1. Ah!
Copy !req
2. That's right.
Johnny Rancid's back.
Copy !req
3. Victims, meet
my dog Rex.
Copy !req
4. Rex, meet lunch.
Copy !req
5. Run for your lives.
Copy !req
6. Run from my doggy.
Copy !req
7. We're shutting you down,
Copy !req
8. And your little dog too.
Copy !req
9. Anybody got a gigantic
rolled up newspaper?
Copy !req
10. Rex, sic 'em!
Copy !req
11. Teen Titans!
Copy !req
12. Titans, go!
Copy !req
13. Hah!
Copy !req
14. Ahh!
Copy !req
15. Ugh!
Copy !req
16. Smooth move, bird boy.
Copy !req
17. My dog is kicking your...
Copy !req
18. Starfire, Raven,
let him have it!
Copy !req
19. Aahh!
Copy !req
20. Whoa!
Copy !req
21. Down, boy.
Copy !req
22. Heel! Heel!
Copy !req
23. On my world,
such a pet
Copy !req
24. would merely be
considered playful.
Copy !req
25. Then let's play.
Copy !req
26. Whoa!
Copy !req
27. Fetch.
Copy !req
28. Beast Boy,
where's Johnny?
Copy !req
29. Um. I thought
you had him?
Copy !req
30. Ok, team,
Copy !req
31. Johnny Rancid's
still on the loose.
Copy !req
32. I'll check the scanners,
while... Huh?
Copy !req
33. Oh, dude.
Copy !req
34. There was a party,
and we were not invited?
Copy !req
35. A party?
More like a tornado.
Copy !req
36. A tornado with teeth.
Copy !req
37. Who's been chewing
on my game station?
Copy !req
38. I'll track down Rancid.
Copy !req
39. You guys track down...
Copy !req
40. whatever
did this.
Copy !req
41. Sensors aren't picking up anything but a few bugs.
Copy !req
42. Any of y'all got a clue
what we're supposed to look for?
Copy !req
43. No.
Copy !req
44. Me?
Copy !req
45. No.
Copy !req
46. Why would I?
Copy !req
47. Aahh!
I saw a tentacle!
Copy !req
48. Move!
Copy !req
49. Eek!
Copy !req
50. What is the meaning of...
Copy !req
51. You gotta help me.
Copy !req
52. I know who trashed
the tower.
Copy !req
53. You do?
Copy !req
54. And we can't
let anybody find him.
Copy !req
55. Okay. Remember when
Killer Moth
Copy !req
56. made an army of
mutant moths
Copy !req
57. and forced Robin to take
his daughter to prom?
Copy !req
58. He was like, "Nah. "
You were like, "Grr!"
Copy !req
59. Robin was like,
Copy !req
60. But then we found
Killer Moth.
Copy !req
61. And I was like, "Dude!"
And Raven was like, "Zzz!"
Copy !req
62. And Cyborg was like,
Copy !req
63. And we kicked his butt.
And the mutant moths
Copy !req
64. turned back into these
cute little wormy things?
Copy !req
65. Um... yes.
Copy !req
66. Well, even though
you guys told me not to,
Copy !req
67. I sort of kept
one of them as a pet.
Copy !req
68. Starfire, meet Silkie.
Copy !req
69. You gotta admit,
he's kind of cute.
Copy !req
70. In a beady-eyed,
maggoty sort of way.
Copy !req
71. Um...
Copy !req
72. You have to take care
of him for me.
Copy !req
73. I do?
Copy !req
74. It's just a matter
of time
Copy !req
75. before Cyborg and Raven
search my room.
Copy !req
76. If they find him, they'll
make me get rid of him.
Copy !req
77. They will?
Copy !req
78. Please.
It'll be our secret.
Copy !req
79. I do not like to
keep secrets from my friends.
Copy !req
80. Come on, Star.
I need you.
Copy !req
81. Silkie needs you.
Copy !req
82. But, but...
Copy !req
83. Eww.
Copy !req
84. Oh.
Copy !req
85. Hello,
my little bungorph.
Copy !req
86. They're coming.
Copy !req
87. Get out of here.
Copy !req
88. Hello,
Beast Boy.
Copy !req
89. Mind if we have
a look around?
Copy !req
90. Come on in.
I have nothing to hide.
Copy !req
91. Oh, weep not,
small one.
Copy !req
92. Your kenorfka Starfire
is here
Copy !req
93. to attend
your every need.
Copy !req
94. You are too warm?
Copy !req
95. Too cold?
Copy !req
96. Have you the gas?
Copy !req
97. Oh. What
troubles you?
Copy !req
98. Perhaps you require
a bath?
Copy !req
99. Ah. You are hungry.
Copy !req
100. Please,
what do silkies eat?
Copy !req
101. Fruit?
Copy !req
102. Cereal?
Copy !req
103. Toast?
Copy !req
104. Candy? Celery? Steak?
Copy !req
105. Nachos? Mustard? Rutabaga?
Copy !req
106. Tofu?
Copy !req
107. Oh. You must
eat something.
Copy !req
108. Ah! Zorka
Copy !req
109. No creature can resist
the delicious bitterness
Copy !req
110. of zorka berries
from my home planet, Tamaran.
Copy !req
111. Mm.
Copy !req
112. Good Silkie.
Copy !req
113. You may consume
your fill
Copy !req
114. while Starfire
obtains a fresh blankie.
Copy !req
115. Silkie?
Copy !req
116. My little bungorph.
Copy !req
117. Why are you
so big?
Copy !req
118. The zorka berries.
Copy !req
119. My alien food
has caused you
Copy !req
120. to mutate
even further.
Copy !req
121. Yes. More burping now, please.
Copy !req
122. You must un-eat the berries
and regain your smallness
Copy !req
123. before Cyborg and Raven
come to search my...
Copy !req
124. Ooh!
Copy !req
125. Friends.
Copy !req
126. There is something
with which I can help you?
Copy !req
127. You're supposed to be
helping us
Copy !req
128. find our
mysterious houseguest.
Copy !req
129. We turned the tower
upside down.
Copy !req
130. Only place
we haven't checked is...
Copy !req
131. My room...
Copy !req
132. need not be
Copy !req
133. I have examined it
Copy !req
134. and there is
no sign of...
Copy !req
135. Please. You must not...
Copy !req
136. see my dwelling
in this condition.
Copy !req
137. It is very messy.
Copy !req
138. This is messy?
Copy !req
139. Girl, have you seen
Beast Boy's room?
Copy !req
140. So you and
the curtains
Copy !req
141. had some sort of
Copy !req
142. Uh, yes.
Copy !req
143. Today is Gorb-Gorb,
Copy !req
144. the Tamaranian festival
of berating drapery.
Copy !req
145. Stupid curtains!
Copy !req
146. Aliens.
Copy !req
147. Well, there's
nothing here.
Copy !req
148. Guess we'll have to
split up
Copy !req
149. and start
the search over again.
Copy !req
150. Your thinking
is good.
Copy !req
151. Please proceed.
I shall join you shortly.
Copy !req
152. Phew.
Copy !req
153. Silkie.
Copy !req
154. Silkie. Where have you...
Copy !req
155. gone?
Copy !req
156. Here, Silkie.
Copy !req
157. Here, Silkie, Silkie.
Copy !req
158. Your kenorfka
wishes to locate you.
Copy !req
159. Starfire?
Copy !req
160. Um... where's
the sofa?
Copy !req
161. Uh...
Copy !req
162. your earthly ways
are strange.
Copy !req
163. Please, what is
this so-fa
Copy !req
164. of which
you speak?
Copy !req
165. Bye.
Copy !req
166. Man, whatever this thing is,
it's wasting my time.
Copy !req
167. There's nothing
in here... Huh?
Copy !req
168. Cyborg.
Copy !req
169. Aw, man.
Copy !req
170. Give me my foot
so I can kick your butt!
Copy !req
171. Whoa! Ooh!
Copy !req
172. Aahh! Aahh!
Copy !req
173. Azarath, Metrion...
Copy !req
174. No! Stop!
Copy !req
175. Do not harm Silkie.
He is my bungorph.
Copy !req
176. Starfire?
Copy !req
177. What's
a bungorph?
Copy !req
178. That's Silkie?
Copy !req
179. Dude, what have you
been feeding him?
Copy !req
180. Silkie is a mutant monster
Copy !req
181. created by the evil
Killer Moth.
Copy !req
182. But that does not make him
a bad mutant monster.
Copy !req
183. He attacked
Copy !req
184. He ate my best leg.
Copy !req
185. And I am sure
he is very sorry for that.
Copy !req
186. Hey!
Copy !req
187. What?
Copy !req
188. I'm not the one
who fed him
Copy !req
189. radioactive
space berries.
Copy !req
190. I'm sorry, Starfire,
but he has to go.
Copy !req
191. No, Silkie. It is not
time for a bath.
Copy !req
192. It is time...
Copy !req
193. for me
to leave you.
Copy !req
194. This is your new home.
Copy !req
195. You will be happy.
Copy !req
196. No one will harm you.
Copy !req
197. And there are
many strange objects
Copy !req
198. for you to ingest.
Copy !req
199. Oh.
Copy !req
200. Farewell, my beloved Silkie.
Copy !req
201. No. I am
very sorry...
Copy !req
202. but you must not follow.
Copy !req
203. No.
Copy !req
204. Please.
Copy !req
205. I cannot stay.
Copy !req
206. You must...
Copy !req
207. let me go.
Copy !req
208. Oh, forgive me.
Copy !req
209. Trust me, Johnny. This won't seem funny
Copy !req
210. when you're
paying for it in jail.
Copy !req
211. You're the one who's
gonna pay, bird boy.
Copy !req
212. You losers trashed my dog,
Copy !req
213. so I went out
and got me a monster.
Copy !req
214. Silkie?
Copy !req
215. Say hello to Rexzilla.
Copy !req
216. Destroy!
Copy !req
217. Whoa!
Copy !req
218. Silkie!
Copy !req
219. His name is Larva M319,
Copy !req
220. and he belongs to me...
Copy !req
221. Killer Moth.
Copy !req
222. Starfire!
Copy !req
223. I must say,
Copy !req
224. you took excellent care of M319.
Copy !req
225. What have you been
feeding him?
Copy !req
226. He is called Silkie.
Copy !req
227. I created him. I tracked him down.
Copy !req
228. I'll call him
whatever I please.
Copy !req
229. And as for food,
Copy !req
230. I guess I'll just
have to feed him you.
Copy !req
231. Silkie, no!
Copy !req
232. Huh?
Copy !req
233. You like my leg?
Well, chew on this.
Copy !req
234. Ugh!
Copy !req
235. Fly, you worthless
maggot. Fly!
Copy !req
236. Starfire, now.
Copy !req
237. Aah!
Copy !req
238. Ah!
Copy !req
239. Aah!
Copy !req
240. Robin.
Copy !req
241. I must help my friends.
Copy !req
242. Even if it means
harming my Silkie.
Copy !req
243. Ha!
Copy !req
244. Aahh!
Copy !req
245. M319, come.
Copy !req
246. No, Silkie.
He is evil.
Copy !req
247. You belong with your kenorfka.
Copy !req
248. You belong with me.
Copy !req
249. Here, Silkie, Silkie.
Copy !req
250. Here, my sweet
little mutant.
Copy !req
251. Um...
Copy !req
252. here, Larva M319.
Copy !req
253. Come to... Papa.
Copy !req
254. Oh, Silkie.
Copy !req
255. Starfire has
a big hug for you.
Copy !req
256. Hey, big fella.
Copy !req
257. Did Killer Moth
create you in a lab?
Copy !req
258. Yes, he did.
Yes, he did.
Copy !req
259. Here, Silkie.
Larva M319,
Copy !req
260. Larva M319,
I am your father.
Copy !req
261. Come to Starfire...
Copy !req
262. Larva M319, er...
Copy !req
263. join me, and together
we shall
Copy !req
264. go on a picnic
of some sort.
Copy !req
265. Here, Silkie...
Larva M319...
Copy !req
266. Uhh. I got eaten.
Copy !req
267. So nasty.
Copy !req
268. Sweet! My leg.
Copy !req
269. Huh?
Copy !req
270. Silkie?
Copy !req
271. Silkie!
Copy !req
272. Oh, hello,
my little bungorph.
Copy !req
273. He wasn't mutating.
Copy !req
274. He was just...
Copy !req
275. Fascinating.
Copy !req
276. Can we
go home now?
Copy !req
277. I need a shower
in the worst way.
Copy !req
278. All right. He can stay.
Copy !req
279. Yay!
Copy !req
280. As long as you don't
give him
Copy !req
281. any more alien food.
Copy !req
282. But I do not know
what else to feed him.
Copy !req
283. Eww!
Copy !req
284. Oh!
Copy !req
285. Eww!
Copy !req
286. Oh, it tastes
just like zorka berries.
Copy !req
287. Mm!
Copy !req
288. Shouldn't we maybe
try to stop her?
Copy !req
289. That stuff's gotta
get cleaned up somehow.
Copy !req
290. Delicious.
Copy !req
291. Mm.
Copy !req
292. Mm.
Copy !req