1. People I'd love to kill.
Copy !req
2. Oh, can I just give you that?
Copy !req
3. Donna from the Minimarket
Copy !req
4. for suddenly being
all too fucking happy to help.
Copy !req
5. Grief tourists.
Copy !req
6. Especially ones who sing.
Copy !req
7. The people of Carnsham
for their community spirit.
Copy !req
8. My sister
Copy !req
9. for not getting the hint
when I leave her on "read".
Copy !req
10. Myself, for wanting
to be a reporter.
Copy !req
11. Julia Blenkingsopp...
Copy !req
12. for having
an abusive fiancé,
Copy !req
13. complicating everything,
Copy !req
14. and still being
in my fucking garage.
Copy !req
15. Drink.
Copy !req
16. Okay.
Copy !req
17. How long are you gonna
keep me here for?
Copy !req
18. I'm not gonna keep you here,
I'm gonna kill you.
Copy !req
19. - So, why haven't you?
- Shut up!
Copy !req
20. Okay, I need to think
and I can't with you going on,
Copy !req
21. so just be quiet!
Copy !req
22. I need to eat!
Copy !req
23. I'm not a fucking Deliveroo.
Copy !req
24. I'll starve to death!
Copy !req
25. No, you won't.
Copy !req
26. 'Cause where's the fun in that?
Copy !req
27. - Ma'am.
- Ah!
Copy !req
28. I was just gonna come
and find you.
Copy !req
29. Oh?
Copy !req
30. I'm not gonna pay you back
for that top.
Copy !req
31. I want to return it.
Copy !req
32. Only wore it once, though,
so... should be fine.
Copy !req
33. Oh, okay.
Copy !req
34. I actually wanted
to run a theory by you, ma'am.
Copy !req
35. Okay.
Copy !req
36. I think the murders are linked
to the missing person.
Copy !req
37. Why?
Copy !req
38. Because Rhiannon Lewis did it.
Copy !req
39. All! All of it!
Copy !req
40. That tiny woman we interviewed?
Copy !req
41. Yeah, she was at the club
Copy !req
42. the night that Ryan Lloyd
was murdered,
Copy !req
43. with a friend.
Copy !req
44. They argued, and then she left
around the time of his death.
Copy !req
45. Now that friend is missing.
Copy !req
46. It's Julia Blenkingsopp,
Copy !req
47. And Rhiannon knows
she's missing
Copy !req
48. before the fiancé
even reports it!
Copy !req
49. It's weird, isn't it?
It is weird.
Copy !req
50. What about the Mike Roberts
stabbing, the second murder?
Copy !req
51. She was at The Bell
Copy !req
52. the night he was there
doing karaoke.
Copy !req
53. She did "Roar" by Katy Perry.
Copy !req
54. "Baby Got Back"
by Sir Mix-a-Lot, every time.
Copy !req
55. Guaranteed crowd-pleaser.
Copy !req
56. Look, I'd...
Copy !req
57. I'd really like to look further
into this misper, ma'am.
Copy !req
58. You should.
Copy !req
59. Wasn't Blenkingsopp's fiancé
also at the club
Copy !req
60. the night that Ryan Lloyd
was killed?
Copy !req
61. And he didn't report the misper
until the article came out,
Copy !req
62. which is weird.
Copy !req
63. That is weird,
Copy !req
64. not two school friends having
a barney on the dance floor
Copy !req
65. after too much white wine.
Copy !req
66. And... it is always
the boyfriend, isn't it?
Copy !req
67. It is!
I want you to start there.
Copy !req
68. But I just have
this feeling, ma'am.
Copy !req
69. Nobody notices Lewis.
Copy !req
70. Like, she wants them to,
but they don't.
Copy !req
71. And now I'm like, "Is this a way
of making them notice?"
Copy !req
72. Mm.
Copy !req
73. It's not enough.
Copy !req
74. Go see the fiancé. I want to
see what's going on there.
Copy !req
75. Oh, and, uh...
oh I lost the receipt
Copy !req
76. so they're gonna have
to give you store credit.
Copy !req
77. - Bon appétit!
- Thanks!
Copy !req
78. Marcus won't stop
looking for me.
Copy !req
79. Well, I hope
he's not squeamish.
Copy !req
80. 'Cause you'll be dead
when he finds you.
Copy !req
81. I don't believe you.
Copy !req
82. I didn't mean
what I said about him.
Copy !req
83. Which part?
Copy !req
84. The part about him being
a monster or you deserving it?
Copy !req
85. 'Cause they both sound about
Copy !req
86. He's been under
a lot of pressure
Copy !req
87. doing up this place
on the edge of town.
Copy !req
88. He got it for me.
Copy !req
89. Wow! Aren't you lucky?
Copy !req
90. Shall I bury you
under the patio, or...?
Copy !req
91. There's something wrong
with you.
Copy !req
92. And whose fault is that?
Copy !req
93. If you say a single word,
Copy !req
94. I will kill whoever is
at that door and then you!
Copy !req
95. Understand?
Copy !req
96. Yeah... Yes!
Copy !req
97. Hi!
Copy !req
98. - Hey!
- Hey!
Copy !req
99. Uh, Norman sent me. He wants
to check if you're okay.
Copy !req
100. I texted him.
I said I was sick.
Copy !req
101. Yeah, you haven't been answering
his calls, so he was worried.
Copy !req
102. Well, the whole point
of saying it's women's problems
Copy !req
103. is no one asks questions.
Copy !req
104. Well, I think
he's just stressed
Copy !req
105. 'cause the whole Julia story
is blowing up.
Copy !req
106. The search party tomorrow?
I mean, Jeff's all over it.
Copy !req
107. No one wants
Jeff all over anything.
Copy !req
108. I dunno. He thinks
he's got something good.
Copy !req
109. He's been chatting
with the fiancé.
Copy !req
110. Really?
Copy !req
111. So... Sorry,
what- what am I telling Norman?
Copy !req
112. Uh...
Copy !req
113. Uh, just tell him
I'll be in tomorrow.
Copy !req
114. - Sure.
- Thanks for checking on me.
Copy !req
115. Well, like I said,
it was Norman, so...
Copy !req
116. Yeah...
Copy !req
117. Sure!
Copy !req
118. Yeah, it actually was, though.
Copy !req
119. Yeah!
Copy !req
120. Are we... Okay?
Copy !req
121. Yeah, of course.
Copy !req
122. I... I felt kind of weird about
how we left things at the pub,
Copy !req
123. and...
Copy !req
124. Is there...?
Copy !req
125. - Is there someone in...?
- No!
Copy !req
126. - There- there's no one there.
- Yeah, no, I... got it.
Copy !req
127. It's the radio.
Copy !req
128. You don't have to explain
yourself to me. It's, um...
Copy !req
129. yeah, I know you're with Craig,
Copy !req
130. It's fine. We're friends.
Copy !req
131. - I told you!
- It was an accident.
Copy !req
132. I thought you didn't want them.
Copy !req
133. There's a search party?
Copy !req
134. No, there's not.
Copy !req
135. I'm still hungry.
Copy !req
136. You are just so...
Copy !req
137. Where are the scissors?
Copy !req
138. Argh! Uh...!
Copy !req
139. Just give up!
Copy !req
140. People are looking for me.
I heard!
Copy !req
141. The police will be onto you!
Copy !req
142. The police don't have
a fucking clue!
Copy !req
143. I'm writing articles about you
like a fucking hero!
Copy !req
144. Why'd you have
to come back here?
Copy !req
145. I was doing fine without you!
Copy !req
146. No, you weren't.
You said it yourself.
Copy !req
147. Your life got better
when you brought me here.
Copy !req
148. Maybe you should thank me!
Copy !req
149. Yeah, thanks for making me
feel so sub-human at school
Copy !req
150. that I wanted to kill you!
Copy !req
151. Oh, right!
Copy !req
152. Don't push me!
Copy !req
153. Oh, for fuck's sake!
Copy !req
154. Rory?
Copy !req
155. Thought you might
like to know.
Copy !req
156. We found Julia's car.
Copy !req
157. - The tires were slashed.
- Where is it?
Copy !req
158. Some builder's yard
on Denley Bridge.
Copy !req
159. Tommy's Transformation's.
Copy !req
160. CSI are there now.
Copy !req
161. I'm heading over
after I walk the dog.
Copy !req
162. Don't worry. I'm on it!
Copy !req
163. It's your own fault.
Copy !req
164. You sound like Marcus.
Copy !req
165. I am nothing like him!
Copy !req
166. You are exactly like him.
Copy !req
167. Put me through a glass door
last time I tried to leave him.
Copy !req
168. He hurts me, so do you.
Copy !req
169. He won't let me go.
Copy !req
170. Neither will you.
Copy !req
171. No, because what he's doing
is bullying.
Copy !req
172. And I protect people
from bullies, so...
Copy !req
173. And where do I fit
in all that?
Copy !req
174. I don't know!
Copy !req
175. I don't know.
You're ruining it all.
Copy !req
176. So, you didn't see Julia?
Copy !req
177. No! No, I mean,
I'd um, I'd gone home by then,
Copy !req
178. so I- I didn't see anything.
Copy !req
179. Yeah, same.
I had badminton.
Copy !req
180. Right.
Copy !req
181. Is that my apple?
Copy !req
182. Would I be eating your apple?
Copy !req
183. - Uh, no...
- Well?
Copy !req
184. OK, so, is there a chance
that someone else
Copy !req
185. could have let themselves in
later for any reason?
Copy !req
186. It's just I had an apple
just like that.
Copy !req
187. A Pink Lady, bruv.
Copy !req
188. And they only made one,
did they?
Copy !req
189. - Yeah, but it just looks-
- Mate, can you just-
Copy !req
190. - Excuse me!
- Yes, love?
Copy !req
191. Can I have a look
inside the office?
Copy !req
192. Oh...
Copy !req
193. We should probably ask
Tommy's daughter.
Copy !req
194. What is her name? Rina?
Copy !req
195. - Oh, um... Rhian
- Rhianna!
Copy !req
196. Tommy's daughter
is Rhiannon Lewis?
Copy !req
197. - Oh!
- Ah!
Copy !req
198. Yeah, something like that!
Copy !req
199. I'll- I'll be five minutes.
I'll be really quick.
Copy !req
200. Sure, yeah.
Go for it, then!
Copy !req
201. Thank you.
Copy !req
202. Uh, whose desk is this?
Copy !req
203. Uh... Craig's.
Copy !req
204. And your uh, CCTV?
Copy !req
205. There. Uh...
it's on the USB stick.
Copy !req
206. Shit.
Copy !req
207. Fuck.
Copy !req
208. Thanks.
Copy !req
209. Why did you do all that stuff
to me at school?
Copy !req
210. There wasn't just one reason.
Copy !req
211. What am I?
Like a pick 'n' mix of tragedy?
Copy !req
212. Choose one.
Copy !req
213. I don't know.
Copy !req
214. I felt... shit...
Copy !req
215. about myself, so I made you
feel shit about yourself,
Copy !req
216. and it made me feel better,
end of!
Copy !req
217. Oh!
Copy !req
218. Sorry, that just...
Copy !req
219. - No!
- What?
Copy !req
220. No, it has to mean more.
Copy !req
221. This isn't
some big ta-da moment
Copy !req
222. where you find out
Copy !req
223. some monumental truth
about yourself.
Copy !req
224. I was a teenager
being a fucking twat.
Copy !req
225. That's all.
Copy !req
226. When I think
about the stuff I did...
Copy !req
227. I feel sick.
Copy !req
228. I hate myself.
Copy !req
229. I'm...
Copy !req
230. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
231. You took everything from me.
Copy !req
232. You had your dad.
Copy !req
233. You were loved.
Copy !req
234. I didn't have that.
Copy !req
235. You don't have to be
such a victim all the time.
Copy !req
236. Well, I do
'cause you made me one.
Copy !req
237. I just think it's a pretty
convenient narrative
Copy !req
238. you keep telling yourself,
Copy !req
239. so you could do
whatever the fuck you like.
Copy !req
240. Oh, you think I chose this?
Copy !req
241. Ta-da!
Copy !req
242. Oh...
Copy !req
243. - What?
- No, uh...
Copy !req
244. You look very nice.
Copy !req
245. I could...
Copy !req
246. help you if you want.
Copy !req
247. Okay, this is not your shade.
Copy !req
248. Actually, anyone's.
Bin it.
Copy !req
249. I got it free
with a magazine, so...
Copy !req
250. Bin anything
you got free with a magazine!
Copy !req
251. With hazel eyes
you want warm colors, so...
Copy !req
252. bronze, amber, light pinks,
that sort of thing.
Copy !req
253. Here.
Copy !req
254. You going to see
that guy from earlier?
Copy !req
255. No.
Copy !req
256. Craig, actually.
Copy !req
257. Marcus wouldn't let me
out of the house
Copy !req
258. without a full face on.
Copy !req
259. He made me eat a lipstick once
Copy !req
260. because I forgot to reapply.
Copy !req
261. Uh... keep your eyes open.
Copy !req
262. Imagine how different
things would be
Copy !req
263. if we were friends in school.
Copy !req
264. What, you think
you could have saved me?
Copy !req
265. That's not what I meant.
Copy !req
266. Yeah, it is.
Copy !req
267. Maybe I could have saved you.
Copy !req
268. I wish there was a way
to save us both.
Copy !req
269. Here we go.
Copy !req
270. You can cook?
Copy !req
271. Well, I mean,
I can open a packet.
Copy !req
272. Mm!
Copy !req
273. No... Wow!
Copy !req
274. You can cook!
Copy !req
275. - Yeah?
- Yeah!
Copy !req
276. Mm!
Copy !req
277. You know, I never done
couscous before.
Copy !req
278. I just, like,
banged it in the oven
Copy !req
279. with a couple cherry tomatoes
and just left it.
Copy !req
280. It's all right.
Copy !req
281. Quite crunchy.
Copy !req
282. No, it's... it's great.
Copy !req
283. - It's really, um... creative.
- Mm.
Copy !req
284. Look, you know
the other night I saw you
Copy !req
285. at the site with Julia?
Copy !req
286. Yeah, can you believe
the police wanna talk to me?
Copy !req
287. Honestly, I just need to look
at a copper and I feel guilty.
Copy !req
288. It's like when I'm walking
and I know people are watching,
Copy !req
289. I just- I walk weird.
Copy !req
290. Look, I was supposed to be
at this work event,
Copy !req
291. and I lied to my boss, so...
Copy !req
292. no one can know
I was there that night.
Copy !req
293. All right? Like...
Copy !req
294. Not your friends
or the guys from work or...
Copy !req
295. especially the police, 'cause...
Copy !req
296. you know, The Gazette has
contacts down at the station.
Copy !req
297. - No one.
- Okay.
Copy !req
298. Only if I can get a kiss.
Copy !req
299. Open the cards from
the community center.
Copy !req
300. People are leaving from there.
Copy !req
301. Everyone's talking about it.
Copy !req
302. It might make the nationals!
Copy !req
303. Hey! Rhiannon!
Copy !req
304. Thank God you're back.
Copy !req
305. Just in time
to make Julia's search party.
Copy !req
306. Everything okay... down there?
Copy !req
307. Yeah... Uh, good.
Fine, thanks.
Copy !req
308. If I took time off every time
I had a woman problem,
Copy !req
309. I'd never be here.
Copy !req
310. So, as I was saying,
the search party...
Copy !req
311. I'd like an in-depth article
on Julia.
Copy !req
312. Her likes, her dislikes,
Copy !req
313. what she does
in her spare time...
Copy !req
314. I want to know everything.
Copy !req
315. AJ, I want you there, too.
Copy !req
316. Additional reporting.
Copy !req
317. She was an attractive lass.
Copy !req
318. I'd expect a big turnout.
Copy !req
319. Oh, God!
Copy !req
320. Don't tell me
you two have finally had sex.
Copy !req
321. Ooh!
Copy !req
322. Don't you have an article
about recycling bins
Copy !req
323. to be writing, Jeff?
Copy !req
324. No.
Copy !req
325. Got something far better, actually.
Copy !req
326. - What are you working on, then?
- Wouldn't you like to know!
Copy !req
327. Yeah, I would.
That's why I asked.
Copy !req
328. Well, I'm just figuring out
what to do with it.
Copy !req
329. But it's pretty big!
Copy !req
330. Just tell me, Jeff!
Copy !req
331. Julia's fiancé gave me
some intel about you.
Copy !req
332. Someone's been a naughty girl.
Copy !req
333. You're really worried,
aren't you?
Copy !req
334. - You fuck...!
- Norman? Rhiannon's asked
Copy !req
335. for someone with a little bit
more experience
Copy !req
336. to go with her to the search
party, so I've said yes.
Copy !req
337. You know, pay it forward
and all that. Oh!
Copy !req
338. Where did we get to
Copy !req
339. with the DNA results
for the Mike Roberts murder?
Copy !req
340. Oh, the scene's a DNA nightmare.
Copy !req
341. Cigarette butts, food litter,
piss and stuff...
Copy !req
342. Amateurs!
Copy !req
343. They should try hoovering
my daughter's bedroom.
Copy !req
344. At this rate, Reddit'll
solve it before we do.
Copy !req
345. Uh, where did you get to
with Marcus?
Copy !req
346. Well, I was following
another lead.
Copy !req
347. Um...
at Tommy's Transformations
Copy !req
348. where Julia's car was found.
Copy !req
349. I found out something huge.
Copy !req
350. Guess who Tommy's daughter is.
Copy !req
351. Was. He died.
Copy !req
352. Rhiannon Lewis.
Copy !req
353. I'm like,
"Did she kill her dad, too?"
Copy !req
354. With me.
Copy !req
355. Good luck.
Copy !req
356. You live alone,
right, Marina?
Copy !req
357. - Uh, um...
- And you- you have a cat?
Copy !req
358. Yes.
Copy !req
359. Uh, let me guess.
Copy !req
360. You love your cat,
Copy !req
361. but your cat couldn't care less
about you.
Copy !req
362. It just comes in,
eats your food, does a shit,
Copy !req
363. maybe takes a nap
on your clean laundry.
Copy !req
364. Basically, it takes
whatever it wants from you
Copy !req
365. and then just pisses off again, right?
Copy !req
366. I guess. Yeah.
Copy !req
367. In this team, you're the cat.
Copy !req
368. - Okay.
- Stop being the cat.
Copy !req
369. Your colleagues aren't here
to feed you treats
Copy !req
370. or work around your instincts.
Copy !req
371. Sorry, ma'am.
Copy !req
372. Ooh!
Copy !req
373. Oh, fuck off!
Copy !req
374. She doesn't like
Copy !req
375. But I know I'm right.
Copy !req
376. Rhiannon! You made it.
Copy !req
377. And you brought someone.
Copy !req
378. - Hi!
- Hey!
Copy !req
379. - M'wah!
- M'wah!
Copy !req
380. - I'm Pidge.
- I'm AJ.
Copy !req
381. - Hi.
- Thanks for coming.
Copy !req
382. Yeah, of course.
It's for a good cause.
Copy !req
383. I keep thinking,
"What if we don't find her?
Copy !req
384. "What if that monster
did the same to her?"
Copy !req
385. So, where are you guys gonna
be searching today?
Copy !req
386. Well, we said the cycle path
through the meadows.
Copy !req
387. It's very remote,
easy to go missing.
Copy !req
388. So, she likes cycling?
Copy !req
389. Well, she has cycled.
Copy !req
390. Does- does she have a bike?
Copy !req
391. Yes. See?
Copy !req
392. - March 2018.
- It's a tandem.
Copy !req
393. Uh, sorry.
I just... I need...
Copy !req
394. Wait, no, we should do a post.
Over behind fake Julia!
Copy !req
395. Come on, Rhiannon.
You can be in it, too.
Copy !req
396. Oh.
Copy !req
397. Everyone say "Julia!"
Copy !req
398. Julia!
Copy !req
399. We'll tag you.
Copy !req
400. Uh, okay.
You don't have to.
Copy !req
401. See you later.
Copy !req
402. One for the grid.
Copy !req
403. Uh, sorry.
Detective Farrar.
Copy !req
404. I spoke to you on the phone.
Copy !req
405. Oh, you're doing a great job!
Copy !req
406. Well, no,
'cause they haven't found her,
Copy !req
407. so not a great job, actually.
Copy !req
408. Well, we're doing
everything that we can.
Copy !req
409. How long have you been friends?
Copy !req
410. - Since school.
- We call ourselves "SPLAJ".
Copy !req
411. Seren, Pidge, Lucille,
Annie... Julia.
Copy !req
412. Uh, what about Rhiannon?
Copy !req
413. Uh, we weren't really friends
with her then.
Copy !req
414. She was, like, really weird.
Copy !req
415. She wore this creepy little wig
Copy !req
416. 'cause she pulled out all her
Copy !req
417. She was like Weird Barbie.
Copy !req
418. Yeah, she was just
a bit anxious.
Copy !req
419. I always assumed
that she and Julia were close.
Copy !req
420. God, no!
Copy !req
421. She hated Julia!
Copy !req
422. She's been really helpful
since she went missing.
Copy !req
423. Yeah! She's the one
who suggested doing the article.
Copy !req
424. And it's so nice
seeing her with more hair.
Copy !req
425. Hey!
Copy !req
426. Lucille's just deep-liked
six of my pictures
Copy !req
427. and DM'd me a photo
of her in a bikini.
Copy !req
428. She's only been following me
for 40 seconds!
Copy !req
429. That's 'cause she's a bot.
Copy !req
430. Rhiannon!
Copy !req
431. It's nice
to bump into you again.
Copy !req
432. DC Farrar.
Copy !req
433. Yeah! I... I know.
Copy !req
434. - Uh, this is AJ, my colleague.
- Hey.
Copy !req
435. You- you guys here
in case the perp turns up
Copy !req
436. to check out his handiwork?
Copy !req
437. What makes you think
it's a him?
Copy !req
438. Uh...
Copy !req
439. And actually,
it's because of you.
Copy !req
440. Sorry?
Copy !req
441. That piece you did on Julia.
Copy !req
442. Yeah, we've had lots of people
calling in with information.
Copy !req
443. That's great!
Yeah, just... doing my job.
Copy !req
444. Yeah, sure, but...
Copy !req
445. I mean, it's really generous,
considering your history.
Copy !req
446. Mm... What history?
Copy !req
447. They went to school together.
Copy !req
448. Yeah, it's- it's really nice
of you to forget all that.
Copy !req
449. I mean, I- I don't think
I'd be so generous
Copy !req
450. to my childhood nemesis.
Copy !req
451. Lauren Perkins
can go fuck herself!
Copy !req
452. You didn't say anything.
Copy !req
453. It's a long time ago. So...
Copy !req
454. Are you still doing that?
Copy !req
455. Hello, everyone.
Copy !req
456. Thank you so much
for coming here today
Copy !req
457. and for being a part
of #FindJulia.
Copy !req
458. It means...
Copy !req
459. Uh, sorry, I have...
Copy !req
460. - Ow!
- Did you think it was clever
Copy !req
461. vandalising my home?
Copy !req
462. No, I... I...
Copy !req
463. How...?
Copy !req
464. Because you spilt coffee
on my chair
Copy !req
465. and stole from me,
you tiny freak!
Copy !req
466. You'd better
watch yourself, love,
Copy !req
467. I've been talking
to your friend, Jeff.
Copy !req
468. Yeah, that's right.
Copy !req
469. We're gonna get you fired!
Copy !req
470. Misconduct.
Copy !req
471. - Do you understand?
- Hey! What's going on?
Copy !req
472. Shall I get that police lady?
Copy !req
473. You alright?
Copy !req
474. - What was that about?
- Nothing!
Copy !req
475. Didn't look like nothing.
Copy !req
476. Why didn't you say
you knew Julia?
Copy !req
477. Because it's my lead, AJ!
Copy !req
478. Why are you always just there?
Copy !req
479. It's like
you're obsessed with me.
Copy !req
480. No, I just like you.
Copy !req
481. Jeff?
Copy !req
482. Jeff!
Copy !req
483. What...?
What were you gonna do?
Copy !req
484. Nothing.
Copy !req
485. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
486. It's you!
Copy !req
487. You killed those men.
Copy !req
488. No... No!
Copy !req
489. Jeff, I...
Copy !req
490. - I can explain. It's...
- Oh, my God!
Copy !req
491. - Oh...
- It... I can explain.
Copy !req
492. - Jeff!
- No!
Copy !req
493. Jeff! Wait!
Copy !req
494. Fuck!
Copy !req
495. Jeff!
Copy !req
496. Jeff! Stop!
Copy !req
497. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
498. Okay.
Copy !req
499. So, why didn't you tell anyone
Copy !req
500. that you saw Julia
the night she disappeared?
Copy !req
501. Well, look, she didn't want
her boyfriend to know
Copy !req
502. 'cause he's a bit,
you know... protective.
Copy !req
503. Not that
there's anything to know.
Copy !req
504. Well, what were you two up to?
Copy !req
505. I was just giving her a quote
on some renovations
Copy !req
506. for this house
that she's interested in, so...
Copy !req
507. Sunny Homes Estate?
Copy !req
508. No. No, it's, uh...
my girlfriend's place, actually.
Copy !req
509. Well, her dad's.
But, uh, he died.
Copy !req
510. Am I right in thinking
Copy !req
511. your girlfriend
is Rhiannon Lewis?
Copy !req
512. Yeah, um...
Copy !req
513. We've not had
the conversation yet, but, uh...
Copy !req
514. Yeah, it's going that way.
Copy !req
515. And Julia is buying her house?
Copy !req
516. That's a bit weird, isn't it?
Copy !req
517. Selling your childhood home
to your school bully.
Copy !req
518. What's she done, hm?
Copy !req
519. Prawns under the floorboards?
Left her a little poltergeist?
Copy !req
520. - Set up a boobytrap?
- You'll have to ask her, mate.
Copy !req
521. Detective.
Copy !req
522. And, uh... she didn't pop in
Copy !req
523. when you were there with Julia?
Copy !req
524. Have a drink?
Copy !req
525. No, it was-
it was just me and her.
Copy !req
526. A woman's life
is at stake here, Craig.
Copy !req
527. She left that night
and she didn't make it home.
Copy !req
528. If we find out that you've been
withholding information,
Copy !req
529. you could be in big trouble.
Copy !req
530. Someone slashed her tire.
Copy !req
531. Yeah, I know. It's...
Copy !req
532. You know it wasn't me, right?
Copy !req
533. I'd actually classify myself
as a feminist.
Copy !req
534. Marina?
Copy !req
535. I need your help with something.
Copy !req
536. I think I know
a way out of this.
Copy !req
537. And I'm like, "Why would
Rhiannon sell her house
Copy !req
538. "to Julia of all people?"
Copy !req
539. And then Julia disappears the
night she goes to discuss it.
Copy !req
540. When you said
you wanted help,
Copy !req
541. I thought it was moving a couch
or something,
Copy !req
542. not doorstepping a suspect.
Copy !req
543. Actually, a non-suspect.
Copy !req
544. Look, what if
Julia is in that house, hmm?
Copy !req
545. Some sort of sick revenge?
Copy !req
546. We could save her life.
Copy !req
547. We can't search the place
without a warrant.
Copy !req
548. Such a bad idea!
Copy !req
549. Framing him
for kidnap and murder?
Copy !req
550. It's a bit extreme!
Copy !req
551. Yeah, well, we're in a bit
of an extreme situation.
Copy !req
552. This is the only way.
Copy !req
553. I love him.
Copy !req
554. But he treats you like shit!
Copy !req
555. He can be... really sweet.
Copy !req
556. Really?
Copy !req
557. What did he get you
for Valentine's Day?
Copy !req
558. A tracker for your car?
Copy !req
559. A couple more stitches?
Copy !req
560. Julia, he's an abuser.
Copy !req
561. He deserves to be behind bars.
Copy !req
562. You said you wished there was
a way out of this for us both.
Copy !req
563. How would we do it,
Copy !req
564. Well, we would lure him
somewhere, right?
Copy !req
565. And then, um...
Copy !req
566. tie you up like you've been
there the whole time,
Copy !req
567. get him to touch the knife.
Copy !req
568. And then you keep him sweet
while I call the police.
Copy !req
569. We just need
to figure out where.
Copy !req
570. - Can't do it at yours.
- He'd never do it at ours
Copy !req
571. with all that white furniture.
Copy !req
572. We could do it at the new place,
Sunny Homes Estate.
Copy !req
573. It's a building site.
Copy !req
574. If we trip the alarm...
he'll come.
Copy !req
575. So, that means
we're doing this.
Copy !req
576. Okay. Yeah.
Copy !req
577. You'd better not fuck me,
Copy !req
578. I won't.
Copy !req
579. I want out.
Copy !req
580. - Fuck it!
- Hey! Hey! Hey! No!
Copy !req
581. - No, Rory, let me just...
- No! No!
Copy !req
582. - Rory, no, stop, please-
- No! Marina, no!
Copy !req
583. Car!
Copy !req
584. Thank you!
Copy !req
585. Julia! Julia, are you there?
This is the police!
Copy !req
586. That's not the way to do things,
Marina, come on!
Copy !req
587. Okay, that'll have to do.
Copy !req
588. This is mad.
Copy !req
589. Julia, you can do this!
Copy !req
590. Okay?
Copy !req
591. You have to do this!
Copy !req
592. Once I call the police from
your phone, they won't be long.
Copy !req
593. Hello?
Copy !req
594. Marcus?
Marcus, I'm in here.
Copy !req
595. Julia?
Copy !req
596. What the fuck?
Oh, my God!
Copy !req
597. - Are you okay?
- I'm so glad you're here.
Copy !req
598. Julia, what the fuck?
You've been tied up.
Copy !req
599. I-I think there's a knife
in that drawer.
Copy !req
600. A knife?
Copy !req
601. Who's done this to you?
Copy !req
602. Hurry,
before he comes back!
Copy !req
603. Who Julia?
Who is he?
Copy !req
604. My God!
Copy !req
605. It's okay, okay? You're safe
now. It's okay, darling.
Copy !req
606. Emergency services.
Which service do you require?
Copy !req
607. Just tell me
who the fuck he is!
Copy !req
608. Who? Who did this?
Copy !req
609. Uh... I...
I don't know, uh...
Copy !req
610. What do you mean,
you don't know?
Copy !req
611. Some man,
I- I didn't see his face.
Copy !req
612. - You must have seen-
- He was wearing a balaclava.
Copy !req
613. Did he hurt you?
Copy !req
614. Did he have sex with you?
Copy !req
615. He did, didn't he?
Copy !req
616. - Where did you do it?
- What are you doing, Marcus?
Copy !req
617. Where was it?
Copy !req
618. - I'll fucking kill him!
- What?
Copy !req
619. Where?
Copy !req
620. What are you looking for?
Copy !req
621. The sex!
Copy !req
622. What? There wasn't any!
Copy !req
623. I've been tied
to a radiator for days.
Copy !req
624. He's fucking ruined it!
He's... fucking ruined it!
Copy !req
625. Wait, are you jealous
Copy !req
626. because someone
kidnapped me, Marcus?
Copy !req
627. - Let me see.
- What?
Copy !req
628. Take it off.
Let me see! Let me see!
Copy !req
629. Stop it, Marcus!
Fucking stop!
Copy !req
630. Don't fucking push me!
Copy !req
631. You fucking loved it!
You loved it!
Copy !req
632. You bitch!
You fucking bitch!
Copy !req
633. - You fucking cunt!
- Let go of her!
Copy !req
634. What... What the fuck
are you doing here?
Copy !req
635. Julia, what's she doing here?
What's going on?
Copy !req
636. - Julia?
- It's over.
Copy !req
637. - What?
- I'm leaving you.
Copy !req
638. - No, no, baby, please...
- Don't touch her!
Copy !req
639. Sorry! I'm so sorry! I...
Copy !req
640. You know that's not me,
I'm just...
Copy !req
641. You do something primal to me,
you know that, Ju...
Copy !req
642. - Is it the house?
- What?
Copy !req
643. Do you not like the house?
Copy !req
644. I did this for you!
Copy !req
645. Look! It's the uh, chandelier
from Pinterest.
Copy !req
646. Uh, and the- the walls,
Copy !req
647. they're- they're the same color
as the- as the beach.
Copy !req
648. Our engagement in Mykonos.
Copy !req
649. The- the banister, I had it made
in- in oak and glass
Copy !req
650. because I know that
you don't like normal stairs.
Copy !req
651. I've spent weeks
making it nice for you,
Copy !req
652. and now- now you don't want it?
Copy !req
653. You're breaking my heart,
Copy !req
654. Fuck!
Copy !req
655. I love you!
Copy !req
656. I'm gonna throw myself off here.
Copy !req
657. No, you won't.
Copy !req
658. I'm just a carbon footprint
without you.
Copy !req
659. Please don't,
you'll hurt yourself.
Copy !req
660. Julia.
Copy !req
661. No one understands me
like you do, Julia.
Copy !req
662. I know, I know.
Copy !req
663. I didn't mean it.
I didn't mean it, okay?
Copy !req
664. I'm sorry. I just...
Please don't.
Copy !req
665. I'll come home, baby.
I love you.
Copy !req
666. I didn't mean it.
Copy !req
667. Please, baby, just...
don't jump. Okay?
Copy !req
668. Yeah, don't jump, Marcus!
Copy !req
669. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
670. Julia...
Copy !req
671. Look at me. Julia!
Copy !req
672. Julia, this is
what we're gonna say...
Copy !req
673. ]
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