1. Yo, Cy. You ready to watch
some of that good TV?
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2. Oh, yeah.
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3. And you know,
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4. I got some of those
goods snacks, too.
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5. These are for you.
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6. Chocolate covered raisins.
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7. My favorite!
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8. - You want some?
- No, thanks.
Copy !req
9. I have a hard time
eating raisins.
Copy !req
10. They always get stuck
in my gears.
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11. So, what are we watching, yo?
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12. For today's screening,
I have chosen a classic tale,
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13. filled with action, comedy
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14. and a serious case
of cat and mouse.
Copy !req
15. Oh, snaps. You're talking
about Tom and Jerry?
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16. Bingo!
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17. Yeah, boy. I love me
some Tom and Jerry.
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18. And you know
who the best character is...
Copy !req
19. Uh-huh.
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20. - Jerry.
- Tom.
Copy !req
21. What? You shouldn't be rooting
for that no good dirty Tom.
Copy !req
22. Tom's not dirty.
He's just trying to do his job
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23. getting rid
of that freeloading Jerry.
Copy !req
24. Jerry ain't no freeloader.
Copy !req
25. He's just trying
to survive, yo.
Copy !req
26. What are you guys
arguing about?
Copy !req
27. Certainly it must be
the important
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28. if you are doing
all of the shouting.
Copy !req
29. Cyborg thinks
Tom is better than Jerry.
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30. That's right, he's better.
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31. Tom's got
that strong determination.
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32. Just look at how much
punishment he takes,
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33. and he just keeps coming back
for more.
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34. Yeah, but Jerry is smarter
and faster than Tom.
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35. Just look at him.
Anything Tom tries,
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36. Jerry always gets away.
Copy !req
37. Now you tell this fool
who's better.
Copy !req
38. Actually, I think
they're both pretty great.
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39. I do love the sadistic kitty
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40. and the tormenting mouse
as well.
Copy !req
41. Does it really matter
who's better?
Copy !req
42. Cartoon rivalries are stupid
and ultimately pointless.
Copy !req
43. Now, who's ready to T.P.
Titans East?
Copy !req
44. Oh, I cannot wait
to cover their home
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45. in the paper of the toilets.
Copy !req
46. That'll shown them that
we're the better titans.
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47. So, are you guys in?
Copy !req
48. No way. I ain't skinning no car
with this Tom-loving fool.
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49. And I refuse to go anywhere
with this Jerry-obsessed dummy.
Copy !req
50. Fine. Then you can both
stay here... together.
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51. Wait, you can't leave me alone
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52. with this mouse-loving dum-dum.
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53. Oh, yeah? Well, if I was
a mouse like Jerry,
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54. and yous was a cat like Tom,
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55. you'd never catch me
in a million years.
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56. Are you challenging me, bro?
Copy !req
57. Maybe I am.
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58. Then challenge accepted.
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59. It's on!
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60. Get away, get away, get away.
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61. Huh?
Copy !req
62. Ah!
Copy !req
63. Woah.
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64. Yeah! In your face!
Copy !req
65. Huh?
Copy !req
66. Huh? Uh-oh.
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67. Oh! Ah! Oh!
Copy !req
68. Wait a minute—
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69. Burrito!
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70. What?
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71. What's up with your body?
Copy !req
72. The toaster must have
shorted out the logic circuits,
Copy !req
73. and now it's going haywire.
Copy !req
74. Let's get out of here!
Copy !req
75. How are we gonna
stop that thing?
Copy !req
76. There's only one way.
We need to work together.
Copy !req
77. Now grab that box of raisins.
Copy !req
78. I thought you hated raisins
Copy !req
79. 'cause they get stuck
in your gears.
Copy !req
80. Exactly.
Copy !req
81. Oh, yeah! We did it!
Copy !req
82. Howdy?
Copy !req
83. Nice teamwork, bro.
Copy !req
84. Hey, you just reminded me
of something.
Copy !req
85. What's that?
Copy !req
86. The best episodes
of Tom and Jerry
Copy !req
87. are the ones
when they work together.
Copy !req
88. Yeah. It's like Tom and Jerry,
both have their strong points,
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89. but they work best as a team,
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90. kind of like us.
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91. Listen, man, I'm sorry
Copy !req
92. I let a stupid argument
ruin our friendship.
Copy !req
93. Me too, yo.
Copy !req
94. So, you wanna go
read some comic books?
Copy !req
95. I got a new issue of Superman.
Copy !req
96. No, thanks. I prefer Batman
over Superman.
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97. What? You can't pick Batman
over Superman.
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98. Superman is super strong.
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99. And Batman is super weak.
Copy !req
100. Well, at least Batman
ain't afraid of no
stupid green rock.
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101. You wanna talk
stupid and green?
Copy !req
102. Let's talk about your face.
Copy !req
103. You did not just go there.
Copy !req
104. That is what
the God's given me.
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