1. 1x32 - "Garnet's Universe"
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2. Steven?
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3. Steven.
I know you're here.
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4. Come on out.
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5. - You know I can sense you.
- Steven bomb!
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6. Whoa! I got you.
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7. - You got me.
- And now you're blind.
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8. Tiny hands ...
my only weakness.
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9. Whoa!
What did you do today?
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10. Tell me what you think I did.
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11. Huh!
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12. You ... reveal yourself!
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13. Top o' the morning to you, Garnet.
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14. Nothing like some morning training
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15. to get the blood pumping.
Am I right?
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16. Hopper, nice to see you, too.
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17. By the way, have you seen Hoppy?
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18. She was hoppin' excited
to train with us.
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19. Ya-a-a-a-a-h!
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20. Wa-a-a-a-a-a-h!
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21. Hyah!
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22. Garnet.
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23. - Hoppy.
- Wow, Garnet.
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24. I can tell you've been training.
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25. - Your power levels are hoppin' high!
- Yes, Hopper, but they could
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26. always be higher.
We should train more.
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27. I nearly had to jump on you that time.
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28. - Oooooooh!
- We can train some
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29. other time, Hoppy.
Right now there's a gem artifact
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30. - to recover.
- I wonder what it is this time.
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31. Maybe a magic power
amulet or a flying power
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32. carpet or maybe an
enchanted power onion!
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33. Whatever it is, we
should hurry.
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34. There's somebody at home
that I need to get back to.
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35. - Who is that?
- My most favorite
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36. - person in the world.
- Have you ever told him that?
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37. - No.
- Why not?
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38. I'm not strong enough.
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39. - Will we get to meet him soon?
- Not yet.
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40. He's not ready to learn that
I have secret animal friends.
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41. Whoa.
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42. His power levels are hoppin' pretty low.
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43. I can revive him.
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44. Ringo!
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45. Thank you for saving me!
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46. Tell us your name, stranger.
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47. My name is Ringo.
I am but a humble caretaker of
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48. the shrine atop Yonder mountain.
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49. How did you get those wounds?
Was it from some kind of training?
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50. Well, you see,
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51. an innocent Fox man
wanted to see the shrine.
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52. Such a sweet, sweet Fox man.
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53. Naturally, I obliged.
Inside rested the sacred magic
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54. gem of ultimate power!
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55. It was then that the Fox man
double-crossed me.
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56. He used the power of the gem to
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57. banish me from my own shrine.
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58. Ever since then, I've been
searching for someone strong
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59. - enough to help me.
- That gem must
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60. be contained. No one
should have that much power.
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61. Oh, you can have the gem.
I just want my shrine back.
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62. - We'll get it back for you.
- Hop five!
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63. Don't worry, Steven.
I'll be home soon.
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64. We're here!
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65. Holy hop!
His power is off the charts!
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66. Be careful, Garnet.
Don't hop off more than
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67. - you can chew.
- Fox man, give us the gem.
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68. What?
You again?
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69. Oh, I see what this is.
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70. If you want the gem, you'll
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71. - have to defeat me!
- So be it.
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72. See? I told you
he was strong. Ugh.
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73. Then we'll just have
to get stronger.
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74. Training time!
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75. Ringo!
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76. Ringo!
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77. Weighted gauntlets.
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78. Ugh!
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79. She just gained 10 power
from that one punch!
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80. Come on, Garnet.
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81. You can do this!
You've just got to remember
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82. what you're fighting for.
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83. Rah!
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84. 7,000. 8,000. 10,000!
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85. Numbers have no meaning!
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86. - I'm ready.
- So cool!
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87. We're here!
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88. - Ugh!
- Back again, huh?
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89. Looks like you're hungry for
another delicious beating.
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90. Actually, that last
one spoiled my appetite.
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91. How dare you insult my
cooking skills?
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92. What? Impossible!
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93. Oh, that hurts.
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94. - Now give back the gem.
- But I'm the sworn
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95. protector of the gem.
What did that liar tell you?
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96. - No!
- You dummies fell for it.
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97. Now the sacred magic gem
of ultimate power is mine!
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98. Ultimate Ringo!
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99. Curse you, Ringo!
I'll make you pay for this!
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100. Too bad you didn't outfox me
when you had the chance!
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101. - An on...
- ... Ion...
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102. Ring.
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103. We will avenge you, Fox man.
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104. - Ringo, you must be defeated!
- Ahem.
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105. The name's "ultimate Ringo."
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106. Wh-Wh-What is this place?
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107. Welcome to my Ringo zone!
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108. It is here where my powers are
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109. strongest.
You want to stop me?
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110. Go on.
It'll amuse me.
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111. And after I beat you, maybe I'll
destroy the planet
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112. - just 'cause I can.
- You monster!
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113. Ready to hog, drop, and roll!
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114. - Oww!
- Hoppy, no!
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115. Hoppy ... I mean, Hopper, no!
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116. Now, this is bad.
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117. W-W-Weighted hair?
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118. Without her weighted hair,
Garnet's power is hoptastrophic!
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119. - Ringo!
- Ultimate!
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120. Garnet!
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121. I'm sorry, Steven.
I wasn't strong enough.
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122. Ah, what a nice photo.
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123. But, you know, there's
something not quite right.
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124. Oh! I know!
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125. Nom nom nom nom nom.
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126. Huh?
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127. This is getting ridiculous!
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128. Ohh! Whoa!
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129. Chah!
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130. Hip-hop hooray!
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131. And so Garnet used the gem to
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132. return the Fox man to his
original form.
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133. And as for Ringo
he stayed trapped in
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134. the Ringo zone forever.
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135. That day, Garnet learned
a valuable lesson ...
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136. that being strong was
about more than just
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137. how many mountains
you can punch in half.
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138. It was about love.
And there was no greater love
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139. than Garnet's love for Steven.
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140. And then you came
back here and
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141. I got you and you
were blind, and that's
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142. - what you did today!
- Yeah, that's pretty
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143. - much what happened.
- Really?
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144. No.
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