1. Yo, yo, yo! Guess who just
took a trip to the mug store!
Copy !req
2. Yeah! All right!
Copy !req
3. We got mugs up in here
Copy !req
4. for everyone!
Copy !req
5. Ha!
Copy !req
6. Ooh! The teeny, tiniest
Copy !req
7. little mug kitten
Copy !req
8. is so the cute!
Copy !req
9. BFF mugs!
Copy !req
10. - Huh...
- What's wrong, bro?
Copy !req
11. I thought plain,
boring, white mugs
were your favorite.
Copy !req
12. Well, they are
quite practical
Copy !req
13. and a respectable choice,
Copy !req
14. but I've always wanted
Copy !req
15. one of those fancy
Copy !req
16. "Number One Dad" mugs.
Copy !req
17. That's cool.
We'll just head back
to the mug store
Copy !req
18. and buy you one.
Copy !req
19. What? No! You can't just buy
a "Number One Dad" mug.
Copy !req
20. You have to earn it
by becoming a super dad!
Copy !req
21. But that'll never happen
Copy !req
22. because I don't have a family.
Copy !req
23. Stop! Fine!
Copy !req
24. I'll use my magic
to turn us into a family
Copy !req
25. so you can get
your stupid mug.
Copy !req
26. Yeah! Like one of those
classic sitcoms
Copy !req
27. with the laugh tracks...
Copy !req
28. Catchy theme song...
Copy !req
29. And the nosy, yet
insightful neighbor.
Copy !req
30. Wow.
Copy !req
31. You guys would be
willing to do that?
Copy !req
32. Sure. It's not like
we've got anything
better to do.
Copy !req
33. Azarath Metrion Zinthos.
Copy !req
34. I hate technology.
Copy !req
35. I can never find
any of my emails
Copy !req
36. on this stupid thing.
Copy !req
37. They right there
on the screen, Grandma.
Copy !req
38. Oh, right, right,
right, right, right.
Copy !req
39. What's the screen?
Copy !req
40. Good morning, family.
Copy !req
41. Did anyone save me
a pancake?
Copy !req
42. - You can have this one.
- Mmm!
Copy !req
43. It fell in the garbage.
Copy !req
44. So, Star,
Copy !req
45. how's the tenth grade?
Copy !req
46. I am in
the eleventh grade, Father.
Copy !req
47. - Since when?
- Since the beginning of the school year.
Copy !req
48. Son, how's class going
for you?
Copy !req
49. My teacher wants me
to give a report
Copy !req
50. on what my father does
for a living.
Copy !req
51. That should be easy,
Copy !req
52. 'cause your father don't do nothing.
Copy !req
53. I wouldn't say "nothing."
Copy !req
54. I've got a few irons
in the fire.
Copy !req
55. Good one.
Copy !req
56. If your father spent
half as much time
getting a job
Copy !req
57. as he does on the toilet,
Copy !req
58. we could finally afford
to move out of this dump.
Copy !req
59. You know, Raven,
it's too bad you didn't marry
your old flame, Aqualad.
Copy !req
60. You could have been
undersea royalty
Copy !req
61. instead of being stuck
with this deadbeat.
Copy !req
62. I'm not a deadbeat!
Copy !req
63. Oh, really? Then why
haven't you done the dishes?
Copy !req
64. I don't need to do the dishes.
Copy !req
65. There's still a tiny bit
of counter space.
Copy !req
66. What about helping the kids
with their homework?
Copy !req
67. They don't need my help.
They're getting straight D's.
Copy !req
68. Well, you could at least
take out the trash.
Copy !req
69. I tried to, honey,
Copy !req
70. but your mother
refuses to leave.
Copy !req
71. Ow!
Copy !req
72. Come on, Robin.
Copy !req
73. You have to start
pulling your weight
around here.
Copy !req
74. Okay, okay!
Will you get off my back?
Copy !req
75. And where do you think
you're going?
Copy !req
76. Outside, to talk to Thompson.
Copy !req
77. I don't trust that man
one bit.
Copy !req
78. The way he hides his face
all the time,
Copy !req
79. I bet he's a monster.
Copy !req
80. You think everyone's a monster.
Copy !req
81. Of course I do, I'm old!
Copy !req
82. Pfft! Hey, Thompson.
Copy !req
83. Howdy,
hi, there, good neighbor.
What's wrong?
Copy !req
84. Ugh, it's my family.
Copy !req
85. They're jumping all over me
because they think
I'm a deadbeat.
Copy !req
86. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Copy !req
87. At this rate,
I'm never gonna get
that "Number One Dad" mug.
Copy !req
88. Then you might
wanna take a page from
the ancient Mesopotamians.
Copy !req
89. In their culture,
Copy !req
90. the father figures
were highly respected
Copy !req
91. because they took the time
Copy !req
92. to attend
to their family's needs.
Copy !req
93. So, what you're saying is
Copy !req
94. if I wanna become
a Number One Super Dad,
Copy !req
95. then I need to spend
more time with my family
Copy !req
96. like the messy-potato-mans?
Copy !req
97. You got it.
Copy !req
98. Then that's just what I'll do.
Copy !req
99. Thanks for the advice, Thompson.
Copy !req
100. The pleasure's all mine.
Copy !req
101. I enjoy having good neighbors.
Copy !req
102. Okay, son.
Copy !req
103. I know I've been
neglecting you lately,
Copy !req
104. so today,
I'm going to teach you
Copy !req
105. to ride this bicycle.
Copy !req
106. Oh, snaps! I can't waits
to ride it!
Copy !req
107. Wait! I wouldn't be
a super dad
Copy !req
108. if I didn't make you
wear a... helmet.
Copy !req
109. And don't forget
these elbow pads.
Copy !req
110. Now can I goes?
Copy !req
111. Nope, you still need
wrist guards
Copy !req
112. and some reflective gear.
Copy !req
113. Okay, okay, okay,
is we done now?
Copy !req
114. Almost.
Copy !req
115. You still need gloves,
safety goggles,
Copy !req
116. boots, a flashlight,
batteries, a map,
a first-aid kit,
Copy !req
117. emergency water,
a month's supply
of non-perishable food,
Copy !req
118. moist towelettes,
duct tape, a toolkit,
Copy !req
119. a defibrillator,
a life preserver,
and this inflatable raft
Copy !req
120. in case you get lost at sea.
Copy !req
121. Uh, is all this
necessary, Pops?
Copy !req
122. Yes, it's necessary.
Safety first!
Copy !req
123. Now, good luck!
Copy !req
124. Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Copy !req
125. Ooh, see? This is why
we wear safety gear.
Copy !req
126. Okay, sweetie.
Copy !req
127. While your mom and brother
Copy !req
128. are bonding
in the emergency room,
Copy !req
129. you and I are gonna do
some bonding of our own
by fixing this sink.
Copy !req
130. Joy! I love doing
the home repair.
Copy !req
131. Great, because you've got
the most important job of all.
Copy !req
132. I'm going to fix this sink,
Copy !req
133. and you're going to
watch me do it.
Copy !req
134. Now, toss me my tools.
Copy !req
135. I meant
hand them to me.
Copy !req
136. Let's see... that goes here...
Copy !req
137. this goes there, and...
Copy !req
138. Ta-da! Good as new.
Copy !req
139. Don't worry. I'm on top of it.
Copy !req
140. I think that's enough bonding
for today.
Copy !req
141. Dinner!
Copy !req
142. Wh-wh-wh-what?
Copy !req
143. Pops made us din-din.
Copy !req
144. Wow! What a pleasant surprise.
Copy !req
145. So, what are we
the having?
Copy !req
146. Vegetarian lasagna
made from scratch.
Copy !req
147. Ugh!
Copy !req
148. Mmm, mmm, mmm!
This is so good!
Copy !req
149. I feel like taking back
every nasty thing I've ever—
Copy !req
150. What's happening, yo?
Copy !req
151. My mom must be having
a bad reaction to the food.
Copy !req
152. What recipe did you use?
Copy !req
153. The one inside this cookbook.
Copy !req
154. That's not a cookbook!
Copy !req
155. That's my spellbook!
Copy !req
156. Ah! Have mercy!
Copy !req
157. The lasagna's possessed!
Copy !req
158. Run! Run!
Copy !req
159. Hey there, Thompson.
Copy !req
160. Hey, good neighbor.
Copy !req
161. So, tell me,
how'd it go?
Copy !req
162. Oh, terrible!
Copy !req
163. I tried spending more time
with my family,
Copy !req
164. but it only made things worse.
Copy !req
165. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Copy !req
166. You know, the great philosopher
Francis Bacon once said,
Copy !req
167. "There's no comparison
between that which is lost
by not succeeding
Copy !req
168. than that which is lost
by not trying."
Copy !req
169. That's one smart piece of bacon.
Copy !req
170. Did you hear that?
Copy !req
171. I didn't hear anything.
Copy !req
172. Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to get back
to my barbecue.
Copy !req
173. There it is again.
What's going on back there,
Copy !req
174. Thompson?
Copy !req
175. It's true. You are a monster!
Copy !req
176. I told you, dummy!
Copy !req
177. You moved next door
Copy !req
178. just so you could eat
my family?
Copy !req
179. That's right.
Copy !req
180. I enjoy having good neighbors.
Copy !req
181. Well, the only thing
you'll be enjoying now
is my fist!
Copy !req
182. Please. You can't stop me.
Copy !req
183. You can't even be
a decent father.
Copy !req
184. You're right.
Copy !req
185. I'm not cut out
to be a super dad.
Copy !req
186. No matter how hard I try,
Copy !req
187. I always manage
to screw things up.
Copy !req
188. But that is where
you are the wrong.
Copy !req
189. You ain't gots to be perfect
to be a super daddy.
Copy !req
190. All you have to do is try.
Copy !req
191. And that's what makes you...
Copy !req
192. A super dad!
Copy !req
193. Ooh!
Copy !req
194. No!
Copy !req
195. You saved us, Father!
Copy !req
196. And you finally earned
that sweet, sweet mug
you've always wanted.
Copy !req
197. I love you guys.
Copy !req
198. And I promise
that nothing is going to
break this family apart.
Copy !req
199. Aqualad?
Copy !req
200. What's he doing here?
Copy !req
201. I'm sorry, Robin,
but we're leaving you
Copy !req
202. to start a brand-new life
Copy !req
203. under the sea.
Copy !req
204. You can't leave me.
I'll be all alone!
Copy !req
205. No, you won't.
Copy !req
206. You can still live
with my mother.
Copy !req
207. Hmph!
Copy !req