1. Hey, look at this.
Copy !req
2. It's the first day of deer season.
Copy !req
3. - Rabbit season!
- Duck season!
Copy !req
4. - Rabbit season!
- Duck season!
Copy !req
5. - Rabbit season!
- Duck season!
Copy !req
6. Oh, Red, you haven't been
hunting in ages...
Copy !req
7. not since the accident.
Copy !req
8. What accident?
Copy !req
9. The really terrible accident
that's none of your business.
Copy !req
10. Oh, yeah, that one.
Copy !req
11. You know, why don't you go?
It might be fun.
Copy !req
12. Get out of the house, get some fresh air,
maybe get out of your lousy damn mood.
Copy !req
13. Sorry.
Copy !req
14. I'd love to go, Kitty,
but we just can't afford it.
Copy !req
15. Oh, yes, we can.
I will pack you some food...
Copy !req
16. and a nice box of bullets,
and you're on your way.
Copy !req
17. - Dad, you could use the Pinciottis' cabin.
- Bob has a cabin?
Copy !req
18. Well, isn't that just
the cat's ass?
Copy !req
19. Oh, boohoo.
The world's unfair.
Copy !req
20. Now, just ask Bob if
you can borrow his cabin.
Copy !req
21. Okay.
Copy !req
22. We'll go...
just us guys.
Copy !req
23. Uh, Mom?
Copy !req
24. Well, you should go. You don't spend
nearly enough time with your father.
Copy !req
25. That's because
he doesn't like me.
Copy !req
26. Yes, he does like you.
And that's no excuse.
Copy !req
27. Well, I don't have a gun.
My mom took it when she left.
Copy !req
28. Well, you can share. You know,
there is something about a gun...
Copy !req
29. that just...
makes you wanna share.
Copy !req
30. Okay, fine, Mom.
I'll go with Dad.
Copy !req
31. But if I don't come back,
you'll know who did it.
Copy !req
32. You know, he's never
really warmed up to you.
Copy !req
33. Going on 17 years now.
Copy !req
34. Okay.
We're goin' huntin'...
Copy !req
35. Well, yea!
Copy !req
36. With Bob.
Copy !req
37. Oh.
Copy !req
38. Well, you know, maybe you'll cheer up
after you shoot something.
Copy !req
39. I always do!
Copy !req
40. Hey, Red, don't freak out...
Copy !req
41. but if I see a deer on the side of
the road, I'm gonna shoot him.
Copy !req
42. Kelso, you fire that gun
in this car...
Copy !req
43. and I will pull over and
kick your ass for an hour.
Copy !req
44. Do it, Red.
Do it!
Copy !req
45. Come on, Forman.
Would you get that gun away from him?
Copy !req
46. - No, I wanna hold it.
- Give it up, Kelso.
Copy !req
47. I have a right to bear arms, all right?
That's in the Constitution!
Copy !req
48. Kelso, not everything in
the Constitution makes sense.
Copy !req
49. - Whoa, Fez, shut up.
- What did you say?
Copy !req
50. Uh, nothing.
Copy !req
51. - Foreigners.
- I hear ya.
Copy !req
52. So, so, so.
What to do?
Copy !req
53. I should have gone hunting.
Copy !req
54. No, no, no.
We can have fun.
Copy !req
55. We can have our very own fun.
We could...
Copy !req
56. - I'm not baking anything.
- Oh!
Copy !req
57. Okay.
Who wants Jell-O?
Copy !req
58. - Jell-O's baking.
- No, no, no. Jell-O's boiling.
Copy !req
59. Gotcha.
Copy !req
60. Hey, Red.
Copy !req
61. So, tell me about
that hunting accident.
Copy !req
62. Sounds like a funny story.
Copy !req
63. Think we'll see any bears?
I'd love to kill a bear.
Copy !req
64. You can't shoot a bear.
It's deer season.
Copy !req
65. You shoot a bear, you get fined,
you go to jail.
Copy !req
66. No. I'll just say
it was self-defense.
Copy !req
67. Who's the jury gonna believe,
me or a dead bear?
Copy !req
68. Dead bear.
Copy !req
69. - I killed a bear once.
- Your ass.
Copy !req
70. I did.
I did.
Copy !req
71. I was gettin' a drink
from a stream, see...
Copy !req
72. when suddenly
I heard somethin'.
Copy !req
73. Grabbed my shotgun. Boom.
Right between the eyes.
Copy !req
74. Survival.
Copy !req
75. So what'd you do then?
You, uh... You bring it home?
Copy !req
76. Get it stuffed?
Copy !req
77. Nope. Left it there.
Went home.
Copy !req
78. How come you didn't bring it home,
get it stuffed?
Copy !req
79. On account it was so huge.
Copy !req
80. Oh.
Copy !req
81. So it's a standoff.
Copy !req
82. I won't shave my legs.
Bob won't shave his back.
Copy !req
83. Okay, ew!
Copy !req
84. You know, Red doesn't have a hairy back,
and thank God for that.
Copy !req
85. - No offense.
- Good news for you, Donna.
Copy !req
86. That means Eric probably
won't have one either.
Copy !req
87. He can't even grow a mustache.
Copy !req
88. Oh, please.
Eric's body is bald as can be.
Copy !req
89. You know, I don't even think
he hit puberty until about 15.
Copy !req
90. Really?
Copy !req
91. Oh, he probably won't like
that I said that.
Copy !req
92. I think Eric's the sweetest kid.
Copy !req
93. So, Donna, have you and Eric...
Copy !req
94. Mother, please!
Copy !req
95. - The answer's no.
- Hey, hey!
Copy !req
96. Everybody, just shut up.
Copy !req
97. Well, I, for one, am not so naive
as to think that you and Eric...
Copy !req
98. Okay, well, I guess
we're upsetting her...
Copy !req
99. so what should we do now?
Copy !req
100. Well, if Donna wasn't so uptight,
we could talk about...
Copy !req
101. I'm gonna go home.
You want me to go home? 'Cause I will.
Copy !req
102. Donna, please don't go home. It's very nice
that you're spending time with your mother.
Copy !req
103. God knows Laurie won't.
Copy !req
104. You guys, let's play poker!
I bet I'm good at it.
Copy !req
105. You never played
poker before?
Copy !req
106. Uh-uh.
But I have lots of money.
Copy !req
107. Oh, well, honey, have a seat.
I'll get the cards.
Copy !req
108. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
109. Oh!
Copy !req
110. Damn! Damn,
damn it all, damn!
Copy !req
111. Kelso, what the hell
are you doing?
Copy !req
112. Well, I would be proudly
standing over my kill right now...
Copy !req
113. if someone hadn't taken
my gun away.
Copy !req
114. Kelso, you can't fire
the gun in a camp!
Copy !req
115. The deer walked
right through here.
Copy !req
116. He was mine!
I was gonna hunt him!
Copy !req
117. You know, Kelso...
Copy !req
118. not every hunting accident
is an accident.
Copy !req
119. I think you better
sit this one out, pal.
Copy !req
120. Fine!
Copy !req
121. You know, I saw a deer blind on the way in.
Anybody wanna go check it out?
Copy !req
122. - I'll go.
- Nah, not me.
Copy !req
123. I just came to hang out.
When I crave meat, I buy bologna.
Copy !req
124. - So where's Fez?
- Kelso probably shot him.
Copy !req
125. No, I saw him walking into the woods
right after we got here.
Copy !req
126. Said he was going huntin'.
He had a-a whistle and a stick.
Copy !req
127. Ah, that crazy foreign bastard.
Copy !req
128. Let's eat.
Copy !req
129. Wow. Those were
some delicious birds.
Copy !req
130. Key chain?
Copy !req
131. Nah, I'm good.
Copy !req
132. So you caught those birds
with just a whistle and a stick?
Copy !req
133. Very impressive, Fez.
Copy !req
134. Yeah, you know,
that's a good way to hunt.
Copy !req
135. 'Cause even if you don't get anything, you still
have all the fun of a whistle and a stick.
Copy !req
136. I'll take the key chain, give it to Midge.
A little memento.
Copy !req
137. I feel good about that, Bob.
Copy !req
138. Midge is nice.
Copy !req
139. Yep.
We all like Midge.
Copy !req
140. Yeah, Midge has nice jugs.
Copy !req
141. What?
Copy !req
142. What?
Copy !req
143. No, you said something.
Copy !req
144. No, I didn't.
Copy !req
145. So what's up
with your hair, huh?
Copy !req
146. Man, I am at one
with nature right now.
Copy !req
147. Thanks for the pheasant, Fez.
Copy !req
148. Pheasant, Fez.
Pheasant, Fez.
Copy !req
149. Yes.
Beautiful, black pheasants.
Copy !req
150. Black pheasants.
Copy !req
151. Wait.
Pheasants aren't black.
Copy !req
152. Black is beautiful.
I wish Jackie was black.
Copy !req
153. What did you feed us, Fez?
Copy !req
154. They were pheasants.
They went...
Copy !req
155. "Caw-caw. Caw-caw."
Copy !req
156. You fed us a crow?
Copy !req
157. You're not supposed
to eat a crow, man.
Copy !req
158. You just brought some
bad juju on us all.
Copy !req
159. We ate somebody's soul, man.
Copy !req
160. Ay, no.
Copy !req
161. I have eaten someone's
delicious soul.
Copy !req
162. Hey, good news, guys!
I found my gun!
Copy !req
163. What?
It's probably not loaded.
Copy !req
164. Oh, wow, Mom.
You're not good.
Copy !req
165. Well, you're not even playing,
so keep it to yourself, Miss Smarty.
Copy !req
166. Okay, I'll play.
Copy !req
167. You wanna play cards
with your mother?
Copy !req
168. - Sure.
- Well, I am gonna call the Milwaukee Journal.
Copy !req
169. Kitty, how many kings
are in a pack?
Copy !req
170. - Four.
- I bet a dollar.
Copy !req
171. Well, um...
Copy !req
172. I see that there are
four queens in a deck too.
Copy !req
173. Oh, Mom, that is so pathetic.
Copy !req
174. Fine. I fold.
Copy !req
175. I'm in.
Copy !req
176. - Okay, uh, do you want any cards?
- Can I have two fives, please?
Copy !req
177. And I'll have one card.
Copy !req
178. Aw, it's a five.
Copy !req
179. Jackie, did you want this?
Copy !req
180. You gave her a five?
I thought we were friends.
Copy !req
181. Okay, you know what?
Everybody, just show your cards.
Copy !req
182. - Okay, did I win? Did I win? Did I win?
- Not even close.
Copy !req
183. Oh. Well, I don't care.
Copy !req
184. I don't work, so money
doesn't really mean anything to me.
Copy !req
185. Oh, how nice for you.
Copy !req
186. Hey, Dad, I don't know about you,
but I'm kind of frozen to the blind.
Copy !req
187. Right in the pants area.
Copy !req
188. Shh!
Copy !req
189. Geez, you have done nothing
but complain since we got here.
Copy !req
190. You know, I was hoping that
this trip would be better than the last...
Copy !req
191. where you cried about
every stupid thing.
Copy !req
192. I was six.
Copy !req
193. And you made me touch
a dead rabbit.
Copy !req
194. I just thought that if you touched it,
you might not be afraid of it.
Copy !req
195. Well, thank you, Dr. Spock.
Copy !req
196. Making noise is not the way
to bag a deer.
Copy !req
197. I had nightmares for a month.
Copy !req
198. Big, dead rabbit nightmares.
Copy !req
199. Oh, man!
Copy !req
200. We got one!
He is huge!
Copy !req
201. Where?
I don't see it.
Copy !req
202. He's about a quarter klick
south of the clearing.
Copy !req
203. What is a klick?
Copy !req
204. And which way is south?
Oh, no, wait. Okay, I see him. Yeah.
Copy !req
205. - Oh, you're right, Dad. He is huge.
- You're not kiddin'.
Copy !req
206. I'd say he's a 10-pointer.
Copy !req
207. What?
Copy !req
208. I was just thinking.
You take the shot.
Copy !req
209. N-No way! You always talk
about getting a buck. You do it.
Copy !req
210. No, damn it! Now don't argue with me.
Now take the shot!
Copy !req
211. Come on.
Copy !req
212. Hurry up! Oh!
Copy !req
213. And don't shoot him in the face.
Copy !req
214. Holy cow,
look at him go.
Copy !req
215. Man, you really stink.
Copy !req
216. I told you to take the shot.
Copy !req
217. Well, I just thought it would be nice
for you to get a deer.
Copy !req
218. I mean, God knows
I'd love to get one.
Copy !req
219. Then you should have
taken the shot!
Copy !req
220. What the hell is wrong with you?
Why are you always so damn nervous?
Copy !req
221. Oh, hmm. I don't know. Maybe it's because
you've been yelling at me for 17 years.
Copy !req
222. Oh, I have not.
Copy !req
223. Oh, God, he was right there!
Copy !req
224. I-I could've hit him
with a rock!
Copy !req
225. Yep, that's a damn shame.
So you ready to head back?
Copy !req
226. No, I sure as hell
am not ready to head back.
Copy !req
227. You wanna go back, you go back.
Copy !req
228. So, hey, Dad,
how about a war story?
Copy !req
229. Yeah, okay.
Copy !req
230. I ever tell you about the time
I didn't miss that North Korean?
Copy !req
231. Full house...
jacks over tens.
Copy !req
232. Mom wins again.
Copy !req
233. Well, this is fun.
Isn't this fun?
Copy !req
234. It was fun till
Laurie started dealing.
Copy !req
235. Hey, what's that
supposed to mean?
Copy !req
236. Oh, my gosh! I think Mrs. Pinciotti's
saying that Laurie's cheating.
Copy !req
237. - No, she's not.
- Wait.
Copy !req
238. Yes, I am.
Copy !req
239. My daughter does not cheat.
Copy !req
240. - Come on, Donna. We're storming out of here.
- Okay, see ya.
Copy !req
241. Hold on.
I'll storm with you.
Copy !req
242. Thank you for a lovely
afternoon, Mrs. Forman.
Copy !req
243. Laurie,
were you cheating?
Copy !req
244. You can't prove anything.
Copy !req
245. - Oh, for God's sake.
- Okay.
Copy !req
246. Well, if you weren't such a crappy card
player, then I wouldn't have had to cheat.
Copy !req
247. And you were gonna lose all
your mad money, and Midge bugs me.
Copy !req
248. You were cheating
so I would win?
Copy !req
249. - Duh. I wanted you to have a little fun.
- Well...
Copy !req
250. Gosh, that's sweet.
Copy !req
251. Yeah.
Copy !req
252. I love you, Mommy.
Copy !req
253. I just know
I wouldn't have missed him.
Copy !req
254. Not when he was that close.
No way.
Copy !req
255. - Here. Dad, you see the can by that clearing?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
256. I don't believe it.
How'd you do that?
Copy !req
257. Dad, I know how
to shoot.
Copy !req
258. Don't you remember
my Taxi Driver phase?
Copy !req
259. Look, I-I didn't want
to kill him.
Copy !req
260. I-I missed on purpose.
Copy !req
261. Well, I can respect that more
than you being a crappy shot.
Copy !req
262. - What?
- Why didn't you say so?
Copy !req
263. Why do you think?
Copy !req
264. You really think I've been
yelling at you for 17 years?
Copy !req
265. No.
Copy !req
266. You were probably okay with me
as an infant. I just can't remember.
Copy !req
267. Boy, it was right around 13...
Copy !req
268. when you started gettin'
a little lippy.
Copy !req
269. And twitchy.
Copy !req
270. Well, you know, lippy and twitchy
tend to walk hand-in-hand, so...
Copy !req
271. See, now, that's lippy.
Copy !req
272. You got somethin' you wanna say to me,
you just say it.
Copy !req
273. - Dad...
- No, I'm-I'm serious here.
Copy !req
274. Just for a second,
pretend that I'm not your dad.
Copy !req
275. I want you to tell me
what you really think of me.
Copy !req
276. How about let's do this
when you don't have a gun?
Copy !req
277. How about you do what the guy
with the gun tells you to do?
Copy !req
278. Okay.
Copy !req
279. I think you're angry because life didn't
turn out exactly the way you wanted it to...
Copy !req
280. and, uh, maybe you think
if you yell at me...
Copy !req
281. I won't let life
push me around too.
Copy !req
282. You came up with that answer
awful fast.
Copy !req
283. Well...
Copy !req
284. Hell, Eric,
maybe you'll be okay.
Copy !req
285. Oh, my God.
Dad, he's back.
Copy !req
286. Oh, look at him.
He's magnificent.
Copy !req
287. He's the king of the forest...
Copy !req
288. just like Bambi's dad.
Copy !req
289. He's beautiful.
Copy !req
290. Yeah, and I bet
he tastes beautiful too.
Copy !req
291. Oh, uh, just for the record, Eric,
I'm the king of the forest.
Copy !req
292. Way to go, Dad.
You finally got your buck.
Copy !req
293. I wish it was mine!
Copy !req
294. But somebody took my gun away
'cause he sensed what a great hunter I am.
Copy !req
295. Kelso, if we let you
keep your gun...
Copy !req
296. Fez would be the one
strapped to that hood right now.
Copy !req
297. Hey, Red.
Copy !req
298. So, uh,
about that accident, huh?
Copy !req
299. Oh, yeah. Well,
it was a long time ago.
Copy !req
300. I was out huntin' with Frank.
Copy !req
301. He was a good friend of mine.
A good guy.
Copy !req
302. Kind of a dumb-ass
like, uh, Kelso here.
Copy !req
303. So, anyway, Frank had shot this deer,
and he was real happy.
Copy !req
304. And he'd had a few beers, so he was
dancin' around, and it was all real fun.
Copy !req
305. And then he leans over
to kiss the deer...
Copy !req
306. only the deer's not dead yet,
and it kicks him right in the neck.
Copy !req
307. And it killed him.
Copy !req
308. That deer is staring at my soul.
Copy !req
309. Put some sunglasses on it.
Copy !req
310. Well, this is
just delicious.
Copy !req
311. - Sorry about the buckshot.
- I don't mind.
Copy !req
312. I mean, there's usually some mystery gristle
in meat, and at least we know what it is.
Copy !req
313. I like it better
when you fish, Daddy.
Copy !req
314. It was jerking around,
so Eric shot it with the shotgun.
Copy !req
315. Well, I had to.
Copy !req
316. It was... screaming.
Copy !req
317. I killed a raccoon once.
Copy !req
318. Hit him with my uncle's car.
Copy !req
319. It was so bad.
Copy !req
320. All right,
settle down, killer.
Copy !req
321. Yeah, sounds like we're all
a bunch of real killers.
Copy !req
322. Oh, good God,
crack a window.
Copy !req
323. That is unpleasant.
Copy !req
324. Son of a bitch!
Copy !req