1. Oh, my... Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck, fuck.
Copy !req
2. Okay...
Copy !req
3. Uh, Okay...
Copy !req
4. Oh, sorry, I was, uh...
Copy !req
5. Uh, sorry, I uh...
Copy !req
6. - What?
- No, nothing. Uh...
Copy !req
7. You look... Have you done
something different?
Copy !req
8. Like, to your hair
or... your face?
Copy !req
9. Oh, I-I brushed it.
Copy !req
10. Oh. You should do it more often.
It looks nice.
Copy !req
11. Oh... thanks.
Copy !req
12. Uh, sorry,
what was it you wanted?
Copy !req
13. Uh, well, Seren said
you were open to offers.
Copy !req
14. For the business,
not, like, in general.
Copy !req
15. Uh, yeah, so... here.
Copy !req
16. - What is it?
- It's the business agreement.
Copy !req
17. For Tommy's Transformations.
Copy !req
18. I wanna buy it.
Copy !req
19. Sorry, I know- Obviously I know
it's a bit soon, but I thought,
Copy !req
20. "It's, like, one less thing
for her to think about."
Copy !req
21. And, you know,
I know it inside out...
Copy !req
22. Anyway, here I am.
Copy !req
23. I have to go. Sorry.
Copy !req
24. There's police.
Copy !req
25. No something's happened,
maybe someone drowned?
Copy !req
26. Morning.
Copy !req
27. Uh... morning!
Copy !req
28. Uh, I thought someone should
make you a cup of tea
Copy !req
29. for a change.
Copy !req
30. Uh... thanks.
Copy !req
31. Uh...
Copy !req
32. Creep.
Copy !req
33. How are we doing
front page-wise, folks?
Copy !req
34. Speak to me.
Copy !req
35. AJ, first day,
want to start us off?
Copy !req
36. Um, massive disruption
amid major gas works?
Copy !req
37. There are some controversial
suggestions from the public
Copy !req
38. about the proposed
council budget.
Copy !req
39. Oh... boring!
Copy !req
40. Uh, pigeons have been
attacking pedestrians
Copy !req
41. in the town center again.
Copy !req
42. Is there really
nothing else?
Copy !req
43. Anyone? Anybody? Come on.
Copy !req
44. No Jeff today? That's a shame.
Copy !req
45. - Dead body.
- What?
Copy !req
46. - Dead body, everyone.
- Yes!
Copy !req
47. Pulled from the canal
this morning.
Copy !req
48. Oh, Jeff!
Copy !req
49. Sweetpea!
Copy !req
50. Tea for Jeff.
Copy !req
51. Come on.
What do we know?
Copy !req
52. Still waiting for more info.
Copy !req
53. Oh, I could give my mate a call.
He lives on a barge down there.
Copy !req
54. Excellent, AJ, excellent!
Copy !req
55. River folk always come in
unexpectedly handy.
Copy !req
56. We should just wait for
my police contact.
Copy !req
57. It's a murder!
Copy !req
58. Um... on Meadow Lane Lock.
Copy !req
59. The police were there
this morning.
Copy !req
60. There are police in places.
Copy !req
61. It doesn't mean it's a murder,
does it?
Copy !req
62. Could have been
someone going for a walk.
Copy !req
63. Accident. Suicide.
Copy !req
64. He was stabbed, actually.
Copy !req
65. Uh... o-o-on a night out.
Copy !req
66. Um...
Copy !req
67. I... I heard somebody
talking about it on the bus.
Copy !req
68. Hearsay.
Copy !req
69. Well- I mean,
we should go down there, right?
Copy !req
70. Now that we actually
know something.
Copy !req
71. Another great idea, AJ.
Copy !req
72. Your mum was right,
you're a special, special lad.
Copy !req
73. Well, I mean, it was Rhiannon.
Copy !req
74. Come on, people,
let's get going!
Copy !req
75. I'll leave that
in your capable hands, Sweetpea.
Copy !req
76. Murder!
This is what we want.
Copy !req
77. Rhiannon speaking,
how can I help you?
Copy !req
78. Male victim, late 20s,
found in canal by jogger.
Copy !req
79. Cause of death:
Copy !req
80. fourteen stab wounds
Copy !req
81. to abdomen,
Copy !req
82. arms, legs,
Copy !req
83. hands, neck.
Copy !req
84. Jesus Christ!
What kind of monster...
Copy !req
85. Are you there?
Copy !req
86. Uh, sorry. Hi, yes, I'm still
Copy !req
87. No CCTV...
Copy !req
88. I-I can't really hear you.
- ... or weapon.. .
Copy !req
89. and not much in way
of trace evidence either.
Copy !req
90. No evidence? Nothing?
So, they don't know who did it?
Copy !req
91. Oh, no,
they know who did it,
Copy !req
92. but they just thought,
"Oh, we'll let him crack on!"
Copy !req
93. - Go on!
- The canals compromised any DNA
Copy !req
94. they may have found.
It's full of shit, apparently.
Copy !req
95. Probably gang-related.
Copy !req
96. That many stab wounds.
Copy !req
97. Fourteen...
Copy !req
98. I-I'm- I think multiple people.
Copy !req
99. Like a "West Side Story"
Copy !req
100. - Yeah.
- Right.
Copy !req
101. - Right.
- It's probably some crazy man.
Copy !req
102. You know, frenzied attack,
completely at random.
Copy !req
103. I've seen it all before.
Copy !req
104. Well,
we need an identity,
Copy !req
105. obviously,
and something else.
Copy !req
106. A quote from the family.
Copy !req
107. Something spicy. He was
probably married with kids.
Copy !req
108. Well, I can see
if there's any leaks online
Copy !req
109. or anything on the socials.
Copy !req
110. Yeah, well, when will
the police formally identify?
Copy !req
111. No news yet. There'll be
a press conference soon.
Copy !req
112. Okay, well when there is,
I want you down there.
Copy !req
113. Okay! Go, go, go, people!
Copy !req
114. Yeah, all right.
Copy !req
115. Yes, don't worry.
Copy !req
116. - Caught ya!
- What?
Copy !req
117. He's a bit of a prick,
isn't he?
Copy !req
118. What are you gonna do?
Shred it?
Copy !req
119. No! I... just...
Copy !req
120. having a look.
Copy !req
121. It's always the quiet ones.
Copy !req
122. Can you read shorthand?
Copy !req
123. No. Sorry.
Copy !req
124. - Can you?
- No.
Copy !req
125. But, I'm not
the new Junior Reporter.
Copy !req
126. Oh! All right.
Copy !req
127. I thought that there might be
some more details
Copy !req
128. that Jeff hadn't shared
Copy !req
129. about the, uh...
Copy !req
130. the... the...
Copy !req
131. uh, victim.
Copy !req
132. Are you all right?
Copy !req
133. What? No. Yeah.
Fine, just, um...
Copy !req
134. uh, shaken, I guess.
Copy !req
135. Hey, I get it.
It's, um... It's grim.
Copy !req
136. But... they'll catch him.
Copy !req
137. - What?
- I'm sure of it.
Copy !req
138. Why?
Copy !req
139. - Why?
- Yeah, why? Why are you sure?
Copy !req
140. People get away with murders
all the time, don't they?
Copy !req
141. I Googled it. Actually...
Copy !req
142. Sixty two percent of murders
Copy !req
143. went unsolved in the UK last
Copy !req
144. - S-so...
- Well, yes.
Copy !req
145. But they
didn't happen on our doorstep!
Copy !req
146. It's Columbo.
Copy !req
147. Hey.
Copy !req
148. Uh, good afternoon,
The Gazette.
Copy !req
149. Can I help you?
Copy !req
150. Put me through
to Norman.
Copy !req
151. Can I ask who's calling?
Copy !req
152. It's Jeff, obviously.
Copy !req
153. Oh, uh...
Copy !req
154. Yeah, he is unavailable
right now. Can I take a message?
Copy !req
155. We have an identity.
Copy !req
156. Look, tell him to call me.
I have to stay here.
Copy !req
157. I wanna see if I can get
a follow up with the SIO.
Copy !req
158. Name. Can I have a name?
Copy !req
159. Excuse me?
It's- it's a bad signal.
Copy !req
160. Norman wants a name.
Copy !req
161. Ryan Lloyd.
Copy !req
162. Look, can you tell him
Copy !req
163. Ryan...
Copy !req
164. Oh!
Copy !req
165. Doc says I'm a ticking time bomb
for a cardiovascular event.
Copy !req
166. Okay.
Copy !req
167. Um...
Copy !req
168. S-sorry, I...
Copy !req
169. I-I have a name and address.
Copy !req
170. You what?
Copy !req
171. Uh, Ryan Lloyd,
34 Priory Gardens, CA43 5QU.
Copy !req
172. - He lived with his mum.
- What? How- how did you-
Copy !req
173. I'd like to get
that quote for you.
Copy !req
174. Maybe we'll learn
why the killer did it.
Copy !req
175. Oh, ha- ha- hang on, Sweetpea.
Copy !req
176. - Uh, this is Jeff's thing.
- Jeff had a puncture.
Copy !req
177. And uh, well we need to act now.
Copy !req
178. Right? B- before anyone else
gets there.
Copy !req
179. Uhh...
Copy !req
180. Uh, this sort of thing needs,
um... feminine energy,
Copy !req
181. if there's a grieving mum.
Copy !req
182. Don't you think?
Copy !req
183. I'm sorry,
he wanted me to come, too.
Copy !req
184. It's fine.
Copy !req
185. It certainly beats vox pops
on the high street
Copy !req
186. - about pigeon violence-
- A person is dead.
Copy !req
187. No, yeah. Sh-
Copy !req
188. Obviously.
Copy !req
189. Sorry.
Copy !req
190. Um...
Copy !req
191. Uh, my dad died.
Copy !req
192. A-and my dog, so...
Copy !req
193. Shit.
Copy !req
194. - Yeah.
- That's a lot to deal with.
Copy !req
195. And so... it- it's, like,
I'm going to someone's house
Copy !req
196. to... ask them how they feel
about their loved one dying
Copy !req
197. and I already know how it feels,
it feels... shit.
Copy !req
198. Like there's a fucking hole
there, now.
Copy !req
199. I'm sorry that...
you're going through that.
Copy !req
200. I mean, I'd be, like,
mid-breakdown right now, but...
Copy !req
201. you're holding it together.
Copy !req
202. Or are you not?
Copy !req
203. Because it would be okay
if you weren't.
Copy !req
204. I've been getting really...
angry, actually, really,
Copy !req
205. like, really angry.
Copy !req
206. Not all the time,
just sometimes.
Copy !req
207. But when I do, it's like...
Copy !req
208. I save it all up,
and then it just...
Copy !req
209. Bah!
Copy !req
210. You know, it just...
It all comes out all at once.
Copy !req
211. I mean, I feel like
that's pretty normal.
Copy !req
212. I was...
Copy !req
213. I was a total monster
when my gran died.
Copy !req
214. - Yeah?
- Yeah, I...
Copy !req
215. I kicked a wall,
Copy !req
216. which broke my little toe.
Copy !req
217. Left a massive scuff, so...
Copy !req
218. Yeah, you're a monster.
Copy !req
219. Maybe no one's in.
Copy !req
220. Shit!
Copy !req
221. - What?
- Uh, nothing.
Copy !req
222. There's just, um... a man.
Copy !req
223. - Maybe this isn't a good idea.
- What?
Copy !req
224. - Oh.
- Thank God.
Copy !req
225. I thought it was that bloody
support officer again.
Copy !req
226. We're... We're actually
from The Gazette.
Copy !req
227. - Right. No, thank you!
- Wait!
Copy !req
228. Uh, we didn't...
Copy !req
229. We're so sorry for your loss,
Mrs. Lloyd.
Copy !req
230. S-so sorry.
Copy !req
231. Uh, we know this must be
an awful time for you.
Copy !req
232. Uh, we were just wondering
if we could talk to you
Copy !req
233. about doing some sort
of tribute to Ryan
Copy !req
234. as a beloved member
of our community.
Copy !req
235. Uh... a nice one?
Copy !req
236. - Of course.
- We just...
Copy !req
237. want to understand
who he was,
Copy !req
238. make sense
of what happened to him.
Copy !req
239. "Death is nothing at all
Copy !req
240. "I've only slipped
into the next room
Copy !req
241. "I am I, and you are you
Copy !req
242. "And whatever we were
to each other
Copy !req
243. "we are still."
Copy !req
244. It's, uh, Henry Scott Holland.
Copy !req
245. - Five minutes.
- Thank you, really.
Copy !req
246. - Mind the step.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
247. - Right. Thank you.
- Oh, no, after you.
Copy !req
248. Sorry for your loss.
Copy !req
249. Now, don't be polite.
Copy !req
250. - You know, just take one.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
251. Love?
Copy !req
252. I've had
so much sodding tea.
Copy !req
253. See, when he didn't come home,
Copy !req
254. I thought he was off having fun.
Copy !req
255. See, I can't- I can't believe
that the monster who did this...
Copy !req
256. that they're just out there,
Copy !req
257. Walking about.
Copy !req
258. I'll rip the skin off 'em
if I get hold of 'em.
Copy !req
259. You... You must
have been close, then.
Copy !req
260. He wouldn't
move out, would he, Al?
Copy !req
261. Not that we wanted him to.
Copy !req
262. He had a son?
Copy !req
263. Oh... no.
That's his nephew.
Copy !req
264. Logan.
Copy !req
265. Oh... God, Ry was his hero.
Copy !req
266. Wanted to be just like him.
Copy !req
267. Even told his teacher he wanted
to work in a call center.
Copy !req
268. All 'cause of Ry.
Copy !req
269. - That's really special.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
270. Till they sacked him.
Copy !req
271. Bastards!
Copy !req
272. - Don't put that in.
- No.
Copy !req
273. - Why did they sack him?
- Oh...
Copy !req
274. "He wasn't aligned
to their ethos."
Copy !req
275. 'Cause some people
are too sensitive.
Copy !req
276. Al was ready to go down there
with a baseball bat.
Copy !req
277. You know, show that Dave Ferris
bastard what's what,
Copy !req
278. weren't you, Al?
Copy !req
279. Though normally,
I can't shut him up.
Copy !req
280. I haven't had this much peace
Copy !req
281. since Spurs lost 7-2
to Bayern Munich in 2019.
Copy !req
282. Sorry, who's Dave Ferris?
Copy !req
283. May- maybe you could tell us
some nice stories about Ryan,
Copy !req
284. just that sum him up
as a person.
Copy !req
285. I keep thinking he's gonna walk
through that door any minute.
Copy !req
286. Sorry, can I use the toilet?
Copy !req
287. I-I was just...
Copy !req
288. Just gonna see
if she's... Oh!
Copy !req
289. Oh, hi.
Copy !req
290. Uh, AJ, we should be going now,
don't you think?
Copy !req
291. Uh... yeah!
Copy !req
292. Yeah, I've got
a lovely quote about...
Copy !req
293. Great! Cool.
Copy !req
294. Uh, sorry, I think
the lock might be stuck.
Copy !req
295. Oh! Never mind.
Copy !req
296. Sorry, I think she's
Copy !req
297. Thank you.
Thank you for the tea.
Copy !req
298. And please be nice about him.
Copy !req
299. Yeah.
Copy !req
300. I don't get it, I mean,
Copy !req
301. have you ever put
someone's face on a mug?
Copy !req
302. You Okay?
Copy !req
303. Did it all get
too much back there?
Copy !req
304. - Can we make a stop?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
305. - 72 Covenden Road.
- Why?
Copy !req
306. - Dave Ferris lives there.
- What, that guy she mentioned?
Copy !req
307. I found this in Ryan's room.
It's a restraining order.
Copy !req
308. Ryan got dismissed
for inappropriate conduct
Copy !req
309. and then they sent this
'cause he wouldn't stay away.
Copy !req
310. What?
Copy !req
311. You... You went
into a dead man's bedroom?
Copy !req
312. What?
Copy !req
313. Well, nothing, but...
I mean, anyway, he was murdered.
Copy !req
314. Kind of doesn't matter
if he was an asshole.
Copy !req
315. No. We need to find out
if he deserved to die.
Copy !req
316. What?
Copy !req
317. - You know what I mean.
- No, I don't.
Copy !req
318. I just...
Copy !req
319. I think there could be
something in it, that's all.
Copy !req
320. For the story.
Copy !req
321. It would really piss Jeff off.
Copy !req
322. Hi! Excuse me.
Copy !req
323. Are you Dave?
Copy !req
324. - Murdered?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
325. How?
Copy !req
326. - Fourteen stab wounds.
- Christ!
Copy !req
327. Dave, what did he do to you?
Copy !req
328. - It wasn't me!
- We know.
Copy !req
329. We're just trying
to understand who he was.
Copy !req
330. We've heard so far
that he was a pretty nice guy.
Copy !req
331. Oh, yeah! Right!
Copy !req
332. But you know that he wasn't?
Copy !req
333. Well, look,
it started so... small.
Copy !req
334. Just... You know,
he'd make little comments.
Copy !req
335. Then he started hiding my stuff,
Copy !req
336. and then he'd send nasty links.
Copy !req
337. It sounds so playground,
Copy !req
338. but those things,
they made me feel crazy.
Copy !req
339. Then it just got worse.
Copy !req
340. He said I was into little girls.
Copy !req
341. Obviously, I'm not,
Copy !req
342. but they searched my computer,
for fuck's sake!
Copy !req
343. I had to explain why I had
pictures of my own kids
Copy !req
344. - in a fucking bath!
- Sorry, mate.
Copy !req
345. Did the company do anything?
Copy !req
346. Yeah, yeah,
I mean, up to a point.
Copy !req
347. But that didn't stop him. He...
He'd find me in the car park.
Copy !req
348. He'd come to my house, I mean...
Copy !req
349. I don't know why I didn't go
to the police sooner.
Copy !req
350. I guess I was just so scared.
Copy !req
351. I thought I should be able
to handle this.
Copy !req
352. He made me disappear
inside myself.
Copy !req
353. You know,
I didn't want to be here.
Copy !req
354. He was a bully.
I know what that feels like.
Copy !req
355. He bullied you,
and you didn't deserve that.
Copy !req
356. He can't hurt you now.
Copy !req
357. It's- it's not what Norman
asked for, though, is it?
Copy !req
358. Oh, come on!
Copy !req
359. I'm sure your angle about
the perfect son would work, too,
Copy !req
360. but, you know which is
the better story.
Copy !req
361. Just 'cause you didn't find it
Copy !req
362. No, it's just...
You sure it's the right angle?
Copy !req
363. Fuck!
Copy !req
364. Uh... Sorry,
this is really annoying.
Copy !req
365. Can you drop me home real quick?
An estate agent's coming round.
Copy !req
366. Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
367. Thanks. It's...
It's Barstock Road.
Copy !req
368. Welcome to 1997.
Copy !req
369. It's very dated!
Copy !req
370. - I know it's not our usual...
- Hey!
Copy !req
371. Jesus! Uh...
Copy !req
372. Rhiannon! Uh, you're here.
Copy !req
373. Yeah! Still... here.
Copy !req
374. - As are you.
- Seren said you'd be out.
Copy !req
375. Uh, no. I just... um...
Copy !req
376. I wanted to, uh...
tidy the place.
Copy !req
377. Why? Big night last night?
Copy !req
378. No. Not really.
Copy !req
379. Great. Well...
My colleague, Stella.
Copy !req
380. Gleason.
Copy !req
381. Condolences
on the passing of your father.
Copy !req
382. But with every cloud...
Copy !req
383. You know, he's left you
a lovely home.
Copy !req
384. We don't have long.
Feel free to leave us to it.
Copy !req
385. Uh no, it's fine, actually.
Copy !req
386. - I'll just...
- What?
Copy !req
387. Nothing.
Copy !req
388. There is so much
we could do in here, Stella.
Copy !req
389. I just know it.
Copy !req
390. She has an eye for fixer-uppers.
Copy !req
391. Badgerton are thinking
of expanding
Copy !req
392. into interior and lifestyle
all because of her.
Copy !req
393. Stop, Stella, I told you,
I can't take it.
Copy !req
394. Yeah, stop, Stella!
Copy !req
395. Rhiannon, your hair
is looking lovely these days.
Copy !req
396. I wanted to compliment you
before, but... I didn't know.
Copy !req
397. Didn't want
to draw attention to it.
Copy !req
398. Let's see.
Copy !req
399. Plenty a buyer could do
with this space.
Copy !req
400. Maybe knock it through
to the kitchen
Copy !req
401. and make a second living room.
Copy !req
402. But first, we should get rid
of all this junk.
Copy !req
403. Okay, well, I think that's all.
Copy !req
404. If you could get everything
cleared out and give me a call
Copy !req
405. I'll pop by with a photographer.
Copy !req
406. A lot can be done
with Photoshop.
Copy !req
407. Thank you.
Copy !req
408. A couple of Glade plug-ins
wouldn't hurt.
Copy !req
409. I've got some hand
sanitizer in my bag.
Copy !req
410. We'll go upstairs.
Copy !req
411. Uh...
Copy !req
412. - Hi, Norman, I have, um...
- You! In here!
Copy !req
413. I'm sorry, I...
Copy !req
414. But I honestly thought
that's what you said, Jeff.
Copy !req
415. I mean, you had bad signal.
It was a crappy line.
Copy !req
416. But you definitely said, "Go!"
Copy !req
417. I said, "Go tell Norman."
Copy !req
418. I didn't hear that.
Copy !req
419. - But- but we found something.
- She found something.
Copy !req
420. And it's good.
Copy !req
421. - Go on, then.
- Dead man terrorized colleague.
Copy !req
422. - What?
- Who? Canal guy?
Copy !req
423. Yeah!
Copy !req
424. And his mum told you that?
Copy !req
425. Uh... well, no. No.
Copy !req
426. We did some, uh...
Copy !req
427. - To see a ex-work colleague.
- Ah!
Copy !req
428. Norman, for Christ's sake,
this is...
Copy !req
429. - Go on.
- I've got proof.
Copy !req
430. You said
it needed something else, so...
Copy !req
431. Mm-mm.
Copy !req
432. Oh no, I don't think we can
use this.
Copy !req
433. It's too unsavory.
The bloke's a murder victim.
Copy !req
434. Yeah, but
he's a terrible person.
Copy !req
435. I mean,
you should've heard him.
Copy !req
436. - What?
- Dave Ferris.
Copy !req
437. H- his, um... His victim.
Copy !req
438. The Telegram would publish it.
Copy !req
439. - Okay.
- What?
Copy !req
440. Jeff will write it up.
Copy !req
441. It's Jeff's story.
Copy !req
442. It's his dead body,
so to speak.
Copy !req
443. - I...
- You'll get your credit, too.
Copy !req
444. Calm down.
Copy !req
445. Notes!
Copy !req
446. Uhh, few of us are going
for pints at The Bell.
Copy !req
447. Well, not Claudia and Lana.
Copy !req
448. They usually have a Prosecco
or cider, depending on the day,
Copy !req
449. and Jeff normally
has a G and T.
Copy !req
450. Uh... Okay.
Have a nice time.
Copy !req
451. You've probably got plans
Copy !req
452. but if you don't,
maybe you'd like to join us.
Copy !req
453. Oh! Oh... no, I don't...
I don't have plans.
Copy !req
454. No presh. HR would have you
believe that's discrimination.
Copy !req
455. No! No...
No... No presh!
Copy !req
456. I-I- I'd like to come.
Copy !req
457. Well, it's a good opportunity
to celebrate, and...
Copy !req
458. you did, uh...
you did uh, well today.
Copy !req
459. Thank you.
Copy !req
460. Right, you lot,
let's do it.
Copy !req
461. Come on, let's drink some pints
and sing some songs.
Copy !req
462. Not you, you'll be drinking
Prosecco, whole bottle.
Copy !req
463. Is it always like this?
Copy !req
464. You don't get out much,
do you?
Copy !req
465. Uh, today was impressive.
Copy !req
466. I need to up my game, clearly.
Copy !req
467. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
468. And I approve
of all your underhand tactics
Copy !req
469. to piss Jeff off.
Copy !req
470. Thank you!
Right, come on, Claudia.
Copy !req
471. Hey, AJ, all new employees
got to do a song.
Copy !req
472. Oh, no! No, no!
Copy !req
473. Otherwise,
it's a sackable offense!
Copy !req
474. Um... what did you do?
Copy !req
475. Oh, uh... they didn't ask me.
Copy !req
476. And a pack of El Spano sausage
rolls for the best song tonight.
Copy !req
477. Ooh!
Copy !req
478. Hi, excuse me.
Copy !req
479. Hi, excuse me!
Copy !req
480. Hey! Uh, sorry.
Uh, what do you want?
Copy !req
481. Uh, a- a vodka lemonade
and a lager. Thank you.
Copy !req
482. Hello?
Copy !req
483. Can I get some service, please?
Copy !req
484. Chop-chop! Over here.
Copy !req
485. Yeah, I can hear you.
Copy !req
486. Good. Try seeing me now.
Copy !req
487. Can you wait one second.
Copy !req
488. Hey, you alright, boss?
Copy !req
489. Hi.
Copy !req
490. I'm glad I bumped into you, actually.
Copy !req
491. Uh, you are?
Copy !req
492. Yeah! Yeah,
I wanna talk to you.
Copy !req
493. Oh!
Copy !req
494. Well, I wanna talk to you, too.
Copy !req
495. Yeah, like,
about the business agreement.
Copy !req
496. Oh!
Copy !req
497. Right. Uh... yeah.
Of course.
Copy !req
498. What... What did you want
to talk about?
Copy !req
499. Well, just, like,
have you read it?
Copy !req
500. Like, I know it is dry
so no worries if not, but...
Copy !req
501. That's why I done it
in Comic Sans,
Copy !req
502. - to try and liven it up...
- I haven't read it yet, sorry.
Copy !req
503. OK, cool. No, that's fine.
Copy !req
504. There's no rush, is it.
Do you know what I mean?
Copy !req
505. Like, in your own time.
Copy !req
506. Like, whenever you are ready,
though, right, trust me,
Copy !req
507. all you gotta do
is sign on the dotted line.
Copy !req
508. It's all above board, like,
Copy !req
509. legally binding
and all that, so...
Copy !req
510. Nothing to worry yourself over.
Copy !req
511. Yeah, I don't know
if I can trust you, actually,
Copy !req
512. with Dad's business.
Copy !req
513. Anyway, I've got your number.
Copy !req
514. There you go, love.
Nine pound eighty, please.
Copy !req
515. Thanks. Bye.
Copy !req
516. Ooh!
Copy !req
517. Sorry, everyone.
Copy !req
518. All right, uh...
As all of us know,
Copy !req
519. something evil happened
in our community last night.
Copy !req
520. That poor boy!
Copy !req
521. Uh, the police wanted
to speak to anyone
Copy !req
522. who might be able to help
with their investigation,
Copy !req
523. so we can help put this monster
in prison where he belongs, eh?
Copy !req
524. Yes! Look out
for one another, yeah?
Copy !req
525. Yeah!
Copy !req
526. Bit of Blue. "One Love".
Copy !req
527. You stupid bitch!
You are so fucked!
Copy !req
528. You are so fucking-
Copy !req
529. He was a fucking cunt!
Copy !req
530. Hello!
Copy !req
531. - What do you want, Mike?
- A pint of lager.
Copy !req
532. And a friendly smile
while you're at it.
Copy !req
533. Think you can manage that?
Copy !req
534. Come on! Chop-chop!
Copy !req
535. Come on!
Copy !req
536. Oi! Chop-chop!
I'm talking to you!
Copy !req
537. Hey! Come on!
Copy !req
538. - Sorry, my dad...
- Chop-chop! Come on!
Copy !req
539. I'm not thirsty anymore.
Copy !req
540. Cunt!
Copy !req
541. - I'm heading off.
- Oh, okay.
Copy !req
542. See you tomorrow.
Copy !req
543. Hey!
Copy !req
544. Be careful getting home, eh?
Copy !req
545. Just until we nail this guy.
Copy !req
546. Of course.
Copy !req
547. I hope you get him.
Copy !req
548. Yeah.
Copy !req
549. Joan, don't be retarded.
Copy !req
550. I would never have said that.
Copy !req
551. Well, they're clearly liars.
Copy !req
552. Well, obviously they're lying.
Copy !req
553. Look, I'm not a bloody charity.
Copy !req
554. Get her out,
Copy !req
555. or you lose your job.
Copy !req
556. Fuck's sake!
Copy !req
557. - Ugh!
- Hi! Excuse me!
Copy !req
558. Um... C-can you help me?
Copy !req
559. - Thanks.
- What's going on?
Copy !req
560. I've lost my dog.
I... I think she went in here.
Copy !req
561. I... I don't know where she is.
She's so small.
Copy !req
562. Should be on a lead,
a place like this.
Copy !req
563. I think she went under here,
but I can't move the bin.
Copy !req
564. Can you...?
Can you have a look?
Copy !req
565. Oh! Jesus!
Copy !req
566. Ugh!
Copy !req
567. Fucking joke!
Copy !req
568. What's his name?
Copy !req