1. Yo, yo, yo.
What up, Doom Patrol?
Copy !req
2. Beast Boy!
Copy !req
3. I'm so happy
that my baby...
Copy !req
4. Uh, it's good to be home, Moms.
Copy !req
5. Hey, big bro,
you want to meet my new friend?
Copy !req
6. - Sure.
- His name is Mr. Turkey.
Copy !req
7. And I made him
out of last year's leftovers.
Copy !req
8. Uh, it's nice
to meet you, Mr. Turkey.
Copy !req
9. Please call me Sal,
because I'm full of salmonella.
Copy !req
10. That's so gross.
Copy !req
11. Happy turkey time, Beast Boy.
Copy !req
12. Same to you, Robotman.
Copy !req
13. Oh, perhaps you'd care
to wrestle in the fall leaves.
Copy !req
14. We could dislocation
so many of the body parts.
Copy !req
15. That sounds great, yo!
Copy !req
16. What up, Chief?
Copy !req
17. Beast Boy! Hello there.
Copy !req
18. Make sure you
and your robot brother
Copy !req
19. stay away from the TV remote.
Copy !req
20. But I do not want to watch
the football all day's long.
Copy !req
21. I want to watch
the happy puppies
Copy !req
22. in the Dog Dog Show Show.
Copy !req
23. I want to watch
a bunch of football players
Copy !req
24. give each other
some extreme injuries.
Copy !req
25. So give me back the remote.
Copy !req
26. Fine, Chief. Here you go.
Copy !req
27. But, it won't do you any good
without the batteries.
Copy !req
28. Give me those!
Copy !req
29. Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Copy !req
30. Hey, hey, hey.
Stop fighting, you two.
Copy !req
31. This is Thanksgiving.
Not Christmas!
Copy !req
32. - Well, he started it.
- I'm sorry, Chief.
Copy !req
33. Can I get you a warm bottle
or maybe some nursery rhymes?
Copy !req
34. Because you're acting
like a big baby.
Copy !req
35. - Am not.
- Are, too.
Copy !req
36. That's enough!
Copy !req
37. Now, why don't you go
help Negative Girl
Copy !req
38. set the ping pong table
for dinner?
Copy !req
39. - Fine.
- Okay.
Copy !req
40. Wow. Looks like you
had your hands full
this Thanksgiving.
Copy !req
41. I have been pretty busy.
Copy !req
42. I made this centerpiece
out of locally sourced weeds.
Copy !req
43. I cleaned the bats out of the attic.
Copy !req
44. Get outta here! Shoo!
Copy !req
45. And I spent all morning
Copy !req
46. making this tofu turkey
just for my little baby.
Copy !req
47. Aww, thanks, Moms.
Copy !req
48. You really go all out.
Copy !req
49. I just hope I can get
the rest of my cooking done
before the parade starts.
Copy !req
50. Oh, yeah.
I can't wait to go
Copy !req
51. to the Codsville
Thanksgiving parade.
Copy !req
52. It's been my dream
ever since I was a young girl
to be in that parade,
Copy !req
53. smiling at the crowd
and doing that slow wave.
Copy !req
54. You know,
the one where it looks like
Copy !req
55. you're trying to
screw in a light bulb.
Copy !req
56. So do it, Moms.
Copy !req
57. Oh, no, no, no, no, dear.
Copy !req
58. I could never be
in that parade.
Copy !req
59. Well, holds on to that dream,
Copy !req
60. because someday
it might come true.
Copy !req
61. Tell us, Beast Boy.
Copy !req
62. What is the purpose
of this super-secret meeting?
Copy !req
63. I was thinking,
since Moms does so much
Copy !req
64. for us on Thanksgiving,
we should make her a surprise.
Copy !req
65. - That is so nice.
- What'd you have in mind?
Copy !req
66. Well, she really wants
to be part of the Thanksgiving parade,
Copy !req
67. so I thinks
we should build her a float.
Copy !req
68. Great idea.
Copy !req
69. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
70. Oh, I am very skilled
at the art and craft times.
Copy !req
71. And I love building things
because you never know
Copy !req
72. when someone might get
horribly mutilated.
Copy !req
73. Great. Now, let us get to work.
Copy !req
74. Yo, Moms,
Chief, come outside.
Copy !req
75. What is it, sweetie?
Copy !req
76. We've got a big surprise
for Momsy's.
Copy !req
77. Hey, this better be good.
Copy !req
78. I'm missing the game.
Copy !req
79. Now, you know how's you said,
you've always dreamed
Copy !req
80. of being
in the Thanksgiving parade.
Copy !req
81. Well, we took it upon ourselves
to build yous
Copy !req
82. the greatest float
ever created.
Copy !req
83. Behold!
Copy !req
84. Wow.
Copy !req
85. I... I can't believe you three
build me an actual float.
Copy !req
86. Well,
this isn't just any float.
Copy !req
87. This is a very special float.
Copy !req
88. It represents
each member of our family.
Copy !req
89. Look, we have
the football player
Copy !req
90. to represent the Chief's love
of extreme sports injuries.
Copy !req
91. Then we have
the canines to represent
Copy !req
92. my love of the dog show,
which I enjoy so very much.
Copy !req
93. And over here,
we have Mr. Turkey.
Gobble, gobble.
Copy !req
94. And, I added this toilet
to represent my tradition
of eating so much food
Copy !req
95. that I have to take
a big Thanksgiving Day poop.
Copy !req
96. And because Moms
is our mama bear,
Copy !req
97. we added this mama bear.
Copy !req
98. So what'd you think?
Copy !req
99. I think
it's the best float ever?
Copy !req
100. Come here, you three.
Copy !req
101. We better hurry
Copy !req
102. if we're going to get
to that parade.
Copy !req
103. That's what's up.
Copy !req
104. Ha-ha, we made it.
Copy !req
105. And just in time too.
Copy !req
106. It looks like the parade
is about to begin.
Copy !req
107. This is so exciting.
Copy !req
108. I can't believe
my Thanksgiving Day dream
is finally coming true.
Copy !req
109. Yeah.
Copy !req
110. Huh? Why isn't
this thing moving?
Copy !req
111. Not so fast.
Copy !req
112. What up, Brain?
Copy !req
113. What do your degenerates
think you're doing?
Copy !req
114. Oh, we was just about to enter
our float into the parade.
Copy !req
115. Oh, so that
is what you call
this abomination.
Copy !req
116. What? This is a pretty float.
Copy !req
117. We worked hard
on it, you goober.
Copy !req
118. Well, as ground marshal...
Copy !req
119. it is my job to ensure
that this parade
Copy !req
120. brings the people
of Codsville together.
Copy !req
121. And I can't have you's
scaring them off
with this weird thing.
Copy !req
122. Take it away.
Copy !req
123. Oh, come on, bro.
Copy !req
124. Don't be like that.
It's Thanksgiving.
Copy !req
125. The day of generosity.
Copy !req
126. Oh,
I suppose you're right.
Copy !req
127. I should be generous,
which is why
Copy !req
128. I shall give you five seconds
to turn this float around
Copy !req
129. before I have it impounded.
Copy !req
130. Okay, okay, we're going.
Copy !req
131. That snob
is always ruining our fun.
Copy !req
132. Well, we ain't giving up
so easily.
Copy !req
133. But you heard the brain.
Copy !req
134. He doesn't want us
in the parade.
Copy !req
135. True. True.
Copy !req
136. But, who cares
what that fool says?
Copy !req
137. Yeah, forget the Brain.
Copy !req
138. We're gonna be
part of this parade,
Copy !req
139. whether he likes it or not.
Copy !req
140. Now, let's find a way
to sneak in.
Copy !req
141. Time to get...
Copy !req
142. extreme!
Copy !req
143. Punch it, Chief!
Copy !req
144. There's gotta be
an opening somewhere.
Copy !req
145. Hurry, Chief, turn there.
Copy !req
146. Yes!
Copy !req
147. Number one Doom Patrol!
Doom Patrol!
Copy !req
148. Hear those gasps?
Copy !req
149. We've taken their breath away.
Copy !req
150. Yeah, we left them
totally speechless, yo.
Copy !req
151. Doom Patrol!
Copy !req
152. Oh-oh, Chief.
The Brain looks mad.
Copy !req
153. You better get that
insurance card ready.
Copy !req
154. Don't be silly.
I don't have "insurance."
Copy !req
155. I should have known
you degenerates would not
have given up so easily.
Copy !req
156. But you're too late
to stop my plan.
Copy !req
157. What plan?
Copy !req
158. As you know,
Thanksgiving marks the start
of the holiday shopping season,
Copy !req
159. and I'm tired
of dealing with the crowds.
Copy !req
160. Therefore, I'm going to
imprison this entire city
Copy !req
161. so that
all of the holiday deals
Copy !req
162. would be mine
for the taking.
Copy !req
163. The Brain
is imprisoning everyone
in cranberry sauce.
Copy !req
164. And not even
a good stuff either.
Copy !req
165. Canned cranberry sauce
is the worst.
Copy !req
166. That's enough, Brain.
Copy !req
167. Don't make us
take you down.
Copy !req
168. Do you degenerates
truly think you can defeat
my mighty float?
Copy !req
169. Oh, you're going down.
Copy !req
170. Because we've got
a float of our own.
Copy !req
171. Touch down!
Copy !req
172. You shall pay for that.
Copy !req
173. Go doggies! Go!
Copy !req
174. Hmm, but let's see
how you deal with this?
Copy !req
175. Take cover!
Copy !req
176. Turkey attack!
Copy !req
177. Now... it's time to end this.
Copy !req
178. Fools!
Copy !req
179. You may have defeated me,
Copy !req
180. but good luck
dealing with those crowds.
Copy !req
181. We ain't worried about
no crowds, fool!
Copy !req
182. Because we can get
those same holiday deals
by shopping online, hello.
Copy !req
183. Nice work, Doom Patrol.
Copy !req
184. Now, let's go
finish the parade.
Copy !req
185. But how? Our float is ruined.
Copy !req
186. And we worked
so hard on it too.
Copy !req
187. Don't sweat it, yo.
Copy !req
188. Because I gots an idea.
Copy !req
189. We did it!
Copy !req
190. We made Mom's
Thanksgiving dream
finally come true.
Copy !req
191. This is
the best Thanksgiving ever.
Copy !req
192. That's what's up!
Copy !req
193. Quick, Chief, pass it to me!
Copy !req
194. Over here! Over here!
Copy !req
195. Pass it to me, Chief,
I'm open.
Copy !req
196. Yes!
Copy !req
197. Boomsies!
Copy !req
198. Nice throw,
you big goober.
Copy !req
199. It's all good.
I'll gets it.
Copy !req
200. Hey, what's this?
Copy !req
201. Oh, nothing.
Copy !req
202. Just some
old home movies
Copy !req
203. from when each of you
got your superpowers.
Copy !req
204. Really?
That's so cool.
Copy !req
205. Let's watch 'em, yo!
Copy !req
206. - Oh, yeah.
- Oh, it's been so long.
Copy !req
207. Can't we do something else?
Copy !req
208. No!
Copy !req
209. Here they come
for the final lap.
Copy !req
210. And pushing it for the win
is Cliff Steele!
Copy !req
211. Oh, snap! You used to be
into auto racing?
Copy !req
212. That's right.
Copy !req
213. Before I got my robot body,
Copy !req
214. I was a super-fast
race car driver.
Copy !req
215. I will always remember the day
of my terrible accident.
Copy !req
216. It was the day...
Copy !req
217. I won the race.
Copy !req
218. And now I shall celebrate
by dancing through the night.
Copy !req
219. Boomsies!
Copy !req
220. Ooh, this club is having
a breakdancing competition?
Copy !req
221. Oh, I would like
to win that very much.
Copy !req
222. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
223. Oh, no!
Copy !req
224. You may be
the best race car driver boy,
Copy !req
225. but I am the best
break-dancer boy.
Copy !req
226. Uh, check it out, check it out.
Copy !req
227. No way. I have
all the best dance moves.
Copy !req
228. Look, I packed them.
It's a suitcase of dance.
Copy !req
229. Whoa! What? What? Yeah!
Copy !req
230. Ooh!
Copy !req
231. But can you do
The Robot?
Copy !req
232. Hey! Watch it!
Copy !req
233. I am sorry.
It was a terrible accident.
Copy !req
234. I was trying to do the Robot,
Copy !req
235. but it remains
the one dance move
Copy !req
236. that has
evaded my mastery.
Copy !req
237. Well, I can
fix that for you.
Copy !req
238. You can?
Copy !req
239. Sure. All we have to do
is get a little extreme.
Copy !req
240. Congratulations.
Copy !req
241. The surgery was a success.
Copy !req
242. Now I can do
the robot dance?
Copy !req
243. Of course!
Because now you are a robot.
Copy !req
244. How is this possible?
Copy !req
245. Simple. I remove your brain
Copy !req
246. and put it inside
the robot body.
Copy !req
247. Could you not have just
gotten me dance lessons?
Copy !req
248. Sure, but this is way better.
You'll see.
Copy !req
249. Cool body.
But it's going to take
Copy !req
250. more than that
to defeat me, Robot boy.
Copy !req
251. I am not a robot boy.
Copy !req
252. I am a robot man!
Copy !req
253. Beep, spin, twirl. What?
Copy !req
254. Swiggle, swiggle, swiggle.
Copy !req
255. Oh, yes. What? What?
What? What? What?
Copy !req
256. Zoop, zoop. Zip, zip.
Copy !req
257. Restart, restart.
Control, alt, delete.
Copy !req
258. So authentic.
Copy !req
259. Yes! Oh, you know it!
Copy !req
260. Hooray!
I win again! Yes!
Copy !req
261. So what were you doing
in that nightclub, Chief?
Copy !req
262. Yeah, I thought
you hated music.
Copy !req
263. I can't remember.
It was years ago.
Copy !req
264. Now will you please
stop putting me on trial
Copy !req
265. so we can go
get something to eat?
Copy !req
266. Not just yet, Chief!
I want to check out my movie.
Copy !req
267. Hey! I remember this.
This is the day
Copy !req
268. the Chief helped me win
my squishy-mushy face.
Copy !req
269. Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
270. A hundred tickets!
Copy !req
271. I'm never
gonna win that bear.
Copy !req
272. Don't get down
on yourself, little lady.
Copy !req
273. You can still win that bear.
Copy !req
274. But how?
Copy !req
275. I'm almost out of tokens.
Copy !req
276. By playing this.
Copy !req
277. If you can
defeat the mother ship,
Copy !req
278. those tickets will be yours.
Copy !req
279. All systems ready.
Copy !req
280. Warning! Warning!
Copy !req
281. Oh, come on! Ugh!
Copy !req
282. Try it again.
Copy !req
283. - Ugh!
- Try it again.
Copy !req
284. - Ugh!
- Try it again.
Copy !req
285. This game is too hard.
Copy !req
286. No, it isn't.
Copy !req
287. You just have to become
one with the game.
Copy !req
288. Well, can you help me?
Copy !req
289. Sure, sure.
But let me ask you something.
Copy !req
290. Are you willing
to get extreme?
Copy !req
291. I'll do anything
to win that bear.
Copy !req
292. Great!
Copy !req
293. Hey, uh, is that thing safe?
Copy !req
294. Oh, definitely not.
Copy !req
295. What did you do to me?
Copy !req
296. I turned you into
a negatively charged being.
Copy !req
297. Now you can become
one with the game
Copy !req
298. and win that bear.
Copy !req
299. But you could've just
shared your tickets with me.
Copy !req
300. Oh, where's the fun in that?
Copy !req
301. Now, go on.
Give it a try.
Copy !req
302. Warning. Warning.
Copy !req
303. You're going down.
Copy !req
304. Oh, yeah?
Who's laughing now?
Copy !req
305. Take that!
Copy !req
306. You're right.
That was fun!
Copy !req
307. Now give me that bear!
Copy !req
308. And that's how I won
my favorite squishy-mushy.
Copy !req
309. But isn't that bizarre
that the Chief was spending
Copy !req
310. his leisure time
at an arcade?
Copy !req
311. It does sound suspicious.
Copy !req
312. There's nothing
suspicious about it.
Copy !req
313. Now can we please go eat?
Copy !req
314. I'm starving!
Copy !req
315. Not so fast, Chief.
Copy !req
316. I want to watch my movie.
Copy !req
317. Oh, my goodness.
Copy !req
318. This was when I was
trying to make it
Copy !req
319. as a Hollywood actor.
Copy !req
320. Look out! It's a monster!
Copy !req
321. Cut!
Copy !req
322. Whoa! What's the matter?
That take was perfect.
Copy !req
323. But look at me.
Copy !req
324. No audience is gonna
take me seriously as an actor
Copy !req
325. if I'm covered in slime.
Copy !req
326. I know, I know,
but don't worry.
Copy !req
327. I'll make sure
it doesn't happen
Copy !req
328. in the next movie.
Copy !req
329. Cut! That's it!
Copy !req
330. I am done acting
in these low budget movies
Copy !req
331. where I end up getting slimed!
Copy !req
332. All of my life,
I've dreamed of becoming
Copy !req
333. the biggest Hollywood star
the world has ever seen.
Copy !req
334. But now I fear
it's just never gonna happen.
Copy !req
335. Well, this machine
can help you with that.
Copy !req
336. It can?
Copy !req
337. Of course.
Copy !req
338. That is, if you're willing
to get a little extreme!
Copy !req
339. I love getting extreme.
Copy !req
340. Great! Then, hop inside here.
Copy !req
341. What exactly is this thing?
Copy !req
342. A movie prop?
Copy !req
343. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
344. It's a chamber
that will modify your DNA.
Copy !req
345. Wait, what?
Copy !req
346. What just happened?
Copy !req
347. The chamber
merged your DNA
Copy !req
348. with children's
modeling clay.
Copy !req
349. But all I wanted
was a new audition.
Copy !req
350. I know,
Copy !req
351. but now you're guaranteed
to become
Copy !req
352. the biggest Hollywood star
the world has ever seen.
Copy !req
353. Look out! It's a monster!
Copy !req
354. I'm finally
a big Hollywood star.
Copy !req
355. Wow, I can't believe
Moms was a movie star
Copy !req
356. on a Hollywood set.
Copy !req
357. Speaking of which,
Copy !req
358. what were you doing on set
that day, Chief?
Copy !req
359. Well, that's not important.
Copy !req
360. Now, how about
we get ourselves some grub?
Copy !req
361. Hold up, Chief!
Copy !req
362. We still gots to watch
the one about me.
Copy !req
363. Go away! We're eating!
Copy !req
364. Don't be rude, Chief.
Answer it.
Copy !req
365. All right, all right.
Copy !req
366. Yeah, what do you want?
Copy !req
367. Who is it, Chief?
Copy !req
368. I don't know.
There's nobody here.
Copy !req
369. That's odd.
Copy !req
370. It's probably just a prank
from those rotten teenagers.
Copy !req
371. It's not a prank.
Copy !req
372. It's a cute little baby boy.
Copy !req
373. Well, what's it doing
at our door?
Copy !req
374. I think he needs a new family.
Copy !req
375. And I think he found one.
Oh, yes, he did.
Copy !req
376. You can live with us forever.
Copy !req
377. Oh, somebody needs
a diaper change.
Copy !req
378. Fine, I'll change him,
Copy !req
379. but this better be
a one-time thing.
Copy !req
380. Chief!
Copy !req
381. Chief!
Copy !req
382. Chief!
Copy !req
383. Oh, man.
Copy !req
384. It's like his poo-poos are
on an infinite repeat cycle.
Copy !req
385. If only there was a way
to avoid changing him.
Copy !req
386. Avoid changing him.
Copy !req
387. Say there, little guy,
you wanna get extreme?
Copy !req
388. I'll take that as a yes.
To the laboratory!
Copy !req
389. Guess who just solved
our pooping problems?
Copy !req
390. - Behold!
- Why is he green?
Copy !req
391. Nothing to be alarmed about.
Copy !req
392. I simply injected him
Copy !req
393. with an experimental
monkey serum.
Copy !req
394. You did what?
Copy !req
395. Now he can transform
into animals
Copy !req
396. and go poop outside.
Copy !req
397. Once again,
you've gone to the extreme.
Copy !req
398. But I guess we don't have
to change diapers anymore.
Copy !req
399. And that makes everyone
a winner.
Copy !req
400. Except for our neighbor.
Copy !req
401. Not on my azaleas.
Copy !req
402. That was so much
of a super funky
fresh fun times, right?
Copy !req
403. Hold up.
Who shot these movies?
Copy !req
404. Who cares?
Copy !req
405. Party, party time.
Party time. Party— Oh.
Copy !req
406. - Yo, check it.
- What is it?
Copy !req
407. Oh, it's nothing.
Give me that!
Copy !req
408. Let me see that folder.
Copy !req
409. What?
Copy !req
410. Chief, you were planning
to transform us the whole time?
Copy !req
411. And for what?
Copy !req
412. So you could turn us
into a team of superheroes?
Copy !req
413. No. I did it to turn you
into a family.
Copy !req
414. Wow!
Copy !req
415. I can't believe
you care about us so much
Copy !req
416. that you'd turn us
into a family of freaks.
Copy !req
417. That is so nice, Chief.
Copy !req
418. It's literally
the sweetest thing
Copy !req
419. anyone's ever done for me.
Copy !req
420. Come over here
and give us a hug.
Copy !req
421. Don't go all mushy on me.
Copy !req