req
92. I think not!
We'll dent the roof.
Copy !req
93. I don't want nothin'
to happen to the "love bus."
Copy !req
94. Okay, I got it.
I got a better idea.
Copy !req
95. Okay, just make sure
it's tight.
Copy !req
96. Right. Okay,
you're good to go.
Copy !req
97. Well, at least
the roof's okay.
Copy !req
98. Steven!
Copy !req
99. I thought you were at work.
Copy !req
100. Not till later.
Copy !req
101. Why are you baking
so many cupcakes?
Copy !req
102. I had four dozen eggs.
They were gonna go bad.
Copy !req
103. Mrs. Forman, I don't want a party.
Copy !req
104. And I'm not saying that
because I'm fishing for a party.
Copy !req
105. I mean,
I don't want a party.
Copy !req
106. - Uh-huh.
- 'Cause I know how this family works.
Copy !req
107. You guys say you don't want stuff
that you actually want.
Copy !req
108. Like on Mother's Day.
You said you didn't want a fuss.
Copy !req
109. But you did want a fuss.
So we made a fuss, and you were happy?
Copy !req
110. That can drive a guy nuts.
Copy !req
111. It really can.
Copy !req
112. So now, I don't know
what to do...
Copy !req
113. or say or not say...
Copy !req
114. because I really
don't want a party.
Copy !req
115. Well, I don't wanna
do anything you don't want.
Copy !req
116. See, I don't know
what that means!
Copy !req
117. Well, it means
there's no party.
Copy !req
118. Oh, please. Would I lie to you
about making you a party?
Copy !req
119. I am hurt.
Copy !req
120. Fine.
Copy !req
121. Okay. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
122. - You lied.
- No, no.
Copy !req
123. I said, "Would I lie?"
Copy !req
124. It was very tricky.
I was like Houdini, but with words.
Copy !req
125. The base of the sign's
all cracked.
Copy !req
126. So all we have to do is shove this
firecracker in there, and blammo!
Copy !req
127. The sign comes down.
Copy !req
128. Wow, it could actually work...
Copy !req
129. if the base were
made of pudding!
Copy !req
130. If the base were made
of pudding, Eric...
Copy !req
131. we could just
pull the sign right out.
Copy !req
132. Okay, get ready to run!
Copy !req
133. Huh.
Copy !req
134. Must be a dud.
Copy !req
135. Go find out.
Copy !req
136. - Why me?
- 'Cause you're super skinny.
Copy !req
137. If it blows up, you got the best chance
of having stuff not hit you.
Copy !req
138. True, but on
the other hand...
Copy !req
139. no one would be surprised
if you blew yourself up.
Copy !req
140. That's a good point.
Copy !req
141. Oh, just move.
Copy !req
142. Here, you big babies.
Copy !req
143. Okay, what you just did,
just there?
Copy !req
144. That was so hot.
Copy !req
145. I'd follow your fine behind
into combat any day.
Copy !req
146. All right, look. If we got Red's
tools, I bet I could cut down that pole.
Copy !req
147. Casey showed me how
to saw through rebar.
Copy !req
148. Our second date.
Copy !req
149. Wow. I love those stories.
Copy !req
150. Hey, I'll just sneak into your garage,
grab the tools. Red'll never know.
Copy !req
151. Okay, but you gotta
be really quiet.
Copy !req
152. Come on. It's me we're talking about.
I'm like a cat.
Copy !req
153. Red.
Copy !req
154. Hey.
Copy !req
155. You're wonderin' why I'm goin'
through your stuff.
Copy !req
156. Okay. That's...
Copy !req
157. See, I needed,
uh, to borrow...
Copy !req
158. your saw...
Copy !req
159. because I need
to chop down a tree.
Copy !req
160. Because there's something
stuck in it.
Copy !req
161. An animal. A rabbit.
Copy !req
162. There's a rabbit
stuck in a tree.
Copy !req
163. And I want to return
that rabbit to the wild...
Copy !req
164. so it can lay its eggs.
Copy !req
165. Kelso, rabbits don't...
Copy !req
166. How the hell did
a rabbit get up a tree?
Copy !req
167. Uh, Eric threw it
up there.
Copy !req
168. Eric threw a rabbit
up a tree?
Copy !req
169. Yeah.
He's a sadistic bastard.
Copy !req
170. You know he hit a cow?
Copy !req
171. You know, you've been in
a bad mood all night, man.
Copy !req
172. I'm gonna cheer you up.
Copy !req
173. Ah, boo!
Copy !req
174. Ah, boo!
Copy !req
175. Aw, you don't know
what's funny.
Copy !req
176. Oh, hey, uh, I can work
tomorrow night if you want me to.
Copy !req
177. You're not working tomorrow, man.
It's your birthday.
Copy !req
178. Yeah, man, my 18th birthday.
Otherwise known as the beginning of the end.
Copy !req
179. The black hole, man.
It's the death march.
Copy !req
180. Look, if there's a war,
I could get drafted.
Copy !req
181. If there's a war, I'll see you in Canada.
Copy !req
182. That's not the point, Leo.
I mean, there's other stuff too, you know.
Copy !req
183. Hey, don't get snippy
with me, man.
Copy !req
184. Hyde, we need you
to settle an argument.
Copy !req
185. I'm sure you know by now that
we're throwing you a party.
Copy !req
186. What party?
Copy !req
187. Okay, I'm sure
you know by now...
Copy !req
188. that we're throwing
you a party.
Copy !req
189. So, what kind of theme
would you like?
Copy !req
190. Throw whatever party you want, man.
I'm not gonna be there.
Copy !req
191. Well, if that's his attitude,
I don't wanna do anything. I quit.
Copy !req
192. You can't quit on me.
Copy !req
193. I quit on you...
Copy !req
194. you bossy little midget.
Copy !req
195. Don't even.
Copy !req
196. - What the hell?
- No! No!
Copy !req
197. Excuse me,
little boy with glasses.
Copy !req
198. That's our sign.
Copy !req
199. Um, excuse me,
big dork with Farrah hair.
Copy !req
200. No, it isn't.
Copy !req
201. "Farrah hair"?
Copy !req
202. If I look like any of the Charlie's Angels,
it's Jaclyn Smith!
Copy !req
203. Wow, that's true.
Copy !req
204. Hey, there, little fella.
Copy !req
205. What if I told you
that I had $20...
Copy !req
206. for a special someone
if they gave us the sign?
Copy !req
207. - Nope.
- A month's supply of candy?
Copy !req
208. - Nope.
- What if...
Copy !req
209. I show you my bra strap?
Copy !req
210. Okay.
Copy !req
211. Okay!
Copy !req
212. Here.
Copy !req
213. I bet if I showed him my whole bra,
he would have given me his bike.
Copy !req
214. These things are awesome.
Copy !req
215. That was hot.
Copy !req
216. Man, why is she
so hot today?
Copy !req
217. 'Cause you can't have her,
'cause you lost her, 'cause you're stupid.
Copy !req
218. Wait. Um, Jackie cheated on you,
right, with a little, tiny cheese guy?
Copy !req
219. Hey! Truce, okay?
Copy !req
220. - Yeah, I think that's best.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
221. Hey, if you hadn't
blown it with Donna...
Copy !req
222. - you'd probably be doin' it with her right now.
- Yeah!
Copy !req
223. You know who's probably doin' it?
Jackie, with the cheese guy.
Copy !req
224. We had a truce!
Copy !req
225. Wow.
Copy !req
226. Yeah, this place looks great.
Copy !req
227. Fez, Jackie,
the decorations are beautiful.
Copy !req
228. No. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
229. They haven't
been here all day.
Copy !req
230. I did this because
I'm feminine too.
Copy !req
231. I'm a lady.
Why can't anyone freakin' see that?
Copy !req
232. Oh, honey, no.
It's perfect.
Copy !req
233. Okay, the next time I need a feminine touch,
I am using you and Fez.
Copy !req
234. What happened
to those cupcakes?
Copy !req
235. Bob, there were
a dozen cupcakes there.
Copy !req
236. I'm sorry, Red.
They're like vitamins to me.
Copy !req
237. Hey, you guys.
Bad news.
Copy !req
238. Hyde said he's not coming.
He's just sitting in the basement.
Copy !req
239. Oh, but it's his birthday.
He can't be alone on his birthday.
Copy !req
240. Red?
Copy !req
241. I agree. Eric, you go home
and sit with Steven.
Copy !req
242. Oh, okay, fine.
I'll go get him.
Copy !req
243. Surprise!
Copy !req
244. We got him, dudes.
Copy !req
245. All right. Get your butt up
those stairs and over to your party.
Copy !req
246. I'm not goin'.
Copy !req
247. Steven, you're 18 now.
It's time to start being a man.
Copy !req
248. And the first rule
to being a man is...
Copy !req
249. you gotta spend your life
doing crap you don't wanna do.
Copy !req
250. Like right now,
I don't wanna be here talkin' to you...
Copy !req
251. but I am.
Copy !req
252. And you don't wanna
go to a party...
Copy !req
253. but you will.
Copy !req
254. Actually, I won't.
Copy !req
255. What's the matter?
Copy !req
256. You don't like parties?
Copy !req
257. Me neither.
Copy !req
258. But as long as
you're livin' under my roof...
Copy !req
259. you'll do what
I tell you to do.
Copy !req
260. Well, lucky for me, I won't be
under your roof much longer anyway.
Copy !req
261. What the hell
you talkin' about?
Copy !req
262. Well, I'm 18.
I should be getting out of here, right?
Copy !req
263. I mean, that's what my dad did
and my uncle did and my cousins did.
Copy !req
264. They were all on their own
when they were my age.
Copy !req
265. What are they doin' now?
Copy !req
266. Uh, pumping gas, prison,
prison, dead, prison.
Copy !req
267. And the reason
you're living here...
Copy !req
268. is so you don't
end up like them.
Copy !req
269. But if you want to leave,
I can't stop you.
Copy !req
270. So, what's it gonna be, Steven?
Copy !req
271. Prison, death
or a birthday party?
Copy !req
272. I guess
I'll go to the party.
Copy !req
273. Thanks, Red.
Copy !req
274. You're welcome.
And, uh...
Copy !req
275. don't tell Eric that we had
this little conversation.
Copy !req
276. 'Cause when he's 18,
he's out.
Copy !req
277. So, punch.
Copy !req
278. Yep.
Copy !req
279. Oh, fine.
Copy !req
280. Everybody, they're here!
They're... Shh! Shh!
Copy !req
281. Surprise!
Copy !req
282. You got me, dudes.
Copy !req
283. Wow, thanks.
Copy !req
284. Oh, happy birthday.
Copy !req
285. Damn, Jackie!
Stop kissing other guys!
Copy !req
286. Wow, this is great.
Did you get this at the flea market?
Copy !req
287. - The flea market?
- Yeah, they sell 'em there for two bucks.
Copy !req
288. No, we stole it.
It took forever.
Copy !req
289. I had to show my bra!
Copy !req
290. You owe me a bumper!
Copy !req
291. Now, I made this
for you. See?
Copy !req
292. It says "Steven"
on the front...
Copy !req
293. because I heard that having your name
on your clothes is cool.
Copy !req
294. Plus, if anybody finds it,
they can return it to you.
Copy !req
295. So, I won't be able
to lose it.
Copy !req
296. Great.
Copy !req
297. Put it on.
Copy !req
298. Do I have to?
Copy !req
299. You bet your ass.
Copy !req
300. Welcome to manhood.
Copy !req
301. Mrs. Forman...
Copy !req
302. I'm not really
a piñata kind of guy.
Copy !req
303. Oh, come on, Steven.
Everyone plays piñata.
Copy !req
304. Yeah, Steven.
Hit the jackass!
Copy !req
305. Ow! Hey!
Copy !req
306. Steven! Just listen...
Copy !req